MIDDLEBURG POST. HOW THE BFE WykKS. aa? Inarrl Kot 0ly Makes Wax lit Hoary Hat Alio Fertilise IMaala with I'ullra. John Burroughs says that when a bee brings pollen into the hive lie ad vances to the cell in which it is to be deposited ami kicks it "IT, us one might his overalls or rubber boots, making one foot help another. The honey bee ranks among the highest of all insects, because of its thought ful provision for the future ntul the care shown its young. The young bees which receive this care from tlis working bees are called larvae. The.-e lire of three kinds, found in thrt different kinds of cells, and they are called queens, drones anil workers. The best time to htndy this wonder ful insect is when buckwheat and goldenrod are in bloom. If possible, visit mine hive and try to see them at work inside. It is very interest ing to see a few captured bees thut have been fed some honey "take a bee line" for home when let loose. This is the plan followed in the mountains ami elsewhere when bunt ing for wild honey. Frequently these bee will return for some more honey to the same place where they were fed at first, as their instinct is akin to reason, and Vhey always observe a place so as to return to it. When making room in the hive for a set of young 1 s the old queen bee leaves the hive, followed by nearly all of the grown bees that are there at The time, and. after scanning in the air, they go directly to a new home, just n if they had selected H e place beforehand. They not only make wax and honey, but add to their usefulness by carrying the pol len for the fertilization of flowers. PEN SYSTEM LAUDED. Inder It. It l Claimed. rrreeiilnKC of Chicken t He llalard Can I He Increased. In raising chickens, 1 have found the "pen system," as we call it, the most satisfactory and successful way of all in handling the hen and her brood. The system is as follows: In making the fencing ordinary plasterer's lath is used. The sides are ten feet long, and the ends eight feet. The laths are nailed to a six-foot base board, with n three-inch top stringer, which latter is a foot and a half below the top t nils ( f the upright. The sides and one end are nailed to square surface posts, which enables us to move the pen every few days, when desired. One end of the p n is attached to one post by a small rope, or wire tie, in order that it may be swung open in lieu of a gate. Aa Average Teataeratare. s It vii evident that the tenant waa ' Uirry. "That flat!" he exclaimed. j "What about it?" asked the agent- i "You assured me that you could promise me a pood average tempera ture." I "Don't you get it?" I "I should say not. It's colder than a ; tarn." "Very likely it Is on occasions. ad mitted the agent, "but what has that j got to do w ith the average? Just put 1 the summer temperature into yourcal I dilations, and you will find that I spoke 'the truth." Brooklyn Life. SUPPLIED OCULAR PROOF. A I) I rue. The fl!Kr.t of time Invites despair. Yet bids u? strive anew; It tenners silver tbfuUKh pur hair And brings the mortgage due. Washington Star. ! hhkakim; it ukstly. The Doctor My poor boy! I'll tell you the worstl You'll be well just at the time school opens again. Louis ville Courier-Journal. I'oiEllna;. He Is a fool who In the cup Ills sorrow tries to drown. You cannot keep your spirits up Uy nutting spirits down. Philadelphia Hecord. l , JiELi-. I - - - - Wouldn't Deem Sataral. "I have un idea," he announced sud denly. "Well, you'd belter not let anybody know about it," she answered wearily. "Why not?" "Decause if it waa found out it would be considered an evidence of plagiar ism. Chicago Post. Sort of lltilnen Agent. "Yes." said the family doctor to the guest, "I have always insisted upon it that my daughters must learn to make cake and pie- especially pie." "May 1 ask w hy?" inquired the guest. "It's a grcnt help in my business," replied the family doctor. Cleveland riain Dealer. Pretty Far Gone. Clara Do you think Algy is really and truly in love? ."Dora In love?. Whytbevjioqr fel low is so desperately in love that his latest made-to-measure suits hang on him like ready-made clothes. X. Y. Wceklv. THE MOl'EUN 1'KN SYSTEM. Within the pen w!. r. completed, a - t.ut water and viinii'M proof coop : placed for the hen ami her broei!. :m. it i liecessarv to remove the outer or flight feathers of one wing of li e mother hen, so tint she cannot fly i nt. The lathing should also be nailed eh e enough together to confine the chick ens until they are large enough to t'.y. I'y that time they will be weantd, and should have the range .vhich is mces sary to their further Jeveli. pint tit. Uut a larger coop, with u roosting perch, is then necessary foi them. Tl.i pen may be in ilied in con net ti'.n with a brooder, but it will then require a light movable shed several feet square, or a weather-proof brooder, to pro tect the chickens from inclement weather. This plan keeps the joui.g chicks out of the dew of the early mom; and gives the keer control ol the hen all the time she is with tht chickens; and at the same time it pro vides a refuge constantly, in case oj sudden and heavy showers, hawks, oi vermin of any kind. Under this sys tem we find it possible to raise fully 25 per cent, more chickens than we could in tf:e.oM "range as you please wa,Vd infinitely grcatei pleasure wliltf the work and worry is reduced tola minimum. H. H. liter in Epitomist. Preparing Baaea far roaltr?. Fowls always prefer bones that art broken or cut (not ground) iaU sinal pieces, with meat either raw oi cooked adhering to them. The hem do not care for the commercial bone unless such is free from the odor ol ammonia or decaying matter. Dry bones, either broken or ground, wil be eaten, but not so readily as tho: that are fresh. Fresh bones are not easily ground in any kind of mill They are usually steamed, in order tc render them brittle, or placed in th oven and burned. Of course, wh I ubjected to heat they lose more oi les of the nitrogenous matter, sue) at meat or gelatin. With u bono cutter all kinds of bores can be pre pared for the fowls. -Farm and Fire tide. full Absorb Had Odor. An experienced "henologist" says: Eggs in a way a just us susceptibb to bud o'lors as Is milk. The odor o: onions when fed to the hens Is eaai ly discernible in the eggs they pro duce. A lady friend of ours simph spoiled haw eggs by placing bulb load f creosote preparation fr tilt Beat to get rid of the lira Where food egjrs are wanted hen should l tVlowe9 to do acsvetr Her IraitKlnntlott. "That young lady must have a very vivid imagination," said Willie Wash ington. "What makes you think so?" "I'.very lime I tell her a story she s;is she iui:iL'iti''R she has heard it be fore." Washington Ptar. A Well as He Could. "Do ou think I covered the ground?" asked the lawyer when he had concluded his presentation of the cae. "Well." said his client. "I think you covered as much of it as your size would permit." 1'ronklyn Kagle. Modest lletfl n n I iik, "Young man." said the pompous in dividual. "I did not always have this carriage. When 1 first started in life I had to walk." "You were lucky." chuckled the youth. "When I first started in life I couldn't walk." Chicago Daily News. That Was aa Fnsy One. Instructor (in despair) Well, at lens t you can tell me where the Magna Charta was signed? Student (cheerfully) Oh, yes! King John signed that at the bottom. Har vard Lampoon. Aa Easy Oar. "lint how am I to know when I am iu love?" asked the young debutante. "When you think as much of a man at you do of yourself," replied the woman of the world, "that is love." Cincinnati Knquirer. Aa Ueed as Asbea. Servant Here's a sample package of breakfast food that a man left for you to try. Mistress Very well, liridget. You may sprinkle it on the Icy sidewalk. N. Y. Journal. Worn Resoarrefal Mlaaoarl Lawyer i Basil y W oa Over the Jary la Slaade Case. l! TU kdnlnlstralof It in Fair tM. Ut says that at Farla a $30 Imitation ; sable cloak waa,' substituted for the . .1 Wealth. realthJngom.of the most valuable cloaks in the world among Mrs. Fair's effects; also, that Mr. Fair was in his lifetime, to use a "Resourcefulness in a lawyer in the actual trial of a case is as necessary ns the same quality in a general on a battlefield," said Representative Champ alang phrase, "just puddin" for Pa- j Clark. "I saw my old law partner, ex- risian jewelers, who sold him what was ; Lieut, fiov. David A. Rail, gain a slan- supposed to be valuable strings of der case once under difficult circum-' pearls, but which turn out to lie imi- , r-tances-as It were, snatch victory 1ations. it n.g that it tnkesexperts ' from the jaws of defeat 1 1 u,u h differenee. At whit.h the Hull had for a client a wizen-faced, . o. average comment, as me juuiuuupuua Hails Had Turned Blue Limbs Bloated. Lay in a Stupor From Heart Disease. shambling, wild-eyed old tie-chopper named Sam l'.arnes, slim ns a racer and short of stature. A fat, stocky, 200- pounder named Zach Root he had ac- News views it, would be: "What's the odds?" Aesop has a fable of a miser j who got all his store in the shape ol Dr. Miles' Heart Cured Me. Cure cuscd Rarnes of stealing his bacon, and gold, w hich he buried in his gardeu , lie was wont to visit It and gloat over l ; it. At one visit finally he found 1 !,.. ltnta omnti' nml It.. l mtl I it I'll lll'Ilf I i heaven with his bootless cries." A ' friend, hearing him, inquired the cause, ! and then gave this piece of sound ad ; vice: "Just put a stone there and think that it is your gold and it will do you just as much good." So, in the present case, what is the difference be tween sham sables anil real ones? The one w ill keep the wearer just us warm as the other, and be, so to say, just as sightly. And the same thing is to ' be said for the imitation pearls. Neither of them comes under the head : of productive capital. Aside from the question of covering as clothes, which does not come in here, both belong 1 to the barbaric category of oruamenta 1 lion, in which the last development of human kind seems to touch the first. HON. CHAMP CLARK. (Missouri ConKrtssman Who Is Famed as a Story Teller ) had forced Rarnes in his own cabin, in the presence of his wife and children, to hold out his foot for measurement to see if it would lit certain suspicious tracks. "Some time ugo," reinar' s the Tip !' the Tongue man of t . N w York 1'ress. "I bad occa- ot a ( sir of Art sioii tti call upon a for Art'. Sake. f.i(.l(, W,H(M. ,uuu is luxurious in its animint incuts. On The nails turning blue is a sign of defective circulation at is the bloating ol the arms and legs. Other common symptoms of heart dis ease are shortness of breath from slight ex ertion, pain in or near lieirt, smothering spells, palpitation or fluttering, weak, tired and hungry spells, dreaming and nightmare, sudden starting in sleep, in severe cases the brain, stomach, lungs, etc., may become so disordered as to mislead the physicians as to the nature of the disease. If yeu sufler from any or all of tlioe symptoms ynur heart is diseased and treatment should not be post pone a single day. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is guaranteed to help you as it has helped thousands oi others. "I owe my life to Dr. Miles Heart Cure. After lour doctors met in consultation on my case, their verdict was taat I had suffered from heart disease so long that they could do nothing for me and I would surely die. My brother said, 'W hile there is hie there is hone, we will try Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure.' When I began taking it my nails had turned blue and my arms and legs were bloated to twice their natural size, and I lay in a stupor most of the time. After the first few doses the dizziness went away and after three but tles 1 was able t go around the house and do my work, both my family and my nuise think I would have been in my grave had it not been for Dr. Miles' Heart Cure." Mas. Kobkrt Morris, Sackets Harbor, N. Y. All druggists sell and guarantee first bottle Dr. Mile.' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd. Caavealeat. He ate of aU tna patent food. Nor asked a single qutstloa. And drank the patent medtsL. To euro Ms Indigestion. 'Washington Star. CEXlltE PHILOSOPHY, "Ajid is he married yet?" "No, bedud and a iniel,.. thing it is for his wife." Ally sim Paid by lleliiht. Throughout the woaid. as on the nan Va Snrl It t. the .ut The biggest Wckers artvths onfl Who get the hlghyst (I e. N. Y. Herald. The Isconi Parados, Reryl Do the Sinytht s lire J meir lueoiiic i Sibyl They don't live within . they couldn't live without it-w u t.i more Herald. "Rarnes was poor as Job's turkey, the way from the 'grand salon' to the but Jiall Is a sort of henven-nppoiiit- ,,. e passed through an inter- en attorney general or the poor, They are always with him, both in court uud at the polls. Consequent ly, Rnmes went to Rnll with his bleeding heart and shattered repu tation straight ns a bird could fly mediate chamber, in the center of which was a table piled with handsome editions of url works, lu the collcc tiou, like a bottle 01" beer in u basket of champagne, was a photograph ill- "On the witness stand Roothe bum, one of the tiO-cciit-mi. 1 ked-dow n- swore that the reason he knew that from-72-ceiit kind. I said 1 would pre- Rarnes stole the meat was that the sent an album in keeping with the thief entered the smoke house surroundings. 'My (bid! Don't do it!' through a window 10 by 10 inches, exclaimed my host. 'That album was where two 8 by 10 panes had been eivt. to us last Christinas bv oiirconk. broken out. and that Rarnes was the lu,p f nre BJII,lhu,lic;. ,r . only man in the neighborhood small, ...rlli nrP )uk-1i to get through that hole. 1 ..... , The jury scowled on Rarnes and drcnn,s- " ht'r ,liul' tr,I,s to "ml smiled ou Roothe, and Roothe lronl ie "'"tien sue g.auccs in mis beamed oleagiuously on everybody, direction, and seeing her cabbage the He metaphorically patted himself on chief flower in the bouquet she thinks the back as a sure winner. Rut a she is IT. Should we remove her gift change came over the spirit of his from the place of honor where she dream very suddenly. Rnll had neara placed it that fateful Christmas morn that he was going to swear that way, . wou,d h nQ cook . T umer. , , I M T " I O n r A waa Inl-lnir fftr li 1 m "While Roothe was in the midst of his self-congratulatory grinning Rail yanked a window sash 10 by 10 from tood, and said no morej!. . r I When You Buy Spoons knlres, forks, etc., buy reliable brands, even If they do rout a IIUlo more. They m worth the difference. If 1H47 " Is a part of the stamp It Inmirra genuine Kotcere quality, famous for wear. Full trade-mark "tQ AH ROGERS A Fair Average. Visitor Lady Evelyn ti-lls nie,lJ tnat you nave nuu lour w ives. Duniel (proudly) E, air, I'J on what s more, two OfVfmwuJ Rubbing It In. Wife Did you ever iiuticethati talker is usually an ignorant perscJ Husband Well, you needn't UJ loud; I'm not deaf. Chicago M News. t'aehrlatlaa Selrnre. "Ain't dey anything I kin do ttt love?" You might try de absent truu Willie." Chicago Americu I'rof. Richard T. Ely has an article under the table, and before Roothe, Harper's on the cooperative town the court or anybody else knew what of (ireeley Col., in which he comments he was tip to, he had slipped that on the differing social conditions east sash over Roothe's head, and it and west. "The further west one dropped over bis broad shoulders and goes," says the professor, "the more rotund 'abdomen with fat capon t:en,llt.ratit. becomes society. I must lined' to the floor. 'confess that I did not understand true "Then be nsked n lurvmun, who ... . 1 ! , . , , u . Americanism, hi one of its phases at ...no c lul.t fitllP ini'lli'U llOrh tO ' n.- i ... n-. , . , , , ... , least, uiii.il i yot lui tnwi Hunt toe Atlantic coast. Coming 'to Madison, Wis., from Baltimore, Md., the freedom Soy l.jRdl BROS.' y-r - r Catnip (.'nance to Join m lnb That Make and Hnve Money for In) Kvervbodr should loin the Hutnii I.iurW slo Club of America. There Is iimblni.iK A anywhere, itooauaimontnottilijgtojiUii benefits It aires are wonderful. ItrnsblH i fiorohase books and periodicals, rniuloinlsi nitruments at special cut prlcr Iikw doced rates at many hotels. Itsnnrmqu rreeorcoarffe. is orrera scaoinrstiipiiHa ble casta crises to members. It siiIduimi rooms In many el (lea for Its mrrnlwrn. Id h erery member recelTestheoP'rlM mwak I tied u F.T'fF MoMtBMnpuliilei'knliue i.i '-- - ( pieosa f hlf n-elunali IntarnaUenal tUVar C. llaeiden, Ceaa yf stand up. and be passed him through that sash. The demonstration was complete and his triumph assured. He had furnished the jury what Othello demanded of I ago 'the ocu lar proof.' The jury caught on and transferred their smiles to Rarnes . . 1 1 JT1 A 1 III i. ami tlieir seowis to wir, ' fm.ll0es even in Madison which would sheriffs' ever commissioned couldn t .. have kept that crowd from cheerin of intercourse between all economic classes and men of the widest diver gence of wealth and intellect attracted my attention; but there are social dif- and Rarnes was awarded substantial damages." GOVERNOR GARVIN. Rhode lalaad'a Chief Bieentlve la Mr. Uryaa'a t holee for tlie Pres idential KoatlaatlaB. T "Sew" Mamma. Rap (an ex-vidower) Come here, Bessie, and see the new mamma 1 promised you. Ressle (aged four) W'hy, papa, she doesn't look very new.! Boston Herald. are aa Tate. "There ia one thing certain," re marked the Obserer of Erents and Things. "A mau may have a long face without having a long head." Yonkera Statesman. Hot Worth It. Wibbleton Well, there's one thing you can't henpeck my souL Mrs. Wibbleton L'mph. I wouldn't bother about a little tbixg like that. S. Y. Hersld CUaatfria Paaay. "Would you call a eat Lerblyorou ow earoirorous?" asked waa who ia learned but tediova. "Xeither," aoawrd th man nrbo Dr. Lucius F. C. Garvin, goternor of Rhode Island, who hns been mggeeted by Mr. Rryanaa good democratic pres idential timber, was.the nnij democrat- be scorned in a place like (ireeley Anything like aristocracy seems to be absolutely unknown in (ireeley, un-le-s H is the aristocracy of personal merit." I'rof. Theodor Mommsen, the Cier man historian who has just received the Nobel prize for literature, has written a note to the New York Inde pendent, which asked him to give his views on the best way to advance German-American good feeling. "Asa Ger man," says the eminent and venerable author, "I am a well-wisher to Amer ica, and fully persuaded that the only hope for the future is to be found in cordial relations and trustful alliance between your great republic and my country." He adds modestly thut he baa not the arrogance to believe that the words of an old professor would change anything iu their actuul state. Rut every such expression of opinion makes for peace and good-will. UK LUCIUS F. C. GARVIN. (Mr. Uryan's Choice for Democratic Pres idential Nomination ) ic candidate to be elected governor Uat fall north of the Ohio and east of the Miaehssippl. He is extremely popular in bis state, and in the course of ill years, during which he has been more or less in politics, he has served in the legislature many times when h was about the only democrat in that body. Dr. Garvin is a single tax apoatle, an sggresaWe friend of organized labor and a democrat of the southern school. He was born in Tennessee 62 years sgo, served through the civil war in the Fifty-first Massachusetts volunteers, and has accumulated a comfortable for tune as a praeMtioner of medicin. lie 'ws defeated once for governor sod Vwtee rWflOBfraM. The division of publication of the de partment of agriculture gets out