The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 02, 1903, Image 7

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pTiiirpuMDonEi stoi Young ' Plants !i
J ttivite nil tu my store mi'lcall a'tcnti hi tti my line of.
Dry Goods, - Nockjqs, ,
Groceries, - Drugs.
Havdwaru. . Tinware,
(Ju eons ware, Gia w.vare,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shos.
, i iijj.
S-lnv Cluck in market my rie., $ J.'M).
I'.iim-v Park Online, fur. it
!'.( H'Minli'ss (tiiiin lng;s, 20c.
Kugv Wlii, l.rn', 20c, 2.rc, IJ.Ic, AOc.
Ylt NViiulnw SlimlcH, 10c.
Sii.i.lar.l Cloth, l'.c.
Watch IVly iWarkefs
f..r l!utT ami I'JCS itii'l I'otillry. I always pay
re than my coiiiH'titir
N. T. Dundore,
lUM)()RB, lUiNNA.
j m laeaaaa.
inony Manner (to tue photographer) i
-i nre and Hiow the collar nnd eye-
!as. and don't forget to five the
enne the corree. pose,
in . i . .
Lvcrv farmer knows that h,lM .u riKi.i: n .:..,;
some plants grow be tier tlian
nlicrs. Soil n.ay be the cr,nit' 1 ( " is i:V Al" ' " ,"'"'
, l I . . n I ;n i- tin li ft vii.t- of
i;k1 seed tv.r.y s.-c:n the prur.o v, j,;,,,!-.
.it some pbv.t.i we..!
nr.! I
I'll'. I ov' a id, i r ,'ui 1 e
fill, I. ; In- .Hit -idf. 'lit!
; . ' ! I U
hi1 wm
.. n a i l'i -
.,,-1 it .
i i .. ir v.
ili(J t!u"tS ill i V.'.iy Wl'tll A llnril Tlinr. I . , .
MMivn. Thcv ;.rc lil.e ywn"! s!" " """ -
, , i' i , ''.verv sweet. i,f i
....i.l.s. .l .M.icl... 1, :.:. l.mne. y, ,.,.,.,
virac care w'.t . r.e p ;v 1 J it n;m .mi m .
..(I str nij wiiih ut'.t:- s'.iv - v--. i..n i.f .-. .
.icotts J-,::. uifion off.-ri rn , hr-.. ...
way out of the I i fTi ' : T I , :- '" ' -" 'i.- n. y.
: 1 w-ktKM die, m'-w'.s. J- - -vation,
not becruw of Ik!-' y" "'-i"..n.
f'"l. but b'.crat. t!ie f-.r.l ' ., '"V ' "';" ' ';
f . il.v : i f .i n. .-1: i i. ! .i 1 1 ,. i.: i.f in i :i t
not Iced. umi ..r.i.k.
.kott's ICmuliion rc.illy fi'''d i m ;t i.m: i v,u
1 K'vcs the thilj "rowin-,";': 'l"; !:" ' " " " ;': "- :Ut
. H'.m. iimi ii. ij in M.t- f-.r t!.c i-i jrl
for lnfont3 and Children.
'alorI.t in :i li.irtnlfxn sii!-I i t u Cxr :i-tir Oil I
U"ii-. Iri mhI Si. 1. 1 liin Sriiw. It .
.iiiil.iiiiH ii itli i- l ium, tl..ri.liin.- i.tli. r V .
Kiiltliiiift'. 1 1. ! -1 1 1. .ri.i ;iimI all.iv'- lr-r, t..
It nr- Diiirrli'i-ii ami Wind f olic. i r.liiM i l.
'l'rnilli-- iijul 4 1 1 1 -4 i,ii-tii:iliiill. It rrHl.Hi - I.
Stoiiiiuli ami IlimcN, tr i i t ir linillliv uml ii.ilur.!, .
Tin- liiMrrii's I'iiii.iKii Ili- M.,ii.-r-i I ru n.l.
The Kind You Have Always Bou-..t
Ecrr3 the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Whatever tuer;mv of v.e.ik
it m and faili.. i ) '-row
. ott's Imtilsitn sre :,i.- to find
: i !..
1 if if i r 'I fir f, r if. ' 1 a .1 - ii.c 1 1, n r
, f in.;-!., ! fur tl.. i.rir.k. I '1,
; .lii;i fir-..
Liberal Adjustmentg.
Kf ( itit n I I r.- i t, !, ., , "
t and M't ihr- m lifer rir1it
! Sch.I f f f. r nrt-.t,
'ft ft rswnr. ( i'i- tit. 4'.,IV;irlt -wV.tfc
. t'i r.f..rm the ( it j jr,,vr
RFEDS That SuccBEd
II P ' I . . n .
" II'.W III III ll l'i (,l -i,.Ji, ....
W II FtP '.II Mll'.killt: in ;i y i ;ir
"Alxint cin.iiifli In y f'.r 'If t ti.
riiiii i.i w, t l .i t
: it- iilT.iIr. rriny in i r. , . . r. ', u 1 1,
! f r'. t .ik,iii ( ..rr. ;..n!
'.' I f it n I rn '.; ,.-
Frut i. f
;u. i a Me r , ii
yn it te in ir'i' nt;ii:;,.t it."- N. . Uffki.v.
m tin" lui'l I" r"r"' ei"'t'i"' H Ii Hi'l, nml lli ri-.'illa i.f i
il.nn.'i.1 ' Hi.. "" "" .-ii.-.T ''"K"' . iui
'ti-i.illil " limn. .... ...
ilm'ii' M'li'l i.
1.. A
tun ur p mr'l nt t'i 'rif l.rfifiMjn l.iff.
IIUu'. tlm vliiiili! InfiiriiiHl'ifM conliitfiPil In tin. I'prffrtlr nf.
i 'n ti t ion f : ii. ' re '.n .,
hursi- is niitii I. If f..r ;i liii! v t : r if? MautT -Vn'tti, H , w rvin-
V- n rn n rn i. I n k.
II w i' (.. ..t:r;......: .. .n.-ir
tf M.i if aril ii..i.k (... i.. -
i .v . s:i I v . m , i. ' , '
'Mi,, i.'iu.t. In iiiuki' nil" niiriu iivo nun timwy iir i r i w.iri n irom ; 7 i'i I n", .Tiir.iif.( , ... . , , , - ;,'
1 ' ' .... ii ..i ..i i . i..J. ,i .... t f ilfnt tif.s. in ii in ;i ru m f.n f .t i "
t.ilf, lllll I'"! "l .'r nr"".' '...." i.i i i...r. ... rn. ...... in. ..... v.r- j
lit Mli y.nir i n I 'irili'r, iiiiiinlliiir l Him nr inirr. Nr. lir(n llln. Irili. .11 imt nil ilex pi 1 run liitn into iintKiitf 'f,' :;, - n.' ir'.iir
.in IjiiHlri'th.' ' nlHlimun, W rltn t'uliiy fur Hip 'nlnlnifiir-. , ,, .,..,i . i .. ,., ,. ,
I , - 1 ' V i . i I
. n ' - r r I II K TTHII. V f r p '
Mfiin. f l.iiiiifd thf rmi'ftim : rxern
f "IK) II. nit, of Clil.l.HKi. .... I mi'lr' tli.' I jirlv Sliinmr-r
IMKI lu.1,1. I.f lAii'.rrMi,' H Int.. lMly Kitiyr
llffi Itiirrn ill llrrm Mfnrli l I riinl.l.iill
lFiilri'tti4 Kiml
Vlrirliill Molhl ll.- . r
Arkiit4 Trnvrlrr
ItliMirriwInlf IVnrl
ltu'lril !.' l-Jirlii-.t :
V i i1 '
lllll 1 I'll
tin in jii"lri'tli.' tnlHliiliun, Wrltn t'uliiy I
) Ki m I'riil'n i.f Ciii' .
) ill I HI Ifi-mliiof iM-ttucn . .
j IH1 I'ruit. ill Wdt. rin. loli ,
j .VKI Hull,, .if Onion . ,
I. Wl I'laiiU of Tonmtn. . ,
.i r " r
i. .n . I i,
! ,ik- -
r 'r t Hi :'rv,"
I'v i-r' ii-.;..
I ..If Ii r I . r ft ft rr. hplm a- r-.l
Whi Ii ioMii linn n( (tenia for Iwpntjr five (A'OeenU piiclowl witli Ilin Or.lrr will l. mill el , Of tt.f rifivinrfu r,f the Ari'cn ''n . t'
rinri ir i.lif .. k ft . '''
i i ."i ': ar.rj
frfdk. "Whv. h'. jo ihoth ,,t V
iirokn hii rnpBfffiTitr.t to th two-lifar!. n vr.
ffl rirl i.franf he was afrtirl r.f 1Pr ; I T-. -.v ,,,,, ,: ..r.-a.-h-
mi:iin-rjr T.illaj." fhifaco P'.t. rr" '''. Mr Knit ! Ki.k'.-y.
HM?r nartirin... '-V.-ry m...-h." rtn--.MT-! M.-s U'ntr.i
T ..rr.
t.rrvn. Mr' c-r,r a fir,,-,, f.thr. If.
Lit at. I
r " . . tt . ..i.i
I UiiUM liter in m i u in my "in thf. ()!tl.-t, ro n
Kip . I.if"
Tll .Af'tP I h'lll, !.;J-d
" Ifoiiit;
Aiiif-ririn "
Thti Slandail A
Thtf Nv York i
The fi.ieliti Mb
Your Patrcnati.
ii'lcllt ;t!.l T i .; i s. ,
No ?re;
K.Hlfr !!.
" :
.. jV0 .
lit InsuiMiu-- C
: niir;ino C'.
Ufa Associat.on
IIIV fill! . . i I " ri
Li..miui. ,..,.1 rn.i.dan riiiAliium. in I urn II I A ri I I LLJ 1 I II X tn Kp mnsr K, ,v.t . f.r.,-"- i,.
tured In till or'tcrfi promptly kimI Mult)-
ronME ly of f ochesti r, n y.
Mnf.F Mail Ohoib DtPAdTMrnT,
1217 Market Street,
. . L - . .
iiii'r wir nirr r,t .;ii, trn 'Ici.ars; ;,n
hp i. hftwfrn 3' and .',0. .y,:
') and 71. $10. U hrn a widow. r rx
-Wi-li n.
rn n.-r-ir .! in
11 ii 1 II, i i' !i" v !
ti -'
no st
,'1,'tvoyoii pot Dyspepsia, Indigestion, or any kind of Htomurth
ailinciilrt '.' You can be Cured ; I w ill oend you F REE a package of
my Btiiintich tablets which U the lietit remedy for the stomach that
ha ever Iteen nreaared. I have had j"re than 20 vears' exnerience
(lerfwlh ? a remedy th will CVall fi0 t'ach trouhle, uuch
rtiiyni-' -if. n?uh, 'vuJ's. ,j;.Jatn fboM burrrf-gaitutou
ortiiei J( .wtlon.
My Stomach Tablets
Assist iho xtoinach to digent food. That in their mission. They DO
THIS liVM-tting thiticu right in the stomach. Create new life and
energy ly streagtheiiiiig the stomafh.
Any Form of Stomach Trouble
( an he cureil if the right remedy is used. My Stomach Tablets ii the
Remedy. 1 have seen hundreds of very bad cases cured by them.
.Many Testimonials.
Slrtiwn. Tex.. Feb. 10. 1003
Mr. Juliii Morrow, SpriiiRneld.O.
Jtiar Mr I'lease find vi.M for
wliii'li mail me three boxes of the
Stmiiurli Tatilets,'.these I order for
iritiids. i have taken about two
luxes ttiid tlicy cured me of to-imhi-Ii
inuible. Many of my
iritmls have tried them and say
tluyaiv thclicst they have ever
trlul. I could not s'leep on my
mi Hiii" i,r many years, but i
an lie iluwii now and sleep any
way 1 happen to lie down.
ours trul v,
Kai.kin. III., Stay ID, Yrfl
Mr. John Morrow : Dear Sir
Ileeeived txx of John's stomai.'h
Tablets and took them according
to directions (i days) and I slept
sountlly Uith nights, something
I had not done for over a year,
and I was hungry every "meal
and enjoyed eating. For the
last year, xm as 1 would eat I
would feel my stomach an head
begin to pnin me. I am going
to send part of this package to
my daughter, ami if it helps her
( I feel sure it willi, I will soon
send you another order.
"Yours truly,
MKS. (r. A. (iUll l'lTll.
Mill In linnlif.
A.Iurfr T U.i.-.'v r ,ii I,.,, r.ri v m n r . m
hffn thre ypr ttifri,,. hp must r.. ' tn.rp ,... ' r. , '..,.! 1-Ii);KAI.
i fTJ or r th" " Hp ran prove fix per ,;v,-.-Vt ' .,.... 'v.',i',
, th.U he h.n h-fn thriop rpfusr n, a , er... !-!, ., .i ,n ..uiuf,,,-.!!,"' n OFFFI?
I I"lshan' w':hin "n year, he in no: r.1T- ! -h...,;d haimm 'o m'e " '
8 ' I M-S l'-:.lfh',. I !.,u:itf liivi iio r.,
think it. '.null,! hf .'t'.r.ity;!! .) sit,lurt
another h'lshimd'.' - .V. V. W.-i-k.'y.
Hpr In aorrni ilapr, THE
Mjts 1'lnniplpigh Will you uk. an
order tor coai?
Ilappr Rplpaap.
"Are you sure Mrs. Crown has left
her hnahand?"
"Absolutely pertain. I met Mr.
..ti. niu Ln.iuiiii I m I
Mins Ptumpleiirh (shjly Atwinf '
how old do thpy have to hp? Snttifr. !
vi!lp Joiirnai.
rlTrnl Rplkpf.
Wife (during thp spat) f believe
, you only married me for my m.m y.
Ilushand What a H'leereoinrid. rre
AM my friends bplteTe t he amr 'hintr.
C'h'.ago Daily New.
0 Their tloaer moon. w:s!ied f,.r, Tiiitil;
Tl'.e Groom At one time he .m ! ! c mm. a i. t
belonged to the same club.
The Bride- Now. p.ap don't
to thick about el'ibs so o.n. - P t.-!,
The Wlahins II nil It.
riarenre :.h had int.. ( n;, nev
T'n.'le Tom If rn- .otiid ge? .4,r ',.
The .lew-York
Tribune Farmer
is . i hi: ,l;:.t ral.-tl lull, il i. mi I. .-Kiv '', r ii'iirj
Hid ; lieir :':tiiihii-s. itnl t.iinN j I,,- n-ait .1' In- u:r:
tiltural pri-ss. It :s n practical pap.T :'i.r prai-tical ::ini..-is.
Iu'lpi tiir t lu-ni to retire the largest por-iiile iirnlit :'r..iu
fiiini Uifoiigh praetirtil methods.
It is entertaining, iusirurtiw ami prtu'iieally uei'ul .
th fitriiicr's wifp. -ons mid dauuhters. wIiohp .oiureff
covers in an attractive manner
The ri-tilar orice is ?l.iHl ner veai . i.ut 'or a litiutirt
.imp Ai nil ,-in',. e.iii r -ti--mTM lot! 'nr rHf Nt:W
VOWS. rHIIH.NE I" Vk?.MER ami al.-o i,,r v,,ri.vti lavnf! :,
!i..-ai tiew -paper. Tl.e l'.-T. Midiilehurg.
-1, .111.1' v-ii
r -in.i.i-v
i- NaT ;ir:i .
Mv oiler to let voii try them TREE is based on my faith in and ex-
htrit'iii-e w ith my Tablets in curing dysiepsia.
Write meat once nnd the FREE TRIAL PACKAOE will be sent
y Muni mail, nnd soon you will be cured. v-l'-'-l'M i
pOIIN MORROW, Chemist, 96 Forest Ave., SPRINtiFIELD, OHIO.
Thoutmia Hare Kidney Trouble
and Don't Enow it.
How To Fiail Out.
Fill a bottle or cemmoo glaaa v!:h ynir
water and let it sA.iii renty-f :i;r hcurx a "a ' -y.
seiinent cr ;t- m:- ,;
j i.inir iraiii;i4.23 ..a .-r.
VI -i i tinheait.T ccndi-
Fruia rrxaertiTipe.
"II, :!:." -.a.ii -lie A--in.ia .v ;h." :r.-pr-sed
i'jis. "iio yn ri-'neinner that
first me ') ivraieni -m a 'ail ."
"Y'!S." re;!!. i"i tin- in-niieriu'.i :r.;m
Botli Papers One YeanoroEly SL25
-i-li-l ' ur tlid I.
V' -u r lame lie I uM :' -s 1 1 i
r: -iihk rwim M:;r
rn. . u ri -t.:iit ie i t ''.
T T l
'vTTlC-- ' i V-'-ir linen :t :j
r'l : --lait ivc'.i: .-a! i.'V -i v
-a.-t rou:-!-," i h.eau'o
1 IM.MI foe Ilett.T til i II
eviiierxs M trouble, too
W. ii. Ill l I.I It, I'niiirlolor
Market Si., llarrisburj: Pa.,
0.i.ii p. K, i. Hrpoi Kutrniu-r)
' ulleil lor All I rnliinsk,
F"S, .'5-uiJ 50c. Uood Acals, 25c
tiniiil nivumtiioitutlona. It
r I umhi una Wtna !
rjive ItroiuiMiuinlne 'Fntilets euro
rniimlay. No cure, no pay. Price
t idlvei tise in ti live ntul ti -to-tlatt
iicwsimncr. For resnlLs
null.. '"!.W ilh tin. nt.buu.
K .,, ti:
I i nWiiuaM. aua..A u .
con-;r.-:irj prec( ta: the fci-eya ir.J bad
ierare j.tct crdr.
Whit to ro.
There ii cmf-Tt In the 'nnowieii-; jo
c(:;n eipriiseii tha: Cr. K;:r-.r'j
. Root, the treit k:iiev rtrrecv t.;i!:j sverv
h a curing rhu.:i:am". pma in the
tdcx. kid-ieys. l:vr. iUdter iid iv-rv part
ct the urinary ;ajsij-." It corrects inibillty
to held :er and scxiii.ij pain in pajsing
it. cr tai efftfcts foiicw:.iij ue ot linucr.
i:i or beer, and overcomes tha: unpieajant
nrvVisity of tei.'ig coinpeiled to go olten
cur'.:t tho day, aaj :o grjt up man times
li'.rtng the niht. Tho aiild and tho extr-a-
crdinary eilcot of SwainpRvKlC 13 soon'
rea.tfd. it jtaixs ttitj highest for its won-
derful cures ci the most distressing cases.
u jvu utoi n:cuiLirio you ynouiu nave tntj
l ne - l !' l. 'Ti.: .1. .- in.--.
N"i -v. : I . - v . in
. a..' ' -i...,!..,. .. -ri
SI: ,.i. i nil in I ;:!. :. rn.
o'.-.a !- ' u"ii-r i ' i.i.:-
(iltE II! HI) l ltl liMIIIill.
Soiiocls and Courses of Susquehanna
University, Sslinspve, Pa.
ll!"-o. llll-M'll'! ' ' Hi'
-V ' ':il
'. , i-
i.i ii .1
Guaranteed I'nder
$20,000 BOND
bejt. Sekl by druggets 'in SCc. and $1 . sizes. -JSi "-i J ,
1 ou mav nave a,r.i h.iii . mi. .' v T -. - c v r
Sanibo- Dui uiu't
L'neie IJa.-iu-- Ho
,'ii ine , hi'li n.
Mn -IVili.i'.lni
iiv I
nouuerful discovery
im ur,.! a S.,.itc iKr :t
m,rp itN..iil it
. ... . i. abio utelv freo bv mail. S3; "ilii:.
the ken sroxt law ami ; J )t k -,,:.-: .. Trrr
J PATENT CO.. 107 IVU HullJ. : Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mon- d" " " "i,a... m a,,
only UmdeAl Patent Ajtency tu ! :ucaiaii in,. u, k.'c Scuiitul. wnm tik -ins
in the world, otter to make a Ouar- !f v uivi.-ui i.,u, ,., .ui ... ,h l.'-.i..- i..... i .!.:.-., n.. id... nie ;..r . ai;t..'L'.c "! p.uiii t . t .
1' ' :n -. v 'to '1 :n"i 1 1 1 1 1 1 :. i.'.i". a:-1 !.-
I" ' 1 1 1 1 1 . 1'' -.ill-.' i--- our .''.I'-, hi i :..i :
villi 111 'iitciTMit:tni .1 ::. r t n ! ' ' "
: tc ! ' 1 1 , 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 ! f ! ' 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 inn r ii -.
:i ; 1 ri. t it -ti.. 1 1 u -s ,rn '!,! "f :.!: u iwi
'.vl li Ml U'l" if 'Hill H - '1 I' -tt :ii:v 1 '. :m:i . iiii'iil.
1-;: '11 'U'i 1 "1 v -i ii 1 1 v
' iii-iiimovi". iii v n:t : ,i 1 t 1 a 1 1 - ' 1 1 i ' 1 " '
'i tr i.e 1 1 tu 1 oti' A ail . .: i . . i
H'r ifV !..W. 'A lilt' l-.f 'till Mill'.'' Hi. H-.
mi ;c.i, 1 ( A.-'.'.ILY V '1 ilV M '
I.Ai'iii. IVmi'm- tmi i 'it'ii n 1.1 - ' t .a 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
A 1. nl 1. ' siai -i " !'!"' " ' '"
'..It : 'i.n.e I' t AV- :( ' ' 111 1a 1 1 '
;- .1 -no in in! 1 1 iir-c 11 !'.! " 1 ii '"ii.
n.. K '.- :n ' liaiue id 111 .11'. ' ' "i I" ' ' a' hi I in
,V iltl . I Itf .ai'oe .!lip.'Mi I. .Hill' ,lli, .a-.:..:.
The , Iiv ii't line I'I in ine ;.e .ili'i ;.iH'iil- all
ilauviiii'i - will ' ivi 11 'in- . i 'I a if .11 w i'v v.i.
! 1 alt i:i ui 'in -in t. ii.ainiv , ,,, ,-v 'nut
"" -(.miriiis i niiii' in in :. -k.-I a .;u. xA by -nl
1 . 1 1 1 ,1-. i , . . . . . -
pi 'i h iie', mil . mv :if
!l ;:i'!!7
:ie: 1:: '.
!' :.ei'
1 - l'.- 1;
ivlf -. u.u
1 :n 1 .' 1 -
I ! ' : t
':u 11, la - ..i'
antevd Search of the Pateut t-
I Kchouluia.ttur of a count ry nilae;
(U'V Records uot Uletvly Vbeir "How would a Iwiurv by too mi Mount
Z opinion Pre of charge to rvad- Ve.Muiiu uit Uie inhabitanu of oiu
I'M Of this JvH'KN.U. who Will iv"!lv:.
Ualc an . i v it ii.-.'ii.ii'ic.
t.DMMl.Uv I l. v i
tale i'T , a,a...i.c .an!
iSI'i. Vll .ii I c.i.-i.l ..ut
Hlu.l iu Mitth tuat.ea,
I'luhou.ll 1 lu-. ir 1I1. 11 I'.i, uiii.. 1 ii.. ui
tilted that rich Sknin.i. u.ri t,.n.a;rv ' are iilunnii ,u.a. ive jmUi.'ii at t.ic .'..... umi; U'-tv n
, elf
. r . !t
.' I f
"1 it l;c
. 1 -..i m
They w IU 1k give a certificate
of pateulabihty which will tie of ,
great awUaUuc to -u luveutor in
2 ruUlug capital. J
jjj Valid PatcnU with tlm broad- 2
i tat claims axvuivd on wuy sc k-
Jjj ly vaymcut. Write to-day.
ib 2
No. 5 KuuT. k'. Presldcut.
: . lilisl'. in, ',ie..
tiikslitij; le.-; c.i r.i. iiim.u i.i.t..
. . w . . r v vi .. i -1 r . v . i L' vv ., , i , ii, i ', l
HCIlit it akelcli. llimlel or iliwrni- ' - "v... . .
... - " - - I u I . u ..... I 1 i... .,.., , - . ,K ,, . y i u i a , .
"V. V H1V IIUlillll.l.Ml-l. il IIAIUIU . . . , . , . , , f,i, ,, : I. .lv , 1
by you on Mount e.uwiu wuiiid Mi.t betlor than a iectuie j tlm l'ri-Ivrcuve
t'.v you iu this, village. ir."- Ilvtrwit i Aunt .Mi ou dou't want to tv 'tt, a. :vlaniS'j;
tritiuue. ! Ulent of the 1-fiiUd Stateo
nit 1 1 litis .ii lii.u.. Mie l.'uii i.l o.'ci a Mii'io'ii;.! ,imi . I.K.1...1 Hum 1
1 lai t 'oiu -1, ' I..1-I-. .ij. '1 ' ' i--' ' piui;, 1 'laiiuai.-iii p. "iK-.i liia.iii, t ' ui-
I 1 . ,: . , 'iil.-t. -Ul'jtll.- ill.l - 1 OlMil'l. . -..!.
naiiiiiv a -i,.ii liti I '. u 1 1 , 1 .1 .., 1 ' -inv, "ill' .-Unielil' i.ii-v iii- .i...lit;uuu
1 a ti iiii-a.-liiiil, I .: lai v anil UCiiUiliv-ioiao, 1 ..ii.-i.uv -..lie-
1 the I'liivu-aN hie ! ..una.. I !'v I'ly .U!i..,.-p,
tics, aiai
'iho lo,lrt Vllruetiuu.
"And did you j;et any real food out
i.'f the aoeiety pluy you n.iw lust niytit?"
asked tha doubtful ouc.
"lid IV" rvpCoited tho g!rl who had
wiiuessed it; "well. I should say noI
Thut diauur yovvu tho heroine wore iu
the third act is jujt the model I've been
lookiug for (or two whole inoiiLhx
Sow lvuugv ahead with my new dies."
Viueluuati Coiuutereial Tribune.
Little- HaroaJ- Naivl A proidetit , -lillililali.' ihc aiululU'li ..i -Ho ' nl-N auO, -"i;U!K.- w all 1 UU'itiU . .1.-U UelK.A
might make more luoiuy thau a pirate, . ive-. 1 i'. plion.w I v s;ili.-l;ut iv :iMi!t. i' haw iio .iiliicuitv ill -vcur-hut
ho don't, have half a tuiieh fun. j H,., ,;, ,. ., j .i,,,!.,,:, .. ,.i,Iciiiig tiu- oiih. Vritf :''U ieriiif. ami
I'h v. i.i V.., ... ... 11 " I I
UnJ oX (nii.l Dc.a.
She Ailur 30 veuia' com tship a:
couple have just married at Lewis, Ktiy
land. Hf Isn't that too bad, after so uiaaiy
nappy years. Youkers Statxuaa.
i nit; jiuilKiti-s tot ail sUkIciU
Ihc College il Lil'vial Ail- .-. iiitui liif it 1 n ilcia S: ciiii.n- ,u.4.
Cltti-.sktil (.'oursvjs A voi.t'i in t'ivi! Kniiuu inn n 'V.u,
The l'lcparutiji v S.iiou'i tits ' u,!eut.-. i'of 0i!ei;e cutiaiice. Atutrv.
J. 1. WWDlil'M, V. N. WAlOiKK. "i I. V. kKML'KKK.
l)tttu. Kooislrur. Field ..Vf
I i