1 . -.,,.Vo Iw. He !k9 on lhe p( tl''R antl Dr.! nil ocvii'a m His condition hi business juds- "fl. lrf St il' ..U.-nMed- pi-1 svery cure uya- w .1... tn,l otiu-r diseases onr.ms of digestion IT auilioll. U gives nf mum as wen h of body 'cause it removes the .j cjusc OI weiiuu urprcssiuu. utiles the perfect digestion and ,- r i .l 1. 1. j.. : - I'atioti pi iowi ttnu me ucfov is -netl nv nutrition wmcn is me Uceof physical strength. I, gfflirtol with whnt the doctors called hv-Min to no nvnii," writes sir. inn. .rl.-v.-r. Richland Co. S. C. "At I hive colli or hot feet ntul hand. (- errat ileal niciiiuov. uiiiikhik mm .... ., I ... n.. ilwn..a S.oliM i.u.... --." L iirnt. Ti l Rrcntly reduced in flesh. I Lircrlv :"' thing- ttit would nol pro rilft!'" niy stomach. After Rome ,. ,g ll(Vl'le'l l IFV ll-W lienors 111 IIT. .is'iMrii Medical Ueiciivery and ' 1'ellets.' Litii; 'v,'!;11 lKnl lcs OI eacu. inuuu i wm ',s I continued for six months or mure, l h.nr to 1 careful yet. at times, of - cat. in "rdT that J may feel Rood and J fully nriieve li any one nuiicrnig wun L ion or torrid liver or enronic com would ,.' 1'irri-f t-oldcu Meilical Discovery and l it li! ts ' .ind observe ft lew simple uy- f rule. i'i' V would soon tie greatly bene- n.i Willi a lime jitrbcvcraucc wuuiu ue 1 1 cured, " to I Listless is cured by the use of Dr. k'i l'li'aMUt Pellets. ',r;SYtVANIA KTiLRuAj. Lcwistowu Division. In clVcct May 25, iai:2. M-ATIOS. KAHTWAllU' i A M P iinliury s,-liui-K'rove Junction r-i-iiu.-"ltrove I nn Iniir K ri-aiuer Meisi-r l lidleliurg I'l-nfer ll.-avertown Hi-aver Spiings Uaulis Mills MeClurn Wairr-ir ,-lu utile Paintervilla iMuitland I'wistown Ix-wl-town (Main Street- (t JO 4 40 909 4 4'l 9 01 tn IN 4 S7 Ml 4 v:i K IV 4M A in' 4 l.i 31 4 07 h -a a r s -.o a m b i.l 8 4! h -i7 a -w 7 r.7 8 to 7M a2 I ID 3.'il 7 4.1 8 l;i 7 8 -1 8 "5 7M 89 no a lii 15 111 51 M no.) II IH n ir u ji 11 w Hi.' II 4' 114 II 13 Irfwintnwn .liinetion. in leaves Sanbur.y f 80 n iu, nr rives Rt Sflitisurove 5 45 p m vesScliiisnrovHhiiiUp. tn., arnvea at Sutibiiry (:T5 p. in. , .. . i .- . n i ,1US IfHve newm'.uwij juin-nuu , : m.io II ii m. 1 10 o m.i.mp m 4 :up m, 7 ,rrp M p m, 12 3il a lu for Altuonn, rillsDurg ami Wt. ir HaltimnrP nil'1 wasinnifton sin am nan, i: 48S . 10 i in or I'linndeipiiia iinn rtew SS.s05,l :)a m, i irj 1 n a nu hid p fui Hurrburn 10 p la hiladclphia & tne R K Division AND IsoKTHKlfN CENTRA!. KA1LWAY-, i T lain lfve s Ubrffrovo Junction dully for ll.tllJFMltt Wt'SI. nam, U 58 p m, 4 2 p m. Sunday 9 35 a m, P ID. n!ravpuiintmrv dully exeopt Sunday: r m lor Bull do, l :a a ui lor Erie and Can. laltua a m Mr ilFllctonti) Kriearu onnandaiKua i ui Mr IioW llvn, Tyrone and tuo Wesi . . p m for Iliirfulo, 1 l:i p in Ijr Hellulontc - Tvrnne ll(l 1 una r.illllu II II i m iyr Wennvitand 1-lliiura I y & mr n iiuaai.iiioif iijay 1237 n m for liufT ilo via Ell porlura. a In Tur t'le, 5 iu am tor r,no nun i :anitn- l.ua s 6-1 p 1'J lor v i, 4 in f, r ly-ok Haven and nipurt in, 9 a ni 2 00 a;il S35pmlor Wllkes- ffre snd Hazclton B i m. lu lu a in, ii 05 p in, 5 85 F m 'of Shamo- anil Slouut ('armel luoils; S 55 a m tor Wllkesbarro EASTWAKU. Tra'i" leave Sollnsgrove Junction in. tally arrivluir nt Fhlladelnhla I p in Ni v Yurk 5 53 P ui Haltiinure 8 11pm a-Jiim.rtnn 4 pin iui in .liii irrlvlnt; at Phllaiielphla pii m.e i irk a 63 a in, Baltimore 9 45 p m lalllPKtull in p in- tin lu, ii u 1 1 v arrlvliiir at I'lilladeluhla pi m, New York "13 a m, Halthnore 2 8U am lnliiniiti'ii 4 116 s m I : rn'iiH ali-i) leave sunburjr : I W m daily srrlvliiK at Hhiladeldhla 53 a m kitluiureT'Jil a ui Washlntrton HIO am New fcrk 33 a m WeekiUys, 10 -'Jt a m Sundays, f U m da'ly arriving at Philadelphia 7 23 n.Ni'w Vork 9.18 a m, 10 38 Sundays Balll- kit no a m, Wushington 830 a m. Bullluiore iOpn Washington 1 16 p ra, f a m week days arriving at Philadelphia 4' a tn, Nw York 13 p m, Baltimore 13 10 p Maalilutilou 1 15 i) in Ppii wek days arrlvlnir at Phlladelnhla EibU. N I Ynrb U fll n m lU.llmAF.Dlliii, m fuhlnntoi 7 15 pm pi i m uaiiv, arriving at Philadelphia 7 Si p tn - Kim iu w u iu, uaiiiinorsT so p ni, wuu- ltcn 8 35 p in Tasini alsu leave Sunhury at 9 50 a m and 20 M 1 31 u Ml. top llurrlHliiirir PlillalMltthlA iml faltlmurs n m. ...' WOOU, ihn' Pass Agent tUlTVUINSON (Hn'l Manaaer. Mntairapiea Itmlasa, restores Vitality Made a Well Mai? of Me. OEE XI TTTVITTTTg' neeathiiaiwM,MwAi,. a'n 'WIUJIY Hid nnilrlt. I ' ... -II -,kah..II """"Iregaia their lot raanbood.andoid ETlVf , cr ",,lr yutbiul yitor by nalai i " r' " 'iw;...y ana surely rmuom, nervous Ci?' v'tjlty. lmoteocy. Migbtly Emlstions. rower, F.-! line Mcranrr w.,im. niuu. and hiti. .ot 1 " btK.-o orexcesaand Indiscretion, ftotnBi 'forB'urly.buslnessormarrlage. II -nuycnrealgtartingjtthoaeat of dis.tss.bul Ini u-w S.wv to d Wood builder, brlnr "orii llink l-'w to pale ctieeasandre andc!' Dro of -th. ft wards oH Insaolti woronatlr,,,, 1? ofst on having RETIVO, no Laa. car .kj In voet pocket. By mall, Ww7.f3cklrac,r 611 (or S.oo, with a post tsJ J"lrZenirni- intea to euro or ratuad "xmey. drculirlree. Addnaa M Medicine Co., Jot tu in AHddleburqh, Pa., by XMDBLEURQH DRLG CO. 'f5 i the "wgoflr 01 MBM Uog lyraa l'isiis Oot, DM M 1EE SUNDAY SCHOOL. laaui la Ike lateraevaloaat lerlea for February , 11)110 The ' Chart-u a4 Certain. THE LESSON TEXT. "Aeli :S:1-11.) I. After these things Paul departed from Athens and- came to Corinth; i. And, found a certain Jew named Aquila. born In Fontus, lately come from Italy, with hit wife I'rlscllla; (because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to de part from Rome); and come unto them. X And because he wag of the same craft, he abode with them and wrought; for by their occupation they were tent-makera. 4. And he reasoned In the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded the Jtwi and the Greeks. 6. And when Silas- and Tlmotheus were come from Macedonia, i'aul was pressed In the spirit, and testified to the Jews that Jesus was I'hrlst. 6. And when they opposed) themselvet, and blasphemed, he shook his raiment, and said unto them. Your blood be upon your own heads; I nm clean: from hence forth I will go unto the Gentiles. . And he departed- thence, and entered Into a certain man's house, named Justus, one that worshiped Hod. whose house Jellied hard to the synagogue. . Andl'rlspus, the chief ruler of thesyn n ..;sue. belltved on the Lord with all his h ii(-; and many of the Corinthians heiw in liellt-vcd, and r baptizid. v. Then spake the Lord to Paul In the nlKht by a vision. He not afraid, but Mcak. un.l h.ild not thy peace: For I am with thee, and nn man shall nt on thee to hurt thee: for I have much l oplf in this clly. II. And he continued there a yenr nnd fix nn nth, teaching the word of (Jod aniens them. .()!. I)K TKT.--Other fncmtnitlnn en ii no man lay than lin.t Is laid. vlilrh la Jrui t'lirint. 1 (.'nr. :tt 1 1. U'TLIXK OK SCKU'Tl'ltK SECTION. M:ikliiK tents Acts is : 1-4. Testifying for Jesus Acts K:l-7. Ei'.cGurngKl by u vision Arts 1S:S-11. Ui f.ire the Juilgment scat Ads !i:l-l". TIME. A. 1). f:'. l'LACE. Corinth. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Corinth was a rity that frrratly rnn Irasted with Athens. It was not intel lectual lint KciiMitil, ami was noted for ils lict ntioiisness and eorruption. "To live us ut Corintli" was a -hrase that meant pruflialf itidiilirenee. Paul had nei-oiiplisliel lint little lit Alliens; now we are to see what he was aide to do in n fity li ss etilt nnd and more wii-kwl. "After lliese things:" The events of last Sunday's lesson, which should lie reviewed. "Came to Corinth:" The distance from Athens to Corinth liy water is aliout ) miles, and the voyage can be made with a fair wind in four or five hours. "Corinth," says Prof. Hosworth, "was a great roniNiereinl fity. midway lirtwccn IJoine and Kplie stis. Ils life was eharaetcrii d ly a roniliinat ion of eomniercial greed, s-;-'rtieial hut conceited culture, in-.i" flagrant sensuality, which made ii far the most dilliciilt field which Pi.u. had yet entered." "Aipiila . . . lately come from Italy:" It is possible that Aquila and his wife were lielievers liefore Paul knew them. The tdict that had banished the .Tews, and with them Aquila and Priscilla, was own-ir to certain disturbances said by one of the Roman historians to have been 'due to the action of ('brent lis," a common form of Christns, Chris! t horn the ls.tori.ijiin his Ignorance ol ( hnstTauity supp'iTPed to'1e"t'iif' living leader of the "direst inns." "Of the same trade:" Hoth men were tent makers. During most of Pniil's mis Fionnry life lie worked for his living. He stoutly maintained that it would have been perfectly right for him to receive his living from those whom he was spending his life, but he shrank from being a burden to anyone, and preferred lo earn his own way. The rabbinic laws required every Jew to teach his son some trade. "In the syn agogue: " As usual Paul began his work nmong the .lews. "Constrained by the word:" Ham ay translates this, "was wholly ab sorbed in preaching." "Jesus . , . the Christ;" Or "the Messiah." Think bow galling an assertion that would be to the Jews who had killed Jesus. "Hlasphemed:" Uttered bitlr nnd abusive language, probably against Jesus, denouncing Him as an impos tor. "He shook out his raiment:" The act was symbolical of shaking off all responsibility for them. It was tbe breaking off of all friendly relations nnd Paul's declaration of war. "The house . . . joined hard to the syna gogue:" Hardly a conciliatory move on rani's part. The opposition to Taiil nnd his work was especially bitter -here, partly be cause of his success in winning such prominent men as Crisptis, and he had need enough of the encouragement that God Bent him. This is one of the few occasions in Paul's life when his implacable ene mies, the Jews, were beaten at their own game, (iallio's contempt for the Jews and their religion is evident. This incident must have encouraged Paul greatly, as showing the proconsul's policy of non interference. Sosthcncs had been ap pointed to take Crispus' pla"c as a ruler of the synagogue, and was doubl ss spokesman for the Jews before (lallio. Encouraged by lhe action of the pro consul, the crowd, probably of the Creeks who were hnnging around the court room all the Creeks hated the Jews pounced upon the nngry Jew, and thrashed him soundly, in all prob ability to the secret gratification of the proconsul. The attack of t lie Jews had ended in a most humiliating- de feat. Spenr l'olul. The man who thinks leads the crowd. Men will not be kept from the love of the world by making the world unlovely- The starof faith will shine long after the comet of fame has disappeared. The preacher's mit-sion is not that of amusing the enints. by abusing the sin ners. Happiness depends not on the things the heart has, but on the heart that baa the things. The first thing some people do when troubles fly Into their lives Is to clip their wings. Rain's Horn. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist T7 Tne Discoverer of Swamp-Boot at Work la Hit laboratory. There is a disease prevailing In Ihi country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of. the blood the albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent, free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp Root and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binfjhamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. t signature i-i m every box of the genuine aiativc Q.omcQuinine Tablet remedy - orca a cold in one day NOTES FOR SHEPHERDS. Australia, New Zealand, ami South America, have supplied England with 7,niMi,i.(il carcasses of frocn mutton and lamb during the past year. Wool shipped from Kockhainptun, Australia, has shown a sl-.-mly fallim; olT since ls'.W, HM.!IL'( bales being the figures for that year, ami I . 7 ", T for l'.KH. The step taken by the New York State l'air association of providing a class for home-luvil and another for imported sheep is one in the iij.'ht di rect ion, "When the happy time come," said Mark Twain, "tLui the limi lies down with I In' lamb, I ricLnii it will he round thai the lamb lies inside the .; hi." It seems to us that the establish ment of big slaughtering plants iu Texas is hound lu revolutionize the present system of stock raising and farming iu this state. With sheep (he period of eolation is about l.'iO days. The lin,:1s for lambing are between 1 1 . at'l laj days, I hough iu a few cases tl,sc "limits have been overreached'. Itural ".Vni-1,1 Soft Harness Ton con make your hsr. nrs as soft ss a Klnve and ss tonsil ss win hy ualnKi:i KKKAUnr. nem OH. You -sn lenitllien Its lifs make It last twice as Ions aa it ordinarily would. EUREKA Harness Oil mukwi a poor looking har tiens like new. Mm.Io of pure, heavy (milled oil, ee pwlnlly !rrpnril to wllJ UUld ttlO Wi'ltl-HT, Bold evprywher lu cans -ull ilxetft, Made bj STANDARD OIL CO. CHiCHCSTER'S ENGLISH PEEJNYP.OYAL PILLS Umtr. Awvn rellsbls. I.ally, aak pmntit fbf l'HI('lll'.ltKK'K KNULINli In .ted and UoM nieutlllo buses, sealed with blue rlbboa. Take olher. RrhM iaaftreaa atU 4siUasMl Imllatlans. Huyof yourDnnnrist, or' send 4r. In ninnins for Parlleulara, Trail noBlnla anil " Keller nr l.ndlra," In Inter, by mum Mali. 10, Testuuoaiala, toW ail lmifirisia, OHIOHBSTRn CBIIflOAL CO. SIM HaMllaoa avtiaare, PHII, PA. Msausa amis state . "Silver Plata that Wean." When You Buy Spoons I kniveft, forks, vtc, buy rellutile brum!. H even If tltey do emit tt llttln more. They ri worth lhe .llriert'iirr . If " 11?" la n part of Mif Uainp It I nun n't wmiine H Itnc-'ffl qtiH-llty, fuuious fur wear, l ull H trude-tuark H "JP A7 ROGERS MOtJ BROS." I II 5old hy Iwiilln flciilpn. For Catlo(tu6 H II No. t, addri'Na thu inukern, M fa International Silver Co. iVerfden, Conn I 00' j Lion Coffca is 1 6 ounces of pure conee to the pound. woaiea toilees are only about 14 ounces M ft 01 conee ana two ounces of eggs, glue, etc., of no value to vou. hut y f moneyinthepocket )oi 1 n e roaster. Th na)d psfkat Ihiutm nnl luriu tulily sat (mluust. POULTRY IN WINTER. Flocks should lie t oiled M ill, a View of .VnUiiiK I'.ach a. ml F.rr lllrd I'ruvr I'rnlltnhle. Many Hocks are run through the winter at an expense, simply hecam-e wo ncglcci to take a proper interest in them, and because we do not hiudy and learn just what is neces sary lo make u pinlitalilc winter llock. To make poultry prolitable during WiiHci', we should begin iu autumn. With poultry, it is in the same line wiili any kind of stock on the farm, ;ood wintering depends upon the con dition the stock in autumn or nt the beginning of winter. In the lirst place cull down you Hock of laving hens, and keep none that it not liable to make ii good winter layer. The aje of hens must be taken into con sideration. Karly sprinir pullets, or, bay, pullets hatched frn March on until .liinc, should make the best of winter layers, diic-ycnr-nld hens do fairly well at egg production iu win ter, but it is an exception Unit older hens arc prolitable winter layers. This depends somewhat on the vari ety, as the smaller varieties carry gg production much lunger than the larger ones. I'orhaps we might here say that there will be found hut little ilill'cr eticc as lo the number of eggs pro duced from any good standaid vari ety of well bred and well kept hens of cither the larger or the small breeds until they login reaching two years old, tifter which the small varieties lead. baying hens, if lhe eggs are for market purposes and not for hatch ing, are much belter without cock erels running with them. No Hock of hens will produce near lhe iniiiil cr of eggs if il large number of cock erels are running with them, l'ii Is should be elase I and kept in separate Hocks during winter, if more than one class are kept. bale hatches should be kept by themselves, cockerels by themselves, and the laying thick should be given special care in the way of housing mid feeding.- A. II. Hull', in Farmers' Void;. Itcnl TIiIiik. The tales that people tell us Oft causo our tears to flaw. Ilut It takes the wasp to get tliera - -'reh Ms little Mil of PB.. .. Chicago Daily News. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine relets, Seven Million boxes sol3 in past 12 months. This ?gnatllle, Theflvcccnt packet is enough for an ordin ary occasion. Thefamily bottle, Sixty cents, contains a supply for a year. An Tatlaeky Reatoralloai.' "V01 know that real pearl necklac of mire, the oue that 1 call the $10,- ton one?" Yc." "Wcl!. I've had awful bad luck with it. 1 lo-it it in nn elevator the other day and the elevator boy fi-uml it aid nil mm- reporters, nt.d of course I had to ,e ,t,y to. ward that MonIJn't seem ton small a: d ii e in. and vo 1 made it $'.uu." "Welir" "And i)0 is more than lhe neck hue :s actually worth!" Cleveland l'lain ilealer. Woman' Way. TivuiKh VMininn n-4 u m.ir.V ui'.vlce n ar y ci rt aii: n-.ilti r. Ard talks It ( v r m-.ci- or tw ice. With heaps of im rry chattr. He will il'scuver lard ly. Hi- mlcht n well have kept It, Aril would have known. If 1., were si ry. That s lu wcuiri' t.ot ncci-pt It. St. I.miis l'wft-Iii.-ii.-i:, h. 'I'll I'l 1 ISM km Al'i:i). WW; Ccmtitrv l'.i v - Ketch ;n.thii.g. Algy? Alg Cilyheail I got t he can he came in all rig hi ; he in iii ha c got ten aw ay . - M ilwa ukce Si i t in, 1. 'I lie 4. ii ii il I'm mi in ii. II vv:is a !'.-.''.; he r- . 1;. d tin 1 (Kit, Tile Kir!, s-1 e ;ot i-l. -Ie. 1 1 s iai am. i ci.v i 1 . i liar, - A '..I l.e vi.s m . l: i ,i im : i I'il.i h.i .it; 1'i.n a. i l . -i.ii-Ti Ihlll.e. IIU Line r rl. ,lra Young Siml.ip has at li-t succceileil in canine out a fiit line by his ii n efl'ni t Hoax Why, I vr :i - iir.i'er t h e in pi r --i ii lluit he married an In ires--. loax So he did. I.hl he had to cut out a doen i.thi-r fiilnwv Inf. .ii- i ii I. -ing up hi- I c mi it i.ee i ii the ue i, y ide i f Ka-y sti-ipl. ( iiiiai'ii Hai'y ew. lie limit-. rr. "Hell, i, t 1 1 ii I : "' called the man at the 'pin ue, "j,rie me the ;;as nf lice." "'es, sir," replied the opera lor, "but, I niii-l warn you in aihauce that we cannot tolerate any swear ing over the wire." Philadelphia I'ress. I lienp nt 'I'lt n I. Mr. Kiixe - Vou want lo marry my daughter, eh? Have yon ever earned a dollar by your own efforts? ("holly Oh, yes. My father p ,iV pcf "weeK -Juat -fuiTb.y Ing uo.ij frtun his place of business. Chicago To Cure a CoM in One Bay FLDnrrnANS Owing to close confinement in business I suffered from a bad touch of indigestion, so much so as to cause me intense pain. My tongue was caoted; had severe pains around my eyes and felt miserable. Through the persuas ion of a friend I tried Ripans Ta bules, and after taking them for two days I obtained some relief. I kept on taking them, and can saf ly say they have cured me. Aro You CiGi7m Do you Buffer from Kidney, Lirer, Bladder or Blood Disease or any win ry trouble. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Constination. or if a woman any nf 'the sicknesses peculiar to your sex ? If to, send your address to Dr. Dar.4 Kennedy Corporation, Rundout, N.Y and they will send you absolutely free a trial bottle of DR. KENNEDY'S t FAVORITE REMEDY, the (greatest aneeiPc known to medical science for t ho cure of them) diseasus or any uric aci j troulilo. It has been used by physiciuna Ir liOKpitals and Hanilariums for nearly thirtj years with untniliiur succte-s. lis Mie e, m large to-day It can be found at auv drun ,,ii,u- si.QOmBoM of ' a to its. no. MAIN U If MANUKfc SHLU. Altlmnuh lniple In oiialructlon II I'rrvrnts !. of nr Material Housed In It. It is a great waste of manure to throw it out of doors iiml there allow it to be acted upon by tin- sun and rain; hence the advisability of having a ma nure shed like the one shown here with. As can be seen this is very kimple of construction and jet it ui- Ki'oXoMh'.vr, .MANTKi: S1IKD. most wholly prevents any ..vS of the material housed in it. It j,, ;,S(, crv eonveiiient, for the planks run ning lengthwise of the structure are made lo he removed in tilling or load ing by lhe cud plunk, which uu tt them being spiked securely to the extra short posts, which are set ,,pp,isii,. ,,,,,, another for this purp The fresh manure can thus be wheeled out as fast, as made. thrown into one corner mil then forked t' the opposite one in few day s to prevent violent fi rinctita lion. Such a shed is much better if il has a cement door, with the lower luost planks forniiiig- the sidi s embed ded in it. Fred U. Sibley, iu Fpitom- IT PAYS tn :ul (Tlisc in ;t live ;iinl tiji Ih dale iiowsi;iii r. I'ur result.') ' ' The POST. DMI.NISTUATnK.S NOTICK. Let. XV tirx nf Altiiiiiitr;itiiin in tl t-Mtato f Tolly .Null, Intr of 1'i-rry township, Hiyiler t'uiiiity, I n., itt t'list'il, hiiViiiK ih-imi iiuiIimI to tho umli-ritriiti, all ihtmimih ktittwln them lulcliif to hhmI tfitiktu nre rctuMtetl ti vnieni, while tlioM lnn-injf ' Mntu will present tlii'iu nithHiititntett m vh Miitb-isi.Arnt'il, iRANK RKKMI KNBACIl, J KKWT. M(MMti:i((.i;ii, Atlmlntntriitora Doc. n, Vji 2 M . I'lcipmnt MilU. Cures Crip Li Two Days. rpi 'iVSA;.- or. every ' U, fllffi'llill!!!'!. .ITi'iilUillull in II "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers