msru'invs boot Hundred! of Articles Rocorered From Ex-Carrier's Norristown Home. a wxirs wiws cowpihsed. pHI' Wednesday, raarvary tm. . Coal YxttCfeVrateo from the bltumtn- . . ' oua mines' of Vwteni Pennsylvania, Supreme Court Decides in Favor of HE GAVE MANY GIFTS TO WOMEN Judging By Plunder Recovered, Her bert Simcox Mutt Have Stolen Every Package He Handled Accused TPosed At a Detective. JMorristown, Pa., Feb. 21. The pos tal Inspectors are rapidly uncovering the depredations of Herbert E. Him ox. whose peculations from the United States mall entrusted to his charge have already been detailed at length Inspector Duryea made a further search of Sinitox's home and found more than 100 packages hidden away under the flooring. In beds and In the attic. LaUT he came upon a package of letters addressed to Simcox, and from the Information gleaned therein he !aJd a visit to a woman in this city. As a result some half a hundred costly articles which Simcox presented to her as gifts were recovered. Among them .-are a gold watch and chain, gold locket, silver ppoons. stiver match lase, a cigarette case, silver scissors, .gold and turquoise chain, a seal pocket purse, goll pencil, gold pen and a locket. The woman gave up the goods with out a murmur. The inspectors say ehe told a wonderful talo of how Sim cox posed as a hero in her eyes. Ho liad a certificate of admission to "The Detective Corps of America," for which he paid $10 to a concern in Cincinnati. Thu capture of Tony Julian, the king of the counterfeiters, by Secret Ser vice Agent Griffin, was made here. "Simcox ( liilmed the entire credit of this, nnd told i he confiding woman that the reason his name was not used in the papers was because he was after other and bigger game, and bad to keep shady. He accounted to her for the pres- euts by snylg that he made all kinds of money out of his detective work and got many gifts besides. More complaints are constantly ar riving, and the total outnumbers the list of goods on hand. Among those In the latest consignment are one large lot of cheap watches and some good ones, some chains, more fountain pens, silver spoons, elastic stockings 'hypodermic syringes, bracelets, silk suspenders, a case of surgical lnstru ments, water bottles, patent medicines in powders, valentines, thermometers, Testaments. Bibles, pin cushions, three flasks or dental gold, set of gold teeth, fob chains, lockets, collar buttons and -another big lot of Jewelry. Simcox Is in prison, and nays that he will Ohle and West Virginia have been ad vanced 15 cents per ton. Mis Katharine White, daughter of Governor White, of West Virginia, will christen the new cruiser West Virginia, to be launched in April next ' Owing to the heavy snowfall the An-. tomoblle Club of America baa aban- doned its run from New York to Phlla-1 delphia on Washington's Birthday. Rome dispatch says the Vatican has beea unofficially informed that the Admiral and His Men. BAMPSONS CACE DISMISSED Opinion Says If Efforts at Salvage Had Failed or Cost Exceeded the Value, Dewey's Men Still Would be Entitled to Bounty. Washington, Feb. 24. The Uirfted President Roowvelt will congratulate' States supreme court yesterday decld th. Pope on the J5th anlrersary of his the J8". b?uM coronation. Thursday, February 19. Xt-m I) rjiaval ralnrnMl trt Wash. i i. i v.. ioi, and afterward reclaimed, in IDglUU IHai CVCUlug IIUUI net tioh iw Admiral Dewey In behalf of himself and the officers and men of his fleet on account of the vessels sunk at Manila their Philadelphia favor, but the cases of Admiral Samp- The foundry Plant of Thomas Car-i 'r whofle name that of Admiral Taylor was substituted In his own be half and that of his officers and men on account of the Maria Theresa, sunk at the battle of Santiago, were decided adversely to the claimants. The Ther esa was sunk after being rescued, whereas the vessels reclaimed at Ma- lln's Sons Co.. Allegheny, was de stroyed by fire yesterday. Loss, $250,-' 000. The senate committee on foreign re lations has authorized a favorable re port on the extradition treaty with : Mexico. i Two men lost their lives in a Are nlla are still in use. which destroyed the St. Clair Hotel at i The court first passed on the Dewey Port Huron, Mich., yesterday. The case. Taking up the question as to financial loss Is $125,000. i whether the Spanish vessels. Don Juan Orders were Issued at the war de- 1 de Austria, the Isle de Cuba and Isla partment yesterday for the retirement de Luzon, were properly adjudicated : of Brigadier General J. P. Farley, re- as prizes for the benefit of captors, in j cently