The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 05, 1903, Image 1

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    Bote jHcabs
rjjjve a job lot of note
on hand. They must go
The price will do It.
les and prices for the ask-
Ve furnish them printed
U than you can buy them
U printing.
flagenstller, Fditonnd Proprietor.
A Fimily Journal, Devoted to News, Science. Art, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Rates: One Dollar Per Annum, in Adraoct
Coming Events Cast Their Shadows
I..L.I..1.ll..i...Jl..-l li..l...lL....U.Jt,
Committe Meeting.
The readers of the Post tire ropiest-1 J
en to semi iih announcements of nil
event. No charge will he made to
y,,nlilieii Standing t'i'iimil'.te' pulilish the same when the event is of
slt,l to meet in Muhllehurg public hiiiHrtanee.
v. March ,' ,!H',,V ITjiiksd.vy, March 5, Wagner Harp
J. n. l hAKM iv. i i ... ........... ... .,
CI airman I "nnwim v o., oi imwkiii, in mc
.selinsgrove Hull.
i.lvcitisctl iTni Ksii.vv, Mar. 12, (ieo. V. Kibk- will
it wiles tire n
This land is particularly --iiuiniiiein in euns-
Sati kday, March 14, Kc.ul.!iean l'ri
iimry election to Nominate Candi
dates for l'rotlinnotary, Ueisler and
llccorder, Associate Judge, District
Attorney and Jury Commissioner
and elect u Mate Delicate.
TiifHSDAY, Mar. lit, Kim entertain
ers in Selinsgiove.
Saithday, March 21, Spring Com-nienccs.
were -'t7: licenses issued in
('ollllty Since me m n nil m-
k'titiniial Kncanipnient, drand
fllie Kepuhlic, will lie held at
Lm.jsco din ing the week of Ang-
yi,;):Coniietent girl to do
itml laundry work, dotul
Ai'i'ly ironit ly,
.1. IS. JSlKMSKI.I.,
( South I'.eiid. I ml.
lav's high winds took ott a
of the roof oil' Mrs. (ieorge
Uirn 'm the farm tenanted by
jjAI.K: I'e'h Orchard, 900
.ivs. 1 mile South ot (ilolie
Cull on or address,
Jons A. Di ck,
f, Mitltlleiiurg, 1'a,
Al-F.: Steam Threshing Oul-
;.red for sale. Good condition.
kr call upon.
T. K. HoLT.Afi'i.i:,
St, KUlllZ, i n,
lmrg is to have a first-cluss ho
I ic Commonwealth hotel in that
o be replaced with a ten story
lueture to cost f (500,000. The site
n occimied hy a hotel for over
Sati khay, March l's, Annual Kelipse
of the Sun. Invisible in ihe 1. S.
WmxKsnAY. Apr. 1, Spring term of
Susquehanna I'niversjly opens.
Si xday, Ai-ril .", l'alm Sunday.
Moniiay, April (ith, Spring term of
Freebiirg Acailemy opens.
r'uiO.VY, Coit Novelty Co., in Selins
grove. Km day, April 10, (!, i.i.l Fiiday.
Si'XDA Y, April 12, Kastcr.
Tiii'Hsday, April 10, day set for ad.
jouriinientof the State l.egislntuie.
Monday, April 27, (ien. I. S. Ciani's
Wkdxksday, May 27, Kepublican
State Convention at ilarrisbuag.
Whose Ad.?
Printers' Ink uses a great many
advertising blotters In fact, uses
no oilier. They come In as fast
as wanted, and very nice mid
handy they are.
Wlmftf ml rrf iftt'inrntn arc
on those lilottcrnf
All. that is a thing the Little
Schoolmaster never observed, or.
If he did. he never remembered
and does not now remember,
lint he likes the blotters. Print
ers' Ink.
This criticism Is ncvor np
plk'aMe M iidvurllsln In
your luenl paper.
Kates of Postage ioo Years Ago.
The following were the rates of
nited Telephone and TeleKnSihl"BB,ulu'8Cl'lry ' Ue year, 1800:
"i tuuvrjcu uui eiOTeuinjf tony
mlleii, eight ceuts; over 40 miles and
rina and Summer. The im-
Uuti i "tisist of a new trunk line
Ring ltonna, Harrisburg, Ty-
ld C'l irQeld.
irtliuniberland man was arrest
lobe Mills Monday for phinn-
lope with another man's wife.
