The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 19, 1903, Image 1

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    tc lHeaos
h"bive a job lot of note
is on hand. They must go
The price will do it.
ts and prices for the ask-
We furnish them printed
a than you can buy them
:Jt printing.
faRetiseller, Editor and Proprietor.
A Family Journal, Devoted to Jitwa, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Rate: One Dollar Per Annum, in Adrance
The readers of the Post are reiuebt-
P(j it, UH announcements of all
II utlrai.lit'U ........... V.. ..1. ...... n.!ll I... n
n-W ?sailipsci viic Bium Hiv vtriitn. i-imiu mill w uimic w
I, brunette, tlaugnieroi ?ner- puniisii tne twine when me event is 01
K. Sanipsell, gave a Yalen- , public Imimrtance.
tv!,i licr new home in Mid-. Tiiiksdav, February lit, Christian
,m last Thursday even'tig, ( Endeavor Rally, Reformed Church,
(iiM well represented ly her Middleburg, in the evening.
mU. The guests nil Heemed j FkiAY February 20, Sunday School
tin. occasion very much. The . i)jstrct Convention in the Reformed
vwh t li M-rve! '" "1 . Church, Middleburg, in the evening
hl ,tylc and taste, llieguesis All schools, of town are Invited to
Sr.NHAY, Kb. 22, Washington's Birthday.
.SrxD.vv, Feb. 22, Communion in the
Reformed eliurch of this place.
Monday, Feb. 21, Regular term of
Court will open in Middleburg.
'IVkshay, Feb. 24, Shrove Tuesday.
Vki.nk.siay, Feb. 2."i, Ash Wednes
Coming Events Cast Their Shadows
l, their respective homes at
veil. Thanking the hostess
ki, hospitality aim wishing
I, joy and happiness 111 nor I
Snail- r of leaver Springs, Pa.
. stuck of tfjrral nierchami ise
iri.-t ciish system establish-(2-t)
SAl.K. Fivcishores of stock
KluMlvl.urg m- MaKe oner
Ir,, 111 12th street,
Altoona, l .
; t,K: Lot In Fremont is of-
Call on or nd-212-3t
Mrs. W. A. Kai.tkh kk,
Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa.
ratnm, wants a man in mis
wiih fiiHi to invest.
il position given to investor.
:)..! timit.v for active men.
,lilr ss. Hi ix 2, IVST,
Middleburgh, Pa.
KTIin :-(Mils to work in kikk'
Tlio-t'roni out of town
lmvidlvith boarding and
unci! jiiia ml teed. for iurin-
ulurseall or address,
Selinsgrove, Pa.
SAI.K House and Lot in
... I ..!.. I.
n. A in" i.-norse power r tick
ul jw.MIIL. Also Brick
i uli 75,000 Brick, " 40,iRhT
ne Boards, 100,000 Plastering
:.'Wfet't Hood ng lath.
hriwu. etc., call on
:. S. Stkoup,
Swineford, Pa.
(ion. J. Schoch, w ife of one of
kmlidatcs for Associate Judge,
iv nioriiing about It o'clock.
ere liiilcheiing Monday and at
lloi-k in the evening had a stroke
Iv fmin the tllects of w hich she
Agi'd about (14 years. The fun-
lill take place Saturday morning
on A. K. Soles In urn new muv
M iiair cutting parlor for your
pnned with a refreshing shum-
i a dean towel to each patron
north side of Market souure ou-
'eutial Hotel. Satisfaction guar-
TiuitsHAY, Mulch 5, Wagner Harp
and Orchestra Co., of lSoston, in the
Selinsgrove Hall.
Till itsHAY, Mar. 12, tico. P. Jlibie will
give an entertainment in SeliiiS'
Sati khay, March 11, Itepublican Pij
lnury election to Nominate Candi
dates for Prothonotary, Register ami
Itecorder, Associate Judge, District
Attorney and Jury Cnmiuissioner
and elect a State Deligate.
Tlll KSHAY, Mar. l!, King's cntettain
ei-s in Sclinsgiove.
Sati'Khay, March 21, Spring Com-
Satluday, March 2S, Annual F.clipse
of the Sun. Invisible in the U. S.
Wkd.nksday. Apr. 1, Spring term of
Susquehanna University opens.
Sunday, April 5, Pulm Sunday.
