aIIDLllEBURG post. I Wi ricii' T! 1 HUMMEL'S WHARf. Quite a number of rafU passed ,1. . !.... t.iof ,.-,,.1- ,WH lilt. nvu wav nv v. i, (t-r Iiaiky attened the sale at It A 'PI 1... Woi. Young and Corporal J. L. 1 ' .. A . I gtuv. r mane a inp m ouuuury , ,j . sday evening, owing to me 'tioa of Compauy "K." i Klingler, wife ami laugeter . ! .urn, were visitors :it Harry at Slinmokin Dam, Sun W i 1 lot Moyer entertained 1 T 1' 1 lt,r -,-vr, Mr. .Jones, a iov nays v :.i i fl Trui t and v.-i.'f spent ,- at Slrmtokiu Pi: ., witli i Vibogast aaiLliimily. , n ! lijwer ami wife, of ;.r!,..''', arc; visiting their many r containing the ftirnitnre jv Newton Nipple, arrival at .... I- .....I 1 1... . n . I I 1 .1 I ,r,n; ; i , was nrougiii 10 me nousc t : thcr-in-law, Thomas Hett Tl:,. body of a man who was ri,vin"l, was ioiiiui m ating on me H 1. . III MM rivtf, i""H lacuers iiaim. j tie ,!. was discovered by two men : ,uin Hani. It is reported itt!n' were one hundred and in 1" I l A nrlv .Hilars in ins pocia'i. vn . . . i. l.i i .I... i... i was iit'iu, nun me do ly was u: taken to tiiwcr-iaKer u inner, jiuiiiurv. It was identified as llui .' lid ward Toole of Wilkcs- ir.e. Triii'ly Av-'l. "Just in the nick of tin;.- n.; r lit. lipliiw was saved" writ, s v . Wat- kins uf rleasunt City, ho. 'Tm-n-r i i ..i i .. . i . i fciOM.i i'-M pmycu uu eaiuo wiui tiui iiial a temblo coliyli set in lie uUs. JKietors tieatcd him, hut lie ew worse every day. At tenut i ke tried Dr. Kind's Xhiv Discovery lurCi'ii'iiinj -t Km, and our darling kas sii'.-.-.i. ties, now sound, and Irell." llvi-rylinU oupht to know, tts llit imly sure cure for (Jonahs, old : :m all Lune (Iiscusps. Ouar- nt.r ii.v .Muiiiiebiiitj JMisr (;o., Univ.-,v unrmsin, lucnuciii, J'n., !, . Sampson I'onnKcrcck, Va. nt. ..v. and Trial bottles 'ti'i THE OLD RELIABLE. La ' f Absolute! Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Isaac Kline :n,l .In.' Frceliiirg into his new place. (Jin!.:. ,.! ii (.- at lii',- SWINEFORD. D.:vi l Wetzel spent TliursJny lit if town. A. Markley of Aline a id ley Weaver of jVItHcrvillc trau- V-UiV,y'ieHS m town I'riiliy, ofi;;. at Alulershurg. 1 , ' :ning Is now on tlie Liiram. Tlmrsd.iy eve. a Mirprise party as lit'l'l for Allan) Knights. A. (J. Haslioar transacted business Willianisport Friday. Mrs, J. L. Marks is siiemling pine time at Lewistown witli Dr. C'.Aniig and wife. A. Krnvr transacted business at Ircaiiur id unlay. Saturday the Franklin township iojI iiuanl met to compensate Kir teachers. Mmidiv John Grulb wife and Mi'": Ira I?ingaman left for lVi. ',!, M;-. (irubb expects to ke up ICO acres of Government Jiinilio and Jerome Kcrstetter of Ivtes received a car load of -ouri horses Thursday. Geo. Stettler and Elias Minium 'ove to ( )rieutal Thursday. Kwsl. Dora and Clara Libby are CTdin.r s. iiiie time at Weikert with ir uiiele James Iibby. Francis lleigle and Edgar iraiury of Kantz were noticed on ir streets Sunday. uiarlcv 1 atterson of Nnmnpv is 'lieiuling some time in town. Harry Altig and Howard Sliam- '"ot raxlonville were in town turday. Janies Zeigler if Lewistown wa9 Pit to Middleburg station during '"'"sh "1 Li. E. Wetzel. James Itatlifon of Selinsgrove p m town Friday. f".kliiirr (.(" Prcidiiircr ,Yu uk. e 11 ''''il Saturday. PAXTONVILLE Emanuel IJowersox ofLindsey, Oliio, spent a few days at W. . (lifts'. Misses Ann:. Gift and Scholl' stall of.Sunlmry paid a viit to A. Gil'is' i.yer Sunday. Win. A. Di rr of Slianiiikin came hotiu! on Monday to see his father w '' is sick. Charles Wcirick spent Sunday at Heaver Springs. Miss Hattie Shaiubaeli of IJcaver Springs spent Siiiiday aftinioon at Isiiaii llowcrsin's. Mis. Paul Liw.dW of Excelsior is visiting at C. L. Dorr's Miss Elda Graybill of Trocl ville paid a Visit U lu r p.uen1 Sunday. Miss Mollie Miiehell of N',.n i . town is spending lur v . i! i-m w'. Iier parcnK Miss Annie Swengh; returned home after a few weeks' visit to L:!wisburg, It Nilvol Ills l.rj;. P. A. Danforth of I-aGrau, ia , sullercd for six t!:-'.hs with a fruliitl'ul running h ; J...,, but writes that Hi; i . Salve wholly cured him in live dius For Ulcers, Wounds. Piles, if8 the best salve in the world. Curo gu n Hnteed. Only 2.") cts. HolJ by Middleburff Drusr Co.. Groybill 1 (ianiiai). Jiichtield, Pa.. Dr. T, s.- ... ' - - - Miss Libiiie liingauian ami Miss Lydia Beavt-r did some shopp;ng in Suubury on last Wednesday. 8. G. Moyer and wife of Frank iiu township visited at A. 1 1. IW- ersox's Saturnay. j Jacob A. Freed ami John J. To bias have rebuilt ami enlarged Un stable on their lot. Mrs. W. F. Feese and Master Karl are spending t lie -amvIc with! Middleburg friends. I Foster Smith of Swimford am J Yeinou Ilerbster of IWelton were ' Sunday visitors in tic burg. James E. Freed, sold his barber-! ing outfit to D. F. 11 al ley. Mrs. Lucy Herbal , - i h, r home to Clinton Mitehcl oi l i . i ville for 750. II. A. Mn-se; and wile i-atcr-tiin. d Mr. M.i-.rV bro'lier !,. : u .ir Mid.ih.biir;;, over Snnd av. ! K'V. . J. Dice and Jainily were t!i.; guests of 10 I ward Freel's while enn.ute from l.' "in.,i (,, their new a(.p iiiitinent at Ivi.-t Ti..a County. Ilov. I. P. iiiiinerinan pr. ;,. !;rd a very excellent sermon on Sabbath morning, the occasion being the -Jutb ' anniversary of his cntcsing the min istry. Mabel, the 10 year old ilauglu. r of John D. Ilerbster and wife hoi ! the misfortune of falling while run ning down a hill Saturday, and broke the bone in her left leg above the ankle. Kev. Jcre Linebaugh, a student from F. ami M. College, Lancaster, preached a very excellent sermon in the Reformed church Sabbath alU-rnoon. Howard I leibster, who with his bub' brother came home from the Loysville Orphans' home tu escape tiie scourge of typhoid fever now prevalent there is lying sick at tip home of Robert Ilassingcr and v. i'', with same disease. A GEO A JUDGE WAS ALARMINGLY AFFLICTED WITH CATARSH OF THE LUNGS. 'SI P1 2U .'lVV 9i. :t::r-.-. ,..-r;:J?si'vvi o vrU:,fcA .riSlsW 7 Jll l'J':'rt ! HI!! r -scssm vk.vm'.v.-m.?x v . n i -'-A.r. " . r hi' 7; i ; .-. ,i oi';iii .i i-! itfer; I "rr JUDGE DURHAM, OF GREENSItORO, (JEOtttJZA. Catarrh of the Lunns the First Stago of consumption. CHAPMAN. Miss Minnie Mover and Mrs. Kate Cov'.'Iius and daughter KMc returned home fp" i ' :it Sim. bury. Able Ilenvhl returned home ff.uu Slianiokin Dam where lie was employed buii .ing rafts. The party given by Norman Uickle and wife was a most enjoya ble occasion. John Eisenliart and James lieieheubaeh, paid their parents a visit Sunday. Win. Huntzleinau left for Dun caunon where he has secured a posi tion. Jumbo Kcrstetter bought a car load of horses which he will dispose at, public sale. J. A. Hummel, our iiicieliant, is preparing to paint his house. H. I. Moyer intends moving to Sluimokin Apr. first The honey in our town must he awful sweet for the Is from Port, all llock this way. Henry Suflel and wife of Sunbury returned home after a short visit to their son-in-law and daughter F. O. Hummel and wife.' More ItlutM. Disturbances of strikers aro not nearly as grave as au individual dis order cf the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tensionis will bo followed by utter collapse, un less a reliable remedy is immediate ly employed. There's noLLini; so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver and Kidneys as Eloectric Bit ters. It's a wonderful tonic' and eiioctive nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nervousness. Smith and family spent I "neuniiuism ana Neuralgia and , e:i'eis 'lumna iierms. uuiy oV. So All Medical Authorities Agree. Juil;.'i Piirlinm, a well-known Joral Jiulm nf (ireeiitlioro, fia., liml im expu rieii. ith peruna well worth reciting. i A r;.irt Ii:nl lieeome current nniiiiitr the JuJkh'u frieiuld Unit ho wa tliroateiiej with consumption. It wa fcmil for a tiaio that fieorKla was to logcono of lit most proiniiK'ntaml influential citizens. It was also reported that tho Jurlpo '.tad failed to pot any relief from nny of e tins meilieiil niil n t lila nninmnii,! Il.f l, i( Id ill the Reformed church on ! Lad iniulo una of th.i iii.w wiii-lil f'imnni sainc date, with preparatory on Saturday evening April l!:. Services will be held in the I. !(!, eraii church every evening .'n.iii.j next week, and tin H dy C ii;iii it: ion will be celebrated on A pi P .".il,. i oiiimiimou services v. -I .,, remisly, Pvruna, nr.-: , - ' , covery. TlieiiiiitU , . - . ..; i ., tioii in iiit-il I nl , , t'.io many frii n.lsei .1 : U. i ui li. not only exerrdinu'ly ratltiid n covery, tint were eiitlnistalln ; jr praises of tlio nnieily that had ',t htia relief. The f..;i,,i,vl!i;; written ptateme in tho JimIko liiniM lf set forth the ' Greensboro, On., March 3, . "Some (linn a,;o contracted.-' era cold wliU h sett' d un my lun ! in my head. I trljd many remec'. all of which save mo no relief, i . cludjd il:at mycusQ was catarrh c .lie head and lur.j-., awl seeing V . so highly recommended I he.m u.!ng It, "I c-.'rmiu'd using Perur.i for rhnrt uhile, and have never felt ifit ca.sf symptvniH of i.ntnrrh since. I'c. runn Is cert;ii;. 'y t. , d medicine, ant deserves tho I hot :.". v. Vi a Riven ft ! y thti general public. " Jia.,.: Inn ham hr.s been Sieri'tary nnd Treasurer of tho r'.tyof ( Ireen-lmni, (la., for tho past t'.ireo j '-ars, uud lias been hv..: j.: h;e fur toll ;rs. Dread Con inptlou. There nro thron roa. whieh lend from health to coiisumpli. . Over .no ol these ro:i,! jviii.s a!! t,f n( (.-ri mult), tudo of jiei.ilo vim die ever. Year ct ''"n'Jiiiiipliiiii. Kiieh rmi.e In..'!..-, with h' i:;h ii tii 1 happlnesi and , i(i til. i'iihi and ilenth. i'irnt run.!: a plight culd--. '.tli .i tu the lo ad r thr .-. , ealurrli cxteudx to theluiiKs lion death. Beoiiiul road: a tililii .-. . ; , i . , conprh ("ottleM in flie li:tis ,-,.o unlly Krowini; wrt e.u.--i. death. Third road ; -i oold ne.-l.-. i... in the throat- .oarseiiccs .-.-i,.,, eiinsuiiiptiui: death. Thousaiid.-i 1 vo just started on nno oi these rmidr!, a'' easily eur.'d hy J'er i. Thuisa-; is i,.-re arc half way to t! fatal end nl one oi' tnee mads who nr- (ill eurahlo 1 v : cninxj of treatment y re-ania. S',-, olu.i thiiusand-i are ,iear the . vli"-i la.-, J days cmi!d he made ! ' 1 of roi'ovorv lin-ro I'l'.'Sa' .. i . 1 1 lllij I'el'lltia Yvli.'tnlll del tcd- :n illlo sump. h'-'tm'. . ".el. ath experiencing the very best results from the first bottle. A reward of $10,000 has been deposited in the Market 'Exchange Bank. C-m bus, Ohio, as a guarantee that the nhnve test All the solids in the,i., j in our possession authentic letters certifying to the same. Every one of our tcs wiii close on the first day of April. I. Umonials are genuine and in tho vwls of tht on Vh r, ,nr)Ji G ssssgss gsi? casa o ' 1 mm i f'lE si li 11 i ilt 1 FURNITURE OF ALL. KINDS IT IS THE EARNEST DESIRE, The Constant Wish of the Proprietor of the 1IG STORE to see the business increase to immense piopurtiuii-. Store second to none. The foundation stone has been laid on the solid rock of Best Qualities, Everything satisfactory. A !' pa liillU the Remember the store is now to your interest. When we buy a lot of goods at less than the usual priee we will mean to you. Already you have us to thank for the greatly lowered prices that exist here. In the New Department the keynote is Reliable (.Quality at Lower Prices than elsewhere. It's not how much can we get I'. Rut how much can we save for you. Entire THIRD FLOOR devided to showing f Furniture, Marked al -ueh Nov prices that re going to surprise all who are within reach of our store. Do not take our word for it, if you plea-e, Inspcelion. ALL FURMTMRK DELIVERED FRLK. .ut 1 . i '"'ay at lieavcrtown with .lame Ul'I'lister linn sdid:. ticii guaranteed bv Ml Idle iu'-u Jiniir i'o (irayhill K. i .. . ' . .in i . Pn.. In- J. V urs. I' - I. A I.1..: 1 . . . . ' i. u, j-vuiiii'v MieiiL iiiieiv s., in i. If .1 . . . i 1 '" ' -iiviuru with her uareuts J. W esu-ni-di o...l ...:c. ami wuc li kiick, Pa. BEAVERTOWN. Aliel Wincy and wife entertained Mr. Wincy's mother last week. Misses Carrie Power.sox and Clara Honst, spent fevcral days with Mrs. The lullowilHr fnmtliim linncrul "'W'tS last Week Tn Iv'linn v " Fremont; Jonathan Grubb ''.' " X. Dakota; George V'U iii ivcd in the house vacated WxTt u.d wiif i r,,.,, pwedin the house vacated bv L F Ileaeliel and John IJcachJl L,,.-.;.: im -fine to Glen 'Wl to Kissiiniuec; Charles Hum-' U'd . v.i.we l,j inlcnds learning u'vm in to house vaeatal by telegraphy. Important Carpet News. Carpets and Furniture are prime factors for home lmilding and vie with each other here in opportunity to save for you. Carpets have tak en a rapid advance in prior, recent ly the rising market found us witli a well bought stock and we luivn't revised the old prices either though new, markings, consistent witli current values would net a mug profit. At tin; old jirict- yet, T m here the saving comes in to you. The Spring Season is on witliru -li, delay may ineaii patterns sold out and wlien wo buy again tlio price will lie higher. Have you a parlor, sitting-room, library, hall and stair or kitchen that needs new Hour covering it will be profitable to cotnc here before you Imv. Havonnorics for $1.25 md $1." AVilton velvets $1.50. Axiuiiiiotei.-. and velvet r;S.!. $1.10 to $1.25. Square Top Ex tension Table. New Queens ware. The time of yi ar hen in.itiv people are inteie-leii i:i : le- oal'YS to llll'llkll lie- ..hi 1. 1. n... I when von want to '! eeiYil ii. siitif;n lory you will liinl o'.r'iii !,, s will di i-i- ymi ami the pnei- .-lie i u:iitcred and (iolden Oak highly polished. Top tU i i.v enii-ideiate, $.()() Iiiniur S.t nnd ii inch ernved leex. $4.25. $4.50. $5.89. $0.05. $7.50. S..15. Ss.os. ',l1' :!' -, be.-1 Aiiierieau i.or. , Ion $.5(). $10.00 and $10.35, S fool ones in very ln-t ii;i!ity S'l.-i.oo. -iiiMiinih-.-d not to era'e, a pret:;, $!'.. SO. Drop lent Dining or Krenkfast 'Iahlo lioldeil dak lop :ia.ts, ""ei oeeoiauon. $3.00. Soft Wood Top Kithoti 'fables, Natural finish on I.insuiul I'raiue size 17.4J $I.3V. 100 Chiffoniers with brasdrawcr pulls, doldeu Oak, le-'e !. I (Iolden Oak same height " loin; di;nei- . .s that dr.iwi I-, $5.35. Hid door $5.05. wiiit;- for S7..15 W rli .' drawers ami iennan Ji n ' 1 1-- I'jiper drawer swell front !nrj.-t- m:i - o.1'.'. ARM ROCKERS, OVIZK 50 STALLS to .select lioin. ijuait a k. golden oak, golden maples, carved spindlex, braeul Inmost -I'liilial wav. rpliolstered with velours, in colors, both t -1 1 and ! 2.30, $2.50, $2.70, $3.00, $3.15, $3.25, $.1.40, 3.a i, : $1.00. $12. IIU Mill:-: - Under L'!:ie d- eorV -r . . I l':n i d hatid !i - I 3. ."0 I ) i 1 1 1 r et li 'O pii-i t ' Il I'lo-S llU ill Huiu 1 1. ii . i i due.- iilid I no id!) - ' $15.00. $2.50 f, III l S' a lI'U .... edge and hate ts iii Jicwistown last g Front- Street. l i.;..mi .mi ,.J oclireyer. tv H Iftitnitflii'"' ' 1 '