u o ;otc l leabs a lob lot of not '0B hand. They must go ti orlce will do It. I . .r,A nrlces for the ask- kj i r le furnish them printed l ftjn you can ouy mem Jt printing. Vigenaeller, Fdltor and PraprleUr. A Family Journal, Devoted ta Newa, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature, Rates: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance Lxxxx. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., JANUARY 15, 1903. NUMBER 2. ' . . . - ..jf.:- nn LOCAL LACONICS i 0 . rt Kii try neeos a lew more ,lv lit this oflice or any of in town. attempt is now being :iii9 in-inoy for the parsonage inraii church. t at font Reductions be. Miliary 14tb I DUNKELBERGEH. it heautiful fall of snow It measured about 0 Inches ALK.-Fine large full btonze torus ami bens for breeding. address, D. N. Art', Seliusgrove, Pa. ALE. Well established flrst- nery ii1 Notion Business, irge trade from surrounding H country. for wiling, wish to go out of Address, L. Dl XKFMlEROER, Middleburgb, Pa. Election Notice. iml Meeting of the members ertown Mut. Fire Ius. Co., town. Pa., for tne election of will lie held at their home iturduy, Jan. 31, 11)03, be- hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, p. A. If. Bowekhox, Secretary. . Jill he sei vices in the Reform- next Sunday evening at 7 S. Kohler. Catechise at 6 i Your Dates Early. nteiiiplating having sale of ruperty the coming spring 11 to select their days early nno,.in. ments made in the tbe Post. When bills are he notice, otherwise the coat cents. Tlie Post with Its Iiition will be of great bene- havitiK sale bv bavins the W each week until the day tf. National Hank Notice. kml meeting of the stockhol- first National Bank, of ku for the ensuing year will ftlie hanking house the third I January, being January 20. pen tlie Hours of 10 A. M. Jan. G. Thompson, Cashier. kh, Pa., Dec. 10, 1902. IVIWR1TL KEBVE. v)d bv rnnnv n mm an. li'H of accidental fbitp br stiff joints. But there's pr it. Buckln'a a Kill thft main an1 ai. U - h .. r MUD but, flt s Urn best Salve on earth oo. ic, at Middleburg P. (irih;il i. I'a., Dr. J. W. Sampsel), aMfg. Co., of East St want a man with a rig to Poultry Mixture In this hey guarantee $3.60 a day rker aud they furnish bank 'f their reliability. fiend 'II particulars. Eureka Mfg. , lOast St. Louis, III. 1-8-tf, iave a nice assortment of l Misses' Cloaks and suits lm't selll at once and in , wo will sell them at a M. Ml I.I.N ER, Kantz, Pa. Marriage Llcenaea. rnderH. Ati,, iK'(lllg, Knousotown'. I wiium, jenng creek, t l- Krt.er, Beavertown. Officers at Shrlncr. King are officers for 8. I K. I J. C. V.. Snlul f 'ureli, Monroe township. "upi., J. . Henn ; "iwiutcndent, B. F. Hum ify! John Hummel; Treas- LHehn.5 0r8nl8t, Miss laker A .i.i. t- i... fn,L- C E- Pndent, l"l ! I VfUainAityl..-. L3 Shcllcnberger Summoned. "It Is currently reported that Kev. Shellenberger has been 'summoned by the Dunkard Council to answer the charge of taking up arms against bis fellow-man, this being a violation to the doctrine of the church. The Republicans of Middleburg will bold a caucus Saturday evening Jan. 17, in tbe Comtuissio tiers' office at 7 p. m. Primary Jan. 21, from 1 to li p. m. FOR SALE.-House- and Lot in Franklin. A new 12-horae power Frlck Engine and Saw Mill. Also Brick Yard, with about 75,000 Brick, 40.0C0 feet Pine Boards, 100,000 Plastering Lath, 0,000 feet Roofing lath. For price, etc., call on E. S. Stroup, l-l8t. Swlneford, Pa. Tbe Mite Society of the Luth. church will have a box Lunch and Klondike Social on Saturday, Jan. 17. at See bold's Hall. Young and old of the town are invited to take part. The band will furnish the music for the oc casion. The proceeds for the prospec tive parsonage. We are still offering our goods at cwt We must reduce tlie stock for our Successor. Come and secure bar gains. M3-2t M. MlMiXKR, Knnt2, Pa. A very pleasant birthday party was given lust Tuesday evening by J. B. Herman's for their daughter, Maude. A number of young people from tn,j place ana Swiuefoid were in alien -auce. A disastrous wreck occurred al Ty rone Friday and delayed Express east for several hours Friday evening. 1 m m His Tools. Good tools, good workman, what of tlie man who knows the tools his grandfather used ? Devoe lead and zfnc is the paint ; but some painters don't know it yet. George Shell of Centre township Thursday of last week was felling ttees and when one was ready to fall he ran away from lt but in the same direction it fell. He was carrying an ax and a wedge and the trunk of the tree struck Shell forcing the vitals out of his mouth and the ax cutting his skull. Life was extinct when gotten out. But Coming Events. Tuesday, January 20th, 1903, Election of Directors, Middleburg Bank. Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 10, and 11th, Farmers' Institute in Mid dleburg. Thursday and Friday, Feb. 12, and 13, Fanners' Institute in Sellnsgrove. Friday, Jan. 23, Banquet at Central Hotel in Middleburg. Monday, Feb. 13, Regular term of Court will open in Middleburg. Saturday, Jan. 17, Box Lunch and Klondike Social in Seebold's Hall, Middleburg. Friday, Jan. 30, lust day to make Nominations for township and bor ough officers. Saturday, Jan. 24, Republican Pri mary election in Franklin township, Middleburg, and other districts. Saturday, Jan. 17, Republican Causus of Middleourg, Commissioners ollice, at 7 p. m. MARRIED. ; In New Berlin, Pa. January 8th, 1903, by Rev. S. Sidney Kohler, Mr. Calvin J. Sechiuan of New Berlin and Slis tl. Savllla Bridge of Laurelton, Pa. A number ot people brought a dona tion of food and feed for horses to the Hummel Church, auout two miles from this place during the week. Rev. N. A. Kiracofe, wishes to announce his many thanks, for the donations. Revival Services re being held in the U.B. Church every evening at 0:4 1 P. M. You are invited to come and help our cause. Mrs. Jacob Smith. Margaret, widow of Jacob K. Smith died in Seliusgrove Thursday evening Jan. 8, 190.1. She is the daughter of Jonathan aud Sarah Hause Row, born July 1843, and was aged about 59 years. She wasofa family of 9 children, 0 sons and 3 daughters, as follows : (leu. W. Row of this place, Isaac, W. H., Margaret, the deceased, Susan, the wife of Sylvester Wagner, died In Ne braska, Lewis, whose whcrealmuts is unknown, last heard from in Los Angelos, Calif., James of Seliusgrove, Carolina, married to Davis Slear, of Granger's Hollow, Monroe twp., How ard, of Pcnn twp. Funeral Monday at Salem. Hevs. Suable and liens.lcr olllcinted. The husb:md died about 1(1 years ago. Deceased leaves three children to mourn her loss. They are : Frank H. and James and a daughter, Sadie, married to William Hauft. - - . America's Bed For hjojj. We have just read (if it, and believe it is a line thing. Kveiy person in this country needs something nt tractive and beautiful on (heir lawn or in their gar den. Mr. James Yick, formerly of Rochester, N. Y., says he Is anxious to see how many persons iu the United States can excel him Jij werfectiug this The plants required are Salvia Bon fire. White Vlnca, and the new Ager- iitum. No combination could be liner or more brilliant. The plants for the bed wlil cost from $2.75 to $T 00, but you can secure seeds from which tc grow these plants for nothing, If you simply cut out this notice aud return it to D. Landrcth . Sons, Philadelphia, Pa., with a cash oruer ior t.uu or more, fceuu at once for their new Catalogue, containing full directions und illustrations of this won derful America's Bed for 1903. Sale Register, Notice of le will he Inurted frea under tlila bowlinir when the liillt are printed M tlila ollice. When the hill tire Hot printed at tlila office 50 centH will Im charged. Persona ex pectlnK to lmve ntle should select a date and nave It inserted In tills column. Tuksdat February 8. two miles South West ot new Berlin, A bra Kenntnirer will sail a head ot horses, 3 cows, farming; Imple ment mui household goods. Saturday, Feb. 11, one mile Eaatof BhaJol, Jon athan Keichenbach will sell 1 horses, I intra and farming Implements. Monday. March 9, one half mile East of Slutdel'a Mill. Henry S Iiiokhert will sell I horses, S cows and farming implements. Tcbsday, March 8, one mile North of DUndora, rrana: u. tsiiner win sen a norses, 1 eoli, bogs and farming implements. Wbdniday, March. 4, one mile Northwest of Mllmont, on tbe Daniel 8. Smith farm, Howard A. Walter will anil t horses, 1 ooll, ( oows and farming implimenta. Satcbday, March U. one-half mile East ot atrouptown. near ouckwueat Valley Koad on tbe Teats' farm. K. 8. Mltterllng will ' sell all farming Implements horses and V oatUa. ,., - . . . . TuCbsday, March to. on the (are df Robert . Manet, Blue mil, a., v. imber win aU live stock and farming Implement. Patents. Keystone Law and Patent Company, 810 Betz Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Who are the only bonded "Patent Company In the World, oiler to make a guaranteed Patent Ollice preliuiin ary examination (not merely their opinion) Free of charge to readers of "Middleburgb Post" who will send a sketch, model or description of their Inventions. They will also give a certificate of patentability which will be of great assistance to an Inventor iu raising Oipltal. (A11 patents sccuied through this Ann are guaranteed under a $20,000 bond. Valid patents with the broadest claims secured on easy -weekly payment. Write to-day mentioning this paper, tf Onr Friends, the Drngglata. It is a pleasure to testify to the gener ally high character of druggists. But because of a few exceptions to tlie rule, It is necessary to caution the public to be on guard against imitations of Perry Davis' Painkiller. See that you get the right article, the soothing, helpful Painkiller that was used in your family liefore you were born. Don't be takt n Into buying a substitute. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. COt'RT.HOTJSB CHIPS. DeeJs Recorded. Biugaman huirs to Frank Peaver I acre, 44 perches, iu Beaver twp., $C.4. I W. A. Nappand wife, to Theodore ' Bingnman 17J acres, iu Center twp., $!V0. i Annie E. Aurand ot. ul, to Isaac Winter, 3 loU iu Beaver twp., $S10. Sarah E. Middleswartli to Mary E. Smelter, 2 acres in Spring twp., 1, 000. Rebecca, David and R. S. Meiser, executors of Joseph Meiser, dee'd., to Irvlu Helntxelmaii, 4 acres and 9" P., In Perry twp., $125. John H. Fry to (Mela Fry, in terest In lot of ground on Isle ol ijue iu Kellusgrove, $100. Sarah M. Snoke to Mary E. Stell'en aud Annie L. Sclianiliach, lot iu Poit Treverton $2"i0. Caroline and S. M. S'mler, to Alfred Lenlg, 101 acres ."2 P., iu Washington twp., 1200. John H. Mart, nnd wife to Reuben Martz if interest iu two traetsof Moun tain laud containing in all hlK) acres, $2,000. Reuben Mart, to Mary K. Mart., the above land, $2,000. N. F. Huumiel, wife, et. al , to R. 1'. Fetterolf home und lot on Isle of (ue in Seliusgrove, $1 100.00. R. F. Fetterolf to Mary A. Fetlerolf above house and lot, $'400.00. Mary A. P.olich to John W. Michael lot of ground iu Port Treverton, $90.00. Partition Deed betwe i. Henry Bach mini aud Mis. Curri V. Lut. for 9 A. 120 P. iu Franklin twp. Elmer Shaniliach mid wife to Kev. J. Sliaiiilmch 21 acres, 110 I P. in Cen twp , I'iTO.M. Mary Brunner to Samuel II. Itrun- ner 8 acres in Outer twp., $2-"i().0ii. Sarah S. Moyer und Anna J. Moyer, executors of Philip B, Moyer, to Ella L. Moyer lots No. 57, 03, tJ4, C., 00 and ".'.i"il ..1' 11,1 I, ..- ou iu neruurg, jo acres, v r. iu voyi lngton twp., $200.00. j Ella li. Moyer to Sarah S. Moyer the above tract, in Washington twp., $200. Letters Granted. Letters of ndm'r. iu the estate of A. J. Gross, late of Seliusgrove, to Mary E. Hurt. Letters of adm'r in the estate of II. A. Ott, late of Seliusgrove, to Susan A. Hart. Letters of adm'r iu tlie estate of Nel son Meugle, late of Perry twp, to (1. W. Seirer. Letters of adm'r in tbeestateof Mary Brubaker, late of I'nion twp., to Moses Brubaker. Wills Probated. The last will of Thomas Cornell, late ofrniontwp., dee'd , letters granted ft PERTINENT PERSONALS , gHff for rhil- Samuel, sou or ((orge 15 aver, is , wry sick. John I,. Rowcrsox left Saturday Pittsburg and Chicago. Mrs. Walt Graybill and all the (treii are sick with scarlet fever. Miss Carrie Devlin of Lin k Haven is paying a visit to Mrs. Joseph Dreese. Commissioner Harrison Moyer will move to bis farm near Troxelville this Spring. Mrs. D. T. Rhoads left Monday to spend two months with relatives iu Hiirrisburg. Clayton Wct.el, who is employed out ol town, was here over Sunday vis iting his parents. Miss Claire Graybill, who bail been spending six mouths iu Brooklyn bus returned home. J. Calvin Buyer of Mt. Pleasant Mills has been spending the past few days in this place. Howard A. Walter of Milmont was a caller at this ollice Thursday of last week to order sale hills. Ex-Sheriir Geo. W. Row attended the funeral of bis sister, Mts. Jacob Smith at Salem Monday. -Miss (.iivcn or Lcwistowu spent sev eral hours in tow n Saturday, the guest ol the Misses Witienmyer. G. Ambrose Gutelius, who hail been employed in a restaurant in Altoe.nu, returned home one day last week. Dr. B. K. Wilgeliseller of Seliusgrove, who is at the Medico hospital in Phila delphia is reported to he improving. Mrs. Charles lioiwh ami son, Ralph, and Mrs. John N. l',roius spent sev eral days at Siinliury shopping la-d week. Mrs. Rev. Joshua Shambach return ed Friday from a visit to friends A Victory to be Proud Ol is the final and absolute cure of a sore throat In which the rawness and ten derness have been spreading danger ously near those gaurdians of life, the lungs. The luxury of a sound throat and robust lungs is most keenly enjoy ed by people who, having Buffered all the consequences of "a little cold, you know," have been secured from misery and danger by Allen's Lung Balsam. K.-(iovcnior, Daniel II. Hasting, Died Jan. ), 15)03. DUNKARD Church Action. STATEMENT Made By Rev. Shellenbergep Restored to His Original Ministerial Privileges. We met iu special Council in Dry Valley Meeting honseon I'riday Jan. !'. l'Hi.t, at which I was enlled on to make a statement of the shooting of the burglar on Nov. :td, 1!Mil', which I cheerfully diil. Alter tr.vi ig the catfl In-fore thecouneil, they found that tic cording to the do-ti me of th- church and to vindicate principles of the Cos el, 1 was ex-i oiniiiiinica'ed from fel lowship. 1 was glad for (nut decision iu hi doing the church will have a to Mary N. Cornell. The widow is sole heir. The last will of H. R. Reigle, late of Middleburg, dee'd., letters testament ary were granted to Charlotte Reigle. The Widow is the heir. Golden Gate Tour. ,' r . Harness for Sale. A good hand-made buggy harness is offered for sale. Call or ddre, . , '.. v ,. . ', j O. W.'BuBss, '.- - Middleburg, Pa. The first Pennsylvania Railroad Personally-conducted Tour to Califor nia for the present season will leave New York and Philadelphia on the Golden Gate Special, January 20, go ing via Ciilcago, Kansas City and El Paso to Los Angeles and San Diego. Au entire mouth may be spent on the Pacific Coitst. The Golden Gate Spec ial will leave San Francisco, returning Tuesda, March 3, slopping at Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Colo rado Springs aud Denver. Rate, $:t00 from all points on the Pennsylvania Railroad east of Pittsburg, covering all expenses of 'Railroad transportation, side trips in California, and berth and meals going and returning on the Special train. No hotel expenses in California are. included. Tickets are good for return within nine months, but when not used returning on the Golden Gate Special they cover trans portation ouly. For detailed itinerary apply to ticket Agents, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Phila delphia, Pa. ' Many State Chemists. . Have analyzed Devoe and found lead, cine, color,, linseed oil, and turpentine dryer ; nothing else. Tbe maker offers $100 reward for find ing anything else. ' ' I.. -.1 ,lJvl' s ha. .. i , . . Junto.. W$limtto rand f?a:il; coo.ioiru. chuen ai iuy request was ready to receive me agidn Itaunerville this county. Adam Howell and family moved to Winfleld last week where he will take c;ire of farm stock this winter and f inn next summer. F. J. Schoch, chairman of the Sny der County Institutes, was in Middle burg Saturday, making arrangnients for the Farmers' Institute to he held in Middleburg and Seliusgrove iu Febru ary. Full particulars will he given later. We ure indebted to II. Harvey Schoch, insurance agent, of Selius grove lor a very handsome calendar. R. Iioyd Sch royer and SuinnerSniy of the iusuiauce firm of Sch royer and Smyser of Seliusgrove were in town Monday. Morand S. Buyer of Carlsbad, New Mexico, who bad been spending his vacation with his parents at Paxton- ville, returned to his Southern Iioiik tlje latter pari of last week, lie is conductor of a train and has a run of loO miles. Misses Gertrude Duukleherger and Sue Beaver spent several days In Mifiliuburg visiting at James Beaver's. W. A. Lut, and wife of Shippens- bur'g are spending a few days with Mrs. L'h parents, Benjamin Bachman and wife. E. M. Greene of Lewistown spent Sunday with Mrs. Greene and sou at the h me of her father, W. V. Witten-myer. Was It Win. Hay? The ThompHontown "Globe" pul lishes a letter this week iu which the statement is made that a man by the llama of Varner of McAlisterville has identified the picture of the burglar who died in the Middleburg jail as that of his brother-in-law, William Bay, formerly of McAlisterville. The correspondent to the "Globe" says that Bay left a wife and two chil dren some years ago and that Bay is a pensioner. The prisoner at the jail gave his age as 50 years and if that Is true, he was only 10 years of age in 1804. There Is another story alloat here that Win. Bay resides at Oriental. This has not been vererled. Tuesday evening the Millcrsburg "Sentinel" told us by phone that the picture published in the Post last week was that of Wm. Bay, ' who had lived in one of the houses owned by him and that he had moved away on tbe 30th of last May. The picture was identified by half a dozen people in Mlllersburg as that of Wm. Bay. It remains to be seen whether this Is true or not. into full fellowship and at the same time restored me to my former minis terial right. Yours Truly, J. 11. Shellenberger. Kcmciiilicreil Kev. Snahle. Sai.km, Pa., Jan. 5, Pui.'i Mr. Editor : Please Hiinotince in this week's paper the following : There will he preach ing at t ilohe Mills next Sunday at ten o'clock a. m. Also Cateehetial Instruc tions at the same place on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. The Kev. H. G. Suable. Pastor of Salem Lutheran Parish has heen kindly remembered by the members of Sulem und Globe Mills Congregations respectively, who presented him with two nurses con taining handsome sums of money for which he is sincerely thankful, and hopes that his services in tlie future as iu tlr.! past may be in perfect harmony with the good will of his Lest people. Yours sincerely, If. G. Snuble. A Birthday Surprise Party. A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Herman on Tues day evening Jan. fllh iu honor of their daughter, Maude, it being her twen tieth birthday, there were over a hun dred persons present. She received many beautiful and useful presents. fter playing various games and re ceiving refreshments all departed at a late hour to their respective homes well pleased with the evening spent. Reduced Rates To Il.inishnig. For the accommodation of those de siring to attend the inauguration of Governor-elect Pennypacker, at Har- rlsburg, January 20, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round-trip tickets to Hiirrisburg, from all stations on its lines in the state of Pennsylvania, on January 10 and 20, good to return untill January 21, Inclusive, at rate of single fare for the round trip (mini mum rate, 25 cents). "A HANDBOOK OF FACTS."-A neat little book with this title has been published bv Wm. O. Brown, 340 West 80th street, New York city. It con tains a large number of valuable, curi ous and amusing facts political, scien tific, rellgous, literary, social, etc. al phabetically arranged. Price only 10 cents; postpaid. Address as above.