The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 05, 1903, Image 4

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. A.V.
Published Every Thursday Morning
I.OO per year raid In advance. I.SO per year H not paid
instrance. Si utile copies. Hv t enia.
Advertloinir Rntra. SS centii per line, nonpareil measure
ment for tlrl 31 crnU per line lor each suhse
arts I Insertion. s-oFHItK. Neartne County four House,
between the Kir" National llank and the County Jell.
Vol. x. xx. March ", Vmk. Xlmbkk!
Republican Standing Committee.
Adam-C. 1". Kiss. J. T. Shawver.
Heaver chas. K. I'nt'-e. H. II. Kaut.
Heaver Wot J. W. Ilitkrr. I 'avid Kcnnlliger.
I cutre W. A. N'upp. 1.. C. Hingnman
I'linjiniiHl 1'Wpll l-ong, T. K. langlit.
rianklin-J. C. llackcnhurg, i. K Stctlcr.
Jackson J. S. Ycarick, Win. Hcliold.
Miihllclitirg Kiank specht, Hunks W. Toiler.
Mi.ldlrcreck M. K. l'.rdlcy, J. M. Miiurer.
Monroe - II. '. Ilcndrb k. II. Fisher.
I'enii Joseph It- Hendricks. 1. N. Jarrelt.
lVrrv-A. W. Valentine, K. K. Hover,
i'crrv Wel-J. M. Winer. J. . strawcr.
Sellu'sgsove 1. rrank heller. J. A. I.udwig.
Spring t'. II. Klnse. 1). Harr'aon Snook.
I nu. ii -,l. (I, btahl.
Washington W. K. Hrown, Myron Meyer.
Senator Foclit in discussing the new ballot bill
which lie will present, said :
"The bill which I will present is the result ot
careful investigation ami 1 believe will meet the
demand of all reasonable people. While straight
partv voting i pcrmissable the iiulepeiiilcnt
voter is nllered every facility tur cutting the
ticket. The bid hit will lie one-third the size of
the present blanket ballot which has lteen ob
jected to mi account of being cumbersome. Tu
secure this compactness this bill will provide for
a party designation where a candidate has re
ceived more than one nomination to follow hori
zontally immediately after any candidate's name
each party designation bein, followed by a
sc pin re.
"Another concession and one which will eli
minate the troublesome iiestion which has here
tofore confronted the courts will U in the section
which provides that when a voter makes a cross
after one or more party designations in the first'
column and also a cross after one or more party
designations in another part of the ticket these
latter crosses will count fi r the candidate against
whose name they are made, the remainder of the
ticket being cop n ted a straight party ticket as
indicated bv the cross murk in the first column
iii the stpiare to the right ot the party designation.
"All turtles are given a place on the ballot
and the bill will lie so formed that the minor
uarties will have returned and credited to them
till the votes east for candidates named by such
parties. Heretofore the minor parties were not
recognized, all the votes in most instances being
counted and returned as democratic even though
there may have Iccn a fusion of four dillcrei.t
"The assistance feature contained in the pre
sent ballot law will not be disturlicd for many
reasons, the particular one being that to desig
nate an flection ollicer, or any one in particular
not agreeable to the voter, woull destroy the
freedom us well as the secrecy of the ballot
Any abuses that may occur in voters calling for
assistance must be met by the intelligence, hon
est v an.l citizenship of the elector.
"1 am confident this bill, with the improved
mechanical construction of the ballot, will be
entirely satisfactory to all the voters excepting
those who wish to make ballot relorm a party
issue. Two years ago Colonel (iiitley declined
to accent a ballot without a suinrc unless tlit
provision in regard to assistance be entirely
stricken out, and on account of his arbitrary at
titude ballot reform through co-operation with
the democrats was abandoned. Failing to reach
any compromise with the democratic leaders,
this measure will come as a purely lepublican
reform bill and on its provisions all republicans
may safely and confidently go before the people
with the assurance that wliat is otlered will be
entirely acceptable." Philadelphia -''.
It may be, though we hope not, that there
are those who are oblivious or regardless of the
demands of national honor. Surely they shouhl
of all men, not be blind to tat'onal interest, j
whether it would ba of any practical va.ue to -
us or r.ot, we owe, in honor and good tailli, a
reciprocity arrangement to CuIni. We are under
a moral compulsion to do w hat we can to pn-
mote the prosperity of Culm. lut we are also
under a certain compulsion of morals ami f i
common sense to promote our own prosperity. '
The present (lur-timi, then, is not only what'
we are going to do for Culm, but what Cuba isj
going to do for us, or, to put the l itter more1
directly, what wc are going to let Culm do fori
us. Here is the situation : Cuba, in spite of
our discreditable treatment of her, is doing,
fairly well. She is inaiiitainiii'' a stable govern
ment, fulfilling her obligations and rchabil:t it
ing her industrial prosperity. iKspite our un
generous attitude toward her more than
lifths of her produce finds a m rket in the United
States. 1'ut not one-third of her market is open
to us. There is the point. We purchase foiir
fifihs of all that Cuba has to sell, while Cuba
purchases less thau one-third of her supplies
from us. Now, under reciprocity Cuba could
not greatly increase her sales to us, so that there
could be little, if any, increase of Cuban o ni
petition in our market. lint we could enor
mously increase our sales to Cuba so that we
should soon be selling her proj ortiona'ely as
much as she sells to us.
It miht be well for sonic practical," unsenti
mental men to think of these things, and to
think pretty hard and fast just at this time. The
Cuban reciprocity treaty is calculated to do us
far more good than it will do Cuba, Am we
going to refuse to have that good done? Under
reciprocity Cuba could at most no, increase her
exports to us by more thau 10 or lo per cent, of
the w hole, w bile she could and certainly would
increase her imports from us by GO or 00 per
cent of the whole. There are said t be Muse
who are so stupid that they do not know a good
thing w hen they see it. lint we hope th e Unit
d States is not to be put in that category.
" My wife had a deep-seated cough
for three years. I purchased two
bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
large size, and it cured ber com
pletely." J. H. Burge, Macon, Col.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that rc-
p Sieve liitle coughs, all
' co 7 he, except deep ones!
j 'i'hc medicine that has
g bejn curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayer's Cherry
Three ilin: 25c., enough for n ordinary
cold; sue.. Juit right far bronchitis, huarie
Dfu, hard cnldt, etc.; f-1, most economical
tor chronic eases and to keep on hand.
J. C. AY KB CO., Lowsll, Hill.
Notice, of aa'ea will he
this heading when the billai!?4 S
office. hen the hill.... . !.
office eenta will be char."1 3
pectin; to bare tale ahou'd fcaJ
hare it inserted lu thta culum ei
Tut B4DAT, March S.Jnnth...
cow I heifer. ,1.,. ' l
- of r ni
THruiur. March n J II .. ""!.
tok aid faimin. i:r'.iiii..
north ot Middlecrw k, K o"" M
TriratiAV. ali.rck X II.. ' I
.lock and farn.,,,,- j"; 'H J
weal of Mindlrburr. "'"lU i I
FHIDAT, Mar 5. Jtmn W l..i ,
implemedta in Tenn two.'
Friday. Mar. it i mi
and (arm implements in p,!1 M
M jnday, Mnreh , J,, s s
4 h .m-a. 2 cow,, ,! fiiri, "
ai iiiniiniei a w harf. -."up;.
