MIDDLEBURG POST. Report ot Receipts and Expenditures of Snyder County the year ending Dec. 31, 1902. TABULAR STATEMENT allowing amount of county mid ntnt " atted, collected, returned, commission, eionor.it ioux bih! nlmte- ineiit allowed Mini outstanding, (or the year 11KIJ l.-cl I. 1WST RKTS. I rot.l.wru'l i Adams 'tW.ir-Ku.' li.'-ii 1m ll ill ISS7 ' 4J i, :., M -j I 17 73 ' Beaver I.i' It .1-1. I li 7- "WJi 41 '.1 S 4 S II77 i;iv. I ' 4.S f7 5 ct 63 j - Ikmur West J icoh U I : . r T'.i. M 7ns. l 1 I IS i7 3 57 4M I7 ,s. " Ceutrv J wrph K-rr mi.; pi K'IKI 32 i j i01 !WW H ;, u A in 57.. 570 . Ctiupnan W. It. s aru :. trill 2 I j Itill coin i., ij 17 jin 1 H ,', ' rrniik Hi AisM.1ii.1t ivo w 120 7i ' 21 W 7 00 vnfj its w I 14.5 v 70 : Jacks 11 1 14. K. Hruiis.. Ml W 72 i !" I M 1M2 ; l.l c , t.v 2 li . Mlil"Mmr,'ii Win H Mini: 7'ii: Mini '.".i : I ni 4S7. fc. ,. j 1 hi ' ; Mld.il. creek M.KKriiec 7; 4'0 l t pv I li 2-aiu pis-. (.. ;. II SI Sum '! ' t Mtinn T minis I 1 wis V t'TS M 4s w', STi H2I as -1 7-. .'. ;! lt' IBM ;i 1. Pt'llll II ir.vv V (1 1)1 1 : 4 7 l.'W 55 2' iS 411 M. !,, ,-, 7 , s HI si ifl " 1 rVrrv S.-'s-ni M-l -jl.' MS 9 SiliWI I 213 IM7J 81' 17 I"'1 M !1 14 S , ' perry West .1. 7. sruwser 6. 7 (It 87 S 13 10 17v." II 7,, i;i 11 w; St-llli-l-riile A.J lruss t h m fM 42 l- !'.' M 35 7 1 7s 8'.l SO ... Htirli'i,' .1 II Km-p i I11711 f. .'"' tn M 3 17 3 7" il' i ill . ..t;s 1.1 v., in if it .a I nton lame 111111 t nan .v.ij v, Kir 21 t 91 104- liin 14 l 1:1 4. y... . t ., Wa.-liln?tiiti J. A (irlmm 117.1 is 13.17 II W 4- 1TJ 7J 21 W k oJ 4.1 ii 10 16 10 . ' ,; T.l' iW MI7 !! M I $ 12 2JS SU721 t2U9S7 3.l :i. iii'l"; f S7 11 l I Bl -H EXPENDITURES. l'i-i.l!ioiiiit:ii v's Otlifc. l oin t. M. Kiitliriii'k. OTfil 'liinni. Ili'i.t, IsOl KranU i.inss, 3.11 (ran fin I'M, 51141 Uriifl Trull. 7 M Mcn liaii.ii-i-. 2.1 liavlil II111111 s. AJ IU Mairiai."' i i-i n"" I'o k t -2 's " l.rwis Kcrst, tlor. Ill 0 1 ( ost in 1 1. 1- kor-ti ili r i isi-, ' -'' ii r Mi. 'II. 32 31 lx-iliul amt I' .llf.lr.l " .laiull i. Stlllll, Ikl3'l hy (i M . ' li; ii.lt'l, I'l1- Uilllttttl liiiii'rt, 7l hinini; t.. ' In-I'.iuiity f.-. S". t Jooikc .llarki rt. 3.'!M N.. V di-!. s . I inn " 11 t'.t " 7. J.n.i' . I'.nO pi.. I Hi 0 1 -1 .- no I Ml 1 IM 111 "'I lii no i ml IliM y, Ti-i.'iihiini- i: nt 1." ; t.VJUl- Ji-Si'i ilel-'s ( )lli(V. f2 '.iS IS 0.1 21 mi iTs . ( llliee. KejlNter illl'l li't'l'iil I II. illis. ce tur Hi '1 lUiml lli.ok. nn lli'st, AppllllNi'llli'llt l Hki't, ('ollllllissiiilli IT Wm. 1. Morpliy .V Sons, New (irlir 1 nok ?'3.l (I. 1.. lla--iiiziT. po-tau'r. 21 i.J I n. 'I'. I. anil l i-l. Co. I'. Hi lU, 22 ,M II. S .--rlirovfr, i-t. 1. iiiiIm'., 21 A. K. (iillii'it. Ally's Salary ami trnvt'lniK I'lponsi'S, 103 01 J. N. Hiosiiis. I'irrk'H salary uii i 1 1 avi ! inn expenses, V0 7I C V KiiiiiW, Coinmisiloncr. 110 ilavs fX'l.no ml 'I raveliiiK Kip. ClmrKe K. Millet, Com In?'., .lays, ftwlTi-kveliiitf Kxp , tfolin I. Metxel, (Join , j lia.lav. oou l lanyifig tip.. 'JI 21-023 21 37 23 40 414 71 -'1"' 1' . 3"- - SOtll 4121 ' Slie rift's Office, t riioneRcut, ISO'1 (4. W. I(.'W, f. csCiiin. v. M. H.'tliro, k, t 1 S'i ti. W. l!ov. fees Coal. vs. Kral.k (irosn 1 21 451. W How, lees Com. vi, llaviil lla:iies. 1 21 (i M.I oiv. (.'! I '0111. v. I. H i- Kim slelter, 2'l 1.1 . W i., f.fen Com v.. (irii r Ni.ell, 1 .1 ( . .1 i;.mi- fi-es t 'iiln. J noli li Stitlil, . '". (I. W K.iiv tei-s l 'out. - W il'.iiin ltiMi-, I 2 ( . W Hoir. fees Colli- s. liro'i: Miirket. 1 71 I.- ii . '(..-, biuirilini; C. SliO'iil'iieti. '.i.i il s. I'. .10 ltoarilii'i! I', steili n 2il.is I hi " Kan. Mi ler, 2 ilas 1 I'll ' ,1ns. KttillKer 7 ilan 3 Si I t.rier snell, 13 days 7 So " .1 I. Aneker 7 il iys 3 So ' (1 Markert 7 ilays " I I'rntt, 2 Hv. cn tor commit' InB a til uisi-iiiiruiiiK priMinere ' .in 1 00 7 00 -10 ro Waniti.r siTvi-.-es, Mrs. I'niv. Suinueii' Ailv. I'all elei tion. Zrept-. to H of Charity. N r injf .uiri N. l'.u'. Altli ui;. Si-rlni; noMi e Atien.lii.K 4 riiiiui.il ' nit t ilny lilliiii; Juty wlie.'l.ve!:- ire anil ilraii ihk jnry U. t.1 lf-ra.i l Tult to II of Ifef.iKe. liein. ti Slietl to l'ftll II M nn 3 1 'in ,K.' Hi 1 4 . pCi II-. mo 27 01 I'eiinlteiitiary, 411(10 Issuing 4 I'oiirt I'roe ti Hi' hiimli les for Juil, 2 0o SI4 ; Oi.'Iii -t nmt, c.illectc'l l.v ( W. Hour iK'longiriK 00 the county. Jnrv ree. .No. 5', Keh T. IS'i'.i, 4 I'd J Jrv Kee, No. 35, June T. I"H, 4 (l Jury K e, No. 35, I'. e T. l'., 4 c Jury Ke,, No 105 June T. 1"0I, 4 10 Jnrv l e.. No. 11, 1 lee T HUH. 1 TI c.ml f,,r C. Stove 3 on tJseof pbolie 9 ll- 2!I74- ;s s IHstritt AttdiTiev's Olliee. M. I. Pott -i , T M. Kotlirnck, ! 1'Tm.k ..riiss, llaviil Haines, Lewis Kerstcttcr. tirler Shell, Jnolili Stal.l. William .lours, (.corife .Markert, Fees Co 1 OO'i if) 300 5 U.l .1 HI .1 1) 3l) in n-i ( 'tuirw. February Term. CrmiilJurors, I'vltii Jurorx, ItonstAlile Kcturiis, Orer mid Tliisti ep, 12131 ts'.i ir.i 47 32 : ti 1 dteiioKmnher and Transcribing"!' 21 Jane Term. (im.ni! Jurors, Petit Jnrorp. Viiislaiilrs Upturn", llileago tor New (.onsUblo (min ed lb. T. rrjrer and Tip Steii Htonoi;. and l iannribit k. 77 hi 341 iVi ti 60 41 fS 67 '.'I 00 20 I October Term, (Irand Jurors, ttit Jurors, (DinsUble Keturn. Oyer and Tip Slave j teiiiKrapher, : 10 SS 2n HI 40 02 .17 IHI iUlO Jtee. Tenn. brand Jurors, JVtit Jurors, T Onnstalile Iti turns, Vrfrr and Tip Stares, rnograptier, l?l SI 01 4 I II .' 2S ft 1 10 no 8-3 12474 Cdlee ted Abxto meats RttlirO I. Eton- ; or.it n's i llutstitid I1C slonn I l'AIU'I.AU STATEMENT fliowin;; collections inude, iiiilsttuidiiii.' taxes for l'.Mil. I I I (lut.-tan.fir I & pci'lil) 'I I Collect- I Kxo ura-1 co niii Ihuim.i.iI I'ISl 'HUTS, ! C' 'I.I.KCTiiliS. I Year .Inn. I. Hid AtUTfi mo, n. t i on-. N I 11 m. A...ln (iciill!)' Ktt " IVT 1''1 1I..I .i . 3 2.1 1.10 111 .111; K 4 1 10 li. it ir : I -a 1' limi-li lit 41 I 4 14 1 l-.'s tilt : 3:1 f, M I 0.IV1T West .Ili o'l Itlttir :-l fil . 1 I III li 31 (in li- .1 n.'pli Ki'ir Hull I H HI 1 18 ! c, -0 111 21 Chapman W II Snarl. 2I 7 7 (4 I .'Ji s.1 u 74 I raiiklln Austin (lll IT-i 11 H 9ti 4 a I 171 .'' .l.irUs.ni UK II ni.. (VI s. 2 I'.l .17 31 'J 4i 3 111 VI. I ili'liuivli Win ll'iin ir 'III ' 1 73 ' 1 1 2271 4:2 li.MliTH--k ilKK ilI" !ili 117." j Mi 0:1 ; . t2 :ni its SI M.ii.mi- Tl is IIi-sh (ill 31 ; r.7 373 til 17 2S .on. IVI:ll II A l"""l 407 10 1J4S ', 327 lift :0 VI 7132 Pimtv N -lsnti Miiik1c in HI i 3 41 .MI'S '.S70 ' 3 is vn Wist .1 1, siraw.-cr -A i 1 1 2.1 it i ii' 1 -hiis!;riiv. A .1 iin s ill !U I 4 7 I II" mi 0 4 1 s. 1,7 s.mi tf .1 II Ktii'i P 1.101 I 2 2" i 2.1 I'D 1 231 pi'i; I'll" I . miifilM.iii 4PI M 3 .:'. : 170 no s 43 1,1 - Wj-lidis" -II A ( lllilil 1 11 .VI H7s l.-s ni 1 7 ,. 12SC7 M j W3 17 :i3l 74 Ht 30 5 HI 1)7 I .H6 12 Justices, ( 'iiiislu'ili'.s ami Witnes l'ees. 1 lliU(.-l I. .1, A . Sh iill-l, 1. 11 limly uf Ni lmll MrllKi l, 12 12 eii.u nliiirv. Supjiort of l.niiless, shell, Arnolil, .Mi WillmniH, 71 U5 House of li'efuire. Supp'-rl of Urael liutt 13 '.'2 Asylmii. Suppnrl of llorlitter terRi-r, SlhOlii-riT, Shirk ami sh tniliai'h, TSO (In I'ristiii. U. W. l'n-siii.,-1 r, licpaiis l A. Kern repairs for I'.Ml, A. M. sliainl.a.-li. smith lull, II. K. Walter,, lalmriinil m it. 1 50 3'J 20 in 12 2 22 " 15 V2.VI 1.1 00 4.1 UO 'iiiiiics Krilli-v, i ahor Allen Ha 1 iilmr n, Jail ins. II. K. Mill.-. M. I. I'd tcr (ieo A. lint.. II. II il v.-y W . II .i in, , loll I II I'llti W. C. Snyil llnwnrd I i. llH.O.II .. John K- S. , fii... .,.. ""J.. l irkert. ell l i no i '.il mul cement, 4S 73 i i iiior, 4S us, 31 w , iperiiiR, 17 V elesuiiiK jail t (HI . iiilmretu. -U 1. i-Uttiii jorje i 141 Ss 2.1 SO 81 73 3 60 U31 2 till 25 30 5 li 10 50 'V. Row, ciponsen, . Kiinkle, iinlse. i inet II os. " ... II. Heaver. ' Arlinutoii Itoiv. Attetiilmiec on l'risoner Mmkert, l eais Kerstettor, Altemlanee in I rison, lr A. . I. Herman, moil ntteml mice on in o Mai kert, K0..1I aiiil Iiiidjre View Damages ' H. (' Ilerifslress.-r, l enn Tup, .10.1 I .1. W.l'ovtlt Sellu i;rove Horn. S.I I Ml ! .lollli I.ouilc nlac;cr, ' tVII'il l.eoil-e lleppcn, " 21 IHI ; II K I Nivis, " yo 1 0 John II .l:n rett. I'xr. ulor, IV1111 Township, 3 Hi) I'. A : (i. M Hummel Miil.llecie.'k Twp. .1000 Thomas Smier, " 17 50 Harriet Aurmul. ' 17 50 Wilson llni (man. Franklin twp In is) ITiarles II. Steininuer, ISOOO Amelin Kvann, " 24 01) ('. S. Urnybill. West Perry twp. .'in (Ml Koad , et. 111. iew Fees. 14K 30 .1. J. Mille 15riilgcs. MiildleburKh (2i 10 71 Kreauier (2) 44 .15 1. 1. .I.e Mills, (2) sons Portline, 4.1 Oil Seliii-tfrovc, ( Kowerl l.'..0 5s tl'ine Mieet.) 11 71HSI7 I.epley'a 3 1OT97 I'lsh'a 720 10 Sehoch's 97 11 Sprenkle's rt 15 Meiserville, 550 i-isher's M36 Kantz, (2) 23 14 Hoover's 221 32 ltlK's, 311 20 Wcii-ci's, 15'MIOO triinin's 72 00 Maurers, 1 0.VS37 r:wiims, 5 75 Midillecreek, 050 MohmitouKo, WOO I'axtonvilie, us 6-1 Winters, 1113 (foods, 20 60 Howersox'H, 1525 Hoyers, K OS Kreeburtr, 1 343 (XI llrulinkcrs, lilisl liross. tool) Kraterville, 1 60 1 Ic'cased Sildiers, Unrial Ttiinl)ti mts. Huria': s ;o!!iii;cr, .1. Ilc.'kntan. 3.1 nil .laeob Walter, SS itn II II. 1 iiiib, Isaac l.ctj!, as 00 I. P. Il.'ckarit, Jacob (imiler, 3500 .1, II. Martin. Hauiel Hare, 35(H) Tombstones: (iniik-liTiY Mcrall K Miller, 15 CO " Jacob Walter 15(a) J. W. Snoke, 1.100 " ' J. c. Lome, 15 on W. Mover & Son. W. A. Kalriter 15' 0 I Urn il l Hare, 13 00 " S. S. Hoycr, 15 00 W. Wallace. 13 00 t-1 2 si f 22 lis a nd 20u I 022 20 W. Ilcckman, Dan-lleckman, 1500 liurial: D. Minium, M. S. Iloyor, 35 00 W. M. Hoyer, John W. Snoke, 3.1 00 C. W, knight. T M. .I.Ciauuler. 11 00 Isaac How, burial J. C l.onir, 35 00 0. M. Colriter, " W. II. Colritcr 8 50 1. I. VerKer. " W. I.essiiian, 35 00 1401 50 Printing. II. II. Moyer. Printing County Statement 21 0 1 ' Court proclamation 13 81 lilanks for I'rntlionotary NO) blection proclamation 23 0) J, (1. I.elier co. statement 25 On court proc IS 02 Hills 7 50 Klectlon proc. 3M 34 8ub. to Times 8 CO 507 23 90 4 33 for Titvi'ar st iiriiionl gbnw.i; 4 ...l.l in D 1 - Ji,1 eunm's,!: 0, ,ul '., usi.h, iir ; - ior lur. TVal Amt. Olu-Crtii. Jan. 1, It' Ami. As-V. Cdl-.-l. ... O Ma- ' '.111 i! exonorations ullowcl nn - o I" S liilt. r en. atato.il Cnilit 1 I111'. nt Sll!i to .Sfwi Illankxi'to Apiiriiise.i ciit lilanks llliinks for I r.itlionut.irv l ax imtli l.' lii r l.c.tm l.e liiiynn.l Tax Nnlki'S l-.li'i lion pr.K-. i'.a.l.its l'nlll. l inlitc III. inks KlIVl'llip.-H I'OIII UlliL'O V't.3 IS i. W. Wai iwell. r. lilanks to It' IT nn. I IteeniiliT ,Mi ... I I lilanks for I'rorliiiiiotary 12 12 ! court proi- I T lx liei-ettits I l.etliii- 1 1 1 1 : n 73 05 c.nintv st.i eliient, n:aiiK l nin. . s ami I orms lilanks or l'rotlion..tory 13 9 I'.lflllllll pioc. J. A I iiuil.anl. prln;irs Kkvtion llullllt cmiiiiy siate'neiit k, alei iler ami list 7 court pioc, u l-.nveli.pes, .1 A.pelll N..'i,-,., j eal ete lio.e T. f l.elt:n Hills -j Ailjotir .eil court list 2 Knvc. opes com. y calemler (let T. .1 -Nov. Klccl ion I'roe, 21 ltoniln, (; court cu'eiular Hec. T. ti lis.) GO A. M. Auranil, piintiuK court proelmiiulloii Hlanks county Matenmnt, IttiiiK lulls etc. liTltliiK Uillactu i . '.iloclalUatiou s. 1 13 32 3 25 i 8 !5 Assessor?. .-uiciit f,,r SpriiiK ami .Mill- uir.) jtoll lieu nuil School children I lealhs anil llirthn t'ual. Heaver tp nssensor. 1 3V3 V Elections. 1 I Kch I. led i. ins, I'.leetion I Coot li Monroe twp eoiistulile fees, l-eli, elcetion hle.tlon lilanks Itepair 0.1 . 1.,. ,lhs I'.lei tion o.ll. ers for Nov. c'.cc. S.il'pie. i iimputiiiK neneral eleelion, Hetiirn. Indue to conu. confer- eaee, 1'olers (Jiiiil.-s, 5 12 12 2 12 till .IS 7 50 10 5.JS in s .10 s.Vl 2.i 00 1 20 1 Scalp Certificates. W I s, ifrede.ol. certillcates 1.11 Scalps, 110 7.1 517 00 Miscellaneous. Jacob (iilbert nud. eo. olllccs 15 00 Miner Shiiuibai-li, jury com. 17 '.is K. M. Ci.lemmi i;i a M. I. Potter unseated l i. e.ls 3i Paul llillhaidt, clerk to .1 Coin. Ill 00 II. N. A.p, And. co. nccts l'.'ol 22 -.'o I. C. Bowcrsoi, ' 01 II. A. Minnlcr ' x ti ( al Stetler clerk to C. auditors 2 1 ou A. K. (iilbert. costs I.csher vs. Snyder co. Jo 'o It. .M. Coleaiim .1. C Keb. term 3 72 C. Sccbohl, bourdiiii; Jury Sei- tru.l vs. P. K It. 3 21 Thomas A, Watts, burial Hurry Havis, (iypsie, 21 Jo II. II l.riiniii, Atty , petition for release C. Slianiliach, S 00 I. Hillliarilt. clerk to J, com. 1 So K Y Walter livery hire 1 75 K, M Coleman J C June Term 8 ill J N Thompson In! order no. loo and note May 6, I Hoi ti HI I. Hummel lnt July 1 on bond 2o 00 C A lloleniler Int. to July 1st ou tlloo note at Sper cent 4.1 00 First Nat. Hank, Mulil eburR, on bond to July 1st, p. loi 2ooo )1 1) Schnure, dumuKe for flat horroWed by Co ( 0111. r.00.1 J It ltittcr, probate tai. So C K House, burial W Anils 43 7.1 It .M Coleman, J C, Oct, term H 'JI A W Potter, ser in lusher cuse lo 00 I, K Wetzel, leli'irraiu su J it Tliouipson, lul and Prin on Notes daled Keb 2i, lol, Aluy li. I'.kil and June i. 1ko2. al lut on No loo, issued Feb. ys, 111! HI, 3lJ'J'.l C, Kuoiise, paid Peter Koltz, nilisln(r m Wollace, lo 00 I', liillhnrdt, clerk Jury Co, 1 5o M (' lleiKol, note and int. dated June 3, I'.lol, 1 ois 22 C A lloleniler, Prin. and Int. on note dated July I, p.iol, I .117 00 (iooW W a bom. Teachers Ins. P.13 S'J A K (iilbert. costs in Lesher ease 1 00 K ,M Coleman, J. com, Dec. T, S 'JI A Stetler. est, preiiariniir and sllltiliil.ir tleo. .Ilarlcert ! 4n 210 30 54 S L Slave, .M. I), services on hur- Klar wounded at li.innervillo 2.1 on (i C (luteliiis eipresnai;e, 7 75 ('has StcnliiKcr KrelKhl etc. 4s7 u ..oiinsion a i n stationery 21 34 Win li (irercmcycr Co. st . 5.1 77 To21 Court House. J K Rcitz, rump, 12 00 Carbon Seebnlii, spittoons, 2 2 1) A Kern, rcjiairs, 6 v.l A .M Sebauibach, blaeksmitli, y.j Samuel spitler, repairing chairs 50 H Vt Koulk, oil and matches 71 W. H Spannier chloride sulphur, 205 II (ireveiueyer it Co I.I11. (WOO Aaron Stetler est. Lumber- 40 3U J K stetler, Lumber etc. 1S7 82 J W Kunkle, Merchaudise, 2 2S , -i.mi-. ..run, in W II Heaver, 5 7, 7132 stelnlnirer Ilros, coal, W s5 W H W tney coal, m Ji ' Jv, llaaslnKor, mat for cupilo 14 91 I II Howeroox, coal oil, J 82 II U Tobias. Halary u Janitor, 91 imi Labor, 2790 Total amount ot 7.x u ilit ur)i, Pursuant to law. T3e undersigned Com- tu-suoners ol lue County ot Holder, stuta of Peiinsy I voul. publish tUe fnrccolnu Btatement of Keceiptsand biiM-ndituraa 1 f said County, to die year mix and also nrearnt herewith a stuteniLiit of the a -sets and liabilities of said ouul- on the J.sl d of urcomiwr 1. imiw our han la and the se il of S.1U offlce. this I4ih day of January. IIMS. U F. UILI.KK. ) J 1 'N V AKTZEL '-'ounty Coromisslo.iero C. W. KNIiill l's, ) Attest : J. N. Urosius, Clerk. (icmral Sliitenitnt. oun y Kund Asets. lutsiiiiidiiitr tnx-s of HI ! and iirevto ars, 61057 llillstan luw t.tcs of Ksuiid previ u y.-ars 2 149 : 7 .me f o -I tuiptuan twp sui- port of Lewis l.c -Mti-ttcr 22 7i .1 e r.nii Ner 11 .Muld.esuaith sup: oil 01 i. Il.-roster. -. 75 ;iti. root 'ii.iiatac.i (oi ep Joint Pridi s ;s M a' hi . an . 1 1 Treas 1 vt. I IV ill i.i'ibi tics in ex. r. of u--.'ts21 i i- .U 2177 31 I.i bilitlc. Iton.Ud li.-l.t inleiest due Pee 31st, 0.1 II.1111IC I deld. 21 0..0 00 25 3T73I Dug Is 1 iniii. A S 41 t S f Treas ,'au. Dal. in I. no's 1,1...'. 41: Amt Tax iism. st..l for l.o.V 324 31 (titstaiiiliii. Tux. .N't 21 I o2l SI Ji''iiiiev;llc itiiiii, Titasiiier, in Account iv. tn Miy.b r Co u.ty for the year 'o I'll. lul.. co ill li mil .iau I, I il,r2 3 '...7' Kxc.- s llorf la , 14 i lOunty and state tax .ism'ss (I fo I I O.I10 S County mid Mite Tax .'.'ol undtirev ) ears o. t.t iiidiui; :'-.' 01 To amounts 1. ceived fr.,111 t ic follou 1 g: A. I nr. lee et al tux, s on im- seetcd land, ;:H 13 staiioii ry sold ,', 1,3 M I Cotter coal for HI 2. li 00 Mile of Lumber cliusj;iove bri:l(e te, 170'! ieo ark its e!Te. ts liM Siinluiry T ,liS. 1.1 ji t o Venter. '.'I 2 N II 1. I.I. I.e. war .1 .. tier sler 0-.1o (M-iTseeiM Italii.iu Iwp. L Kcr-tetler, s.1 HI Kxim-s 011 Order No 13S refunded. io " 31.1 71 lorrow-ed Money, 20 000 00 Samuel ('. Ho vvcraox note, 5 00 Pa t id SMI.- lax returned, 1 llo.o 22 I'w p. mid 8 aoru. Tavern Licenses 2 ! So 00 Clnck Juniata Co, joint bridge Kop.itrs, 3 21 53 OO'i 2; Cli. mt 1 f P.I.,! orders redei-.u il, 41 7IHW 2'., percent 10111. on saiue ll'l'lil luitstandiiiir or.lers rt .leeiue.l I oT.i.'s) "."v percent coin 1. 11 -.line. 2i 3 Personal property tax paid Instate 4-2J41S7 1 pi r cent, comuiis, yu 02 2 0 )2 59 l-.i Tavern I, icen.es, pa.d TWj.'s, and HoroiiKlis, 1 '.i.'s nil 5 per cent, com U2..U 2(10 00 3 j.er cent. 011 1-5 tav ern license paid o Mo 00 ys .lo Taxes of p.l.il and previous cirs outstanding. l'.lo.17 Taxes of Hi u ollt-t.indiii, 2 1 1 s7 Coin Alloived ( ol ectols, 41721 Abatements, 02o07 Kxoneratiolis, 2.127 l.'etiiriie.l. H .J l-.xoii. p.'ol nnd pre.v. vcars, 10. 1)0 Abts. 1 4H lleturns ' 41 1.7 u7 119 07 Com " " 145 si Hul Hue in baud, 1 CO III 53 608 IIS 82 I Iieiiiieville Smith, Treasurer, DOQ FUND. In account with Snyder Co tnty fot the 11HI2. DR. Hal. in ImuiiJiin, ,VioS ----- Htt$ Amt. of tux nssess-'d for Iflo?, 821 35 " oiitstundinir itfol and year ' - 7H 32 and previous years, 28.' 21 1 oil CR. 111t paid . I. Calvin Moycr, ' ' (ieo H. Pontius, Treas. Com. on same yl-y iter ct, Loin. Allowed Collectors, p.iol nnd nrevioiis venrs 11 So 10 00 OS Kxnneriitioiis P.iol, and previous years, yo No Out itandiiiK t lx Sur l'Jol and prei ions years tlutstaii.liiiK tux for l-io2, Aint, paid into Co liind. Com. on Duplicate of l!lo2, I'.xout'l'atious on tlup. of p.io2, 90 1 1 yilis-s 214 2o N 27 2H2 iiiiiani.u 111 baud 4oN o3 1 o21 NT We, the undcrsiiriied Auditors, in and for the County of Snyder, Slate of I'eniisvlvanla, do hereby certify, Hint ill the illsehiirKe of the du ties tie. olviiiK upon us by law. we met nt tlic Court House of Hie County aforesaid, on the 1st Monday of January A. H. PJo3 (it buimt t e fifth day ot the month) to audit, settlo nud ad just the accounts of tie several nllices of said county, whose account il is our dutv to audit, settle and adjust, and that we II nd the fort-go-iiiff stutcmciits correct. lj C. 130 73 CIIAS. M AHUOUAS .1. 31. HoYKU, II. M. A M Hi, -Auditors II. II. tiiCMM, Clerk. Five Fpnt-hs In a Cilrl'a Life. , "Kirs t slit- ivoiidercd if any man was real I wurtliy (if her." "Yes." "Then khe wondered which man wni the must worthy of her." "Yes." "Then she wondered which of sev eral worthy men she hud refnseo would come buck to her." "Yes." "And then she began to wondei what man she could get." Tit-Hits. A f.lrl of the Hoar. She wants to be punctual, always on time, 80 carries her watch where (die goes. And if you examine her wardrobe you'll llnd She even has clocks on her hose. X. Y. HenCd. A LKillTWKKJII T. lo Willie She said that she loved me more than I knew. Willi elmi n a Th a fg n o t h i n g. Ch i cago Tribune. Two Shivers. This lack of warmth ls far from nice: I shiver with the pain. And when I co to ask the price I shiver once again. -Washington Star. , FURNITURE 1 oilier very important advantage is tlx freedom of motion allowed the cow, The uprights (b b) are 1 'a in. gas pips lCXCKLLKNT COW TIK. l'.iiigKla u a)peniiit ihc cow to raise 01 lower her head or to move sideways the width of the stall, while he can not move ahead or back more than a btcji. The snap (e) hooks into the other end of the collar chain, rendering it Impossible for the cow to get loose. A cement rail (f) forms the back part of the manger, into which the gns pipe uprights (a) ore set. The uprights (0 c) are shown four feet apart, but this distance should be governed by the size of the cow. The floor is shown at 23 a 4" k 4-4- c," sloping To thf'gTiTteKlrrthe UsusH way. F. A. Converse, in Farm and Home. DAIRY AND LIVE STOCK 81 A thrifty calf and a healthy boy are very much alike in some respects. Both are chock full of mischief and always hungry. Do not turn a cow off just because she is old. The question of usefulness is far more important than that of age. Not that we should be swerved from our best judgment by sentiment. The butter tub tells the story. Milking at live o'clock in the after noon of one day and seven of another is the surest way to serve notice on the cow that you do not care whether she does her best or not. If you fail on your part, she will certainly not work hard to keep up her part of the ba rga i ti. Fa r 111 .) 011 run 1. ralntlliK Outside uf SI lid. W. 1'. r.i'ookh, of Massachusetts, is of the opinion that there cannot he any good argument aihanced against paint ing the outside of framed silos, but in the case of stave silos there is possibly a question as to the expediency of painting, as the staves will inevitably swell nnd shrink with varying moisture to such an extent that the paint can not be expected to keep the seams closed. The best inside covering he has seen is a coat of coal tar. which was first set on fire and allowed to blaze un til when extinguished and tested it was found to harden quickly. Prairie Farmer. Experienced. "What is the best way to keep your friends? Treat them kindly?" "No, often." Town and Country. Strrlllxlnir (iartlen Soil. The practice of sterilizing the soil for greenhouse or cold-frame work is coming more and more in vogue with large market gardeners. Kx posnre to steam heat, which raises the temperature to above 150 or 100, or even ISO, degrees will kill the germs of damping-off, blights, rots, etc. W. W. Uawson says he enn riow grow better crops on sterilized soil under glass than outdoors. A writer in Farm and Fireside says: "We who have not the facilities for sterilizing the soil in this manner must content ourselves with changing the soil on the greenhouse benches every year, petting n new supply where we be lieve it to be uninfected from such disease germs." The Odor of Cow's Milk. A German professor has experiment ed to determine the effects of various foods on the odor given off by cows' milk. Some cows always give milk of strong or disagreeable flavor no mat ter w hat may be the food, which is apt to cause digestive troubles. In vain the food is changed the flavor per sists. The taste of the milk depends in a certain measure on the cow's feed, but in a degree more important on the peculiarities of the animal. - If ) iu ore iu need of Furniture, Carjeti, Mattingf!, Rugs, Oilcloth, Linoleum,; Lao Cm tains, M'indcw Shades, Pictures, and Tic! me EratiMs, give us a call. We can suit vim in Style and in Prices Our stock is new and up to-date. It is no tn ulile to show go-ids and quote prices. REPAIRING neatly and promptly do,,,.. ' Lewistovn Furniture Co., No. 12.14 Valley St. Felix Blnrt n Notice! Special Goat Sal "i me .M.VY STOlii;. We have decided t0 nmkt. t duction on all Ladies Co.ds the holidays, so as to give ,., ImhIv a chance to buy a l.i coit before Christmas at a re! niic(. T'i t.il.. ,. :ii ! . ' " g llil'i t; to da. We will surju i-,. , customers when they prices. Uenicnilicr. evcrv cunt 1 new and the styles arc l;u special bargains in J!t( ;.,.' v.onini. iaii.es, Underwear, an.Il Goods. Come in and .. trouble to show crouds. A spei iaHy grand lot of.sj maKe selections trom. H. F. Clemme 4 Market Sr SfTVi ruv . '. Iiree doors east of the Market HoJ FURNITOffi Do you need uny furniture? If so, don't fail to conic tonurl store and tret our tn ieis. I We can suit youinl style and prices, from the cheap. est to the totterl grade. i Hard wood, golden oak fini.-li Only $12.50 Mattresses $1.91 uedsprlngs - Si. 25 Good "Wlaite ITnnmol Sods O.OO ' hairs, Iiockers, Couches, Side boards, Kancy and cheap Ki tension Tables, Jlaby CarrUiKt and Uo-carts. M. HARTMAN FURMTE RECO. nifllinburg, 11- A DMINISTItATO'.S' NOTICE, ten ( l.l..,;..l. .......... 1., Il.a ratlltl Polly Noll, late of Pi ny town-liip. f County, l a., decease I !:'avlnir becii rJ 10 me iiiKiersiEiied, all , . rsons known' '"I selves indebted to said state are r..iifJ ..".ss i.uiiicuiaie payment, wnne nm-v - i claims nirainst the saitl i state will ,in .enta uuinutiiumicnieti lo me unuersii-iiisi- i iiA.sn nr.it 11 r..ii it 11, 1 .1 Ni-.WT IlOKNUKKl.KH. Adiiiiiii''! uvc o, ,-ii 2. 31 . i'lcusiuu DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache ..All diseases of Ki;'ieys, Bladder, Urinary Or.'.ans. Also Rhaumatlsm. kaelt CUR ache.HeartDlsease.C vavel, Dropsy, Female Troubles - V HBWlilB Ulll JUISRVS. ,- .-Mil euro for you. It nocswury writ? Dr. lis 1. hi BnunE a . . r 1 inn n.iriiiK j- tase as yours. All consultatloas "I had severe caso of kidney dl. rneuniullsm, dlacburglng Dioouy SurTerwl Intense pain. My wlfew;J5 affected with female troubles. I'f Kidney and lliickacho Cure cured n "n F. M. WUEELEU, liuouolpli-'; DrniritlgtoOc..lt. Ask forCixiiBfjc m3 1 C31
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers