The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 08, 1903, Image 1

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    T.d prices IjCi
furnish t zi p.
''- 'and I ' ' . - ' ; ; - ' ; - -
tsattlcr, fltr ul Pretrial, dia-
A hallf Jaaraat, Derates U Xewa, Sdtaca, Art, Plttkal tMMnr aaa Cirrtnt Liuratnre.
Kite: On Dollar Per Attawm, la Idriact
be fm. Harrow Ijhiv. tt Pfnnfc Vallov
mi. rT T)'" . . . - 1L1I1 W 1 M t
vrnM-iX 'tiO'k::r 1 .i-"1'"1 viannan anu lamuy.
Mp. Shellenberger's
imseph Clelan and wife of Lewhtown
jy (vfent the liolidavs In thin n!ace.
LOCAL LACONICS 1,4 rt . r. . . .
ew Year with relatives at Shamo-
In. , , "
Irs of the Lutheran churc!
Lord's Kupner Stiud
ilea were out in fu 1 for
r'g day. They seemed
:1 ves on a large scale. ,
mlir and wife of Lewi
1,0 holidays with Joscpi
ii family lu Swineford.
L-reck occurred at Kre.ii)
day whereby two freig
Mm Ml
yer of
Imeof I
A greal
Mlchtley of Kittany, and Miss
Bellefonte, are visitors at the
Rev. V. K. Diebl.
great deal of valuable news had to
crowded out of this issue for want
pace. It will appear next week.
Selling out at ccsUvReductlons be-
Fining January 14th , J
xmcvit sajju. rine iarce iuu oronze
Lilcd, but no other daiojforkeys toms and heaslfor breeding.
all on or address. T) N. App,
feasurer, iieunevjiie rmiff ... , . . Bellnsgrove, 1'a.
he walk Monday .eveiiiifc?Tne Commissioners Monday elected
snruined his aukle.fiasl.ijn n. ftrosius. Clerk: A. F. Gilbert.
builsed his body. ir Htoruey; and H. II. Grloim, Clerk to
liiinger , of New III . lie County Auditors.
,py Monday for his Kf"" Editors Lumbnrd and Lesherof the
njietropolla came to the County Seat
Monday to Itehold the Court House
I fyVLSALH-Well established ftrst
dlSH&'rUliuery and Notion Business,
ljiu . ng a large trade from surrounding
towns and conn try jQL ' .
I Iicamn for belling, yith to go out of
tistness. Address,
Middlcburgh, Va
m i
I a
m in
bcrty, arter wuieu ne
rsska. '
bid t3 nave sale, so
t sitie register. i ue
out large bills, glvi
and prompt servlt1
;Ui Hi were sworn m
uuty Auditors
niir tue ar v
u: 1 the Treasurer.'
fechman of Hat Jv ck,
ul days In town and re-
printer with a uiee re-
le regret we were not here
rofMt. Pleasant Mills
tuuty seat Monday aud
this office, Mr. btlt ver
kecessful farmer, but he
it the business. t '
lsurer D. N. App was at
Feat Monday to ustme
The County is
on securing su
Election Notice.
The Annual Meeting of the niHinlirru
of the Ilea vertown Mut Fire Ins. Co.,
of lVavertown, Ti3 for the election o:
Directors, will be Wld at their hoiiiB
ofllceon Saturday, I Jan. 31, 1903, be
tween the hours of t and 4 o'clock, p.
l-8-4t , Secretary.
A Pastor Surpeised.
On Christmas eve the Sbriner con
gregation aud friends surprised their
K. tiole.Wn his nw W) poster by donating to him, with a' fit-
Wth a (rw.-Ln3 &im-
u tow& to each . patron
de of fiiiarjcet square -op.
Hotel Satisfaction guar-
V of this place, who has
operator at - Lewlstown
beeu promoted to the
of the operators In the
;r"s office in Sunbury.
promotion as his salary
tin $59 to $75 and the
from 12 to 8. The Post
jeceipt of a letter from
llian, former Principal
jurg Schools, requesting
h address from Watson-
rd, Pa. We learn that
u resigned the Prlncl-
kVatsontown Schools to
position in Lansfora
$116 per month. He
24 schools. The Post
ktulationg. - -
W Dates Early. .. :
pplatlng having sal of
fty the coming spring
select their days' early
fincementa made in the
Post. When bills are
jofflce no charge will be
Ptlce, otherwise the cost
. The Post with its
i will be of great bene
ing sale by having the
u ween untu tne day
-:. tf,
onal Bank Notice.
leetlng of the stockhol-
ret National Bank, of
r the ensuing year will
inning nouse the third
fiary, being January 20.
penoursof.10 .A. M.
& Thompson, Cashier.
12 Events.
(fy Oth, 1003, Election
'arebuslnesB, l:-Z7ir-
U bargain, dcaVtlt
ooid, shopvt-i r
on for
teach tt
locate! b '
-ST. Kli" - -I
IHardr; ;: '
, an $18 00 Galloway rube, to
keep warm these cold DecembeJ' days,
and nights, while exposed to all kinds
of chilling storms. ' '
.- The following evening the . Kratzer
ville Sunday school manifested an ex
cellent, warm missionary spirit by con
tributing $15.34 for the cause of missions.
All this, together with a plump tur
key for the pastor's family, presented
by Mr. and Mrs. J. Lepley, and a
special gift from Mrs. J. A. Cochran
has been received with grateful hearts,
and will remain on memory's napm
while the days are going by. . ,
-We all join in giving many thanks
to the kind donors, hoping they will
be the happy recipient of what Christ
promises the giver, Luke 6:38, where
he says : "Give, and it shall be given
unto you ; good measure, pressed down
shaken together and. running over. ,
J. Shambach.
;;'-Marrton tictaacs.
(Montgomery Philips,
tMlnnie A. Folkroad,
Ellas Rltter, . 1
ISaJlieC. Pontius,. ;;
Samuel Gelnett, ; .
I Nora Teats, - . .
J Washington Blukhart,
MableE. Miller, v. v
f Arthur N. Bailey,
I Grace A. Gemberling,
George Roust),
t Lizzie G. Wendt, '
(Charles Arnold, v
(Emma Haines,
(Adam Neitz, ' ;
(CoraStraub, , .
Frank D. Baney, '
Delia E. Mull, .
Irvin D. Swartzlander,
Lottie D. Hare,
Frry Fetterolf, -
Mary J. Nerhood,
(Jacob Botts,
(Annie N. Forry, ' ,
(Norrls W. VanUorn,
Mamie Bingaman,
v Oriental,
i Kratzervllle,
' Aline.
' : Pallas,
: Freeburg.
- Adams twp.,
Adams twp.
Granville, Pa.,
s Mlddleburg,
. Swineford.
Sale Register. ' ;
Notieaa ef m'm will be Inmrtcd free nndar
IhlibwMi'nK who tha bllla mtm printed at tbla
offie. Ahoitthabillaara Hot printed a tbia
olBeaSO crnUi will be cbantea. Feraona
pactlmr to h-tve sale ahouid select a data and
hare it inverted In tbla column. . ' - . .
Tomdat Vebruar 8, two nllea Soiitti Waat of
. Mew Berlin, A bra Ranntnger will sell
head of honear ) cowa, farming lmpla
nanta and boueeboid (ooda.
itraunk t, Feb. II, one mile Kaat el Sbadal, Job
a-aaa Heiebenbaeb will eell botaea,
owe and arming Implement, . :
. . . . ..('.
KoY, rrth . o baM mile Feet l0,W'i
. kail, taaorr 8- fcloabart wlilaall a aoraaa,
; aova aod fcwaiwl laplaaaaaia. -
X 3"T. K arc I, one mile Korb at tSondore,
Ink O. - will aaH aortea, 1 eolt
be and (Mum j lmpieBMaM.
r nvr. Y-- b V. oi I'-e ! of PobaH
Life threatened.
An Anonymous Letter is Sent t the
Baoncrvillc Merchant.
From Beaver Spring "Urmld".
Mr. She'lenborgcr, the merohant
at Baonerville, this county, " who
shot a burglar in his store several
weeks ago, from the tifkts of which
he died in Midaleburgjiil, received
the iollowiug loiter, ith nu little
surprise, last Wednesday evening :
. DeccniWr 21, 11)02.
Mb. Shellexbkrof.r : - v
As you shot aud killed our leader we
will give you one chance to save your
lire. You must keep this to yourself
aud bum this no to you must no by
your own self and put five hundred dol
lars In a paper poke and place it on
the top of the hill north west of Adams
burg oil the left hand side of the road
coming down you will find a box over
the fence where vou must put it. It
must be put there not later than Dec 24
1!)JU not later than 3 o'clock p m and
we will see you put It there this money
will save you also will help to support
the ones who had to depend on this
man you shot for a living You must
do this so no person will Hud it out or
you will be in just as much danger as
you are now. We are watching every
move you take or make read this care
full and then burn it as dcscrllied be
fore and keep it a eecret and do what
this note calls tor and wo will leave the
couutry and will never give you any
trouble here after We mean just what
we say.
Wnlle the letter was dated Dec. 21st,
tne postmark showed that it was mail
ed onibet'sla. ftuiiburv iy'Hitvi-
iowd railway postoraco, on Tuesday
afternoon, Deo. 23. The tralu was late
that day and the mall carrier left Mc-
Clure, the star route ofllce for liauucr
ville and sevcial other offices, without
the mail irom that train. 'This delay
of the'train caused the letter to remain
in McClure post ofllce until tho next
afternoon, not reaching its destination
until about three hours after the time
set in the letter.
. On receiving a letter of such a threat
ening nature, Mr, Shelleuberger ac
knowledges that he was considerably
worried at first and slept very little
that night " He confided the coutehte
of the note to a few of his personal
friends, some of whom told their friends
and by next day the public was in
possession of the facts. Had it been
possible to keep the matter quiet, Jthe
oulprits could have been more readily
The report was brought to town on
Christmas afternoon and the editor of
this paper immediately called up Mr.
Sheuenberger by telephone and asked
for particulars, that gentleman acknow
ledglng the receipt of such a letter and
asked our opinion of It. We promptly
told him it looked to' us as coming
from some one who was trying to play
a bluff game and secure the $500 on the
burglars' credit, and assured him that
we Ikw little cause for auxlety over
the thftots.
Mr. rBlIeubergcr was anxious to
know If thVbox referred to was still
at the place rlbATifled and asked us to
go and look for It We were also some
what curious to know If a box was
really to be found or if it was only a
hoax and started out In search of It iu
company with our brother, about five
o'clock Christmas evening. Beaching
almost the top of the hill northwest ot
town, known as the Islo o'Que, we
were surprised to find the object of our
search on the side of the road, as stated
In the letter, close to the fence ou the
Inside. It was so placed that persons
driving or walking past would not
notice Itaud at a point where a man
could be stationed iu a position in the
woods on the ridge, only a few rods
away, without being seen and yet at
the same time observe all that tran
spired at the box or on the road for
some distance each direction. This
was a very shrewd aot of the rascal, as
part of the ridge is cut away here and
afforded an elevated and safe position
for observation. . : : ;
Leaving the box untouched, the
now of the previous night bavin almost-half
filled 1 we returned to town
and reported the clsoovery to the Ex
Shot Nov. 30-ano mt:i)tN the
Ssydeu County Jail.
From a picture taken after death.
o'clock that evening Mr. Baker, Mr.
Stahlueckor and tho editor went for
the box and brought it to Mr. Baker's
ofllce, thinking powdbly some name on
it might lead to the identification of
the person who secured it and the
place where it was obtained, but it did
not give any clue iu that direction, ex
cept that on the end is minted what
were once the contents In large letters)
"Parlor Matches." This may yet load
to a clue. The box is about 24 inches
long, 13 Inches wide and 9 Inches deep
and had no cover when found.
Public opinion seems to be almost
unanimous in pronouncing the allUir
tho work of some person who supposed
air. ttiieiii'iiiergur wouiu ue an easy
victim aud "shell out" the money
without a protest. Hud the letter been
received iu time, arrangements would
promptly have beeu made to capture
the scoundrel, but the delay of the
mall train caused the situation to as
sume such a turn that it will be a hard
fc. Spirit acf'itMrt1ii''
' If the miscreants are from a distance
the time set in tha letter, 3 o'clock p
m., w ould have enabled them to get
the money aud take either the east or
west bound trains, in less than three-
quarters of au hour later.
Air. riliellenberger came to town on
Friday morning to get further Infor
mation about the matter if possible,
but nothing new has developed up to
this time.
We understand the P. O. Depart
ment nas neon asKcu to take a nana ju
the affair.
The Shirt Factory.
The American Shirt Factory is plac
ing a lot of machinery in the old
school house and hope to be ready in
week to manufacture Shirts. , The
citizens of the town have raised money
to pay for au engine. The plant will
employ from 35 to 40 hands, mostly
girls and It will be quite an improve
ment to the town... v ,
Bailey Gemberling On Christmas
Day by Bev. W. A. Haas, Arthur N.
Bailey of Freeburg to Grace A. Gember
ling of Selinsgrove. . '
Deo. 27, by Allen S. Sechrlst J. P.,
Charles Arnold and Emma Haines
both of Mlddleburg. -
Married at the homo of the bride on
Dec. 27, by Rev. H. G. Snable, Frauk
D. Baney and Delia E. Mull both of
.' Married at Salem Dec. 23, by Rev.
H. G. Suniile, Irvln D. Swartzlander
and Dottio D. Hare bath of Lewis-
ec. 25, by Rev. Hugh S. Seilhamer,
Samuel Gelnett of Meiserville to Miss
Nora Teats of Grubb's church.
Jun. 1 by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, Norrls
W. Vanhorn and Mamie Bingamau,
both of Mlddleburg.
Jan. 1, by Geo. M. Shindle, Clerk O
C, Jacob Botts of Granville to 'Annie
N. Forry of Stroubtown. ;""';
Dec. 20, by Geo'. W. Gensler, George"
Rousb and Lizzie Q. Wendt, both of
Selinsgrove. ,
Dec. 25, by Win, Moyer, J. P., Wash
ington Bickhart of Pallas to Mable E.
Miller of Freeburg. V '
v Dec. 25, by Rev. Geo. W. Genszler,
Ellas Rltter of Kratzervllle and Sallle
C. Pontius of Kreamer. !
T Deo, 25, by Rev. George Strawser,
Montgomery .Philips and Minnie A.
Folkroad of Oriental.
Jan. 1, by Allen 8. Sechrlst. J. P.,
Adam NelU and Cora Stroub both of
Miss Isabella Snyder hi visitimr
friends at Suubury.
C. A. Mench and wi& visited rela
tives at Mlftlinburg last week.
Ira C. ScuihjIi of Selinsgrove was at
the County Seat Saturday afternoon.
John C. Kamer of Swineford, spent
a portion of the holiday period at Mil-lersburg.
Mrs. F. 8. Relgle and Mrs. Anna
Hottensteiu visited friends at Kreamer
jin. oieese or Miiiunnurg, paid a
visit to Hou. G. Alfred fc'ehoch and
wife last week.
Miss Lva Scebold of Suubury, has
been visiting relative In this place-
over the holidays.
Sheriff Row has moved to the house
recently vacated by N. P. Hare, at the
East end of town.
The members of Rev. Diehl's Congre
gation tendered them a t-urprlse and a
Christmas donation.
Murray Boworsox and sister, Luella
are visiting John J. Miller and Charles
Staufl'er and families.
D. K. Haas aud family of Shamoklu
spent tho holidays with merchant John
W. Itunklo and family.
T. B. Mc Williams and family of Mo-
eytown, spent the holidays with
James VauZandt and wife.
Herbert Stowart and wifu of Shamo
klu nave ueeu visiting her parents,
Slicrill Geo. W. Row and wife.
Miss Pearl JI lUouuui of Thompson-
town paid a visit to her brother, J. K
lluldeman, at the Central Hotel.
E. M. Greene and family of Lewis
town, paid a holiday visit to iter father
W. W. Wittenmyer aud family.
Mrs. Philip Roush of Freeburg spent
a week with her daughter, Mrs. F. S
Relgle, aud, her sou, Chjigrjea Rpus.h
.- Fannie E. Bowersox of Shamoklu
spent her Chrltmaa vacation with her
father aud other relatives in this place.
Win. C. Snyder has been drawn as a
Juror for the United States Supreme
Court to be held in Wllliamsport next
Druggist W. H. Spangler was called
to Blanchard, Center County owing to
the illneesof his father. Ho is now re
ported improving.
Postmaster Chas. N. Broslus of Mt.
Pleasant Mills was at the County Seat
Saturday afternoon and took the train
east In the evening.
Mrs. Frank M. Gaugier of Selins
grove has been visiting her father,
Aaron Renniuger and her sister, Mrs.
Th os. R. Hosterman.
L. C. Bowersox and family spent
their holiday vacation lu town aud
dropped a dollar iu the slot at our ofllce
during the Editors absence.
Wm. Brubaker and family of Sun
bury and Mrs. Henry Charles of Port
Treverton spent a portion of the holi
day week with the la Iter's son, Edwin
William Kreegor of Kalamazoo,
Michigan, is visiting his relatives at
this place, Millersburgand Selinsgrove.
He Is a son of Azarlah Kreeger of
Swineford. .
W. II. Swartz, tax collector of Chap
man township called, at this ofllce on
tho lost day of the year and paid his
subscription and reports everything
going aloug smootly lu that section.
It is reported that Rev. Sydney E.
Bateman, formerly of Selinsgrove,
who recently resigned his charge, is
now pursuing a course of Medical lec
tures at the Medico Chirurglcal College
iu Philadelphia.
A. R. Gilbert, Misses Lulu and
Miriam Smith enjoyed Christmas dln
ueratN. C. Gutellus'; Foster Reigle,
wife and her mother, Mrs. Mary Wag
ner at Perry Row's; Dr. J. W. Orwig
and wife and the Editor and family at
James E. Magee's all of Kreamer. -
Dr. Ey'er Walter has rented the
Central Hotel to Wm. S. Kuhn of
Shamokln Dam and takes possession of
the same April 1st Mr. Kuhn is a
well-known character ' in Democratic
politics and served many years in the
public schools of Snyder County.
