The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 22, 1903, Image 1
,lote tleabo o 8 have a job lot of note en hand. They must go -t. ...ill An rples and prices Cor the ask ue furnish them printed fljss than you can buy them i;Ut printing. f a,ascnstller, Fditorand Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. Ratea: Oae Dollar Per Annum, la Advance ,L. xxxx. . MIDDLEBURGLT, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., JANUARY 22, 1903. UUMBEK '.. 4 v -Vi'rnkiim. -."7. jr .-V?yi m ,iiv sleighing party from ..Mi. rtained by H. U. Bie . . . ..r.J 1 ......t .. Lil wile "'SI " eonseun.v "vriiui! . L-nat t crwfVKedu.'tl.Mis b.- . January HW li. DtTNKKI.UEUCiKK lli'ilin "Reporter" and tlie j. ....iniitiinity, are oiiereu, mr l.,ri,. acknowledge tlto receipt . i ......f,1 Pulufwtur frtiiii tin ,riy IIIMl iivi.ii v uich firm t Schrover & Smyser ilinscnive. J ill SAI.K Kiimljirge (ivn-toiiiM and lrVfis fn . 1.1-.,.... in nr :i iii . r---. e lull bronze for breeding. D. X. A rr, Selinsgrove, Pa. bti' still olj'ering our goods at We must rVtluee the stock for ;1K.,.,.scr. i;ovjtf aim secure uur- Sela Regis t5i Noticed of will M tntrt?d free under this heading when th hills am printed tit this ottlca. htm the In IN art Dot printed at this ulttueSft vutn wilt ho charged. Pomona ci pectin k to hve mil tinuid ni'lect m dale and nave it insrted in thin column. lriDAY February 3, two milt Pot it h Went of New Berlin, A bra Keimtnirer will cll l.end of lmre. J cowk, fjirtuhitf imple ment an J hoticl.olU Kuods !aTUiav, Feb. 14. F. I KtiHUr will m.l unnie houiclmld k M'U. live (Uock til furiu iiuplutueutit, il, miles Nortti of hunt. 1Ykiay. Feh. 17, Jnme A. (iow, ndtnr. of Inane Isuwreuue Uiit. deed., will it'll live Muck and fuming lmpIetiienU mile norlh of .titvtli.iia. Tni itsDAV. Feb. 19 C. O. Poriliit, will nell In I'etiti tvp.. on th riud fro.n skiiiiittcrovd to itrat.erville, I horJ4, 4 cow, farming liupletue.a and bnuneliuld gotitls. SxTranAY. Feb. 21. one mile Euatof Shadel. Jon- atluaii ItHieheiihicli will hcII t hortH:. J coiriand (arming Implement!. Thirmiav, Kcii 0, F. IJ. Decker will sell live slock, fiirni ntf imuluuiuutd, ut . i milv vital of m-ave, spring. I'hl'Ehoat. Keb. '-ti. Jos. X. Wairner will sell iiveBtiK'kC nnl fiirmlnir Implements, 3 in i let euit ol Ncm' Uerli J and ' j mile west of Dry uU' A Kouus on tne iienry oililtcr taroi. off M. MlLLXEK, Knntz, Pa, u. t . .moral on. wanw a man in turn nlv, with f'iOO to invest. lariiil position given to inventor. mI opportunity for sctive men. Atlilress. 15ox 2, POST, Middleburgh, Ta. Oil SALK. Weil established first- Millinery and Xotion lousiness, ing a lare trade frtJu Hiirrouiiding ns mill country. CL k 11011 for selling, wi to go out of LinrsH. Address, L. DUXKKMlKltOKR, Middieburgh, Pa you wish to buy good goodsehenpi lireyej, Hon & Co., of Milton, Si-o llieir Inly displayed adver- rinrtit in thmnssue on the liftli (iooilrt reduced to Rock Bottom es, wliilu they Inst. Ibe Eureka Mfg. Co., of East St. Is, III., want a man with a rig to uc i Poultry Mixture . in this nlv. Tlii'v miamntea t.1.50 a. dav i i goo worKer ana tuey urnutn bank Irencx of their reliability. Bend Imp for full particulars. Eureka Mfg. L Uox iW, East St. Louis, 111. 1-8-tf, J'OR SALE. House ami Lot in linklin. A new ll!-horse power Frick bgine ami Saw iLill. Also Brick krd, with about T.VOBO Brick, 40,000 It Pine Boards, 100,000 Plastering kth, li.iMi) feet Hoofing lath. I'or priees, etc., call ou E. S. Stroup, 'St. Swineford, Pa, !. CarpiMitur wilt nell fikrmtiiK luiiikMiicntn n Committee Meeting. iTheltepuiilicaii Staudlng Commit- of Sny.l t County will meet iu lidJIelmrg S .turday Jan. 31, 1903. J. S. Yearlck, Chairman Election Notice. The Annual Meeting of the members the linnvertown Mut. Fire Ins. Co.. Beavertown, Pa., for the election of lirectont, will be held at thet. home pieeon Saturday, Jan. 81, 1903, be- ruin m m . . "ours or i ana 4 o'ciock, p, A. II. Bowersox, , lvS-1- Secretary. Get Your Dates Early. Tlmse contemplating having sale of pmui property the coming spring Mil do well to select their duvs pnrlv M Lave aniiouncumfinfj miul in (l.o 'limins of the Post. When bill nre fiiitl Ht this olliee no charge will be re ior tne notice, otherwise the coB pu ue ii cents. The Post with its f'w circulation will be of irrent lxn t to th.w 1,1. , "() iniw u (la,lllK llIU nii ii'ii o.w.k w.i., ...wm 4i .i..- f jje Tivvn Ulllll mo Hty IllrtliT n man on- BpnuB nnin, 'of aceidental Cuts. C'uuinlH, l',ruiBf.H It nrrij Una Lin bo i'Vr joints.. JJut there'. KlT .if,.,p..,ti BeklenB Aroica r:Uk. lthepainidCDre the W nl: Al.'!be8t Salve ou earth Drue ' ,,c Bl 'icaieburg r ir;'; Grr ivbi11 & Garrnun, oUUHlTHCk. l'a. , Jnt na n Fir ?Pal8 in dry gbssand weeds, so does f a iniltimiiiiitinn i.. v. t t Colli amnr il.iurn ln , !bTrWOf the lung8' Thecoldi Uk Mh ithould PromP"y dealt 'aiu. ).Vhen yoi Win to cough, use d! .LLUng Bal8am- " wm certain Itm. the80r throat and lungs and -at vuu irom AAnanmnt An m - wuwtaavuavu SATI BDAV. Feb. 21, A live ntu. k anu lkavertowii. 8ATIBDAV, Keb i Henry l.oitiel. West Perry UWII4IIII, Will noli no MO., OUW i UilU I.r.ii 1 l.f tilljiloluoiits. Monday, Jliircli 3, A. V'.8trub will cl; live Htoelc uiid (tiriiini implements 3 ujlles n'e.l ul leiiiruvillu. Monday, Miiroli 2, 1'aliuer Ilreew will sell live Hiuek, fariiiinti iniilenit'titH mill hou4U boul kooUs 'i utiles went of McCliire. M jnday, March 2, one Imlf mile Kiwt ofSlmilel'n iUiII, ueniy s' liieklmrt will .all a nurse U cob unU luriiiin imnleuients. Tukhday, Moroli 8, II. V. Knepp will sell live slock, fiinniiiM: iinplements nml hotischolU tfooos l; iinus wust ul AUurntik Tc'Ehda Y, Mureli 8, N. V. Mimbeek will sell live Block unU luriniiiir iniplt'ineiilM . mile east ot lietbvertuwn. TffcS.lAV, Mureli 3. Peter Kllnisler will sell In sioek mid rarininir iinpieiiient. 2 ..i... went al Cenlrevillu. TUESDAY, Mnreli 3, one mile North ol Dumlnro, r'runk 1. tiituer will sell 2 homes, 1 coll uoks unit mrinuii; impieniciiis. Wednk-DAV, Mnieh 4, John J'. Wetr.el will sell live stuck, fiirmiiiij inipleinents uiul huusehuld goods, I mile .east uf Ucnvcr town. Wkunksdav, March 4, H. L. Ilrowcr will sell live slock unit farinuiK implement. shout 4 miles norlli'West uf .ucclure in leutlur township' Wednesday, March, 4, ona mile North went at Atilmont, ou tha iJaniel H. 8iuith farm, Howard A. Wallnr will soil 8 hoiaes, 1 ooll, Tbdbsdat, Marc!) B, . II. Knepp will a ll live atock and farming iiupleiuenta . mils north of Middiecroek, 1". O. Tuesday, March 5 Henry Swarm will sell live . stock and farming implements mile west ui iuiuuieourg. FltlDAY, March 6, James Drieno will sell live stock, farming impleiueiits uiid house huid guuds ut lieaver bpriugs. Sati'rday, March 7, W. K. Htoimiing will sell live stuck ane implomeuts at Miuaieswartii 1'. u. Sati koay, MurelW, H.uniiul Uinirainan will sell live slock and furming imi'luiuenls Uyi miies nuriii'wesi 01 miuoieourg, Satuuoay, March 7, B. F AtHnger will sell livestock, faim implenienis and house hold no Ui, l'j miles west of C'uapmau in v.uapman lowiisiup. Monday, Mroch 9, Jo. H. Middleswarth will sell live stock and farming implements 1 mile west of Uenfer, t. O. Monday, March 9, W. J. Yetter, will sell live stuck and forming implements mile nuiwi ui duook r, u. xiiiiiiin to. Tioday, March 10, William Drerse will sell livestock, faruiinKliniilementsand house hold uoods, 2 Uiiles east of beavertown ana a nines west ol I'.ntonvlile. Tuisoay, March 10, 1). II. Uau-rlcr will soil live stock and farming implements mile east of Uuuch's mill In 1'erry town ship. Tc'esdiy, March 10, Wm. K. Qrove will sell farm stucK, iiiiiilements and Household (iooils, on the Ulas farm two miles west of r reeburg. Wednesday, March 11, W. H. Hartley will sell live stiick and farming liuplnments, on the C. W. Decker farm at McC'lure. Wednksday, March 11, John B. Underkolllrr will sell at I'nhlic Hale his Live Mock and Farm Implements 1 mile West of Aline, Ferry township, ryder county, l'a. Thursday, March 12, ITf. Monbeck will sell live stock, farming Unplrmelitsand house hold uoods at Mlddlecreok. ThuksDay, March 12, A. rU liamhach will sell live sloes; aim larming impleiueiits a miles weat of Middleburg. SATURDAY, March 11. one-halt mile East of Mroiiitown.ncar Buckwheat Valley Kond on the Teats farm. E. ft. Mittarilng will sell all farming implements horse and cuttlo. SatciiDay March 14, II. C. Kreht will sell horses, mules, cows, pigs mid farming implements', eat, of Truxelville. Monday. March 10, J. W. Miev. r. will Roll 2 AluleM, .1 1'Ows, 7 Mead of loung tattle and Karmilig Imph m ull. Monday, March 16, 1 mile west of SellnsKrove, Hephares ilemiii-rliug will sell mock and Farming Implements. Tuesday, March 17, Levi J. Heaver will sell livestock anil inrming implements mllu east of Krat.ervllle. Tcksdat, March 17. Charles Miller, 2 miles isortti ol Selln-ifrovo. will sell 2 Horses, a cows and farming Implements. Tuesday March 17; Isaac Weland will sail lira stock, Mrmlng Implements and house hold gnu is 2 in. les east ol mile west uf iUuj's mill. Wednesday. March 19, Ellsworth Ptelmling will sell frin stock an l implements at his resi dence one mile Norlh of Freeburg: Thursday, March 19, on the farm of Robert leaner, lilue Hill, K. v. issuer will sen liva stock and farming Implements. Thursday, March 19, John M. Goes will sell liva stock and farm implement at Trox-elvills. Kond ay, March 23. Philip Nace, at Hummel's wnan will sell farm stocK ana implements. Tuesday, March S4. J. Y. H. Mover will sell liva stock, rarrainc implements ana household go xlsl mile of Trozel - villa. Coming Events. Fkiday, Jan. 23, Banquet at (Yiitrul Hotel in MidVllchtirg. Saturday, Jan. 24, Bepubliean Pri mary election in Franklin township, Mlddleburg, and other districts. Friday, J-n. 30, Inst day to make Xoiiiiiuitiiins for towitr-lif j and Imr oiigli otlleers. . SATI'RDAY, Jan. "1, Eieetioii of Direc tors of Boa vertown Mditi'il K.i'tf 'Ii. surauee t'o. Sati'UD.v Y, Jan. 31, l;i-t day i llle Ui founts nml Widows' tippraiseineiits for February Court. S.VTI RDAY, Jan. 31, Bepulilieati Stand ing CoiiilnillL-e will uni t in Middle burg. Ti'i:sday and Vi:d.i:s'iay, Feb. 10, and lltli, Ftiriiieis' liiti(ule in M iil ilieburg. Vf:iinksday, Feb. II, Aiiplicatiou will be made to the (toveiiiot' I'or it charter for llio Sh iiuokin lani Witter Co. TilL'U.DA v, Fell. 12, Lincoln's i-uiu-day. Tiit'RSDAY and Friday, Feb. 12, ami 13, Farmers' Institute iu Selinsoi'ove Tl'KSDAY, Feb. 17, Spring Kleclion for towusliip and borough ollieers. Sunday, Feb. 22, Wasliington's Birth day. Monday, Feb. 21, lt'-uulnr term uf Court will open iu Middlelilll'K. Tl'Kisday, Feb. 21, Shrove Tuesday. Wkdnksday, Fell. 2"i, Ash Wednesday. .SATI'RDAY, Maieh 21, Spring Com mences. SATl KDAY, Jlaii h 2 Annual Kclip.-c of the Sun. Invisible in the 1'. S, Wkdnf.sda Y, Apr. I, Spring term ol Susquehanna L'niveisily ojieus. Sunday, April .", Palm Sunday. Friday, April 10, (Jood Fiiday. Sunday, April 12, Easter. Wc Look to Future Sales, Not Present Profits. Look, compare, buy where you can bjy the lust. Overcoats and suits, Kersey, Frie.e, Melton, Vicuna, Mar ango, Sedan Moutagnac ; long, short and middle length, from the big and roomy swagger ah the. conservative style. Others iisllflO for our regular price $ii.')(l K'dU'V'iyJ? jM.iMI. Itbers ask jil3.")0 for our reAular price $10 reduced to $7..r0. (ilheis ask Jlo.dO for our re gular price $12 reduced to fS.oO, Others ask $18.00 for our regular price $1" re duced to $13.00. Itiee's, corner 3rd and Market Kin., Sunbury, l'a. (2t) Lecture and Musical Course at Sclins Brove. One of the best lecture ourscs ever given iu tliiu vicinity has been arrang ed by the Y. M. C. A. of Susquehanna University. It consists of six splendid entertainments, running over a period of about two months. Dr. G. O. Burnett will give his ex cellent lecture on "The Passion Play of Oberammergau," in the Opera IIous3. on Wedneedav eveuinir. Jan uary 28th. Dr. Burnett is an extensive traveler and made, a special visit to Europe to see the play and get photo graphs and slides for his lecture. The Coit Novelty Company will ap pear on February (Hh. It is made up of a crayon artist, Miss Alexander, violinistu and vocalist, a reader, and McConnick, the wonderful magician and imitator. John II. Clark, who knows the ins and outs of Loudon, having once been a boot-black and newsboy there, will present the humorous and pathetic side of the world's metropolis on February 18th. Ou March Ath, the lovers' of music will be glad ol the opportunity to hear one of the best companies on the road. The Wagner Harp and Orchestra com pany of Boston. Geo. P. Bible, Ph. D., is' a lecturer known throughout the State. He is Vice-Principal of the Shoemaker School of Oratory and promises us something very flue while with us on March 12. The peerless King Entertainers give the last entertainment lu the course on March 19th. Their program Is made up of vocal and Instrumental music, readings, illustrated songs and poems, colored lights, etc. Harness for Sale. 1 A good hand-made buggy harness is offered for sa'e. Call or address. " . , O. W. BUBNB, " " . ' Mldd'eburg, Pa. liffl PERTIXEN'T PERSONALS gW5 Cashier Jas. (5. Thompson spent Sunday with bis parents at Mexico, Juniata count y. P. A. Ilios'uis of Mi. Pleasant Mills was at the County Seat Monday. .1. V. Stiever of Mt. Pleasant Mills was at the County Scat Monday on business and ordered a nollee of bis sale put in the Post Sjtle Kegislor. Editor Wage iiseller and lamily spent Sunday at Sunbury. Albert, (ieluelt spent Sunday at Meiserville with bis p ireuls. I lis mother is very sick. Isaac A. Moyer of New Berlin was at the Conn i Seat last Saturday and while here dropped i, i lo pay lor the Post. Michael I'.. Mcnulo of Ml. Pleasant Mills executor of John .Mciile, was at the Court House on business for the Entitle Saturday. Begister and Becoider, John H. Willis spent hcvcial tints at lllooins bur;; last week. The County Auditors completed their work Friday of last week. The report will be published iu Febru ary. A number of Snyder County people attended the inaugural service at Han islmrg I'tusday. Jure Di'isham of I'uNtouvillc made a call at this ollice hist week. Dr. J. W. Orwig spent the latter part of last week with bis brother at Wat soiiioun and with his daughter, Mrs. Mailer at Sunbury. 1 larry E. Specht lias rented a house at Sunbury and will shortly move to that City. Meri'il Shannon U s.lling OoIiue Balm for the Middleburg Drug Com pany. A. D. Kramer, the energetic anil all able dealer in farm implements and yehUjIes, made a call at thii nrllee i'h Jisday Vl laat" weeK to order otue ollice stationery. L. CJ. Smitii of Lhihart Pa. spent several days with his parents in Swine ford. Hcv. J. M. Hearick of Center Hall was a Middleburg visitor last Friday. ltev. Fredrick Aurand and wife of Milllinburg were at the County Seat lasl Friday. We are under obligations to Senator Focht, Chairman of the inagural Com miicc for an invitati ;n to the inagural Ceremonies and ticket of admission to the House of llepreseniitives. Palmer Bull- and wife of Bradford are visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. We are pleased to note that he is enjoying a lucrative position. Mrs. Paul Billhardt has returned from her visit to Akron, O. Patents. Keystone Law and Patent Company, 810 Bet. Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Who are the only bonded "Patent Company in the World, oiler to make a guaranteed Patent Ofllee prelimin ary examination (not merely their opinion) Free of charge to readers of "Middieburgh Post" who will send a sketch, model or description of their Inventions. They will also give a certificate of patentability (vhieh will be of great assistance to an inveutor in raising capital. All pub nts secured through this firm are guaranteed under a $20,000 bond. Valid patents with the broadest claims secured on easy weekly payments. Write to-day mentioning this paper, tf jfarmcrs' institute, To be Held under the. Auspices of department of Horfculturc Of ftcimsElvflntn. Un the Court House, flDtMMclnirob, ftn. jfebruar 10 anb Mb, 1003. Exercises public n.rt jfrcc. EveiM?0c is linvitccn ()hdi :k 0111 ursixi-iss. OPENING SESSION. DEVOTED TO SOIL CONDITIONS. Tuesday Afternoon, February 10th, 1:30. Presiding Officers : F. J. Schjch. Director ; Jchn N. Brcsius, Secretary. Prayer- by Kev. W. H. Diehl. Soil Improvement the key note of Agriculture, by K. S. Seeds. Discussion opened by J. F. Beyer. Soil moisture and benefit of tile draining, by Dr. I. A. Thayer. Discussion opened by j. C. Bowersox. Some things every one should know who owns cr handle:-, a h r.;e, by C. V. Br.dhead. Discussion opened by J. C. Schoch. ADJOURNMENT. EDUCATIONAL SESSION. Tuesday Evening, Feb. 1 0th, 7.00 p. in. Music by the Orchestra. Music. Adcress of Welcome, by prof. A, R. Gilbert. Response, by Dr.. I. A. Thayer. Weak points in and out of School, by Prof. G. W. Walborn, Co. Supt. Education and the Farmer, by R. S. Seeds. Health Hints for the Farmer, by Dr. P. Herman. Geographical names of Snyder County, by Edwin Charles. ADJOURNMENT. " GENERAL FARM SESSION.' Wednesday Morning, February 11th, 9fl0. Prayer, by Rev. J. Shambach. Value of Fertility and Cheapest way lo get it, by R. S. Seeds. Discussion opened by J. S. Kaufman. The need of and how to improve our farms, by J. F. Boyer. Discussion opened by G. W. Diehl. Preparation of the Seed Bed, by Dr. I. A. Thayer. Discussion opened by Hon. G. Alfred Schoch. ' Horse Shoeing and Anatomy of Foot and Leg with specimens, by C. W. Brodhead. ADJOURNED. Question Box. Wednesday Afternoon, February llth, 1;30. Question Box. Potato Culture, by Dr. I. A. Thayer and Dr. W. Valerchamp. Discussion by all Interested in Potato Culture. What I know about roads and the necessity of State aid, by R. S. Seeds. Discussion opened by Jacob Hettrich. Fruits and Fruit Culture, by J. F. Boyer. Discussion cpened by John P. Wetzel, The Vegetable Garden and Fertilizers, by C. W. Brodhead. ADJOURNMENT. Wednesday Evening, February llth, 7:00. IN THE INTERESTS OF COUNTRY HOMES. Music, Orchestra. The Farmers' Home, considered from the I Icalthful and Convenient Standpoints, by John Stetler. Selections by Prof. Gilbert and Pupils from the Middleburg High School. What Constitutes a Country Home, by R. S. Seeds. Music. ADJOURNMENT, A ItlOw In the Hack. An overcoat is a necessary nuisance and the tendency to takeit oil' on warmish days in late autumn and winter is as strong as it is unwise. A treacherous wind hits you In tiie back and the next morning you have lum bago. Hub well and often with Perry Davis' Painkiller and you will bo as tonished to find how quickly all sore ness is banished. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis. Many State Chemists. Have analyzed Devoe and found lead, zinc, color, linseed oil, and turpentine dryer ; nothing else. The maker offers $100 reward for find ing anything else. Special Tlloticc. The foregoing order will be followed as closely as possible, but other exercises will be introduced, if found desirable. Speeches, essays and papers ought not to exceed twenty minutes. The papers, when read, are considered the property of the Department of Agriculture. Although these institutes are designed and conducted for the edu cation and advantage of fanners, yet all who are Interested are invited to attend, and it is hoped that they will show their appreciation, not only by being present :-;t the meetings, but also by taking part in the dis cussions. tlsft Questions. A question box will be kept upon the secretary's desk, and all are invited to place therein such questions as they may wish to have dis cussed during the session. At the proper time, designated by the meeting, these qyestions will be referred to some one for answer, or brought up for general discussion. All granges, alliances, agricultural societies and kindred agricul tural organizations are specially Invited to attend. For further information, and for programmes, address, F. J. SCHOCH, Sellnsgrove, Pa. Qhairman of the Board of Institute Managers for Snyder County, Local Committee. G. Alfred Schoch, Jno. Kaufman, G. W Diehl, J. C. Bowersox. Committee on Question. W. F. Sanders, John Rohland, J. C Schoch, Isaiah Walter. County Board of Managers. John F. Boyer, F. J. Schoch. Trains on the P. R. R. from the East arrive at 10:35 a. m. and 2:53 p. m., from the West at 8:40 a. m. and 4:13 p. m.