The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 19, 1903, Image 7

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J l7.-..: nil to mv store anl call vonr attention to my line of,
l W Goods, Notions,
rocenes, "s.
ardware, jl m ware.
aeensware, Urlassware.
Hats and Caps.
Boots and Shoes.
i fbw Spls-Eilirflwan Val&es.
8-dy Clock in market -my price, $2.00.
Fancv l)ark ,ltinSs' 5c "
IV4 W-amlcss Grain Bags, 20c.
Bnarv Whips, lSe, 20c, 25o, 3.-, fXV.
Window Shades, 10c.
prolan! Table Oil Cloth, 15c.
Watch My Markets
fr l.uttor and Eggs, Lard and Poultry. I always pay
ire than my competitor
N. T. Dundore,
w ho arc thin and
t not sick enough
..... . I.D I SI ONE DAT.
iati ve Bromo-Qutnlne Tal'leU
,ure. K. W. Grove's signature
i.n.juv.'tii entrusted to his car
eteriNrV surgeon,
Lfsslonal Business entrusted to my care
Lo. prompt -iid careful attention.
W.fl. BI'TI.F.K, Proprietor
Market Si., Harrisburg Pa.,
(OppmiteP. K. K. Depot entrance)
('allel Tor All TrnlniK.
ns, 25und 50c. Good Meals, 25c
Good accommodations.
tiae tens ami Warua un tae t'll
tiveBroiiui-viUiutne 'tablets cure
tiiuailay. No cure, uo pay. Price
Indies Vanted
$5.50 Sample Outfit FREE
I itraiijlit front, Nature's own remely
ln B.iKaclie. Nervousness, lnill.
lor Fnllintr Hair; prion. II 't oilet
..tL.l.Mi. Writ., f.i llh...l Tm.iiih.
(j.A.Scott,J70B'way N.Y.
Semi Si cts. ami
fft1 will wenil you
the l NO IRKS-
8IVK AMKHK'AN (t''e I'H'ent Authority of Am
erica) for a tf mnntli'a trial milmcription and if
you have an i If a on whirli you winli to secure
a (intent w. til! upon receipt of a dem-rlpl on.
sketch, C iuO'I-'I of your Invention, nitve uiA'le
for you. HKK OK I'llMtOK, a guaranteed
(arch ol the I ntent OHIce UecorcU to ascertain
whethera valiil patent wi'h hronil claims can
he securer) HY ioC N YOI K IHKSS. (The
reirular clmrirn for tu's l turn). If you. sun
vrihe for I'llOi.HKS.slVU A l KIUI'AN thin
smirch a-i 1 1 nit you notliins. We make tlii.
llheral offer trus- I nil that our ('(Torts in your
bolia f will Induce Jo'ltolieeoine a permanent
MibKcrilicr. If And th it your lilca Is patt-ii-tah'e
we will get for yuii a crtillcate of I'ateii.
tntillity whliiU will t)c of great assistance to you
in raisin capital.
OHKssiVK AMKHICAS will prove of ureiit
value to the Inventor, in fac t to every wide,
an-nke person who hopes to henellt Ins condi
tion liy usm his lirnins Tin- inventor especi
ally will linu this di'piirliueut a Kiiiild and
Wear" iflail to answer nny iiicstiont you
may ask. anil we will try and give you Com
plete information and ail vice, togi'tncr with
hints and sutKeitions upon new and Untrle I
fields of endeavor.
Write to day. Address the I'ltO(illKssl I.
AMKKIt'AN", ortll l.'lth St . Philadelphia. I'a.
M. 11 If you send a description of your in
vention, address It to the editor of the I'lio
(iUKSSlVB AMKKICAN. N. IStU St.. I'hila.,
I'a.. and mark it personal.
When wriiinu inentm the Pcht.
The rralkin sick, what
a crowd of thciv there are:
t' ! '
' ;i: crises" that's
vi v. doctors call them,
rMiinon Hnglish
" t;'c continued
:Vsh they need
nulsion. For the
i weakness they
!N.etl ::coUs hmulsion.
It make? new flesh and
skives new life to the weak
Scott's Hmulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It makes new.
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
for ordinary food.
Scott's Hmulsion can be
taken as long as sickness
lasts and do good all the
There's new strength
and flesh in every dose.
We will be glai
to send you a few
doses free.
He sure that thit picture In
tiie (urm of a Ijb'd it on the
wrapper of every bollle o(
Euiulsiun you buy.
409 Pearl St., N. V.
50c. and $1 1 all druggists.
rilTKIXS' XOTICK Notice is hereby
(ten Hurt letters testaiuentnry upon the ca
ul Hrnrv MeiiRlc, Inte ol rcrry town
.nriliT Vn.. I'u... dee'd. have been Issued
L fnrmnf luw to the uiidersiuncd, tu whom
Leiikd to said estate should make inime-
pavment and those Having claims nRainsi.
Ulii iiresent them duly authenticuted for
I'n.LiP A.KciiNEl!.lEjc(,utor(i
I'mLii- Mesoi.b,
heasont Milln, Jan. -Hi 03.
nliy given tlint letters testiimenlnry up-
lie estate of Henry:K. Kicgel, lute of
ifbiinr. Snvder County. Feuna..
ksed, have l'en Issued In due form of law
nmlcrtilirned, lo whom nil Indebted to
rstate slidiild make Imtnedlate payment
ii liavliiK claliiiH against It should pre-
memauiy autiicntientea mrseruemeni.j
eburgh, pa., Jan IS, 1903. Executrix.
Sheriff Sale.
Of HEAL KSTATK l!y virtuo of a eeltain
wiitof H. Kb. issued out of the court of Com
mon Pleas of Snyder county, fa , and lo nie
directed, I will sell nt Public Mule at the Court
House, in Mlddleburg, I'a.,
SATURDAY, March SStli, 1913.
Alien o'clock, A. M, the following Kcal Es
tate to -lt: ...
Tract No. 1 All that ce'f-i lot of ground
.JtJawwiiii'i''iiii I'lJt-jipun, iiir,nfji.
by lands ol Henry Kulina and itrederiek Oear
hart, East bv public road. Month by public road
and lands ol .Mrs. Hannah Hlngaman ; West by
lands of Levi Musser and Joshua Bingainan,
containing!! acres, more or leas, on which are
erected a new dwelling house, bank barn and
all neccs-ary out buildings, llood spiing. ap
ple orchard, lime kiln and quarry on the farm.
Tract No. 2. Mituute In Centre twp., bounded
North by lands of I'tter Drecse, by public
roail, houth by lands of John lisa West by
llcury Snook, coutuiniug 7 acres, more or less.
Tract No. U House and lot diiiliin in town of
Ccntcrville, hounded North by Market street,
Kant by Alley, South by llrd street : West by
lot of P. O. Itowersox. Good stable and excel
lent fruit of all kinds.
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold
asthe property of Stephen Oirnrd itlngamau.
('HAS. b'. Simpsell, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, Middleburgh. l'a
March 4th, 19u:i.
ters of Administration in the es-
Of Henrv Hover, late of Jackson tWD.
pr Co., Pa., dee'd., having been gram
t the undersltrned. all rsTHons knowing
pelves Inilebted to said estate are requcsled
Arte Immediate payment, while tbosehavlnff
felt will nit-sent tuum dulv authenticated to
C. W, BUYER, Administrator.
Httrtleion, I'd.
Mrof AdminiHtratipn in the
I" l George llouser, late of Ch a p m a n
i.SofdsrCn. Hi.. i1u.',l b.vlna bMin irrantAd
Motidenlirned, all person! knowing tham
Indebted to aald estate are requested to
piunmMiate payment, while those having
.m preseut mem duly authenticated to
W. It tlOfSSTH
fpmm, Pa Keb. a-loou. Admlniatrator,
P- ttra of Administration In the estate of
i roup late of Kerry township, Snyder
undersigned, all persona knowing thero
'a Indebted to said estate are requested to
"nmediule payment, while thoao having
'raaarainat the said estate will present then
7 authenticated to the undersigned.
hiiijiT. H1IETTEKLY. Administrator
aar.S, 19(13. .lm- p
arouse, Ally,
Auditors' Notice.
a. .
imi " "hereby given to all parties having
.? the estate of David lierrold, lata
"-napman Townahlp, Snyder tUnty, Penn
IS iwe" u all other persona lo Interest
ioe undersigned Waa duly appointed Audi.
riM ""''ributionof the funds reroaln
lin llie hands of the administrator of said
3?...,, "!'. ,hM ,,e ' 'or the purpose of
(3HL 5 1,0 u,1,u' ' appointment at
m"IJameiU.Crouse, Es,., at Middle
2ikV m l'a,urd''. April 4th, 1803, at II
Notice of Final Rule.
To PETER L. 8TRAWSER, late of Steelton,
You are hereby notified that a final rule for
divorce lias been granted against you at th-i
suit of Virgie A. Strawser. your wife, which
will be beard in the Court of Common Pleas, ol
Snyder county, of October Term, 1902, No. . on
Monday, the first daV of June, llU, on which
day, you may appear and show cause, if any
you have, why audi divorce should not bo
granted against you.
Attorney for Ubellanl
Middleburgli, I'a , .narcn zna, im. 4 I.
Hemlism Versns Koninnrr.
Tlie Aunt (tclljtifr the story of Sleep
in"; Reality) What do you think did
the prince give the kind's daughter
to nwnke her? Well, how docs your
luumma wnke you tip? What dot's she
pive you in the niornitifr?
Klsie A spoonful of end-liver oil,
amnio. Itrooklvn Life.
ienklnir svlth Authority.
I.iiiuilord I've culled to colli ct the
Little Itoy I'li'iise, sir, inninmn's out
and forpot to leave it.
forgot it?
Little Hoy Heeause she said so.
The Jew llnntsmnn.
Dolly And you've hunted hifj trnnic,
Mr. Deering? (irarions! It nmsl he
awfully dangerous sport.
(holly It is, I nssitah you! Why.
once I photographed n In ah that
wasn't moh than .in ynwds fwom me
I'iiincyvu! I'uck.
Sheriff Sale
OP HEAL ESTATE. By virtue of a writ of
alias Fi. Pa. to me directed issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Snyder county. I
will sell on
SATURDAY, March 2Stb, IMS,
atone o'clock P. M. at the Court House in
Middleburg, Pa., expose at public sale the fol
lowing descrilted real estate, both tracts of
which are situate In Centre Townahlp, Snyder
county, Pa., to-wit :
Tract No. l.lloundcd on the North by lands
of C. Kossler, on the Kasl by J. Sanders, on the
South by public road and on the West by A.
Musaer and J. I' Ilartman, containing 49 acres
more or less, whereon are erected good frame
dwel iug. large bank barn, and all neeeaaary
outbuildings are good, t rull Is good and plen
tiful. Tract No. i Bounded on the North by land
(1. M. Showers, on the East by E. Ilcnner, on
the Mouth by Publio Road and on West by I.
Walter, containing 7 acres mora or less.
Seised, levied upon and taken execution as
tha property of William Allen Snook, defen
dant at the suit of KlicabetlCLotig, plaintiff.
CHAS. E. SAMPSKL, Sheriff.
SherifTsOniee, Middleburg, Pa.,
March 4th, 19(13.
loa. i.j " ' uay. wnen aim wnere ail
ii,r'" elalms as aforesaid must present
n i. ."" or o torever aeoarrea irom
- on sa!a fund.
r '. C,IA8, p" ULRICI1' Auul,0,
w advertise in a live and up-to-date
newspaper. For results
' The POST.
WANTED Several persons of cfiaracter and
good reputation in each state (one in this Co.
required) to represent and advertise old estab
lished wealthy business house of solid financial
standing. Salary III weekly with expenses ad
dltlonal. all payable in cash each Wednesday
direct from head offices. Horse and carriage
furnished when necessary. References. En
close self.addreased envelope. Colonial Co.,
Kit ueeroorn at., cincoga.j a-u-iet
ttofr. Always reliable. L4Ihs, ask Pmnrurt fbf
'HirHKMtrlBa-M Mut.lSilt' in Hvi and
llsl motalllo boxes, seeled with blue ribbon.
Tab oUaer. HefMsa agr sakall
IsUwaad laaltatlau. Buy of yourUruntst,
or send 4a. In stamps fur Parslralars, Tass.
SMlatU and tarllr raw lrfaatla," an MMr,
by rotsirsi sjsai. ItKtMTasUnwulala, bXat
all Druiflilata.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to Know oi me wonderful
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the rreat kidnev. liver
and bladder remedy.
It is the great medi
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist, and is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Koot Is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble tt will be found
just the remedy you need. It has been tested
in so many ways, In hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper and
send your address to
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng
hamton. N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and Hoow of lwmp-Rooe,
dollar sues are sold oy an gooa aruggum
Boston Church Conducts a Pawn
shop for tfifj Poor.
V oar Per Cent. Yenr la the Kate ot
laterrat Chnriteil llrlaiht Yonnaj
Woman Manattea the I nltiae
. ... . s as-, m ua.n
In the heart of the exclusive lUick
Uay of 15c. stun, the very euvea
of aristocratic Trinity chinch, a little
pawnshop flourishes, remarkable not
only for its environments, but in thul
it undoubtedly is the cheapest in the
world, the only oue coiuluctcd by u
church and the only out that is run
solelv on n nhilnntlirnnlp tiasis.
Four per ccut. u year is Its rate, ao J
cheap that every other pawnshop m the
city mid in the world, in fact, would
lie plunged into bankruptcy if run on
u similar plan.
One can raise money on anything,
from a tool to a jewel, at Trinity t'liup
cl pawnshop.
The sexton ut the chapel doer said:
"Yes, they do lend money here," and
he pointed out u little room in the rear
of the church, where the money is lent
and jewels received.
It is a plain, uticurpeted, bare little
room, big eiioiigh to hold a mull book
case, a desk, it chair and u settee, and
a very few people nt u time.
Miss Mitchell, the lady in charge, sut
behind the desk, a book before her.
"Yes, we loan money," said Mis
Mitchell to a woman w ho had just eu
tcred offering the usual hard luck
She was away from home, her money
spent, and in need of a dollar or two till
the next remittance came.
Miss Mitchell sympathized.
"I would like to raise the money on
this ring." said the woman, slipping
off un opal rin?. (She couldn't say
pawn in a church.)
"How much is it worth?"
"About 12." she said.
"How much do you want to get on
"I cau get along w ith $3," bhe replied.
Miss Mitchell took the riiif. With
scarcely a glance at it, she opened her
pockctbook and takyig out n two-dollar
for Infants and Children.
Castoria Is a liartiiloss Miltstitttto lor CaMor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Nootliiup; Syrup. It is IMt'iisaot. Ii
contains neither Opium, Morphine) nor other Norcttt ir
substance. It tlestroys Worms anil allays I'everi line-.
It euros Uiarrlues. ami AViinl t'olie. It reliees lYeiti
injr Troubles ami euros Constipation. It regulates lb -Stomaeh
ami Itowcls, giving healthy ami natural sleep.
Tlio Children's lNuiaoca The -Mother's Frieml.
The Kind You Have Always Bougie
Bears the Signature of
(Womun Trying to liaise Money cn a l'i-.-ce
of Jewelry )
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Liberal Adjustments-
irorapt Pavnu;
Only tlie Oldest, f'tvoni'si Casli Coniiiios,
Fire, Lilt. Accident ah.i Tornailo.
No Assessments Ho.Premiur.iNpifcj.
The Aetna Founded A . P., 1819 Assets H,( ,13 S8
" Home ' 1S53 " !.s; ,f!2s.4
" American 1810 " l.,i0,si.3
The Standard Ao i 'cat Insurance Cn
The Ncv York I : Insurance Co.
The fidelity Mu: ..I Life Association
Your Patrocaci siliclted-
For Ills Comfort.
"ovf, you mustn't try to talk," said
the sargeon, who was setting aud ban
daging the man's broken jaw. "The
least said the soonest mended." Chi
cago Tribune.
Appropriate to Iter feelings.
"Ucr chatter to-day seems to be all
about her own troubles."
"Yea, I noticed she was talking
blue streak." Philadelphia Uulletlu.
Ho Doabt Poaalble.
Clara. And are you sure that he
married her for her money ?
Clarice Absolutely; I've seen her.
Town Topics.
A Dlsj Gap.
"Papa, what is the difference be
tween a sanitarium and an asylum?"
"About 100 dollars a week." N. Y.
bill nnd a dollar bill, handed them over.
"What is your n;. me V" she asked.
This, with tlie address aslai!, sin
w rote on a rece'pt. w hieh w as'iiet ached
from a book and g'.vt-n to the lu-niy
i i.e, afler b"tli had been copied into
ore of the stubs that arc kept iu the
in ink, to recori! the loan.
"With only four cents interest on a
l.un of a dollar for a whole yiar. I
shouldn't think it would pay to keep
this place," said a visitor.
"It doesn't." Miss Mitchell answered.
"Though I am very busy lu re, nnd
especially soon Saturdays, when many
coine to redeem their pledges, the
profits barely pay my salury, but theu
it's a philanthropic, not a money-making
The busine!i originated during un
extremely hHrd winter a, number of
yenrs ago, when there was great Buf
fering among Huston's poor. It was
the. Idea of several of the prominent
members of Trinity church, who ad
vanced the- money to open und curry ui
the business until it might be sebf -supporting.
"In its tea years vf existence," said
Mis9 Mitchell, "hundreds of men and
women of all ages have been htlped
out In and tided over their hour of
trouble by tbs Trinity Chapel pawn
shop. "Persons who come here are almost
Invariably those who haTe known bet
ter days. Our own poor of the parish
we care for in a secret way, and we
also provide real for many who are
not of our parish and who, though in
actual need, are too proud to ask it
of the city, even when they get down
to their last shovelful.
"This, however, i for persons not
so badly off as the others, or ouly tem
porarily inconvenienced, perhaps, who
are sick, out of work, or hard up just
for the time being, who have some
thing which they can and which they
are glad as well to be able to offer as
"We scarcely ever give more than
$10 as a loan on any one object," said
Miss Mitchell, "though in times past
we have.
"We used to advance money on sal
aries quite a good deal, but now only
do it infrequently. If a person is real
ly deserving, can furnish good recom
mendations and will pay some of the
loan back from week to week, money is
advanced on their salary, but, as I have
said, we do nut do much in this line
Like all place of the kind, it has its
drawer full of unclaimed articles, but
tha number is small compared vrith
that of the shops where as much in
terest Is charged for weeks as 1b the
Trhritjr pawnshop f of a year. .
ilk '
ji '"
The New-York
Tribune Farmer
is a national illustrated 'i iciiltma! weekly for larioer-i
ami their families, mid stands at the head of 1 1 a - aL'ri
elilttirul press. It is it plarticnl pa pel for 1 ra.tiral f.ill: t r,
helping tlit in to secure the largest poil.h- profit limn tins
farm tliroiiuli pnu tical inetlioils.
It is entertaining, instructive nnd prar-ticully useful to
the fatiiicr'n w ife, sons nnd daughters. wli,e intete-l- it
cover in an attractive manner.
The regular prl'ee In f 1.00 wr year, out lor a Minims
time we will receive your Mibucr'ption for THE NEW
QRK TRIBUNE PARMER ami also for yotirow n favorite
local newspaper, "Tlie 1'ovr, Middh burg, I'm.
Botli Papers OneYearforonly $1.25
Send ymir r :unl inmn y to '
Your iiiiir.e ntnl inMnss on a
I riiig j i u fi e M.ini'lc copy,
Th.- I'.-r.
p.-sta! card to THE
New-Vi rk citv, w i:i
Schools and Courses of Susquehanna
II n.llni.jMSMiin te
universny, juiiiibiuvu, ru.
TTT.t ii.Mc i it 'IJr At ibis tinie siieeial atti Iltii II i- ea I In 1 to this
etrtirse. It is inteti.U.l t.iuilvaiiie the tlli. ietu'y and cannn- capeity
of those who teach during tlie Winter, and als to .rej.are t.-r Kaehing.
The entire eourse covers four vears, all i f lik'h can W taken ly tcael.ers
without interruption of their wotk in the sch.l-rm in. and It-a-N up to a
permanent certificate ar.d other advantages This meets a l..iig telt want
of teachers who must e.irn with meapre salary and o'Jtrs
.,lb,nt n,,rtiiiiitifs for stead v ad vaneeinent. Teacher and those w ho
I wish to prepare M.eeessfully lor ttaihint.huuKl not fail to ae.jiiaint
' i i n :.t. .1...1 t!t j t. .I.riv.d from this iiiire. This
themselves nuiv who ineinno .-v ", , , , ,
year the term U'pns April ti. lio3, and closes July lt'o. Kxi:
are very low. Write for lull particulars.
l.MV$ IVgrees and Diplomas (.ranted. The Sprint; urm U-gin
April 1. 1003, and closes June 17, 1103. Special arrai-p mcuts have
Urn made for a large attendance for MUSIC and other studies. 1 her
is a splendid course iu Klocution. Facilities are nowhere Utter, lbe
work is in charge of an al-lc corps of teachers who rank with Ust any
where The large imposing Indies' Hall has all the modern convenience.
The environment is home like and parents ran rest assured that their
daughters will U given the best care in every way. 1 he e imate is very
healthful and the surrounding scenery isall that co.ud he de-ired. tHir
student come from the Ust homes. Why not give your daughter th
advantage of at least a lew terms away at College. '1 he day has gone by
when the girls were kept at home, and only the Uys sent t.. ce luge
Kates are verv reasonable. Write for i-atalogue and particulars.
COMMERCIAL COUKSE. An increasing tuitnUr ot young jers-uia
are finding lucti iive positions at the counting dek and in offices. To
meet this tit mam. the University ofiers a thorough and efliceut Couuuer
ciul Course. cousis ini: ot l--k-l -cpii'g, rcnma.ish.p. Miorthaiid. le-in-imrcial
I-aw, etc. All t r t.u . f these sul-iivts may U- pursueti. Uwdes
eecuring a supeiior Coiiitium -.I Course, our students enioy tae addaional
advantes of aUvmnasiuiii. LlLrary and Keadiug-rwiu. Literary Nvie
ties, ami the Univer-itv life in general. The Univ.-r-ity atmevphere.
stimulates the amhitkn of stu. . . ts ami, together with tthcetit instruction
LMvesextvptiorallv mtMacton i. Milts. We have no d.mcultv m seet.r
ing vsitions for all students coo pitting the course. W rite tor terms and
' "The CoUt-ge of LiUral Arts is noted tor its excellent Seientitio and
Classical Courses. A wurse i" Civil Engineering is given.
The Preparatory School fits mients for College entramv. Addrow,
. ... . KflMI . T O ITMPl'Vl'
t t U'tvin M V V A. A. t AltArat. or o. r. nii.m i.x
Field Sxcy.