The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 26, 1903, Image 2

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London Promoter, Charged With Cc
lossal Frauds, Held at New York.
Philadelphia Police Have Startling
Evidence Against a Doctor."
Wright U Charged With Wrecking
Concern Capitalized at $60,675,000.
Members of Royal Family May Be
Connected With Gigantic Swindle.
New York. March 16. J. WhltaUr
WrlKht. the London promoter, who is
accused of being concerned in colos
sal frauds In connection with the or
ganization of various financial cor
porations, was arrested yesterday on
the arrival of the French line steamer
La Lorraine from Havre. The arrest
was made by two central offlce de
tectives at the request of the London
WrlKht was taken to police head
quarters and later to the Tombs po
lice court, where he was arraigned
before a magistrate and turned over
tn Hie fnited States authorities. He
was then taken to the Ludlow street
With Wright on the steamship was
"a tall. K'd lookiiiK young woman, who
said she was the niece of the prisoner.
Her name was on the passenger list
as Miss F. Hrowne. Wright when told
that he was under arrest showed no
evidence of excitement, and said that
he was a friend of King Edward. His
principal concern was to avoid pub
licity, and he asked that his arrest be
kept from the newspapers. W right
and his companion were entered on
the original passenger list as M. An
dreonl and Mile. Andreonl.
Wright and the young woman occu
pied one of the finest deck suites on
the steamship. Wright was sitting at
a desk in his cabin when found by
the detectives. When addressed by
name, he at once admitted his identity,
and on being told that he was under
arrest at the request of the Leudon
police, said:
"That was a business transaction. I
understood that the matter was all
settled in parliament. This is a sur
prise to me. 1 am willing to go with
you. All 1 want is to get away from
here with as little noise as possible.
Pont b't tin- newspapers know any
thing .ilioiit this."
The iliiancial crash of the companies
floated by Whitakcr Wright came in
iwemtier iU'mi. There were 11 of
these, including the parent company,
entitled the London nnd Globe Fi
nance Corporation, with a total capi
talization of $i;o,fr75.00n. Wright was
was the managing director.
One of the victims of the crash was
the late Marquis of Dufferin and Ava,
formerly governor general of Canada
nnd ltrit'.sh ambassador at Tarls. Ho
consented Jto be chairman of the Lon
id. and -Globe, ud l 25,000 r.harqs
Jn'th 'different companies. With Lord
Duffirin mi the board of directors
were Lieutenant General Gough-Cal-thorp,
who was colonel of the Fifth
Dra'-'non Guards, and Ixrd Edward
William relhatu-Clinton, master of the
late quei n's household, and Fun of the
fifth lmUo of N wcastlo. When the
crn0i came Lord Dufferin was con
Hired sover. lv for his connection with
the Wright companies, but in a frank i
Fpppch to Hip stoi kholders of the Lon-1
don and Glebe Corporation ho do-1
eland Lis position and won the sym
pathy ot the country. His wealth, at
one time lare. was believed to have
eeen swallowed up in these com
panies. Much American money was lost In
the failure of the Wright companies.
There was a great outcry against the
authorities in not prosecuting Wright
and his fellow directors of the London
nnd Globe. A fund of $25,000 was
raised on the Ixindon Stock Exchange
to initiate the prosecution of Wright.
Arnold Wtiite, the author, at a meet
ing, said the reason the prosecution
was not undertaken by the govern
ment was that tho directors of the
London and Globe were sheltering
themselves behind members of tho
royal family. He added that he under
stood a royal duke had Invested his
money in the concern, and he believed
that "certain hangers-sn at court"
were using the name of the king and i
others for the purpose of hiding their
own nefarious deeds. Other speakers
at this meeting declared that the
stockholders of the London and Globe
were victims of one of the most "ter
rible, heartless and gigantic swindles
of the present ag;."
no date will be set for the ln-
They Blew Out the Gas.
Raltimore, Md., March 16 Margaret
Beck. 17 years old, and Louisa Gebe
lein, 18 yea'-s old, immigrants from
Llavarla. who arrived here Saturday
on the North German Lloyd steamer
Frankfurt, were found In their room
at the home of the former's uncle yes
terday, unconscious. The Deck girl
lias Mnce died and Miss Gebelein Is In
a critical condition. The gas Jet was
turnen mi. anu u is supposes mm one
of the young ladies blew out the flame
Saturday tiUlit upon retiring.
Czar's Decree Does Not Affect Jevs.
New Yor k. March 17. Dispute he
from two Hebrews in Russia wv-re
print"! in a local .Jewish paper yester
day ") the effect that the czar s recent j
(cr" proclaiming religious iroedoni
will not affvt the Jews. The dispatch-
s ure from Haron Horace N. (inenz-
Mrs. W. G. Dartre and "Dr." Hoossey
Held For Death of Woman's Hus
bandMurder By Poison Instead of
Philadelphia, March 14. Charged
with having poisoned her husband.Wll
liam G. Danze, who died 18 months
ago, Mrs. Catherine Danze, of 2525
North Fourth street, was committed to
prison yesterday, without bail, and
George Hoossey, a negro "herb doctor"
and fortune teller, who, It is charged,
sold poison to the woman, was also
held without bail as an accessory to
the alleged crime.
The woman has been under arrest
several days, but pending a further in
vestigation she was not arraigned until
yesterday afternoon. The principal
witness against her was a private de
tective who was detailed to look into
the manner of the husband's death.
His investigations led him to call on
"Dr." Hoossey, the detective feigning
illness. While he was being treated
for "kidney trouble" the detective told
him he was having trouble with a
woman, and after further conversation
the "doctor" volunteered to sell him a
powder that would kill the woman in
three days. The "doctor said he had
given a woman some powder more than
a year ago to get rid of her husband.
The woman promised the "doctor"
f 1U0, but only gave him 3L
A city detective then took up the
story and told of having found two
boxes of rough-on-rats in the negro's
store. Ho also told of Mrs. Danze's ar
rest, and testified that she admitted
having secured a drug from Hoossey,
which she put in her husband's coffee
In order to cure him of the drinking
habit; that he was a hard drinker and
abused her. She further admitted, the
detective said, that she paid Hoossey
after she had collected $3,000 insurance
that was on her husband's life.
A chemist testified that the package
the negro intended to give the private
detective to kill the fictitious woman
contained 1C0 grains of white arsenic.
The body of the husband was ex
humed Thursday afternoon and the vi
tal organs were turned over to a
chemist for Investigation. This will
tale several weeks, and pending his
Mrs. Danze, who has a daughter 19
years of age, and a son 18, has always
borne a good reputation. The physi
cian who attended the husband in his
last illness assigned rheumatism of the
jieart q the cause ofdeath. The phy
sician said he hiiif "been a cnronlc suf
ferer from this diseasp. '
Well-known physicians in all sec
tions of tho city have reported cases to
the district attorney that will probably
lead to the opening of many graves and
to the holding of as many inquests by
the coroner. In each of these cases the
patii nt first appeared with a minor
complaint, which grew progressively
worse nnd which, Just before death,
manifested what are now recalled as
the usual symptoms of arsenical poi
soning. In each of these reported cases
there is a story of insurance, disturbed
domestic relations, or an affair of next
of kin. It is said Hoossey's home was
visited frequently by many women,
most ot whom wore heavy veils, who
bought his deadly potions.
A clean sweep was made of all the
physicians in the northeastern section
of the city who have signed death cer
tificates within the past two years that
specify heart legions as the cause of
death, and seven of these practitioners
were closeted with Assistant District
Attorney ghoyer for several hours, dur
ing which time they went over their of
fice records in the mortality cases, and
frankly stated their suspicions, lneach
of these a thorough investigation was
ordered, and the local managers of all
life insurance companies were asked
for information concerning the policies
paid upon the risks in the cases.
It is not believed, however, that
"Dr." Hoossey was knowingly a
party to any extensive plan to murder
people for insurance money. This the
ory Is based upon his moderate means.
Being uncommonly shrewd, Hoossey
would have demanded a large share of
any proceeds derived from any policies
Issued on the lives of his victims. Ills
specialty seemed to be the clearing up
of disturbed domestic relations by de
liberate murder, with the Insurance
feature as a secondary incident of his
work. His price, according to the mem
orandum found in his shop, was in
variably 100. Some of his patrons are
only referred to by numbers, otners by
hieroglyphics that nobody but himself
will ever be able to solve, but there can
be no mistake about the entry "$100"
that appears after each of 34 entries
made on the same record with the $31
entry which admittedly applies to Mrs.
Catharine Danze and the $10 entry
which Identifies the case of Detective
Gavin, who says he contracted to have
his wife murdered by Hoossey for $100.
Lioa la the Iateraatioaal Scrlee
for March 119, 1003 aar
terly Review.
GOLDEX TEXT. Lo, I am vrllh yoa
alvraya, rrru aalo the ead of I he
world Matt. SNtlfU.
A. D. 51-54. Second niiiouury jour-ey.
t inter, raul at rlulippi.
Winter. At Thest-alonica.
Spring-. At l!eroea.
At Athens.
, 5:1 (one year and
At Corinth.
Writes 1 Tht ssab nians.
Writes 2 Thessalonians. At
lift urns to Ant b-ch.
Third missionary j
Ilevisits Gulat'a nnd
,. D. 52.
A. I). 52.
A. I). 52.
A. D. 52
A. D. 5
tnont lis).
A.D. 52.
A. 1). 53.
A. I). 53, 54
A. 1). 54-5S.
A. I). 54.
A. 1). 54-57. At KphrMis.
A. 1). 57. Spring-. Writes 1 Cnrinth
' tans. At Kphesus.
I Lesson 1. Paul and Silas at l'liilippi
I Golden Text: Relieve on the Lord
Jesus Christ, anil thou shalt be saved.
Acts 10:31.
Lesson II. Christian Living;. Gold
en Text: Itcjoice in the Lord nlwavs.
-I'hil. 4:4.
Lesson III. Paul .nt Thes.-altii.iea
and Heroea. Golden Text: Thv
word is a lamp unto my feet. Ps. ll'j;
Lesson IV. Paul's Counsel to the
Thcssalonians. Golden Text: Hold
fast that which is g-ood. 1 Tin ss.. 5:21.
Lesson V. Paul at Athens. Golden
Text: He preached unto them .Testis.
and the resurrection. Acts 17:1.
Lesson VI. The Church nt Corinth
Founded. Golden Text: Other foun
dation can no man lay than that is laid,
which is Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 3:11.
Lesson VII. Christian Self-Control
(a temperance lesson). Golden Text:
Let tis therefore follow after the things
which make for peace. Itom. 14:10.
Lesson VIII. Christian Love. Gold
en Text: Now abideth faith, hope,
rharity, these three; but the irreatest
of these is charity. 1 Cor. 13:13.
Lesson IX. Paul and Apollos. Gold
en Text: If ye then, being- evil, know
how to pive pood pifts unto your chil
dren, how much more shall your Heav
enly Father pive the Holy Spirit to
the'tii that ask llitn? Luke 11: 13.
Lesson X. Paul at F.phcsus. Golden
Text: The name of the Lord Jesus was
mapnificd. Acts 10:17.
Lesson XI. The Hint nt Fpliesns.
Golden Text : The Lord preserveth the
faithful. Ps. 31:23. Lesson Topic:
Without Knowledge of Salvation.
Lesson XII. Paul's Messape to the
l-.phcsians. Golden lext: J.y grace
arc ye saved throuph faith. Kph. 2:8.
The church t..Ternsalem was a cer.
ter of. vin proceed ttlravor. From va
rious sources we learnTKntTtftr'wnsr
a missionary to the Jews as far as Hnl
ylon nnd Lome; Andrew to Scythia,
Asia Minor nnd Greece; John to Asia
Minor, espeeiallv F.phcsus; Jude to
fend t ct. and
we will arnd you
the PhU-iKts.
MVE AWEIitOAN Px'ent Author IT l Am-
j erica! (ol a 3-montn a trial auhacription and it
you have an !tra on a Inch iou wish lo secure
a patent w will. Uiiun rveeipt of a descripl on.
sketch, or mo'lel of J our invention, nave made
for you. FKfcK OF CHAK'lE. a guaranteed
search ol the I atent Oftit-e Itrcorda to ascertain
whetuera Tali, I tent 1 It hroad claim rail
lie mured KY WV N Ytil'K lKKiS. (The
regular charge for 1 1' is $."(). If you pun
serilw for l'KOi.HKJvMVK A.tlKKICAN t'da
e..fvh will 10M you nothing. We make this
liberal cITer tru-t lug- thai our efforts in your
liel-n f will induce o'l to become a permanent
subscrils r If w - find th t your hi a is pattn
tali' we tv'll eei for y.iu a ertiflcnte of ratu
tnh'tity wlii will te ot great a1-tutice to you
in riiiniiic i-atMial.
ThK vn:vr dvpaitment of the rK.
OKKss VK ftMKMCAS wi.l prove of gnat
value to the Inventor in fait to every wide
awake erwin w, o lioe to lienefit his Condi
tioti I y us nit his hrniits The inventor especi
nllv will linn this di-partment a Kde and
Wear itlnd ti answer any questiont you
may ink. and we will try and Kive you Com
plete ic formation a'ul advice, togrf'toi-r with
hint- nnd HuuKetioti Uion new and untrie.1
llelilf ot elidravor.
W rite to-day. Address the PKOUKKSHIVK
AMKItK'lN. orth lllh St . Philadelphia, Pa.
N. li If vou send a description of your in
vention, afdre ii to the e liter ot the I'KO
(.Ul.sSlVt; AMKUK'AN, N. 13tU St.. I'hila.,
Pa . and ICnrk it tersonal.
When wriiinit mention the I'ot.
Sheriff Sale.
' iw uv kl FsTiTK. Rv virtue f a i-eitniu
wnt of H. Kn. issued outcf the court of Com
mon Pleas of Snvder county. P . and to me
directed. I will'oell at Pulilic Sulv at the Court
lioii-c, in .Middlenilrg, I n ,
MATl'HOAY, March Mil, 1 3-
At ten o"cto:k, A. M the following lt-ul K-
Tract No. I. All that rer an lot of (tround
spuute in Adams two., hounded on the North
hy lands ol Henry Knliiu and Frederick tiear
liari, Kat by public road. So-dli ly pulilic road
'nnd lundsot .lrs. Hannah llnmanian : West hy
j lands of Levi Musser anil Joshua lling-aman,
cniiiainiiiKS.'' acres more or less, on which are
e'ectcd a new ilwellinx house, hank hum and
all neeesary out Innldinjrs. wood simmr ap
plcorchnrd, lime kiln nnd quarry on the farm.
Trad No. J -Situate III Centre twp., hounded
North hy lands of Piter lrcc-e, Kast hy public
road. South by lands of John I.o nest hy
lli nrv !-ncok, contaiuiiiK 7 acres, more or less
I rait No. J House and lot tH'iltm in town of
I enlerville. bounded North hy Market street,
Headaches and
Dizzy Spells,
W e a R, Nervous,
Wretched, Tired,
Until Dr. Miles' Nervine
Cured Me.
Are you in a "poor condition?" Are you
almost ready to give up from exhaustion,
nenrou,snes, headaches, backaches, and
dizzy spells ? No need to mention the de
tails of a run down or "poor condition" to
those who ire sufirrinc. lit Iter t-j tell you
of Nervine, the remedy sold on a guarantee
to help you, and restore your poor weakened
nerves to life, strength and health.
"Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine has done
a (Treat deal for me. In the fail of 1897 my
health was in a very poor condition. Ex
treme nervousness dizzy spells and sick
headaches made me most miserable. I had
been under the carejof our local physician
for some time, but eft no better. I was on
the verge ol nervous' firostration. Had no
appetite, and could not tleep. 1 grew worse
as the dizzy spells continued and lost flesh
and strength. Oh! those awful days. A
lady friend who had taken Restorative Ner
vine advised me to try it. 1 bought a bottle
at the local drug store and when it was one
ha' f gone I noticed that the medicine was
helping me. I continued taking it according
to directions until I had used three bottles
when I felt so much better I stooped taking
it. I feel that my present rrcatly improved
health is nil due to IK Mi es' Rcsyrative
Nervine. 1 am grateful for the benefit I re
ceived and recommend the Nervine wholly
on its metits ns a nerve tonic and restora
tive." Mrs. 1'. M. 1 loiloliuOM, Dillon,
1 All driiCL'its fell and ruatantee first bottle
I)r. Miles' Uemelies. Send lor free book
Far, Far Away.
T t I
iiuc irs, 1 i-uuMurr tier f..
away the prettiest girl I hat.jj
Jim Yes; I have noticed tu)
keeps jou at a distance. l'hllji I
ltulletin. '"H
IMsplay, Too.
"Men, cnesi.v niuy ue (.'iinctiwf
you must admit that he reprtJ
"He surely does; a capital Lj
cinnati commercial tribune.
The gtrranoaa Society Ul,
Uoromy nix iiincneoiis .uutlt
Did your gowns hold out?
Isabel lea, indeed! Hut I ij
auv itiuiciDunuu iui me last
Mast hy Alley, t-oulh hy :inl street : West byrn Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
lot of I", o. iiowersi.x. i.uoii sumicnnu aw.- 1 ut. .v.ius Medical t.o, Clknart. ind.
lent fruit of nil kinds.
Seled, taken into execution and to he sold I -
n tl,f. nroiiertv of Stetdien tiirard Hinifiioian I
CII A. V. . Sinipi-cll, MierilT
Mierlft's oilice, Middli-huruh. Ph.,
Munli -Kh,
, I
Sheriff Sale
OF HKU, KSTATE.-lly virtue 'f 11 writ of
alius Ki. Fa. to ine direcied issued out of the
t ourl of Common Pleas of fMijder county. 1
I will sell on !
I SA Tl'ItDAY, Varcli 'Jsth, 19u3,
'atone o'clock P. M at the Court House in
I Middlehiirit, Pa., expose id nl I crale the fol
lowinK described real l-slati . both tracts of
' which are situate in Centre 'lo. nship, Miydcr
I comity, Ph.. to-wit :
Tinct No. 1. Hounded on the North by lands
of C. FcssIit. 011 the Knst by .1. fainlcr. on the
! South bv public mail and on the West hy A.
: Miisscr and J. 1 llartinan. contiilnliiK -W acres
! more or le-, whereon lire erected R-mid Irainc
' dw, 1 init larne bank barn, and all neees-aiy
! oiitbuildinK" ore tiood. I ruit is kuoiI nnd plen
tiful. , , , ,
I Tract No. 2 Hounded on the North hy land
t". M. Showers, on the Knst by K. I'enner. on
the south hy Public Itoad and on West hy I.
Waller. eontainiiiK 7 acres more or less.
Seined, levied upon and taken execution as
the property of William Allen Snook, ih-fen-'
,l,.t ,.t ii,,. Hiiit of Kliiibeth!l.oiiir. nlailltilT.
t HAS K SA.MPSK1., SherllT.
Sheriff's Offlce, Middlehurg, Pa ,
.Vlareh till,
On Silver Plate can only be
determined niter loii years
of actual service unless you
purchase ware tieariUK a well
known trade-mark. For over
half n ceuturv Spoons, porks,
etc., stanieil
Auditors' Notice.
Notice Is hereby k'vi n to nil pnrtles hBvinii
hiitnaaitnlnst the estate ol llaMd llerrold, late
of Chapman Township, snvi'-r ou-y 11
-IjiKsitiViswS'll Hi all utfc ,i 1 Llt,
that tue uiicersiitne ' wsauuiy spjiuimru
tm to make disiributinn of the funds reiimin
in in the hands of the admililsiialor of said
I, it nml that he will sit 'or the tiiirpo-c of I
1 disehariiinir Ihe duties of his niirolntniuut nt
Have lieen in use and ptven
perfect siitisfactioii. They
are suld hy lending dealers
even-where. For catalogue
No. iei, of new-designs send to
the mnkers
Meridcn, Conn.
No Place for It.
"i nave nere a worK w hich ht j
in every uoiiie.
"We don't need it here. Xtii i.jcurnaL
llie IUUI1 nuuiii uiun (,'ii((1 p'
nowadays can draw froud t.itl.
well. One prominent illustrator.
Instance, is tinder contract to fit;
for $100,000 in four years. Hum
foj one of the two paper for
he regularly draws.
Force of llnhit.
"Have you any printed "aihuj-J
the lawyer s uoy ot 1 11c clerk int',1
tlonery store.
"Xo, we're all out of prlntedtJ
replied the clerk; "but we've MjJ
just as goon. lonhers siairuj
'Weary nnd llllr.
"Every woman I braced ter-iJ
me if I wus lookiu fcr work."
"Ana yet (ley say uat "oiimJ
got no sense u niiiiiur; qJ
"My husband went tlirougil
late war witnout a scratch.
"Kemarkable! Anci-ne stnytil
all the time, didn t he? -X. y
the olllce of .lames ti. ( rouse, l-.s., at -fliuuie-
1. 1 v I... A. .til Jtli i-io:t nt 11
Assyria and IVrsia; Thomas to Syria. ' , i.'.i. '. i t ..1,1 da'v. when nnd where all
and perhaps lYrsia anil India; and
.lames to E ay fit and I'alesline, An
lioch. .tdo miles to the mirth, later l e
onine a new center.
those h.ivinir cla ni as .if.ce-aid in list r"sent
and prove 'he same or be fi rever debarred from ;
c-oinilitr in on sa d fund. '
CHAS P. I' I.ltlCH. Auditor.
M roll 9th. P.KW.
Fluures from ( olleues Show 'Flint
Mcotlnc Stunts ,mvth of
S 1 11 d e n I a.
Nicotine in t erf 1 res with r;row th.nnd
its effect in that regard is very meas
urable. At Yale during the four
years' course the nonusrrs of tobacco,
although taller when they enter, piiin
21 per cent, more in height mid 10.7
per cent, more in girth of chest than
do the habitual users. Dr. Hitch
eook, of Amherst college, found even
greater differences. '1'hc difference in
the lung rapacity is very striking in
the two classes, and has been noticed
by all observers. It shows the effect
of toliacco on the respiration, nico
tine being a potent depressor. As re
gards the effect of nicotine on the men
tal processes, it is more difficult to
interpret the meaning of statistics.
Out of the highest scholarship men at
Yale only live per cent, use tobacco,
whili of the men who do not get ap
pointments, do per cent, use it. It
is not necessary to interpret this as
meaning that mental decrepitude fol
lows the use of tobacco by young men,
for there are other factors to be con
sidered; but it is certainly not condu
cive to the best work. World's Work.
Notice of Pinal Rule.
To I. STItAWSF.l!. lute of steelton,
Pennsylvania. a final rule for
divorce has been hi""1"'! -"Kinn-I oil lit tie"
uit of Viigie A. st uuscr. your wife, which j
will be heard in tbeCouitof Coluuien Pleas of
Snvder county, of October Te. 111, I'.sr.', No. '.'. on
Vol day. the iirsi dm ol June. on which,
day, yoil 1n.1v appear and flinw enii e. if ft'iyj
you have, why sin h divi,re dioiild not he:
u-ranli d auaiust you. V'
JAY i. Wt-IM-.lf. I
Altoiiu-v fur l.ilic l int
Vii!d:cUi:h Pa , Vanli '-'iid. I'.". 4 t- I
Isnotstenm-cmiked.thercforeitretalnstbe S
rkli, Xut-likc Flavor of Wheat.
Sold lu a-lb. packages by all leading Grocers. ;
Chance to Join ss t'lob That !
1 Krerybislr should Join the Mutml Um
IsloClubot America. There Is timblntrtil
anywncre. itooiitsainiostnntuiiiit(iuri
beneata It gives are wonderful, linuta
fiurchase hooks and period icalu, n.uwus
nstruments at special cut prim II n
dooed rates atmnny hotels. Itiitinnaul
rrve 01 cnnire. is orrers scooi.iiTtiitsiKi
hie cash prise to members. It niliua
rooms In aiany clttesfor ltsmssitr. ha
every mavnber receives the oriilmana
tl4 K'rr Montaatun !i:ailnBM
elf.lneladlii pleoal of hi, 1:-. is"
f : ,juU '5tjUJ cvncrfai
xtra thsrget T pleees lo j'e y-irl
Tho full yearly membershm fceJ0lM
wnicn ynu se nil o"oot ai:ii 70a
draw any time within three aiukil
want to do so and get your dollar tea. I
don't care to spend fl.UO, srnt iip:'Jt)
mouthsmemueriDip. rioismycaii iznm
this offer by. You will get rncrBwftf
value many times over. Kuli pa.-tlcbm a
sent froo of chnrus, but If y-m irarf
Bend in your request for memi'isiup t;
CntT foeatoni'o. TheSSctn.tiimBWS
ershlpotTer will soon chants, Wrtwii.i
dresslnttyour b-tter and em-loliiK I'sl
yenr'sinembenihlpor twenty-uvecuaH
No. 1SO.NlisanSi..v T'
k 1
c f
. I'ctprsbiirv
: ' r ( f a iji-w:
and E. Soko
paper at War-
''ot svii!'
Dying For Love at 13.
I'a.. March 10. Tired of
li;e i.t jZ y i s of a;e. Hc-ssie Confcbr
lies ;.. iii i.of.e in Uranc hdale, near
here, crii' ally ill from drinking three
oi-.ntts of laudanum. Despite her ten
der years, the girl was disappointed in
ly' - . i - . -j
Sensational Escape From a J i I.
Jackson, Miss., March 17. Four
prisoners confined in the city Jail here
made a sensational escape yesterday
by eawing their cell bars. The men
were G'.-orge Thomas and John Hums,
United tat"s prisoners; J. E. I.cland
and W. K. McDonald. It is raid that
ters of Administration in the es
late of 1 1 1 1 1' v lloyer. lab' of Jackson twp.
SiiMler Co., Pa., dec',1., havlt'i,' Is ell griliit
ed'lci the iiiulfrshrbeil, nil i.-isotis kiiowint;
IheinseU.'S lliil'-btcd eslllle ill I' reipiesled
In iiiiiki- linlnedlaie piiMneiit. while llinse having
i-laliiiH will pri'M'ht Iheiu duly authenticated to
the uiiderslKlled.
C. W, UoYKIt, Adtn'nls'rntor.
ll. rllelon, Pa.
to r a of Ailiiiiiiistration i 11 t h e
sstnte ol OcorKe IK user, lul" ul ( h n p in a n
twp., Snyder CO, Pa dee d, liavlnit been nrantsil
lo 1110 uiiiic-muned, an ta-rpous khukiiik invui
nlvef Indebted to said estate arc rciiiested to
mike lintiiedlHte pavment, while thuse havlna
cUlms will present thtiii duly authenticated b
tha undersigned
w. 11. not
Chapman, Pa,, Feb. 'J-l'J.3. Administrator,
It esta rd 1 n k
within will be
our guard with-
"Father" is the Key-won1, to all true
The light from Heaven can never lead
I'rayer is the anchor that holds us
fat to (lod.
The i-tream i f life rises not above its
The best prajer for more power is
the practice of that you have.
He has n beggarly idea of prayer to
whom it is only begging.
I'rayer is a holy art, in which the
best of us are but beginner. 1!am'
The Sin and the Sinner.
Hard living dues not make easy dy
ecret of nearly
of guilt !id'!s stings to our
pn.Mcins center in the kin
the men were i
iou wor.'M dr- :
Is said to hn-.
yiously. I.clai.
a charge i;f L :
was under et.-blftmy.
by n m'tr
l '.-k, an-I who
; ; Jul! prt!-
;r.fl:ivl r-n
.: i McDonald
i ; . ytarg for
Secret tins: are the
all f-iu.
The tense
All fc'X'ial
There are 110 sins that a man may
keep to lumseif.
r-e'llshiiesg i.-t the cause cf tin and
tacrilicing service its cure.
He who bears falte witness agalntt
Ms neighlxir bears true wituei-s
Iguinbt hluiself. Bain's llorn.
ters of Administrnlinn In the estate ot
.lames Troup, late of Perry township, Snyder
County, Pa., deceased, bavin- hern (trail ted
10 the, all persons Known, k iiiein
selves indebted to said estate are rciicsted to
make Imiiiediute payincnt, while tho-e hai-ing
clnitns against the said estate will present them
duly authentii-uted to the undersi;ued.
.nill 1 siii.i 1 i.ui.l, Aiiionisirn-or
Var. S, )9t3. Aline, Pa.
jwt. o. 1. rouse, Atty,
WANTED Several persons of character nnd
itood reputation In each state (one 111 Ibis ( o
required) to represent and advertise old estab
lished wealthy business house rf olhl I n.tneial
Is 1-J.18 inclii's ; large and strong enough t.
vot.r Dictionary, Dikfxtoky, Dun, l)n.w
JiiHl.E, Atlas, or any heavy volume, at any o
anclt-. It can he revoked and arfjuxterf when w
fo as to always throw the vtrongest light on the p
You ean thus avoid the drain on your eyfi'MK
when holilinrr a hook in vour hand or on a levfal
It is made of Ouk, and has on one edje a
keep hooks from sliding of!.
This Case is 15x15x12 inches. The shcls
Oak nr Ash. finished on Ixith sides and oil all 1
and have 9 inchesof hook space on four bides, or 3 feet in ill
room eiiouirh for reference hooks of daily use. Many books nuj
l iilnceil on tho miner Khelf. In all tweutv to thirty VoltM!
- i . ,c
sio. can he out in it.
CASTINGS connecting the top and Case are finished in hla'H
and of stifiicient strength to last a life-time.
Pipe, Post and Legs.
Tho fl Ii'o-s nrp ntfficliivl hv riiiind-lipniloil Hcrpvvs til the llinw
IiiIm thU tint a foreiil nn inm ivino. which runs mi throllir I
the q
r i t i - - "i- o ,.
iiii.l t, vvliw'li tlui iMiufmira nt tiin Inn uro illlnplli'il A mill (I
" ' " " - - ' -
the Cake revolves.
As s Home, Office or Liiiuaiiy article we claim its cijual o
:. mm c 1 1.: t , i l.c iins
in i ui iii-y ui nun piuiciiic-ui i an
t !st.
d't.onai,aiiay,fbi. i,i .uri. in. , (te,s ()f the highest commendation from thousands of Ministers
d net from head o llces. Horse, nnd carnal;,' r , , tjj
furnished when necessary. Id ferenees, l-.n-
close self-addressed envelope, Colonial ( o.
ill Dcurborn ( liicot;a.4
TO CI'ltK A lOI.U IS .E UAt.
Tuke Laxative Ilroiiio-tiuinineTiilili'lH
All (lruihts refund the money if it
iiilti to cure. E. W. (I rove's riyiintuie
uli eueli liox. -rie
ii. ( i'.fll SF,
Mi:)3T.VBf.'HJ, Pa.
Al! I, t iitrutte.1 to hi car
;;. iriii-ivo tiro iui it attention.
turni'iH. I'll vsIi'intiH. Cnvernment . Rtnle nnd Cintntv OfJicial!
and Jit siness Men. Over 50,000 have hceii sold in the United
ii ii l orders now come for large lots from England and other
count nc.-.
I IIONV FINISHED. It is handsomely finished in Antiq
and an cinaineiit to any Oilice, Lihrary or l'arlor.
j AS A (HIT. Nothing made is more snitahle to present to
! or as :i eddimr or liirthdav (lilt than this Stand
i HOW SllIITEI). This Stand is sent knocked down, wrsjTf
! henvv tinner iiiakinir a imekiure of 20 Ihs. Jiv Ereitrlit 'l
i' nt
nftiiid-elofs ni:tl nt about half what it would i-eft n rtDl
I'lain directions lor idittinir totrether tieconnmnv each Stand.
. . .
, While the regular price of this Stand is $7.00, for a tnon
Dollars I
'AA Potticgeif,
VeteriNARY sUrceoM,
All professlnniU buidocai ehtruatad to tt.j euro
w'U receive ircmpt tui careful altciilloo.
15., Chicago. Or wc will send the IViht one year prep:
StandMiipped V. O. II. Chicago, for D.50.
The POST, . ..