Bsoiier was released on pitying
Its and agreeing to leave.
on A. K. Holes in his new mmv
a lunr cutting parlor for your
leaned with a refreshing shunt-
I a clean towel to each patron
north side of Market square op-
L'entral Hotel. Satisfaction guar-
bill to pay a minimum salary
month to school teache's pasg-
liou.-c last week. It is doubtful
pr the ''ill will pass the Senate as
isto ihe detriment of the rural
sand interferes with the affairs
pchool iHiard.
ioinical Chestnutt is closing out
tock of Foot Wear, ineludintr
Piter and u4wai)rlnir stock, 98c.
fO Plough alirt Work Shoes, $2.85
kt Grade RuhheA Koots, 30c. for
fits, $1.19 for Bet $1.50 and $1.75
Mhoiui Chllilrxn'u Pollilll V cbeno.
1 1 r 1
Post desires to congratulate
VV. Hummel on his appoint-
63 Postmaster of Northuinber-
Harry is a Snyder County boy
ing to his liberality and pro-
e spirit in promoting the Indus-
eifiire of his adopted town, met
financial reverses. Hence the
tiiient is a deserving one.
cut of Marion Charles and her
rand mothers whkh was pub-
in the Post Feb. 6th, was loan-
is by courtesy of the North
an, Phila. We did not know
Mnie whether the cut was loan
ed to us and hence this tardy
Medgement of their courtesy.
7f " Makes Strength.
icse days when the children
Solent exercise and parents are
ictive than ever, people look
the food they eat. Hy scien-
wess the new cereal uJf " con-
all the nourishment of pure
(J grain has been so prepared as
ke a perfect food, cooked and
to eat "It" makes strength
spares the body and brain for
duties. Everybody likes "f".
f . At grocers every wheie.
Marriage License. :
V C. Kmt7r 1 Punn lii.
hi. Herman. Pen a two!
I W. Haines, ' Selinserove.
f Lk Stimeiing, Selinsgrove. vance
not exceeding 150 tulles, twelve and
one half cents; over 150 miles and not
exceeding 300 miles, sevmteen cents;
over 300 miles and not exceeding 500
miles, twenty cents; over 500 twenty-
live cents. Kevery letter composed of
two pieces of paper double those rates;
every letter composed of three pieces of
paper, triple these rates; every letter
composed of four pieces of papar weigh
ing one ounce, quadruple those Kites,
and at the rate of fout single letters for
each ounce any letter or packet may
weigh; eyeryship letter original re
ceived at any olHce for delivery was six
cents. And there was little change for
the better In the rates of postage until
the advent of the administration of
President Polk.
Honors to a Lcwistown firm.
Culvin Greene & Son, the ilrm which
up to a short time ago operated the
North American tannery at this place,
hut recently received, through the U. S.
commission to the Paris Exposition of
1900, the dlploam of award and bronze
medal, both highly finished and of ar
tistic design, for finest tanned and pre
pared leathers exhibited at Paris. Al
soa silver medal from the National
Export Exposition of 8!)9, in this
country, on recommendation of the
Franklin Institute of Philadelphia
These handsome works of art are now
on exhibition iu the show window of
Van Natta's jewelry establishment.
We congratulate the Messrs. Greene
on their possession, representing as
they do a trade triump of which they
in common with our entire community
may justly feel proud.
A KnnrlnntliiB Love Ntory ol n llmu.
tirrl Amrrlran Ulrl.
The romance of a beautiful Ameri
can girl, in which the light fora throne
filgures prominently, is the basis of
"The Garden of Lies," the most most
fascinating love story since the "Pris
oner of Zenda." From start finish the
tale teems with adventure and excite
ment. The plot is novel and well
handled and there is not a dull line iu
it. Though It la a story of valor, it is
first of all a love story that will strike
a sympathetic chord In every reader.
Be sure to read this striking romance
in nextSunday's "Philadelphia Press".
Order it of your newsdealer in ad-
Another Swindle.
Farmers should lie on the look-out
fur a clever swindler who claims that
he isorganizing a "National Threshers'
I rotectivc Association. Me secures
the membership of many fanners by
assuring them that he is forming a
national association by which it would
be impossible to raise the price ol thresh
ing. The inenib rs are required to sign
a cretiflcate which they are told enti-
Ini'tLem ioailfe tiietubercthlp. JU'.n
their signature turns up at the bottom
of a note ranging in sums of $5. to
Arthur Housli Killed.
The nine-year old Sou of William
Koush of Selinsgrove fell from a ear at
Lcwistown and was run over by the
train severing both legs near the trunk
oftliebudy. He died it few hours af
terward and was taken to Selinsgrove
Thursday morning and buried Sun
The funeral had been set for Satur
day Morniiiing but owing to the high
water, Middleereek could not he cross
ed at Kant.
He had been it brukeinan only about
two months. The loss is a severe blow
la his parents and friends.
Have You Eaten "f "?
There are so many "ready to eat"
foods on the the market now that one
hardly knows how to distinguish be
tween them. uJf should not be class
ed with the others. There is no other
that compares with "It", as one trial
will convince you. f" i more
healthful, strengthening and tastes
better. Made by a new process and
ready to eat by adding milk. Get a
package to-day at yourgrocers.
Grand Entertainments.
There still remains three entertain
ments of Susquehanna Y, M. C. A.
Lecture Course Thursday evening,
March 5, the Wagner Harp Orches
tra and Quartette Company from
Harrisburg will render one of their
promising programmes in tho Selins
grove Opera House. This Company
has won fame and praise wherever
they have held entertainments and we
feel sure that they will be both enter
taining and instructive.
Eleanore Pearson, Soprano; Mable
Norton Trole, Contralto; Chas. W.
Pickett?, Tenor; James (i. Potter,
Haso; Susan Harlie Tompkins, Violin
ist; Etneline Hill Tompkins, Hari
ist. Tickets can be procured at lieu-
drick's store, Selinsgrove, Pa.
Doors open at 7:30.
Feb. 20, by Rev. Geo. W. Genszler,
John Weichley Haines of Selinsgrove
to Emma L. Stimeiing of Kantz.
Feb. 21, by Rev. W. K. Diehl, Theo
dore F. Kuster and Lydla I. Wagner,
both of Kantz. - ,
' '
Rev. Joshua Shaiuhuch will attend
Conference in lialtiinore this wet k.
Misslicrtha F.hrhnrt of Lcwistown
lias been visiting friends here the past
A. H. Kloso of Franklin township
dropped in to pay his respects to the
printer Tuesday.
Misses Mable and 1 ilia Grimm and
Mrs Dora Specbt attended the funeral
of Arthur Koush Sunday.
Mrs. K. Middlisivaitli of M.-Clure
after a two weeks' vi-tt with her
daughter, Mrs. P. E. Kinney, Ims re
turned to her home.
Mrs. John w. Met of Shamokiii
and Master Gcorue rcaly of Keiiova
were pleasantly entertained nt the
home nl'Opcrator Kinney Tbiivday.
Kev. S.S. Kobler .f New I'.eiini, we
regret to stale, has roicjinl his eharue,
as pastor of be Kel'ornied church, lie
has accepted a pi siti.m in Sebiiykill
Dr. Charles I.. Marks has in -ved his
dental out fit from the Middleburg
Dank Ituildiug to l.ewistowu where he
will form a professional partnership
with his brother-in-law, Dr. John C.
John F. lioyerof Mt. Pleasant Mills
called Tuesday to order sale bills for
the sale of his farm stock and imple
ments on the Hickel firm Thursday.
March 20, P'lKI.
M. L. Kreeiier and wife snent sev
eral days with Aariali Kreeger ami
family. They had been down South
bill on account of the elder Kreeger's
illdess, hastened home.
Mr. Van 15. Middlewarth of Mc
dure, who is now visiting P. E. Kin
ney in Swineford is u young man with
a promising luture. He is already
hoU'Nua 0C7 shnrev ut- preferred Hto-b
the Penna R. R. Co.
Kev. N. A. Kiraeofe closed his revi
val services iu the IT. 15. church of tills
place with 30 conversions, 25 accessions
and S baptisms. Services Sunday
morning next at ten a. m. Kevival
services were began iu the New Jier
1 in church Sunday evening.
John F. Stctler, of Middleburg, Sny
der county's talented and siK-eessfu! ar
chitect, has been successful in securing
the contract for the erection of public
school buildings in Jtcrwick and MilV
lintown. At the first named place h
entered into competition with archi
tects from Seranton and Wilkes
bar re.
Geo. J. Schochasks us to say for him
that it had been reported that on ac
count of the death of his wife, he
would not be a candidate for Associate
Judge. He wishes all his friends to
know tint he will remain in the light
to the linish and while he has lost con
siderable time on account of the death
and funeral of his life companion, he
will not be able to see all his friends,
but kindly solicits their support.
We acknowledge the receipt of re
mittances after we had gone to press
last week from the following: Asaph
Uowersox, Frunklin township; W. K.
Stahlnecker, Reaver Springs; P. A.
Krosius, Mt. Pleasant Mills; Amos
liailey, Shamokiii Dam; John House
worth, Shellsburg; S. C. Kessler,. Salem;
J. W. Moyer, Huiiimel's Wharf; Geo.
J. Koush, Kreamer; G. A. KauHuiaii.
Shreiner; s. J. Rrouse, Kratzerville;
S. A. We: .el, Reavertown; Dr. H. P.
Glover, Anoona; H. M. Freed, l'ree-
burg;LN. Jarrett, Selinsgrove; Mrs.
