The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 12, 1903, Image 3

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A Alshropk. or Austin, Lonoke
nir: "After five nionthi of
rnng with female wrnkncu I
.hjrihr iKntfit of other aulfrrers
umr iihitciinn. i uocioreu witn
.nh'-Mri.m without onv kkI re
st hiifluml ured rue to try l)r.
mfdiiinrt wmcn i uin, witn
L rmiH-. I am completely cured.
-r botlU's 01 it. i-ierce a ravonie
four of his ' Oolilen Medical
(nd (wo vial of his 'Pleasant
Common Sense Medical Ad-
;coS large pages in paper
ii tent tree on receipt of si
ti stamps to pay expense of
only. Address Dr. Pierct,
Levristown Division.
effect May 25, 1902.
AM 1' M
fiiiilinry a a 4 so
Hrlliiuriv Jitiu'tlon 90y, 4 4
s,iiiii;rove 9 011 4 M
I'iiwIiiik 8. VI 4 27
Kn-itint-r S 19 4 !:t
Mi-iwr H 4i I U
M il IMitirK fM" 4 lit
livnfer H HI 4 1)7
lli'.ivi-llowll 8 3 57
IViivrrSptiiiK!! ! V
!:) Mill" M-H 8 tl
H.i'hire H H7 8 38
Waicrir 7 117 3 '.'
Mimdle 7M 8 2(
I'aintcrville 7 44 D'Ai
iVlmtland 7 43 8 1a
Lewi'town 7M ,
IwMownOlain Htreel. 7 M 8 uj)
Uwiatown Junction. 7 W 8 0,,
ires Sunbury 5 30 p m, ar-
at Sehnsgrove 5 45 p m
leliDseroveHiOOp. m arrives
nnbury 6:i5 p. m.
fveLfwwtown Junction :
i t m, 1 10 D m,130p m 4 37p m, T 07p
qui m lor jutoona, riiuDorg ana
ireinii Washington 80S am 9 80,
4 10 r m l'"r Philadelphia and New
to. I W . m, 1U2 1 .3 4 M and 111 p
tttartvt 10 p in
Mia A Erie R B OWitiiuW-
run itntk a i. Hail wat
irn s-lli.iirrove Junction flatly for
Id Weil.
38 p m, 4 52 p m. Sunday Dim,
sunbury dnllv except Rumlnv:
I Bull do, I ;i a in tor Erie and Cap.
IWItfnnte Kris and Canandalirua
Iek Haven. Tv'riine anil Mi wai.i .
br Ullff nlo. 1 lit II m fur Hxllnlnnra
fie and ('anHrilutvua
lawivoainl hlniiru
A tn tor hlirT.lln via Vn nnrlum
K'lc, 5 in u in tor Krle ami 'nniin-
!-k Haven and
mh a m 9 nil .in I i... mui..u
- " W VI li. IUI WW
J am, -l 5 i m, 5 3S y m lor Shamo-
nl t'uriiiAl
i - -
Mao for Wlllte'barre
'vc Sellnrove Junction
.J ninviim hi rnuuaeiunia
tw i .rk.V'.lii m It , no, ...... o ii ,.
41 Hill
llv .rHi-lnn Ul.ll. J.1..1.1.
l I . Uiiam, Han luiors g IS p ni
) 111.
II ft I I V UKWi.'l.... n. 111. tl - 1 . I . 1.
"'ii m riiiiwilllllllia
York ,18 a ui, Ha'tluiore 2 80 a m
ri'UB aim laave Sunbury :
i .ih.i. k i riiiiaiieiunia s S2 a to
Din VI' ii 1. 1 ....... n d n
m Weekdayi, 10 a m Sundayi,
Ida. IV Irniinn a tii.n .. ma..
r .u "v ruiiwieiuuii 7 we
orK 9il a m. 10 38 8unduva Hum.
fin wasliuiKion nun a m. BAltluiore
f asWnirton I II p m.
