iliiiiiX U Jk s,- Report ot Receipts and Expenditures of Snyder County for me year enaing TABULAR STATEMENT eho-vintr amount of comty and atnt taxes " - aesseil, collected, re'urne.l, commissions, exoneration and abate- luent allowed ami outstanding, for the year ltfOi I A 'Oi I Culles- Abate I Retara I Kxnn- :Corn'ls-1 ( IMSTK1 TS. I 'niil.VJTDK'1. !. tcp I im-nts i. oratns: sions. Adams, iii.M.g-Ki- Hi'rtii ju i .ill i Hi . 1HM7 Heaver I -tvi-' II iihh lUd'H SW31 41 SI I4J sSls Urivr Wm: J i.mU ut'-r 7JI M Win 81 HI 15 17 151 tiM tvnir .1 seph Kerr sin li IHU wisi Chapman W II. s.v.iriz "Hi s 4t ll 2a I 1614 Franklin A '.annum It'.O . 120 78.1 31 Si TOO Hsu Jackson H. K. Bruusa I3 M 728 V aim I uiM Mlil.tlcbtirgh Win. It unit; 72 17 1 ! !f.t H ' suns wi.iiihvwic w. k Kiifpv 7-' : 4ins; it in I iaT Monroe T 1'iinu II m luisns ncs 83 4" w ! 2Ti8 I'fim ll irvi-v v uvil l.t'.i M I -'Hi 3i63 ivrrv s.-ison M 'inilo m i ! . I'f rrv West .l.srawser 82 7T Maul '.!. 63 S 13 6 ca I7y Mwlltisgrme A.J.Oross inti .n u) i 42 1' i su-ja Spring J II. Kn. p; into 41 ss I 4ii M I 17 S 7.1 82..1 I nlon Is i:u' Zim n Truuu !W si yir I si in 4 J 194s Waslilnflnn I. A OrllU'il l.',il 08 1.137 if tW i . 442 Totals ll.iVC sj SIWJ t 67 !9 12 $.'5 2; 117 21! I I I I EXPENDITURES. lYutluiii'itiirv's Olliiv. f vs. M. Fiithnirk, a3 fil l'llone liiMit, Is"1 ' I'ranli t.row, .H 5:1 l ees l.ii 19 I, 51145 " Nrael 'I'rutt. 7 51 Merelianili-o. -'l " I viil Ilium . .'.3 19 M irruii;e I i.etise Do, k. t. 'J 1 " Lewis Kersiiitor, 1"00 I et 111 l.ewif. Ier-tetti r ease, 7 25 ' ii ier sliell, H2 31 lifflilct milt enlleite.l '! .1 :..). li. SI11I1I, 113 30 ly li .W. sliimli'l. !'' ( ' V i 1 luim limes, ."9 711 IIKIHK I" 1 1' ciiliit i.'!'i " ieolKt' Alarkert. !l .'911 No. 5. del. 3 I line " li di t ' 7. Jnie icillH H'0 I'.ml in 1.1 1 1 5 0 I HI 1 ') li IM 9 11. t ivni in ml .t T.'ielill. me Kent I9n2 9 110 UO I'll 152 91- $1-8 M K.lsi.'i .1. II. V illis, I font I ImmiU. iiii'.l Wcconlcr's ( )llice. es tor 1911 f j'. 9 is 25 nil li. -1. Aijlaisi-lileut 1 1 ".i 111 ( 'ulllllli' sinners ( )ilii'('. Win. F. 51 uipliy oils, .sett Hr.l. i' I ..k 1, I'. Ilu-ini;.r, irtae. I'll. T. l ami Tel. 1 ... !' Hent M. S Seliiov, r. et. ill. in.Ne.. 3" 21 ' I 11 5 . A. 1' (iill.ert, Aity's salary an. I travi lmi; eiense. J. N. Hi..siii. 1 lerk's salary an. I tiftvelllli: expenses. 1"3 OH j 0 71 4'. V. Kni'ts, i'tiiniiii!i.iier. 150 ilays fV.' nml Traveling Kxp 91 25-023 21 tienrne I". Miller, Cum , '7V''V". i7'1-5 nn.l Tiav.-ltim Kxp., 3S 16-41 1 71 wolm I. Weliel, Com , II2iIiivn, 3H00 - tsttd Traveling Exp., V"!'-;-.' 40 : i-tsir'''ir.4, w... t.... 1 , - S I I, t K" 13 00 " "' ' " -os Com. v. M lir.'llll.iek, 1 21 l. W. Itmv fees ( .Mil. vs. Frank (,ros 1 9) 41 . W. How, fees I'otu. vs. Davul 1 1 ib. new, 1 '-5 ( i . I.i.w, fees Cum. v. Lewi- kei ..tetter, -0 i. W. liow. fees I'nlll vs. I.rier Miell, 1 I i. Knw lees ( 'oltl. s .laenli ( Htalil. 1 :1 1 ,. W l:..v tee ( v l.e.e- 1 Jl . W. IfoW, fees C.itn- vs. c iir,. Market. 1 i V. How, lioanlitiK '. -s 1 iM'i. 1 .,1 u. '...1 .1 in.. I' Hiiaiiliiiir I' MelT.-n 2 'l.l I ' " Kate Miller. 2 illlls 1 111 ' .!... I itinuer 7 days 3 50 " 1 .ner Shell, 15 .lays 7 50 " .1.1. Alleker.7 .1 ivs 3 5') " (I. Mark. rt 7 days ; 5n " I Trull. 11 dav. 1 ml Feet fur committing anil (liteiiai uiiiK priM.ners 7 00 laiilt.r serve-es, 10 01 .Mrs, Kow. s,. inK ele. 1.1 nil Adv. Fall ele.tton. 3u On -repls. to II of I'ltarity. 2u no i iTiib .lun N. !'i.'. 4.i 'ileai:eS. rlim ihi'uv I'M ml A 1 1 -1 1. 1 1 hu 1 1 inn n il (' nrt 5 .Inys 15 '0 r illinu .liny wheel. ven ire iin.l lirtiw iiiK jury 'i 1:. in 1-rael l .it t to II of lief iie. 27 ml Vein, it Miell to Kat.iu I Viiuiti Hilary. 4'l 00 Issuing 4 I'ollrl I'roe 0 On Isiindilcs fur Jail. 2 On 514 i- Deiluel nml, rulle led l.y i. W. It.iw l.eloiiin to the county. J nrv ree. No nr. Fell T. Is'i'i. 4 on .T iry Fee, No 35, June T. I'.ml, I 01 Jury Fee, No. 39, Dec T. l!Mi, I 1.11 Jury Kl'e, No 108 June T. I"0I, I to liirv l ee. No. II. Her T 1901. I "l t "o:il for t . Stove .1 ell I sent 1'lione 9 11 '29 74 14 M District Attorney's Olliee, (5 2 81 M I. l'ot'cr l'i t'fl 'oil', X 1 II. K. iliro.'K. $. C On 5 Ml r tank .trass, D.ivio l ew is Kerstettcr 'ller Shell, Malil, W lllllllll .Inliis, (.cortfc .Markert, 3 r 5 n-l f I 0 .I Hi 3 10 In 11.1 12 00 Cuiiils. l ehruary Term, iiranil Jurors, I'.ttii .lur.irs, I 'I'nsialtlrt Keturns, fryer and Tinstaies. 12'13l 4"'l i,. 17 52 77 HO stcuogruplicr and Traiiserililng?M 25 1 022 20 Juno I crin, irsnd Jurors, - s( I'etit Jurors, flj.i Cohstati'es Returns, ir.i uij .MileL:a for New (.onstalilis Omitieil Feb. T'. 41 c8 Cryer and Tin Starrs 117 Stcnog. ami I'tuuseribil g. 61)20 0 15 51 tlctolier Term, tlrond Jurors, 11058 I'etit Jurors, 209 03 I'onstaliic Beturiis, pi 02 Cryer and Tip Slaves. gj IH :StuaoKrnplicr, jg U) 507 S3 Vte. Term. 4. rand Jurors, 2i m I'etit Jurors, lstiitl ' onstalile Beturiis, 411 nsl si rier and Tip Slaves, 2s to Menogrnplicr, 1000 3.19 30 12474 33 jjbc. oi, iwu3. OUtStaUd- Ing 117 37 '..VI W 1 10 411 17 W it if i 45 K7 )r-43 821 3s 411 Hi ll 72 .10 t 111 l: I2U9 TA HIT LA It STATEMENT showing collections tuiide, outstanding taxes for 1U0I. I I I Outtninl'if I b peon b I I Collect- I Kxiiiiiira-1 Comin I Outturn J lilSTHITS. cni.I.K(TiHS. Your I .Inn. l.lw). After s mo. .. ti,in. Is-i ,11 imr. Adalllf lii'..ri' Kwli; llw! 1 HW 9J S 25 ' 150 l) 3 li? N 41 , J 10 H111M T : l-.i a: II..H-II IM 41 4 14 12H fill 3'. e Ml IViviT West : J an ill Kill IT 83 01 1 H 87 11 ti .15 1 7ll I mil- ,ls,li Ki'rr I'll 14 8 19 1S9 29 CM) m 21 I l!iaiinaii . W II swaru 2I 57 7 l i9 si n -tl'l I'rankllli Austin (lltt 179 22 8 121 9 41 171 5 " .i.ii ks.m 11 I- iii 1 mi'1 110 hii 2 iw 57 33 2 40 :t 111 ' MH'lh liill;ll Win It'ilii g KT 14 173 111 M 2 74 4.2 ! T M.I l.-. li-. k M K Ki'lli'V 215 l.t 117: H1 0.1 1 . us Kl MiinrcK.' Tlnmiiis llcss 401 1 9 57 37:1 61 17 28 vo 05 , ivi 11 II A liuoil 407 10 12 48 327 6 '.0 til ' 71 li l l V Ni'lsull Mt'llljU) lis 21 3 41 5198 15 7J 3.5s ivrry West .1 (.sirawsiT v Oil 125 M 82 2 I 3i I Si-lnis;riie A.I ilnw 14191 4 7i 140 (HI 0 4 11 i , ss t,7 Surlliif .1 It KlM'i p 1 45 01 2 2 25(10 2 :)i . Itf -,i I"' l.l I Illlall ! 219 54 3 :l 170 00 5 15 ! in i Vu.siilii;lli ! J A li Hum 1 13.5 .VI 6 78 126 46 H W 7 12 i ! I-'SOT 10 t 93 17 IJ133 74 f lit M 14.5 67 t .VW 12 ustiees, Cuiistaliles iind Witnesses l'Ycs. 21.5 IH In.tlel 1. J. A. Hint. lei, n of Nelson UeiiKel, 12 12 12 12 I'einli'iitiary. Support of Lnalevs, Shell, Arnul.l, Al. w imams, 73 113 House of lo'fuip'. Support of Israel Trutt 13 92 Aswy'iitn. Suppin-t of llerhster "l etter, Shiiii.eryer, sliirk and sh jinl.a. li, : SO 01 43 9i 3s0 10 IVison. 'i. W. llnssinuer, Ilepairs I 50 ll. A. l.ern, repairs for P.iol, 39 2ti A. M. shauil.a'h. smitli lull, 9l II. K. WnlP'r,, lahnrand nut. 12 lames Kr.lley, i al"r 2 22 Allen lla- . r, l.alnr 75 II. L V1I1. on, Jail Ins. 92 51 M. 1 l'o In 4.5 00 (ie.t A. P. .f, ' 45(1 h. II111 Ve , inell, " 15 HO W II li in, 1 . .nil nnil cement, IS 73 I. .h 1 II I'f! 1 I ahor, 41 V. i: sii. . : . imirs, 31 s; II. iwar.i . paperiiiK, 17 oU Mrs. (1 1 cleaning jail 6 00 John K . ..r, Iiihor etc. 1113 (ieo. ( lei.. .1, Nursing tieorga Markett, 23 50 W, Kuw, sxpenses, 3176 ' -Jf unklauidNfl. - o J I net Bios. " 3 31 IV. It. Heaver. " 19 Arlington How, Attendance on Prisoner Mai kert, 25 50 I.eis Kerstettcr, Atleiulance intrisiin, 5 76 Dr A. J. Uermiin, meil nttcnil- nin e 011 tico. .Mai kert, 10 50 4-7 7 Uo::iI aistl Ilritlgc View Damages. D. C Bergstrcsser, I'eim Twp, 5 00 .1. W. I'ovrit, Selln gruvclluro. 85 00 John I.iiudcnsluKcr, " liO CO (ieoi'i-c llcppen, " 25 Oil II L I'uvls, " 211 ml John II .larrctt, Fxeeiitor, l'eiin Township, 3110 I'. A 11. si. 1 1 11 1 Miildlccrcek Tp. 50 mi Tlioiiuis Saurr, " 17 50 Harriet Aiirand, ' " 17 50 Milson llattuinii. Franklin twp.liHKI Charles II. st. iniiiuer, " I8OO11 Amelia Kvans, " 2400 C. S. Ciraybill. West I'crrv twn. 50 On bl" Koad View Fees. J. J. Vil er, i t. ill. 746 30 810 Bridges. Middl. -burgh (til 10 75 Kreauier 11 Jl h l.lohe Mills, (2) H)m rormme, 4-100 Selinsijruve, (l.owrrl 1 530 68 (Fine street.) 11713 97 Lepley's 3 195 97 I Ish'a 7-S-. 1.1 Schoeh's n? If, Sprenkle's g 15 Meiservillc, 550 ! ishcr's 6.5 36 Kniitz, (2) 23 14 Hoover's 221 32 Louie's. mm ,ki WciM-i's, j Mm (io Itliunu's 72 011 Maurers, 1 0.W37 hwiiiuM, H7.1 Midiilci-eck, 5111 Molubutoiigu, 72 00 I'livtno vi I It,. ,iu . Winters, '1,13 (loods, 20 69 Bowcrsux's, "iS'H "''''. 8 68 breelHirg. 1 310 00 Brilhakers, jo ':r"". hum Kiut.i-rville, 1 jn Deceased Soldiers, llnrial Toinlistones. Iluria': s Bolliiiner. J. Ilc. kmnii, ,1.100 ,, Jacob Walter, 35 (Kl II. II. I.1111I1, Isaac (IcIji, 28 00 J. I'. Ilecknr.l, Jacob (lankier, ,15 00 .1, 11. Martin. Daniel Ilaru, 35 00 Totubstones: (iaugli-r a: Mcl'iill R Miller, 15 i ll " " "acob Walter MC0 " J, W. Snoke, 15 IM " J. C, Look. 15 00 W. Moy.-r.tSon, W. A. Kali iter 15 '0 " Daniel Mare, 1.1011 S. H. Iloyer, 15 01 , ,, " W.Wallace, 15 00 15 . Ileckman, Dan. llecknian, 15 00 llurial: D. Minium, s. S. Iloyer, tt 00 W, M. Hoyer, John W. Snoke, 85 00 11. W, Knights, T.8. J.riauKler. 