Fbiday, Van-h 6, .lame l)r,., ..
jtoi-k. fBrininit im,,l, ..'""
hold gooda itt Heave, ,
Friday. Ma. ch fl. Ci.arl.-a I),
im itail, .,, ,'"
WaahiiiKtontowiiKl,,,,., '
Fan av. Man h 6, Klir.lH-tli i .
ho- hold knU
There is more Catarrh in this
section of the country than nil other
dise ises put toRether, and until the
last few years was supposed to be
iueunible. 1'or a great many years
doctors pronounced it a local di
etase and prescribed local remedies,
and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment. piOnojU'fd it
iiicurftbl.f Btiaruvu iio.- v..
tarrh tobe n constutional disease
and t beret ere requires coustutiounl
treatment. Halls ('.itanh Cure,
manufactured by F. J- Cheney &
Co., l oledo. (Jlno, is t ho tody en
etutionnl cure on the niarket. ' If
taken iiiternally in iloscs from J"
drops to a teii'-poouful It acts
direcil v on t In- blood and in coot
Mirfaces of the t-.tem. Tin V i :V.
one hundred dollars for any ni.-r i'
fiiiis to fine. S -i.d Ui i b i-nl.r.s
lllld fetiiuoiiial-
Address, 1'. .1. Clien-y .V ..
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold bv Druesj'sts 7."a-.
1 1, ill's Family I'iMs are the bet.
Krime Law and l'atelil .'miniiy,
MO llt l. Hiiiidinn, I'biladelplila, Pa.
Wlio are the only bonded "Patent
Coini'iiiiy in the World, "Her to make
a nilaraiiteed Patent Olliee preliuiin
nry examination I not merely theii
uplirnui) Free of charge to readers ot
"Middlehuruli Post" who will send ii
xketch, model or ileseription of theii
They will also give u certilieate ot
pateiitaliility tvhieb will be of great
assistance to an inventor in raising
The first of March came to tins
end in company rvith a small lion.
W. A. McUlatighlin, after spi-nd-in";
a few weeks in Snyder County,
left for Uurnhain, last week much
improved in health.
After "ailing and'sevefir'speU of
sicktiess, Mrs, (Seorge Dunn depart
ed from this life on Saturday." She
left a husband and three children to
mourn her departure. She was
known to be a hard working woman
and always did her share in provid
ing for t'ne family. She was bur
ied at Met 'lure Monday.
John 11. Uomig and family spent
a lew days in Ijcwistown last week.
Mrs. L. A, Jenkins got home
Saturday alter spending a week in
Mi lllin County visiting Inends.
F. C. S. Peter expects to make
his home in Philadelphia, this sum
mer working at his trade, (paint
A word to the wise, never rvlcct
a h v men in a township, to rule
llii! voters as it never holds out es
pecially where there is no influence
to back it up.
Howard Ireaster was called on
to make a trip to New Lancaster
Sunday, for the purpose of giving
notice of Mrs. Dunn s death.
All patents seemed through this firm
are guaranteed under a llM.IKiO IkumI.
Valid patents with the broadest claimi
secured on easy weekly payments.
Write to-day mentioning this paper, tl
. . -
TrHirfrly Aerted.
"Just in the nick of time our lit
tle bov was saved" writes Mrs. Wat
kins of pleasant City, Ohio. 'Tneu
mouia lind played sad havoc will
him and a terrible cough set in be
sides. Doctors treated him, but h
grew worse- every day. At length
we tried Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, and our darling
was saved. He's now sound, and
well.1 F.vervbodv oucht to know,
it's the only sure cure for Coughs,
Colds and all Lung diseases. Guar
anteed by Middleburg Drug Co.,
Graybill &. (lariniirj, Hichtield, Pa.,
D .J, W. Saiupse.ll Puiinscreek, Pa.
Price iX and 1.00. Trial bottles
Sick -Headache?
,Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
, It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills
are liver pills; they cure dys
pepsia, biliousness.
25c. All druijLU.
Want your mouiitarhe or beard m beautiful I
brown or rich black? Thrn I
or the I
V hitters
0 CTt. 0 0tUtttr Tl, Halt CO. , WMWUS, H. M. p
When James Troup shot himself
Tuesday afternoon it made quite an
excitement among the people in our
community. His funeral was at
tended by a large concourse of
people. The church was erouded.
The Minister had a suitable text
for the occasion: "Watch and Pray
that Ye Enter not into Tempta
tion." I don't believe in the ground hog
business any more, because he saw
his shadow on the 2nd. of February
and we had only one week cold
weather since that time. The old
saying is we would have six weeks'
coltl weather.
A ugustus Dinger is on the sick
list, but is slowly recovering.
Serene Yerger was seen on our
street last week. He went around
dehorning cattle. He makes the
horns fly when he takes hold.
B. S. Kine, merchant of lieaver
town was seen on our street Sunday.
Katie Keichenbnch and Sulu
Miller were visiting at Augustus
Dinger's Sunday.
Harvey lioyer of Aline is on the
sick list.
John Heintzlcman of near Pallas
has rented the Backus farm at Aline
and intends to commence farming
this Spring.'
Mr. Harry Hcimbacli, wife and
family ot Werners i lie, Berks Co.
paid a few d ys visit to Miss Mary
Mr. Nodacher of McKces, visited
B. L. Stellen's Ti'csday.
. Mrs. IcAllison. of. AJdenwood
visited at J. B. Dershem's, having
accompanied Mrs. Cornelius and
childreu to her former home.
Jacob Howell of McClure paid a
visit to Win. Spiglemeyer's Thurs
day and Friday.
C. S. Boyer made a liii:iie-s trip
to Fremont Wtdnesdav. C Boyer
shipped JM l)0 lbs. dried apples.
(iconic Baker was to Fremont
Wednesday and brought a load of
walnuts for Mr. Buyer.
B, E. (Sift and Lottie (Silt spent
a few hours at Beaver Springs
Wednesday night.
Dr. A. J. Herman amputate 1
another too for C. E. Derr Monday.
Mrs. David Darner visited
friends at one day last
week between trains.
John Keiglc and family were
away visiting Sunday.
We are sorry to announce the
changes which will take place in
the near future of many tit our
neighbors who are leaving to take
up their abode in diflerent sections
of the Country.
It Unwed Ilia Leg.
P. A. Danforth of Ladranee. Ga.,
suffered for six months with a
frghitful running sore on his leg ;
but writes that Huoklen's Arnica
Salve wholly cured hini in five days.
For Ulcers, Wouuds. Piles, it'a the
best Halve iu the world. Cure gutr
anteed. Only 25 cts. Sold by
Middloburg Drug Co.. Graybill
Gurnian, liichtield, Pa.. Dr. J
W. Sampsell. Pt-n-iscreek, Pa.
Candidates Cards.
Aiuioiiiict'tniMita of cantlUlntfa (or the vilrlniia
plmrea on tlic lii-piitilican Ticket to be voted for
tit the Primary Klet-tiou, Batnruay, toarvh 14th,
IIHkt, can be iiiaile iu thia column. In onler to
trt-ut nil raniliclittea alike, varda mut be paid
Cash is AuvamcK and at tlin follnwiiiK rta.
ailovited by tht'reiublicHii puhliahera of Snyder
coiiiiiv :
I'rotiionotary HO; Kr-Kiater and Hi-eordir, $10;
Aram-iittu JuUue, r.ilo; L)iitrit't Attorney $v'.
HkdciI by
J. A. I.I'M HA Ktl. Triltunf.
. . WAIik.V-ltl.l.HK. fo-T.
A, W, Al ktMi, llrra d
1". S KlITKK, .VllM.
II. H. .NlOYla, i'tmriir.
I'nt 'i for .liny CoinniiHaii'iier and Stati' Ile'e-
miii' initde knotvii on npplicatiuii to each puu-
I hereby iinnomu'e myat-lf aa a cnndidnlo for
tin nomination of I'rntitonotnry and Clerk of
the Coui'ia Ktibjei't to the ru e governing the
KepulilUan piimnry elet-tion March 11. 11K1.
(ico. M. Shindel
I hereby announce my name an a candidate
for l'roOionotury and t lerk of the court. I
ak the loyal support of all republican.
Iiennovilln Smith-
Knled irlth Iron ILnnd.
JaggU'n So he's ruled by a woman.
I never thought his wife was tbat
Waggles She isn't. It's tte cook.
-Town Topics.
Sheriff Sale.
OK KKAL ESTATE. By virtue of a certain
wiit of H. Ka. iaaued out of the court of loin-
mun 1'leaa of Snvder county, fa , and to me
directed. I will aell at I'ulilic Sale at the Court
IfoUMi, In Middle-burn, l a ,
8ATVKDAY, March JSth, 1IK8.
At ten o'clock, A. M, the following Kcal Es
tate to wit ;
Tract No. I All that certain lot of ground
altuate In AUama two., hounded on thu North
by lands ol Henry Kuhna and Frederick Cienr
hart, Kaat hv public road. South by public road
and landaoi Jlra. Hannah Uiniraman ; Weat by
lands of Levi Aluaiter and Jonuua llincaman,
containliiKU acres, more or leaa, on which are
erected a new dwelling house, bank barn and
all necessary out buildings. Good spring, ap
ple orchard, lime kiln ana quarry on the farm.
Tract No. 2. Situate In Centre twp,, bounded
North by lands of I'rtet Dreeao, Ean by public
road, South by lands of John Loas- Weat by
Henry Snook, containing T acres, more or less.
Tract No. I Uouae and lot Soil 60 In town of
Centerville, bounded North by Market street,
East bv Alley, South by iird stroet : Weat by
lot of P. O. Uoweraox. Good stable and excel
lent fruit of all kinds.
Seised, taken Into execution and to be sold
as the property of Stephen Uirard Bfngaman.
. CI1A8. K. Hunpsell, Uherifl.
s herlfr s Offlot, Middleburgh. Pa.-. i, .
March 4tb, IWJ.
Pontiff Ignored Physician's Remon
strance to Rest., March 2. Dr. Lapponl, the
Pope's physician, made yesterday
morning a last effort to induce his
holiness to renounce his reception of
the cardinals. He remonstrated with
him, saying:, "Your holiness, my duty
la to- point out that-yosf heUfl-wxsuU.L
greatly benefit by your resting to
day." The Pope replied: "My dear
doctor, before your valuablo advice
comes my duty, which I shall perform
to the end.'
The audience was held in the Pope's
private library, and Leo XIII. spoke
continuously for half nil hour with tiic
42 caidinals present. No address was
delivered, and the most important
words were when the pontiff referred
with emphasis to his advanced a:;o
and npproachiiiK end. lie was led to
speak thereof in reminding tho car
dinals that the room in which he was
receiving them was the same in which
Pius IX held his last consistory, ho
(I.eo XIII.) being present, but in bed.
Tho cardinals greeted this reference
to the possible approach of death with
a chorus of noes and with exclamations
of "We have all come to wish you a
long life."
Jty this time the excitement of the
reception had improved Pope Leo's
appearance. When he entered the li
brary his form was bowed and trem
bling, but he now seemed to have ac
quired strength and animation. He
showed tho cardinals a magnificent
antique clock which had Just been pre
sented to hiro by the Count of Caserta
the head of the Naples branch of the
Bourbon family. Before retiring he
presented to each cardinal a richly
embellished pamphlet, reviewing the
chief events in his pontificate, in
cluding a Latin poem of his own com
position, and five of his most Import
ant encyclicals. His holiness said: "I
will order that the few cardinals ab
sent, like Cardinal' Gibbons, shall also
have it."
Jersey nea men eieci umcers
Trenton, N. J., Feb. 28. Tho New
Jersey Great Council of the Improved
Order of Red Men concluded a two
days' session here yesterday with the
election and installation of officers. A
proposition to reduce the age limit
from 21 to 18 years was defeated.
These officers were installed: Great
prophet, Blanchard H. White, of Pal
myra; great sachem, W. S. Whltmore,
ot Oceanic; great senior sachem,
Frederick P. Reese, of Trenton; great
junior sachem, Herbert S. Stetson, of
Gloucester; representatives to the
Great Council of the United States,
Blanchard H. White, of Palmyra; Wil
liam Newcorn, of Plalnfleld; James S.
Coleman, of Atlantic City; Charles C.
Curry, of Camdon.
Libelled General Davis.
Manila, March 3. William Crozier,
editor; Mr. Kenny, manager, and Mr.
Green, a reporter of the American,
have been arrested on the charge of
libelling General Davis. When Gen
eral Davis expressed his partial dis
approval of the finding In the Major
Glenn case the American published an
editorial, charging General Davis with
b desire to curry favor with the ad
ministration, in the hope of being se
lected to succeed General Miles la the
command of the army. General Davis
referred the article to Governor Taft
Register and Recorder.
Plctiao announce my nnme aa a Candidate for
Hcgiwtcr and llccoriler at the primary election
Saturday Alnrcll 14, n3. 1 aolicit thu support
of all the republicans.
John D. Arbogaat.
.tliddlvhurg, I'a.
rieiic announce to all republicans that I am
acandidatu lor Kcgiter and Kccordcr at the
coining primary election,
John II. Willis.
I present my name aa a candidate for the
iioiniiiiitioi'i of KeuiHtcr and llucordcr to be vot
ed for at the I'rluury election .March II, I'.HKI
Lewis K tlomherltnir.
1'enn Towindiip,
Associate Judge.
I herebv announce mv name as a Cand Mute
for Aaaociate Judge, at the coming I rimary
blcct'on. X solicit yoi.r earnest support.
SA:vitlAY, March 7, V. V. W
no. I l..t I.: I.
Id- livery utflt on n.. ... '
dleburg. f'riinsi
SaT.-riiav, Va'ch 7, W. p. v.,.
nve t-ck ana f irm . ..
Middleswarth P. O.
8Tt m.AY, Varrh 7. M,,m,. Hi,,,.,,,,,
live stock and fur.niJ. ,,?
miles North-west of Mid.ii'. p
SAIL'HOAV. March 7 U !. .
livestock, faim ('...;"""'
hold rood.. I'.. n,n,.;
Chapman township, tu;
Wttxiamv, March 8, J. n....
M : D .v. Vravh 9. J u t . ..
ell live atock .nd fan,,
mile weat of Hcnf ""feej
Monday. Miireh . ,li. u t-
live stock an.l farming '
mi le outh of " .
Mo.m.a Y.March 9 W. J. Y,.tu.r
stock ami farming in.i.i,.,,, ',' of.-nook '. O. .Mi'ii!,,",'-
TfksDtY, March Hi. Willi.,,,, i,.
live stock, fanning inipl,.,,,,,
bold goods, inil. s
and 3 miles wesi f i..-. . . A
owivi I
Tt-B-tiAY. Marchl 10. 0 n ....'
liye atock land far.ning
. mile east of Hunch's ir.iii ;,, ', N
alnp. '
TlLslHY. Mar. In, Harrison MiI. ,
Mares.! mules, 8 coW :i ...,rV"
s..u-.l r..... i i.. iHlfirr,
, ' on in men , a j
and S at-res re '
TiKotY, March 10, Win. (;. .
larm stock. Imnlciiicnls i u
(ioods, on the ..!., far
ol rrccburK-
tir. ... . . .
lulles N. nh of S..I,..' V
horses, 3 Lows and farm In,,,!',
W'KtiNtsiiAV. March 11. W ir u...
liveatjck and fanui,,u " 7
Wiciin rcsDA Y, March II. .li, i, ...
will sell at I' IcSale L'Vi
farm Implements 1 ,i. ,.,,Z
I'erry lownsliip, M,vder emu jh
Wkdnfsuay, March 11, Howard S,lmu
isiiiail liowersox Will .1 Jive at J
iiulilnmatird a.a.,1 .. i ..
with 211 horse power engi,, " "
nlng order.
Wkdnesiiav. March II, rii ('.Swan,,
3 horses, 4 co as, fanning j,,,ffflt.
household goods.
TiU bsiiay IMnreh 12. Iilfi.1, pre, ir, p
"'ni oi ine estate nf . t,
"""I"" """ t'H-k. imr.
and household gi o Is. 1 u He wa
Turns.. March 12.1 mile V w ,.n-.J
i" J".kSn nwiwhip, '.Tacob LmZ
...... j annul, win J mm
iim niiu iiupiL
I hereby nnnounce myaidf a candidate for
Assnciate Judge. Thanking the republican
voters of Hnydcr county for past faVors and
soliciti your loynl supiirt at the coming pri
mary, I urn.
Jcire ('rouse.
1 li. rebv i nn'iiim-e mv nnme as a Oniidliliite
fur Ass c'ati- Juile nt the coining I'riinary
l:iet mi. in-' nil-lncif nominated ai d clrctt'd 10
fa tlifully fullil tlic duties of the olTli'e.
hlirilicr, I'a.
I hiTctiv announce my I.aiuc as a Candidate
for Associate Judge.
. T. (iKMIll -1(1.1X0.
1 licrel-v announce lnyse'f usa Candidate for
Associate Judge.
(i. J. SCIIOt'll.
1 hereby announce my name aa n Candidate
for ssiH-iate Judge. I am an old soldier, hold
two ilischnrgi s mid inn M yats old, 1 soiicu
the support of all liepublicans.
rs, . ir..-si.r.iw.
Jury Commissioner.
1 hereby announce my name as a candidate
for Jury 'Commissioner. Soliciting tho votes
of all ltcpiil'liiana, I remain.
Irwin (irayui.i,
l'ax'oiivillc, I'a.
State Delegate.
Editor 1'osT.
Please announce the name of J. S. Yfarlck of
Jackson township as a Candldnte for llelegate
to the Mate Convention at the coming rrimury
eloctiuii, and oblige,
KniTOR Post. Please announce the name of
V. B. STAH1.NKCKEK, Bprlng, as a Candidate
lor Helegate to the Slate Convention at the
coming I'riinary i.ieetian ana uuiige,
Mlddlrburir. RKI'DBLICANS,
District Attorney. ,
I hereby announce my name as a Candidate
for District Attorney at the coming Rt publican
Primary Klectlon.
Sheriff Sale
OP REAL KSTATE.-By virtue of a writ of
alias ri. Kb. to me directed Issued out ol the
Court of Common Pleas of Snyder county. I
will sell on
SATURDAY, March !!8th, 1003,
atone o'clock P. M. at the Court House In
Middleburg. I'a.. expose at public sale the fol
lowinir described real estate, both tracts of
which are situate In Centre Township, bnyder
comity, i'a., to-wit :
Tract No. 1. Hounded on the North by lands
of C. r csslrr, on the ryist by J. Handera, on the
South by nulilic road and on the West by A.
Musser and J. I' Hartman, containing 45 acres
more or less, whereon are erected good Irarae
dwi 1 lug large baiiK barn, and all necessary
ooihuiluiiigs are good, rrun n good and pieu
Tract No. 2 Bounded on the North by land
C M. Showers, on the Rast by K. lienner, on
the Mouth by rublie Koau and on nesi Dy l
Walter, containing 7 acres more or less.
8eised, levied upon and taken execution as
the property ol vlinara Alien enooK, uelen
dantat the suit of Klir.abeth!Loiiir. ulaintilT.
CHAS. K SA MI'S EL, bhcriff
HUerill at 'Mice, jniuuianurg, ra.,
March 4th, IMS.
Tor Infants aAXMldreii.
Tin Kind Yoa Haw Always Bought
Bears the
Signa-turs of
THU bDAV. W arch II, L. I Manlmk J
live siot a. larming n . Iciuet.uii4
iuiu gooua Hi Jiiauiccreck.
Tiii iisiuy, Manli 12. A. S. Muimiwh A
live stock "Hind fur mi.g
miles west ol iUiddlclnirg
SATfBDAV. March II. onclmK mill
.irouptmvii, near lliickwliniilui
on the Teats' farm, K. i. Mnw
sell all farming im Icmuits bur
Sati-hhay Mnn h II. 11. c. Kr.-l-s
liofscs, intilcs, cows, ami
impleinciits. easl of Trim Ivillr.
Moniiay, March Id, Aula (;rn will
stock, farm iinplcmeii s umi h
goods i a mill's usi of Ileum .pi
Monday. March 18, J. W. Sti.-v, r. a
.Utiles, 3 t'ows, - llcn'l ill oji.
and l armilig linlih nr -nts.
MoxHay, March 1(1. 1 mile west ol v!
fsepnures iMMnlierling will stil
farming Implements.
TfHspAY, March 17, lvi J. llravct s
livestock and farming iiniitviiici.'j
easi ui araizcrvuie.
Ti ksjiay, Mnreh 17. W. A Mci-crfill
funning impluntentn, and lit!
Ti ksiiay, Mandi 17. John W. Klim
live stock, farm implement" m
Ilolu goods. If miles east ol in1
and 1 mile weat i f Mlddlrswarlb J
Ti'exdav March 17, Isaac Wcinml will
stock, farming iiiinlciiii'tiK
hold goods 'I luilca east of McLlart
mile west of luiuu s null.
Wednksha Y, March 18, Kllsworthstfisj
sell larm stock and implcinentis
deuce one mile North of Krburd
Weeniwday, March IH, .Ineob W, (M
aell livestock and farm Impost
tween CentreTillo and Wliitt.H
Lnion county,
TnritanAV, March 1. J. IT. Hitter wit
atock and farming implemms
Nortli of Sellusgrove.
Thursday, March t. on the farn ai
J-ealter, lllue HIM, K, . i'nrii
live stock and farming iro'lol
Thursday. March 19. John M. Goa
live stock and farm implctuetist
Fnit.iV. Mnreh 911. J. V. (Jrul.ll Will
stock, farm Impiemenis aim -1
goods, pn U. Slcatz a nirmi'
of Middlcburg.
Friday, March), L. 8, Oelnett.will
implements and stock.
Hirt'stur Mareh 91 VA llnckciihtrr!
live stock and fit mil nit impl4
mile northwest of Beaver Mpnu
RiTrnnlv HITali 91 Ahralinm SfilHl
sell 4 horses, 4 cows, heail ol J
farming Implements. 2 miltJ
field on the road leading from "
to Mlnllntown.
Mnvn.v Vu.h 9 .T. Newman l
horses, 1 cow, 1 bull aud fr1
Mokday, March 3 Norman Bros f
siock, larm impieiucn.", -
of Troiclville.
Monday, March a, Philip -9
Wharf will sell farm slock 1
Ti-nnir 91 J. . H. Mor
live stock, farming Imp"
household goods 1 miles eMt 1
WEDNtmnAV. March 28, l'JOS. P A. M
ell 4 horses, 4 cows. 7 bead rJ
and farm implements- H ""X
r remupt.
Thursday. March SB, John F. ByJ
half-way between Krcsra"
TRIDAY, March 37. Mrs, Annie''1!?
livestock and larm iniy -
East of Pallas.
SATURDAY, March M, at ten "-Ti
sell will aell the real estow 1
gamant the Court uota
S I BaTUm-iAY, March 28, at onso'c)J
. Sampael will sell the real H
Bnook, at the CoUlt U