E. F. Harner of East Pittsburg made
a pleasant call at this office to give us
his box numbor so as not to miss any
copies of the Post. A paper is most
appreciated when it is missed occa
sionally, though we always try not ,to J
Musical' Festival.
To be held in the Selinsgrove Oj)en
House, commencing Monday evening,
January 12th. loon. This Munlcal Fe.
tlval will opan.whh a Musical Concert
free to all, during which au address of
Welcome will be given by Rev. rr. B
Fortner, which will be responded toby
Rev. G. W. Genszler and others. The
general musiral public from all over
are cordially invited to Join us In this
Feast of Song, and in making It a sea
son of pleasure and profit iomr to be
remembered. The music- to bo ren
dered is of a hiffll onb.r fnlrni. IW
"Zerrabn's Selections of Choruses." It
will be ably conducted, and a number
of noted performers from abroad will
assist in the rehearsals and concerts.
Three Grand Concerts will be held, on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday even-
tugs. Any desired Information can bo
nau rrom P. S. Albert, chairman
nutiee, or A. C. Spangler,
Come one and all.
Itnliiir IIiih III IMiuih.
The Philadelphia "Ledger" says the
Reading bus arranged to spend .t.0)0..
CXK) in opening new mines and build
ing breakers, and President Baor has
determined to develop the company's
properties to their fullest capacity. Mr.
Baer, it is said, considers the Heading's
coal lands the most valuable asset
owned by any railroad company In tho
country, and Intends to use them to
use them to place the Reading's stocki
on-a dividend paying basis,
Importance to Holders of Deeds.
An act of Assembly approved May
llHIi, 1S!W, provides, that all deeds and
conveyances shall iu reeonli-d in the
olllce for the recording of deeds where
such lands lie, within U0 days after the
execution of such deeds or conveyance,
nuu every sucn cieea and conveyance
that shall at any time after the passage
or this act le made and executed it
this Commonwealth, and, which sTial"Let-I
noi pereconjed uVMie.uion In the wtBto.rni
J UtfS. r: - u'.iuif nt ani" .'& .'
any subsequent purchaser or mortgaged
lor a valid consideration and all deeds .v "
or conveyances that may have becE,'""n
made and executed prior to the passage
of this act, which shall not bo recorded
In the office for recording deeds in the
county where said lauds are lying and
being, within W) days after date of the
passage of this act, shall be adjudged
fraudulent and void as to any subse
quent purchaser for a valid consideration.
Smallpox Increasing
Handicapped, he asserts, by lack of
funds through tho action of the last
legislature, Dr. Benjamin Lee, secre
tary of the State Board of Health, an
nounced Thursday that the constantly
increasing numbers of cases of small
pox aud centers of infection through
out the State arc a serious menace to
the health of the people. In this con
nection he said that through the
prompt aud efficient action of the city
health board, which he could not praise
too highly, Philadelphians were more
free from contagion than the residents
of any other portion of the State.
Dr. Lee, who had Just returned from
meeting of the .American Public '
Health Association, In New Orleans, of .
which he is the retiring president, said:
"Smallpox in Pennsylvania is rapid- .
ly getting as bad as it was during the
height of the epidemic last year. Iu
fact it was worse during the past four
months than during the sanio period a '
year ago, and as tho weather grows
colder the number of cases and centers ' '
of infection are multiplying rapidly.
"Through the action of the last legis
lature in discontinuing tho emergency
fund of $'j0,000 which we had for sey- ,
eral years to fight disease, our hands
are practically tied. Our only resources
are an appropriation of $4,000; wo need. .
more thau three times this amount im
mediately. . Consequently while pre
viously we weie able to stamp out any
epidemic when it first appeared we
are now powerless. Smallpox Is spread
ing throughout the State aud the situa
tlon Is most serious. . We can declare a ,
quarantine but on account of , our lack -of
funds cannot establish one. .. -
"For the official year ending the first ,
of this month there were 5,867 cases of (
smallpox and 440 deaths. . During lost h
month there were 875 cases and B0 T
deaths, while In November of last year ,
there were only 249 cases and 40 deaH,.' . -Comparison
of other months show the ,
same Increase in the number ofisea ,
and deaths. The matter is most sejr0u
and money should be appropriate ;
V. , - e I, V. V -t U e4
, ewe a a tunning lavMueetue.', - .
District Attorney Eir.
About men Swineford, ;. .
miss any one at any time. ' :
soon as possible."