Lizie Smith, Edward Moyer, Middle-'
burg and C. A. Stelt'en, Palias.
- - -
Christine Swart.
The widow of E. R. Swart, died at
Troxelville Tuesday 9 a. m. Aged TS
years, 11 months and 12 days. Her
husband died Sept. 1S99.
Deceased had a stroke of paralysis a
year ago, but tne cause of death was
dropsy. Funeral Thursday morning.
Rev. Dutt of MeClure olllelating. J.
W. Swartz of Swineford is a son.
Court convened, Monday, Feb. 2.UI,
A. D., llHi.!, nt II o'clock A. M., witli
Hn. II. M. MeClure, Pres. Judge, and
Hon. . T. Gemherling ami Hon. P.
F. Keigle, Associate Presiding.
A. S. Sechrist was appointed fore
man of tli jnaiul jury.
Edwin A. Ibiser, liobertS. Smith,
Emanuel Peters and P. A. Krosius
were appointed tipstaves.
Cornr or t'.ui-.:i: Si.hsions.
lrvin 15. Komig was appointed High
Constable of (he P.orough of Selins
glove. James Troup w n s i lenced to elite
into hail iu the sum of s'lon, ulli ap
proved security, conditioned for bis
good behavior toward his family and
the public neut rally.
The petition for .1 monument to the
memory of Hie soldier and sailors of
the late War of the Kebcllion, who ell-li-ted
fiom Snyder Couuiy, was ai
proved ly the grand jury.
i in I ot j it isi i ion o! .lames iroup was
di-approved 1 ecaiise there was no
ground for sii-picioii of fold play.
Keports of viewer- reporting against
public roads iu Centre and l uioii
Tow nships were continued.
I Wet.el, Nathan I -'reed and
.lobll 1'. Kellls were appoiutetl to view
X. ('. (iilteliiis ane wife are vis
itint; his liintlur at Kiltuuniiig.
Samuel Kessler was seen iu town
last week.
Mr. I'ickliait and 1'iiiiilv were t
Selinsgrove Muntiav innriiinr.
Mi, Kile, reek ovorHnwetl its hunks
lor tho first time this winter Satur
day. iuitc a number nf our peoph
attended tho funeral ol Win.
Iloush's son at Freeiiuie; Simdav.
While at the funeral Simdav A.
IV K reamer's horse was IViirhteiicd
ly tlic Iiarkinj; of a iloyj and kicketl
his ruiialiiiut all to pieces.
Miss on Walter id S linsjrn,vt.
spent last week with her sister, Mrs.
A. ('. Smith.
it imi .
'iir cilllilivil Ii;t'(
weeks of School.
Mr. ii'iimii of l'Vecl
town Fridav.
iie.-e i' rn lav.
Lryaii pass,.. tliroiili
public roads in Jackson Tow nship
Keports of viewers ol public roads in
Franklin Township,'; were eoiilirmed
Kepurt of liridge view in ( 'enter town
ship, was continued absolutely.
'hi l;r l r I 'mi iiuv I'i.kas.
An alias subboeiia in divorce was
awarded in the ease of Moses Frecd
lliall ys. ( ioldell I 'reedni'iii.
A rule was granted in the ease of
Vcrgie A. Stiauscr vs. Peter E. Straus--er,
to show cause why a divorce should
not not be granted.
In the ease of T. M. Kessler vs. the
township of Mouroe. The Jury; found J
Kt I. 4 l.n i t n .. .1 ......... .1 C
ynnn iu naiiiiiu niiu ueiruuaiiv guiiiy
of contributory negligence and there
fore rendered a viudict in favor of the
Oupiianh' Coi kt.
F. II. Smith was appointed guardian
of Kutli Geinberling Long, and Maud
M. V. Long minor children of Geo.
W. Long, deceased.
Myron A. Moyer was apMiinted
guardian of Samuel II. McManaway,
minor grand child of Mrs. Sallie Mc
Manaway, deceased.
Isainli Walter was apHiuted guard
ian of Ira A., Jesse J. and Elmer lv
KingHinaii, minor grand children ol
Jesse Shambaeh, (leccased.
G. F raukliu Diuius was appointed
guardian of Lotti", Mable, Sallie, Vi
ola, Mirny, Solomon ami Oscar Alfred
Heaver, minor grand children of Sol.i-
iiioii Hummel, dee'd.
Orders of sales were granted iu estate
of Jerome F. Aigler, dee'd., and Mary
E. Kingaman, dee'd.
Returns to orders of Sales were con
firmed lit estates of Franklin Krater,
dee'd., Ella A. Gilbert, dee'd., Mary
Teats, dee'd. ami Mary E. Oniel,
The real estate of Jacob Lcplcy, dee'd.,
whs awarded to Mrs. Mary Ann Get,
for the sum of fKXi. '
All the accounts ot the administ rat
tors, executors and guardians and
widows appraisements w ere con firmed
as advertised.
Wednesday, Feb. 2", court adjourn
cd to the ringing of the bell.
J. G. Ckoi si:, Keporter.
Notice of Final Rule.
To PETER L. STRAWSER, lute of Steoltun,
You are horebr not Weil thnt a final rule for
divorce haa been (ranted against you at thfl
ult of Vlrnle A. Stranraer, your wife, which
will be Doarti in ine Jonn oi common rieas. of
Snyder county, of October Term, 101, No. , on
MoDdav. the Brut day ot June. 1003.' on which
day, you may appear and allow cauae, it any
you have, why aucb divorce ihould not be
cranteaaicainai you.
iai u.,
Attorney for Libellant.
Mlddlebnrgh. Pa , March 2nd, IMS. 41.
What it Means.
We're tired ol'miswerinj' (jiiestions.
"Fewer gallonsWears Longer "
means tiiaimii don t have to paint
your hiWhe so o tbjMTn you ilon t
liavc to iite4fJrTlTch paint. Cpsts
less JoMiKiol), anil von ilon't have
to Htiejol) so of'icn.
The new paint is not new at all.
It's the biggest-helling paint in the
United States, anil the firm that
makes it is 149 years old.
Devon Ijeail nml Zinc fewer
gallons than mixed paints, wears
twice as long as long as lead and
A new Post Ofllce basjbeen establish-
! ed in Union towdship called "Produc",
mails connect with Tort Treverton.
iuite a ninmlier ol' our
atlclliled "on ft last week.
( . X. Kaltriler wis mi tb,
list, several davs last week.
The sale of the goods of Henry
Mellgel (lei 'en. -ed Tllesdav was well
attended and things Indiiglit gmnl
Some of our people attended till'
sale of II. S. 1'iickliai t Monday.
Juito a number of (,:ir vonng
spoils attended proliaited inccling
.it Aline Saturday and Sunday
II. .J. Heim and wife visited at
Wilson Snyder's iSiiiidaw
Henry Kislitr's will iimve into
Mrs. Mary Snyder's house in the
' fh. - .. s.
C h. Keielu nbach is the new
hostler at the Mt. Pleasant Mills
Lewis Mi ilium and Mrs. J. I.
Verger, were on the sick list a j,.w
days last week.
Norman Troup will move t,,
Shadlc, in the Spring into (i. 15. M.
Ranch's house.
Jonas Mciser of Shamokin was
in town several days last week.
Candidates are too numerous to
Sime of our people attended the
funeral oi James Troup, at (iruhh's
chiiTch Thursday.
Tlic .scholars of the luwn schools
arc practicing for an entertainment
at the end oi the term.
Kev. C. C. Miller will preach in
the L. and K. church Sunday 1'. M.
Jonathan Kreighluimn's visited
at J Stiiton Kreigliliuiiin's Sunday.
Mrs. Jolin Scldegle of Tort Tre
verton visited her daughter, Mrs.
Chas. Verger fur several days hist
J. F. ringaman and (ieo. Scliixih
candidates for Associate Judge were
in town Monday night.
John S. Verger will Imild an ad
dition to his stable.
The Auditors will meet next
Monday to audit tlic finances of the
township lor the year ISMI'J.
The town schools will close first
week in April.
Woman Tired of Life Kills Herself In
Haddonfield, N. J., Boarding House.
Philadelphia, March 2. A woman
who gave her name as-Mrs. Charlotte
0. Wellington committed Bulcldo Sat
urday by inhaling chloroform in a
fashionable boarding house In Had
donfield, N. J. The woman left a noto
to tho proprietress of tho boarding
house, in which she said:
"I am tho last of a dlstinKiiIshed
family, left so nlono that I ara tired
of life. Will you kindly see that my
remains are decently burled? I on
closo money to pay expenses. My
clothes give to the poor. Please keep
this as quiet as possible."
With the note was $75. The woman
camo to tho boarding house about Feb
ruary 20. She was always apparently
in good spirits. She was about 50
years of ago, refined and plentifully
supplied with money. In conversa
tion with other persons in the housa
she often referred to having lived In
Boston and Albany, N. Y and to hav
ing boarded In Mr TTnllv nnit Motf.
' Tord, N. J.