The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 05, 1903, Image 5

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L c..noliantiii coal breaker
LtJ o it mD7 ,on.8 of coal ,lafit
It auJii was
,,7 coal flats t,,e 'i,,,I,e of
" a.tal Jown with coal, ull
LikI l',r the m'aresl 1 ,nar"
It. . .
t)lir owl dealers are miiiIiii
,.' enterprises v'tli cheap
l ainl an ahiuulatK'e of it.
..,.,v ,, the inspiring candidates
i towu ami report origin
(i,,ti!iil' St-hrey was in town ami
. .(. ,ai a lot ot tine moats to
wr oi'Cauuleu ami Sara
'ci(.r , ,i" Sl'Iiiis ( irove calleil mi
U. lhindorc.
siniiv Seehrist is sli'ppiny: sonic
si- ;i:ii' poultry to Washington,
Wolf hauled" a loail of po-
t,i the KMir house.
gtv. H. T. Scarlu has gone to
tiniurt' to attend the annual Con
. liieh is in session now.
(ja Monday out new township of-
U were sworn in.
HiTiitlii" got its supply of ire this
i I .,...1 !...
I titi'l tliut lvepiiblieau u-e will
, .. .. .i... n
L again.
0r schiKil teachers are all . miles,
month means something. I'rof
ft-rstix made an eloquent speech
behalf of the tax payers.
Tu' correspondent of Kantz last
itk thought , he could enlighten
ieovt'1 seers of our township, but
iiwot to say that he pays no taxes
liia towislnp ami is Jiving in our
i .. l : . t:, l.t.. .
iivLWH i a"" ia -uioiu io uii oilier
removal any day, which would
the same treatment that Mr.
K. O. Ui tner's sale was one of the
ut the season. Attendance large
J juices very good.
Jik.1 fehaii r is on the sick list.
If von like good fish go to Dun-
I 1 1! I . . 1
lire, aim goou rcaumjj, suoscrioe
r the Post.
Rev. Keeler and wife are very cu
rtaining with their exquisite inu-
I. W. Longacre, the auctioneer,
tlie 1iis m man in town.
V " r-r-t l.igr. Ailmm mtm, mm t
LLinou,.u(lt VT "
S.V.()lt, son ' of Harry Ott,
e'J., and Miss Mattie Ulrich, a
lighter ot i B. Ulrich, were
Limed in the r irst Liutlieran churcli
'eilncsday evening last before a
II church, llie ceremony
s pcitiinned by Uev. W. S. Ul-
li, hruther of the bride, assisted
their pastor Rev. 0. W. (Jensz
, Your correspondent joins in
ihiiii; the voung people prospcr-
aml long life.
Tlie new borough officers elected
(resworn in Monday evening and
Council at once organized lor
Several parties are prospectini:
Ircoal on the opposite side of the
ver. It is reported that they have
liratl a vein of fine coal, and it is
roped to sink a shaft to ascertain
fe size of the vein.
Tlie sad death of Arthur Koush.
Mch occurred at Lewistown. Wed-
fcxlay est a doom over the town
he was well and favorably known
pan excellent young man. The
mains were brought home Thurs-
M and were to have been buried
Wurday, but owing to the high
iu aiidule Jreek. luneral was
Mtponed until Sunday forenoon,
n tne body was taken to 1 ree
rg for burial. The services were
inductee! bv liev. fiptlpr
jflhe First" Lutheran Church.
Jerry Mertz of Delaware, a for-
p citizen of this place, is on a visit
V .! i ... . . .
menus ana relatives in this sen
ile 83 VS he dops not. like flip
p weather we liave here.
Postmaster Watrenseller and Ron
"ok, snent Several d.iva Inst wenlr
noticed M. T. Potter. Rw.. in
n last week.
Df- J. Schoch and Mrs. Weiwr.
h were called home on account of
pe death of their mother, returned
re aeam. The nih
Keand Minnt
Pi weeks.
