MIDDLEBTOG POST. v .11 , vmir amhition and advise me as to vour ability, you . I . I.roinifst. mil II ill the world, but unless vou have the urnm? lit III" uii"-" - - l prove it your brains are valutas. . I uid you to secure n rtunitv. The KeyMoiie Law and Patent Co., of which I urn prej ill secure you a valid patent at the lowest possible cost and wjh ' i ..!.;.. miwI iIuTPiifti r assist vou in recurinir a market or i,fi.ryou'r invention, by placing it before the public in a ihoroiuh "J i i .1M 1 .. I-..M until -tu Imatic alio business line mnuuer, uuu ni"i " f inanld. Thus for the one obieet for which all inventor" 11 ill l"-- I T I ij aim namely, the conversion of their ideas into tush I make il,;e without expense to you. , Success in lite depends upon doing evtryimu wen. Success has come to us 4roni cartful uttention to our clients in- t .lrainn l.i 111 t1liltlllllll whft IH'I eXIIl'llll" ill I nil .imitvi nun uionu ...... - - n r pqiiircinents and to these satisfied clients we refer you. This is the strongest possible endorsunient that can be asked. Wri'c to me personally. S. S. WILLIAMSON, President, ,m. Law and Patent Co., 2012-2024 Jk-tz liuilding, riiiiaueipina. Mo BANDIT IS POPULAR. Musolino Highly Esteemed by Peas ants of Italy. SENT ON APPROVAL TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE Laugh, lin Fountain Pen IS THE PEER OF ALL PENS AND HAS NO EQUAL ANYWHERE FINEST GMHE UK; COLD PES. Your Choice of these Two Popular St vies , For Only Postpaid to any address. BY REGISTERED 8c "EXTRA SUPERIOR TO OTHER: MAKES AT $3 Uncle-Handed He Cadactea m Ve ' delta Bad Killed 18 Peraonn Considered a Demlsjod by Ike People. Whut a career of criir.e, bloody and vengeful, it is in which has indulged the last of Italy's bandits, to the great joy of south Italy peasants and the amusement of the civilized nations. I'.orn of a family more or less affected with brain trouble and otherwise ab normal, GuUeppe Musolino, epileptic siuce childhood, started on his ca reer of crime when, at the age of II, he inflicted a mortal wound upon a companion with whom he had quar reled. For this net lie was imprisoned for several jears. I'pon his release he was accused rather naturally of most of the crimes of any neighborhood in which he happened to be. At the age of 13 he threatened his father so seri ously that the protection of cara bineers was asked. Two years later he joined the local : : '.- . tf that in fnmctls society, l.-e "Malia." which in the southern part rf ilaly is known as the Piceaotherin or "bad life." Musolino had a rival for the leader ship of the Ticeaotheria, whom he killed. This was October 27. 1897. This man, Zoccoli, and his relat ives of the same name seem to have been the Nemesis which drove MiiRolino on to his .career of crime and brigandage. In hiR trial for the killing of Zoccoli. Musolino'x companions in the "Mafia" did not observe the usual custom of secrecy, but gave witness against him. This was the additional bitterness wliich made him vow to get revenege on anyone who had been in any way connected with his arrest and trial. His sentence was for 21 years of hard labor, but in less than four months Musolino escaped and retreated to the forest where he started on his cnre.er of vendetta, lie at once let his fam- KMeaea Kaleaaw. Mistress .You wish to give notieel Dear, dear! I thought you were per fectly satisfied with the situation? Skivvy Yes'm the situation's all right; it's a good place and good wages, but er ' Mistress Hut what, Jane? Skivvy Well, It's your playln. mum, if you must know. I've got a musical ear myself, and the way you murders classical pieces simply makes We ill it do, reely. Ally Sloper. A Variation. One morn when the kindling capricious Had balked In a manner malicious, BrliVet ued kerosene With an air most serene; Antf the brtakiust she cooked was deli cious. Washington Star. JIST THE 1'AIIT I'OH HIM. You may try the nen fur a Week, If you like l( remit; if not return It. Ever read or hear o anything fain t ? The Langl'lln Fountain Pen Holder Is niaito of finest quality hard ruliber, is fitted with hli-liest grade, large sire, 14k gold pen, of any deaired llexilitlity; and has (he only perfect feeding device known. Kltht-r style, richly Hold mounted, for presentation purposes, (I 00 "why not order a dozen of theso pens for Christmas Present for your friends ? Surely you will not be aide to secure anything at three times the i.riea tint will give, such continuous pleasure and .ervice. Everybody appreciates a good fountain Pen. Safety pocket pen holder sent flee of charge Willi each pen. Illustration on Uftis full sis of ladles' styl.-t jn right, gentlemen's stylo. hmj ihlaMaa-aalne down nod Write bow t ADDRBMS LAUGHLIN MFG. CO. 840 CRISWOLD 3 T D 1 TX D T M 2 I John IV w You know I'm to be the lending man in "(In the Inside of the Four Hundred," an awful bad show that opens Monday night. Miss SoubreUe Keally? I congrat ulate you. How clever of them to en gage you, as you will fit the part per fectly. Milwaukee Sentinel. fO( I KK A COLD ISf OJIE OA. Ie Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets druggists refund the money If it to cure. E. W. Grove's signature racu imix. iio Useful Household Articles. Carpet Sweepers Carving Knives and Forks Tea and Table Spoons Clothes Washers and Wringers . A full line of Nickle-Plated Wure. AlsoGranite and "Delft" wares. Geo..W. Hackett, 325 Market St., Sunbury, Pa. j- .M,innw it , ,tt i Tf -r-Ti-' tr-T'n Vii1 The Melnnehnly Sennon. There are no leaves on last year's trees. No birds In last year's nest; No girls in Inst year's hummocks and No coin in last year's vest. Chicago Dally News. The American Newspaper Directory Issued Semi-Annually. Established 1869. This work is the snurr-e of informntiou on Newsoaner Statistics '"the I'nitcd states and Canada. Advertisers, Advertising Agents, Editors, Politicians and the Dwsrtmeiiti" of the Government rely upon Itsstatements as the recognised authority. It E'ves a brief description of each place in which newspapers rcjmlili.hed, population, railroads, local industries, name and local Ion of county, etc. ji gives tlie names of all .Newspapers anil other 1 criodieaH. fiives the Politics, Religion, Class, Nationality, etc. " gives the Frequency of Issue. It gives the Editor's name. It gives the Publisher's name. It gives the Size of the Paper. It gives the Subscription Price. It gives the Date of Establishment. It gives the Circulation present, as well a9 for a series of years P. thus enabling an advertiser todetermlne the probable future. gives a separate list of all papers rated in the body of the "" hh a circulation of over one thousai id. . gives a separate list of all newspapers having a Sunday issue. I' g'ves a list of all Class Publications (Religious, Agricultural, j1' Trade. In Eo reign languages, etc.) and a complete Index to each class. "contains maps of each State, showing towns in which there twwupap rs with more than 1 ,000 circulation. " also contains oUier valuable tabulations and classifications. The price of the AMERICAN NEWSPAPAR DIRECTORY Is Five Dollars net cash, all transportation charges prepaid. eonii1 V"0" Important -ortion of the Information supplied by a mercantile agoncy ked "Port of the financial strength of the person ahout whom Information is inlmm'?'",,,eclrcu'''onof a na'spaper generally considered the point upon which In Bu.Tr!"n of most vulne to the advertiser Ths greatest possible care is takeh ill it ' '"ascTOBY reports correct Every publisher is apnl ed to systematically. "'nrmatlon is taken in a form which excludes any but definite statements t while lwn.ort le to protect honest publishers against such as would resort to disln- "Ports to gain an unfair advantage. Geo. P. Howell & CoM Publishers irBTK STKEET, SLWTOBK. GUISEri'K MCSOL1NO. (Italian Peasants Consider This llandlt Chief a Uerjilgud.) ily know that lie was free, and they and his many sympathizers supplied him with food and clothing. Twenty days after his escape, learning that one of the witnesses at his trial lived in the neighborhood, lie made his way to his cottage. I'pon Ihe door being opened bv Hie witness' wife, he shot flier deatl and then killed her husband. Then he laid in wait for Zoccoli, but. instead, Zoccoli's brother appeared, and was immediately shot. 1 1 is next victim was n peasant who had assist ed in his arrest. He warned, by shoot ing in the legs, various persons whom lie thought might inform against him, and in this manner .terrorizing some, appealing to the prejudices of others, and to the superstition of most, he procured immunity from immediate arrest, it being said that at one time, for a period of many months, he could count on the aid and support of 150, 000 people, against the efforts of the 600 police and gendarmes sent to ar rest him. Musolino contemptuously denies that he ever killed anyone who had not a clear chance to take hiR own life, and ever waged war in an under hand mnnner. ficfore his arrest, which did not occur for another two years and eight months, he put to death in all 19 persons included in his scheme of life-long vendetta. The curious side of his career, says Current Literature, is the fact that Slufolino convinced the people of the southern provinces, the wealthy and enlightened as well as the poorer and more ignorant classes, that he was siipernaturally aided and was immune from death by the authorities. The southern imagination at once took hold of his adventurous career, em bellished it with romance and threw around it a glamor which makes him, even now, w hile in prison, serving the life-term fixed by his recent convic tion, n hern, a demigod and a martyr. The Sultan's Simple Diet. The sultan's diet is very simple. He eats very little of the plainest food and never touches wine or liquors of any kind but consumes enormous quantities of coffee, which aggra vates his nervousness. Up to a few years ago a servant with a coffee pot always followed him when he went ou for exercise, nnd while driving in the park coffee stations were placed at frequent intervnls, where he could stop and refresh himself. By the advice of his physicians he now limits himself to five or six cups of his favorite beverage a day, and it is said that he has himself noticed an improvement in Ills health. He is not so nervous and sleeps better. Poor Conntry for Ilnrbere. The women of Ainu, North Japan, edmire bearded faces, and they tat too their own faces, to make them eem sprouting' with whiskers. The Horror of It. "Is it true," asked the lady wli.i was visiting in Kentucky, "that ev erybody drinks whisky down here?" "No, ma'aiu," replied Colonel Cul pepper, "it is not true strictly speaking, ma'am. We punish ouali criminals bv giving them wutuh, inu'uin." Chicago Kecord-lie raid. An l'.xclt I iik iume. "Dnt were a very excitin' jackpot I won laft' night on a bluff," sa'nl Mr. Krastus Tinkly as be tilted his cigar and dropped bis hut over his eye. "Did you raise de opener?" asked Mr. James Colliflower. "o. Huh: I oticneil s razor. Washington Star. M'kat He ThonuM About It Kldleigh (thoughtfully) '"bat would you do if someone left a baby on your doorstep? (hivvrrs (with consternation) Don't do it, old man. For heaven's sake, don't do it. Leave it on Wildcr's, His wife's nwny. Town Topics. And There Are OIIit. Sw iggs Somehow I have failed to meet with any success in iny under takings. Urigu's That's easily aceiuintrd for. Sw igg.--Well, wliiit's the answer? Driggs -Too i.iany liars in j our w ay. Chicago Daily News. m m z . ,i a v. i ti -jt for Infants end Children. The. Kind You Have Always ltought lias borne the signa ture of Clias. H. Fletcher, and lias been mado under liU personal supervision for over 3U years. Allow no 0110 to deceive you- in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and 44 Just-as-good" arc but Kxporlnionts, and endanger tho health of Children Experience ugainst Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of X7 In Use For Over 30 Years. TMf CfHTIlUR COt . TT MURPIIV Trf'T. NTW YORK CITY 1 '" m IHMBORiTfliI 1 invite all to my store and call your attention to my line of, Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Drugs, Hardwai e. Tinware, Q,ueenswarc Glassware, Kate and Caps, Boots jjud Shoes. A Fgw FDECialz-Bxtraorilmary Values. Hest 8-dny Clock in n--' ct my price, S'.'.OO. Fancy Dark Outings, '. ". Hest seamless Grain 1' . 20c. Ilugpy Whips, lac, , -Tic, 3iic, iiDe. Felt Window Shades, I Standard Table Oil C:,;!., 15c. Watch Tiy Markets for Hotter and l'VrvS ! ami I'oultry. ! always pay more than my eomprtitoi N. T. Dundore ? U;J5?PKE, PENNA. rARM SEScir,t' Liberal Adjustments . rompt raynie REIVEIV!BER H. HRRUEY SCHDCH, GENERAL NS(:ANCE A6ENGV & JE & Q. It it V JK 9 VA Only the Oldest, tiont'st Cash Companies, Eire, Life, Accident and Tornado. Sulilirlinii .tiiienltles. The Slavey at Laburnum Villa The woman next door has got. till her w ash ing done and hung out, mum. The Lady lias she? Then take up the breakfast room carpet, hang it over the line, and give il a good beat ing. Ally Sloper. II il I ii W Time. "That pretty grass widow isn't los ing any time looking for another hus band." "No; she seems to be making hay while the sun shines'." Philadelphia Bulletin. Vnlne Klieil. Mrs. Lawson Kido swallowed a $20 I gold piece yesterday. Mrs. Dawson What did you do? I Mrs. Law-son Well, we decided right awav mat riuo wasu i norm us iiiulu j as $-'0. Somerville Journal. llnvr She Knew. Mr. Saphead (during the honey moon) When did my ittic duckie lirst discover that she loved me? Ilride (sweetly) When I found my self getting mad every time any one called you a fool. X. V. Weekly. The Only Kaccpllon. She It is proper, I belicte, for a woman always to precede a mnn? e Well, in case the man is a judge, and the woman bis wife, - don't think it would be proper for her to go be fore hiiu. Yonkcrs Statesman. StriklnK Arituiilent. Judge llesides his bicycle you also stole the plaintiff's cycling suit? Defendant Well, yes what ceuld he do with the suit when he had no wheel? Chicago American. WarnilnK lllni 1 11. Cell Hoy That gliest in 47 com plains that he's freezing. : Night Clerk Well, carry him up his bill and he'll think that he's being roasted. Judge. In Sooth America. fourist You certainly do have a great many insurrections. Native Yes; our insurrections are as frequent as your strikes; but, for tunately, not as serious. ruck. A Difference Mrs. DeStyle My husband is al ways in for a good time. Mrs. Gunbusta Mine is'alwayi oat for his. Smart Set. No Assessments No Premium Notes. Tho Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 11,0 ,13.88 " Home " 44 185.3 " 9,8.) ,028.4 44 American 44 4 4 44 1 8 1 0 4 4 2,40 ,81 J The Standard Accident Insurance Co The Ncnr York Mfc Insurance Co. The lidelitu Mutual Life Association Your Patrocaco is solicited. If Vou are a An Have Farmer One fat lluy n postal carejimd; scud Jto the New York, Tribune rainier, New-York City, for a free speeiinaii copy. The Tribune Knriner is a National illus trated Agticultural Weekly for Farmers nnd their families, nnd stands at the head of the agricultural press. The price is $1.00 per year, but if . on like it you can secure it with yot.r o.wi favniiic. lo.'al uewspnper, The 1'osT, Middlelmrg. at a bargain. Jloth )apers one year only $l..j0. Send your orde and money to, Post, Mideleburg, Pa fonlil Tellf- to the Conlrnr). "It's all nonsense, though," snid ' Mr. Woo.Ie, reluctantly extracting from his pocket book the $:.'0 bill his wife wanted to use in buying a new' hat, "it's all nonsense, I say, for any body to speak of 'tears, idle tears." When you shed thcui they w ork n:e for anything you want." Chicago Tribune.. Marrying; at I.eitsure. Daughter Mr. Nicechap lies asked for my hand, and .1 have accepted. , Papa What nonsense!, x You nra not old enough to marry. . Daughter That's the beauty of it. I will have plenty of time to look around whilo I'm engaged. N. Y. Weekly. ii sin cos nt I'lensare "Why, Mabel, you've passed two dry good stores without even looking at them." "What of it? I'm not shopping to day. I'm going to buy something.". Chicago American. Hook. I.carnliiK. Mr. Newedde These biscuits are awful. Mrs. Newedde Impossible. Why, the receipt sflys they are excellent.- N. Y. Journal. Cause (or Anxiety. "Don't you think we would better send for the doctor?" "What for?" . "Well, the baby is too well to lasl long."-N. Y. Herald.