promoted from colonel. view of their condition immediately i Friday, February 20. after the engagement at Manila, and j General Chaffee and staff arrived at their being subsequently raised and j Hampton. Va.. yesterday and Inspected put In commission, the opinion says Fort Monroe. , that if the effort at salvage had failed. ' James R. Colgate, of New York, has or if the cost had equaled or exceeded given $100,000 tc Colgate University, the value, the captors still would be' Hamilton, N. Y., as an addition to its entitled to bounty. endowment fund. I "As to the property taken from the The Tonopah, Nev., Athletic Club vessels raised and reconstructed, and has offered a purse of $25,000 for a that taken from the vessels destroyed." finish fight between Jeffries and Jim says the opinion, "we think that its Corbett. ! fegal status must bo regarded as the William R Meehan, of Philadelphia, same as that of the vessel to which gave an illustrated lecture on flsh it belonged. The statute did culture to the Pennsylvania legislature not contemplate a division of the last night. ( grant, and an award of prize money Secretary Moody has ordered the and bounty In respect to the same trial by court martial of Lieutenant transaction." Chester Wells, charged with neglect Concluding on this point, the opln In the loss of the naval tug Leyden Jon says that even If the contention on the south coast of Block Island, be correct that bounty alone would be January 21. i Rn inadequate reward, that would not Saturday, February 21. 1 justify the court in attributing to the uovernor rennypacker, or rennsyl vanla, appointed T. J. Lynch, of Raston, executive clerk, vice J. F. Rod gers, resigned. Governor Murphy, of New Jersey, was notified yesterday that the war department would equip the National statute a scone not permitted by Its terms. Concerning the naval stores cap tured by Admiral Dewey at Cavlte, the opinion says the property in question was taken subject to the exercise of the power of restitution, and the gov- Guard with the standard United States ernment must be regarded as absolved army rine t from llabnity for whatever was re ft iarj: - "jmoer i guests auenaea stored under the treaty of peace. uy mrs. iiooseveiii Takinc nn the Samnson ia trt the mus!' at the W'-.r House yesterday. It was .plead guilty and throw himself on the nn'i(lr t!' '"reclton of the Washing mercy of the court when bis trial lon ' ' ' urcnesira. omes off on March 9. I The ' " 08 of the Nebraska con In Udltlon to the goods alleged to stltutlo- ' -onventlon of 30 years ago. liave be n stolen by Simcor - ro-ov- : which : u supposed to have been de- -orH f,p vw mlL.i-a f' V1'"53"1 by flr ,n 1875, were foun1 ln" Tostmdster'-'Brownback yesterday ; -jv'""i In w-gftite nJtu. t afternoon -brought tC Chief i-incoln. Bon's ofTIee a-large box YnnM-' Mndy. February 23. many articles which the mail . 3'on' Montanl w" expend $26,000 for an driver had given to six young women exnlblt at St. Louis Exposition, .acquaintances. The parents of the' While operating a circular saw at Klrls returned the roods. The post-' PMlllpsburg. N. J., Clinton Hayes had master says that not one-half of the his right leg cut off. passing on the case of the Maria Tere sa, the court reverses the decree of condemnation of the District Court to the effect that that vessel and all the property taken from her and from the other vessels were lawful prize of war, andjlireet thnt the 1lhi1 filed by tie naval officers be dismissed. articles pilfered I rem the mails have yet been recovered. SHIP SUBSIDY KILLED The carpet factory of Lamont & Robinson, at Paterson, N. J., was gut ted by fire Saturday. Lops. $50,000. The United States transport Han cock reached New York Saturday irom Han Francisco to be converted Into a receiving ship. I fn a I ..... I J..,! NEARLY COOKED IN COAL POCKET Boy Hung On to Hot 8team Pipe Fif teen Minutes. Shenandoah, Pa., Feb. 23. William Breaskey, aged 16 years, had a shock ing experience and a narrow escape from death at Ellangowan colliery on Saturday. He was In a chestnut coal pocket shoveling when the car loaders commenced to load. He was fast be ing drawn through a large body of ( coal, when he clasped hold of tho -House Committee Refuses to Report Senator Hanna's Pet Measure. Washington, Feb. 24. The house In a pistol duel on the streets of mouth of a s'enm pipe In the pocket committee on merchant marine and, Eureka Springs, Ark., Deputy United usM to stenm the wet coal and keep It fisheries yesterday voted not to report States Marshal J. D. Keys was killed from freezing. me snip suiiHKiy mil to tne House, the ana vv. a. miuson seriously injured, vote being lo to 6. Those voting' Tuesday, February 24. to report it were: Representatives! The senate yesterday confirmed tJrosvenor, Ohio; Young, Pennsylva nia; Green, Massachusetts; Fordney, Mii hl:an; Wai liter, Maryland; Little field. Maine. Those voting iigalnst reporting it Mere HepreKcntalivefc Hopkins. Illinois; Minor, Wisconsin; Stevens, Minneso ta; Jones, Washington. Republicans, and Splpht. Mihs.; Small. N. C; Da vis, Florida. Mi IVrmott. N. J : Bel mont, N. Y.. and Snook, Ohio, Uemo rais. Rcpiescntatlve Vreeland. of New Ycili, wa.i not present. I stricken with small-pox yesterday, and i tne posiomre ts now closed. COLORED EDITOR GETS DAMAGES Two mon WPre Instantly killed and two latany nun in a grade crossing accident at Joliet, 111., yesterday, when an express train struck their carriage. H. P. Johrtttcn, of Camden, Who Sued Pullman Comapny, Awarded $500. Trenton. N. .1 , Feb. 24. In tli L'nit"d States Court here yesterday a Jury awarded $.100 damages to Rev. Henry P. Johnston, of Camden, a col ored man, who sued the Pullman Car Company for $10,000. Johnston Is ed itor -of the Christian Advocate, and on March 25th last, while riding in a Pull man car between Richmond. Va., and Washington sought service iu the din in car. He was refused food by differ eat subterfuges, notwithstanding he applied three times. Finally, when all Ikn passengers had been served and the employes were eatin?, he wa.- offered food. This Fcod Inspector Inspects. rhilipsburg, N. J., Feb. 23. As a re ult of Deputy State Health Inspector Vandergrift's second visit to this city. Kdward Karcher and Pursel Brothers, grocers; J. J. Murphy nnd M. L. Bar ;nltt, druggists, wore Saturday fined $50 each for nelling adulterated olive oil and laudnniim Complaints are to 1e made ngaiiiKt a number of others JtiT violating the food laws. Eight Men Rescued by Firemen. Tialtlmore, Md., Feb. 24. The office a.utidlng of the Baltimore Copper and Stnrltlng Company (the Keyser build iai was damaged by fire last night, the loss being variously estimated at from $25,000 to $35,000. Eight men were overcome by gas and were res ud by firemen. For fully 15 minutes he hung in space crying piteously for some one to rpnrllP him with (ha alaam nni.rln. William R, Day as associate Justice of against his chest and stomach and the the United States supreme court. hot pipe roasting his hands, before fel- , .umauurLUKei;. v ngm, or tne low workmen heard and saved him. Philippines, arrived in Washington ' The hoy is horribly burned, but physl last night. He will tall for Manila on' rians expect him to recover. April 1. J Three children of William Adams, of i Spiritualism Not Proof of Insanity. Hillside, I. T.. were burned to death! Philadelphia. Feb. 24. The State Sunday night in a fire which destroyed ' Supreme Court yesterday. In an opln their home. ' j ion by Judge Potter, decided that be- Dnnlel Bevan, postmaster at Miners! "cf ,n Spiritualism is not proof of in Mills, near Wilkesbarre. Pa. tr ! sanity. The questions involved arose In the case of Mary Buchanan, who contested the will of her father, Alex ander McElroy, which devised the greater portion of his estate to the First Association of Spiritualists of Philadelphia for the erection of a building to be known as McElroy Hall. The Supreme Court reversed the lower court's decision and directed the set ting aside of the issue in an opinion, which stated that "there Is abundance of authority for the proposition that mere belief In spiritualism, ghosts, dreams, etc., Is not proof of insan lty." Picked Dynamite Cap With Knife. Lancaster, Pa.. Feb. 24. On Sunday John Williams, aged 11 years, found a dynamite cap at his home, near Quar ryvllle. He picked It with a knife, when an explosion occurred which blew off the fingers of one hand, tore out his left eye, and it Is thought per manently destroyed the sight of the other eye. Poisoned Her Children. Davy. W. Va, Feb. 23. Mrs. Walter Dykes Is being hunted by the authori ties here. Her two children were found dead yesterday morning, having been poisoned. Rumor has It that she administered the drug rather than al low her husband to secure possession of them. - She and her husband had been separated a few weeks. GENERAL MARKETS Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 21. Flour was steady; winter superfine, $2 70 2.90; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3 io fa3.25; city mills, extra, $2.930310 Rye flour was quiet, at $3.1 rf 3.20 per barrel. Wheat was Irm; No. 2 Penn sylvania, red. new, 78'c. Corn was firm; No. 2 yellow, local, 52Hc Oats nr uit-i, i. wnne. Clipped, 44c; lower grades, 42c. Hay was steady: .o. i timothy. 19 for large bales. Beef was steady; beef hams, $19&20. Pork was firm; family, $0. Live poultry 13c. for hens, and 99c. for old roosters. Dressed poultry, 13Vic. for iholce fowls, and 10c. for old roosters. Butter was steady; creamery, 28c. per pound. Eggs were steady; New York and Pennsylvania, 17c. per dozen. Po tatoes were steady; choice, 6870c. per bushel. Live Stock Markets. East Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 21. Cattle steady; prime steers, $5ff5.25; cows. $2.754; heifers, $3.254J50; bulls, $3 04.25; fresh cows, good, $3fifi45 per head. Veals steady; tops, $9.2569.75; oommon to good. $5.50ig 9. Hogs slow but higher; heavy, $7.50 7.55; me dium, $7.40Q7.50; Yorkers, $7.307.40; pigs, $7.15&-7.20; stags, $5.25?,5.75. Sheep steady; mixed tops, $4,750-5; nulls to good, $2.254.65. Lambs were higher; tops, $6.806.90; culls to good. $4.2606.76; yearlings. $5.25(&5.75. East Liberty. Pa., Feb. 21. Cattle weiye Bteady; choice, $5.155.25; prime. $4.90(35.10; good. $4.604.85. Hogs were steady; prime and heavies, $7.50 ? 17.55; mediums, $7.557.65; heavy orkers. $7.40t.45; light Yorkers. ii.iuf; pigs, i.zo; roughs, 99.DVV. Driven Insane By Small-pox Scare. Bound Brook. N. J Feb. 23. Driven insane,' temporarily at lesst, by worry over the recent small-pox ycare in this section. William Henry Avres. presl- I dent of th bo-ml of hoMth of South 8heep were steady; choice weiaers, jo.iuhjd.zo: cutis and com- uouna urooK, was yesieruay ren PT'J.iJr 6M8Mi the state retreat at Trentea. ; tAPWOMXl AH! ACTIVE FWplne Owtlaws Captor Three Do tachments of Constabulary. -Manila. Feb. IS. A force -of 4naurJ gent lad rones, under General San MlgueL reappeared In Rlxal province Saturday. They avoided an engage ment with the main force la the south, but captured three small detachments of constabulary. The enemy sur rounded the towna of Cainta and Tay tay. 11 miles east of Manila, and cap tured SO scout and 10 men of the constabulary, whom they disarmed and set free. Yesterday Inspector Mcllwalne, at the head of 10 constabulary, was sur prised and captured aear Montalban. 1 miles northeast of Manila. The ladrones promised to release them If the constabulary would surrender their arms. While they were conferring on this point. Mcllwalne made a dash for Mberty, and he and all the constabulary effected their escape. When the news of the reappearance of General San Miguel's force reached Manila reinforcements of scouts and constabulary were hurried Into the Rizal province. General Allen and Colonel Scott went to Antlpolo and as sumed command of forces there. They met with small deatchments of the enemy and a few skirmishes took place. They were, however,' unable to locate the main body of ladrones. General Allen and Colonel Scott are continuing the pursuit, and hope to overtake the released prisoners. It is said that General San Miguel's force consists of 300 men. armed and uniformed. According to news from Albay, Lu zon, a force of ladrones attacked a small detachment of constabulary on Friday. The constabulary retreated but killed 11 of the enemy. Two of the constabulary were killed. CARNIVAL AT NEW ORLEANS An Immense Crowd Viewed the Mag nificent Pageant. New Orleans, Feb. 24. Rex made his triumphal entry into New Orleans yesterday, and the Krewe of Proteus presented their gorgeous pageant last night ln the presence of perhaps the largest multitude of people ever gath-' ered ln the streets of this carnival city. Aside from the homage paid the king, the feature of the afternoon pa rade was the popular demonstration In honor of Admiral Schlev and General Wheeler, both of whom had been ere-! ated dukes of the realm for the occa sion. They rode near the head of the procession through solid masses of shouting men and past crowded gal leries of applauding women. At the conclusion of the parade Admiral Schley was presented with a loving cup, bearing an engraving of the flag ship Brooklyn. Last night Proteus rode through streets congested with people at the head of an unusually magnificent pa geant The subject chosen was Rider Haggard's novel, "Cleopatra," and the thrilling story of the Egyptian queen was illustrated In 20 beautiful floats. Following the parade Proteus was host at a brilliant ball at the French Opera House. Admiral Schley, Gen eral Wheeler, Miss Roosevelt and Miss Root were the distinguished guests. Nearly every state in the union was represented In the attendance, which also included many guests from abroad, and the officers