MIDDLEBURG POST. eoree Wtof flUST IN WR FlU5T IN PKACK First in the hearts or his 1 iPnTIlNIThVMFiV . " and offered hi mother his arm and in a ! provincial, who were in the rear, tock It few moments they left for their home, I ui j tne tree-t to cover the retreat of iiie I'ri; in telling the tory Mrs. Hamilton, in itr i is.i r.uhir. and pound sueli a ai.d a- 21'- memoir, adils: "We niu-t. However, t .t ijil to riroid t!:nt atttr le !:ad tii'D . t mother home, he ittutne.l t i the neeptiim and pent lite ii niiiii.iier i'f t :e tvi muR." The wile of Wachn ntoii, to whom '. e im-t married neii he va -7 )e;irs of iij;. i.a.l liem Mr. Martiia I'ustis, a imni! iin:..iv ol i;:ial wenll.i and I'.-.iuti . S e ! ad !.i ivii.'. eMato at ti.e lime ol ner iii.tli :;ne Mat neii! i.iiia.l at Mmi.tKO, ui'.ii "an im u:n-luaiu-i" n two eiiiliiien. aiiiiiiton. lie fn'e t..:il, u.i ni.iltiiv. Tlie I't'.iiitiful est.ite j w M unit uroti had iUe mini to him !y ; in. 11 1 Kami-. After hi marriape he 1 nlarged ! iu Home ni.in-ni., 1 :nl'elll:ei! t lie fi munis, j and 111. nie miiM.!n .iKe. mliicu-ii-, ly pur- i.i.i-e. to lie ist.ile, r.liiin eon-i ed of ' S.um a. u , 1,1km ; n;:nii were ti'lel, the , tem.iiiiii r Ivihk in wood and iineiilt.vated i land. II. i.-.'iii it 1. 11 t. .it of a largo 1 pi. '.liter, lai-iig w..iat and t Im.vo. The 1 w in at w a ui ound ii t :u- r-'..i:e ami si ipped . tor s.iie. T:.e t l'.i.o wa -ft. I to lil gland, ! :i.i:;i wim-ii tr.rn .1 ' in -t iiiy art clo of doineMie iim wa nnpoi led. Tin a the I hi ant : ill imine and ti.e happ. n.depei dent lite le lift to tm-it t.e liaf.ii lor the ; t '.nti;! ;ni; out. ir. Maiti a a. Hi lton was a i:. iiie Cliris 't.aii won . 111. ii'tniiil ai d 1 din at d, ai d the eer exi ri .-rd over him an i';tl;uiiec that 1 was l-.t-.j.: ill ar.d co.-d. i. n i e artcd j ;i'i :.i r to take toinni.in.'. o! tin- annyjn 1 I , .0 it . ut itn .t: y war. sue said: "Ituais a siu ron tul :.iy l"r me, inn lour ci umry ranis ion ami you must p i. My tin rning and tven:ii! prayers mil l.f that tiid will w 1 1 ,1 01 ei and pn-teel on and refill V you, won vielory is won. Kiiily lo tne." And that l!od of ti.e nations, w ho w a with the ooior.ir in their unequal strnpcle for in dependence, answered tier player. KVSHLNijTON AT VALLEY F0UOI NOT HIS FIRST LOVE ra,hl, lj A- N- kftliVi: NiN'l'er l.ni.nt X 1 r .m 1 t:..: v. .1 1 : '. aia-' 1 an. :. t . !- " 1! 11 ,; .:T. n-:.t i t" ' o: t.t -.e ..- : "i F. n v 1 c-:. t : e pn.it: -s, 1 ...t v 1 r. t c c iat w " r; v. . v : , T t -.tiii . . 1. .:. ; 1.1 ri ...::i 1 :. v , :. p ...- . :.: : : .. V. g l een .:ldifd l'J i imii.i .-i atciy pre . 1: :.. J iii.us I asar, t.i most ir.tfr.se '.y in vir enacted . je . n .ii life, faid : r 1 ide.i for every : i and row, !.:. t t.ri'.v ur.pre- ,'. t c w.Tsii spn ii.uis of nature. o!o: .I P. s :nii:-araeter country w. uid he t: e c Hien.ii d w .: :i it. m i.armo: wouid he i.. -nest 1. 1. oh '..: . ntv, ar.d 1 c 1 1.1't.t hu'h p.' t.i make up :i..e man l.eod. Vas;.ir.i.-.o!i. it 1- t:;;o, d:,i not l ave to ;n:pc'.e w ; .1 p, irt. a- so many o: . ur A:i.er..a:.s : o l.ni a:t...!:i d p.'""'" have d. r.e. :. 1 l. s paui.t wire waa'.try W.i it to I t Mutiia t'u-ti-, this loiiiip, devoted , was lo t h'.s hist love. The heart of .in.gton had lut-ri won before he pave f..r t w eai: . n 1 1.. miasiircn toil thnr I m so tore- I tneir Tr.im t:.. h It.kLtoI. f-1 :;'s 1 II .is ,'l I U? i.e i.M .:. lh.t iris r ei 1 :.tii t : e ae. :i.i i-;...vi.le !..'.li;'.s. h: eateer lll.t.l its and .0 t:ie 1 t ' . tree ::d. ll.iee,1. W ..si.- hi T.ns other love was a Miss Hct- tie l'.nitletoy. i;e was the daughter of Widiaiii l'.iiitieroi . a wealthy Virginia piar.ter. at whose hoii.e he had freipjently ii-.ted dm .I'tf the t me iie was engaged in mum iir.g. It w.uid seem from what bi ographer haie Ix-en ahie to gather con cell.. ng t!i loie romar.ie of the tirst prcsi dint that Mis Kanthroy had not been t.-.voraliiy nupressi-d with Washington as a lover and l. .at sne had refused Ins oCer of marriage. At that I. tne Washington was 'JO years old. H. a '. ve, out ot door mrvcyor'a uri.rn: me upon t tie enemy t. a . inks-d pursuit and allowed waat w..t lit', of t e aitiy to escape in safety. T..is was iiparded at t iJ time a a great iiniila:y ilj'., and "liiaddoi k' deiiat" ta: 1; 1.11.11 t.e land as "Washiitoii's 11 toll." Ti.e" war of the it volution, limit vet , liioug.il m:l ins nig'n'si alniilies as a n-ni-mainuT at:. I t'..-playid his true niili..i' geiiiii-. i'. run 01 am nut or nu oiin times '1.1. n: tailed to a 11101 e tiillh lilt ta-k. Ti.e wiiele populat lull ol tie 11. t . Anierietkii t ohniies unl not 1 xcet d i' Kngland was Iiie lnistlt'ss of ti e sei- .n. the slroi gct military power oil ti e 'L I e. The ui'. 11 111 her ainiii were trained lo war and liad i vcy -.piipiiienl for w ir 1 :. : Wealth colli. I plllcii.l-e. Tl;e little 1';;.. colonists w io'i stepped forth to ti". t t ' Riant had l.eitl.ir li.imi'.i. snppi.i-. il or military ivsolilees. Ti.e odi s 111 t 1 e . counter wcie fiariully iigainM 11-. and in one knew it btller t 1.111 tiemge . ton. IVfeat liieaiit i': n to h iii, ai d. 1 hap, igmoii. nioits ui.it'i on the i !!. llut fuliilli:. '.) iie stepi'td I'm I-1 and .11 ecpted tne n'-p iiih.'.:ii - of tt.e p -: Nervous Trouble and Dyspepsia. No Sleep for WeeKs Because of Pain. Dr. Miles Nervine Gave Back My Health. JURY LIST. 1 -n,. List of t.'r.nd .'umr !iawn 1, . i era. ui le iniii r. li-i,:l .'y . ami liuiillei ."ewlons ol i. , . i lit .Ml. I. Ill 1) in. in aii.l ."sn.ldtT tilt- '.':)l i!nv uf .'e ,r , Hi rot er. John M , urvi'vnr, st.Ml ' u, 1 HI t'l . ruwnnl. lifiil. 1 iiih.. v'r- Hii.Kunian. VI illin I nfM.rer. I'tnli 11-, I liarles, litriner. I'.n, ' ' liavis l.iMi. I. i-iit. . lii.urMVl. I flu r. to niy riirn-er. -pi.h I iirnl fly 1, ' Pistol A , T" 11 li. r ; lltilliiiiih. I i'ltr. t'lltnifr, I'.i-iv. r '.r lo txn ..te !' II., 'lea-In r V - . I; , t el:;. I .ie. V. illlaui, tili irrr i , ',,!'' Kltiek K. It. eiirint'r. I u'mi. ' '' Kteltr. 1 iili.im I niioier -Mi Ml f K Iiie. .1. I tiwmil, U1I111 cr. 1 Nit el t'i-. .ttitin lariner.i "l apTii Ul.' '' I irk. .IiiIiii, . 'ent. !-i!lnif. I.'iiiiilui, Jiiuti-it. 1 ati. iti,. . I ii:ol) It. ilsli, I mili l lti'iirer I'm tm sn el'tilil. Ita. -'iitii.tT .Ijh Us.,,, Mn li. A. M . Mull I'nrrii r I , nU.nsr-ri.es from a i e- 1 elir si, 1 Hen, .1 I . I'lm,,,. 111-. I. n-0 Ve s.elll.u a 1.. , . , , 1 i " al;ei. It wit, I 11 1 11 1. r . 1 tin , -' fstit'l ' ' 1 Wulur. It witt. l-'irim-r, Mi.l.li, ' "I fO " . .,l'." ". , , . ,,, ,,, . . . ..... .it. t... . ' - it'll.-ULi s, 1 ;t .. t. 1 .1 ,i ..11 t . im MET ALL RESP0NS1DIL1T:U3 History :i.i us !;mi i.e met t . -i u aponsilu, .; ,c- mot le rau-.t i .1 t e ta.v militia nr.. 1 the ti.unci ieiei.iu: i.--. . with mis, : aliiy nn.igir resoiiieen at command, he struggled to t'inp. ii"t -e. feed and maintain I'lem: how lor ten ! 1: monthn lie entienciied I'.ostnii 111.1l, wit out a single I -attic, so harassed tne enemy that he compelled thorn to evacuate the city; how for many weary weeks, with i n'.y 12,0(10 half taricd troop", poorly clad and equipped, lie held the uty of New i: against a f. ice four tunes his own mini! 1 r and at la-!, having lieeu eoinptlled to eval uate it. he crossed over into the .Itisei-. pursued by the inemy. when he suddiiily turned en t li 111 at T'cntoti and I'l-ireeton. amidst a s: 01111 ot wind and simtv. r.:.i.r.i the two 1110-t l'l'dlianl iittoncsot l,,c.ii. and drove l .e Ih li-ii fit 111 the state: ..v. , with linn w 10-e s'ioclcsp feet sta led the snow in uini-oii red. he passed the winter at Valley Tome and 111 I iie spung deflated the foe at Monmouth; ami how in the mv ceeding Ji.us of the war he endured hud hip and suffered l'l'.i at 1011, sad iticcd his own fortune and separated hiin-elf frmn the cntie.ii li t nt - of home, manfully and heroically bore up 111 dilt.it without L's.rg courage or hope and tinned t: t-e rtii:.-ts in the end into glomus v. t.uy for In- !' -'-epsi i ne-iil 1 ; . mi nt of t!:e 1 - 1 V 1 II I!." I. I ' 1. 1 il l I'll-.. ' ' '.!-. I .. . ons, ijiu in es it not t'-al'tl 111 time. Is,. M ' N'-tiine i.. a speci'ic (or nctvuus ti. -;,i ,..:.; ami all tn.tvoi.s u;.ea:e. Mv health v ar mi ruble for vrats, due to ciie t.civi rf iriiitt.ie niol tlispepsnt. 1 I d 1 . I 1 em a'-le I s. ct h r weeks nt a I :.- i , la ; t b ;i o aw aki ni-i! w itlt pains in 1 v i . -t ,:i tl :it inach. Mv ltinl s lilt I'led, - jii .i lc to 10 mv hou-e o,k witlioul 1 . ; ct lit) It tclv v i iti out. The doctors h tl 1 11 I. i ie me, 1. ml r.l.cr t 'kuu; nn rnd s : . ui 1 t'l ti.e r ni'ihc i is I In tan lak 1 1. Mrcs' Kisioiatue Nervine and no r.id I aver lills. 1 ohtained telitl 1 . im the tiist but tic ol Nervine, was nhle lt I i i t iter than I had 111 yeais. My slum- i ih I" --.1 lo cam ftieni;lh and 1 felt belter 111 nia::v ways. I haie taken twelve botth i i.t .Nnvine and Nerve and l.ivcr 1'ihs in the ;v. t t!ir e vcars but have not taken any uf I te r... I have not lull the need of it. I po about niv wink an er.tuelv tliflcicnt woman Jin! 1 nt to.omiiu-inlnl them to ever so r.i.it i - . I . I 1 111 n (.real believer in I 'r. M'ies' Ncif : i:d I. iter I'dls, I have tiiemon ii :"1 .-.I' toe I in.-. I leel i' iv !.:'(. dil for 111. Pi. Mi.es lo ineiln : ."- M Us. J. W. III T M in. Met Ir.n c I' li . M . .Ml ' .-oo'-' je ',1 and puaianlee first hot I I ..Mil s' i iTiiciit s. Send (or fiee bonk II ' 1 and Heart Ii'seases. Addicn in ". ii.- Meiiical Co., l'.lkhait, i lid. W tNTI'li . s:ovrrii M.rMO)). f charneler nml L-iiitl rt-i,iiiiiiiiui in cnt'li stale lone in this I'o r'-tim n-.l lo tt'iiresoiit nml nilverlise tilil rsdili -li-.li.-tl we.-iltTiv iius'tii.. hoiisr nf sollil lltiitnetiil s'ui-illiist ssitlitty '2I week'y w-illi rxpenst'. mi ll Intiial. nit ii-iviilile in cash en''li l etliit'silny liriet Iri'lu In-nil otllees. Ilor.n nml enrrinlte fiii'iiisln-,1 tt-lit'ii ti.et-snrv. Keferetiees. l-at 1 lo so si-lf-nililri-ssetl euveloie, Ctilonflll l"o., :t lit iirliorii St., l liicoga. i-U'-HH T.i, "k. IT ri. r "-k. -yfii e. 1 i.tti HVII ft., I. Meriinu 1 1 runner. tieiifi, , t.oiui ti-r- t-s-n us of in,. 1, .(.(. I t.f i 111111111111 leas In Im- lit iii .tt , 1 iti nml lor 1 he 1 ininlv i.f u i, j nay of i-1 Iti iiary A P., l-i j I't lifer, I1. A , l-'niliier. Mi.!,l,, , . r. I llto se. ( liitrlrs, Karlnt-r. I t-im. "' ( I'liyer. II. K.. Knrnier, I'i-iiii. . I nl.t r, Col.i-rl, Farmer, li. nt , r. V. ' t tit li 1111. .IiiIiii, .,tiiH. . ,. .tt,..,. t'tiiiitiiey .11 .1., Ijiltorer, Ir.-mk: n lifi'e, 1 liurlt's, l-'iiMtit-r. nv',! , li( Incest', Mllhaiii. I'miiit'r, I rate, i-tillv. t'lmrli-tt. Knitiii-r, iv,,.),,,, (( i 1 -1 1 -r . T ht-t of t ! o. I'llter I ..m, l-i-lkt-r, U Itiiint il., 1 11I1,, l-'tt-eti, Nalliiiu, littitrer. I tui i-Iiiis, N. r.. ,1. p , V., 1, 11, i-imikIit. lunik. l-'il,ori-r. i-l II111111111-I, .ti rre. 1-uriiicr, Nn, iiitiiips .1111111-. .11., i.itimiir Spru Iiiiii',.I II, Inliinrr, l-rniiHin llt-rrtiltl, tltilitt II . I iirim-r. t I1.1 nn. 11. t'.. I.nnilluril, IVrrv Mine, Ira A.. I enelii-r. Spm,! h lime, .Minn. Iiirtner, l-'iankiiii. K l,ie, W II limn ,1., H iliHer, s..ri'i;K h iiiltTinnii I0I111 S.. ! uiiiii-r, I ian,n KiTsti-llt r. Henry Iltm-ii ntm , (r. liliiiKler. tlHt'itr. l-'iirmer, Jack..,,., K II in- iTtliik, l-'ariitcr ,ln. Utm L-. ...... i:.a... i- ........ tt. . MiUt r, VHHimi II , l.nhort'r. hninklm .VrKlnilh, .luhn, I iilmtrr MiiinK VarkU', Imiiilhnti, Fiirtix-r, I rrv M I'oltltli r, A. I,'.. Mirjfrnn. N'.ihKrtr 11 1 hp, ihmij. vrrelmm l r.vit, llnwi. IdtlH-rr, rurttirr, I cim. h'UKh i o .1.. I alonr. ihti!t . r( k CoU-honlinrli, iivo. II., Tem In r I rrrr ltoiinh, AIipji ntti, Itliick-iiiitli. I t rrv hinilh, l.rntrr. Kiiiiimt, Sinnj;. Miolly, AmtiHin. l-'urmrr huptiKin Shirk, Able A., Knninr. I'. rrv W hhirt'y, Ihiinr, ltnirnnMit OmlVr, HnJ Miint-liitK. ( tiiirU'M, KurnuT, lltavrrwJ nit'inn rv 1-., i iiinirer, niim Mrlt'rr, Aituin.. Curju'iitcr ! linoi-rptt Si-Ih tlit rm r. i'lm. A., Kitrmrr. Wa,h- iiurii'v, juiui, 1 in riim;i, Terry Wru , n I.t : ii 1 1 .if- v. t .. lit 4. ti.:.,. I; !;;..' fi c: z'.. I.t lit- rm: j.;!) UliiiG. ttv: .1. : : -: 1... .is : r 11,1 t.t 1 s, i.t h : t r t a;- ;-ur.: I v the 1:, o.I.tl d : n ra I c ,,;'.."ks ..! .tar.ttal a good it 1 : it :i:c ;;..r. :. tl of i. i :i at a j-a;h-1 w as a 1:..: I't se! w un t 'iree vt ar a us hi fan and ,:n a major in ca.i.'t t'.im. li.. next tiiiirnirg tie hao a - . Aim 1 nan be- n Ktanee aim F.i.g'.and. t ier (j"-ini to ::orv. Urcke out ani Vtustit ' "- , :ng the etiuse of h.t mot ner v ei i o, iU srs. a 51: fc- ;1- l.i i . ii 11. 5 isf uva? -t- v 1 -r ll '.Tt (4jjA-i II T!l! 'lore.! ' i.tiu a ct :it.i Tne w j. I tier, on v . 1 1.'... Irnllis ai luai. iK-t.tsi- : .Alt- 11 .'.Mlt-'-5: x ":;Vr'Til;l i'Jk '" i. Cnx"" 1 1 t vi i t . V k t ' - MiJaa s' . l-s,-.- His v r t .t." (- K-s t v. t- ' "i-r -.- - v.'s-.- t -j ji : -. x V' t ' - v't ' ---? o.s'- A -' lew Goods at Sclinee I have just returned from the Kutstcrn C-ilies with a itwf .-tui'U nt Mt reliaii'li.se nt hargain prices to every person. Call ami my .stock liefore iiirelinsing elsewhere. SHOESREDUCED 25 56rjt All ladies and missts felunu have been reduoed 2'i per a Men's Wool lined UuMier hoots, made by the I 'ldejiea- '.)., redtieed to 82.50. Ladies fnt iivality rnlihcrs lOe. LADIES FUR SCARFS V'ortli $ 1.00 reduced to So.OO. A I'lii l'lie of Dress (tiiinN at litittmn IViets. HENRY tlARDINI) J SCIINEE, PA, i.; -t mm J IS .i'W . ' Vsl--Si Xvf Vfsi t ''l iX ' Ml, GEOSCE VASHISOTC: - :.al t; .; a y&ut c , it.-.cufh .(us &Ld -i ucatt d t- Fix oi:'.Lerid, v i:s trt K. d that : : e cou'.d :.'. i. ii b browt, i :.: Lead wry other le viae "i- a'.cr." IT: :.e was -uLal tp- i ..t. Hud i. i r years, would ,-i'ii id- AS A MILITAKV HF.KO c.d. ( CT-u'id S.; til cue : t:,e i-m: fi-Lic; L... Gran: ': feelit.K-. : ..i feau-'i : ,. ' kg ' ' ' and e'"r: " -i':ar., v.., - ILft-Jt. ,- ti.e.r ': arius, 'i ,..-'. tvr.-us "il; JX i ea.;:a'...' i&du'.-t j ."j sLtu'.iLir. : criaM.- : i' Luz.a ' 'll it v t ' . i ll.i ,".-i: .,t Hit.'. -HI. V t-1 c i .-n. nu. i.i T w .;u i. .V''Wi,iit:i..j, t-ju i "i -i itiitti-iii fur t : i-tice. : tt.al n- e I.,.-- .: mlJ hij'd;- stttvjile, ti. io.t i Ly i e .iiM-r-'. sut 't-i.i.er : V, :: . ': w t i e li :i r $ ' ' ntn '. 'j h.y lion :: t ;r ,Us di.i.l u.-io 1.1 V.v i t'.a.- e t'.-t K t . .er-i.!.- '. w .: f cr J v.ts wacv: lit c:vt: :;:J . . -it. Uin Hit' hi' il u !-. : ir :i' . A ill II. ' ,K I, ' 11 t 11 it ly, , .-. :-.m . a.-," ' .-.--. ':. Jl .it-- w k: n:.r. it " . .. ":.tl ..1 wr, i-.a.-rji -,:' h i ' ( 1. j:. ..-. : r M aid if. f. -jr.' A PICTURE OF PATKIOTISM Ta ti a bi-.grapoy tA VVannci:.oii aouid b to paiat pietv U patnotum iUeif. U voa.4 b pietort ia vaich drotioo to r.j Ira fc.rj u.t.'.u ! e t .'r. . ur tj tM .-: A ri t :.'u.it tm.nti'uiiLd . ...... ry ,i VVe: .f.jf-'jo'a u.wli.r aa r-r t wtj-. .t t.r'jfcry. .'. t.i Mf-ft. e? t i.e r fiber.). ti.at t,,t ::. '.:- rid i nn. 4tr A.ej.no.i r ilm . r. ti.st wu.ie M'aarMr.fr'.i, mm it, t u.er.';.ni. uf i.ui fun, a brilliant rtp i . ti. wit) vet one vnii,g to t- Itoattr at rf.fr.oktourir, a W r,a tl.e rbnrcc Lcii vtuvctd the hour of n.r.e Jtly ajtuu-a-ton, ins mutiier, aro, and walking acrov tne room to where bar aoa was eoKaned in conversation w,tb a party of griUun, ;- It ! f : .i.-.t v: '" -'.j'." ' . 1 i. g . l) f ' t iNwii'i: i. c i -f .- -i hrki-'j) i.m I ri- a .. i.e: brace a 'a fc'ii? '1 .. ..; i-i.fl o' lt,. P.fit al. ".') ' ' i tenij't ta attou u ti. no.-' lJui.t-L .d . a'liv Hi to ui a InCJi.e all. f tl.e Krii)-ii i ni.l, sriit lt.airi.ity ti. fori u.i.e'iii if i.aiKi.i, . w.e burt -f a Urni fr'.m tt. )....i'' e. iii, i roar af n.uksi.rt nr.'i 'i rn.h.t.y of bul.e. No f' be t.jr., ;.t-i nry tre roii.ad a lurk.rv ..i.K i tl or.r r 'r ra limited a .'t. j r.lU-. hmiXi-h. hiA kcatroU ot c birr r. (ell in Ut. Half tu araij gor., tl. ra rr.a.rtar Uek ij ariUI ts,uluAi,e tr.i'. fur VV aanir.g Ua( faasil arita ln6n ararfaa n.d ADJUSAABLE top. Is 14. 1 .S im hts ; Itiruc and .stronj' tin nj;lit yoi.r )(-iknai:y, Dikkctoky, Di n, '.i:.i-t I'ntl.K, Atlas, or any henvy volmee, at any c- angl-. It ean lie rcvnlml and (idjnxtfd ulitiird ft) as to alwavs throw the xtroHycxt Ityht on bit You ean tints avoid the drain on your ri tuN when holding a hook in your hand or on a kvt It is made of Oak, and has on one edge a I keep hooks from Milling ofl. REVOLVING CASE. This Cask is 15x15x12 inches. The shelv. Oak or Acli, finished on Ixitli sides and on all H ami have ') uielu.-sof lKik Hpaee on lour Hides, or . leet in in) in vnoiigh f ,r refenneu books of daily use. Many l;ook i"aj If plated on the upper hhelf. In all twenty to thirty vol u in si)-, ;iti le put in it. i.'ASTIM jS I'onnceling the top and (Jaskiiix finished in bla,-k taitl i.i' siiliii-ii lit strength to lasl a life-time. Pipe, Post and Legs. Tl.e '' It gs are attai lM.-d by round-headed screws to the tunieO !i ;,, ll,is iMi-t is biiri-tl mm iruii iiin". vvliirli runs no llit'Dil ' I tlif i rr t r : i il to u hit li the eastiiiL's at the inn are attai'lied. Arotii 1 tiii 'am-: ii'VoI vfs. As s ll;.ii:, Ol l it i: or ItlliltAKV article we claim its eiial " i 'r Tl c !i)-)'iii:ii'V it llii" slt'tt mi-ill cioi be colilil'MU'l by I1""1 .1 III l.s I 1 II. C liit lll.-t 1 Ohlllll lilllilll.ll lllilll IllOllhllllllS ol 3litiflt Ii.i i.i -s I'l.i sicini s. (Jiivi niim til. Slulc mid Oiiiiiilv Ollii iu!- at.d j;. .-ii: -"s Men. Over 50,0(10 have been sold in the TaUtd ; i.)! n!t is now Ujine i'lir lar:;c lots from l'ngliiinl i.:i '. rit .-. J;OW MNHIIKI). It is handsomely linishe. ai t! an inameiit to any Ollicc, Iibrary or 1'arlor, A! A "jlJ'T". Nothing made is more unliable, to jirtseut tc i.r as a Wedtliii! or 15n tliilav (iil'l, than this iStaud. mite viiii'i'i. ii ti : ti i:., .....i i i ...i ,l.,un unifil li1 ti I7UII a i, i . j 1 1 t.i i jmjiiij in pi-iii n inn ui 11 " t ' ' lieay iper making u pai kuge of liO lbs. My Freight tl f hii i d- hi ui:d ut iil.oul half what it would cost if i'0' 1'laiu (liieetiuiis for iiullini toiether accomnanv each Htaud. While the regular juice ol this Hlund is 17.00, for a fkort ttfl are allowed to hell them Mt the wholesale rate ol 'J'hret pollars, Q H.. ( h'eiiio. Or we will send the IWr one veur nrenaid D i aiI i 'vk rri flfLPtiM it m tn in a t' mi m It : i i.f I',u! ii-. ii . ., v i , ai t '.t fi.n-1- - ,i.t-( iii gv ' mj.i nt a ei Midi u.tei c nn.:, ami .t ') take i' t'.ti i, iti, e n: uiai.i e, auioi.K ti.e ,'ii ot ti.e t-urt'j. A t I .t II Ha illt-d W OIIiti-r !'.. u ,:m ... ut.ori. It u.et at j'miji.tl ;. ,i, r.,-7. Vi.uigAU waa ait a ...!, li 'ii .ly.itia and by a bx.auiu.ous '.t- la')J 10 ti.e :tr:Ajtf ollicer's ' . r J i r result ta ti.e jnaeiit roLkli .... ii of ti.e l. iiii.ed KU'ea (eioeotuig . in-i.i. Jti.ii'.eJ. jl eitsUd a taliou Willi h.i.iki powers for all tiie )urpoM.of neu- t-lrfi i.-'ttj Itliu ut. but it left Willi li, ali.lt . nt t''ji Kovtinuieuif It-avs wau oiieaauJ iSluml hhijjel l (). li. Chicago, for $15.60 low fijt, loot Mi'iior qurauoiij or lorai gov crr.uuriit add laa nuiitb our farefatLeii UiobKint tl-a a'aloa touU last lr for tiuemaeire. jLtrt om proviawu U taa aaia pttiaim wkici WtMUigUa iii vi i till: ii.' ml and other i in Anti'j The POST. Middleburg, w tin U) ff Im:' Waoioit. tiw'aW w WMt MMbtmat,MMM, 1 ' ' m i in m ' lifi, in. ,.m tuttStsfcSfl T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers