MIDDLEBURG POST. Published Every Thursday Morning OHO W WAOENSELLEK. A. M EDITOR AND OWNKR. SUBSCRIPTION RATE.". 91. OO er year paid in advance. stl.fto wr year if itol paid in a-tvauce. Single copies, live Cents. Ailvrrl ItHlr. -J4 rents per line, unu.arcll .inenstirc nici for tiist in-MTii'ti. ami -11 cents er line for each siihc qv.st insertion. Jr-or'KlcK. Ncarlne County Court House, between (lie r'ir' Natiutial itank llliti the County.lail. Vol. xxx.v. March 12,1'JO::. NlMliKIl HI Republican Standing Committee. Adams I". I". piss. J. T. Shnwvrr. Kca cr-i has. K. irn-r. II. H. raut. I . mvit W.st-.l. W. 1 taker, luvl,l Kcmilngrr. Centre W. A. Napp. 1.. C. ltiugaiiutu. rhu;uiiau -Joseph l.oiig, T. K. l.cu:ht. Kmnkliii J. '. ilackcnhtirg, i. K Metier. Jackson .1. S. Yearick, Win. Scltnltl, Middlchiirg Kuiiik .-Ki lit, Hanks W. Voder. Middlccrcck-.M. K. Krdli y J. M. Maorer. Monroe- II. C. Ilcndriiks. II. V. Fisher, l'eiin Joseph It. Hendricks. I. N. Jarrctt. IVrrv-A. W. Valentine, K. K. Hover. lVrry West-.l. S. Wii.ey. .1. Z. Ntrawsor. N'IIikuiiovo I. r'rank Keller, J. A. Ludnig. Spring c. K. Kline, l- Harr'soH Snook. I niiui-.l. (i, Stnlil. Washington W. K. Brown, Myron A. Mover. The Editorial career of Foster Ilartman lias beeu very short. He has retired as publisher . of the New Berlin "Kenorttr" and A. A. Shif- j for, a gentlemen whom we have not bad the pleasure of meeting, but the 1st vishe9 him ' success. Turn Out to Vote. It behooves all gmtd loval Republicans to at timl the I'riinarv Election, Saturday and vote their honest emu ictions in order that the be.-t men may be nominated. A nomination in Sny- ; der County is equivalent to an election, and hciKv it is all the more imjxirtant that every re- ' pnlilican should go to the polls. The privilege of voting is a right vestjd in! the American people and while it is a preroga-' tive, it is also a duty you owe to ycurself and' family that yon express your choice. Not all men think alike, but if all register their opinions, it must ol necessity be that the majority will rule. Those persons who paid high prices for scats to witness the lirst coronation procession in Tn don, wliie'i did not take place, eauuot get back their money. The English courts have decided against them, ns the seats were oM without any guarantee that the procession would take place. This helps the insurance companies at the ex pense of the public. I5 it th;se who had seats to sell Iot more tii 11 anybody else. If their charges had been in re reasonable they might have sold all theis seals. Hence no great sym pathy was wasttd 0:1 them. The wrecks on the Sunbury division haye been raih. r numerous this wtvk. The most cxjeii.-ive of the lot was- the o:.e at Reaer Springs Tuesday nioruing wl.en three enginis a;id a lot of cars wmv demolished. Kailroaling systems 'iced imjrovi ment, it si many wrecks are not til e to c.irelessi e-s. There is more Catarrh in this! section of the country than all other disu'is h put together, uml until the last few years was supposed to ho incuruliU'. For a grent many years doctors pronounced it a locul ili miho and prescribed local remedies, and ly constantly failing to cur" with local treatment, pionoiinced it incurable. Seieueo has proven ca tnrrh to be a eonstutional disease and thcrefirc reqtiir'B eonstutioua! treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure, iiiaiiufactuied by 1'. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only co -! stutional cure on the market. If I taken internally in dopes from 1" drops to a teaspoonful It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They ollVr one hundred dollars for any easo it faiis to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. ("honey . Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Drticffists 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Patents. Keystone Law and Patent Company, Ml) I'.et. I'.uilding, Philadelphia, Pa. Who are the only bonded "Patent Company in the World, oiler to make a guaranteed Patent Olllee prelimin ary examination (not merely their opinion) Free of charge to readers of "Mhldlcburgh Post" who will send a sketch, model or description of their Inventions. They will also give a certificate of patentability which will be of great HHsistanee to ap ,?veulariftira.i;lij capital. - , ' t All patents secured through this firm are guaranteed under a $),0((0 bond. Valid patents with the broadest claims secured on easy weekly payments. Write to-day mentioning this paper. 1 1' SHADEL. Charles Xeitz of ChiHi.-jiia pie was visiting friends at this place Saturday. Forest Pontius of Fieeburg was sien on our r-t reels Saturday. ( John lleintzelnian wears a broad . smile. It is a boy. ( ieorge Metzger is on the sick li.st, but is rapidly recovering. Charles licichenbach was seen on our streets Sunday. Henry liickhart's sale Tuesday v:is well attended, and the articles sold brought fair prices. His sale amounted to ?b00. Clenimeiis and An rand intend to move their steam saw-miil out to ward Kichficld on a timber tract which they bought from E. (J ray bill. The personal property of James Troup will be sold at Public Sale in the near future. The barn of Miles Hoods, south of Pichlield, was burned with all its contents including two mules. Eire supposed to be the work of an incendiary. John (J. Schaller bought a spau of mules Saturday. I guess he in tends to work two teams this Bummer. our streets last weeK. lie moveu on (J. S. Pine's farm near McKees Half Falls. Miss Jennie Miller spent Satur day at Milton. Mrs. M. H. Duck took suddenly il! Sunday morning. We have not learned how seriously. Sunday morning a report came to town that Carl Haas had bu n hurt on tie P. P. He fell in under a lot of wrecked cars and injured both of his hands, though not seriously. 1 It Knvril III l.a-K. A. Danforth of LuOraugc, (a , TriiK'I.V Aterle l. ".Tu4 in the l.iek of time our lit tie bov was !-av. d" wrdes .Mr. Wa: kins of pleasant City, ),iio. "I'neu mniiia had plaed '-ad havoc wlili him and a terrible c ugh st t in be sides. j)ortors tieiib'd him, but lie ;rew worse every day. At b'ngtli wo tried Dr. King's New lMscovory for Consumption, and our darling was saved, lie's now Koiiud, and well." F.verybody oucht to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases, (luar anteed by Middlebing Drug Co., (iraybill -Garman, Kichficld, l'u.. Dr. ). W. Sampsell Petmsei eek, Pa. Price aud l.uo. Trial bottles free, GLOBE MILLS. Abraham Lawyer's many fiiends surprised him Monday eve by gathering at his home to celebrate his ".2nd birthday. Poyal good time was had. Music by the Free buig Imid. Delicious were the re freshments, and numerous were the presents left to remind him of the high esteem in which he is held in this community. Charles Gilbert and Katie Hum mel of Peavertown visited relatives at this place Sunday. Mrs. Sal lie Walter of Sunbury visited her parents, Ed. Hummel and family. Mrs. Thomas Deitrich of Krea mcr spent Sunday with Mrs. W. L. Sehroyer. Mrs. Maud Snyder and Jane Stetlcr spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Thomas Pastiou at Sunbury. May Yerger of Middleburg spent Sunday with Amnion Yerger and wife. "Mrs. S. (). Ulrioh ami Antes Ulrich celebrated their birthdays Thursday. Mr. Ulrich is the oldest man in this vicinity, being 7'd years old. Mrs. J. G. Snyder of Shamokiu visited her daughter, Mrs. John Laudis and family. S. O. Ulrich visited Abraham Lawyer's Sunday. James Peigle of Vicksburg visit ed his children at this place Sunday. SELINSGROVE. Ex-Constable, Win. Wolf is spending a few days with his lam ily, when he will again return to his work at Yeagertown. Ed. Taylor and Jos. Covert, who have been over a year in Africa where lliey with others put tip a P. P. bridge; they had an experi ence which does not often come to people in this section of the Coun try. They have so many strange experiences ill that dark and be nighted laud. -Mrs. Levi Walker and daughter of York visited friends in this sect ion recently. Word was ree'd from Mrs, X. P. Janet that rhe had met her husband at Naples and that they will see the sights on the continent before re turning to their Native land. Samuel Spahr, Tuck Strawser are home for a short time with their families. Dr. Ulrich of Millersburg spent Thursday with his father. J. K. Davis was in town several days last week. The W agner Harp Orchestra and Quartette sang and played bi beforc a large and delightful audi ence Thursday evening. They were frequently "encored" Miss Tompkins is a first class. There is a rumor afloat that the railroad yard at this place is to be considerably enlarged we do not know how correct this is. Mrs. P. Herman aud son have taken a trip to Philadelphia. Mrs. Prof. Pirch spent a few days at Mifllinburg recently. Mrs. Traver (nee Schoch) and children of New Jersey are visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Schoch on Water St. A party from Northumberland came to town on a straw wagon and stopped at the Natioual Hotel. While they were at supper some miscreant threw a lighted match in the straw and the greater part of it was burned. Whoever it was shout! be put behind the bars sever al years to get some common sense into his head if that could be done. We noticed the Editor aud fam in town over Sunday. Riillerecl lor six mouths with a frghitful running sore on his hg; but writes that Kuekleii's Arnica Salvo wholly cured hini in live da.ts. For Ulcers, Wounds. Piles, it's the best salve in the world. Cue tUtr fltiteed. Onlv 125 ets. Sol I bv Middleburg Drug Co.. Cb-aybill v (im-man, Kiehlieid, Pa.. Dr. J W. Sampsell, Peiinscreek, Pu. KANTZ. Zcno Snrenkel ofHShamokiii spent i Sunday with his family at this place. Abel Fisher and daughters, Misses, Katie and Mamie of V in field are the guests of Ira Swartz and family. A daughter of Henry Shanibach is on the sick list. C. O. Shanibach of Dundorc S;wiLSuiidy at this lacef J. J I. Shelly, Nursery Agent, returned home Saturday from Mid dleburg and the upper end of the County. C. A.Sheniory had business in Selinsgrove Sat unlay. Clarence Moltapple was to Sun bury Saturday. Mrs. Fred Miller is seriou.-ly ill. E. C. Shemory has returned home from Altoona. The Dundorc correspondent said last week that I was paying no taxes in our toivnship. I deny the assertion. My tax is paid and I hold a receipt for it. Furthermore, he says I was living in two town ships ; Put I pay as I go. Dr. Ntwt Nipple and wife, who have Letn living at Akron, Ohio, for the last few years, have return ed to make their home at Thomas lletrick's. A party was given Sat unlay eve ning at the home of John Seesholtz and wife in honor of his mother's birthday. About twenty four were present. Sick Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver ! Aycr's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 29c. All druRftats. Want your nwuitarhe or beard beautiful brown or rioh blark? Thfn ua BUCKINGHAM'S DYEttU o CTt. or owMnn, on ft. t. hall A co., n n.h. HUMMEL'S WHARF. Mrs. Nathaniel Moyer is visiting her children in Perry County. Mrs. II. Pailey and grand daugh ter, Carrie Stetler, are spending a few weeks with friends near Centre ville. Mrs. Peter Pailev paid a visit to her son, Horace Kruinbine, at Northunilierland. Miss Katie Trutt, who is employ ed at the P. S. L. Hospital at Harrisburg, spent a week with her parents. Mrs. Benj. Derst and son of Sun bury were entertained a few days at the home of Samuel Trutt. Daniel Sassaman and family at tended the funeral of his father at Kratzerville Tuesday. i Our merchant, Samuel Stroub, and family will move to his father-in-law, Jacob Stahl, at Verdilla, in in the near future. We are sorry to lose Mr, Stroub. as he has alrvavs dealt fairly with his customers. (Irian Teats intends to take his place. - Asth ma "One of my daughters bad a terrible case of asthma. Te tried almost everything, but without re lief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and three and one-half bottles cured her." Emms Jane Entsminger, Langsville, O. A i'fr'c ffrrrv Pprtnrnl 1 ccrtainlycurcs many cases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, fi winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Thn-n iln-s: !V Miongh tor an ordinary cohl; Si., JiihI riK'it for brmu'tittli. ImaM neH. hnnl rolilt, Dir.; l, tniwt pennoiuical lor cliluliio caftra ami to kmp on hani. J. C. AY Kit CO., Lowell, Maaa. SCHNEE. Quite a number ;of our young folks attended the protracted meet ing at Aline. John Iloiitz of Ereebnrg was in town on business last Saturday. Elmer Troup made a business trip to Freeburg Monday. Jerre Crouse of Selinsgrove, who is a candidate for Associate Judge, was canvassing our town Monday. Ped Pank and Fremont schools will hold entertainments at the close of school in April. Last Monthly evening a party was held for F. J. Kerstetter's son, Walter. The evening was spent in games and music, alter which a supper was prepared by Mrs. Ker stetter. Every body seems to have enjoyed the evening. ' The Mock Court in the Fremont school house was well attended. lev. WvU 1. GrViefttter atn'i V. A. Harding were visiting friends at Oriental Sunday. A number of our people attended the sale of P. S. Mitterling Thurs day. Last Saturday a number of gentlemen of Selinsgrove wire in to attend tin; sale of Meiscr ami Wendt. Among them were the following: . S. Meiscr, W. P.. Nipple, W. 11. Haines, Fred Pow, Jacob Sharp and (Jeo. Livingtoti. "W. C. Kerstetler and son of Tie vcrton were in town Mon;lay. Pen Smith of Middleburg, who is a candidate for Prothonatory, was in town to call on our Pcpub lican voter.-. Pcv. C. C. Miller, the Lutheran Minister, preached in the St. John's church on Sunday afternoon anil announced to hold the Lord's sup par in two weeks in the morning at ten o'clock. Merchant Henry Harding will move to Fremont in Spring where lie intends to keep a Drug Store. W. H. Wendt and wife were to I Iarrishurg Wednesday. S. C. Kessler of Salem, candidate for Associate Judge, was canvassing our town Monday. Letter to A. E. Soles. Middleburgh, Pa. Dear Sir: You'd strike it rich if you could find a way to shave your customers in less time, for less cost, and make the shave last twice or three times as long. You wouldn't shave the same person so many times, or get so much of his money ; but the whole town would lie brtlang about you, aud every body vXiuld come to you for a shave. Devoe lead aud zinc is exactly that in paints. It takes fewer gal lons, aud it wears longer. Costs less for tho job, antl you don't have to do it for years and years six years at least. "Fewer gallons; wears longer". Takes fewer gallons to paint a house with Devoe Lead and Zinc than with mixed paints ; antl it wears longer than mixed paints or lead and oil. Yours truly,. , F. W. Devoe & Co., New York. Candidates Cards. Annoiimvttti'httt of vamllilute1 for the various ilm'4'a on tlie Ki'Pulillciin TU ket to or- voted for at tin- ! ri entry Kipctioii, Baliirtlay, Mnrch lltli, unci, cini In; niBile ill this column. In older to trt'iit all caiKlitlaten nltko. canN nmt bo pniil t'AMi in AiivaM K nml at the following nitcn. a'lopicil ly thr republican publisher!! of SnyuVr coiinly : I'rothonotnry $10: Koirmtpr nml lircoruVr, tl"; Anaoriatc Juiluc tW; niMtriit Attorney '. siKiiei! hy J. A. l.rMIUKD. Triliunt. I. K'l W. WAIiKSC-'KI.I.KR. PokT. A. M'. At himi. Una il 1. S Hiri'Kii, .Vriro. II. II. MoYm, Cuiiriir. Hate for .Itiry roiuniiaifiior antl State Dele gate made Unou-n on application to each pub iinher. Prothonotary. I hereby announce myaclf an a candidate for the nomination of I'rothonotnry and I'lerk of the I'oni'iB mihjeet to the ru'ct Koverninir the llepuldicuii prtmar cleetiouMarch 14, l'.lea, tico. M. Shintlcl I hereby announce my name aft a candidate for I'rothountary and t'lerk of the courts. I attk the loyal support of all republican. Bennevillo Smith. Register and Recorder. Pleflae nnnonnce my name a a Candidate for lhl(itcr and Keeortler at the primary election Saturday .March M. lino, 1 wdicit the mipport of all the republlcana. John IV Arbotraxt, Allddlcburi:, l'a. l'leae announce to all republicans that I nm acandidate for Itci'ler and Kecorder at the coming primary election, John II. WilliH. I prewnt my name as a candidate for the nomination of lteuintcr and Kecorder to be vot ed for at the I'rlm.lry election March I I, lUtCI. Lewis F OomberUnir. l'enn Township, , Associate Judge. " I hereby arTnoTince iiiytiaine as" ITIM htlile for Associate .Indue, at the comirt? Primary Klect on. 1 Holieit your earnest support. J. V'KAXK KKI.I.KR, Selinfrrove, Pa 1 hereby ttnnniineo myself a candidate for A-eiocinte .lude. Th.-inkinK tho republican votei-H i,f SndtT county for nat favrs and liciti your loyal uiuirt at the coming pri mary, I am, UoipcctfuMy, let re Crouc- 1 hert'bv i umiuMcc my name as a Candidate fur .. e'atr .Indl.''- tit tin condnf I'rimary IMfct'nn, pr' mlslin; if iiotitina'ed n'ld elcctL'd lo fa thfully (ullil tlie dulli id the omVo. ti. A. KAll-KMA.V, Shriller, l'n. I hi n by announce my Iittinc iim a Candidate for Asswciate .ludye, .. T. tilCMISr'HUNO. :hi..nrk".i. this headiriK when the buiiBH .... ,-ri omcti w eonta will be rh." Irl ,o nsve sale ,b -. haveUWrtcUla tln.'',', mn-i'" niMr Ml 19, jiiq, r.Arcii.riX OI tli,. .,. deed. Will 8e, "Ill and bouwbo d s. l?.Hk. autmiKo. 1 tilt K, TuTRM., March Ulmi,N in.lai'kson t,,u-.,.i.:. ?.t.! Jnu Kiink..l ..,,k Jsm. and farmiiiK iiiiiilen','1- i m u-i ay. arciii-i. I t live .to. k.farniii,B"i,,-, , hold goods ai M,i,t 7S TiilIKnAV. SI arch W N vi live stock and flr',' u,tH ""I'lU-l.urj SATl Mr I' ,March " -h.:- nn the Teat,' ell all rr...i.. ' V K. N V cattle. s ""' Satckdav Slnrch 1. n , ImpleiiicntK. eil,: ,,, 4 Monday. Mnreb lh .. . .. Htock. fnini r goods j lullcsi-t Mosd.w. Starch 10, ,1 v Sl jiuies. acow,, 7' il,: ;. "" and Kurmiliic In.i . ."' Moskav, Slarch IB, 1 !,, K, Farming Implement '" TCKSIiay, Jliircli 17. l ovi ,t 1, J I at.wlr on. I eat of Krntiervill,..'1''"'''1' TIF-SI.VY. March 17 W. A M,,.J ........ .. ... un.ir 1, . Sleisirville. ' "M Tl KsiiAY, Slnri h IT, ,I,,, u- c al I. I.. ' ft ' 1 'I'lllll.jj Ti ksoay March 17. Ia.- w0i, hold itooUs'J iiuli ,.u, jj nine mv..oi n.iu'i h mill. WKtNKi-nAY. March IS. l-:ii.Wl)rrt J II f :r l,i Ml. ..... 1 . ' , dencc one mile Nnrtti 0f WRf ROIiir, March Is, .i r, w sell live stock 11 1 I f.,n 1, tween t cntrevillc and Wb;, 1 moo coiuiiy. TiintsiiAY, March 13 .1. II. llrt J ffiocK unil l.irilllliL; Itl.t.Unyl North of Heliiiitr..ve TillltsiiAY, Vnrch 1'.'. m, t,e j,J live stock and fiirimni; imJ Tin nnAY, March pi. ,r,,,n j ,r live stock aim .inn 11111,1 elville. 1 FltlDAY, March I", .1. f, limui, stock, farm Inn I. nimt. ,. goods, on ti. M. Jlciti, J ui .iiiuuii-uiir. Khiday, March 2D. I.. S, ( -,-lriett implements and tmk RATt'HIiAY. Mflrch 21 l'.t II, l... live stuck uml t ,.,,.. Jl mile uortliw -t f 11, aver 3 SATt'lil'AY, March 21, Ahmliam V sell A linfHi', i ,.. .tl....J farming Impleiiu iiti. xmv :..i.i 1... 1 1 , . ' I lieu, tin 111 rnu leaning rati to .niniiniotvn. .IoDAY, Slatch 2J. .1 l:. vmit norscs, 1 cow, 1 1,1.11 tin! fn incuts. Momiav, Starch 2.1 Nnrnisn Bra, stock, farm iiiiik'iiiti,t4,eio. ol 1'roielville. Monday. March 21. 1'liilin W Wharf will sell f;irui lt ments. Tuesday, March St, .1. V II. II tf live stock, t'.-mitiie tnpid nnuMUoiu goia. 1 miles svii WKOKKSDAV Binrcll 1. TO f. I ell 4 l.,rses, 1 enva "bml and fiifm' iitipl.-tticnts. Fremont. TlIl HstiAY. Starch 1. .lulin F. Rn?J 2 Mules 1! lon;iJ firmini hnlf-way bctwmi Kre.mtr uiifB. Tiii rshav, Slarch a.:tli. I. T.swJ istriltnr nf til'1 l.-t ilffifjanic sell ' horses. 1 inuie. i;it'lc lilcmenta and lnuihii,lg Fkiday, March 'JT, Vh. Aimir iiul live stock and fnini lr:ijjt m- r.ast of 1 alias. S.VTrttiiAV, Starch 2 nt ti n 1 m. sell will sell t i' ri iii i'titf ;amnuat tltt' t'oiirt IIoiim:. Satl'bday, Slnrcli SS, at oirmi tWt Sunpsel will sell tli" rualKJ snook, at tlie t o lit noiw. I hcrrliy annnuiue mysc.f up n Candidate for Associate Jude. ti. .1. SlMIOClI. I hereby aiinoiiiiee my nnPle as a rnhdldate for Associate , I utlge. I am an old soldier, hold two diseh.ir. s and inn tvt yiars old. 1 solicit the Hiip..rt of nil Kcpuhllcaiis. S. V. KKSSLKIt. Jury Commissioner. I hereby nnnouuee my name as a cnnilidnte fur Jury Commissioner. Solic tlnjr the votes of all Ki'piibliians, l rrinain. Irwin tiraybill, l'oxtonville, l'o. State Delegate. Editor Post. Please announce the name of J. 8. Yearlck of Jackson township us a Candidate for IVIegate to the State Convention at the coming Primary election, and oblige, REPUBLICANS. Editor Post PIcrso announce thn name of W. E. STAI11NKCKKH, Spring, as a Candidate lor Delegate to the State Convention at the coming Primary Kloctlan and oblige, Middleburg. REPUBLICANS. District Attorney. I hereby announce my name aa a Candidate for District Attorney at the coming Republican I'rimary Election. M. I. POTTER. Sheriff Sale OF ItliL KSTATK. By virtue of a writ of alias Fi. Fa. to me directed Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Snyder county. 1 will sell on SATURDAY, Marcb 2Stti, 1903, at one o'clock P. SI. at the Court House In Middleburg, Pa., eipnseat public tnle the fol lowing described real estate, both tracts of which are situate In Centre Township, Snyder county, Pa., tn-wit : Tract No. 1. Hounded on tho North by lands of C Fessler, on the Fast by J. Sanders, on the South by public road and on the West by A. MuserandJ. V Ilartman, containing 49 acres more or less, whereon are erected Rood frame dwel lug large bank barn, and all necessary outbuildings are good. Fruit is good and plen tiful. Tract No. S Hounded on the North by land C. M. showers, on the Kast by K. Kenner, on the South hy Public ltoad and on West by I. Walter, containing 7 acres more or less. tScized, levied upotwind taken execution as the property of William Allen Snook, defen dant at the suit of KlimbetlCLong, plaintiff. ('HAH. K. HAMPSEL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofllce, Middleburg, Pa., March 4th, HUM. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. Fewe!anons; lakes less of De voe Lead aVl Zjpc than mixed paints. , Veaiwnger: twice as lead and oil. ' Sheriff Sale. OF REAL ESTATE -Hy rirat wtitof H. Fa. issued nut "flhf r mun Picas of Snvder county, h directed. I will'sell nt I'ulilicsn House, in Middleburg, l'n.. SATURDAY, ManbMl At ten o'clock, A. M., the folio Into trvwit Tract No. 1 All that ier'in situate in Adams twp.. ImuiiW 1 J by lauds of Henry Kuliiis siid hart, hjist by public rond. and lands of Airs, llaiumli l)icW lands of Levi Musscr and J containing H& acres, inure orl,J erected a new tlwclliiu; iioim i all necessary out buildings. u" Dleorchard. lime kiln ami utuirO TractNo. 2. Situate In Centre" North by lands of Peter lire road. South by lands of John u Henry Snook, containing 'I'...,, v 9 ll.,U ,,M,I l.llfrl' ("entcrville, bounded North hfj ivast by Alley, Soutli hy 3rd "J lot of P. O.SBowersox. Good l lent fruit ol all kinds. . mi.uu, HIKCII 11. ,u I. s" m as the property of Stephen Ouwl Sheriff's Offlce. Mlddleharh.f, March Ok iwu- Notice of Final M To PETIR L. STRAWSER, I Pennsylvania. .. , liiu ,ti.i 1 1 ou are nereoy nuimr . -divorce has been r"1"1 suit ot virgie a. j will oe Beam ininei oi. " . Snyder county, of October T j Monday, the first day ol Jut, m 'lay, you may up pea, you have, why such dirorts " granted against you. Q fft MlddleburgU. Pa.. Vsrcb !od. ' a nvrxxTfuTtJ A TOILS' Urs of Admlnintrslio" M sanies Troup, late 01 u County, Pa., deceased, 1"""' selves 1IIUVUK, " wow niak immediate payment. ww 1 claims against the said duly authenticated lothr mfZl auineniicaien '"'' " v. .IiiHN T. HHKTThKLi Mar. 8, .W3 Jos. Q. Crouse, Atty, MlDDLEBURGH & Butter Eggs Onions Lard Tallow Chickens... Side Shoulder... Ham 20 1G GO 12 3 8 10 '2 15 WW Corn.' 0at8-f BranK
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