of the battle ship Texas and the French cruiser Tage. RIOT CARTRIDGES READY War Department Will Furnish Them to State Governors on Demand.. Washington, Feb. 24. The war de partment has sent notice to the gover nors of each state of the union that It is prepared to supply them upon do mand and according to their legal al lowances with "riot cartridges." This Is a new form of ammunition prepared by the experts of the ordnance bureau, to enable officers of the law and sol diers to repel rioters with the least possible loss of life to the "innocent spectator." The shell Is like that of the regular shell used in the army rifle with the important exception that instead of the long nickel-plated and steel-clad bullet, two balls are placed In the mouth. The design was apparently to secure something of greater range than buckshot, yet not dangerous to persons at a distance. The cartridge Is charged with about thirty-four grains of smokeless Dowder. The balls are made of a mixture of lead and tin in the proportion of 16 tc 1, and are Bllchtlv coated with nnrnflne ' A WORD ABOUT FAINT ! ? i HEjTime is Cuming when you nml Paint for your Spring Painting Dou't uuke a mistake by buying clieap paints. We sell the Shirwin William Paint. Il is guaranteed to wenr with white lead and oil. A WORD ABOUT ME! S Wire is Mire to advance A we bought several tons at the old price and will give our customers the benefit of same while this lot lasts. Come early and take advant age of this offer, as it will go very rapidly. GELNETT BROS., MIDDLEBURG, PX MOST LIBERAL OFFER OF THE YEAR. The New York Tribune Farix is a national Illustrated acrric.ulrtiml O ii vvnij iui and their families, and stands t tho hoaA r ti cultural press. It is a practical paper for practical I helping them to secure the largest possible profit H mi in turuugu iiiuuuctti uieiuous. It is entertaining, instructive and practically i me larnicr s wire, sons ana daughters, whose int covers in an attractive manner. The regular nrice is SI. 00 nor riv ! r,- . n . - J J , ' ' 1 C. time we will receive your subscription for THE vuk. i kiduic r AKmcK ana also for yourown local newspaper, The Post, Middleburg, Pa. Botl PaDers OneYearforonly S Send your order and money to The Tost. Your name and address on a postal card NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARJ1ER, New-York ( bring you free sample copy. Darrow Declines Mayoralty Nomination Chicago, Feb. 24. Clarence S. Dar row last night announced that he would not make the race for mayor of Chicago. In giving the reasons that induced him to reach this conclusion, he said that, for many years he had represented laboring people in their litigation, and that he felt that he could not abandon this work for that of the position of mayor of Chicago. He declared that, in company with John Mitchell and Samuel Gompers, he had arranged Borne measures In tended to benefit organized labor throughout the country, and he did not feel at this time that he should give this up to seek a political office. Monument to General Lawton Unveiled Manila, Feb. 23. Two hundred troops and hundreds of veterans par ticipated yesterday in the unveiling' of the monument marking the spot where General Lawton was killed at San Mateo. General Davis and others made speeches euloglilng General Lawton. Former Archduke to Enter U. S. Army. Vienna, Feb. 24. Former Archduke Leopold Ferdinand, brother of the for mer Crown Princess of Saxonv. has tel. emptied to his narenta at Saltbura ttat he Intends to become an officer la the United States navy. Schroyer & Smyser, FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. Kepreseut only first-class Stock Com panies Lighting Clause and Steam Threshing permit granted. We are commissioned by our Com panies to issue policies and transact business at our oftice same as at home office. All business entrusted to our care will be promptly attended to by mail or otherwise. OFFICE CHESTNUT STREET, In Schroyer's Building, near Depot, 8ELINSOROVE, Snyder County. PENNA. MiDDiEBURfiH Market. Firs tNa Hal B of Aiddleburg, Pa, Capital, - $50,0 Surplas, - $50,0 G. Alfred Schoch, Pres W. . WllTEKMYER, Vio Jas. G. Thompson, Cashic Butter 20 Eggs 14 Onions 60 Lard Tallow Chickens.... 8ide 'Shoulder..... 12 3 8 10 12 Ham 15 Wheat 72 Rye 56 Corn 66 Oats 32 Potatoes 45 Bran perlOO. 1.20 Middlings" 120 Chop .1.25 Flour per bbl 4.00 DIIIECTORS- G. Alfred Schoch, V. C. 1 W. W. Wittenmyer, A. J. N. Thompson, M. Jas. G. Thompson. Accounts of Individuals, Fi Corporations Solicit! CASTOR 'Per Infants and CMMj Tki Kiel Yea Han Alvan Bean tho Bgnatoroef Vf7 J