Iilr u .... - . .. ....
t 0,r.k w P m, Baltimore 11 10 p
Wetlt dtyi arrlvinic at Philadelphia
Tin " ''' vuy ui
Pn m p B1uore 1 80 p m, Wn-
lar. Sunhury at 60 a m and 20
P. Ir Harrlaburn, Philadelphia and
No aspect of the trreat industrial
iombinntiona of the day haa been
Coadltl... .d n,or "nxiously
censidered than
OpportaaMIe. ... ...
tne.r probable in
fluence on the develonnunt if intlinti
aal capacity. How Co thev nfftft ih
younff man's chances of bticcess? lint
he the same opportunity now that lit
hud 23 or 50 years tgo? Can be htgu
now, as he did then, with nothing, a no
by his intelligence, fidelity and "push,"
create a place and carve out & for
tune for himself? Certainly condi
tions have greatly changed but it is
by no means certain, declares the
Youth' Companion, that opportuni
ties have lessened. A lurge- company
f nu n gathered recently to do honoi
to an old' friend and employer on hit
eightieth birthday, ltv his inventions
and improvements in processes he had
nuuie a lortune and come to be called
"the iron master." He rose from the
working ranks under the old condi
tions. Itut the stime papers which re
ported this birthday celebration had
rtftrenccs also to the head' of the
great shipping combination, the pres
ident of the "steel trust," the head
of the greatest st reet railway system in
the world, and the largest contractu!
in the world. They represent, in part
at least, the new conditions, yet every
ne of them has risen from the ranks.
It is doubtful if the chances are less
f reijuent ; it is not doubt fill t hat t lie di -ma
mi for (pialit ies wh ieh cointiiu nd sue
ciss has increased. Moreover, the re
wards have grow n larger, and thetinit
iu which they may le won has blunt
ened. Specialist ion, concent rut i. n
are the order of the day, and thequnl
hies most in demand lire executive
qualities. Ii is un aire of irreat tiiidcr
takings. The man who succeeds best
is he who can not only work ellieientlj
himself, but can show others how ti
work. The men w ho have made tin ii
way to the top and accumulated for
tunes by the time they are 40 year
old are no longer rare; but w hen t.hex
have reached a place of nillicieiit im
portance to warrant a biography, am;
the biogruphy is written in almost
every case it appears that two things
are true of them: They performed
the little tasks of theirearly experience
thoroughly and intelligently, and they
were always on the lookout for bigger
things to do.
papers is
Kidney Trouble Makes Yoa Miserable.
everybody who reads the news
sure to know of tho wonderful
, cures rnada by Dr.
j. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
II the great kidney, liver
li and bladder remedy.
s is tne p-eat medl
fS cal triumph of the nine-
II HI ntri ..... ...... Ji
ll! -- vemutjr, Sl
ill covered after vear of
. r-lil sjieninic researcn ty
"VrM Dr. Kilmer, the emi-
- U : J i i . ,
iiviu muiicy ana oiaa
drr sivriallvt an4 i.
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brighfs Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but If you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found
Just the remedy you need, h has been tested
In so many ways. In hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
everv cbsa that a snAnial nrrano-mn
j J . -.ivtiivill 1 1 J
been made by which all readtrs of this paper t
who have tint alrAaHv triiH it mav n,, -
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper and fyff
snd your address to g!5 UiVjriCi!5iJ
Dr. Kilmer & Co..Blnp- En!.HPrtAiS5Sq
hamton. N. Y. The jJiiUsnlO
regular fifty cent and nonwots-anip-iux.
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
At one x
Lion Goffoo
has better strength and
flavor than many so-call-
i eu "iancy ' Drands.
Bulk coffee at the same
price is not to be com
pared with Lion in quality.
In i lb. air tight,
sealed package.
-rna)pia;fcteaai later.
Mrs. Getthere Such impudence!
Here's Sister Matilda proposing to I
:ome here with both her children and
make us a long visit. I
Mr. 0. lint you spent half the sum- '
mcr at her home in the country, and i
Von had four children and a nurse. I
Mrs. (i. A different thing altogeth- '
er. She has no servants, but she knows I
perfectly well that we have several and j
that every one of tli. ni will (ret mad !
ml leave if the family is increased.
-V V. Weekly. " i
to be a
any re-
am rUnterinur"
"I want iny photograph
natural likeness, without
touching or embellishing. I
you will charge less for it"
"On the contrary, madam,
must charge more." I
"More? Why is that?"
"Madam, to let an exact likeness
of you go out of this gallery without I
any improving work upon it would '
cost us a hundred customers at I
least." Cleveland Plain Dealer. !
I'-ilueallonnl IHarlpllnr.
Little (iii-I-If I was a teacher
....iM- cierynmiy behave.
Auntie -How would vou accom
plish, that?
Little (Jirl-Vcry easy. When girl.,
wis bad m tl. 1lu.m tlu.v (li(lll.t
look pretty; when little boy,
Wis bad I M ,:li. diei.i sit with the
girls and when big i,vs Wm1 ,
wuihli.'t let thciu sit with the girls.
a atgTintiire 's en . very lo of the genuine
axativ'v' '-iotno-Quinine Tablets
rainedv ''mn cold In one davr
Ifuw Me Filnin-1 It.
"I owe no man a dollar," he
nounced proudly.
"Why you unconscionable scoun
drel," retorted one of the party,
"you've owed me a V for the last eight
"Well, that isn't a dollar." Chicago
-aa rl
Made a
illf lTl, l"rco "bpnallothanifall
"mT ,u t manhood, and old
u7' b lr yo"'tu V'nor br oaltti
f,ui? . , ' u 1 pure'y rtoreA Nrrou
Fal' V: v lcucr- N'Sut'T lunlaaloni,
?t iliory. WanUns Dlsnaaoa. and
ti abuiio or eicaand lndlacration.
-rf:"-u'renrtuarrtaf. II
Ji, rt!irt;,.Tntthoiiffat of dlaetM.bul
Tiluie, b,ood builder, brlnf
8ro K r-l ctoeeks and r
ialf.y ",h' IwardonMlt
oearn 1 in yt pocket. By mall
SmK. ' 11 tat a o. with a post
rtlS1;" to rnri or raroaS
. , l- aaoreaa
"vuiiUli DKliQ CO.
I Utll Jiai ..111
?TllllfI.L j
One must forget self-at isfying ,-.
self-desiring, but none can afford ;.
lleJuat 1,U!i t,1B n'rlt tu
toVoaraelf. OVerl""k
moment or neglcel
in the least self-needs and self-being.
Our first and highest duty is to
make the best of ourselves. We can
never make men or things better un
til we huve succeeded therein in some
3easure. ejLJQaJM-alL it., gUwm,
say a writer in the Philadelphia
North American, just as Pitt char
ncterized Gen. Wolfe's boasting tin
day before the English army em
barked for Canada. 13ut Pitt forgot
all that when he heard how Wolfe
rose from a sickbed to achieve the
glorious victory of the Heights of
Abraham! So will men forget their
sneering when through personal care
and attention we fit ourselves for the
accomplishing of some high work.
All we shall ever be able to accom
plish, either in ourselves or in others,
must begin iu ourselves. It is most
necessary we should set our stand
ards sufficiently high to rise ubove
the requirements of this world; but
having done that, let us stick to the
mark, despite what others say or
think or do. All you can make of
your life you alone must make. You
may become a borrower, and thus
constitute yourself only n depository
for other people's thoughts and
opinions and principles. Or you can
be your own banker, drawing on
yourself for the principal, and lend
ing it out at interest. One thing ad
mits no disputing what you have
not you cannot give! Apparent self
ishness is often the purest unselfish
ness. And 1 am not sure there can
be any finer nerenninl rin,,l(;,.
thnn it, 1m r,nA ..nil 1 . i . I
" a on i uue a uesi sein
A Smoker' llnnnnm.
Aseimi 1 don't see why you patro
nize that cigar store. Tiny give you a
pretty poor weed there.
(iraphter I know, but they keep a
big box of matches on the counter and
you can take all you want. Philadel
phia Press.
"Do you think that women are as
1 rave as men?'
"Ilraver," answered Miss Cayenne.
"Vou will observe that the scientists
who keep talking with terror about
the bacilli iir a kiss are all males."
Washington Star.
When KUrrmra Mer4.
If an observer, you'll allow
Be It a paradox or not
. That a pretty woman'i Icy bow
Malfpi mml man Knlllnv kn.
-Crncag-o Xay ewi. ' ' ll" "
1 reod
Her Idea.
"He strode with a martial air,'
the litUe girl.
"Now get the dictionary and look up
the meanings of the words," said the
teacher, "and then bring me a para
phrase of that sentence."
The little maid worked wearily over
her dictionary, and then brought the
following paraphrase to her teacher:
"He took long strides with great
courage." X. Y. Times.
Her Duly.
Henpeck (shaking) - My dear, there
are burglars in the house.
Mrs. II. (determinedly)-Well, we
will hae to go downstairs and see.
Henpeck nervously ) -You go lirst,
my dear. The burglars wouldn't shoot
a woman.
Mrs. II. (firmhl -Never. It is a
wife's duty to follow her husband.
Ikiltiinore American.
A Pimallile Inalnnatlnn.
Xoggsby It's liinny how women
will change their minds. When 1 lirst
met the girl who eventually became
Mrs. X., she was one of those who
declared she wouldn't marry the bet
man in the world. Within a year she
married me.
Waggsby Hut what make you
think she has changed her ininii?
Baltimore American.
const i-luxury
A f rniil of t iiiiuui-n t.
"So you don't want your
tuents to know about the
you ure maintaining."
"No," answered Senator Sorghum.
"Some constituents me pretty
selfish. They'll think that if I have
any ctra nnmcy to spend I ought to
pay it out f,,r v,,u-s." -Washin 'ton
Already In I'rnrtire.
"Madam, are you a woman suffrag
ist?" "No, sir; I haven't time to be."
"Haven't time? Well, if you had
the privilege of voting, whom would
you support?"
"The same man I have siiniioi-teil
for the last ten years my husband."
Difi-Hlw Vlnhiii.
Crimsonbeak My wile is the
est woman for changing
around 1 ever saw.
YeastWhat's wrung now?
"Why I never can find ihc k
in the front door the same phi
nights in succession." Y
I iiings
e I wo
Is the Only Medicine that
w ill Positively Cure
George L. Smith, foreman of tho Hoi
ley Manufacturing Company's Works,
Lorkport. N. Y.. says: " I 'have. u.W.
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
with good results. I was troubled with
gravel and kidney complaint quite
severely, which Inithcred ine a great
deal, and have found great relief from
its use, and can cheerfully recommend
If yon suffer from "kidney, liver or
bladder trouble in any form", diaWtes.
linglit s dis
ease, t rheu
matism, dys
cpsi;i, ooze
urn, or any
f orm of bli n k1
disease, or, if
n woman,
from the
l'ciliar to
your sex, an,;
,aro not al
ready con
vinced that
i lir n... ii
Kennedy's Favorite Hemcd v is the medi
cino you need, yon may "have a trial
bottlo, absolutely free, with a valuable
I meuicai pamphlet, by wtnlii",' your
name, with post office addn to the
Dr. David Kennedy Corporal -i n Iion
dout, N. Y., lneiitiiiniiig this paper.
cDr. David Kennedy's Favorite Hern
j pdy is sold by all druggists at SI. no a
J l"'tle or 6 bottles for $5.00 loss than
uie cent a dose.
Ilr. David Kennrdi'aliorili-n lirnim Insiantrellef.
t-uriilulii, llheunii.ttaiii, llrulara, llurai. ajc, 50c
The- Twain.
".".he nlways hay two servants In
Her l.ou-p." sal. I Mrs. Tummln.
"Huh: so have we." yal.l Mrs. V.
"line Koirar, t'other coming. "
I'hllailelphla Press.
A C'lrnr f nae- of It
"Say, pa, what's just retribution?"
"It's something that happened to a
man I read about the oth r day. He
was tossing somebody el.-e's baby nn
in the air t rv in to find out il,,.il,,.r
K" "
' I'.tijoyril llliiimir.
"What kind of a time a I i I you have
lit the party?" asked the old I'rieiiH.
"Kilst rate," answereil Mr. I 11111
rox. "You see, it was a ina-ipieraile
; party, and mother and 1!,,. .,s
, couldn't identify me and criticise my
gr.inim.-ir ami deportment." Wash
i ingtoii Star.
Wanted a Monopoly,
Kdith (ieorge is so unreasonable, j
Mcrtie What's he doing now? 1
Kdith As soon as 1 accepted him he
insisted that I should break all my
oilier engagements. Judge.
Huron'! If, 1 Ii 11 uuli
"lint what i.s the Use of oiir get
ting angry when you talk of the coal
he could bit 1 lie i'i 1 1! 11 r , It n It I n,.t ' tl'll-t, Soothers? It iloesn'l trouble
knock the i,l.-,st,.r I,,,.... .i 1 ' the trust or do you any good.
his back so that he'll never be able to
walk again." Chicago Keeord-llerald.
ntnral Ail vnntnur.
She What a wt-Il-bred air of repose
young Simkins has!
lie Naturally. He was hornlay fo
begin with. Chicago Daily News.
aar 1 nn.ntafta
9 In every town
L and village
may be had,
win -vrt
till U.
A nunrrnl.
Mrs. McCnll For goodness sake!
Y'ou don't really nay vour servant girl
1 C... Jnll... . i n
-l'MT. Bir-; 1 j-.kft-k'eV. " " '" "
Mrs. McCall My! What makes you
pay her that much?
Mrs. Hiram Offen She docs. Phila
delphia Press.
"Doesn't it. tl gh? 1 get so ho",
thinking about the blamed wretches
that I don't miss the furnace tire:"
Cincinnati Commercial -Tribune.
All llrnke.
Law t r 1 .'id vou
that makes your
horses glad.
Americans will hardly be nblT" to
repress a smile ut the naive com
ment of nn English tailor one of the
men who came over with Mr. Alfred
Mosely to study American labor con
ditions. "We di not find as much
shoddy ns we expected," he says.
"The tailoring establishments in this
country are up to date and tTie
material is good, us is also the work
manship." All the best woolens
used to come from abroad, but that
is past. In the manufacture of cer
tain kinds of cloth, Great Ilritain
and Germany still lead; but as a
whole, American woolens of to-day
are ns attractive in design, as honest
ly and as durable as those which ore
A Japanese lieutenant has invented
a pistol that will fire 80 shots a min
ute. It is up to America to produce
a pistol with a new Maxim-um ca
pacity. Virginia has ndopteda compromise;
the anti-kissing law will apply only to
the Bible. This will not be the depriva
tion that the other bill threatened.
On Silver Tlnte end only be
drtermlned after long yenra
of actual aervice unless yoii
Iiurchase ware bearing a well
:uown trnde-mark. l-'orover
half a century Spoona, Forks,
etc., stnniicu
Have trten In use and Riven
perfect HnttHfnctton. They
nrr sold by lendiitK dmlcr
everywhere. Ir catulotfiie
No. ti:i,jfuev designs scud to
the mukers
Mcrirfen, Conn.
Atlantio City, possesses a police mo
tor car which i used solely for the
oarcgruice of intxvdcated prisoner.
0 e D
Rare. Always n-llnblf. LAdlea, aak Prurelst tot
IHIdlKUKHa B.JWL,IWlil In Hl aod
Uolal nirlalllo boxtti, aeajeil with blue ribbon.
Take alher. Krrua alaaaerona snbaU
latlOBta aad laaallalloaa. Jtuy of your urucirlat,
or send r. in atnmjia fur Partlralara, Trail
tuoalala and " Keller Tar Ladles." in truer,
by rvlsarai Mmll. !, TaaUawaiala, tkiW a
all lrU(Klsta.
IM HaatUaa aajaaa-a, ritUL, PA.
MrrnniitM l.lfe- In tlilenun.
Mrs. Dearborn Oh, my! Life is
such a bore?
Mi;. U'abosh What's wrong now?
"Why, a woman no sooner gets
through with one wedding than she
has to begin getting ready fur her
next." Y'
Second Lawyer V
too. Chicago American
break the
r.ii'l the heirt.
ti tlalo iicwsiiaptT
'at-itre '11110 Wtr
For rc3ulL
To Cure a Cold In One Day
a I A.- r a
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. T!ib SSgnutarC, Sjyr
Cures Crip
in Two Days.
on every
rrvtase- box. 25c.
0 L
Owing to close confinement in
business I suffered from a bad
touch of indigestion, so much so as
to cause me intense pain. My
tongue was caoted; had severe
pains around my eyes and felt
miserable. Through the persuas
ion ol a friend I tried Ripans Ta
bules, and after taking them for
two days I obtained some relief.
I kept on taking them, and can saf
ly say they have cured me.
The f lvecent packet is enough for an ordin
ary occasion. Thefamily bottle Sixty centts
contains a supply for a year.