M1DDLEBUKG POST. iTIlII DUMDO RE STORED I invite all t my store ami IJ ynr attention to wy line of, Dry Goods, Notions. Groceries, Drugs, Hardware, Tinware, Queensware, Glassware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. A Fsw Spscials Extraorfliaar Urn. IV-t 8-day Clock in market my price, $2.00. FaiH-y Dark Outings 5c. ur. Hcst seamless Grain liags, 'JOe. I'ui'irv Whips, 15c, 2V, 25c, 35c, 50c. Tilt Window- Shades, 10c. Standard Table Oil Cloth, 15c. Watch My Markets f,,r liwtter and Kggs Lard and IVnltry. I always pay mure than my competitor N. T. Dundore, DUNDORE, PENNA. 1 . CAN'T GO ON 'CHANGE. I lrlar Fraaria of 1 , .U r..kiJH.. k Klaa; Kilnatil to Gigage la Ilrokeraajr Unalaraa. EfiE j Consumption i a ..ertd flcuris'iiin? best in mr.k ;, ssff ai v. i J f: it s "j-to'v co! trovtu while winur: r.tn c!d, sometimes i'Vi- Strengthen 'he luiv-ss you touIJ weak land and the will disappear, best lunr fertilizer if. j -.'C'tt's Emulsion. Sail pork ! . ;; od too, but it is very ha' d d; '-est. i;me to treat cc.7v-i"n: vou begin trying from yourseit. RFFDS That SuccEEd U aa TltcSpeilllueor R I.niulri-tli t Sunn. tlieoMt'Ht ill Am- 1 ia, ina t j furs' experience wilh Sceil. iiml the result" of I tii are i iiwmI ut tlie service I L.r-t.'uii imdem-M ill n niiHv illuHru'tMl I'mOiIokUc, is-metl t'lttlt. No. Ornwer of SoeiK Lrxmmal or iiiU"r, can aljuni to be without -tile Vulimlilc infortuktloii contained in tins AMERICA'S BED FOR 1SQ3. Hie pluHl hi n.ftlto thin uttriM-tive itnd howy led r wort h from $17 to fl 0", ii'-i-cir-lintr i hut ytiu him hve the Soed (oi;rovv tlit'tn, frei of Huti-jr, by euiUmiiiK thin tivi'tti'- Lnt wtlli yoiirratva orm'r, nniitmuiiiK u i.u or nur". it mre iinn'.tiw.'ou uiki nii tifMi rip Lin UmlrrthfT CtaloKUu. Write to day for the Cutnloi;iH BIG RETURN ON A 25 CENT INVESTMENT. VoUgH seed rnndrctliH Jarly Stimimr IjtiKircllift' Ul.ite J jidy 'iiiK'T Snirlet TeiiiiiiluilJ I-iiiitlrrtlm Kimt Virginia Sitlfd lion It r Arkmiis TrMVlr Itloiuiimliile I'tur. Ijui'lretlis' KnrlieKt Which cIULt;un i4 t?eeilfl for twenty fire (.'5) ceiitifii .loscl with the Order will 1e muiel, 0 PRODUCE f VliO IIcikIk nf ('iiIiIiiiko . . I HUM) Hoot- of Kuoixli . . . I 1"0'I Hc0' Ilf lil'OtN J 10"0 Krui'n of CiuMiintier . . ) urnfl llt-nilnof I.ttile . . . I .MH) KruitH ol Watt'rinolon . i !iin) Hnllin of Onion , , . L 51) I'lunla of Tomntu. . . i .i i i wnen ; . i.kIj it 'i sers sec it, you won't i 1 'on t wait until you can t u'.Lceivo yourself any 'lone,ir. I ikgin with the first thoii;.;lit i ti take Scott s KmulsiiK's. If DC isn't really 'Coik-umptlon so ; Bjuch the better; you will soon j forget it and le better for the u-emmeni. ji u is consump tion you cant expect t be cured at once, Imt if you "will begin in time and will be rigidly regular an your treat mcnl you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh imr, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best trcalmcnt. Wc will send you a little of the Emul sion free. I'e ure ihxt -tlii pi.-ttire in tlie l.rtn ot a IWjoI is t.ti tlic wnpher o( every buttle uf l-.muUuin you buy. Other Knli.-,! n ;'ti nn.l wciii.mi of title may ;,'u into "U:i.':i." :is much as tln-y s;r lit -ati'l t! cy ;uv ;,'"in;r in for it iikho ;uk! 'nine- Imi tli? mi'tnl.crs .f t!:c r-:; not do so if Ki'i:r li'l vont it. Tl-.e kin; !;a. tcrmiiuMl vi to n l' ra I la tit nnil sjMirty l'i-:..c of Tcck, who w. i:t ,! i i tempt i nr offer in;.'!- to wealthy "city" ti.-a: to tliem on the l.nn li m m.h I 1 i in i ly will 'I can pre i put a le ; I. n of the . 1'r.in is I .ICil'jll 1 1n him iiy ii re rc.-ent i scitalijje. fcr Infants and Children. Tin Kiti'l Yon Have Always loii-;ht lias liornc the signa ture ol'C'uas. JI. I'li-d licr, nnd li;ts lx-cti niatlc under lii-t iersotial M!pcr iioi for -r IJO years. Allow no one. to deceive yon in lliis. ('otuitrl'eits, Imitations anil ".Tiist-a-i-uooil " are lint I)erinients, anil einlanyrer tlio health ot' Children Kxierieiico li.tcai nt K)eriincnt. The Kind You Have Always Bought Ucars the Signature of itr.iil. I.houl.l like to niKil cni'li of my r.lil LtoQIlTH ailtl frlt'llltMU CiiiiIokiu'. ai 1 Hill lurH to till onlers irouiptly unil sutis- fcurilv. FORME LY OF r0CHEST6fl, N Y. MuCB Mll OlIOiR Of PARTME NT. D. LANDRETII & SONS 1217 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ONE PACKAGE FREE Have you got Dyspepsia, Indigestion, or any kind of stomach ailments'.' You can be Cured; I will send you FREE a package of -vstiimeh tablets whi':h is the lent remedy for the stomach that Xss heen prenarnd. J have had more than 20 years' experience " mm, Indigestion, tjasfrii the U)inacli, heirivburn, purpitation "ViiV-urt, and pixir digestion. - heen preparnd. J hin ' ' -(ft-gwat'tly. that-yj4l My Stomach Tablets 5C0TT & BOWNE, Chemists, 400 Pearl St., N. Y. ". and ?t: nil flniistt S9 mixer: rii.NM'is optkck. Kltig KJwur l Won t I', unit Him to II. cmuc a St. k Packer ) The prince duke of Te lirother of the son of the late li and. jnciilcntally, the the princos of Wales. who. in all prohaliilily, noine day will be ipieen of J.'iiffl.ind! The (inn of liordon. J I j J I lV (,,. of fered his hij,'!u;is 13.lMMI a year for Ids semcc;.. Then several' other houses made Mill Jii-hei- otfcis, and it licKan to look as if the prince could irit nliotit anv k.-ihn-v ).. only he played the diffcr- iit:aiit each otlier skill- fully enough. At this point, how ever, the kinir Meiuied in with the 1'riincis' oine; of the uncMion. position as the close pleased if tilt bidders remark that J'rinee m cliiinire was out His hitrhne tllteillitott, "I am plail to nuic," .ait! the friend, "that jrn in lil i njr is a vice that has no teniptat ion for yon." ".None whatever," anmcrcd Senator Sorfjhmu. "I am unable to find any excuse fur a man's risking1 his money when there are so mur.y sure thirds Ijinif a rotiiul beuu'inir for altcDtion." WiiKiiiiifftun Star. Asswt the stoinaeh to digest food. That is their mission. They DO Tlli.S by setting things right in the stomach. Create new life and energy by strengthening the stomach. Any Form of Stomach Trouble Can be cured if the right remedy is used. My Stomach Tablets is the Remedy. I have seen hundreds of very bail eases cured by tlietn. HEREWITH ARE TWO Among Many Testimonials. Strawn, Tex., Feb. It), l!)0:t Mr. John Morrow, Springfield, . De;ir (Sir 1 'lease find ?2.."0 for which mail me three boxes of the Stomach Tablets, these I order for friends. 1 have taken about two boxis and they cured me of sto mach trouble. Many of my friends have tried them and say they me the best they have ever tried. I could not sleep on my left side for inauy years, but I can lie down now and sleep any way I happen to lie down. Yours truly, E. L. Ram sky, Kai.kiii, III., May 10, l'.mj Mr. John Morrow : Dear Sir Received box of John's st imach Tablets and took them ace u'ding to directions (2 days) and I slept soundly both nights, soni 'thing I had not done for over n vear, and I was hungry every meal and enjoyed eating. For the last year, soon as 1 would eat I would feel my stomach and head begin to pain me. 1 am going to send part of this package to my daughter, and if it helps her (I feel sure it will), I will soon send you another order. Yours truly, Mtts. (J. A. Gun run. My oiler to let you try them FREE is based on my faith in and ex" perietue with uiy Tablets in curing dyspepsia. Write me at once and the FREE TRIAL PACKAGE will he sent by return mail, and soon you will be cured. (.'i-l'.MO-t ) JOHN MORROW, Chemist, 96 Forest Ave., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. WND0R HOUSE W. H. HITLER, Proprietor 18 Market Si., Marrisburg Pa., (Opposlta P. K. R. Depot Entrance) . nllMl for All rralnH- poms, 25 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c flood accommodations. tt a.d Warn. an ika (.Id MtiveBromo-Qululue Tablets cure -"luauuy. io cure, no pay. rnce vi lug. TPAYS to advertise in a live and to-date newspaper, try The POST. For results PCHESTER'S ENGLISH f HiNYROYAL PILLS l.r. t!.M'MrWrrS 2bt.'UM,,w, " rniartBt for V ii1,.,m,'k" KJ, in Md and r'o I.' . ?. waliHt with blue ribbon. r"0"nii,l l.r lBlit.Tu. nbvtl. tIKl I, "'"MtOIK. Hll.VlfV.llirllmiii;i:lt1 f I,... ? "nil. lu.uou '1.11, ,,.., ..i. U..U1..; -iurr, FMUk- ua UUaaaak Patentsj Guaranteed Under $20,000 BOND THr. KEYSTONE LAW AM) PATLNT CO., 107 Betz Build. Ing, Philadelphia, which Is the only bonded Patent Agency in the world, oiler to make a Guar antecd Search of the Patent Of fice Records not merely iheir opinion Free of charge to read ers of this JornxAL who will send a sketch, model or descrip tion of their invention. They will also give a certificate of patentability which will be of great assistance to nn inventor in raising capital. Valid Patents wilh the broad est claims secured on easy week ly payments. Write to-day. 5. S. WILLIAMSON, Xo. o Run T. F. President. I'rrferri-il II Miiillnn, Jeweler The inscription you whh fngravyjl on the iutdde of this ring, 1 unrlerMund, is Trnest to Jrene'.'" Young Man (with embarrassment) Y'es, that's right. l!ut er don't cut the "Irene" deep. Cincinnati Kn ipiircr. Such n Itiiruntn. "I wouldn't give I w oci nt for a ciear like t hat !" he exclaimed, as lie t rie! f Mi llie fotirt h t i I ii to Hi; hi otic. "liut. I didn't, ticoi'L'c." protcMt l i tearful little wife. "I only gave v.i cents for lit) of t lie in". I Icm la In! 1'iaiu Dealer. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. relative ot one of the most promi nent members of the royal family would, Kdwnrd Nil. pointed out, be a delicate one as matters stand at In Use For Over 30 Years. Liberal Adjustments. iVrompt Payme REMEMBER H. HARVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSTANCE AGENGV BLIK8raiOT! I At Only llio OMpsI. t.'nmjil Cash Cmi):init's, I'ir.', JiilV. Act iiliMit and Torna.i. No Assessments No Premiv; Jgples. Tho Aetna Founded .., 1810 Asscrs 1 l,ii'",Tij.S8 " Uomo JS5;J J."i:?,:W.4 44 American ' " " IS 10 " 10 The Standard A..!-!cnt Insurance Co The Nev York I . Insurance Co. The fidelity Mr. . .1 Mfe Association Your Patronai' . s iliclted. present; while, in the event of tho princess of Wales becoming ipieen, it would he impossible. So the prlnco wilt not. go into the city which is rough luck, for he gets no appropri ation from the royal till, and is a bit hard up, as his father wan be fore him. His highness, who is now .'!.'!, lias had a military career thus far, being now major of the First dragoons, lie was educated at Siind- 1 I hurst, und lias served iu lnuia.JIgvpt .inn jitianu. ne saw purl ol t ne South African campaign as a captain in the remount department. DOUBLE-BARRELED GUN. Olid ( il ll lion 'I luil Wnn Mmle lor I tie ( iinfeileriile rin.v. II ill nrr I it'll i n Vt ll r. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, die courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneertulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a child to be bet i5 afflicted with weak kl( neys. If .be child urlt ates often, if the urine scalds the flesh rr ... hen the child reaches an ape -.hirt should be able to control the pisage, It is yet afflicted with Led-wettlng. depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists, In fifty cent and one dollar sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Ron of Swamp-Rc. Ing all about It, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N.Y., be sure and mention this paper. I sup- Thruuich n (ilima. "So Trof. Armerook is dead, pose ne sluilieii too liurd. "No, the thirst he died of whs not for knowledge." "Well, at. any rate, it was spiritual over-exertion." X. V. Herald. Front rated Iteforin. Reformer My boy, if you smoke cig arettes you Will never grow to be a big man like me. ' The Kid AVhnt do I care! Napoleon was a small man, wasn't lie? l'uek. The Wlndoiii of Alice. Mother Why, Alice, don't you love your baby brother? Alice What's tho use? ' Ho wouldn't know It, if I did. Town Topics. Drrrltrnl Man, Xell He said I was bis penrl. I'elle I guess he wanted to string you. Philadelphia Record. In one of the city sipiares of Athens (la., stands an interesting relic of the. civil war what is prod ably the only donlile-liariclcd cannon ever made. It was designed by a resident of Athens for use in tlm confederate service, the idea being to discharge a project ilo from each barrel simultaneously, the projec tiles to be connected by a chain. Xo chain was found to lie siillicictitly strong, however, to withstand the RELIC OF CIVIL WAR. (DoubluJ-Jlarre led Cnnnon Now Owned City of Athens, (Ja.) strain, and the weapon was never tested iu actual wjirfare. The can non is uiude of cast iron, says the Scientific American, and was molded at one of the local foundries. It in of three-inch caliber, having a di ameter across the iiuulcs of eight inches, and across the barrels of 111 inches, while it is 5.1 iuches in length. It it provided with what is familiarly known as a "touclihole" in the breech, connecting with both barrels, so that it could be discharged by ig niting a fuse if desired. The idea of the inventor was to connect the balls by a chain several feet, in length, the ends of the chain being fastened into each by staples.. Chain-shot was often used iu naval battles to car ry away the rigging of an enemy. It was discharged once after heiug built, but unfortunately one barrel for some reason did not "go off." The force . of the explosion of the other barrel tore the chain from the ball which remained, nnd gave a curved motion to the projectile. As a result of this accident, it was con sidered too dangerous to adopt for use, and was stored away, finally being discovered only n fewi years ago in a shed. It was then mounted upon its present carriage anil placed' in the park for an ornament. , MOST LIBERAL OXTER or THE YEAR. The New-York Tribune Farmer is a national illustrated agi iciiitm ::l weekly for tanners nnd their families and stands at the head of the agri cultural puss. It is a practical paper lor practical farmers, helping tin-in to secure the largest possible prolil from the farm through practical methods ll is entertaining, instructive ami practically useful to ..W-vu-'Ytr' 'yi r.v.d d:A.gUH".s, vV.ch lute .-. ,, K covers in an attractive manner The regular price is .jl.(K) j.cr year, I. nt for a limiu.l time wc will receive your subscription for Till; NKW- Okk TRIIiUM; l:ARAI-:R and also lor yourowu favorite local newspaper, Tin- I'ii.-t, y uldlebm g, I'a. Bath Papers One Yearforonly $1.25 Send your onh r and money to i he I'ost. Your name and iuMiv-s i postal can! i Till NI;V.YORk TRIIU,M-rAR:il.W, New-York City, will biil:g y ll I'ne sMtil'Ic copy. Schools and Courses ol Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, Pa. TKAUIKKS' COL'lvSK.At Ibis time sicc i:tl attention is enHul to ihis nun-si'. It is ititciiikil lo iidv.-tiu c lite t tlicieiicv iiikI ctit iiiiijr c.iia(-ily of lliosc wlin It'inli (liir'unr flu: Winter, and also to prijitti'i for leai liing. Tlie entire ttnirse covers four years, all of which run In- taken lv teachers without interruption of their wotk iu the school-room, mid leads up lo a porinancnt ('crtilictiU' and other advantages. This meets a loii"; felt want of teachers who must e.trn their educttlion with m-ii ji salaries and oilers excellent opportunities for steady advancement. Teachers and tho.-c w ho wis!) to prepare successfully for tiachiti" should not fail to :(iiiaint ihctnselves fullv with the hem fits to lie del ived from this course. This year the term begins April 0, lilOU, and closes .July 'Jil, l(.l:. Kx.ense are very low. Write for full particulars. MUSICAL CONSKliVATUKY AND COLLWiK 1'OK YOUXO LA 1)1 ICS. Degrees and Diplomas (Iraiilcd. The Spiing tutu hcj-iiiB April 1, 1003, und doses June 17, l'.:?. Special anangi rvnis haw ht-en tnaile for a large attendance for Ml'SIC and other studiis. Thera is a ispk-ndid course in Elocution. Facilities arc nowhere hcthr. The work is in charge of an able corps of teachers w ho rank with ! n-t any where. The large imposing Ladies' Hall has all the modern cot v. uicm-cs. The environment is home like nnd parents can rest assured that their . - . ... rll ! daughters will he given the I -est can- in every way. i tie cim " healthful and the surrounding scenery is all that could he des:t student come from the hest homes. Why not ;-ive your dim. advantage of at least a few terms away at College. The day has when the girls were kept at home, ami only me nov- scm i . Kates are very reasonable. Write fiir catalogue and particulars COMMKItCI AL COl'liSH. All increasing number of ot- are finding lueii live positions at the counting dc-k and in I.' meet this d mam' the University oilers a moro'igii auu cnicicm. eial Course, consi.-'.ing oi Iiook-lcejiing, Penmanship, Shoi lli:'' mcrcial Law, itc All or n ('these subjects may be pursiu . si curing a .superior ( 'oiinm rc'id Cuirse, our slitdctil- enjoy Ire advanlaircs of a (i mnasitim, Li'.i'itry and Kcading-i m, Lilci. " . ' ..... " riM IT' i ties, and the UnivdMly Itle in general. 1 ne invi-r-iiy ; stimulates the ambition of stin!tnN, and. together with elli-ient gives exceptionally sutisfaeton nstilN. Wc have no dillicuh' iug positions for all students plcting flic eotirc Write lb' particulars. 'i-iw. rv,n,.rr.. ..(' f.ilii.inl Art.- is noted for its excellent Sc.! Classical Courses. A contse bi Civil Kngineeiing is -tcn. The Preparatory School fits r'nlents for Colleeo cut ranee. A . .-".s. ' . . . , . . X - 1 T T 1 I'l.'lllll.''. M J I. WOODllUI 1', A. IS. WAli.M'.H, or .J. r. im'-ju r, .. Dean. Ki-islrar. . VvA- vis'y cry Our r tlie "iu !y liege rsoiis lo i ural i -ie-iliero a ijotl at. d