The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 02, 1903, Image 1

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    !Ve a job lot of note
hand. They must go
he price will flo it.
3d prices (or the ask
furnish them printed
jn you can buy them
Ltoscter, Fditor and Proprietor.
A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Rates: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance
I,. m-hoohf
I'm'TiMeriCS J
fu's vTSsnn
w n '
tan April Fool?
jst Month for tlif n
i burning, Laces,
ind Oimps.
lies and Mis-
1 other va
il C. A r ha xi).
nil's s:iU', Saturday mo
P.ingaiunu was sold to
or for .V-K'.),- the house
ntcivilh' was bought li.v
in fur ?vr. ami the small
!. $"S. Tli" hotm-
iii U was bought by
-. ,rw ... 1 . I . ..
tllltlll li f -'SIIO anil Hie r
Klim Rruniu-r for the
yiyv style sailor
Mis IHM cis.
I.. Iiurtu:i.m:it(ii:n.
knrk bn.ved so pleasant-
is in Monday morning
is best eight ear old pro-
lii-eiuid his friends wnn-
is wrong. Joe never was
iffiirc, and it mink- the
el younger. A con was
(.' Aniig and wife tit
K. r-oji-it in inn iit-w onrtv-
fiiitnit imrlor tor your
willi h refreshing shaiu-
iii inl to each patron
iile of Market suiiare op-
I Hotel. Satisfaction gilur-
Ley walked Into an a i wi
re in Lewistown a few
tasked for a cent's worth
kider. ."What's that?"
A cent's worth ? Why
V) i f"
Bead J. L. Marks' double column
advirlisemelit on another page.
Coming Events Cast Their Shadows
The readers of the Post are rtMjiU'wt
ed to send tm announcements of all
events. No charge will he made to
publish the same when the event is of
public importance.
FliiDAV, April 3, First Arhor Day.
Si'XD.w, April.!, 1'hIiu Sunday.
Si;xday, April fl, Holy ('otiiiiiunion
in Evan. Church, Reaver-
Monday, April i, Meeting "f the
Democratic Standing Coiiimiitcc in
Miildleburg to elect a chairman.
Monday, April (ith, Spring term of
Frceburg Academy opens.
Fm day, Coit Novelty Co., in Si-lins-grove.
Fin day, April ID, (1 od Fti 1 iy.
Sati kday, April 11, Meeting of re
publican Standing Committee in
Sati'Iiday, April 1 1, I'artlal Eclipse
of the ni ) )!i, visible here. Ilcjii s
4:2(1 p. in. Ends pi p. in.
Si'xpay, April 1-', Easter.
Wkdxksday, April l', the Trout s. a
son opens.
Til ritsiiA v, April 1(1, day .-it for iu'
jouililll !lit of the State Lcgi.-!.;tuie.
Fill DAY, April 17, Second Arbor Day.
Monday, April 2i-.':o, Ninei.f,:it
semi-annual Convention, Danvi'
conference of the Evangelical l,ui.i
eran Ministeiium in Selinsgrove.
Monday, April 27 License Court con
venes In Middleburg.
Monday, April 27, flen. L S. (.rant's
Satikday, May lust day to 11 le
How do you like your new home?
Chas. C. Ycrgcr, spent Sunday at
John F. Erdley of K'int, was at the
County Seat Friday.
John C. (irubb and family left for
North Dakota last week.
Rev. W. K. Riehl moved to E. S.
Stroup's house in Franklin.
Charles T. Ranch of Shaiuokiu is
spending some time willi his mother.
Theodore Row of K reamer, was a
County seat visitor one day last week.
The F.ditor took a day oil' last week
to witness the Legislature making
Dr. A.J. Herman lint week went to
sec his sick uncle east of Northumber
land. IJ. II. Waller of lYnilsei'i ek dropped
ii- Fiiday to pay fur C. A. Feeder's
Carl F.speushade of MilHintowii was
at Middleburg the latter part of la.-t
Samuel Shi rev and family of I leaver
Sprirgs, iliiied at Jeliu Shainb.-ich's
John L. Cooper and wife of Selins
Uiovc, were at the Comity Seat last
John Fields of K reamer dropped in
one day last wee
Row's paper.
'I. A. K itieh is
1 1 pay for !' rry
and v. ill
you to
lxn nu
BAWD.-A Klnc
rfl ciie o n
FllKl) IlAKKJIiViMi,
' rhijdel, IV.
be is respoiiHibltf for the
t celery is a sure prevent-
tish the "National Stock
ier" published in I'itti-
II'ost both one year for
iptions should be sent i n
pin' it
ke dif' powder
ii ( oi-lien, I ml
to Min ni sola.
Miss Ida M. Va,'eu,-i l!er of Selins
grove spent Sunday with the F.ditor of
the Post and family.
The llshiii? along 1'eiin Creek has
been good this Spring, many large
store ki
DceJs Kccorded.
Longinus Walter and wife to C. M.
Showers, 12)1 acres in Centre township
Valentine Sehlosser and wife, to H.
C. and W. H. Fisher, J acre in Fre
burg for $17").
John K. Iloleiider, ft ul to Amelia
Itachuiaii, house and lot in Middle
burg, for $1,K1.
Joseph V. Shirey, et al to ICmma
Shirey, three tracts in Spring town
ship, for $.j,.'iIK).
.Mary K. Heiiuing and huslntnd to
Lydia C. Covert, house and lot in Sel
insgrove for J12U0.
Heirs of John Steiver to Sarah A.
Newman, "ii arrc-t In l'erry township
James J). Shadier and wife to (J.
Henry Dressier, .V2 acres and 12H per
ches in l'erry township for $s.",o,
I'JIen N. Spottsand husband to Mrs.
F.lleii Naee, half of lot No. in I 're
inont for f.'iiki.
J. V.. Newman and wife to K. S
Mitterliug, '. aeii s in l'erry town-hip,
I latiicl Smith to Janie C. Smith,
house and lot in Cmlcrvihc, i-7.
Isaac Heaver to 1 1, nry II. Reiiiiiug
er, lot of ground in Swinefird f !"i0.
!. W. How, sli. iiif, to William T.
st I'.e.ivi r towi..
to Win. S.
Mi.ldhcr. ek
iross, I'.i acres, in We
ship $l(ini).
S. T. Ililbish and wife
lliekel, 7 A., 1 l i 1' , in
twp., 5-)0.
t iliver llower.-ox and ifi- to Amanda
L. iiearick, i; A., l'.i I', in Franklin
( 'atliaiine and I', ter Trait et al., to
Samuel Trutt, two tr.tds in Monroe
twp., s A. 1.-.7 1'., ln:i.i.
Levi F. Smith to 1'.. 11. Sieininger,
right of way to a walk or passage in
Spring twp., $1.oii.
Sarah Newman and W. H. Newman
Central Hotel.
lining to Mlddleburg,
to stop at the Central
the Marks' Brand of 8
be particle of headache in
The bar is well stocked
land Wines. The house
ly refurnished. The table
i with the best the niar-
fcd I would be pleased to
f your patronage.
Ki'iix, Proprietor,
Central Hotel,
Mlddleburg, l'a.
lie of Men's Sufts.
Sunbury are
oetid samples of Mens
jen splits at a very re
98 Here is an
rise a SPKINQ
firm offers
nuPycarzains and are
Reliable Clothing
pger Wanted.
ludy or gentleman to
Ns in this County and
tory for well and favor-
Bouse of solid dimucial
OOstmight cash salary
paid each Monday by
foni headquarters. I-x
nvHiiced ; position pep
press Thomas Cooper,
PCaxton Building, Chi-
Believe In It.
ynk-ally said that any
m by advertising now
not bo. Many llni-
?n advertised but only
PvU Painkiller has
f sixty years' use. To
'ty is greater than ever
Pt UDon U-lat Ihn romeilv
P but one Painkiller,
THyRBVKFXJsOMay, District Minis
terial CPnventlon ot tlie tinted J.v
angulical Church in fteavertown.
Tiiuksday, May 21. Ascension Day.
Wkdxisday, May 27, Republican
State Convention at Harrisbuag.
S.VTfltDAY, May :!(), Memorial Day
for the Decoration of the Soldiers'
Monday, June 1, Regular term of
Court opens.
Harvey Lonij Killed.
tiarvey liong ot .seiinsgrove was
working on a bridge between Sunbury
and Shamokiu and Saturday evening
he met with an accident that cost his
He was standing on a girder .'SO feet
long 12x12. The girder fell and through
some means, in the decent, he got in
below. He fell on a pile of cement and
the beam struck him breaking his
back and a leg.
He was taken to the hospital at Sun
bury, where he died Sunday evening
at 7 o'clock. He is the son of John b
Long, a contracting Carpenter of Penn
township, was married to a daughter of
Fred. Herman; The widow and two
small children survive. He was ulxmt
SO years of age. Funeral Friday.
Missionary Convention.
The Snyder County Missionary Un
ion headed by the Mission Rand of
Susquehanna University, met in the
Lutheran Church of this place from
Friday afternoon to Sunday evening,
The principal speakers were Rev. I, H
Mctiaun of Lewisburg; Miss Schuyler,
head of the mission training school ;
Miss Jessie Hrewer, a missionary in
India ; Dr. Jacob Yutzy of Selinsgrove
and a number of other prominent
members of the union
Weather Forecasts.
APRIL. 1st to 4th, cold wave, killing
frosts oth to Uth, stormy condition
heavy rains South 10th to 14th,
Springlike in all sections 15th to lsth,
wind storms Y est and North, electric
activity South l'.lth to 2.U1, high tem
perature for April 24th to 27th, stormy
28th to JOth, rainy.
Leader of Salvation Army Gets Re
markable Reception in London.
Completely Wiped Oat willi Arsenic!
The family consisted of father C.
Roach, mother, and four children, and
had recently moved to Middleburg
from I'nioii County. It is thought
that they wen- puis me l by ar-nie
which had been put in their bread.
The bodies all lay ill the kitchen and
the poison must havencted immediat.-
ly after breakfast and with d-adly -f-feet.
The position ami attitude of the
bodies showed beyond doubt that they
all died from the same cail-e and pio-
naniy at the same time. I hey lay upon ed William Month, lomnian
the tloor on their hacks, ami w ith their dcr in-chief of the s-.ilvution Army, a
limbs drawn no as if by convulsive Kreat welcome, home at the Albort
lion. Time of lie- children lav near j
their parents in the i eiitre of ihe room. I
The fourth had died on the way to tin
Says the Army Has Made Real Prog
ress Here, and Spoke Touchingly
of the Reception Accorded Him
Throughout America.
London. March 31. London accord-
door apparently. Wiiatcver the poison
may have le cu, ii was very violent in
iis act inn ,-m I app-treii! ly very swift.
Sll-pieioh has I ceil st -oi,:;!v directed to
a wom iti who h 's been uc-iipyiu the
lion- with the II i.c h 's. t is known
that she dsliked the family, a id a
neighbor tetiiic. ,, having heard her
say within a few days, "If I can't get
them Iciaehes olll of the hois.. I uin
leave IMV-elf.'' She ha- lie! yet been
put under -htcs;, n,,, ,, l,..jieve
lie is the ,ni :oii r, ami if it e in be a
certaine.l that she ,:4 i, ly j.n,.
chased any ar- uieal puis.m the case
will lie practically a certain mi", Mr.
Roach himself, h w.,s .siii,, was of a
Very ipiiet ami i"t ring disposition, and
was seldom ..ecu upon tin-streets. ,.
tails about lie-children were lacking,
lieciii-e u. yj,,. im Mt--d iab family
wa- w ipc-d out. As this is April 1 1 -1
we might add Ilia! t; i- v,a-a family of
Klsslnimee to Mr. Shnirer, who has
taken possession of the same.
Registet and Recorder, John II.
Willis attended a meeting of Scottish
Rite Masons hi Williainsport.
Win. S. Riekel and family left this
week for Killings, N. Dakota, w here
he intends to farm on a large scale.
W. H. (irimni of Frceburg, the beer
bottler of Frceburg, while in town last
week, dropped In to transact some
John (iclnctt, of the linn of (ielnett
ISrothcrs, is in Pliiladelphiu this week
purchasing a new stock of Spring and
Summer goods.
The farm of the late Lydia ( iearhart,
In Centre township, Si-yder Co., has
been purchased by Elmer Ilrauehcr, f
Milmont, forgdloii.
Mr. and Mrs. I. 11. Rowersox, and
their daughter Miss Ruth, drove to
New Uerlin and spent the day pleas
antly with rclntivfs in that town, last
Woltl Friedman, one of the Sunbury
clothiers, Sunday brought a congenial
lot of lawyers, doctors and clerks to
our town, to spend .he Sabbath. Call
again, gentlemen.
John Longer, Troxelville ; C. Morris
Showers, Isaiah Walter, Penns Creek ;
J. K. Newman, l'erry township ; S. R.
(lellnett, Meiserville, and E. S. Mitter
liug, St rouptown, were callers at this
ofllce Saturday.
Dr. A. R. Rotteiger of Selinsgrove,
was in town Monday afternoon. The
doctor is one of the alilest veterinary
surgeons in Central Pennsylvania. He
is in great demand among farmers and
stock raisers and fully deserves the re
markable success he has attained.
A 'I'll MU'lll.ll 1 III.
M. M Auslm of Wmciio d-1', lul.
knew what lo do in tlm li nu o
need. His wife had s.ich an utiiisu!
cae of Htmuaehe and liver trjuhln.
1 "' n,",,'.' '- l. iJ-v-Vmi '- U'flOiytfHfm "i u! I not huip He
t.ii l p., . w;.., J i . .iUAi. , iMfeFiUBiind Sh4 gu"t.ii
Wm. S. Riekel ami wife to John F.
Royer, H A., and 1 10 P., in Washing-
ten and Middlecreek twps., flOot).
W. II. Hartmaii and wife to C. A.
Kerr ft al., trustees etc. of U.
Church of Ci-ntervilh- lot in Centerville
Wills Piiikittd.
The last will and testament of Mary
Ami llehn late of the borough of Mid
dleburg, was probated, and letters tes
tamentary were issued to Arlington
Row, who is named as executor and
sole heir.
Letters Orantcd.
Letters of Administration in the es
tate of Adam R Walter, late of Frank
lin twp., were granted to F. P. and
John R. Walter.
aud wa: linalU cure I. O ly 21c, at
.Middtebuig Driiir Co. r.i v bill
Ci.ii nian' Itichfiolil. Ir. J. W. Sauio
sell I'ouns (Jrei.-U.
-. -
Readers of the "Pest".
We wi-h t-i call your attention t the
fact that the copyright has expired
Marriage Licences.
Foster L. Rover, Krat.erville
:il lie A. Kratzer,
f Jas, A. d. Hackenburg,
Sallie E. Swineford.
(John F. Minium,
(M. Clara Stell'en,
t ( i. Morris Rurgard,
l R. Kellcy,
New Rerlin.
IV nnscns'k.
Pen use reck.
burgs. iine 1 J
d I devote al nij
i a specialty id
Republican Standing Committee
The Republican Standing Committee
of Snyder county, will meet in the
Court House Saturday, April II, 1003,
at one o'clock.
J. 8. Yearick, Chairman, sell Penns Creek.
FOR SALE. Eggs for hatching
the following thoroughbred variety
Single Comb White Keghorns,
Comb Rrown LeiiKoUis, Ra
mouth Rocksfnd Sllvi
Horry Plants and I'm
for wants.
lichndd, Pa.
Make A Clrnil Nwerp
There's nothing like doiog a thing
thoroughly. Of all the Salves you
ever heard of, Uucklen's Arnica
Salve the best. It sweeps away
and cures Burns, Sores Bruises,
Cuts. Roils, Ulcers, Skin, Eruptions
and Tiles. It's only 25o, and guar
anteed to give satisfaction by,
Middiebursr Drug Co., Grfiybill &
Garman, ltidb&eld. Dr. J. W, Samp-
krrei jm-
t tjdngl
thnHD and
irrVWrite me
March 21th, by Rev. W. A. Haas
Charles W. Keller and Bessie Fry,
both of Selinsgrove.
March 23d, at the Lutheran parson
age, by the Rev. W. H. Schoch, Mr.
Foster L. Royer, of Kratzerville of New
March -', by Ceo. M.Shindel, clerk
O. C, Janes A. (L Hackenburg and
Sallie E. Swineford, both of Pcnns-
March 21, by Rev. E. E. Oilhert, (i.
A. Mcngle of ML Pleasant Mills to
Mary E. Stratibof Frceburg.
March 21, by Rev. C. C. Miller, P.en-
jamin F. Reich and Llllie A. Nagle,
both of Washington tw-p.
March 22, by Rev. C. C. Miller, C. 1
Haines and Ellen Moyer, both of Frets.
Did it ever Occur to You
that your teeth are given you for a pur
pose? If people would spend more
time at their meals and eat food that
requires chewing, they would have
less use for physicians, "f" is a new
prepared cereal food which . has the
natural llavor of the gralu, and on ac
couut of its being cooked twice is easily
digested, "f " is not a mush, but a
delightful, crisp cereal of great food
value. Try "It" and you will like
Jt Sold by grocers.
Til It EE
we arc now
witlJ fill dir.-c
I ireprat 1 uyrt i ajfrfVo
present tinil.
blifTug and nJ'-r y
Ifen cents inJyiiips fi
look eoutius iler 2,!
W hieli
id Ml
Relii-Vfccrets etc.,
IftiAfnr making all
o .Science to the
oil need tins hook.
There areliitidreds of Items in it that
have beenVvie source of Fortunes to
others. There may he one for yoii-
We mail Rook same dav your order i
received. Address your order to,
E. Si:i.i:i:y A: 'o.,
1 2'. I College St.,
I 111 H alo, N. Y.
Perhaps You Wonder
if the tin infilling .-old that made last
winter one long misery will he as bad
this year. Certainly not, if you take
Alhn's Lung Ralsam when tickling
aud rawness in the throat announce
the presence of the old enemy. I
not expect the cold to wear itself out
Take the right remedy in time. Al
leu's Lung Balsam is free from
Reduced Rales to New Orleans.
On account of the meeting of the
National Manufacturers Association
at New Orleans, April '2 to 17, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excersion tickets to .ew Orleans
and return April 11, 12 and :', good
going on date of sale, and good return
lug to reach origual starting point not
later than April l'.i, from all points on
its lines, at reduced rates. By deposit
ing ticket with Joint Agent at New
Orleans betwif n April 12 and in, and
payment of fee of fifty cen(,s, an exten
sion of return limit may lie obtained
to reach starting point not later than
Hall last nb;ht. The laim. use audi
torium was packed li'nin the Hour to
tin- roof. There was net a vacant
seat in the building.-which has a ca
pacity of in.iii.i persons, ami in spito
of the rainy ninht hundreds were turn
ed away from tin- door. The organ
isers of the demonstration. with a keen
i ye to effect, dec Ued hundreds of olll
c.'i's of the Salvation Army v.iiii broa-l
searts. shawls and head dresses of
Irilliant (d,,rs, thus forming great
hlocl.s of culm- against the lael,r.roiind
of soberly i l.el spi---tators. four hun
dred uniformed miih i-ian:'. drawn
Ironi the Salvation bands hi Loudon,
wire ma.-sed around th" inas.-ive or
gan at tin- nd of the hall.
Oem-ral r.ooih's nipearatu-n on the
platform was the signal lor a r.-.,iark-iihle
di nu iii-st rat h m. The an iietico
rose !-.s one man. iluttering h;.n
chiefs ate! prourami ;. aud l ii. ering
for several miuulcs, while the hands
mid the Hi-nan added a harmonious
note to this thunderous wop nine. Tho
v. hito bearded veteran, m compatiied
hy Mrs. l'.ooth and the int. rn i . i ti;i I
headquarters staff, stn.-nl iniwii'u his
ackiiowlcdgiiienis until ll-.e uiiroar
A Fioetacular feature of the meet
ing followed In tho form of a review
of the various departments of th"
Salvation Army. These marched In
and crossed the stage, saluting the
I il ns they paused, each depart-
r cosT-iai iVMiBiiipvtV Wt- -
various branches of work In hica
the vnembers were engaged.
In this review were Included the edi
torial and printing house staff, tho
foreign converts, Hindoos. Julius. Sou-
laiiesi-. Japanese, Chines", hi tlcir
native iiist-.imes; eadets, i ''.. ei-F.
slum worki r. in n, women ( hi!-
dn-ti from tie s'oi-u:;. before and after
their rescue; soldier.;, i-n b-r-. repre
sentatives of the various tri.di s tangl.t
)i the army homes, colonhis who are
training for foreign settl'-mi nt and
many others.
fietiiual llooth's speech was fre
quently interrupted hy applause.
"Fellow workers," he said In part,
"I can report well of the army, both In
the United Stntes and Canada. The
Salvation Army has made great and
real progress In America sincg my last
visit, and I see strong promise of
the creation on that continent of the
most powerful sections of the army."
The general spoke touchingly on
the reception accorded him through
out America, and the reference he
made to the kindliness of his reception
hy President Roosevelt and tho dis
tinction shown him as the represent
ative of the Salvation Army by the
United States congress evoked re
peated applause.
"I like the American," said General
Rooth, "and I bdieve ho likes me.
He Is willing to risk something to
gain his end, and does not let preju
dice or tradition stand In his way."
The meeting concluded with an ex
hibition of moving pictures of Inci
dents In General Booth's American
All Were Unified.
Word comes from Wake,
that Hev. Jno. J. Cox had a strange
malady ncccnipaiued by yellow
jaundice For 12 years, physicians
were bathed and though everything
known to the profession was used.
the trouble remained. One day he
began to use Electric Bitters and in
a week, a chango for the better
came and, at length be was entirely
1 T. il L . 1 " . 1 - 1 '
cureu. ii. a iuu uj us i rename medi
cine for Liver and Kidney trouble,
Only 50o and guaranteed by Middle
v, ti.,, n n.o.t,ai t. r
'Ul PC AStwg vv. u.ajuill Ui UIUUIIIU,!
Bicbfield, Dr. J. W. Sampsell Fennst
Letter to Samuel Leitncr,
Miiltllt !iun, l'i.
Dear Sir : You arc inlcrestc I in
the prosperity of your town, ami
every dollar anylsxly saves niKls
to the wealth of the place.
IVople can save have their money
on jKiint moiv than hull. Pevoe
lit-ad and Zinc takes fewer "tillons
than mixed
and Lists tw
lontr as load and oil.
Paint is wived; lalsir Is savi-J;
and tlie "pnintinjj nuisance" is made
half as freiUt'iit.
When Devoe Lead and zinc is
established iu Middleburg, Middle
burg will get moie out of it than
we shall.
Yours truly,
F. W. Devoe it Co.,
New York.
P. S. P. 1 Smith of Sunbury
sella our paint
nc takes fewer gallons .
mints to cover :i house, J g I
itv or three times as(