S. E. Bateman of Philn.W.
' Was here for n daw in an l.Ia
J vr ovv l IO
Returned home to fill his ap
"otmeDt Sunday. . j
'11 Phillips is visiting in Screo-
Pfof. C. II. Albert of Blooms-!
spRDt Sunday with his father. 1
Absolutely Pure
The game of Basket Hall hctwcci;
5 U. ai d Hloonisliiirg Xoi nml
S'hool team Saturday evening in tin
Opera House, resulted in the follow
ing score 2: to ltl iu favor ol'S. U.
It is reported that Mrs. .Jonathan
Arbogast is improving under her
treatment at Medico (.'hi Hospital.
Mrs. A. l as returned home.
Miss Ilarley of Watsontown was
euteitained by Miss Anna Yutzy.
It would not Ih' amiss for the
Street Committee of the Council to
look after the street lighting, which
is and has been miserable for some
weeks better have none, than a
mere pretense, in fai t we do not have
any much of the tune at some places.
It is hoped that as we pay our taxes
for that iuiM)se, we should have
what we pay for.
More Klum
Di-turbiuices f strikers are not
nearly as gruve as au individual dis
order ct the system. Oveiwork,
loss of sleep, nervous tensionis will
be followed by utter collapse, un
less a reliable remedy isimnudiate
ly employed. There's nothing bo
ellieieut to cure disorders of the
Liver aud Kidneys as Eloectric Uit
ters. It's a wonderful tonic' ami
effectivo nervine and the greatest
all around medicine for ruu dowi
systems. It disnels Nervousness,
Khouraatism and Neurnlsia aim
expels aialuria germs. Ouly UK-.
aud batisfacticn Riiarauteed b
Middlodunr Druar Co., (Iraybill
Gavman. Itichtield, Pa., Dr. J. W
Saiupsell, Pennsereek, Pa.
YrSrKVuietif Kratzetvilie &pert '
a few days in town last week.
Amos Jjowersox ti'anacted busi
ness at Hcavertown Friday.
Calvin (. Stroup ('roye to Mciser
ville Saturday.
Henry and lather Kcmi'cr ol
Meiscrville were in town Friday.
1J. II. Custer bought Harrison
Mover's refrigerator. Mr. Custer
intends to go in the butcher busi
ness. J. V. Swartz spent Friday a!
Troxelville with his mother. He
said that she is in a critical con
dition. Thursday John llamer sold his
lumber outfit to John Kern cd
Mrs. J. 11. Dcimcr spent Satui
day with her jmrents, John Meiser
and wife at Meiser.
(iuite a number of our farmers
arc boiling maple sugar.
Van Middleswarth of McClure
spent some time with his sister,
Mrs. P. E. Kinney.
Mrs. S. S. Walter spent Saturday
and Sunday at Troxelville with her
sister, Mrs. Middleswarth.
Geo. Schell of Centreville was
noticed on our streets one day last
Several undergraduates of our
town should use better conduct at
the Station.
Worklug Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored by
those tireless, little workers Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Millions ara
always at work, night and d iy, cur
ing Indigestion, Biliousness, Con
stipation, Sick Headache and all
Stomach. Liver and Bowel troubles.
Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only
25o. at Middleburg Drug Store,
Graybill & Garman. Richfield, Pa.
Dr. J. W.Sampsell, Pennsereek, Pa.
Mrs. llev. W. J. Dice and little
babe of Liverpool are the guests of
her parents, Fxlward Freed and wife.
Mrs. Freed has been confined to her
bed for the last four months with
nervous trouble.
Mr9. John E. Boyer (nee Alice
Bingaman) of Petersburg, is spend
ing several weeks among her rela
tives and friends at this place.
Mis. Dr. irm Miller, spent sev
eral weeks with the Dr's friends in
Centre County.
There' are some prospects for
Beavertown getting a new Depot in
he near fiitu, as well as some talk
f'i the tannery tluit has lecu idle
for years, to resume oHTations. '
A baby girl registered at the
home of I'rof. I. J. Freed rm-ntl).
Comrade Simon SKcht and fam
ily will this week move to Iiewis
town, an,! Mr. SeiU'rs will move t
Huinham. This will m.iko :m
opening aid alx.ut half a do.-n
.t . . . ...
oiner lauulies will tneu change re-i-dences.
C. h'. Spocht, the faithful' and
(Vuieit clei k iii P.. S. Hi lie's geiici
l s'o;e, has resigned his position,'
:ii l l as gone to Ivewistt.wu to a--opt
a position as conductor, or m
larmau on the trolley line. We
wish him Mteeess in his new venture.
The P. (). S. of A. Hail.llet en
the evening of 'J'Jrd. of Feb. was a
plea-ant social event.
Mrs. Fraik Weiscr of New
York City visited her parents, R S.
li ne's several days last week. Mr.
and Mrs. Hii.e accompanied her t
Mali 'iitonga F .idav to attend the
funeral of her m.-.Ui in-law, Mis.
Those of our young men, who
h id gone to Poweltown, to work
have all returned home airain.
Kev. A. I). (Iramlev goes to
Haltimore Thursday to ait 1 ile
iiinual t'onference of the lT. K.
Church. Mrs. tlramlev noes to
Mt. Holly where she will visit
friends. Hev. (iramlv has served ''
this charge very aeeeptablv for the
last three years, ami his manv '
friends here are very desirous that
he may be returned for another I
year. !
Our town people witnessed ipiite;
a flood again tin? past week.
Mrs. A. Clarence Faust and son, I
Uobert of Sunbury are visiting her
parents, Win. Boyer nml wile.
The U. H. Church fair will he
gin the 20th. inst. and promises to
bean interesting event. Don't fo--get
the date.
Mrs. 11. M. Shaller was called to
her old home at Weigh Scales
wing to the illntssof hir lather.
A. M. Stroh and Edwin Clock
ittended Court last wek.
Frank S. Keigle of the C nnty
cat is doing a prosperous bus'ness
in our towu the past few weeks.
The Grip Leaves Thousands in its Path
Weak, Nervous, Dyspeptic, Catarrh Wrecks.
"i;r Jri
xmt thf at-
ter r'fr'it:
Vike ddi!i-
ty, nervous
wtss. vs-
Iprpsia and ether ca
rarriii eriiiii,ym
rcsu!;i-T from the1
if.y, in me enure
Mater! Medico. I
have fcund no rem
edf that rouah J'e
runt f.-r Amtnf,
Vic lion " Ir. S.l.
I I art man, 1' re si
dent I he Iartiia.
(.' ;'
d e m i c ,
ci'a iming
a a: iii ion
t i ri s or
; .:. ctli-
cicK. 'C.-J Peru
na 77 cuickly
relieving this
malady and its
- after effects
hat reen the
til': of the
LIKK A nr.MON prtp hn rross..,! our
country, leaving behind hoorc of
physical wrecks.
Victims of catarrh of thohcail, ontarrh
tit tlio throat, catarrh of tlio liiiij;,
catairli of tho stumncli, catrrli of the
kidneys, catarrh of tho pelvic organs,
aro to bo counted hy hundrcdH of thou
sands. Cirlp is epidemic catarrh, nnd
iows tlie (seed of clirouio catarrh within
tilt Fystem.
This is po true that few grip sufTcrers
are nhlo to muko a complcto recovery
until tlicy have used JVruna.
Never in tho hiftoryof medicine hus
a remuily received mich unipialillcd and
universal eulo(;ios as l'eruna.
A New Tork Alderman's KxktIciick.
Hon. Joseph A. 1'linn, alderman Fifth
rlstrict, writea from lOi Christopher
trcet, New York City, as follows i
"When, a pestilenco overtakes our
people wo tako precaution nn a nation to
prciiervo tho citizens against tho dread
"La prippe has entered thousand of
our homes tliis fall, and I noticed that
tho people who used l'eruna were (piiek
ly restored, whilo thoso who depended
ou doctor's prescriptions, spent weeks
In recovering, leaving them weak and
" I had a slight attack of la grippe and
ftt once took l'oruna, vhicb drove the
I disease ont of mr Rvstei-: l:iafcwd;vs
and did not hinder m. from pt.r.-iiiuc
my daily work.
"I uliould like to si our J'. : 1 of
Health give it oilieial ivc-nit ; . ami
have it used generally among poor
nick people in lireatcr New u,.''-.
Joseph A. 1'linn.
. 1.. Wallace, a charter menil" - ' ' !ie
International llarher's. I'nioii, m;is
troni 5 Western uvenue, Minn.
"Following n severe nttack of 1.' -u-I
seemed to he affected badly nil . 1
suffered with a severe haekacl . il
geslion and iiiujiitous ills, so ' . M
neither eat nor sle-p, ami I th. .. ,t I
would give up my work, which . . ...A
not afford to do.
"Onoof my customers who was - itly
helped hy l'eruna advined me t ,- it,
and 1 priH-ured a tottli) tin? BamiM. . I
used it faithfully and felt a mai l., . im
provement. During thenext twos:. :hs
I took flvo hottlen, nnd then felt s l' ii
dld. Now my head is clear, my nerves
steady, I enjoy food, and rest well, l'e
runa lias been worth a dollar a done to
mo." I). L. Wallace.
Mr. O. ir. I'erry, Atchison, Kansas,
"Again, after repeated trials of your
medicines, 1'eruna and Miiniiliu, I give
thin tut my ui.pruaiuu of the wonderful
results of your very valuable medicine In
its effects in my casei. i. r repeali d trials,
"First, It cured ie of cbioiii.; liron
cliitis of lirieen years . 1 inline by tislnj;
two hollies of I'etutia l January, lsul,
and no return of II.
"After 1 was cured of 1 leliitls I hail
la grippe every winter fm- ,cv-ral win
ters. Jtut, through the l. ..f l'eruna,
it got gradually weaker in . severity,
until it dwindled down to a n.ere stupor
for tw o or threo duyt. Now t;.e stupor
does riot trouble mo anv moi, . ' O. II.
A i'oiiKra-v-innn'ii i: pcrienrc.
Hon of Itepresenlalivi s,
.'ashington, ). c.
Peruna Medicii eCo., Ccdunihiis,ihlo.
(icntlemen I am more than satisfied
with l'eruna, i;- 1 find it to bo an excel
lent remedy fo. the prip and catarrh. I
have used It i? my family and they all
join me In r unending it as an excol-
lotit remedy."
Very respectfully,
(icorgo II. White.
If you do not receive prompt an I satis
factory results from the ue of p. ninn,
write at once to lr. liartman, giving a
full (statement of your case, and hr will
l pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartmau, President of
The UaHuian Sanitarium, Colut"'-i. o
3 C
B4 rttm
m mm
Already the voice of the early songster is l.eaul ainoiio; the fast biiildine; boughs Mareh is the iimuth l :i 1 1 r 1 1 '': 1 1 i
t!te new fashions lor the coinino; season. Sjirini; is fast eoniing upon us devt'lopiuilie law of style. The new tiiln ii s nnd triiinn
the new suits, skirts and waists are eotninc every t'ay, in all the I eauly and elegance that fash'oii can design. It will be a
you to come now more so iban ever for there' Mmiething new to greet ow every time you come.
House IPwirxx-
We )ossilily keep many tilings
for house righting that many do
not know we have. Let us see:--Cedar
Tubs, electric welded hoops,
never come oll'Sd els., 1.3i, $
(iulvatiized hiMip (1.00 and $1.4(1.
iiutter Howls, smooth hurd wood
lit, 35 and 4') ets.
Wooden Buckets, painted, 2 1km)1is
16 eta.
Indurated Fihre 110 cts. I.ari;e
Galvanized 25, 28 ct.
Granite GO cts. to 8.5 ets.
Wash Boards brass 40 eta., double
elde zinc 25 cts; single Hide zinc 20
Willow Clothes Uaskehi smooth
round splits 50 ets., (15 ets. and r0
Pastry Hoards, jointed edges Hi
by 22, 35 eta; 18 by 21, 45 eta.
3 foot Skirt Boards 35 cts., 4 foot
60 Cta.
Bosom Boards 25 cts.
Folding Ironing Boards, 00
Glass Oil Cans 25 cents and 35
Flat Market Baskets to put under
buggy seat 10 cents 25 cents aud 30
Splint Lunch Baaketa with lid 25
Open Market and Fruit Baskets
fi, 10, 20, 25 to 50 cents. With lid
45 cents, 75 cents to 1)0 cents and
Scrap Baskets 25 cents up to 75
Fine Shoes
p.l ree.ii dm" H
ileitsiiiv lor
$2 5(1 shoes at $2,110. The biggest bargain in foot-wear timt ever
eiune to Milton. New Spring St vies for both Ladies ami Men, tlie new-!
est style toe, Patent Colt Skin that are warranted not to break through
before thi' til st sole wears out. You have never bought a guarranteed
shoe for less than $2.50 before, but these new ones will be sold t f2.(Hi.
Ladies Flexible Sole Shoe ret pi ires no breaking in, easy from the
tlrst time, they're pul on ; vici kid, common sense heel, price. $2.50.
Men's Satin Calf Dress Shoe that always sells for $'.50 for $1.25, new
style just in, kid top, extension sole.
Ladies Fin Dongnla Kid Shoes with plain or patent tip $1.00, $1.25,
and $1.50 are lcwt values in town for the price.
Chiidrens and Misses Ftot Forn Shoes, wide toe, are comfort for
the growing foot $1.25 to $2.00. .
It would appear that fashion has been holding in reserve for this
Spring her choicest designs, for we have never seen so much beauty por
trayek iu the weave of fabrics as are shown in the new arrivals. And
such au assortment of White our store has never held before. "The
most beautiful pieces I have ever seen" is a common expression of ap
preciation we often hear. These are mere price hints of the liiedhijii
weights for separate waists and shirt waist costumes.
15 eta Checked Dimities and in stripes too, nice for chiidrens dresses
and aprons. j,
20 cta. worth 25 cts. White Matlras, 32 inches wide mostly stripes,
not only nice for waists but for mens wnd boys shirts.
25 ct. Madras stries twilled faoric with silk mercerized stripes. '
50 ct. Fancy Striped Madras, dainty mercerized ligures and stripes.
25 ct white mercerized with fancy silk stripes.
15 et. and 25 ct. Plain Oxford Weaves.
25 et. 35 et. and 40 ct. fancy striped Oxfords.
50 ct. Lace stripe Fauze, a mercerized fabric, sheer and line for
party or graduating dresses, exclusive dress patterns, no two alike.
05 ct. Silk Crepe, an exact imitation of wool crepe-de-chinc, just ns
soft aud clinging as the real wool, well finished.
Ladies aNd misses tailored suits.
Spring time the foremost time to buy suits. Kv ry well dressed
lady wantsa new suit for Kastei, styles are now set we have waited un
til we knew the styles were safe they're coming in now daily have
bought more suits this Spring than ever before.
Grocery Unr
Your money goes the lartln-st
here, compare these prices with
what you are paying. Just receiv
ed 5 tons of Inundated Sugar to be
sold tit 5 cents a pound, any 'inutili
ty over 5 lbs. Fine grain American
Nice large grain Uio or Sim. is
( 'oll'ee for lileis. Lion and Arhtn-k-U-s
Id cts too.
Kvaporatcd peaches, Apricots,
Neeiiirines, Dried Apples, 111 cents a
Prunes as low as S pounds lor 25
Loose Muscatel Unisons 8 cts. and
10 cts. a II).
Shredded Wheat 10 cts.
Force 2 boxes or 25 cts.
( irape Nuts 12 ets package.
Fltiui, choice of 6 kinds 50 lbs lor
Buckwheat Flour 25 lbs. for (5
New Catch Salt Fish fresh from
lakes. 1(1 lb. buckets, 70 cents, 1
lbs., 115 ets., Kegs $1.(10 and $l.s ,.
Nice fat mackerel 2 for 25 cts.
The best egg noodles nnd maca
roni 10 cts. each.
Good Cakes at 12 cents a pound. Waists.
The last opportunity to buy at re
duced llgure for this final reduction
will clean up the lot. Some sizes
ar gone but nt such prices it will
pay to look. French Flannel, polka
dot satteen, mohair aud Sicilian in
black and colors.
2 5(1 waists now $2.00.
$175 waists now $1.25.
$1.25 " " 75 els.
$1.00 " " .50 cts.
chreyer, Son & Co.
0 MILTOIT, Peima. ei stn
" " ' ln' nL -