MIDDUSBURG POST. HIGHER WAGES Stride Commission rinds Two Principal Demands Justified. GIVEN 10 PERCENT. INCREASE Award Provide! Shorter Hour, Slid ing Seals and Conciliation Board. f H B L'N'CN IS NOT RECOGNIZED Ccnir ii f'i Finding to Continue In rcr cnM Vsrch SI, 1906, and Ad vance In Vn la Data From No-vembs- t, '.?CC Discontinusnce cf Coal and Iron Police Suggttted. oycott and Blacklist Strongly Cnr eemnea. V !: ncton. Maud; .t Thr : of the . i i;i:iil;..n appointed ! ' president oM iu;o!vr tn tnve:-io the an' lna. Hp coal strike wi matin fii,.;;i' Sa'.iil.lay. Mi-n)i lv rnd :s s: -in a.f;:;li rs ,. I hi . : v...is.,.vn. who nro ilritv. ut li.'lawaro: Labor Com-nuj-vidr-,- t'arrn'.l IV Wrisht and Prtpa f"Wr loiur;.! Ji !.n M. Wilson, both of this ri; . 1'; .sli.',i John I.. Spalding, of Illi iiiis : Thomas It Watkins. of lVnn syhaua; " !w r ! V.' Parker, of this lty. and l-Msar i". Clark, of Iowa. ii, J,- ; r;r.r i pa I oaM ! nnnrde to deride any (j'"stlo submitted, t .- r-.liii nlte! t' eto. that question or int stall h" r to an umi-tr?, ' rc appnl: ' i, r fiui-st of.fiii . u'.i t I. -' circuit Juvi :( "f ire t hi r.i j , ' ni't of t:.- V: : S'?t -.. ( r ' -.!:-! at:-! hi.: '.;.' ' 8 . ! I -I rred :' "ii" ii '.i ('! .. - in I i 'I ; :.!.( . . tl' a ..! u. ri-jvirt is ilaii'il iv an i in1 i C .ctor.r; ec. .". S.i . i r r- ,a -lo.l by ft did Joiity ni i..L itiairaii wine. a of any colliery. ! ecli welghim n or check iKh k-u.(t 1 .s. or lioth. shall be em plt.yd. Tin- wain of siil cheek t h-bnien mil check diK-kini bosses i-hall lip Pap. I. collected, and paiil ly Hip ir.inp.ri in mi-i mar. ih i it;- ill'' nai l miners rliall hy a majority veto elect, ami when r'j;i' 1 a mainnty of said mini n . the operators sh .U pay the waM' tlx '. I (or chock v.ei.ilitneu ar. 1 check dm kins bosses oil u( de-ili- iii n r-a le i'H'ioi tio:iaioiy fr-u.i lh- i ami vi- i t t!,r :'" r.iti-is. o i si: Ii hn.sis k : ' majority i f sni-1 Mill cm vhall ilct. rniiv.p. i ' ution cf Mine Cars. 1 V inr- . .its sli-lil In' ill ;l l.iilN'il . Ti i i; nn p.i' is sh" ;.n at work a uni- ,. . mi I a-' ' no 1 ol iwrv ol rnliuTtos TO I hi- mini's or to iIp- ' from ,, '.- ot f- worn ,- ;. ,-iij.v si;. ii K.i.ii a' :on hp , uy to an acri'i'i.'.ont hc- , -, ;-.r. I'i'i-i -iti r or ii;mt.i! .rs nn.l an i i;..;:- i. r. ;-t. ;- ;o:u a majority Vfgrs not !sw re to force mlmen to v :: thHr cMlirr.a to work. Na r. so;r.lticn cf Union Awarded. ' p oiii'.iv t ut the recognition at t V -. Y. i.rl.i iV Union the commU . c ' t.i.-y do not conalder i . u i wtthiu the ecope i ' . - .''in n;errel on them. '," .' . l.cwewr, that i-ii ot a working ajree I : ' on t-niployers and em- j io..'. '.ilni; tho dortrine of col In: ;.:t.iiu. Is one wUitti th :.--' r. I'i'lievc contains many .1 lo.i.i ..in for the adjustment uf .-ins in t:.- minlnR region. " 1 i. 1 . :i CO. ' In.', i.u ' 1 1. i i-r.y i o it tl:r o;:i .o i ! i.l.iluy as I'.issMp. no i'oru i'itc.1 effort hp rail;' rs it mino of 1''-" Mi 1 S :n lii or t In ir i".n- In r.' I v t; Tin- the a. ' V C per ci J. r-ni.l I vc il l 4 I. tt.-.r... M inei'E' ipmnnils anil i ari ns follows: j Cemanda. v . l , -s to pot '.'i t !: in 1-r i.: cos. lor i i r i s v '.:. : i' r .ir.i rs ar i ar tho no r .is. a .iariloil --i I i ,;,; i- In-p.l u;ns :!. !..;;..!.- r 1 Cii'.' t. . .; for i ar UJ.-h w.-rt 1 1 1'.'L' A r. y n.-'ioasp -. n or in tho t. i'i".;i; ro- in oa.i-anii'il hy a pro i;;i ii a-1 in tiic rate paid r n.' L.: li'i i, jam. 1. J. 2. V.: pHi.y tlPITS :-. Ii- j.- : i 4 i: i :- '. St t ir 1-1 in ro.i, w : futrmnrv o. : 1 T; -.: ;r en's AwS'S, I r - ' lit ; ai-o-ii i.ou: .lay i l.rt ao-n. lav ovos M.i.. (.rariti'ii to cov- U: PI,. LI- -. r. ;i :li I .VI- ,.ri; -if cf 10 Per Cent. ' - n.:M--n own .i . ;:.a o ; tu-r crnt I ai : in ; ho p- -; t.. al. :l.i ra:. I'.'i.'-. ho I r v. m ,. 'ivaiii i ,i.. -.t S.-r'e of Waqs. . m.-i sliding srnlo of , i l-.lOi live Alir'.l 1. .1 afl'-' t all minor an 1 in. in th.' awards i : , ... ,.: 'O-i. Tho warps f.xpl ; .- s (-1: ill ho tho has'.s ot and , -Mini i. mi. r C.r- s'i.'ins soale: ; ra-h incroarp of five cents in t r vi -rase pric ol white a-! coal of . ... a'.iovo pi coal, sold at or near N, w York, hrtw.-rn l'erth Amhoy and i:.U-raip-'. : :! ri'.-oitod to the oi'.reau oi a' :'. f statistics nhove i , ... o h.. the omployrs sdinli have an lncrpt of l per cent, in ihrir rompe-. nation. hirh shall ror.iini'p until a chanco in the nverape jiru " of sai l oai works a reluition or nn increasr in said additior.al com l.piisfitioii l..-rc;i!!.:or; hut the rate of time Ii"-.. The nni- i'f i Mstei. ii ; ; h .". K ter Novemhcr 1. li!e o; this award. anion:.' o: Miiroist- under iho award dtu :-r v.-ork dun hetween N -veml.er 1. ;:n.i April 1, 1H03, to l.u pkiJ on or lip;'nri Jurie 1. Hn3. Z. Tan', engine- :s who are employe.; In ti-'.in- v.-."t---r shall have an in """"'U 1 r cent, on Jheir e it :;-' Ira,-, ! -'. n X '. -en. h.-r J. 39-J2. r-T'.', A ji 'ii ; . ;;.to le. paid on or t. .lunc 1. ii'i',':: and from and aff r .'. ,.r l i. JU'C rnd miring the luo .-! ! KWurJ J lit y Uiall have ti :pt-i-ehL'ts- wi.i. the same pay' w..: ef.'- etive ii. April. :5iii2. and w:: .. ;. , tit- li.'V, w..:..;:,- ltht hoar a;..: .10 i or,';-, lis,, than i!.' whin . $ pe: h' i'lrri ur.i . ll ' tot., win ri peaii, c. per tor. ' will be These e.t;;.! :; ur ani : : clou- I-: v,-n- : u . -i Mticos ir. .A Imis'TiK iiie: rtn; ea. .. I.lHl. .ir.i saao a con. mil- it, I. ()' i:.- 1 . i:. tans. : v tio a-e in -Ii ar i iia e sl i:i- ' i e.-- ' ' ' ' -a ol th-.'ir nam it-K - : 'n 1 i.ii an -I Apr:. 1 :! a: ir-mi a:i i aft--Apr.i 1. ll-Ji. tu- t,.mr. ha'1 : i: crcHi-' .' per fti: on t.'.e r !(.! W l.jcti W -. ! i flte t;v- i:. i ,. r pos-itr.n.i- ll. .' pr... iwii. a:, . :: kili':"l: till) Shall ! tvlu'Vfd Jr. :. Cut; or Sundays without luat. of js:' hy a man pro. i.n-t, l.y tti en-pi to relieve then, uurinc tut iiou- ;' the aav nn!fi Thui flreniet, stmll nave at; ti: " ; of Ju pr reii; or iin-1- earn m it t. twB Nov n.i' i " . ii air; Ap-. . lo?. to i' pa ;f or oi ulur" .i'i:i ; am tr.-u, auo al'p' Ain. ! 1 i ;; Ji.' durtr.: t.. . ! )' t:. . a.iall have 4 .4;. ;u -v toil; wages per (la w o: 1.1 .. W4r 11. ea'ii itn:oti in Apr. All L-oiriar.! inei; o'.lipf than ':in.- f ir whoa ibe eouiniiHsinn tuat-.e jh rial aw am.- stiti: Ip- paid an to-r-aj Of 1" ! '41. 01. t he; r earuiiis r twi:: : .. .!- 1. )' " and April H'i: :,- ,. . ir. o- in fore Jaut 1. IH-.: ' -ii a'- April 1 IS.):; in. ' tie : ' o' ti'ia award, toy stia. ; p" '1,- iiams of a line hoi'r uuy. r : nit 'he'efur the uaiio aa yi-y pah; in Aprii 1W"-; fur a l". iiuiiT ha) Ovurtiun- in ei'.ehp. o: noiirv .1. uny uuy lo he paid a' a jot. sr.all in no case he less f. ..-.! ::i thP award. That is. ice of snid coal reaches .1, '.he compensation shall . 1 per cent., to continue ,:lce lulls bfii.w S4 1$ per 1 per ci'nt. Increase will . the price reaches $4. CO . an additional 1 per cent, ,d, and so on. '..ulli''.l'.'.4 shall I coa pv r luuuthly by an acctmntant 01 ..imissioncr, named Dy one 01 in .rcuit juJpea of the third judicial cir cuit of the Viiitfd States and paid tiv the coal operators, such compen nation as the appointing jude may fix. which compensator, ahali he d;s ; intuited among the opTaior in pro- p-.ir:,i.n to the innnaee of eat t mine. ' No Discrimination Either Way. . ji No pcrs.'f sua", he re!i.se(i t-m jilov:i,.'tr. or iu any va dlscr.niinatfd; t(a:r.st on ac u'.i t of n-erhers-.tip or nun membership in iabur orpanl j ration; and there ahai! oe no diHcnmh. nation apainst or iDtertertncfc with anv; employe who is not a member of any; labor organuauoa ty n.eii.ber of suth orpanizatton in All contract miners shall be r-, (jui-eri to file within a reasonable time 1 1 ioe each pay day a statemt-iit o! , ti e amount of mstiey due from th4m' Hi itKMT ialiore-s tnd such sum shall! !- ri'-niicter! 'rom tae amount due thei eoii 'ini miuei and paid diwtiy tc ea 1. ii.iioif! b the company All emeu vei- wnet paid shall be furtisbed w::i, hi. ite:i..zed tatiii4'i.t of a- in To-cs Until March 21, 1906. The awards herein made shall nine in force uDtil March SI "SH'f : any employ or rriup of em f ni;:iii(! any of the prevision 1.' t.., t. fi 1 It 1 re-. M .T;J. t. le -' I bin propo-f ) nni 4:1,. . ' - I . ( tide;, '.in ehai 1." tlvet d! (JieC I,1U' 1 U.I ... p." bow : . ' o' it. a war'J ' ;. ; . puyiueut for eoal n- adimrud to uhim ! . ' ustt eiiiiut i ;.''''' awards 11 m pro : v-r.:.' --!, iil.e tb'iHH uia'l' 1 1 n-ta' 1 lay ,b a ' ' i.i jo-p a:. tlif; lie.-: t.IMif J 1 B(.a;'c 0' toi": ilietior, t Any Ctflicuit) " Ciit,;', rising until - trip award, i-it.t.i.. . - ', its interpretation o- t ppio ation ti any way pr"wing out of 'ne ieia i ".-i of the employers and eiuiiliya. wui'-h caatiot hi- settled or adjusted b oyb t..;..:'..'; I ueli tin- auperio'eudet.! or nn.nu'K--: of 'he lullm or uiinet and thfc miner or unuers directly lntere' ed. or is of u B'-ope too larae to be bet tief ur adj':Hled hhall be relerrud t'. r puiuaneii' joint eoiunjittee, ty b fcufl a buaril ot i.uiielliatlun. to coir sis' of hi pet sun a That is to say, it tiive shall be a division of the w holi re,,.ob into Uiree cliat.rinta, 111 va- i ol which tiier. shall exist an uigui.ii.t lion repiehentiiiK a majority ut tin ininu workers ot bi.eh disirict one ol said board of '.oneliitilioi; abail be ap Miiiilii uy each of aaid orKunUatioiid anu three other pruus shall he a;. poiuUd by ae operators, the opera tot In oach ol' said Ulutri'.U appixuiinj be pel sub. It, however, ihu aaic 1 ( 01: i-nr pill '.I.l- uisi.poio t'.v Ui4r employer, ant furito-r mat the violation of any pro vision ot these awards either hy hid pioyer or .-irpioyi- cbali not Itvslidale any of th. p'oviKions thereof. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 1 Th Boycott snd Blacklist Are Strong ly Denounced. The commission also makes a num ber of rucummendation. which may be summariied as follows The discontinuance of the system of 4?mploytb "the coal and iron poli'-e," be-.ause this forte is belieed to bare an irrtts'iuj: eCect. and a resort to the reifiilerh constituted peace authorities In ' use of be' ! ! A sir.cie' e-j'vri efn-at of the laws id reiatioi 10 tae empioymi-ct of chil-(.'r-b That :b- stale acd feueraJ govern 'wuit shall piovije naacuibery for the -iiakiii( of a compulsory iuvestiKation j'. tf tliiuit.ei- similar to the luvostlga tic whi- i 'Hit eoinmibbioc has made. "i "it u.Bsioti upresses the opin ijl wi'ti s few mod lOeatlobs the ln'i-'e. i of October. 8i, authoris es k 1 ouimihifioL to setlie coutrover biss beiween laliroad corporations and other coniuiua tarriers could be made a basis of a law for arbitiation iu the coal mining business. The commission takes a Welded posiuou acainst compulsory arbitration. They then rerisw the producUon of anthra cite coal aud tistiman the losses oica sioned by the strike as follows : To the mine owbeis, 146,100, bun; to the mine employst ia wages, fil.VWMW; to Ue tiabsporta'.iou companies, tZf. buO.OUtt. The oounmsslon says that in tusking their investigation they have done whatever It was practicable to do to aoqualDt themselves with the con ditloas which brought about the siIke. The commission then takes up the social conditions in the mining re gious, ivhioh they find are good, and Kuither 011 they say the present ctftt stituiion of the United Miue TVnrltdra. 4'f America does not present the mos' inviting iinluceiueiUs to the operators to enter Into contractual relations with It. Operators and the Union. The commission In passiiiR iipn tli relations between tho operators and the Miners' I'nion, says: "The commission is constrained to decline making any award which would compel an aKieemont hy the operators with the Untied Mino Work ers of America; for. however. Import antly that order may have participated Iu the strike. It U not a party to this submission. Nor does tho commission consider that the question of the recop nitiou of the United Mine Workers of America u within the scope of the jurisdiction conferred upon It by the submission." Law leu-ess 'hiring the strike Is stroll-sly ' iemne.l, and the conmiiv sion ;as : '. 1 imjloyment of ainiel guards and the calling out of t' : 1. tla was Justified. The hovcotl Is condemned as i; - 1 moral and antl social, a "practice. wlikh would be outside the pale of civ ilized war. In civilized warlnre, wom en and children and tho ilcfe useless are safe from attack, and a code of honor coin riils the parties to such war fare which cries out against the boy cott wp have in view Cruel au.l cow ardly art terms not too severe by which to char.ii 1. rue it. "CIom !y allied to the boycott is th.' blacklist. This system is nn repre hensible and as rruel as tho boycott, and should he frowned down by all humane n.ca " '. " .-' - I U IR PLEASED C . . Sit-.ke Commission Is -) -, i-j' the Miners. .-.;,,., ' ' ;r. 1. 23. "The d.- cisii n of the i.i.inracite coal strike coinmlssicn is on the whole a decide.! victory for the miners, and 1 am pleased wi'h it," snid President John Mitchell 'of the United Mine Workers cf America, in an Interview Sstur.lav j rnpi.i. 1 ne ar.iniv.nip n..'o rs ' 1 1 enn sylvania havt reason to ht5 mui !i pleased with the c nv,i..issiiin's awards, and I am sure tha they are." he said. In riply to a question as to whether the- miners were Riven as much as had been hoped for, Mr. Mitchell an swered after an instant's dclibr ration: "1 do not care to say." "The most Important feature of the awards." l:e continued, "is of course the increase of 10 per cent, given the miners. This will result in an annua increase in the wages of the 140,001) anthracite miners of Pennsylvania ot $G, 000, 000. The sliding scale provided for by the commission is very satis factory. Inasmuch as a minimum of $4,50 per ton is fixed. With white aeb coal at 5.50 per ton at tidewater, the increase provided for in the sliding scale will be equivalent to 20 per rent, ntfir- fin the miners' wafes." Presar,! Mltihell was asked If he was disappointed because the commis sion di i not recognise the union for mally, and he replied that he was not. because the decision of the commis sion and Its swards were in themselves rer-opiiitinn of the power and Influence of the United Mine Workers "A"-r the increane 4f wages given 't' luiM is," said Mr. Mitchell, "tbi most important of the awards, from the rtiinurs' standpoibt, are the ones txii s a tine hour day and providing for a hoard of conciliation. The award gives a bine hour day with ten hours pay dirrt!y to R ''00 men. and practl 4 ally all of the osber employes of the anthracite mines will get a nlne-bour dey by rsaaon of their comrades' shorter tours The provision for a board of conciliation will result in great good, and I am much pleased with it It will compel investigation of both sides of controversies. Will the m.ners s-snd by the t-ommlsslon's re port snd awards Tbey unquestion ably will " Operators Sav Ccsl Will Be Higher. Wilkesbsrre. Ja., March 2S The coal operators of the Wyoming Valley are of the opinion that the aw ard made by the strike commission is going to lacrease the cost of taking coal out of the earth to a greater extent than a; pears on the surface The sh"--r' hours granted the engiufrs. Hrn:..-" and laborers will mean the employ ment of more men, aud this Iu 'urn means an lbcresne in the pay roll As nearly as ran be estimate'! tiif aggregate increase in baek salary to the miners will amount to t3.00l..'j'i0 Anarchy Without Coal Police. Pottsvllle. Pa., March 28. To the Schuylkill operators the most asiob'.sli lbg feature of the strike commlsslon'v report was the black eye given to tiii coal and Iron police. AH the geuoral officers of the Reading Coal and Iron Company here expressed the opinion that the p.Koi -moh the conipauy's po liceiuen v .jo: n.na, iiiKicby In the coal ieg;o:.f May tv.esr. 20 Wcr Cent New Yci k. March 23.- -Th udbeis of the anthracite coal icgloii affucted by the d islon of th strike commis sion, Judging by present prices for coal, will receive an increase of close to 20 pur cent iu wages, the average tide water price of hard coal at Perth Ail boy being alsuut $3 a ton. The tide ater price here of grate coal is $4.76, and of egg, stove and chestnut $5. This would make th average prioe of sizes above oca coal almost i a ton, and 1 allow the miners 9 or 10 per cent. In' addition to the 10 par cent, mlniuiuui advance allowed. t WSEK'3 KEWS COKDENSID. Wsdnssdsy, March 18. . Tae war department has sold the Id Indianapolis. Ind., arsenal prop erty for tISW.uOO. President Roosevelt yesterday ap pointed William It. M. Flinn United States marshal for Delaware. Admiral Tyrtoff. Russian minister of marine, dropped dead of heart dis ease at St. Petersburg yesterday. A great dinner was given yesterday at the Irish College at Rome In honor of St. Patrick's Pay. Several English bishops participated. l.ewiii KoiiUon In a fit of Jealousy shot an! killed bis wife and fatally wounded bl mothcr-ln-law during a pa.'ty at tho latter's borne at Find lay. O, last night. Thursday, Marsh 19. Nelson Morris A Co., the packers, will erect a 11.000,000 plant near the Kansas City stock yards and employ 1.000 hands. The retteboiie colliery, at Will;p barre, Pa., shut down yesterday, aud 600 employes are idle. ICvtensive im pairs will be madii. George Xlerkle. a butcher, shot ami killed John Ccnkinger. a well-known citlren of New Castle, Pa., yesterday. Jealousy was the cause. Cheyenne. Wyo., yesterday experi ence 1 the worst billiard of the win tei. aioip than six Inches of snow fell accompanied by a 3i)-inile wiud. Filay, March 20. Ti e Delaware legislature adjourned jpMi rday afternoon sine die The annual convention i;f the Wom an's Suffrage Association ripened rt New Orleans yesterday William Crozier, tho Manila editor, convicted of libeling Cton-'ral Duvl'., was sentenced to two months' liup li onment and fined $1,000. Fire yesterday destroyed the bin shoe factory of M. C. (irl.Yin and a score of other bulldlnps f Kiot f'ep perell, Mass.. entalllim a loss ol $,!."i0,. 000. Hanry Ro.Ipo. apod 75 years, one of the wcalthh'st residents of Options-1 burg. X. Y., committed suicide yester day by throw in i- himself Into the St Lawrence riv.- Saturday, March 21. James Piiitiin and Jay (ireeti, colored, were hanppd at Star City. Ark., yester-! day for murder. I Secretary Hay returned to Washing ton yesterday, after a two-weeks' s'.iy at Thomaevlllp, Ga. President Roosevelt has accepted an Invitation to attend the National Saenperfest at P.altimore. Mil., on June IS. The naval collier Atcxan tor, whirl: was disabled at sea and towed to u, r , mud.v arrived at Hampton Roads last' night for repairs. John Parrett, commissioner general of the St Louis Exposition, arrived in New York yesterday on the steamer Cedrlc, from a trip around tho world in the Interest of the fair. Monday, March 23. Burglars took about $5,000 from the Ueposit Hank of MaTweTL Ky and scaped. Secretary Saaw Saturday named Mar. cus P.raun as an Immigration inspector at New York. A tretty of peace was signed yester day between ths Uruguayan govern ment and the rebels j A gun playfully pointed by his little sister, who supposed it was empty, fa-' talsy wounded George KHnedenst, of! Spring Grove. York county. Pa j Three r-.s.-kwi robbers attempted to hold up a trolley car at Los Angeles, I Cab. Saturday night and in tke-flght1 that followed one passenger was killed aad three others wounded i Tussday, March 24. Three Inches of snow fell ysterday( at Des Moines and other points In Iowa. i Frank Rustel and L. G Crall. rail roaders, were killed at CI' -land yes-j terdsy by a freight car toppling over on them j Or,e woman was killed at a fire rsusel by a lamp explosion In New' fork yesterday, and another went In- stxe from excitement I Governor Pennypacker, of Pennsyl-' van. a yesterday appointed A. Nevln Pomeroy. cf Cbambersburf , to be su ' pTir.tpndent of public printing, vice' T G. Semple, removed I The rr.eetir.g of 'he Society of the Army of the Tennessee has been post-nooi-d from May to October 11. t Wf.-.'i'ntri.ot), ia order to hav Presi dent Rotkeveit pressnt ' A WORD ABOUT IlKjTiino in Coining when you iitftl Paint for your Spring Painting I hml m ike a mititake by liuvini; i licap iai,tts. We nil the Hnrwin Willium Pnint. It is gitiirniitp" ! to w,r wit Ii vliit4- li-iii! :::i,l oil. A WORD ABOUT WIR A S Wire is miiv to ;i:!v:tiinf vvc Imtilit .n'vortil tup- old U iiv ;ii:il will j;i o n ., - .n i s tin- luiii lit of Htinif while llii.s lot liisls, ComcMMrly ttti'l take iulvant mo of tliisotVer, as it will go very ltijiiiily. GELNETT BROS., MIDDLEBURG, PA. ti ii I " III IT I , I I pubest mm GEN I HAL MARKETS Philadelphia. Pa, March 28 Flour was steady; winter superfine. $2 70 2 Mr Pentitylvsnia rollr, clear, $310 t'3.20; city mills, extra, $2C0il lO Rye flour was quiet, at $I H& 2u per barrel. Wheat was firm; No. I Penn eylvania, r.d. new, 7k07sVc. Corn was firm; No. 2 yellow, local, 49'ifec. Oau re quiet; No. 2 white, clipped, 48A4,r.; lower grades. 43c. Hay was lead; No. 1 uuiotby, $19 tor large bales beV was steady; beef La am lli320. Pork was firm, family, fio CO. Llv poultry, l$c. for Lens, aiid I'M-. Vjt old roosters. Dressed poultry, at llSc for choice fowls, sod 10c. for old roosters. Buitr was steady; creuun-iy. Site, psr pound- Ej-.gs were steady. New York and Pennsylvania, 16 Vvc. psr dosen. PotaJoos steady; choice, tbU 70e. par tiusfel. It ha U-oii lVi'iM'iitIv assertod by eminent authorities that nearly two-thirds of the crime aud poverty of the world was directly traceable to intemperan'X'. The wise acres should have stated that these evils are lue to the immoderate use of Whiskey and Liquors of iitiestionable ijuality, for it is a well-known fact that in tepjj.ierance is practically unknown where pure unadultera tefl whiskey is tir-ed. Marks' Ail Rye WhiskrJ Is Absolutely Pure, and is sold for Med id Purposes. It is a Splendid Tonic for Spring Weather and Invig orates the System. Jt Maki You Feel Like a New Man. This is J'ight Years Old uud SellH at i51.2 5 per Qt. Of!ice near l'euuylvania Itailroud Station, Middleburg, 1'a. Llv Stock Markets. secretary Moot Buys Perm. Utica, N. r.( March 24 -Secretary of War Kllhu Root, on his visit lo Clinton last week, purchased a fat to of 100 acres near that place. II ad Joins the old Root homestead, which "Taut rilurlv I. Mr..ti 94 P.I.I.. were hhyiier: orlm.'$i,.20fflE.3o': ihobe I Se4;retary Root recently purchased, tS. 406 60; good, l.qt. Hogs were' and gives him a holding of 3ZS acres. baek to famous College Hill. rumored that several of bis Mends are Ibtwiesttd with Secretary itoot, and that a number of fine resi dences are to be erected on the tract ti.svg b.ov; gooo, sp.vt.WB. nogs were: sua give higher: prime heavies, $7.85j mediums,! ruachlng 7.h0, Uav Yorkers. $7.707.76: lls-hl i ,. .,, Yorkers f.fi0l'7.66: pigs, $7.60g 7.tii; i l" ri roughs, $5.bO(i-'7.wO. 8h4ep wars steady; bttst wethers, 1606.25; culls and coiu luon, S2.2&&4.S0; choice lambs, $7.60" 7.66; vtal calvss, $747,00. Last Buffalo, N. V., Maftb 23. Catt'.e wwre active prime stesrs, $6,26(55.60; hsifers, 4.&04.6&; cows, $i&4: bulls. $1.(04.20; stock heifers, $5 76 3.60. Veals were lower; tops, I8$l.35; com mon to good. $5.60tf 7.815 H ogs were fairly active, heavy, $7.76'7.86; mixed, $7.607.76; Yorkers and pigs, $7.60a 7.60: rouKhs, $77.20; sLas. $5.606 Native lambs were 6c. lower; Oilaed hbicp were 25p higher; top native lambs, $:.57.76; culls to good, $6.60 tui.ttv: western, )l.wni.bb mixed. President Invited to Montrose, Pa, Washlnglou, March 24. James T Dubois and Kdward Karr, of Montroue, Pa, ycatorday invited the president to attend a demonstration to hi bald at Montrose la June In honor of Qa lusha A. Orow, who on March laft r tired from public life after almost (0 years spent In th public service Th ."to mterday to $t&6.26; culls, $i.246.C. K-v a deflnlU rf -poos n th invita tion. .... To the. licpublican Voters uf SnH I wIkIi toexprtjtM my sincere for the conliul supimrt you gavj the jillwiur y election m N whieli gave nit' l ho iioiiiinatl Iti-girtior & Itticonler, asHuringyi if elected in November J shall fl or to merit tlie e.iiiflilcnee yoj ilaeed iu me, Inn very truly .John I). Abb Manage. Wanted. Trustworthy lu ly or gentl mauagu bubineas I i tills Cou adjoiiiiiig ten i lory for well am ably known JIoii-j of solid standing. $J(J.liilt.iraiglit casl and exuenaui, pahl each Moi check direct from lieadtju; otnso money advanced ; loei muneiit. Address Thomas Mauaifcr, 10 JO Caxton Buildi cago. (S-lf