The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 26, 1903, Image 4

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PabUaatd Ertry Taaraoa Maralae;
1.00 per ri Mid In ad v nee. l.0 per ten It not paid
la advance. Single copies, Flra tenia.
Who pays the advertisino'illa? The oompet-tEing it lias never done before, and the adver-
itoroftheadvertiesrpays hte bill in lues of Ur pro 1. 1 a at the expense of no oue.
trade. Take three mei chants handling the same
linea in a certain locality, let one of them adver-
lise and the other two will pay the advertiser's
thills through loss of patronage. This loss
aYtfvertlolna; Hat, cent per line, nonpareil meaaure
utt, for first tnaertlnr. and 10 cento per line (or each subs.
qrol tnarrtion. sr-OFFlCB. Neartne County Court Uouse.
between the Fir" National Bank and the County Jail.
Vol. xx xx. Fkbrvaky 26, 190;?. Number 8
Republican Standing Committee.
AJmi-r. P. Flue, J. T. Shawver.
Heaver Chas- K. Dreese, II. II. taunt.
Bearer Weat-J. W. llaker, Hevid Kenntnger.
Centre W. A. Kapp. L. C. Bingaman.
Chapman Joseph Long. T. K. Xeight.
Franklin J. C. Hackenburg, O. F. Stetlcr.
Jrtrkaon-J. 8. Yearick, Wm. Heboid.
Middlehurg Flank Specht, Banks W. Voder.
Middlecreek M. K. Krdley, J. M. Maurer.
Monroe 11. C. Uendrirke. U. F. Flaher.
l'enti Joseph K. Hendricka. I. N. Jarrctt.
I'erry-A. W. Valentine, F. E. Boycr.
IVrry Wert J. 8. Wtney. J. Z. Strawaer.
Sell iik novo J. Frank heller, J. A. I.udwig.
Spring C. K. KIom, 1). Harrison Snook.
I nlon-J. , Malil.
Washington W. F. Brown, Myron -i. Moyer.
The lihode Inland Adccrlimr congratulates
njwn the fact that non-nilvertising competitors
pay the space bills iu most cases, and seems to
think that advertising merchants should le felici
tated upon this al legal fact:
means so much gain to the man who advertises,
and not only pays his bills but supplies his prof
its. The bills for the National liiscuit Com
pany's Uneeda biscuit advertising are being
piil to-day by the little bakers thaoughout the
country, who are selling just so much less of
their product because the public has lcen taught
by advertising to buy "Uneeda" instead.
There is no doubt but direct loss results to
non-advertising competitors when a live mer
chant begins using publicity o draw trade iu
Ins direction, but in the aggregate the mass of
business is increased by advertising. People
learn to consume lietter goods, and more of.
them, when they eat the National Biscuit Com
pany's product and similar advertised lines,
and there is a gain all around, though it is but
fair to confess that the non-advertiser gets less
of it than any other party in the transaction.
Advertising is not only a business-bringing
force. Iu the case of some advertising, as that
of savings banks, the public is educated to do
The petitions of a large number of citizens of
Snyder county was presented to the Grand Jnry
Monday, to approve of the building of a Monu
ment to the memory of the soldiers aud sailors
of Snyder county. We are glad to note that the
project was favorably considered aud approved
by a large majority.
The architect's plans call for $10,000 ; but,
the grand jury cut the amount down to $8,000.
Before this becomes elective, it must be ap
proved by the Grand Jury next term and by the
Court when the County Commissioners will Le
authorized to make the appropriation.
It is proposed that the tax to pay for this
monument be extended at least over five years,
more if desirable, so that it can be paid for with
out any one feeling it.
It is estimated that a tax piyer without any
properly will pay aliout 10 ceuts.
The soldiers of Snyder county are justly en
titled to this testimonial to their valor and self.
denial aud no one should object to contributing
the small o mount required from each one to erect
a suitable memorial, for such a woithy cause.
John Uickhart and wife went to
Sclinsgrove last Monday.
N. C. Gutelius and son visited
the former's daughter Sunday at
Rev. Schambach preached his
farewell sermon Saturday evening
to a crowded house.
Mrs. IzoraSmith, who has been
awav visitiiiir for the last four
weeks, returned home Saturday.
"NV m. IVickcl and Frank Thomas
shinned a car load of cattle from
this jdacc last week.
Miss Margaret Gutclius attended
a birthday party for Miss Ruth
Rowe at Sclinsgrove J hursday.
The fanners who did not fill their
ice houses can do so now. Last
Wednesday night it was two degrees
below zero here.
I'rof. Woodiufl of Seliusgrovr
rind Mr. Jlavbarkcr of hne am
Miss Delhi Movers ' 'Hijm, were
.1 ! '. 1" . alter and
J. l. tSuiUIi and "family spent
Sunday visiting friends at Taxton
Geo. Guulicrliiig and Verna
Mover of Salem were the guests of
Daniel Snyder and wife.
II. G. Suable and w ife were the
guests of Thomas Ocitrich and wife
Thomas Waltci and wife of
Kralzerville were visiting at 15. V.
Walter's Saturday. '
Evon Thomas and family spent
Sunday with George Spangler and
lamily in Limestone Iwp., Union
F. A. Keller and J. B. Romig of
Reaver Springs were in town Satur
J. C. and II. W. Showers were
lome from Susquehanna University
over Sunday,
Merchant S. C. Dundore and
family visited Jackson Moycr and
family Sunday.
Our Primary teacher, Miss Sallie
Stiihl sjtcnt Saturday and Sunday
with her parents near Hitter.
Mrs. Susie Walter and J. C.
Showers visited Ranks Dreese and
family Saturday afternoon.
F. R. Boycr, teacher of Hart
man's School, was on the sick list
several days last week.
Messrs. A. D. St roup of Crofs
Forks, Pa. and J. M. Clark, D. A
Bingaman and B. F. Goltsehall oi
Sclinsgrove were euests of D. F.
Bingaman and itt 'Alv Sunday.
X iiMiTrarr .wcisoMfnd twifn....u
Kreamer were, in town Saturday
add purchased a lot of new fund
t ure of our dealer, Allen Boycr.
Mrs. Roinhergcr of Slrausstowu.
after spending several months with
her son, merchant S. C. Dondore,
left Monday for Sliamokiu to visit
another of her sons.
Dr. Her
man c;
Stuck, who is still on the sick list.
William (icuilifrlimr mid fam
ily of I Veebiirg vWted under the1 v",,,s until lu' 1rif,s w'rti" l''es
Rev. Warner and wife returned
from their trip to the Pines iu North
The snow that fell Monday niht
was wnirieu around ly the lngli
many feet deep, some of the roads
had drifted snow as hijrh as the
parental roof Monday
o i ,.c v i, .....! i l
spent Sunday with Anna Krdly. l,ulkl"S thun ""I ,lu ."-
r i i i ,ii 'tl1 ,lR,y were opened, was also bit
Mrs i Calvin Reich and daughter tcr cold during part of last week.
of Lliillisna(iiie spent a few daysi .... , .
with relatives at this place. L ,,.,m.1 0 . Mre; 0- J-
. ,, ., i Seliocli took place from the residence
George l.rdly and Samuel e.ber Satur(, aft,1()()1,. A , C0I).
visited their lady friends at he-.ver- j ,,irHC of ,c attpn(lw, .
town Sunday. i irvn m a1 esen, thc .
oamnei nassinger ami wne ot , were conducted by Rev. Dr. Focht.
lier pastor, assisted by Rev. Haas,
the pastor of the Reformed church.
Rev. Genszler and wife returned
home from their trip to Phila. ac
companied by the Revd's mother.
Miss Donna Albert is on a visit
to her sister at Williamsport.
The musical organization ofS. U.
started Friday on a two weeks' trip
to the western part of the Btate.
Harry McCarty left for Klon
dike again, Tuesday of last week.
Carrol, Luther and Chas. Bolit?
of near Pittsburg arc visitiug friends
oi in is section.
M. Millner moved his family in
to the house formerly occupied by
Harvey E. Miller.
Among those from your place
and other sections who attended the
funeral of Mrs. Geo. Schoch we
noticed Hon. G. A. Schoch,
Michael Schoch and wife, Middle
burg Hon. Chas. Miller and wife
Salem, Geo. Moyer and wife, F. E.
Hilbish and wife, Freeburcr. Iiobt.
Smith and Enos Gross of Adams
burg. Mrs. Lillie Alleman is on a visit
to Shamokin.
James Blocker, who is working
at Millersbtirg, spent Sunday with;
his parents'. . ; r
Pan illc spent a few daps with J
C. Hummel and family.
Mrs. Anna Ilottenstein and
daughter, Ella, and Mrs. Thomas
Deitrieh were seen on our streets
Antes Ulrich and A. A. Ulrich
were doing business at Suuburv
S.O. Ulrich was doing busiuess
in MiddU burg Monday.
Born to John Landis and wife
Tuesday morning a bouncing babe.
.we'll) Lickie left Monday for
Lcwistown rthere he is employed
on the R. R.
Katie Hottcnstine of Sclinsgrove
is visiting her parents, Henry Ilot
tenstine and wife.
J. E. Bolig and children of Sun
bury were visitors in town over
Merchant C. M. Showers made a
business trip to Sunbury and North
umberland last Friday.
Mrs. C. A. Hendricks has lieen
spending several weeks with her
son, Brainard at Lcwistown.
L. A. Musscr, C. C. Hummel
and J. O. Bowcrsox are home from
Mr. Kline of Catawissa, a former
student here, is visitiug his cousin,
I'rof. Wallize.
Rev. J. Martin and wife of New
Columbia were visiting among
friends here oyer Sunday.
C. E. Aucker of Riverside made
busiuess trip to this place Saturday.
Adam Neitz and Charles Arnold
with their wives of Middleburg
spent Sunday with Jacob Kerstetter
aud family.
About twenty boys and girls
from Shamokin Dam spent part of
Saturday night with Isaac Aimuier
man and family.
Jockey Aucker bought a nice
horse, but he docs not intend to put
hun on the track at St. Louis. 1 uey
are liable to stumble there.
The new Post Office (Produce) is
to !e supplied by carrier from V er
dilla, until otherwise ordered by
Dept. The first pouch arrived last
The cold spell we had last week
formed about four inches of ice o
which our ice men are taking the
advantage by storing it away.
11. a. 1.
warren A. Aicuiauirnlin lias
been on the sick list for the past
few weeks, aud is home recruiting
his health
A very light vote was polled at
our late election on account of the
disagreeable day.
Ed. Hughs of Spring Township
spent Saturday with his grandfather,
L. 15. Treaster.
A few candidates were seen on
our stsects last week facing the
Hurley and Charles Wagucr of
Stony lonesome with their team
were assisting J. H. Romig Satur
day putting away ice.
Mrs Henry Goss was buried at
Ridge Church Thursday.
Mrs. L. A. Jenkins and daugh
ter, Virgie, spent Sunday with
some of their Lowell friends.
Samuel Baumgardner is still im
proving from his attack of paraly
sis. U. F. Ilerbster, with a few men,
is now engaged in the trapping
business on the Allegheny's.
Little George of Middleburg was
at this end last week looking up
his friends.
Mrs. Sarah Steely and her two
little boys spent part of Sunday
with some of her Lowell friends.
" I had a terrible cold and could
hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral and it gave me im
mediate relief."
W. C. Layton, Sidcll, 111.
How will ycur cough
be tonight? Worse, prob
ably. For it's first a cold,
then a cough, then bron
chitis or pneumonia, and g
at last consumption. I
Coughs always tend
downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Thrre !: 2.V., itnnnich for an ordinary
fold; Mc., Just right fur bronchitis, bnrie
naii. hard coldt, etc.; 01, mott economical
lor cnrouie cane ana to Keep on nana.
4. U. AifcK UU Lowell,
A Mont Fatal Ulft,
Would b? T,r.v value ' (veein!
Bey. 8chambach preached his
farewell sermon on Sunday evening
which was very interesting and edi
fying. He served the people of this
end of the charge for 4 years, and
we are sure that many people are
sorry to seel him go. May the Lord
prosper him in the new field of labor
which he will take up after confer
A. RKaufinianand Miss Blanche
Swartz of Swineford were seeu on
our streets Sunday afternoon enjoy
ing the sleighing.
J, B. Dershem and wife attended
the funeral of their son-iu-law, Mr.
Cornelius at liewisburg, who was
killed Feb. 15 at Williamsport. We
sympathize with the bereft aud
point them to one who is able to
comfort them at this hour.
The spelling bee and literary ex
ercises at Mover's school were very
well attended all reporting a good
Mrs. Howard Schambach visited
ler parents at Bcavertowu over
J. F. Specht of Bainterville spent
Sunday with his family.
Harvey Schambach made a few
trips to Beaver Springs last week.
La Grippe has beseiged our town
and thc attendance at school has de
creased some what since.
Miss Ella Foltz spent last week
very pleasantly with her aunt, Miss
Toledo Houtz and Mrs. J. L. Arn
old at Shamokin.
Mrs. Jno. D. Bogar Sundayed
with her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd
Specce at Harrisburg.
Dr. Bogar tore up the last of the
canal boats.
Jesse Shelly of Swineford was the
welcome guest of his cousin, Mrs
J. O. 2seitz the past week.
Mrs. II. F. Charles spent last
week with Samuel Arnold and wife
at Shamokin.
A. W. Aucker is spending his
vacation at home.
Oscar Loitgacre of Fremont was
a late visitor in our town Saturday
A heavy snow fell Monday am:
the boys and pirls are anticipating
many good times.
TvaaAT. Kama I. B. V.
TvndAT. March I. peter Klin.i 1
Mock ami farminr linn
wertal CnlreTtlle! "
TuaaruT, March I, one mile X
J . HI. V. Oltllf
bom and (arm
Wbdhemdat, March
live stork, farml
'-V jalue fvpsetniis;
woii.'l.,.,. r. -1 -Me.
A knowledge of iu iuJuo would
uumnke happiness. There are, of
course, some, t Lings about the Iu
turo we do know. If, for instance,
a lack of mercy, ambition and Iobs
of appetite shows itself we know i
win ue jouoweu ov serious com
plaints if not cheeked. Often Liver
and Kidney trouble follow auicklv,
In any event Electric Bitters will
restore you to health. It strength
ens, builds up and invigorates run
down systems. Only 50c. Satis
faction puaranteed by Middleburg
JJni!i.;o., wrayoul v tttrunit, ilich
neld, I'., i)r. J. VY. Hanidacll
rennscreek, fa.
Xourly t'orlrllN UN Mfa,
A runaway almost ending fattllv
started a horrible ulcer on the leg
ot J. li. trni r. ! ruukun Grove. II
For four yoai-N it defied all doctors
niil all reniidies. Hut Bueklen's
Armea Halve nml no tro lble to cure
hi "i . Eou.iUv eooJl for Bum
Bruises. !Skiu Eruption nnd niles
l!'r)e at Middleburg Drug Co., Gray
bill & flu-man, Iiichlild. Ph., Dr. j
. hiimpxell, l'ennscreek, t'a
Sick Headache ?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tonpue coated?
It's your liver 1 Ayer's Pills
are liver pills; they cure dys
pepsia, biliousness.
25c. All driwUU.
Want Tonr mouaurhn or brard a beautiful
brown or rich black? Thrn ui
to ert. er &MWTI, a. p. h.ii. a Co., n.shu., a. h.
Keystone Law and Patent Compnny,
10 Uetz iluildlng, rhlladelj)hla, Pa.
Who are the only bonded "Patent
Company In the World, ofler to make
a guaranteed Tatent Olllce prelimin
ary examination (not merely their
opinion) Free of charge to readers of
"Middleburgh Post" who will send a
sketch, model or description of their
They will also give a certificate of
patentability which will be of great
assistance to an Inventor in raising
capital. v
All patents secured through this firm
are guaranteed under a $20,000 bond.
Valid patents with the broadest claims
secured on easy weekly payments.
Write to-day mentioning this paper, tf Sunday.
Chas. Weirick left for Altoona
i Monday and returned Wednesday
night, reporting business vcrybn. k.
1 I he town was flooded with can
didates this week.
! Chas. Swcnglc and daughter Miss
Annie attended the funeral of Mrs
Geo. Schoch at Scliusgrove, Satur
Samuel Moyer and wifa were
visitoas at C. L. Derr s Sunday.
Allen Smith and family of Globe
Mills paid a visit to H. D. Mitchell
Mrs. C. (j. Bingaman, who hud
been Bick for a few days, is recover-
We congratulate the . voters for
their choice of Supervisor, M. C.
Weirick and Joseph Musser, D.
Allen Moyer, wife and daughter,
Miss Erroa, visited friends here on
-ill P JL-J
i.- rwt, winini; ..,"
IwuKholdsoodl mllS
WsoanDAT. March 4, 8. L. r
mux anil wnilnr n,r"l
4 mile north wist ol J '"rW
ownahip " 14I
WINanT. March. 4. one miu J
aiumoni, on the Hanii
Howard A. Wlt. .n .' Hot
6 cowa and brmlng impljJM
nods IK -41m wWTNl
hat. March .N.. H,
atoak and farminw tn.T?l
aat 01 oaaTortowa.
11. .
: .wii,iK in.w.-i
Among those who were on the
sidi list the past week, were Mrs,
Amanda Noll, and Abner Dressier
The funeral of Mrs. Geo. Schoch
was largely attended.
Mrs. D. Troutman of near New
Port, and Miss Mac Schoch of
Mahontongo, spent a few days with
their parents, and attended the fun
eral of their Aunt, Mrs. George
Philip Xace, who had been em
ployed near Pittsburg for the last
few months, has returned home, and
is on the sick list.
A baby girl arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Staufler, on
Valentine Day.
Samuel Trult made a trip to Sun
bury Saturday, to see his mother,
who had been ou the sick list.
Harry Trexler and family of
oliamoKin Dam, were visitors at
Peter Klingler's Sunday.
Levi Dressier and daughter; Dol
lie, attended the funeral of his little
nephew at Millersburg, Tuesday.
Chas. E. Stettler of Chillisquaque
was a visitor at Samuel Trutt's over
Sow'ora Sassaman and family of
Nebraska were entertained a few
days at the home of his brother,
Sale Register.
Notlcea ot aalei will be lnaerted free under
thia heading when the bill are printed at tbla
ofllce. Vhen the hillaare Hot printed at tbla
olllce 30 cent will be charged. Persona ex
pecting to hve rale ahoulii select a data and
have it inserted In this column.
TliruanAY. Kcli. 26, Rrlchenliach h Howell will
nell lite atock nnl fiirm implements H
u.ilc North of Hotter I. O.
TuritxuAV, Fell- M, I'. V. iJcckor will sell live
Htot'k. farming implements, etc 1 mile
lost of beaver Springs.
Tai'Kxi'AY, Feb. W, In the borough of Sellns
grove, Katie L. Ulrich. Administratrix, of
the catate of the late Benjamin Ulrich
dee'd. will sell farming implements farm
stock and household goods.
Tni'RnnAV, Feb. 2, Jos. N. Wagner will sell
livestock and farming Implements, 8
miles east of New Berlin and mile wast
of Dry Valley X Uoads on the Henry
Miller farm.
Monday, Feb. 83, John Housrwortb will sell
huises, it cowa, farming Implements and
honaehold goods.
SATt KDAY, Feb. 28, A M. Carpenter will sell
live stock and farming implements at
Saturday, Feb. tS, Henry Iitsel, West Perry
township, will sell noises, cows and farm
ing Implements,
SATURDAY, Feb. 2S, Mrs. John Parks will sell at
her home on North High street, Balina
grove, household goods.
Monday, March 3, A. W. Straub will sell live
stock and farming Implements S ssjlaa
west ot Oentrevllle.
Monday, March 2, Palmer Dreese will sell lira
stock, farming Implements and house-
bold goods 2 miles west of McCinre,
Monday, March 2, one half mile East of Sbadel's
Mill, Henry S' Blckhart will sell horses,
oowi and farming iuiiileaents.
Wednesday, March 4. Wm
norse, z euwi, fa
household gocddi
Thishday, March 5, Jonuili.,, r.
X cows, i heifer. !.., . . 'r,l I
pleinents 2 miles we.i ,,f i-lH
Tunw.t.. w VbmIi K I 11 I..
north of Middlecreck, l'. o"
Tl'EanAY, March Henry Sw:,rni 1.
westolMld.ilebur. '"'"
FRIDAY, Mar B. JamM Weiaml
impiemedis In I'enn Up. 1
FRIDAY, Mar.B. B. I'. Stroup, will.,,
and farm Implements n
MONDAY, March 0. Jacnh H Si,,,..
4 b iraea, 2 coin, nml farim.
at Uummel's W harf. '
Friday, March 0, James Iin-c ,a
ihh'k, inrming impli im nl. .!
hold gooda at Beuvcr ."pnrm,
Friday, Maich , Charles Drrr.,
pificK miu implement at hi,
Waahington toWusliip.
SATURDAY, March 7, K. F. Waltnan
miu ui, n iiivii inn
hia livery outfit on tue tinlS
BiTr.niv tl.rnl, 1 VI' tr .
live stock ane farming i-Tr
Saturday, March 7, Hnmiirl HinjiB J
live stock and farming lnJJ
luiica (.uriii-weni OI .llliltllcbanl
batvkiiat, starcn i, n. k Atiitml
I,.. .In,. It fa,m I , . -
CliADinn town hit)
WbDnhiuat, March H, J. It 1U
m frrcs. - r a auu UI IT Hurl
a-. .4,1. t MU . WU?l-
ovum ui wivnnca'j
Monday, Mrach , Joa. II. Mi.idltrJ
sell live stork anil fatiniiK!,!
iiiiv win ui DeiuiT, I . I).
Monday, MHn h 9, .lacoh s. sun.
live MiiicK aun iniiiiini; impJ
lima ouuiu ui ii iiiiiinei i viaf'
Monday, March 9. W. .1. V, n,.r
stnetc arm farming iiiiplemiaJ
iioitn oi iiook i . ii. i i itlin c.
TftKDAY. March 10, William llr
live Pitocn, larniiiiK in,,lfiMTii,J
bold goods, 2 niili e..t nt y
unu a iiiiius west ui l iUlunvi.Ji
Tucxday. Marih 10 l. II. l;u
live stoca ana rarinmr ii..J
mile eaut of Itaucli null i0 -J
TUESDAY, Mar. 10, Harrium Miller J
mares, X mules, 3 ti,n ; lc,0
sowsanu larmiuipi, mem., j
and 8 acres rye.
iiisuai, iunn'u id, nifi. . l,n,M
lurm atocK, iiniiMii"ut and
Ijoous, on the Ola-8 r.trni I wo d
ot r reeuurg.
Wednksday, Mnrch 11, W. II. HirtkJ
livestock and farminit jmpl,l
me v. Liecaer larin at McClaj
Wednrhday. March II. .luhn R r,
will sell at i'nbllc Sili: !i
Farm Implrmenta I mile t
l'erry township, SnvdcrcouBri,
WipnrkDay, March 11, llowanl SbtJ
isatan ttowersox will sell lin
Implemmts and a itood Fries
with 2U horse power ongintii
nUlg oaiUr, i. . . .
Wvpniwday, March II,
S horses, 4 cows. I.u i,iujricn,l
nouaeiiolu goods
TUTRHOAY MnrohlS. 19. 3, I'r1"!
Kxevutrix of the ota'cof M. t
dec il . will Pell far.'ll tocfc ii
and lioUMehold g o !h, 1 mlf va
Tdcrs., March 12. 1 milr X. W.otM
in Jackson towniliip, .lacorj li
Jno. E. Ktlnkel, n il, sHI 3 bor
and farming implcnicnln.
TbI'R'HAY. March 12. I.. T. Manlml
live atock, farming iinplfmcLtol
noiu goods ai Aliildlicm'lf.
TlIl'HsUAY, March 12. A. S. SliamlJ
live stock anil far inns im;
miles wont ot AlttlUU Iiiirg.
SATURDAY, March 11. one-lull tc:
iitroiintown. near llmkwlieii
on the Trata' farm, K. a Mvi
sell all furtuing iinl Iciuidu
Saturday March 11, II. C. Kr(bi
horses, mulct, ctuvi. ii'i t:
implements, east of 'l'mselvilli
Monday, March IK, An! ir,i i
Mock, furm iiitplenii' i'ii ami
Roods 't miles mat of IJcaverf
Monday. March IB. J. W. Stirrer.
Alules, Cows, 7 lli'.nl "1 M
and Farming Impli ni lit.
Monday, March 16, 1 mile tI ol H
Scpliares Oemliorlini: will kii
Farming Implement''.
Tuesday, March 17, Levi J. llrant
livestock and farmiiiK implcmd
cant ol Kratzervillc.
Tuesday. March 17. W. A Meiirri
farming implement, nnd IH
Tuesday. March 17, John W. KHrJ
live stock, farm Impieincnw
bolfl imrula. R mile Cil4t ol
and 1 mile west of aililillcswanl
Tuesday March 17, Isaac Wciand J
stock, farming lmilements w
hold goods 2 miles ea of McCIt
mile west oi nuuu s miu,
Wednesday, March 18, EllsworthM
sell farm stock and iin iilcmenlil
dence one mile North ol FreaM
Widnbkday, March 18, .Tneob W, CHj
ll IWnabx-k and farm Iropi
tween C'ntreviile and WbiM4
Union county,
TmtuniT. V.rcih 19. J. U. Rlltrr
stock and farming itupltmiolj
North of Selinsgrove.
TnrHiiitf la.h 10 nn thfl UTM
Tk Hlna Hill. K. V. IiWO"!
live stock and farming impl4
Tm.uni M.n.h 10 John M. OoSf
live stock aud farm liiipU'mel
Vn.H. w u T r ftriihb i
stock, form' Implements and
gooda, On O. M. Moati faron
of VMdlchiirp;.
Friday, March 40. L. S, Oelnett, wi
Implements and stock.
Saturday, March II, Ed. !l"M
llva stock and farming 'PJ
mile northwest of Heaver 9pn
Saturday, March 21. Abraham sinj
sell 4 horses. 4 cows. "IJ
i i ..i.msnia. 2 mi Im
field on the rowllev.nKfroB.l
. to MiOlintown.
.rnuwa.M i u m T 17. KnffRlSD
borse. 1 cow, 1 bull and W
Monday, March 23 Norman Broa w I
Innlr. him (millflmelltl. W-TIl
of Troselville.
. M m.nli. Kaee, at
Wharf will sell farm ato1 1
TCEiDAY, March 24. i- n',?i2
live stock. farmiiiE
household goods 1 tulle eau 1
Ti"" J
v, l'm AnnleGaarf
rauiAi, bird i wii - ,-rtiaa
livestock and farm lmp"
East of Dallas. J
Friday. March, ",u.ii
Creek. J
Wednesday. March ll-SS,
mile. North of ''"Ik
' horaea, I Cowa and farm ""