MIDDLEBUKG POST. Published Every Thursday Morning 1BO W. WAOBSSKIiBR. A. H EDITOR AND OWSIR. SUBSCRIPTION' RATES. l.OO per year ild In advance. Sl.no per year II not paid In advance, ttinxla copies. Hv I tntl. Adverllslnir Kates, as rent per line, nonpareil maasure meo lor lirst insert!. n. and 20 cents per line lor each lubw qrsrt Insertion. l-OFFICB. Nrarthe t'ounty I'ourt Home, between Hie Fir National Hank anil Die Oouutyjail. Vol. xx xx. Fkhki'aky I'M. Ncmbkk 7 Republican Standing Committee. Alam-r. T. Finn, .1. T. Mhawrrr. Heaver lmi- K. Ir.-ee. II. II. raot. heaver Went-J. W. linker. Ih.vll li.nnttiirer. t'rnlri W. A Napp. L. I'. HniK"man. t hapmnn-.loticpli Imik. T. K. I.eiihl. V lauHin-I. f. Ilackcnburic. i. K Metier. Jackson J. . Yearick, Win. XcIm.1.1. Middlrhiirir Flank f--!i, Kaiiko W. Yoder. Mnl.llccrc.k-M K F.rdlcy, J. M. Maurer. Monroe II. '. Ilimlri k. II. F- Fiher. Pcnn Joseph II. Hendricks. I N. Jarrctt. Perry A. W. Ynl.-ntiue. F. K. Hover. Perry West-.l. s. Winer. .1. Z. Ntrawscr. Scllii.tisovc J trunk Keller. J. A. Ludwig. Hpriiuc I'. K. klose, 1). Harr'son Snook. I nion I. It. Malil. Washington W. F. Brown. Myron Voyer. Outlook. The Outlook Voinjiany, wliirli is a eoini.ar.i-tivt- newi'oiiii r in the Iwiok piilili.-liing fiiM, Iia inaiiitaiiicil a liigli stauJanl of exi'i'lli'iicr in tin ten hooks it lias puhlislicii ilininy; the year. In outwanl appiaram-e, ami all tlie details of typo graphy, paper, presswork, hinilinjr, and general deMgn they are di.-t'metly artistic and pleasing. The list includes "I'aral.lcs of Life," hy Hamil ton Wright Mai ie ; a special limited edition of Edward Kverett Hale's great story, "The Man without a Country," published on Ids eightieth birthday ; "Seen by the Spectator," selections from the pajiers published in The Outlook for many years under the title, "The Spectator f "Folk Tales of Xapoleon," translate! from Mie Russian and the French by Cieorge Keiiuan ; "The Philippines," containing a jwikt by Gov eruer Taft on "Civil (Jovernnient in the Philip pines" and a character (sketch of Judge Taft by President Roosevelt. Success. The publishers of "Success," the great liome magazine of America, published in New York, write us that they desire to secure a local repre sentative in tliis county to receive and solicit subscriptions. The conijiensatioii given by "Success" is said to 1j the largest oflered by any first-class periodical, and if any of our readers are desirous of undertaking work of this char acter, we suggest thai they communicate at once with The Success Company, Washington Spiare New York. TheSeholasship Bureau of The Success Com pany will also gladly explain a plan by which Ixtvs and irirls can secure an education. Tin It has a p:rikiog Valentine poster cover design in colors u ud its contents are thoroughly practi cal for the home. It is one of the very few ma gazines whose contribn'ors write with definite purpose of being clearly understood. The sub jects of the articles are always attractive aud the articles themselves never fail to (Injustice to the suljccts. Noticeable in the February issue is the first of a serit s o.' !es-ons iu "Embroidery- Making," and "Home Millinery." Lippincott's. The prominent feature in "Lippincott's Ma gazine is always a complete novel. That con tained in the February number is by Alice Ducr Miller, entitled "A Man of His Word." Mrs. Miller, by the way, belongs to a popular New York stovy-writing family. Roth her mother and si-ti r are well-liked contributors to the leading magazines. The motive in "A Man of His Word" is the moral obligation of a niemlier of the Four Hundred to marry a young school teacher hi cause her mother had saved his life at the expense of her own. Before In r death she whispers to her debtor, "Marry my Daughter." Success Company it.se1 f purchasing Scholarship On this foundation the author ha built a tale of iu return for a comparatively small amount of compelling interest and infinite diversion, work. Address, for full information, The Sue-1 cess Scholarship Bureau, o2 Waverly Place,' Woman's Home Companion. New York City. j Every traveler will want to read Anne O'lla- " - "-" - " .iran's article on "How Railroads Fight Snow," Cimkcy's. in the "Woman's Home Companion for Febru- Onc of the most attractive of the rYlwtiury ary. The Mory of the battle with the elements magazines is Conkey's Home Journal (Chicago), is of extraordinary interest. THE OLD RELIABLE issa POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE live sine a. fa.m l...t- . 1 hnl.4 J. IV u"1 """ V.l aom.n I.... " LJ MoKOAT. Mrach . Jo. H. Um, I sell livestock and faro , ! una ni or isenler, Y. (, o.D4T. Murcb . Jacob S Su , . . live stock ana Uimini i -J mile south ol llumnwi , Jfc ModOAT. March 9. W. J. Tm,.r iit-K-k and farming iiui ' lB no.td ..I snook I". O. M,,iw, -, Tl B-Div. March in, William 1, Nvenloi'k. larimni? i. H iw.i.i w.i.. 4 ii.ii... ;" 1 . . ... . alIIltl rdiiiv, .'.r. n io p. H. ( live Mock ami rarmin. ' mile coat ol Kaucli mi Sal- RESistE DUNDORE. Now that the township election is over, the best men elected and the township safe for another year, all should help to make our township the most prosperous in the county. 'Sfpiire Sechrist has erected an ad ditional poultry house to accommo date his growing enterprise. (Jeorge Wolf will ere long have his residence completed along Silver Creek. The Su-Uchanna has been too high last week to start the coal breaker. Charles Wolf, the in;st enterpris ing boy of his age in the township, cut ten cords of wood for our mer rhi nl. 1. W. Longac" inndea trip 'tij Scriu'Tj. o , - ' chant, i Lydia Wagner of Pawling spent a few hours iu town with her ibrmei friends. Fred Wise ami family who lived almost a year in Washington town ship, and getting along very com fortably has liciii moved to our township by the overseer of Wash ington township, against the wishes of public sentiment. How nervous some people get about a little valentine, but a sure cure is to get a bottleof Celery ( 'otn pound at 1 )iindoi-e's store, and lead the Post. Louisa Neilz ol Sunbury spent a day with her friends at Hot Springs. Next Monday is a legal holiday in memory of Washington, the father of his country, and it will be a pleasure for every patriot to do homage. Sadie Ranibo is making a pro tracted stay at Sunbury with rela tives. H. B. Rcichcnbaeh has hired to A. E. Wituier for the coining Sum mer. Dr. Krchs has many professional calls. Our old tax colli ct r is urged on by the new tax eolhetor to get in the outstanding taxes forthwith. g:'iUH a month for teaching school next Winter will bring out new competition lor teachers and a deeper interest in education. Covrt will draw a goodly num ber of our people next week to Mid- linoul .n'l iiie i i,i I i j 1 1 1 I'lis'l is prntcd aud the postolliir is Mid dlchiirgh at Middlcburg, and who knows how to spell Middleburg-h '.' We spell it with an "h" on ac coui' of confusion with Middlcburv improvements on the property he bought of I j. IS. 1 reaster. Hon. P. F. Reigle was seen on our streets Saturday and as usual with a smile on his countenance. James Steely is making prepei atioiis to go into the huckstering business iu the Spring on a large scale. Miles Knepp and family expect to be ready to start for Cold Water (Mich.,) iu a week or so, w here he has secured a good position on a farm at a big salary. Miss Bevey Jordan and grand daughter of McClure spent a day last week as the guest of Da'iiel Howard and family. J. M. Wagner nad a force of nimrods from Crossgrove employed ...Jt'iturday to shoot rats at'is new J lam. ' More Candidates were seen our streets of late than blue birds. Samuel Baumgardner was seen on our stnets the other day and thinks he will ooii be able (or work from the lib ets of his para leiie stroke. transacted business in town one dav last week. Quite a number of our bovs and girls received valentines Saturday. 'i he tannery received a car load of hides Saturday. C. W. tiraybill had 12 or I t cords of wood sawed Saturday by Llnicr echnian. Fewer Callous , Wears Longer. Fewer Callous ; Wears Ixingcr. VERDILLA. D. O. Staid of Lewisburg spent part of last week among friends her.'. Charles Foltz of Cabala was vis iting with his brother here la-4 week. Ben Rhymestiue of Sclinsgrove did some extra painting for C. W. Schrey last week. John W. Stahl and Ira D. Sholly are working for the Pcnna. R. R. Co., at Millersburg. Frederick Wise and family mov ed in J. D. Reigle's house last Tues day. They came from near Pallas. The name of the new Postollice just established in our township is Produce, with Rev. J. A. Brill hart as P. M. Miss Mamie Longacrc, daughter of Mrs. Annie Longaere died Sun- lay Feb..Sth,was interred at Reiser's PENN'S CREEK. Howard Shawver was seen on the streets here Monday. Melvin Sechrist came home frdiu Lewistowu Monday. Willis Straub was to Lewisbnrg one day last week. L. C. hinguu.au is teaching the Salter's school ninee Monday fcr the riT.iiw'.VS tL'rm for the regular teacher (iuiii. ik-i(UCj ns position .ora Stine went to liewistown last week to work for her aunt, Mr C. W. Sheary. J. L. Bingaman and son Jesse, from M'nidlelnirg were in Ceutrt- ville Saturdav evening. We are having our cold waw now at this writing. Sheriff Sampsell was seen in town 1 hursdiv. Nora Walter visited her grand mother Hettie Walter last week one dav. Melvin Waller and C. Brauehei are among the sick. Mrs. W. A. Napp was to Hick orv Corners last week. The teaher of Herman's School contemplates haviur an entertain and the tli incut between this inst. Tom Kleekner of Milton was in town. He left aud took his son Ceorge along with him. Samuel HackenU-rg, the jeweler .Mnltllcliurg did some repairing along the lino of his profession Inn Monday. U. II. f essler was to 1 Inui. ano New York city last week. L. F. ( Jemberling for Register and Recorder and (ico. Shindel for mmmmmartmmmmmmm 3aEX?ETL an that took off all my l - 'r. 1 pur- chased a bottle of Ay r's Hair S Vigor and it brought ; .1 ny hair J back acain." Vt'. D. Oulnn. Marseilles, 1:1. U 'Ml One thirift iz certain, Aver's Hair Vior makes the hair rrov;. This iz (J because it 13 a hs'.r tooct. i I P.-.r-t-. tUr ti--'t np.-l itir 1 hairgrovs, that's all there is to it. It steps falling of the hair, too, and al ways restores color ta gray hair. (I.OJ t Milt. Alt drnijtfifc ' ' If your drtiKRlst cannot mjiply you, Bi'iiil us one dollar ami wa will rxprets you a liottle. Ho Btiro anil plvo the mime of yuur uearost exurrmtllii n. dHn-hK, .1 r ivniio l.iii v.. mil w il Fewer ( iallous Fewer ( Jalloiis Wears I monger. Wears Longer. fpmitirv Tloirmliiv li'li 1 kitvii'i1 by Rev. W. A. llaas. Text John ! 1'rothonotary w,s looking up their 10-10. Age 19 years, S j interest in obtaining the olliees men- .,...1 ol l" 1....1 1 il... ' tloned. unit r iitin. itti: iiai inni nil- ablest pupil of Reiser's school this i . winter. W. F. Aucker and A. L. Straw-I scr attended every session of the Fanners' Institute last week. tit Sel'msgruve WEST BEAVER. The ground hog has been quite reasonable with the weather since the 2nd. Frank Maker and daughter spent a day in Lewistown last week visit ing friends. L. A. Jenkins has accepted a po sition with merchant Jackson in Lewistown and expects to locate there with his family in the Spring. Joseph M. Wagner is making SWINEFORD. Minnie Meiser of Sunbury spent Saturday at home. L. (5. Winey spent an enjoyable Sunday at Rivea Side. Miss Daisy Heiser of Sclinsgrove spent Sunday under the parental roof. A. Kreeger is confined to his lx.il. Mrs. Charles Stuck (nee Ulrieh) tif Kreamer, spent Saturday in this place. Last week our coal dealers ship ped 8,000 crass-tie". Charles Jioyer, who was working iu the Mann ax factory at liewis town, was compelled to return home on account of a bruised hand. J. O. Ilerbster of Beavertown, Rcneville Waller was a caller t in town last weeK. S. C. Dondore, one of our mer chants was to the city to huv in his new supply of stock. , 'bitter... Mrs. Harry Stuck and son Dallas ! Lggs.... were visiting friends her.' !:?.' veil. ' "'oniJ.. several davs. : ''"'I 1 'i ii 1UIIO.V.. A Most 1'iilnl I. III. Would 1' the p iwit of foreseeing 'Vi ins. Tli is would destroy hope V know h d'o of the fulurn wouUI Unmake happiness. There are, ol oiir-e, some things about- the fu turn we d know. If, fur instance, i lack of energy, ntnbition and loss if Mipeiite show s itself uo know it ill he followed bv serious com plaints if net checked. Often Livei unl Kidney (rouble follow iiuieklv. In iiny event bli-clric Ultters will restore you to lieidth. It streuRtL- n-, builds up and lnvioratiM ruu iown systems. Only one. Sal is fuetiou .'uaranteed by Middlebuig Ui iis; i o., tirn lull A (i irum i, IlieL uld, I'll., Dr. J. W. .Samdbcll, I'emiscreck, l a. cnrly I'orli'ilt II la l.lfr. A runaway nbnost. endina fattll r. Iiirtod n ltorribW) uleer on the U p .1. 15. Ui m r. I'l'iinklin Orove. Ill For four. vuars it delied all doctors mill 1! remidies. Hut Buckleu's Armea S;ilve nad no t ro lblo to cure liiin. Ftiu illy ceod for liu'iis. I'niises, Skin Eruptions and piles. 'i -ut .Miildleuut sr lJru ("o., (Jrav l'U iV auiii'in, ltiehlild. Ph.. Di. J. W. Sampsell, I'eutiHcreek, l a. IDDLEBURGH MARKET. la tents. Keystone Lawaudl'ateul Comjmny, 810 Jietz Jtuilding, rhiladi'lphia, la. Who lire the only bonded "Pulcnt (.'onij'any in the World, tiller to make a guaranteed patent Olllce prelimin ary examination (not merely their opinion) Free of charge to readers of "MiddlehurKh Post" w ho will send a sketch, model or description of their inventions. They will also give a certificate of patentability whleli will be of great assistance to an inventor iu raising capital. All patents seeuted through this firm are guaranteed under a $10,000 bond. Valid patents with the broadest claims secured on easy weekly payments. Write to-day mentioning this pap er. tf Chickens.. Side Vho.iM.-r.. Ham 22 U0 CO 1-J Si 8 10 12 15 TCEKDiv, Mar. 10, Harriet, Mill -Marca. 8 mule-. S ' . Mi aatnl farm iiti., o.,, and H acre rye. ' ' TlIESDlT. Mlirt'll 10. Win n f..rm Mock. Iii)i,l, ..,.. .o.mK un Hie Lla-nf;,,,,, i""' '" WEb.HJ.DAV. Murcli II, W. n II,... live Mock nod lri,,jn tlie C. tt . Ifet'kvr fun,, t WEDniv. Mnrrh 11. .!), i. .. will wll at Public si,. M;V, ' H rarin unpii nivnt. 1 n. ,. v,, ; Vlivvs.li.V 1. ii 7'4 Uiiiah llowtrnv uill -..n .: iiiiil.-in!iiU niiU a (.,, (.-,,' - ... power vtiKUK , "1 nliiir order. i WeDxi-iiv, l arch II. In i Notice of aa'vs will be inserted freo under thin lieadinit when the IuIIh are printed nt tli I n ofttee. Wheo the til!n are liot irintcd nt this nMce 50 cents will he cliarKed. Persons ei peetiiiK to hnve Kale nhouhl ucleet a dntc and have it inserted In tilts column. SaTCBiiav, Feh. 14, K. P Kuiti-r will sell s.iine hnimehiild itixmIh. live Htk mi I farm iuipleuientM, !jy miles Nurlh of Kuutx. SAirniiAV, t'eli. 14, J. i. IIiiriilieiKer will n il hoiiHehold fc.Miils lli-ar Otiidiu's selirol lioiiM1 In Neil Perry tw. Ti'Kmiivy. Feb. 17, Jntnc .. (.sh, n lin'r. of Isaac Ijiwrenee tlo-s dec a , will sell live stncK and f v mini; iri)ihmjnts ? mile ii.ui.1 of Aiaitland. Ti ksimV. ft l. IT, Il irriHon Mnyer will Ne'l S w-.ir.Mi!., Ulitchcr sujiilies, etc., ill Middle burn. Wkuni.kiiay, reb lth. In reiui Tu-p.. 1 mile .tul.i-wel nl KrntzTVlllu. I ha. Kral.er. A.liuiniNtr .t.ir of i-rnnklln Kratrcr. dec. I, will (.ell horiM, cows und farmiiiK liu idements. Also H.-al Lntate. Tiit'ltsiiAr. Feb. 19, C. O. Ferdiu, will sell in Pemi t.vp., on the road from nellliMKriivu to hratzcrvillc, 2 horses, 4 cows, t.iruiinic Inipleiiu'iits altd huUhellold gooUs. Sati bhay, Feb SI, Vrs. Sarah S. Mover will aell hoiist hcl I Koods at II r residence m Freehmi'. Sati iiiiav, Feb. SI, D. A: Stuininuer will sell livestock, tnriniiiK tini-l.'ineii snud hoio-e liol-l uoihIx, on the hupp fai m Deal' Northumberland. SAT., Feb. SI on the le of Que. Selini-itrovc. J a...lallies rt . Muiiiu, aliiilnlsirillor ol ine estate of .Margaret Smith, dec'.l, persouul property. Satcriiay, Feh. 21, one mile Fast of Sliailol,. Jon athan ht-iehenh.ieh will wll horses, o cows aud f.iriiimic implements. Fhiuay, Feb. S3, estate of Henry A. Ott, per sonal i ropeily, ls.e ol Que, Sclim-urovu. Ti'Esdav Fku. 21, Philip A. Schncc and Philip .lieiiKel, executors ol neury .mciikcI, will seil lam st.s-k and household Koods, of a mile N. . of r'rumont, Tl'EsDAY, Feb. ifl, Samuel H. I.nsh, will sell live stock mid farm Implements 1 uiilu West of Paxtotivillo. Weiinr-day, Feb. 2"', Administrator's sale of tile late Philip Youiik.oii the lincof tnion and Miyder counties, on Klue Hill, por soniil property ii ud househoUl tfoods. sale to commence at 10 o'clock. 1 - Kill's1!-. . 'uiu'siy. o norsrs. con s Ian. ii.- ii.,i. household K.is. ""l ira, .uv-.--.. ..An. ii i ... . nine ,,j L- 1 in.Ia.'ksnn townhip, .la.'..i, '!' Wl... ... I. .fllv-71. Will II ,( ( and farmiiiK iiuplcmciiti. " Tiiik-iay. Vareb It, I.. T. M, i , t live tn'k. farmiiiK impi. n,e . holdoodsui. Mi.idl.cri-. T....U..., . .. 1' --,.1. .(1 ..... .... r...n. n lirnil.,' Hl(, miles west of IMiddlebiin; ' SATlBl.AY. March II. om-l..i'f a. Strouptnwn, near Itu.-kw I,. ;,, v,. .. . I.. liiU,, sen uu luruiiiiK lln; iein ni h,.J cattle. i SatihUay March II. II. r. ;rr-. horsi-s, mules, cii.vh. i.i... j linplemcnts. easi of Trnv inn', 1 M.iXiiay, March li, Anis tins. w,n slick, iarm iiupieine h ati,i a'-tii- ;-i in lien . usi .11 l.e:iv..-r Mosiiay, March 10, ,1. w. M , v,r iMllles. H Olws, 7 ll.-i.rl ,.f y" ' and l arinil.u linpl m ,,t. Monday, March 1, 1 mile wi .i nl v M-piuires ..iiioeriini; will cll m I V...n.l.... f ...Mlo. ......... h'l Tl-EstiAY, March 17. Ivi .1. !!, llvesini-K iiii-i iariiiu. I Ml 1 1 1 vine ' Li cast 01 iraicrviue. Tl-KHKIV. March 17. W. A M.-i.,-r fnrmiiiR iniplcinents. anil !itt iUeiscrvillu. rr l. ....... , llK-nsi. ..-.sr.-u 11, tJOIIU . h HIP t live sines, iarm i iiii u-imi-iit-i -fr hold iroods. J milei e.ist nf T, und 1 mile west uf .Mid 1 -. artb r Tl'EsDAY March 17. Italic W.-ianJ slock, fariiiinir i intiU-ii.e. t. uru. hold koo'Is 2 miles eait of lLi m,,! mile west of Hau-i's null. 1 Wkinkiay, March 1H, Kli.wiirtiist.-i-g sell farm stock and iiuiiletnt it,.t dence one mile Nortii of Krwiurr WKINEsHAY, Vnrcll IS, .l.lenl. W. (ih,T sell livestock and fann imucs tween l eiitrcville ami Wb.ie oi t nion county, Tlll lisiiAY. March IS. J. II. llitt. r wi!! J stock and fiiriuinir Hi-jileuieiiU : Nortii of SjelinsKrove. Tlll'lisDAY, Vnrch on the (arm nf U'sber, blue Hill. K. V. l-h,. live stock and fartuini; impltunuj Tm-KsDAY, March IK, John M. lirsn J live stock aud farm impL'tumbii elvnie. FltlDAY, March JO, J, C. Grulili mil . . stock, farm impleijieiiu snd hut goods, on U. H. sleut .. Itrm,! si III ililUdll.UU.ft' Wheat I"e Cm Oats b'2 1'otatocs 4o limn per 100. 1.20 Middlings "1 20 Chop 1.25 Flour per bbl 4.00 Sfck Headache ? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. 2 Sc. All drucgUta. Want your mnuitachs or bsara a beautiful I brown or neb black? Then ue I BUCKINGHAM'S DYE&ffl&r J ' -"-'T- ' twwsTi. a. . Hq a es. , omwn, u.h. i Till rsday. Feb. 2A, Kcicbenbach it HoweH will sell lite stock and farm implements ;-4 mile North of HolTcr P. O. Tlll lisiiAY. Feb. X, F. P. Decker will sell live si.K-k farmiiiK 'implements, etj. 1 mile east of Ih.-uvei ."-pruiKS. Till'B-l'AY, leb. -jr,. in the horoiiuh of Sellns- Kruve, Katie I.. I iriih. A.lministrnlrix, of the .-tate of the Into lli'lijamill I Irli-ll .l.-e'il will cll lariuim; itliplcineuls farm itock and hiiu.M'li.ihl guilds. Till li-iiw, Feb. '-'ii, .lo. N. Wnaner will ell llvei-tot-K anil fanullii; lliipl.'luelitH, .'., mile- ea t ol Nciv licrli i ami 1 . mile we-t of Dry Valliy Loads on the lleluy .Millcr tlirai. MuMiiY.Feb .InhM IInii.-;worth will sell h isrs, '2 i-ow!.. fanning implements and hoilM'llold ;immIm. sati kii ay, I eb. 2, A- M, Carpenter will sell live stock and f.iiuiiiiK iiuplcments nt llcivcilowu. Sati'IiiiA y, Feb. 2S, Henry I.eitl, West Perry town-dup. will sell liuises, cows and tann ine; luiplciucnts. Sin iihaY, Feb. '.'m, Mrs John Parks will sell nt h.-r home on North IIikIi street, Sclius krove, household c.no.M- Moviiay, .March 2, A. V. Strnuh will sell live stock und farmini; luiplemcnis '6 miles wcit ol I eulrcviile. Monday. March 2, Palmer Drecsc will sell live stock, farming lmplemeuls und liollne hoid goods 2 miles west of .McUluru. .Monday, March 2, one half mile F.ast ofSbadel'a .mil, iicniy s- llickhart win sell il horses, U cows and farmiiiK; implements. Ti esdav, March 3, II. V. Knepp will sell live slock, farming implements aud household Knoils l.!u mil s west oT Alfuruta. Ti'KsDAY Murcli 3, X. F. Mnnbcck will sell live stock und arminir tinplciiicuts mile cast of licuvertowu. Tt lcsilAY, March S. Peter KlinKler will sell live stock nnd farnnni; impleiuciita 2 miles west of t'eiitreviilc. Tuesday, March 3, one mile North of DUndnrc, Iruiik l. liltner will sell 2 horses, 1 colt, biKs und farming implements. Wi:imiiay, Miitcli 4, Jolin I. Wetzel will sell live stock, furmtim' Implements and hous-diold goods, 1 mile .east of lieaver lowu. Wkdnksday. March 4, IS. L. Prower will aell live stock and farmiiiK implcnientiubout 4 miles nurth-west of ietlura iu Oecutur township- Wi:i)M5-nAV, March, 4. one mile Northwest of ..lilinniit, on the I'auiel S, Smith farm, Howard A, Walter will sell 3 horaes, 1 coll. n cows ami larimiiK impiuuciiia. Wtl.NK.n.AV, March 4, Wui. S. Uick.'l will Sell I hoie, Jc-nn, farmiiiK implcmenla and I'Olt'eholil KO' .lH, Till Ii iiAV. Murcli It, Jonatiimi liruldi will sell 2 cows, it heifers shoots nnd farmiiiK im i.ciiieuts 2 milus west of Frec'liur-. Tlirii-uv, Mnrcli 5, .1 . II. KDi'pp will sell live stock nr. I farmiiiK in plemeiits 'a mile n-.rtli ol Mid.ilccrcck, P. O. Tl'tDAY, March 5 Henry Kwnrm will sell live stock and larniiuic implemuiits mile west of .MiddlcburK. Friday, Mar- fi, James Weiaud, farm stock and iiuplcmedta in Penn twp. FltlDAY, Mar.A, R, P, Stroiip, will sell live stock and fumi implements in Pallas. Monday. March 0, Jacob S SUufTcr will aell I borses, 2 cows, aud farminir lluplciuents ut Hummers Wharf. Fbiday, Van-h 8, James Drcese will aell lire stock, farmiiiK implements and bouse hold Koods at lieaver springs. ' Fbiday, March A, Charles Oreese will sell farm stock and implements at bla residence lo WashinKton township. SATURDAY, March 7, F. F. Walter will sell bouse and lot on which is a livery stable, also Ids livery outfit on the premises in Mid dleburK Satcbday, March 7, W. F. Steimllnir. will sell live stock ane farming implements at Middleswarth P. O. Satcbday, March 7, Samuel Binnman will sell live atock and farming Implement miles Kortlfwest of Middleburg, Fbiday, March). L. 8, (. Hi. cit, wills! implements and sto.it Satuhhay, Murcli HI, F.rt. Ihic-Kcnktri live stock and lartiiiiik' mpn mile northwest ol beaver Siriuti Sati iiiiay. March 21, Abraham Mitln mdl 4 horses. 4 cows, b lie.nl of o: farmiiiK implements 2 nnloLm liel.l on th road IcudihKfruLn.. to .iiilllintown. Moxday. Ma'ch 2:1 Norman linn w;;'. stock, farm implements ctu. -,3i ol Trosclville. Monday, .March 21. Philip Nan-, at H Wharf will sell farm At u: incuts. Tl'KsHAV. March 21. .1. . II. M.ioi' live stock. f.irmillK il:..i J' huiisehold yoods 1 mile-, e t o! VI lie. Friday, March 27, Mrs, .tniiieilwiel.t lice stock and farm impli n:-r,u i-.ait of 1'allus. Friday, Man ho, Klizibctli l.n.-s ' household tsod.- j mil. I'lcek. WkiindaY, March 11th, liarl-5 miles North of SellnsKrnve, horsed, 3 Cows und farm !niiu' There are sonic Simple Urnn indispensable in any family, tliiw, tlie exptrii'iire nf ! us, should be rei'onk'd l'uiiikill-: liolb internal and external an we have found it of Krut espei'ially can we recoiinm'"'1 eolils, rhcuniutisni, or fresh and hruiscH. Christian 1'ra. substituteft, there is but one ft Perrv Davis'. Prii-e Sic. and '1 l.ll.'.CQ I. U.I.I. M M ulta .nil Mtivfi Mnuev fi.r Bveryisxiy should Join the aavru i sic Club nf Amcrli a. There li n" t. .: '-' anywhem. It costs Blmnt nntblrK " r beuellui It (?lres are wonder 'cl. I -1 : ,' fiurehsse IsHiks and period icj.', m n,' J( nstruuicn is at s;-cml cut p:lcl (' dueed ratesattnsny hotels. Its i free or chiree. It oir.-rs sehol:rtnr" blerosll prljes to nu intxrs. It i"". rooms In inuny eltlesforttuTnstiN'ff.i every lneinb'.rrcelv-stl.ooil.''UI li-y ; tied lOv'rv aIonth',art!l'llcn!l'- 1 ltself.lueludlng 6 plecsiof hldli-'W; ' n-ir:-.-i !ii .i ) ..,i.'ki'i Jliii.-ees in o '..' CAM ORT lU. OF TB3 ZLl3 The f u II yearly mombershlr ff .' - J ; which you get all aisim, onn yon draw any tlm ssttkln ttres "''. want to do so aud get ynar doltpr" , uonTearerosienti ai.tst, senu -v- i months membership. Nobody " p3 this offer by. You will et r' utK,Ji valus msnr timet orer. Vull sent free or eb.irus, but u ysi f r send In your request for rnerner" ' proper fesstonee. Theascts.llirrr bershlpolTerwIU soon chanm". ,"n,V rai.lnn .mi Imttnr nrl AnelrMtllll I - j year's membersblp or tweniy-th month, to ..riir HIITSII. UTHK4KT MT"', Kin. IXS N..IIIII! WeAreAII rumlll" with the deep, hoarse, bs nailed "a crave-vard cough. 4etro.l lllllCS fi" Vij v v tf v yy-ri aMa.v.v lilva thorn mrrv In theforffl Lung Balsam, a remedy tor m tiYoihlo anhliytilvaatppnieutb1 omended even in the ear'? consumption. In the W mortal skill is unavailing can afford to neglect a cold.