MIDDLEBURG POST. raae, Coaras a II Milt a. ' It U wise not to be too dogmatic la Regard to condition of health. In view of the omni present microbe and the prevoleree f food and drink adulterants and f iu acapnble foul air and puitonou gashes, at i too much to ay that any man may haw good health if he is willing to pay tie price fur it. Yet there is a broad basis of truth in the proposi tion. Dr. Lorenz, in ore of his many pregnant talks, answered a question on to his own. superb vitality by taying: "I order my life from hour to hour. I know- how much nature can do, and meet her demands." Ilia regimen, ac cording to the New York World, in cludes a cold bath every morning, fol lowed by vigorous exercise, and deep breathing of fresh air, a "steaming eiip of coffee and several crisp, hot rolls," succeeded after dressing by a second breakfast a mbstantial meal of soft-boiled eggs, chops or ham and tea. After this breakfast, at eight o'clock, he walks briskly in the open air for hulf an hour, lie eats a hearty luncheon and a nib.stantial dinner "at strictly regular interval," takes three or four hours of re Teat ion in the even ing, and sleeps soundly for seven Lours, which lie finds more refreshing than 12 hours of broken repose. He 'doe not drink -.vine or spirit. This regimen might not suit everyone or bs possible to all. Hut by adhering to what he finds requisite to keep him in condition the eminent-bloodless stir . geon shows that he-is willing to ay mi ure's price for health. Lord llucon em bodied the atne wisdom in his saving that "a inan'&ovvn .observathm of what he finds good and of what he lind.s hurt 'of is the best phytic to preserve health." What is commonly lacking is the tene and the moral courage, to stick to habits and rules that make for health. MANAGING MILK COWS. Superstition is widespread, and probably more general among trim- . . inals than "any Superstition other class of per of Criminal.. B1)ls gliding to thin fact the Philadelphia Keeord quote a detective: "Nearly every criminal," said u detective, "carries some sort of lucky piece in his pocket, und will venture on no under takings of moment if he has left this piece at home. Holmes, the murder er, carried ti dime which he had found on a country lane in his boy hood. Mine. Humbert, the Krcmn Kwimller, has a lucky stone from Mount Vesuvius, one of the French detectives told me, and there is made in all her dresses u special pocket for ' this stone. Bredell, the counterfeiter, used to carry an Kgyptian scarab. 1 know a pickpocket w' 1 an;iaT3e tooth of "a eat tnaVVit Him and t'har he nfterwaAl killed, and it's a fact that this pickpocket hasn't come io grief since he took up the tooth. One of the most proficient caul sharps in Philadelphia carries u loci; of hair from the head of his divorced wife not from sentiment or regret as he will explain if you ask him, but because the hick of hair brings hit i luck. 1 don't believe, us a matter if fact, that I ever met a crook who didn't have some sort of pocket-pirn' to rely on." A western man visiting in New York recently was more than ever amused at the assumption of superi ority which he found among native.' of the eastern city. In connection with this nll-pcrvailing conceit h' mentions a curcumstance which came under his observation. While in New York he was invited to the studio of a couple who have the only literary salon on Manhattan island. The couple, by the way, are both from the middle west. One celebrity after another was pointed out to him, but not one of them was a native of Gotham. "Where are the born-and-bred New- Yorkers?" he asked. II jm friend replied: "Among thin kind of people the ones who do things there are no Yorkers." Mara of DaJrymaa'a Sarres with II U Stork Drprida oa t'arrfal, Kealr Militia-. I wish to give you a few hints on milking cows. The faun hand who knows how to milk properly is more valuable to the careful dairyman than any other hety. fv, milk u cow re quires time antl-paVaikce. The milk should be drav4j.h1yr.fy' anil steadily, inline cows have, aery "-tender teats, and if you want a well-disposed cow, be gentle in your treatment .toward her, as she is naturally impatient and does not like rough handling. With constant irritation she will fail in quantity of milk.' As the udder be comes filled with milk she is anxious V be relieved of its contents and will seldom offer resist ence without a cause. When a patient cow becomes fractious we can always trace it to the milker. Note this: We should not allow them to stand a long time waiting to be milked. When cows give a large quantity of milk it is very nainful when the udder has filled to the utmost therefore causing them to become very nervous and restless. To delay milking at the proper time wjll do more to cause a cow to go dry before her period than anything rise. She should also be milked to the last drop, if pos sible, for the last portion of milk is said to be the richest. Still another point: There are many ways of con- ducting n dairy. Among ihese are: Wholesome food, such as wheat bran, cottonseed meal. Always be careful to keep the cows well salted, pro tected from bad weather, giving kind handling, careful milking, regular feeding, clean stabling, good ventila tion and plenty of pure water. In some sections we have what is called bitter weed, which cows are fond of, causing the milk to become so much affected that it is hardly fit for use. I find that by giving the cow about two tablespoonfuls of sugar at each meal for two or three days the milk is entirely relieved of the bitter taste. Harnum's Midland Farmer. i"'lria at Ik Taate. see," said the landlady's husband. 'that one of the tcientific papers tay carp live for hundreds of years, and that pike also may become centenari ans if they are left alone by the fish ermen." "Is that so?" returned the star boarder, making another effort to bite a piece from the wing in his possession. "I wonder if anybody has ever really found out how long it takes a chicken ito die of old age?" Chicago llecord-Herald. The Railroad of Life. There Is a little railroad known as the Mem ory route. It runs from Now, through Yesterday, rant Happiness and Woe. Its stations are the up and downs that we have known about, ; And we travel It on trains of thought. Into the Ion ago. Jay Klltrectge, In Four-Track News. A VEGETABLE CUTTER. Close To Border Line of Life and Death. the Handy Maa W ho lirtited II la tout lured That It la Terr Cluae to Perfectloa. FAR HE IT FROM NOR. I made a vegetable cutter that is about perfect. The four posts are 2x3 inches. Side boards are nailed on inside. A pin runs across bot tom, sticking through each side, mak ing a leverage with ends of pin as fulcrum to which bottom board e is fastened. A knife is screwed on the inside of front legs (a a) and a board (b) on the outside to come even with bottom edge of knife. The bottom should stand at one-half pitch. The i i SIMPLE CHEESE PRESS. It Caa He Made at Home at a Trifling lint and Will He Found o He Very laefal. Here is a sketch of a cheese press that we have found to be very use ful to us ami hope that your read ers will profit by it; it can be made at a trifling cost. The uprights are 2x4 inch scantling, four or five feet long, with pieces of the same fastened to the bottom for bases; HO inches from the floor stout cleats arc nailed firmly to the uprights, upon which rests a two-inch plank, which serves 14 DEVICE FOH CUTTING KOOTS. three feet and hind legs four feet in length. Nail front Mr. Titnideus Nora, we've going to piece (b), which is six inches wide, on have the Johnstons for dinner to- outside of front legs (n a) 13 inches niffht from floor. Fasten knife (e) with Nora Faith, thin, ye'll have t screws on inside of front legs, the eook 'em yersilf. Oi'll have no part lower edge of knife to come flush in such cannibal proceeding. N. Y.lwith top edge of front piece. The Sun. length of box is two feet, inside width ten inches. Length of bottom board (e) with handle three and one half feet, width ten inches. A piece of old saw blade makes a good knife. The thickness of Bliee may be regulated by putting pieces of board between front piece and knife. Lower end of bottom should raise just to the edge of knife and drop below sufficient to catch a slice. The cutter Is opernted by pushing Neuralgia of Heart, Weak Stomach. Dr. Miles' Heart Cured Her. Cure Neuralgia of the heart causes sudden death. It is in acute affection of the car diac nerve, just ss neuralgia is of the nerves of the face, usually, and sciatica is of the nerve trunk of the thigh. One of its most frequent symptoms is derangement of the stomach and liver. Strengthen the heart's actioa and enrich the blood with Dr. Miles' Heart Cure; tone up the nerves with Restor ative Nervine and you will soon be cured. "Nervous exhaustion and liver trouble so affected my wife's health that she was greatly run down; neuralgia of the heart set in and for a long time she was very close to the bor der line of life and death. She was attended hy two rood physicians who did all they could forher, but in spite cf everything she grew worse right along. One day I saw an advertisement of Dr. Miles' Nervine and New Heart Cure, and the doctor's explana tion of the effects of nervous trouble upon the heart seemed so logical that I decided to give the remedies a trial. We now know that the stomach and liver tioubleswere part of the heart weakness. She improved won derfully at once. Her appetite picked up, r.he slept well at night and the rain around her heart rapidlydisappeared. 1 hanks to Dr. Miles' Heart Cure in a few weeks she was able to be up and attend to her household duties, and in a few months every s en of nervous and heart trouble had vanished." James 15. SlbLtv, Toiringtcn, Conn. All druggets sell and guarantee first bottle Dr. Miles' Kenieilies. Send for free book on Nervous nnd Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. MOW U llll-. uir xuu maj jruu BBW my an hour ago?" asked Willi.- er. "Where did he v. "He didn't, aay, ma'am" T O A .tummy oiuui, "Didn't he tell vnn T i... - - nan a.. J on an errand to the corner prrw-J "0! yes, ma'am, but he diovTl "here he was guing."-l'hji,dlJ I'ress. '1 Ilolh Were Ambluaa Some time airo a l:wl- ..... well known advocate ,f " H young duffer on her favorite l-: ii.. I...- . riuuuj 111 "ji.iuiiiii; vvi)ii)(j attack cn the preten aspiring ladies by sa," ' ..I ...... i aa ill lilCl, IllUi.tflil. I .,; lute to oe a man: To which she softly rt-plied: "And wouliln t you'.' Tit-U ts, Perfection. "fn n i oil t hI I m n n vt I I.,... i i i. t -.i .... 1 muni, .ii. Ani-ii.iiu iiiaiiK. uA visitor oi a resioeui in I urewater . . ..... Kt . . . . ' 1 mean, in coin r, uiioiii l.ls Stan- and iiiiancial re.-pounliiluv." "Mr. Wank, suh, is a perfi-rt g(r man, suh, a perfect penili n iltl . and here he paused, until ,t fv. whispered, "but short o'eah."- limes. up 0? Holiday YVarr. Upon the merchant's face a frown Doth, 'mid the quietude, appear; He murmurs: "Shall I mark "em down Or save "em for another year?" Washington Star. No Danger of a Shortage. "He throws a kiss to me every morn ing as he goes by." "What a waste of good material." "Oh, dear, no; it's not a waste. They're just the superfluous ones that he can't deliver in person owing to the the handle downward, thus forcing shortness of the evening?." Chicago the roots on the end of bottom board l'ost. up against the knife. in Farm nnd Home. -V. F. George, COST OF MAKING MILK. New Jeraey Experiment Station Pre sent Some Klarure. Which Are Worth Studying. The New Jersey experiment station , 1 kept strict account of the cost of asieep wneu . .. , . . . r ffiflinfr a IfirffA horn nf env ' A Chicago policeman arrested a -young woman who had1 a bad attack of hysterics and charged her with dU orderly conduct Hut, of course, you can't expect a Chicago policeman to diagnose every case that coniea be fore him. A St. Louis paper note that a resi dent has sailed for 'Taris, France." .This will help those who might fall into the crrur of believing he had ailed for I'aris', Ky., or l'aris, Tex., or Paris, Mo. A Chicago professor tells his pupils that yawning is "uplifting," and tends toward the "higher life." This dis poses of the old-fashioned theory that 'the yawn is a sign of bedtime, In sending candy through the niBiK inclose your card and a chemist's cer tificate, if you (fon't want it carried 'gingerly downstairs nnd thrown into 'the furnace. , As one of the incidents of the corona tion in India, Lord Curzon released 16, 130 persons from jail. We never want to see a durbar in this country. Nothing can prevent "Marconigraiu" from becoming" 'conigram." Hut who jwntt to prerentit? FA KM L'HKKSH rilESS. as n table: upon tins plank is a cheese hoop with a cheese inside to be pressed; above this is n btout strip (2x-t) with ends resting in m'or tes cut in the uprights; this strip should be five or six feet in length; under it, in the center, is a block which rests upon a round follower the exact size of the cheese to be pressed, me power is itiriusiieii ny the eccentrics, or arms, which hp1 merely levers with ur.ciual circular ends; these work on a bolt which pierces the circle near the top; t i the ends of the arms fasten strings, which are tied to the side of the table to maintain the pressure. When the cheese is placed in the hoop, the follower nnd block adjusted, by pul ling down on the eccentrics a pres sure of any required degree is ap plied upon the cheese. Uoth the board nnd strip being elastic, the pressure is maintained as long as required. Jacob Harper, in Kpl tomist. The Coloring of Hotter. Since butterine is sold under its natural color the makers of winter butter have found the lack of color in their product somewhat detri mental to its 6ale or imagine they have so found. Some are advocating coloring all the butter to resemble June butter and thus distinguish it from butterine. This ia a point of not o mneh value as some might suppose. There is not t!ie same rea son for coloring butter uniformly as there was to color butterine to re fcemble butter. Yellow butterine was sold for butter. White butterine is I not sold for butter, and is not likely IO LIC. r.iril 11113 HUH ir U KJX, IIUllTTI docs not look like butterine. We do not nttach much importance to the question of coloring butter, nnd be lieve the less color used the better. Farmers' Keview. Cleaning Dairy Vtenalla. To clean tin utensils properly rinse them in lukewarm water. Never al low the milk ndhering to the vessel to dry, as it is hard to remove it then. Scrub the vessels in hot water with some cleaning material, euch as soda or soap, added to it, rinse in clean hot water, and finally expose utensils io live steam, if possible, or put into boiling water for a come what longer time. 11 vessels are treated to live steam, they will dry quicker. After washing, remove to a place where the atmosphere is pure, and which la exposed to sunshine. Bobert Wcidig, in Farm and Home, "An In a Mirror." "I see the scoundrel in your face!" exclaimed the angry man. "That," replied the other calmly, "is a personal reflection." When the angry man had figured thig out he was even angrier. Chi cago Tost. I nprejndlced ii it..i j . . .i , tm testimony waa presents How - ,tnd uVpYoducV wth av,e car, you give a decision?' ascertaining the cost of making "Eas.ly, s.r easily; for no one cat, m.lk dllctIon accuse me of having been prejudiced . 1 , . i -.i i " v ' year for five years was 173,000 pounds, by the arguments of cither side. N. ' . rri 1 , ,. or G,471) pounds per cow. The cost x imes ' per cow per day for roughage was 0.21 How It Looked. cents, and for grain fed G.ll cenU. Mrs. Hayrake Our son Josh writes The average cost per quart of milk from the l'hilippincs that he's tired for live years, including feed, labor of fighting nnd wants to come home, nnd interest und decrease in the value Mr. Hayrake (iosh! I'll bet th' of the herd, was cents. The gosn-aurneu rnumps ueen gemu Highest average was 2.4'J cents per 3 divert fum T Vfcisi Hocus Bees' ' i 4k yzysx X.V Yd' -.nw-r xx jn r S - Had the Full Sml,., "Did you have the fail i,r th. brcviuted service when vou vvtrej nea; askeu .virs. UuiciiMh'. "Oh, ours was the full Mrvioe," hostess replied. "The squire ai tipsy Josiah had to kind (1 with one hand while the vvniiiin1 goin on. I'd never go to nmbodr a preacher if I had to tin it a gait tnicago Jiecoro-llerald. I Not Alnasa roaalble, I John It's an easy mutter furiJ to get marriea. ah ne nas todoii find a bigger tool tnan he Is. Kate Yes, but it is rather diflU for some men to do tliat, I iuiafit, Tit-Bits. Very. "William," asked the reg-ular;J "is tnis real pumpkin pie ." .41.- .1. ..1 . . . . . lis uc puuncsi c got. Sao, itj replied Die austere waiter. o. Tribune. Correct Siivervvor Correct in character, design uin! workmanship is us necessary as d.iinty china or line lii.c.i if yon wo. lid hive everything i'l K'""' ta..tu iir.d li:iitiio'.iy. I.;ii -. forks, spoons and f m-v ricivt :r table list; will be O'tiiit if lectcd lVum goods stainiieil 7 trim Hoi'sT-,' Kiir lln'l.r N ntunajional Jijygr Co. ttwi0n rV Hi SANITARY COW HE. It la Made of Chain and Thorough!? Clean, anil for the l.mtiter lleaaon IliKhly Heeuniiiiended. married! 1'uck. lowest 2.2H quart in lsyfi, and the cents per quart in 1S0S. During the year ended April 1, 1901, No OH Ion. Iloiipun Skinflvnt. nut er nickel with er hole in it in ther collect iou ; ru aK ' cow hepi, iilnte last Sunday." u,e 10,,u I'lr was J- u'' I " . . 1 "Yep. ler nnt nut in ther hoe without ther ,r"l '"'K"K'-- "' nickel." Chicago American. ee, he realized he could cents 7.3 cents for grain nnd her hole without ther rpnts f,r roughage. The nv yield of milk per cow per day was s.L'fi quarts, and the cost of food per I'he laual Kind. ouart. 1.34 cents. To this must be The true philanthropist shrinks D(,V( . vi.nt ,,er ,m:lrt. for la- from making his generosity known." i)((r nj interest, inakinrr total "Most of 'em go a step further nnd , of milk (iuar. .. 'U cents. shrink from the generosity."- Wash-. Th(1 averatro wcicht of milk per ouart ingtou Times. How Fonllnh. Willie's Ma Here, Willie, why don't you come back when I call you? Willie Gee! It takes de wvonien ter ask fool questions. N. 1. Jour nal. Mlaeonitrned. "Well, Bridget, I think I will have to get another girl." Bridget Y'es, ma'am, I wish ye would; there's plenty of work for two of ns here. Chicago American. was 2. IS pounds, making the cost per 100 pounds $1.07. In calculating the cost of farm-grown foods, these were charged at the actual cost of labor, seed and manure, the farm being charged with manure at the rate of $1.50 per ton. The herd made during the yenr 330 tons. Paying Rent In flutter Fat. An unusunl method of paying rent for land, which is to be tried in the irrigated alfalfa district of California may be found in the prospectus of a land company, which advertises to rent its land to dairy tenants for Home, Intel Home. "Und n't. vni hetter fro home, old man? Your wife will be expecting onc-iiuru oi me uuuer iai prouueeu ny nit: i'iiwh riiuinii on luis irrigaieu you." "That a just what s worrying me. X. Y. Journal. A Pleaaant Little Attention. Margaret Have you any plun or sys tem for being an agreeable guest? Katherine Yes, indeed! I always go home a day or two before my host ess expects me to leave. Puck. Xo Sympathy. "Too bad about Dr. Killum fall ing into the well, wasn't it?" "Had, nothing. He should have attended to the sick and left the well alone." Chicago American, to Impervlooa. "What did you send your son college fer?" "Well, he wuz so worthless dat I thought it couldn't hurt him." N Y. Journal. Young America' Excoae. "You (shouldn't make faces, my "That's all right, pa; I'm going to be a dermatologist some day." N. Y. Times. hind. The tennnt then gets for his share two-thirds of all the butter fat in tultl it ion to the calves and pigs pro duced on the place. The tenant must furnish his own cattle, so that he ought to take as much pride in keeping the herd up to a high stand- arn ns it ne owned tnc land, it is expected that the land company's in terest will be equal to a fair rate of interest on a valuation of $100 per acre. A thrifty tenant with good cows should be able to make a hand some profit besides supporting his family in comfort. The cleanest possible way to fasten a cow in the stall is by the chain tie. Dirt and microbes do not adhere read ily to a chain that is in motion. An- Chanea to Jain a Clnb That Will U.ll. nil Nirt Monrv r., Everybody should join the UuttiM Lltmnl itoClubof America. TberelsnnthlnirlHUi anywnera. itcoeuaiinoacnniiuniiiolriiiudi benefit It Rives are wonderful. Icenibm nil pnrcbaM booksand period Icali, tnuileud ttua lutruments at special cut prlcri, Umct! uuecu niviBtmnD noun. Ifcannwtn quia innwwarm a uurn vuvjanoipe M 1 ble cash prises to member. It mtliiuiaa room In many el tie for It mem ben. In mtis every member receive thaoftlr.. J micuiM tld" Kv'rr MoathMapnhliciiloalDtelaS IKWf,lneldlnpkioeorhlihlM.liii -aavaatal mutt (fall ahH each anatk uji ukt iui ur row s&alih ros moar HOTHINO. The full yearly membership fee hOm WW wnica you ap ui auoTo, ana yo B.r draw any tlaia wltkla tkree aiMtkilti want lodoao and get your dollar buck. Ill aoncr(opena ai.w. ena cenu montiM memrjennip. noDoaycin inmiii tblt offer by. Voa will (el your Donbtrt value manT tlmeover. Full DartlruUn wli sent free of chorK, but If you rewl JM1 sena in your rf quei rnr memnpnnip win proper reeatonee. TneiBcu.uireenionuiH Dersniporrerwill BnoncnunKn. niiuK drmulnvvniie lpttjir and ennlmilnii 11.00 fa year' membenblD or Iweoty-Uve ceuu fu Hi MBTIJAI. UTFK1RT MTSICnJ No. ISO N.na at.. N. T. W ScvoIvii?g Book-Casi Money In Feedlna; Calvea. "I can take three calves," snys T. !'. n. Sotham, the noted Hereford breed er, "and make them gain two pounds apiece per day on the same amount of feed which ia needed to make one mature etccr gain two pounds, thai is, six pounds of gain on calves for two on a ateer. Double the money can be made by feeding calvea that can be made on two-year-olds. A man must feed stock with good blood, and then he will not be in financial Entirely Self-Made. troubles. Let him buy calves and Maude What an uwful figure Mr, fatten them. . It is by far a better Dashaway has! system than putting two-year or Madge Evidently she is a self-made three-year-old steers into the feed woman. Town Topic. lot." i ADjUsaable top. Is 14x18 inches ; large ami strong encugli to b yoi.r Dictionary, Directory, Dun, ISrapstrh UiitLE, Atias, or any heavy volume, at any dean angl. It can be rerolced and adjusted when readi: ho as to always throw the dronqrst light on the pap Yon can thus avoid the drain on vour ems inevitaU when holdin? a book in votir hand or on a level tali It is made of Oak, and has ou oue edge a R(& keep liooks from gliding off. REVOLVING CASE. This Case is 15x15x12 inches. The shelves i Oak or Ash, finished on both sides and on all edgl aud have 9 inchesof book space on four sides, or 3 feet in all, M room enough for reference books of daily use. Many books may be placed ou the npper shelf. In all twenty to thirty volume, size, can be put in it. CASTINGS connecting the top and Case are finished in black emA and of sufficient strength to last a life-time. Pipe, Post and Legs. The 3 legs are attached by round-headed screws to the turned p Into this post is forced an iron pipe, which runs up throug i the Ca: und to which the castmtrs at the top are attached. Aroui a inw r i f a (he Case revolves. As h Hdme. Office or Library article we claim its eoual does '.-it Tlio nnrtiripv nf this stntnmont can lie confirmed bv tinsolM letters of the highest commendation from thousands of Ministers, torneys, Physicians, Government, Stale and County Officials, B1 and Business Men. Over 50,000 have been sold in the United Sla and orders now come for large lots from hngland and other w countries. HOW FINISHED. It is handsomely finished in Antique ami n n rnnnifnt to nnv Office. Library or Parlor. AC A flTfcT J .o,U ia p;nK1 .i nroapnt. to t M or as aWedding or Birthday Gift than this Stand. , HOW SHIPPED. This Stand is sent knocked down, wrapr heavy paper making a package of 20 lbs. By Freight it g Fecond-class and at about half what it would cost if sent 1 Plain directions for putting together accompany each Stand. While the regular price of this Stand is $7.00, for a ebort top Ul V ailWITVU W DV mvu a v uvj a aa w aa. - J B., Chicago. Or we will send the Post one year prepaid acd Mi Stand'shipped F. O. B. Chicago, for ?3.50. . The POST, Middleburgjj