M1j)LEBUKG POST. I ;nvite all to my" store and call your attention to my line of, pry Goods, Notions, groceries, urugs, Hardware. Tinware, Queensware. Glassware, Mats ana uaps. Boots and Shoes. A Fbw SDBCials Extraorfliaary Urn. p,-.t 8-day Clock iu market my price, 82.00. Fancy Dark Outings, 5c. up. 5,.t seamless Graiu Hags, 20c. Hll,gy Whips, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c. FeUNVimiow Shades, 10c. Standard Table Oil Cloth, 15c. Watch Wly Markets r Hotter and Eggs, Lard and lultry. I a'.Auys pay ii .re than my compctitoi N. T. Dundore, DUNDORE, PENNA. "Whe.i the butter wont come put a penny in the rhurn,' is an old tine ikir proverb. It often seems l work though no one has eve; told why. When mothers are worried "xcause the children do no- strength and flesh wt Ll BKA OI.D IX ONE DAT. iWs refund the money if it v vv frovi'H tuirnature loi'ure. ,;(.:. CROUSE, iTTOBSK AT LAW, MlDDLEUORtt, FA. UomusB entrusted to his of ltWlVi urolUDl Hueuiiuu. LB. Pottiegeis ItLINSOROVl, r A. mKMlonal buslnoss entrusts to my care Laive prompt and careful attention. INDOR HOUSE W. H. HITLER, Proprietor Market SI., Harrisburg Pa., (Opposite P. R. R. Uepot Entrance) I failed for All rmlnV W 25 and 50c. Qood Meals, 2 5c Good accommodations, tf L list sag aaad WrKHM fctive Bn.iiKMuiuine Tablets care Hlutttiay. io cure, no pay. Price k'tTKIXS' NOTICE. Notice Is hereby km that letter IcitamentHry upon the es l Henry Meniilc, late of Perry town- nyder Co.. Pa., dee'd. have been issued I formal law to the undernisned, to whom (bird to mii.l estate should make Imme kivineiil and those haviiiKClaim again! .ii present tlu-m duly authenticated for Hot. Philip V Sciinkk, 1 . Philip Menulk, txecutora. hMntMill-, Jim. 20 03. $5.50 Sample' Outfit FREE I Itr Mi.u'a Klaetrle 0ram. traiijlit front. Nature's own remedy I fur Backache. Nervousness. Indi 1 gestiou, Headache, Liver and Kid ney Troubles; price si lo 1 Ur. Ncutl'a llalr Hmlic. for Fallinir Hair; price. 1 Toilet nic e.. Write for I ideal Term. ti.A.Scott,870B,way N.Y. lECtTOll'S NOTICE.-Notice is Irfby eivt'D. thr letters testamentary up- wtwie or HunryJK. ttlcgel, late Of r, Snvder eountv. Peuna.. N, bvo bern Issued In due form of law uarnlirnrd, to whom all Indebted to fute shuuld make Immediate payment riwhavlnffclnlmAflfnfclnHr.lt. nhnnlri nre. ftmduly auihentlcHted for wt Uomen t. HAKLOTTK RIKUKI,, 1b. Pa., Jan is, IMS. Executrix. JILNISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let ters of Administration in the en- W Henry lloyer, late Of Jackson twp. F w. ra., UBca., having oeen granr Mw QridPreltrnprf nil iwrannH Irnow.nfr fires IMebte d to said estate ai e requested p lmmllftte payment, while I nose having present them duly authenticated to C W, BOYER, Administrator, liartlelon, I'a, MKISTKATOR'S NOTICE. Let "lof Administration I n t h e I George llouser, late of Ch a p m a ri Kre,o, Pa., deo'd, bavins been granted -.li.nneu, an persons knowinir tnstn iwtbied to said estate are requested to Fnsdlate nttvmnnt M1a thna h.vinu 1111 present them duly authentieated tu r""Rueu. I W. n. HOUSER, p1,Pa.,Feb.91U.a. Administrator, RD-Severl nenuina nf fliftrActer and PfoMion In each state (one in this Co. P1' lo represent and advertise old estab- Mllhy business house of solid financial r. lary 131 weekly with expenses ad payable in cash each Wednesday I IMm h-. .1 A1 II I r when necessary. References. Kn- r'i-slilresed envelope, Colonial Co, rtwa8t.,L'lilcoBa. J-l-16t PAYS to advertise in a live and up-date newspaper. For resulU The POST. A Steady Income. T . . Lmmision paid weekly. oUr 1X0 1 requires local and traveling agents utiipo,e ot lt producta. AlFo JL "i1 arrange for whole or part time. Lr e guarantee nrnfltahU .n,l nl. Tentthe year 'round. Write to day I SIBH, V- Company, Kor heater, If ..T lie Wu Rich. Hotel Proprietor Where did you put that ugly old ninn who just regis tered? Clerk Gave him the best in the house. Proprietor How do you know he enn afford it? Clerk I caught a glimpse of his wife waiting in the Indie' parlor. She's young and pretty. Philadel phia Tress. EaterprlelnaT Man. "I tell you," said Mr. l'udoogiis, "our groeer i a shrewd fellow. He is ul ways on the lookout for schemes that will bring trade his way." "He must be successful," said Mr. Wunder. "You bet he is! Why, he has the biggest rush right now on mince-meat that you ever sa. He is giving away a box of pepsin pills with each pound of it." Judge. AVhaut Inspired the HrmarkT "Sniitliers remarked to-night, after taking dinner at my house, that he always tried to hurry through the disagreeable duties of life as fast as possible." "Humph! Had he eaten very fast?'' "No, but he was smoking a cigar 1 gave him, and I noticed it didn't last long." Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune. Worrlea. "I am very much afraid," said Mrs. Cumrox, "that our daughter isn't mak ingthe progress in musical culture that she ought to, considering the cost of lessons." "Why not?" inquired her husband. "She prefers a piece that cost only fifty cents to one that I paid a dollar for." Washington Star. Ileyond Ilia Power. Tailor When shall you pay me that bill? Smithkins Upon my soul, old chop, you remind me of my little nephew. Tailor I do? Why? Smithkins llccause you ask ques tions that for the life of nie I can't an swer. Town Topics. Told the Troth. She You told me I was the only woman you ever proposed to. He True. "True, is it? I've henrd that you've been engaged to three women." "All of them were widows, my love. They didn't wait for a proposal." N. Y. Weekly. The Voice of Experience. "Do you think that the stage exer cises an elevating influence?" "Yes," answered Mr. Stormington Barnes. "I don't know of anything better than the classic drama for de veloping the noble virtues of patience and humility." Washington Star. Ctaaaltteid. Miss Vera Rich Yes, papa has fired Freddy out a dozen times. The Maid Meavens, miss! And he still keeps calling? Isn't he flat? Miss Vera Rich Yes; papa calls him a fireproof flat. Judge. Approval. "I much admire men's honesty." The rogue exclaimed, with cynic glee; "If all folk were at had as me What competition there would be!" Washington Btar. HIS POIJJT or VIEW. "One thing has always struck me as being peculiar in this world." "What's that?" "The man who has money enough to pay as he goes can get all the credit he wants." Louisville Courier Journal. j :ay give t'lem Scott's Enuil :"n. It is like the penny in the v.'.lk because it works tint' realise there is something i.Uonibhing about it. Scott's KmuLsion is simply milk cf pure cod liver oi' with some hypophosphite: especially prepared (or delicaU. stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treatment. We will send you the penny, . e., a sample free. Re sure that this picture in the Inrm ol a label it mi the wrapper o( every bottle ol Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 400 Pearl St., N. Y. Joe snd fi.oo ; all druggio Cm see. First Cannibal Our chief has the hay fever. Second Cannibal What brought it on? First Cannibal lie ate a grass widow. N. Y. Sun. A I.kernry Tint. "Judging by her portrait you'd eon .lude she v.ns a person of advanced literary attainments, wouldn't you?" "Yes, but I happen to know that she un't as well read as the is painted." Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Black Ar4. Friend I suppose a great many deal ers visit you? Artist Yep. The coal dealer is the one that worries me most just now. Chicago American. ottirnl Deduction. "l);cs he claim In know much about women?" "No; he says tiny are beyond his Comprehension." "Then he's married." Chicago Post. Over -Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. 1 ne kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out (he waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu. matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the blood, due to neelected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on Its merits by all druggists In fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out it you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer 5t Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Hoese r SaanBool At tt IVnrsralB. "Han want but little here below" This fact's won him renown While woman wants a lot of things - And wants them all marked down. Lot Angeles Herald. Can't Lose Her. Biggs Do you have any trouble keeping a cook? Boggs Not In the least. The fact is, I can't get rid of my cook. She's my wife. N. Y. Herald. Was a. Widower, of Coorae. "And here U where friendship ceases," remarked the groom, as he led the blushing bride to the altar. Yonkers Statesman. Always (he Way. haggles Are these relatives - of fours next or distant? Waggles The ones who have any money are very distant. N. Y. Times. m Preeaatlsm. "The old gentleman played mighty mean trick on me," remarked the young hopeful. "What was it?" "Well, you know I've always car lied an old watch that no pawnbrok er would even look at, tiul father promised me a r.ew one for mv birth day." "Well?" "Well, he gave it to me. tut he had my name engraved on the case." Chicago Post. t nrraaonable. The hotel lounger went to the fau cet and drew, a glassful of water. "Here!" he exclaimed, lin king with horrilicd eyes at soiuelhii g in the glass. "Whut kind of water do you keep on tap, anyhow?" "What's the matter with it?" asked the hotel clerk. "There's a thing swimming nroiuiu in it that looks like a lizard." "Well," demanded the clerk, "what did you expect with a free drink". Alligators?" Chicago Tribune. Time to Intrude. Mother Is Mr. Kisseiu iu the par lor yet? Little Son Yes. "What are they doing?" "They are Bitting a good ways apart, and talking; lnu sister has taken off her Elial.evi nil!'. "Very well; I'll go down nt once" N. Y. Weekly. Sloe Person 4o Take On. The Heiress (l.iiierh )-Of course, every bi.ii knows y mi married me for my money . Her Husband Well, I can't. see that that shows very wonderful discern ment. No tine would it- fool enough to imagine I wedded you foryour looks. Ally Sh.per. All I.) lUrlf. It was the (irat time that four-year-old Willie had ever seen a snake; and, as it writhed nnd squirmed along, he ran into the house to tell of his discovery. "Oh, miiiiiina!" he exclaimed, "come here quick. Here's a tail wagging with out any dog." Detroit Free Press. The Court Snlitgerrd. Coiinsel--(io on, sir relate the words used by the defendant In the libel you complain of. Plaintiff-He said he defied me to find a bigger liar and thief than 1 was. Counsel And what did you reply? Plaint ilT-I told him I should go to my solicitor. Ally Slopcr. The Only Teal. Blinkers Talking about aged peo ple, there's a woman in my tow n who says she is 110 years old. Winkers Does she rememler danc ing with George Wiu-liingtt.n? "Xo." "Then she's a fraud." N.Y. Weekly. Counterfeit All Aronnd. "They say her husband's title is bogus." "Well, if so, It's only another caiie of the eternal fitness of things. Her father made his money in the bul terine business." Chicago Kecord-llerald. From the Next ovel. Percy was intoxicated by the sub tle perfume which enveloped her and all her belongings, the faint essence of gasoline proving she had an auto mobile and was indeed to the manor born. X. Y. Herald. Their Vletva. 'Twlxt rralist and poet Thi dJffon ni'e we kin; One likes to see the sun eft, The other one, the hen. N. Y. Times. . WUAI.TH TO iAW. a a, muni ' iimwiii First Pup (Jee, I'd like to be dat, lady's dog. Second Pup Why? First Pup I heard a man say that she's got a million bones. Chicago American. The Latrat from Mnserlrk. There once was a man from Nantucket, Who kept all bis cash In a bucket; Ilut bis (Tnttrhter named Nan Kan away with a man And as for the bucket, Nantucket. Princeton Tiger. The Weatern Standard. Cobwigger How do you rate and rank your society women in Chi cago? Lakeside By the amount of ali mony they are receiving. Judge. Bad and Worse. Polly The most disgusting thing live is a man who flirts. ; Betty Yes, that's so except one who won't. Town Topics. Rot Wholly Abandoned. "Yes," said the old Georgia farmer, "it's true that Jim's in the legisla tor'; but there's hope fer him yit!" Atlanta Constitution. Laeky Escape. ' Blinn You say yon saw old Bore, lelgh yesterday; did he see yen? Flinn No; I bad my rabbit' foot with me. Town Topics. r - t for Infants and Children, Cast or la is n harmless Mihstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops ami Soothing Syrups. It in Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Narcotic Mihstance. It destroy Worms ami allays Fcverisliness. It cures lHarrhtfU- nml AVI ml Colic It relieves Teeth ing' Troubles ami cures Constipation. It regulates tho Stomach ami Itowcls, giving health v ami natural t-lccji. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. TMf rrWTaUW fftM'IWT, TT MIIIY TWrfT, Wf VP WW, QTV. Prompt Pavme Liberal Adjustments. REMEMBER H. HRRUEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSTANCE AGENGV Only the Oldest,.' Iron-sl Csh Companies, Fin , Lift . Accident, and Tornatiu. lio Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded . P, 1S1!) Assets 11,0' ,13.88 " Homo 1S53 " 9,S3 ,628.4 " American 44 " 1810 " 2,i(),84.3 The Standaid Au ' 'cut Insurance Co The Nch' York 1 , Insurance Co. The fldelitn Mm 1 Life Association Your Patronact ... siliclted MOST LIBERAL OFFER OF THE YEAR. .1 "4 The New-York Tribune Farmer is a national illustrated agricultural weekly for fanners and their families, and stands nt the head of t lie agri cultural press. It is it prnrtU'iil paper for practical farmers, helping them to secure the largest possible- profit from the farm through practical methods. 4 It Is entertaining, instructive und practically useful to the fanner's w ile, sons and daughters, whose interests it covers in an attractive manner. The regular price is Jl. 00 .cr year, but for limited time wo will receive your subscription for Till; Mi W. YORK TR1HUNR PARMER and also for your own favorite local newspaper, The Post, Middli lung, Pa. Both Papers OneYearforonly $1.25 tScml your order and money to 'The Pos t. Your name ami address on a postal caul to THE NEW-YORK TRIIU NEII ARHI R, N w-Y tk ( ily, will "iTting j on frtc si.ini.lf copy. Schools and Courses of Susquehanna University, Selinspve, Pa. """TKAC'IIEKS' C'OlUIbE.At this lime facial nlltntion is tiillttl to thin course. It is intended to advance tlic tllicieiicy and earning capacity of those who teach din ing the Winter, and also to prepare for teaching. The entire course covers four years, all of which can lie taken l.y teachers without interruption of their woik in the i-cliool-room, and leads up to a permanent certificate and other advantages. This meets a long felt want of teachers who must earn their education with meagre salaries and often; excellent opportunities for steady advancement. Teachers and those who wish to prepare successfully for leaching should not fiiil to nctiuiiint themselves fully with the hem fits to he derived from this course. This year the term begins April 0, 1003, and closes July 2,l, 1003. Expenses are very low. Write for full particulars. MUSICAL-CONSEliVATUKY AND COLEEfJE FOIL YOUNG LADIES. Degrees and Diplomas Granted. The Spring term begin April 1, 1903, and closes June 17, 1003. Special arrangements have been made for a large attendance for MUSIC and other studies. There is a iJplendid course in Elocution. Facilities are nowhere ktter. The work is in charge of an able corps of teachers who rank with In st any where. The large imposing Ladies' I lull has all the modern conveniences. The environment is home like and parents can rest assured that their daughters will be given the best care in every way. The climate is very healthful and the surrounding scenery isall that could be desired. Our students come from the best homes. Why not give your daughter the advantage of at least a few terms away at College. The day has gone by when the girls were kept at home, and only the lioys sent to college Kates are very reasonable. Write for catalogue and particulars. COMMERCIAL COUIISE. An increasing number of young persons are finding lucrative positions at the counting disk and in ofiiccs. To meet this demand die Univcrsitv oflci a thorough and efficient Commer cial Course, consisting ot Iiook-l-eeping, Penmanship, Shorthand, Com mercial Law, etc. All or uny H' these subjects may be pursued. IVsides securing a superior Coniniert inl Course, our students enjoy the additional advantages of a Gymnasium, Library and Heading-room, Literary Socie ties, and the University life in general. The University atmosphere stimulates the ambition of student's and, together with efficient instruction gives exceptionally satisfac tory limits. We have no difficulty in secur ing positions for all students completing the course. Write for terms ant particulars. The College of Liberal Arls is noted for its excellent Scientific an Classical Courses. A course in Civil Engineering is given. The Preparatory School fits students for College entrance. Address, .VI. WOODRUFF, A. N. WARNER, or J. F. KEMPFER. Dean. registrar. Field Secf