15 00 Isaac Bow, burial ,1. C. Long, 115 00 (. M. t olriU r, " W. II. Colrlter 50 I. I. Verger, " W, Lessniaii, 35 00 Printing. It. II Moyer. Printing County Statement 25 00 . ". .ro,.,r' Pfnclamntlon 13 31 Blanks for I'rotlionotary 8 00 Flection proclamation 23 00 J. (. Lcsher co statement 2500 ?!" I'ru- 16 62 hlection proc. 3834 sub. to Tlmci 1 00 $22 :s and $101 7182 T.buiar stMenwit Psbowinit amount ot yog j'l." - nuj ouutauditig ' tor isoi. Tot Ami Oiiuit'dlnK Jud. 1, lu I Ami. Cull- Con-OUs-Aas'dcleu. 'nils'! "Olliif. 2 .. I 17 SI ii 7o ' 1H 5 : l. i : 1 1 4S ' B 8 . 1 I '.1 1 ' lo5i ! I : 11.. : h 5 2.5; A ; Ml k U 6(1 17 12 -, t S3 5 7i I 14 II .5, 2 11 .H 1 .V5 K". 14 -."J 10 75' ll) It 16 10 5 70 15 ll 70 2 15 S lilt 80 HI 16 .5 21 i 14 29 8-. SO 19 .5 16 10 HI ' 14 V i .Wo ' 1 10 81 ! ill 75 14 to 15 Vll1 15 75 H2Soi 17 15 14 7. 13 41 S5 !o75 39 1 vo l ' 14 4o "3 ', H 55 In i 1:125 ; 8 t5 5: 4U, i 87 3:4 3il 12 47 2; ,1 I t 140 69 I I f 13 Mi exonerations allowed at I' S liitlerco staleniivit 25(11 I 'ollrl r..e. J3 ;,j Suhto News 1 mi lllanksetc i Appraisenient lilanks 200 Blanks for I r.jt!iot:iil,,ry who T ax notlees 2 CO Letter heads j m) l.e liui; and Tax Noliics 4 ml l-Meitiuu proc. 25 10 1 allots 30011 I'rotlion (Mliee Blanks 1 Ml l-.uvelopes. com. Iltlici) 1 (0 (i. W. WageiisKllcr. lilanks for Beg nml Becoi.lers ..ill o 21 50 lilanks lor I'rorh .uoiarv 1 Ml 117 07 court proc. UIU I " lieeelpts pj l l.etttn,' Bills I Ml eoiintvsta eluent, 25 HI Kiauk nouns and I onus 0 75 Blanks for I'rothouotui v 5 nil 1. lection proc. '.,5 llj 119 J. A I.iiinliur.l. pilntii.i- l.lcetiuu naiiots '2, oil county statement 2.1ml ei der anil list 7 50 court pioc, 13 32 r.nvcloies, 2 ill Appeal .Notices lsoo cal cic lu.e I". g ,'o letting Bills 2 50 Adj. nir ed court list 2 no l-li, ve. opes . 0111. 2 ,lij calender Oct T. 5 Nov. I'.lccUull 1'ltie, 115 Bonds, r, cuurl euleiidar Dec. T'. 0 50 A. M. Aiirauil, printing court proclamation 13 32 Blanks 3 county statement, v5 Letting Bills etc. 2 le tting Hills etc s Llcctiuu pioclaii'iition 25 Asscssom Assment for Spring and .Mili tary Boll 537 37 Keg and School children 50s Dentils anil Births 317 90 i;ual. Iteavcr tvi p assessor. 50 Its 82 1 3.3 Elections. Feb Flections, Flection Booth Monroe twp constables fees, Feb, election Fiction Hlauks Hepair o 1 Booths tioii tittl.'crs for Nov. elec. " Sul'p.les ' compiittng general election, Bcturn Judi;e to col.g. confer ence, V oters liiiid.-s, 1 ,2 52 2 12 60 58 7 50 10 38 in 8 50 8 50 29 00 1 Lll 1 195 Scalp Cerlilicates. W I'. Seifred cl- ill. cerlilicates on Scalps, 150 75 150 73 00 Miscellaneous. Jacob (iilbert and. co. olllces 15 00 Miner ShaulbuiTi. Jury com. 17 in l(. .11. Ch ilian " 13 22 M. I. Cotter unseated I., deeds 39 Paul Hillhardl, cl. rk to J 0111. 10 00 II. N. A pp. A ml. co. ttccts l.'ol 22 -o L C. Bowcrsox, " " 21 M II. A. Kliugler ' " 21 IS I nl. Stetler clerk to C. auditors 21 ou 30 A. r. tiiibcrl. costs Lcsher vs. Snvdcr co. lo "o K. .11. Coleman J. C. Feb. term C. Secbold, buardiug Jury Sci Ired vs. I'. It It. 3 72 3 23 Thomas A, Watts, burial Hurry Davis, Oypsie, 21 3o 11. II l.rlinin. Atty., petition for releuse C. Shauitiach, 5 00 I. Billhardt, clerk to J, com. 1 5o F F Wulter livery hire 1 75 II. M Coleman J C June Term 8 u J N Thompson J lit order 110. loo unit note .11 ay 6, I Hoi 82 91 L Hummel 1 lit July 1 on bond 2o 00 C A Boleutlcr int. to July 1st uti ti.wn note ut 3 per cent 45 00 First Nat, Bank, .Middleburg, on bond to July 1st, 19o 2ooo II 1) S.'linuic, dilmnge for Hat hnrrowed by Co Com. 5ooo J II Hitter, probate tax, .lo (' Knoose, burial W A nils 43 75 l( M I oleuiun, J C, Oct, term 8 91 A W roller, ser in Leshcrcnselo 00 L K W etzel. Telegrum 5u J ( TTiompHuii, lnt and I'rin on Notes Ual ed Feb 25, 19ol, .11 ay 6, p.iol and June 2, IUo2, also lnt ou No loo, issued Feb. 98, B'oo, 8 6X 19 C. K nouse, paid Peter Fo'tz, nursing 11 in Wollace. lo no 54 I',, clerk Jury Co, 1 lo .11 (' Beige I, note und int. dated June 3, Idol, 1 o5S 22 CA Bolender, l'rin. and Int. on note dated July 1, P.iol, I 517 on (ieoW la born, Teachers Ins. 193 89 A F (iilbert. costs in Lcsher case 1 00 II M Coleman, J. com, Dpc. T, 8 91 A Stetler, est. preparing and shipping (ieo. Marker!, 3 Ml S L sinve, .11. D. services 011 bur glar wounded at U.inncrville, 25 no (i C (iuteliiis cxpressnge, 7 75 ( lias Sleninger Freight etc. 4s7 W (1 Jnhnstuii Co stationery 21 :5 Win li lirereineyer Co. sta. 5 77 7o3l Court House. J K Ilelti, Pnniii, 12 is) Carbon Scebnhl, spittoons, 2 25 D A Kern, repairs. 6 93 A M Scbanibuch, blacksmith, 24 Samuel Kpitlcr, repairing chain 50 II W Foulk, oil nd matches 2 75 W. H Spangler chloride sulphur, 205 W 11 (Ireveiueyer & Co Lin. 86 08 Aaron Stetler est. Lumber- 40 3V J r" stetler, Lumber etc. 187 81 J W Kunkle, MorchaUdise, 2 28 Oelnct Bros, " 2 10 W II Beaver, ' 5 72 Btelninger Bros, coal, 96 Hi W B Wlney coal, 96 TS G W Hasslnger, mat for cupalo 14 91 I H Howersox, coal oil , 9 62 U KTobiaa, Salary as Janitur, 63 00 " Labor, 2J 90 50 tf 41 Total amount of Expenditures, Fiinwnt to law. w tha an4enlned Ctoia- niaMoMraol the Count jr of ttiOder, Htete ot PvnnaylTonlm, publish tha forefiinK tntenwat ot Rocvipta ana Eipcndilura ul amid County, lor in yaar auo praaun narewiia tKtinut at the aarta and liabililira ot aaid Count on the Slat da of Uacamuor !. w ilnea our nana and the aaal ot aald onet, this 14ib day ot January, 1903. O K StILLKR. 1 JUMN l KT.EU VCount Commlaslonera. V. W. KSIUUTS ) Attest :-J. N. Ilroaiua, Clerk. Ceiic-ral Statement. County Fund, Awetn. Outtndlii(t taxet ot 19 ll and prvTioiia yrara, 010 57 OutAtaitdinir taxea o( 190Sand irt'viua yrara. x 149 !7 Due from I baptnan twp sup- port ut learia heralrtlpr. k i5 Due froin Ner B. Miildlraaaith upirt ot l. Ilerlixler, ! 73 DuelnMii hiiilata co. fur exp. Joint Hriilicra ' an 09 Hl 111 haml nl Treasurer. 1 4.5ti 91 LiHbiiitiea in exie-s of asaeta21 ,i 94 25 57731 I.I ibilltle. Knmlrd Delit. 23 000 00 Interest due Dec Slut, 19ot 011 liomled delit, 377 31 25 377 31 Dog Fuml. A sscts. Ual. in hands ot Treaa. Jan. I. l.io2, Atnt. Tax assessed fur lltuj, Outstanding Tax, 414 21 321 :t5 '.83 21 I o21 HI ilennevillf Smitli, Treasurer, In Account Snyder CuUnly for the year 'o'i Hit. I' I nice ill hand Jan 1, 19o2. 3 60" 9S Kxci-ss lUig Ta, vl4 ii cuuuiy und State tax assess d for l9of. 16 5o7 89 County und State Tax 19ol uud i'Icv. )eurs outstanding il'.99 61 To amounts received from the folloMirg: A. I'nr.lee et al tuxis on uu- sected land. 38 13 6 1.1 600 67 oJ statioii'-ry sold. 51 I I'ottercoal for 19 '2. Sale of Liiuiiicr clinsgiovc bridge tc, ieo .iiarkirts elTeets 6 51 Sunbury 1 , VS. Hep Co. Verger, 91 123 N 11 V i.l.l leswarlli I). Ilcri.slcr.0s5o Overseers bupmaii Lwp. L. Kersteltcr, 85 93 Kxcess ou Order No. 138 refiiu.led.6o 315 71 Borrowed Money. 260000.1 Samuel c Hotversox. note, 5 00 I'a t o SUtc Tax returned. 1 Ho 5u 42 I'wp. and 6 Horo. Tavern Licenses 2 ."5o 00 Ch. ck Juniata Co, Joint bridijc (pairs, 3 25 53 GliM 43 CH. mt f 19 I orders redeein'd, 41 71 09 2'v per cent. 1 0111. ou saniu -1 043 74 iiiilstaiiding orders re.lceiiieil 1 17.1 .10 ." ., per cent. com. on same. 26 t3 Personal property lax paid to state 42i41s7 1 per cent, conimis, kO 62 2 002 59 1-5 Tavern Licenses, paid Twp's, and Boroughs, 19:i8il:) 5 per cent, coin 102 (KJ 2(10 00 5 per cent, on 1-5 tav ern license paid I o ,51 o 00 23 5o faxes of i9ol and previous cirs outstanding, Clo57 Taxes of 19o2 outstanding, 2)19 87 Coin. Allowed Collectors, 41721 A i.ateinents, 6;'o 07 i-'voicrntinns, 125 27 It. 'tun. cd, i 12 Kxon. p.'ul and prev. years, 10s yii Ah'ts. us llcturns " " 45 Cum " " 115 87 Hal nice in hand, 1 l.'.t'i 91 07 53 608 lJciineville Smith, Treasurer, Don FUND. In with Snyder County for the year iviu. DK. Bui. in build Jan, I, I9nt 414 '.'2 Ami. of tax assessed for 19o2, 124 35 ' outstanding .Uol and am! previous yeurs, 283 21 70 3: JpiB-C ck. Aint paid J. Calvin Moyer, 11 To " lieo It. Pontius. in 00 Trens. Com. on same i'.t per et. 68 !7 uoin. Aiioweu voiiectors, r.iot and previous years 7 ;.9 Kxiiueratious 19.. 1, and pri-vlutis years, 2o 80 O iCltatidiiigtix S ir 19ol mi l previous cars tli 14 Outstali ling lax for 1 '.3 N8 A int. paid into Co fund 2l42o Com. on Duplicate ..I i'.lo2, 8 27 Kxoner.. lions oil dup. ot P.lo'i. 2 92 Halante 111 baud, -lo8 o3 1 oJl 8 We, the und. r-igned Auditors in and for the County of Snyder. Slate of Pclii.ylvnnia, do hereby certify, that in the discharge of the du ties du . olung upon us by law, we met at tile Court House of the County aforrsai I, on the 1st Monday of Jutiunry A. D. I9t.3 (it being t e II fill day of the on. nth) to audit, settle and ad just the accounts of t le several olllces of said county, whose account it is our duty lo audit, settle and adjust, and that we Iin.l the forego ing statements correct. ii C!IAS. M AHIIOilA.-ii', I M I ' 1 1 V I." I i.-ii',) Aui ii '.ii. .v.uni, ' litors II. II. (iii'itM, Clerk. KXJOVI.n IT AtVl'lLLT. "Dill you hnve lota of nice things to eat at the party?" "Ilatherl Why, 1 had to take four kinds of medicine after it.'' Ally Sloper. I.anavaage. The actor cries: "I am undone!" "Ho Is dons up!" my neighbor fays. It's mighty hard to keep the run Of 1-unguaga In these rapid days. .Turlvo. Tnnuuy'a I'rrullarilles. "Where do jez keep the jam, mum?" inquired the new hired girl, who wag trying to familiarize herself 5vith her surroundings. "We keep it In different places," said Mrs. Tucker, "until Tommy finds out where it is, and then we don't keep it at all." Chicago Tribune. 4o llaa Hint es the Hoak. Miss Ascum Wasn't that Mr. Bonds I saw you walking with last night? Miss Coy Yes. Miss Aecum He's a landed freehold er of the county, isn't he? Miss Coy Well er he Isn't quite 67g11 lavJid ve'v Tlt-wt. $4174D(t - "--- - e. j FOhNITuRE It 11 11 .in- in need of Furniture, Carpet-, MidtirL.s, llv6ft Oilelotli, Linoleum,4Lace (.'i.iti.iri-, Wii'tltw Sliadei, rietures, and rieUire Fnnnts, give us a call. We eaa siiit you in Style and in Prices (Jur stock is new and up-to-date. It js no tii.ulilc to hhow good-j and quote priet-s. UKPAIIJIXfi neatly and promptly done. Lewistovn Furniture Go,, No, 12-14 Valley St. A "Vidian ot Opulence. Marwaduke Did your physician give you a diagnosis of your disease? Mallory Yes; he said I had a bad ease of high living and no thinking. Detroit Free Press. A story which w ill illustrate the edu cational opportunities open to boys uud girls who are llonml to llet an long on energy Kdncall0. un tl,u.rminatt,)Ili though (-hurt on cah, is going the rountis of t lie press. A short lime v.o the mother of n breaker boy died io the anthracite coal regions of J' 1 vsniu. She lun! been 11 widow for live years, nnii for several months had been an invalid, Mipportcil by the Mnall earning-; of her little son. She huti heard in 11 vague way of tl.e I'nivcrsi ty of t'liieago, and on her deathbed gave her boy 0 and advised him to' go there anil secure 11 11 education. After bis mother was buried the buy started for Chicago ami arrived at the university with -.1 cents in his pocket. He had 110 definite idea i-f conditions at the university, and the mother, who imposed upon him the obligation to get ami education, had 110 more than a dreamer's idea of ivlmt she was ask ing her boy to do. The boy, however, reached the university, told hi story, and thus opened the way to employ ment and to the preliminary educa tion that will fit him for a university course. There are elements of this 23 story which are striking, but thme whoknow tjj2'-eonditU)ng l college and university life know"that there is nothing extraordinary about the circumstance of his success. It could be duplicated at almost any of the leading institutions of the coun try. In all of these there are employ ment committees which look after the interests of those students who desire to pay their board by work. Tuition is covered by scholarships nwarded for the sole reason that the student is working his nay. Incidentals can be largely eliminated, and the rest pro vided for in many different nays. 1( takes determination and zeal, and a pride that mounts beyond the details of the moment. Ilut it can be done, and thousands are t'r ii.o it t arlv. How one bright nut; t iicrgetic wom an can triiiisfor!! a low a i. t !(! by I!ev. (j e o r ge Hodges,, writing in the 1' i I t s I) 11 r g Dis What line W 01111:11 Aero 111 pMsehil, patch: "1 have in mini! a college wom an in a country ton 11 who has trans formed the town. It is 11 little, com mon country town in New Kngland, which is not eien cn a railway. The people who live in it are? most of them poor plain farming folk and mill hands and the summer boarder has not discovered it. IJut I nm personally acquainted with women in that town who will spend a Monday morningover the washtub, acl in the afternoon, nt the meeting of o society of which the college woman is the heart and soul, will read a paper on the spiritual po ems of (ieorge Herbert. The other day they published a book about their town, made up of their own investiga tions into its past history. The little, dull town was found to be a place of importance, with an air of dignity and romance about it which nobody had perceived. Thenceforth, though the people may not have lived in a new earth under new heavens, they walked along new streets In I he shadow of new hills. They had verilied the true say ing that no life Js commonplace when It is intimately Inowu. And the most cheerful inhabitant of the pluce is the womnn who came back to it from eollege. She might have made herself miserable. She might htive detested all her neighbors, and been detested by them in return. But she took up her life in the spirit of service. She believed Him who aaid that it is better to give than to receive. She quietly risked herself what contribution she could make to the happiness of others. And in making others happy she en tered with, them into the wide way which lends straight to the realms of pure delight. Felix Block Notice Special Coat M At the MAY .STOKt, We have decided lo make J dtictioii 011 all Ladies C..t, J the holidays, so as to njVe J body it chance to huv a l,rjj i .e. ... i...:..i i ii iii iuu: v III IMIIlUs ai a price. This sale w ill im ,j to-ila. We will siin,i,. , customers when tlnv ,.aru prices. lleineinlier, every t out is new and the styles are I untifu' Special bargains in lyi) Comfortables, Umlerncar,!"! Goods.. Come in and sif, trouble to show irooik A specially grand lot nfsirJ make seleeiioiis from. H. F. Clemme 440 Market St., SUXIOY, Three doors eust of the MarketD wmum Do you need n-y liirnitun If so, don't fail to conietoJ store and get our prices. We can suit joule style and prices from fli rltPiift est to the better! grade. Hard wood, golden oak fiail Ml 47 A AI2JV1 Mattresses SiK Bedsprings - $M GrOOcX "Wnitej Enamel 33 ecu wit jti Sprintf hairs, Rockers, Coih-Iim, 8 boards, Fancy and cheap a tension Tables, Haby larrigs and Co-carts. M. HARTMAN ri RMTIRE Mllllliibtir Heaasiit 'sir III She had been si. .I'-.itiir. aadb naturally di.stiirl.i l. "I hone vou d i':i't spend money while you v. ere doiva-Wj day," he remarket. "Not a cent, except George," she answered, roassjjj "I had everything c!iarged."-H rotit. I DR. FENNER'S SIDNEY ! Badtache I All diseases of Ti lneys, Bladder, Urinary (" Jtani. 1 Also Rheumatlsn'. Bsclc ache.HeartDlsease .iravel Dropsy, Female Troubles. Bon' naeome dlr.-otrsij- bra for on. If necossary "Id; Ha baa spent a lift case as yours. All .omultstW"' "Eljfht months In pain and soreness ai ros ItWW tuatlsm Other remedies f oer's Kidney and ""vJle completely. U. WATEUM, DruggUta. 60c. .tUAlSa ST.YITUS'DANCErSg?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers