The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 19, 1903, Image 5

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filler of Penn township
CL County Seat Friday and
i to to py f"r hU 82116 hm and
, Worth of LaOrnnpe. G..
Q for "X moum ynu
BruBniMS:re hi eg;
K?l' 1 1 !. J., I ru .tilt-H
.. vu,.d. ruv. uB the
KT.Ltha world. Cj e RU jr
iirnir f!a . GravbiU A
'fhheid. Pa.. Dr.
' '...."i P. niiHorpt k. Pa.
prank W'eiser is sick at the
Jkr parents B. S. Uine's.
Charles F. Ktlt ami
r. ,u re Middlebnrg
p. o'vtr Sunday.
lenders came home from
ra . . ... ,
lVVii rwturuay o uiu
his fo"1'
T MaiilM!fk ami lamily moved
,.,.irj: last Thursday,
jl, Precse moved from his
tot'm-ii, and Jaco'i li. Haines
la, m ""IC
Kathrvne L. I'-eaver spent
" .. ..I....O...,ll .. III.
;lt Salcni and kantz (luring
lFl. Snaid and wife visit.-.!
:lt Middleiiurg numiay.
r Siniinton and Thomas
lu,t Swmelord. spent a tew-
in tir.vii Sabbath attcrnoon.
.,1 , rhy and family of liin
jrvcmsts at the home of his
T) Ik njainm crby s.
.FA WaUman ol Watsoii
wa entertained by her sister-t-
Mrs Maggie "'''S 'rom
Uv till Monday.
trie !.5obl eame down from
.tivp Saturday to spend Sun
,ilh liis jiarents, 1. S. Pobb's.
it II. tin. !j 1 ii 1 1 1. I I n i r 'ill
Ion t" Ilk foundry.
rrv Waitman of Watsontown
. r t: i..
Siiii.iI) 1'err oi iiinienuL-i, ;i
or ami hrother-in-hr.v of -Mrs.
lVrr were visitors at the
of the latter, a part of last
. IVssie HerUter is entertain-
I . . I 1 T 1
lVr two Utile ooys, nowaru
Blaine, wlio eame home to
In while the typhoid fever lasts
Urjthans Home, at Ixiysvulc.
Iv. A. I '. . ramley and J. Fred
Absolutely Puro
C A. Woi kley sK-ut a fiw days
attheCoinfy Sat and Fieebuy
last week.
Klmer Troup and family visitul
at I alias Sunday.
David Hoover will loid two tar
loads of shinnies at Middlebir-r
this week.
J. P. W'endt and son, Pit til, of
Meiserville were in town on busi
ness .Saturday.
John Ehriglit and family visitul
Ills brother, mereliant Hemy
Euright. at S'hnee Sunday.
iMiss Dora V. aver of Meiserville
was in tow n Monday.
John I'oss of Treverton was in
town on business Monday.
V. II. W'endt anl wife visiied
friends at Meiserville .Sunday.
Klmer Troup bought a horse i f
Abe M.ukley for $PJ"). hist week.
Artlihur Harding and Miosis,
May Arbo-rast and Maie Iio'.li
roek attended the hvlure at Free
bur Friday evening.
Amnion F. rVhnee left for Kantz
Monday to clerk for Mr. I'rown of
iuitea niiniber of our people
attended the sale of V. A. Me'ser
(ieorge Trevitz moved to Midille
bury; Tuesdav.
Mrs. Geo. Hockenbrockt
Mrs. Susan Hockenbrockt, widow
f ttie late George Hockenbrockt aud a
laughter of John K. Snyder and wife
Hietie Scbranty, was born iu Qrayblll
Valley iipur Richfield in Snyder Coun
ty, l'n. tshe was baptized and con fir m
il a liieinber of the Reformed church
in Novt-iuiter 24th., IS-jo by Rev. Win.
!1. Mamlow und she remained a true
m 1 loyal number of the same until
Iier death.
.S!ie w:is umrried to Ueorge HiK-ken-
oriN'kt on Thursday November ), ls4
ly Rev. Sandow.
She died on Weilnesdav Mar 11 1!K;,
i..Hi a. in. at Her resuleueo aliout 3 1
iniies hoiith of Riehlield in Juniata
Her n ue wns 71 years '2 mouths
das. llerliti.slmnd was called home
nearly 1.'! years ao.
Her Union with Mr. Ilockcnbrockt
was Messed with 5 children, 2 sons and
:S daughters. '1 hey are: Henry living
at r.llysl.iir', Pa.; Ivlward a teacher
living near Riehlield; Alice, the wife
of David Cmier living near Riehlield;
Loui.-M, wile of Henry Swart, living a
few ii Niutli i.f ;i !.'. ,; 1,1111,.
wife i.f Si-th Win ,,i i,,..r..,i
- brothers siirvivie lur: Daniel V.
Snyder of Wiiterln,., Iowa; John Y.
Snyder of Nil.s, Michigan; Henry
Snyder of Riehlield, I'a. IWi.les
griiml children manv relutivis ai.i
freiuds mourn her loss.
The Funeral took pluee on Sin. day,
March lo, from her late resi leiMc,
llev. 1). I. SclnullVr condllettd die
seivi.-cs. Interment in the Ri hl.e'd
Reveals That "Pc-ru-na is Calculated to
Tone up the System, Restore the Func
tions and Procure Health."
Builds up tt 8jtm.m
lion. Jom h II. r.Ulroway, Sorrrtsry
of Ci Anicrlean S -:
write the following letter fr"ia
OrVad Centr .l Hotel. St. VmiI, V. ir.
"It Is with prct pl.;suro t!.a! T
dnrvt rcrui:n as
an honest i::i li-,
pints, cch;;k tent
to do all It
claim. I liix'o
USsl it fCVTal
times and know
of nothing tlnit
cure Pv e.i!!l-
I', end i.t
tl: t::r. t.i.
builds i ; t'
Ov .t' Ml.
" I l.rv..' r .-
OM! !IlcI'.i:l-t! it to t J
a tunal i .'
f: ; : 1 4 : . ;. ' ys '
r I know 1.'
Dr. J. E. JJogar is on an extend
ed Western tour.
Misses Carie and Lottie lieichen-
ljr v. : &frn?r( m fumsmdig" jJuLa. wo. Ip?wlin g tta-itcr.
Ii.! Mmo fi- mi mlnn Intvinlt flt MlinlllVt. Q.m.).. ...IU m..1..
Itiiuorc. Mrs. (taramley tained
frifiiils in Cumberland county
veral days. The liev.will
... i i .i
bin a:;aiii witu us tor anouier
Xlii.s was very gratifying
lor his many friends.
i District Mininsterial Coti
miftlie U. E. church ivill
in this place the third week
. II. Speeht is converting a
f his furniture rooms into a
Li;)!; house. Mrs. Lizzie How-
kill ncctipv the same alnnit
1 1st.
Irs Shaw (nee Ellen Heaver)
Daniel Harkey of Lewistown
uuital in holy wedlock by
J. 1. Zimmerman Thursday
e home of the brides parents,
pi beaver s. 1 our scribe
I their friend in wishiii!; them
r. Wm. McCano of Ieechereek
W relatives in this nlace during
last two weeks.
i". X. Young and wife visited
twin town Wednesday, while
Mr way from Lcwisburg to
new appointment in Lewis-
Ihomas Biekel bride of Austin,
in'l Misses Libbic. and Katie
el ef Sunbury visited their
fats, Samuel liickcl'a last week.
Nfk was conimoneiHl at rennir-
the tannery Tuesday. It is
W that by June the repairs
w comploteii and operations
M(ire KIuIn.
ras trave as an individual dis
w c the system. Overwork,
OiBlfinn nnhi.n.,n i. m
flowed hv tiMat .dloUi.
PPlOTOd. Thfirn'H nnthi., .,-.
f'ttlt to PUrn Aionr.ln,, r l.
paau Kuluevs ah Klnptrin Hit.
It 8 A ani.,1..rf..l .... 1
til " "uuuuuui iiuuiu ami
I ?erv,He. nJ tho greatoHt
km. T t uu'cine iop run down
u ,T nnd Nouralgla ami
Wftjaria Rerms. Only 6(o,
6,.mY!C11 Brnteol by
i l onnscrook, l'u.
The Freeburg Dramatic
will produce the popular i
Spy of !eltyl.iirg, iu the
opera House on Saturday
March Hist, l.Hi::.
Ifyoii want to enjov an
pleasant entertainment, .nine out to
see this interesting historic drama.
Admission 10 and l "i cents. Pioc.
for (lie benefit of thp Freeburg High
School Library.
geiicial house
ciMpk. (iood wiojT .dclres.
i:i."ifket St.,
Artfrrisburg, i'a.
i ami lioysfor brick
'o., I'a. Ai-tilv to
Central Hotel. Reaver-
towmlSAi, Friday March Hoth, from
!l ii.Tm to 'A. i Washington. Horse
Middleburgil'a Saturday March Hist
from '.i a. m
tjooii oiipori
Isaac Rkksk, Sons it Co.,
It. V. N. IIkuhstkk, Supt
works in Ct
V. N . Herfiter,
jrfre (
'7 r l
I . . . :
r ji iwiiiflnfi('A z. ii w i i r . .
i m ..-i., tVd&utiv- s, mi. i ' x ii - r. & ii i i ii i i . i
"TS Lyim- -r. L .mid, ., -,a..a.i ri,:;..."-.- .j.b
7 -4k ? L-.;th .a i ;.av... f..r tu- yara,
i'f''::t-:::-:--BN 1 liaV" witii d - t. .(!
T-5-' nr' 1 n f r I f'' , n ri-r-, pi I ran r m-
i II 'lW':'-':: v.ur m-di'ii- ry ' t
II 11 O. .... t..r ,,.-:r fr,. nkinl
evening ylT ?, J 1.,. . M! , . , . I
he'a"Loo,"r U'fete ! ''':'K:.ny,";;.: . '
: .- i-..:r.. : ;:..
for men with
Prof. L. J. Miller, lato Profosaor cf Chpm:.-,:rT and V- .t-iriy f t c
of Ypsilanti, Mich., writcn from SJH7 N.Clark Strer-t. O.iea.-o. Id., a. 4 f
"As several of my friends have fpoken to n?of tie.' fav .ra' 1- T:"a.U obta.:. 1
through-the use of I'eruna, pspocially iu cases of catarrh, I exiir.ln- 1 it r.,-t
thoromrlily to learn ita contents. i
"I fouiid it composed cf extracts of herbs ami larks of nv.-t val::.V m ".. .r.-i.
qualities combined with other Ingredients, delicately ! alance.l, ealcuUt.-d to ."!.
up tlio Bystein, reiitoro tho functions and procure health.
consider Pcrjna oas of the most skllltully and schmitically prepared
medicines, which the public can use with safety and success."'-PnOF. L. J. .
A 1
' s
at Snnbury spent Sunday with rela
tives in town.
Mrs. Chas. Ilouser of Ilainbridge
enjoyed a two weeks' visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Win. Shrawder at
the National.
Jno. Keller aud wife of Ilairis
burg spent several days with their
son, Henry and family.
Mrs. Stewart I lull of Mahonton
ga paid a visit to her sister, Mrs.
i'hilip Daubert during the week.
Mrs. (Joo. Ilerrold of Chapman
was the guest of her brother, II. 1
Charles and family Wednesday of
last week.
Oliver Xeitz and children of Sun
bury were the welcome guests of
his brother-in-law, Prof. S. P. Stef
fen and wife Sunday.
Hi M. Neitz, better known as
"Gaily" started for Akron Tuefday
where he will assist his brother, G.
Albert in the merehantile business.
Rev. Selheimer has begun a series
of revival services in the U. Ii.
Mrs. Annie Lenig and daughter.
Miss Lula, ore visiting relatives at
Milmont and Williamsport this
Miss Nora Petitt, accompanied
her grand mother to l'ainbridge.
Wm. Freeliorn and wife of Sun
bury, Sont Sunday with her broth
er, O. G. Rice and family.
Mrs. R. M. Shatter returned
home after spending several weeks
with her father at Weigh Scales.
it is said th::t !ii:vi!;:rv- niof . oc:i, an
a force that irrt--i: i' ' i! has I i . t our .-tor.
d whe:, hi
i st pitr
with "iir
ol t..i-
i ct:
We Keep Merchandise Above Suspicion :
Desirable and daintv, i !io, :i w:t!i -ire and
!:r.ent ivnime:siir.i"e wir. 1 :t-
r i
,1 tii
Ladies amlMj
hats for outing as h
ew style nailor
ijHUa cts.
yoiirs old well
A pair of
fydfil call on
lYyii a. u
lt.' -
Middlcburg, I'a.
Bills Heads
Printed Here.
Satisfaction and Style goes w ith
every pair. F.ach pair we sell is
guaranteed. Our long expeiience
has taught us where to buy the
best. Shades to match that new
suit or dress, greys, mode, castor,
pearl greys, and of course including
blacks and whiten.
$1.00 Royal Wove, the best dollar
glove we have ever found in quality
and the best fitting too, fully guar
anteed, 2 clasp, embroidery back.
$1.50 P. Centemeri Wove, real
kid, perfect fitting, '& kid covered
clasps, fancy stitched and embroid
ery hack. Centemeri iu black is
Fresh Confectionery.
When; you want to buy candy
w here freshness and purity U an as
sured fact, than patronise our candy
department. Prices are less than
w hat you pay elsew here, is another
l.owucy's Chocolates, the tvst
made, choice of 11 flavors, !." and ;0
cts. pound.
18 Flavors Chocolates at 20 ct.
elsewhere L'." cts.
liig assortment at 10 cts. ooimd
kinds that you mostly pay 1 and
HO cts. for at other stores.
Spring- Dress Fabrics.
Not a lady in the land but w hat d.-ssrv a n-v c. :! '.'.v-t i
ami its time the material was purchased now. When you wi: :
stylish fabrics at a low or medium price, we have the pret:ist Ir. e .
Milton, and if yon desire a huher priced :':u ric our : cci: ; ie;
too. These are mere item of the less ex; ensive on. s.
25 cts. a pretty effect for children dresses
2v cts. Crepe Suiting in granite ellecls. tie I U;e a:id curd.::a! ".
aiuonv: the showy colors. inch wide.
3S cts. CLtli Zibilines. black, green, btue, catdin;!. IW'.ter
ties at W cts.
50 cts. French S ri:cs, W inch wide, navy, new blue. car!ct. -r
darmeo, extra qualities.
50 ct. All Wool Albatross in full line of t!ie new coloring.
50 Cts. 42 inch FANC l ITIVOS. iu herniu-U'tie effects.
gsetu with wite stripe.
50 cts. 40 inch Shepherd Plaid, in colors.
cts. Camels Hair Suitiucs in black and white and a great barv;:.
iu an oxford blue that i 'iH inch wide.
$1.00 SH inch StriHHl Suitiuc. ginl weight and excellent values,
$1.00 Flaked Canvas iu Oxford tJrey, "t inch wide.
Voiles, one of the most sought for fabrics, h re Iu the I'gl'.t ha it
aud black, Vtcts. to $1.25.
$1.10 Prunellas, full lineiu pretty shades.
$1.25. "ui itich Plaid Suitititt iu kers v weave, invisible check.
i as
r'.a !:! I't
;:s. 55.00
i 1 . 5.) an
A 1 .
:- . $1.50. $1.?:
5.00 L mrclla at i.
::i viae -:.d .o.rrs. -v
, i
Seetl and Bulbs.
a:1 1. -utr.s.
en' -er w
l"u c iv oscs
W l
V .: : -.. .
$1.50 Snow Fl.ikeSatiu Kern-y Siniiu t'i
with white snow flakes scattered oer the faoric in very art
New Trimmings.
The trimming to a dress arc the impressive touch,
the more sumptuous the array the uvie u has the nut:
uess. There seems to be no one thing that : best, Ivu..
trimmings ah hove their admirvrs.
Appliques in si'uv and cotton are very :v
metlallion, grape, rose, leaves, and bun nc o:
easdy ieparated. Wide and narrow invrlii'-i-divp'ethvts.
The assortments vary in puce :'o
. iv.d b
t:c av
N:idra Bargain--.
15 .:.
! J
: n if e
"''.ui :
mi ecr
m t V
fx-. ;
.5.' -
Schreyer, Sou & Vo.. j
Q Froi;l Streeb.
IB Arthur Fialinr
rD ill town
a. l-va vi JtlVUIIUI