over G.uufVlOO copies of the Farmer's Ilul letiu annually. The department is al lowed but one-fifth of the total num ber printed, which is not at all ade quate to meet the requests directly to the department. Mascagni says Chicago women are warmer than those of Roston. Well, as a Milwaukeean was heard to cay, that only puts them a degree or two above zero. It takes a physician's certificate to get a ton of coal in Toledo these days. Wouldn't that make you sick? extra oharjet BP "ees fn or, CAN GET ALL OF ,,'HKSil liufcftll Kk, MOST WOT HI NO. " 1 The full yearly members! ' reehOwtdf wblaa yon set all atwTe, '. . t yos mmji draw any tlase within II reawiki want to do so and Ret ynur .i.Ularkuk. 1 dont care to spend ft.OT. i.J acmuhrl monens memoennip. rtoDooycsairn'raw thlsoffer by. You will g"t younwmtjSi ralue tnanv times over. Full Dartlculinn sent free of chante, but If yu srewlai sena in your roquet ror niemrnnip to proper feeatonee. TheSSets.tlirwBotllil berahlp offer will soon ebarnre, Wrli'UBS dresslnftyour letter and enclnMng i a fa year's membership or Iweuty-rlvecMitihi mnninv to MUTUAL tlTFRART MTW No. 1IVO Nniint.H llCff A St. Louis fortune teller wus ar rested and fined $100 after she hud informed a buuhelor police officer that "his wife was tall mid thin.'' Mythical wives bliould ulways be de scribed as pretty, at uny rate. A Chicago savings bank offers to giv a metal mantel bank free to anyone who asks for it. Incidentally, to pre vent blackslidiug in the saving hubit, the savings bank retains the key. This effort to convert molasses into food for horses comes from selfish, mail using up all the oats for his own b rest fast. The poor horse stiff ers oh every side, this time on bis inside. . m - . - -a. ADjUsaabLE Top. Is 14x18 indies : large and strong cni.tigli to your Dictionary, Directory, Dux,JJi:aw4 jiiiu.K, ati.as, or any Heavy volume, at any angl. It can be revolved and adjumed vvhenrfM ho as to always throw the xtronaed Hold on them You can thus avoid the strain on your eyis inevii when holding a book in your hand or on a level "I It is ninrtn nf Oak. ami has on one edire a keep books from sliding oil. REVOLVING CASE. This Cake is 15x15x12 inclies. The shelves Oak or Ash, finished on both sides and on all l ami have 9 inchcsof book sjwee on four sides, or ,3 ' feet in to, room enough for reference books of daily use. Marly books msj be placed on the upper shelf. In all twenty to thirty volume size, can lie nut in it. CASTINGS connecting the top and Case are finished in black and of suflicient strength to last a life-time. Pipe, Post and Legs. Tlu loin, ii rn ntt.'ifbrwl liv ronnrl-lioflrlnl futrewfl bi the turned Into tliin rwMt forced an iron nine, which runs nit tbroiiif I the C I l . I V uim to wnicii tne castings at tne lop are auacneu. Arouu the Cakk revolves. Ah h Hiimk Okkicr or I.imtAKY nrticle we clnini its eoiiaHo0 exist. Tlie accuracy of this statement can be confirmed by J""0' li ftcrn nf 1 1 1 liiirlicnt commendation from thousands of MiliL-tc tornej s, I'hysicians, Government, State and County Officials, and JJiimucbs Men. Over 50,000 have been sold in the Unitw ntul (inters now coiiie for larire lots from Kmrlund and other W count riec. t HOW FINISHED. It is handsomely finished fn Antiq" nml ii n urniiniimt fn anv fllioo T.iKrnro nr T'nrlnr. . yVS A GIFT. Nothinir nuidu is mure snitablo to nrcseiittol". . o i or as aWcdilintr or liirtlidaT Gift than this Stand. HOW SHIPPED. TIhh Stand is sent knocked down, wrprt beavv naiier makinir a tmckau-e of 20 lbs. liv FreiL'lit In Fecond-clafs antl at about half what it would cost if KD1 IMniii (liriM'titms for tiiittimr tofrethcr accomnanv each Stand. 1 o o 1 j , . j vviaie me regular price oi mis otanu is ii.vv, ior j are allowed to sell them at the wholesale rate of Thrift ""J H., Chicago, Or we will ueud the rowT one year pdnpaiJ a j Stantrshinncil F. O. ii. Clucago, for J3.50. 1 5 The POST, Middleburg