Monday, April 0th, Spring term of
Fiuday, Colt Novelty Co., in Selins
grove. Fkiday, April 10, Good Fiiday.
Sunday, April 12, Easter.
Feast, Two Barrels of Cider and a
Dance for iooo., Pa., Feb. 14. rul.Iio sales ' M 'j'," 7.1luZ.
are breaking all records for this sit'tion t .yj, . ' 1
of Berks county, both as to their mini-!
ber and their character. In casting! u""" ""-k' spent
about for an explanation it has been l,,w-
geuerally concluded that the life of a A brother of rhoma It. toterm:iii
farmer is tisi strenuous for the present ! l,ay'"t? him a visit.
generation. The general current exodiin Henry S. P.ieUbart, of Sliatlel, was
from the farm is, however, not a final
abandonment, as all the farms are
speedily rented to other tenants and
do not go begging. For th farmers, as
a rule, are prosperous in this section.
Free dinners have become -is ron-
spicuousaud alluring a feature of the
LTpper Berks county public sales as
they long have been of funerals. But
in this line one prominent Maxataw ny
township farmer, William M. Sehwoy
er, residing near here, has surpassed
all competitors. Besides supplying a
free dinner, consisting ,t' cbiikcii,
mashed potatoes, veal, corn, tomato
sauce, celery, col Ice and bread and but
ter, of w hich sullicient will lie prepared
to feed liMIl) people, lie invites all to
help stow away two barrels ! good
I u addition t.) these iudiiccuiciiU he
will introduce an entirely new Ualurc
in public sales. He has engaged the
Scipstown P.aiul lo give a concert l.1-
lore the sale opens, and the dinner will
he enjoyed w ith ragtime music. Tin
people are l lien expected to bid lively
iiiul get ready for an old-fashioned
country dance in which the hoedowus,
reels mid hands all-around will be
nliiig feature, to conclude with a
caKewalk. This sale is expected to beat
everything in the vendue line ever at
tempted hereabouts.
t le-sotm tlifht by H. A.
Idlel.urg, Pa. I tf.
&Hjiir atUiiri
of Men's Rubbers at
Uarman's shoe store
Hurg, Ta. 2-t.
kiiiinieal Chestnutt is closing out
toek of Foot Wear, including
Inter and new Spring stock, ihSc.
'0 Plough and Work Shoes, $2.85
M tirade Rubber Boots, 39c. for
lis, $1.19 for Best J1.50and $1.75
Shoes, Children's equally cheap.
II sell or rent my farm of 480
-1)0 acres under cultivation one
km 100 by 24 ft., oneliorse barn
P ft , one graneM(t0 by 32 ft.,
windings iiill-nfioitiofiy-spleii-
ptcr with new VinAftiKl three
tnw four miles lone-iio better
in Northern South Dakota
easy, write for bgbklet Address
Aberdeen, S. Dak
wcr Gallons ; Wears Longer,
wer Gallons : Wears Iioncer.
pal Rale 9fir,n.s, dry gcnids, no-
lueeiiH'ard, eto,
canlirykU) Worth of coods.
fgroceiV foQsol) . from Fell. U
All artsnved, at
W. A. Arbogast,
Cor. Market and Pine Streets,
Selinsgrove, Pa.
THrrlona t'lrcnmntanre.
wm j pale and sallow and the
"Hl and rosv. Whonra Iho
Net? She who in blushing
health uses Dr. King's New
, .u m,llnlaiQ . Us gently
"vh?zy organs they com-
uiKesuon ana bead oil
Pation. Tr t rt-i n-.
Nan , Richtieia, Pa.. Dr.J. W.
peu, Pennaoxiolr l
Snyder Counties Fanners' Institute.
The annual sessions of the Snyrler
County Farmers' Institute were hold
in the Com t House, Feb. 10 and 11th.
F. J. Schoch of Selinsgrove, institute
director was chosen president and the
lecturers from a distance were R. S.
Seeds, Birmiughum, Huntingdon Co.,
Dr. I. A Thayer, New Castle, Law
rence Co., andC. W. Brodhead, Mont
rose, Susquehanna county.
John F. Boyer and Dr. Valorchainp
were local farmers who gave interest
ing and valuable talks on "Improving
Farms," "Raising Small Fruits," and
"Potato Culture."
R. S. Seeds gave life to the Institute
with his numerous jokes. His practi
cal ideas on funning, were far reaching
and valuable.
Dr. Thayer gave valuable advice in
his ii ne of work, and surely all who
listened to his lectures must have been
greatly benefitted.
One of the most interesting features
ot the instituta were the lectures bv
Mr. Brodhead, on the horse, with
specimens. Mr. Brodhead undoubtedly
understands horse shoeing, the care of
the horse's teeth, etc. in every sense of
the subject, and the audience only
wished to hear more of his lectures.
Tuesday evening session was the
Educational session. Prof. A. R. Gil
bert delivered the address of welcome,
which was responded to by Dr. I. A.
Thayer. Prof. Walbom, R. 8. Seeds,
Dr. P. Herman and Edwin Churles
made appropriate addresses.
Wednesday evening a session was
held in the Interests of Country Homes
Architect John F. Stetler reud a paper
on "The Fanner's Home, considered
from the Healthful and Convenient
standpoints." The institute was en
tertained by Prof. Gilbert and pupils
from the Middleburg High School.
After which R. S. Seeds delivered one
of his interesting lectures.
The Middleburg Orchestra ftim ished
music for the evening sessions.
The Institute as a whole was Inter
esting and many valuable hints and
suggestions were thrown out for our
farmers to try, and If found good to use
and profit thereby.
Four clarlnete for sale, H. A. Gift)
Middleburg, Pa. tf-
Fewer Gallons ; Wears Longer.
Fewer Gallons ; Wears Longer.
Candidates Cards.
AniioiitictMiuMit nf candMiitt'H for tlit! virion
plmips cm the KtMHilillcnii Tit-ket o hp vntcfi f fir
ut tlio ! rlinnry Kiei'timi. murd!iy. Mait-li lllh.
ives, can im ninils 1U tlu column, in outer to
. -.. 11 ... ... . . ... - ....
t mii vmi i.i ..nn n ... viiuh mun. v ,iu
CA1II 1.1 AnVANCK Hll'l at llii fnllowiiiK mtno.
adopted by the republican publiMher of Snyder
county :
l'rothonolury $10: ltiKiit'r nn.l llt'i'nrdi'r, $10;
AflMociutu .JiuIki.'. $.l; Diiitrtrt Attorney i'i.
Signed by
.1. A. IXMIlAllli. Vrihunf.
lilt' i. W. W.viil N-Kl.l Kit. I'osT.
A, i. Al BIMi. 'il i(
I'. S Hll lKII, .V.'ll'
II. It. MllVUt, ('mirier.
liiib'H fnr .lin y t'liMiiiiiHii.iipr mill Stub' Di'V
KUtt Iliads known on iipiiliiMtiiin to fach pnii
I hcrrliy iinnoiiui'C mymdf h a randiduto for
the Doliiiiiiilioli of rrotliouolnry and Clerk of
the Coiirin ytibjret to the ru im r(,Verimiu: the
llepuhlleaii priiiiar eleetionMari li 11. I'. ;i,
(ieo. M. Shlndel
I hereby aunoiitiee my niiiiie im a eaudidate
for l'ro' honotary an I i li'rk of the i-oiirtn, 1
auk the loyal support of al ii p'ililirai..
reilllcVille Mhiitll.
Register and Recorder.
Pleimc niiiiounee my name ai a Candidate for
Heifister and Keeorder at the primary election
Saturday .Hare I 14. 1'.k:I. I xolicit the nuppurl
of all the republieuu.
John H. Arbou;iiHt.
Middleliuru, l'a.
Plerote iinuouiii e lo all repiiblieans that I inn
a candidate for ltei;i-ter and Kccordur t the
cotninif primary eleetiuu,
John It. Wlllln.
I present my name uh n eaudidate for the
nomination of IteuiMter and lieeonler to be vot
eii forut tlit; 1 rlm.iry eleelion Mareh II, lut.
Lewi F. Meniherlinjr,
IVnn '1'owiiHliip,
Associate Judge.
I hereby aniiounee my name, ni a Candidate
for AHUoeiato .lihl;u, at thu cnminjl rriiuary
Elect on. 1 miln'it yoi.r carneHt support.
SelinHKrove, l'a.
hereby Hnuoiiiiee myself a eandidatt. for
Aft4ociate .ludKR. Tbaiikltiir the republican
voiem Ol nuyin r cituniy nir ii-i iit.orr. anil
milieiti your loyal mipport at the conilnir pri
mary, faiu,
.lerro CroiiMc.
I hereby nuounee my name an a Ciindjitutc
for Am le'ate .lud..'" ut the cominir I'rimary
Kleet'on, pri'inlsliiK If iioiniua'ed ii'id elected to
fadhfiilly fullil the duue of the olllec.
Shriller, l'a.
I hereby announce my nauiii ai a Candidate
fur AMflociatc Judi;o
Z. T. (iKMIIIRl.lNO.
hereby annoiiuco inyHeif iin a Candidate for
Aiwociato Judfe.
(1. .1. HI'IIOCII.
Jury Commissioner.
I hereby announce my iimie as a candidate
for .lurv t'ommiiixioiier. MolicltliiK vote
o f all ltcpublicaiiH, 1 renia'n,
irwltl iirayuiti,
I'ax'oiiville, l'a.
State Delegate.
.. Illnnu Innminnn t l.n .int.... I.f
V. K. NTAULiNKCICKIt, Hprlmr, an a Caiididnto
fnr Dvb'iratx to the Hiaia Couvoution at tile
cOiniOK I'rllunry Klectlan and ubli,
Mldfllrburir. KEI'Dni IOANS.
District Attorney.
I hereby announce niv name an a Candidate
for Drn'rli't Attorney at the coming Itcpubllcan
Friinary Election.
ill this place last Friday.
W. K. Stahlut'fkcr of Iteaver Springs
was In town oik eleetiuu day.
Ellas Kriinncr of Pen use reek was a
Middleburg visitor Thursday. I
Mrs. II. I. Tobias fell Monday
morning and was severely injured.
Mrs, (!co. M. Shiinlel spent several
days at SliiunoUin visiting relatives.
Emanuel Wetel of Mt. Pleasant
.Mills, was ni the county seat .Satur
day. Hon. ti. Alfred Schoch spent several
days in lUirisluirg, Philadelphia and
New York.
Jacob !. Mauler nf (ilolie Mills, was
at this place on Iiiisim s and pleasure
last Wednesday.
Harrison Miller of Salem and Asaph
Beaver, of ( i lobe Mills, were callers a!
this oflice Thursday.
Mrs. John W. Orwig is sp.deling the
week with ber daughter, Mi- H. II.
Harter at Sunliury.
Aniinon S. Wagensellcr of 'ins
grove spent a lew days with the i '..!.'nt
of the Post and family.
A brother of I Inward V.'iest of In.
burg, died al l'reelnirg. lie had been
an Invalid for some time.
William Loss of l'eliuscrcek called at
thisolllce to order sale bills for bis
mothei's personal projM'rty.
Ira C. Swart of Kant., who is going
to Nebraska, was in town last week to
order sale bills at this olllee.
. V.. Botdorf wife and child of Har-
risburg, visitod Rev. W. K. Dlelil and
family several days the past week.
John V. Lestier, Esq., and Mr. Suitor
ofSiinbury were at the Middleburg
court house on business Fiiday after-
Edward Hummel of Franklin town
ship, while attending Farmers' lusti
tute last week, dropped in to pay hi:
L. S. (ielnctt, oi'Strotiptown, was at
the county seat last I hursilay. It is
reiiorted that he will engage in busi
ness at Schnee.
Meyer Millner of Kant, who has
just retired from the Mercantile busi
ness, came to town last Thursday to
attend a meeting of the Bank Direc
Harry W. Hummel of Northumber
land, County Commissioner Beck of
Elysburg and Ex-Sherill'ti. K. Fagely
of Sliamnkiu, spent a night in town
Inst week
WilliamS. Bickelof Kreamer, who
had been in North Dakota last Summer
proposes to have sale anil will locate
permanently in that state. He was in
Middleburg lust week und ordered bills
for bis sale.
George Metgar, the father of Samuel
Metgar, who was married to Ida Bea
ver in this place, on last Wednesday
morning he was at the Altoona depot
to come to the wedding w hen he was
stricken with heart failure.
Borough Flection.
P.iirgtss, RJ. F. Reilz, (iS. D-W.
1. ( iarmii i, .'!2.
Town oinicil, R I. H. Bowcrsox,
S2 ; Curl hi Bowcrsox, 72 ; John Arbo
gast, Gl. D Henry Bachinan, 20;
Aaron Crosgrove, 3S.
School Directors, R Geo. H. Stein-
inger, 7" ; G. E. Has-inger, 07. D
Milton Moatz, 10.
Overseer of the Poor, It Chan. E.
Steiuinger, 77. Chas. E. Spuid, 27.
Tax Collector, R Win. Romig, 00.
Judge of Election, It II. II. Grimm,
75. D Francis Gilbert, 37.
Inspector, R Win.' Foil., 40 ; Jacob
Stahlnecker, 2.1. D Geo. E. Specht,
Auditor. R A. S. Beaver, 02 ; Win.
H. Gutellus, 41. D-Hathaway Mertz,
Mrs. William (ilieonaiiil daughter
of .Icr.scv .Sjiinc .spent several tlavs
... i .
Willi tlio loiincr's iniitlu r.
Miss Maggie I'liillips, who ss ut
several weeks very pleasantly aiming
friends in Srantun, retiuiieil hiinie
Mis. V. V. l'.eUiert f Wash
ington was the guest of her llro.
Geo. t I);iVis. last 'L'htirsday.
S.unucl ( ieaihart ami wife were
visitois to town hist week.
Misc Ktlid 1. Slioeli is visiling
in I'liila.
l"ll I. . .'Il I Ml
v lill:ilil i' iiiuiz, ol 1 1 no uesvi l le
was a visitor to inwu Momlav of
last week.
loillci I'mvcr ami .lolin S''ioeli
aiv Inline fir a tew days lioui their
duties in I'liila.
t'lie water main sprung a leak
S.tunlav. I lie iiIuuiUts irut to
work ami in a lew hours hud tin
lil'eak repaired.
Tlio Farmer' IiistitnU; hell hire
Thursday ami Friday was well at
tended at all its sessions, and a tleej
interest was manifested, as ca A
person appointed performed his or
her tint v.
I lie weather S
disagivealile and Incoiiiiilioii on tit
pavements vt i v inilieult on account
of their slippery condition
"miiilav was very
1 here weiv ipnte a ntiiuiH'r ol our
penile attended Farmers' liistituti
A reduction
goods, except gij
from Feb. 14th,
produce only.
J HaHr
cent, on all
U be given
or cosh or
t' .Miiiiiieinirg aim eiitisgrovc lasi
week. The (ii-eiis-ions were very
nil iresliiig.
ah-. m tiordon ami children
spent Wednesday at Seliiiso-rovt
with her s'n.ter Mrs. S. T. 1 il
Mrs; liickhait hair' a surprisi
party cviturday night for her hus-
Frank l'. Custer's sale was large
ly attended hy the people in on."
1 hive car loads ol coal came It
this place S;itnn';iy.
1. .1. Unwv, Flnier Stuck am
Hubert lvowe were visiting their
uncle. Frank liowc near William-
ast week.
riie funeral of Miss Mary Uolig
at Zcilicr's church was lanrcly at
tended hy our people last week.
Ilouliii'M Cannot lie t lircil
ly local opplicatioiiH as they cannot
reach I lie ilisciised ptiitioii ot th
ear. DeiifnesH is caused by un iu-
llaineil condition ?;f I he inurous lin
ing of the Eustachian Tube. Whuu
Ibis tube is liillamed you Inivo ii
rumbliiig Hound or iinpeifect, hear
ing, and when it is entirtdy elosod
DealnoHS is tlio result, and unless
the iiilliiinination can ho taken out
anil this tube rtmtoivd to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed
ferovor; nine cases out of ten are
caused by Cn'arrli, w hich is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the
niUcous services.
Wo will irivo One Hundred IM
lnrs for an v case of Deafness (caused
by c atiirrh) t tint cannot lie cured by
Hall s Catanh Cure, soua lor cir
culars, fre.
J. CHENE & Uo., Toleiio, w.
Sold bv Druggists, 7."h',.
Hall's Family Pills urn the best.
Feb. 12, by Rev. J. Shambai'li, Adam
Kenninger to Margaret Bilger of Globe
The protracted meeting is in pro
gress in the Aline church.
ilclla Kaltwriier. of Sunhiiry,
was visiting friends at this place,
Jacob Shatlcr of Oriental, was
stvn on our. streets Satuiday.
Merchant Henry Harding, of
h 'lince. Mild his store lo Levi S.
(Jelliet of Slr.iuiitown.
( ...
Millard Walter sold his tract of
liiulicrlainl to II. A. F.hriirht of
Mine. Kbright intends to take oil
the limber next Winter.
Charles IJcichcnhaeli and Havis
Sipe, went on a visit to ihe other
side ot tin; river Saturday.
T. T. IJeiehellbaeh, idlers his
firm fur sale, lie intends to piil
larmiiig and go into sonic other busi
ness. Any nerson wishing lo bnv a
t i . i p. - v
tariii will please give him a call.
h: 1 illcnderfcr and wife spent
several days with the hitter's parents
in Mitlliu.'
I. F. Trego and wife of llurn
ham and Win. Hartley and wife
of Met 'lure, spent several days at
this place.
.1. H. Spangler attended tin- Di
rectors' ( 'oiiveiiliou at 1 iarri.-burg.
II. I. liomig made a business
trip to llurnl'.ain.
1'iiblic Sales are nutiieioiis at this
The Heaver Springs Wagon Co.,
is rushed willi orders.
Misses Katie Wetzel and Nellie
Smith will start a millinery store in
I he room vacated by Mrs. Robert
V".ner. '
Marriage License.
(Samuel Metzgar, Altoona.
"(Ida P. Beaver, Middleburg.
I Adam Renninger, Middleburg.
Margaret Bilger, Globe Mills,
f N. ( '. Bowcrsox, Penns Creek.
Jennie M. Snook, Penns Creek,
f Russel S. Stumpfl, Lewistown.
t Sadie V. 1 lowed, Bcavertown.
Selinsgrove, Pa. bottles free
"Just in the nick of time our little
boy was saved" writes Mrs. W.
Wat kins of Pleasant City. Ohio.
"Pneumonia had played sad havoc
with him and a terrible cough set
in besidos. Doctors treated him,
but ho grew worse every day, At
hmcrth we tried Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, and our
darling was saved, lie s now sound
and well. Everybody ought to
know, it's the only sure cure for
cough, Colds and all Lung diseas
es. Guaranteed by Middleburg
Drue Co., Qraybil & Garman, Rich
fiwld. Dr. J. W. Bamnsell. Penns-
creek, Pa. Price 50o and $1.00, Trial
' ; Y riA -V.u v recovering
from a spell of sickness.
Jacob Sineltzcr had his fingers in
jured by coming in contact with a
Misses Liura and IVssio Uoinig
of llrazil, X. J)., are visiting rela
tives in this section.
Master Luther Romig ofllcrwick
is spending sonic lime very pleas
antly at this place.
Wilson Hreese had a short spell
of sickness on Saturday.
Mrs. A. W. Musser visited her
parents Frank Reaver's in Reaver
luwn Saturday.
Missus Carrie Stout of Union Co.
and Maggie Schanibaeh, of Kissim
mec, were visiling friends and rela
tives it few days.
JIarrv Millner of Sunhiiry, spent
a few hours with Reuben Weirick.
lie pretends to be a horse dealer.
Messrs. Harvey SchaniLach, John
Reigle and Reuben Wcirick, our
enterprising farmers were in attend-
iiiee at the Fanners institute at
Middleburg and ivjiortod it very
Mrs. Sallie Rowersox, who hail
been sick is up and ar.xmd again.
Miss Annie Schanibaeh relumed
home from her visit at Frceburg.
Miss Ilattie Schamlnch visited at
Win. Sehainbach's near Kissinimce,
Jolly Ike Seller was interviewing
our merchants Tuesday.
Chas. Wcirick made a tiip to
Frceburg Thursday.
The following are numbered with
the sick: Mrs. Isaac (Jill, A. 15.
Walter, Mrs. Irvin (Jraybill and the
infant son of II. 1$. Ernest.
C. S. Jloyer attended the monthly
meeting of the Masonic Order at
Middleburg, last week.
Renneville Smith, candidate for
I'rothonotary, was a caller among
the voting element. He is a jovial
fellow and will muster piito a few
Irvin (Jraybill candidate for jury '
commissioner, was in Middleburg
Saturday between trains.
J. F. Keller candidate for asso
ciate judge was in town canvassing
I for the oflice.