The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 25, 1902, Image 7

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    MiUDUviun post.
Tell nie your ambition end advise, nie as to vour aliility, you
. I.o hraiuiest iiitui in tlie world. unlet. ton Invc I lie minor
W"c ' s i. ... r
:(v ti) trove 11 i'i.iius oik vitiuirvi, j jimi V'1' ii' tHVtir- inc
' ..;v. Tlie KevHone K-iw ami Patent Cu .. of wh'ch I am ore i
1' :M .nlin Villi fl V: hi leltfMlt. .it t!l. Iml'l'sf IUKj4i!l!l I ikif ?ltl.l i ill
,1 Will i-"-"" - I - I ,
'' . I 1 i . . I i
i ,ri,:iiUt claims, unit mcreuiu'r nssisi you in t-eeunnor a n ut Kit or
vliaw fryr invention, by plucui it bctoiv t'ie pnttlu; in a ihoio:i;ti
iij I I nul in i I ifc Itmntw.r iiiul M-ifl.,.iit i-.wt d. t-itii until Oin
ttiit Int'ii !!. Thus for tin- out? o'jivl for winch all iuvcntni
1,1 iiini namely, me conversion ot tiieir nut's into e.-sit muke
I ...t.ltj.llt PTIUIKI tit Villi.
iiiic win"-"- "-"i ,
f-ticees? in lite depends iij.oti doinu; evi rytliiit"- wi ll.
Sin-cess lias come to is from careful iifcuti'.ii io our cliuiti in
()ur success has drawn to us thousands wlu arc c carting in
Tins is tlie strongest possmie emit rsiiment that can lie at-kctl.
W'ri'e to me personally.
S. S. WILLIAMSON, President,
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stolK' JjUW it tin laiiiii vo , .ji-tj.-t joiz jmimmir,
of these
For Only
Ml. 11.1.
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Yon maj' try "le ren '"r n w,"cV, If you like it
remit; if'not return it. Ever rend or liciir o
BiiytliiiiK fairer?
Tlie Lnuglilin Fountain Pen Holilrr in mn.lo
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Why not order a dozen of tlicno pe" for
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you will not he nbie to necure anything nt tlireo
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Illustration on It ft is full slie of Indieti' styl"t
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ljlj Ihta MpiEln down mid Write now
Laxative ?rni)in-nninii,fToi,i,,iJ
t3 IVfllllcl tlin mminu If it
P'H'Ure. E. V. Orove'u ulinntni-o
p.'!l box. 'Sio
i. J'V EAr'tRltNtt
Trade Marks
Copyrights 4c.
Anyone sending a sketeh and description mnj
quicKiy asceriinu our opiuioiKiroe wiieiner hii
Invention Is probably pjitentubie. Coniinii'iira.
ttousstrlctlyconndontlHl. llnndtHiokon Paieuta
sent free. Obtest atreney for seeuruiK pateius.
I'ntents taken tbrouich Munn ft Co. receive
tprriat notice, without chamo, In the
Scientific JImcrican.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lnreest elr.
eulati.ii of any sciontula Journal. Terms. f;t a
your: four months, (L Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.36,Bro-dwa"- New York
Branch Oltlco, ISi F PU WasblUKlou. D. C
The American
Newspaper Directory
, Issued Semi-Annually. Established 1869.
tills work is the Ronrco of infnrmnt ton on XpivstiiiniT Stntislics
tM-nitcd States and Canad...
Advertisers, Advertisini? Airents. Editors. Politicians and the
"Mttnenti of the Government rely upon Its statements as tliereco(tnlied authority;
11 Rives a brief description of each place in which newspapers
tpuliliMied, population, railroads, local ludilstrlus, name ami location of county, etc.
" K'ncs uie names ot all iSewspnpers and other Periodicals.
t Kjves tlie Politics, Religion, Class, Nationality, etc.
jt gives the Frequency of Issue.
jt gives the Editor's name.
gives the Publisher's name.
11 gives the Size of the Paper.
11 gives the Subscriptiou Price,
j' gives the Date of Establishment.
11 K'VPS the Circulation .i.rnciu.t nu ti-oM o tiin-.iia of vonr4
r'j enabling an advertiter to determine the prolmhle future,
gives a separate list of all inurs ruled in tlin liodv of the
p with a circulation of over 0110 thousand.
gives a separate list of all newspapers having a Sunday issue.
11 gives a list, of nil f1l.ica Pill Kixil !.ra I?. ttwri.iiiu A rrfinn 1 1 lira !
lit .' . 'f' Eoreign IinRuaeos, etc.) and a complete Index to each class.
H Conhniia .,,.. ,.v i. . . i. : i.:.. i. I
a "'ia ui eauo ouuc, riiiowuig towns iu wuicu muru
It n"PaPer WU1' more ,Ul,n 1'000 ei'culatlon.
u UlSO Contains Otllpr i;,itm nml n1'ict;!fiintiona
Dollars net cash, all transportation charges prepaid.
I-SstV'otll'l? lmnortn'' portion of the information supplied ly a mercantile agency
m.-. . ."".""''"tlnanoinlstrenKtliof the person ahout whom informa' ion is
'"Hiatinn io iTru i atiotlofa newspaper generally considered the point upon which
"ke tli ii , A ol mot villus) tn the advertiser The greatest possible care is taken
1 inform.. . rn?T '"P""-' correct Kvery publisher is apnlied in systematically.
'rt(I.,rt i ',takn in a form which excludes ay but dellnito statements ; whlla
"uoos re!J". ?"le '? I"" honest publishers against such as would resort to disln-
reiiorts io ,ra n . u,.,. m. ',-
eq. P. Rowell & Co., Publishers
T LEAN back in my arm-chair as tha snow Cukes soft and v.-hit
Clothe the hilltops and the valleys In hatihmenls of white.
While the cutting winds of winter send their music far and wide,
Disputing with the mellow oells the joys of Chr.stmas-tide ;
I seem to catch the echoes of the songs they s;ng on hijh,
Eeyond the mystic beauty of December's vaulted sky, "
And again is told the story of the Christ-child's humble birth,
As I sit and. eager, listen ly the dear old Chr hearth.
fHERE 's music in the steeples, there are chimes deep In the dells,
And the wild winds mingle gladly with the holy Christmas bells,
And I look beyond ths wincow on the beauty of the snow,
RiCallin- some'sweet Chriitmases In life's tair " long ago ; "
What scer.js come floating back along the winding ws of Time,
Like the fragrance of the 1 owers of an ever-cherished clime ;
Till my chamber fills with faces and I hear the souncs of mir'.h
That brighten with inf-cticus glee the happy Christmas hearth.
SEE six little stockings hanging in a pretly row.
Wo hurf '-' .";mi i lis cherished health one twilight lor.g ago.
And wi, : ii nestled closer 'neath the old roof-tree of home,
And harily slept fir watching for old Santa Claus to come ;
I remember, ah! who does not? how the sunny Christmas morn
Revealed the wealth of treasure from the doll to drum and horn
How the house was filled with laughter till it seemed to shake the earth,
While brighter glowed the fire upon the old Christmas hearth.
fO-DAY there seems to come to me across the fleecy sncw
The beauty and the glory of that Chri .tmas long ago,
Vheti shepherds watched tlieir gentle flocks upon the hills afar,
In the heaven-tinted splendor of the East's transcendent star;
I see a mother bend above a matchless cherub face,
And a radiance not earthly drives ths shadows from the place;
Till Judea wakes to glory and new beauty crowns the earth,
And the choristers cl Heaven sing about my Christmas hearth.
QLD Time seems in his dotage and upon h'j tresses white
Lie thesnowflakesof a Christmas that h;;s filled me with delight;
Far and wide the bells are ringing, and their music, glad and free,
Tells the story of His coining on the land and on the sea ;
And mingled with their anthems Is that chorus all divine
That filled a mother's heat t with Joy one night in Palestine ;
And I bow my head a moment as the children check their mir'.h,
And silence comes to sanctify the dear old Christmas hearth.
I BLESS the glorious dawning ot this queenly winter day,
It brings to ail a gladress from a region far away,
And while the bells are rirglng over aU this fcaiitous earth
I bless the loves that round tho det.- q; j Cnrtstmas hsarth.
A Christmas
Comedy of Errors
now, we are all
II fur I'ltnstmas, said
lahi'iby, n. the climbed stiff
ly linuii from the cliuir on
which she lutd linn standing to deck tha
chandelier uilli holly, "limv surprised
Jos-iah will he wl'i-n lie conies in, cold and
tired, to liml the place lnnl.iin; so like
holiday times. 1 declare, 1 have a good
lifl &c
1 J
ho puts' it over his knees in the liunuy
this wi iter and the furs are not in the
house, 1 know that, fur I've been over
every a mate inch of it in hopes I'd liml
he'd hi Uieii 'em somewhere." SShe had
unfolded a wonderful combination of col
ors in we d which would have made Jo
seph's c at a somber garment by compari
son, an I looked at it with great admira
tion. Then she carefully rcplueed it. "I
don't V"ow as it's just pw.iir- to Weep
it away up there he wouldn't see it if
it was right under his nose. Dear uie, 1
certainly Mnell something burning. I
wonder if it can be my take i:i the oven,
I had almit lot gotten it. with all tiic.-e
other thinin on my mind."
"Tin re conies Jo.-iaii now!'' she cried
ard tlie door
"I'll stay out
Well, Mitely
ilccoi at ions
"It's Your New Set of Fursl"
mind to make a fire in the stove just to
picae him; he kept nuking for it so long
tlioiiL'li, conic to think. of it, he hasn't
mentioned, it lately, though 1 always told
him it only made a dirt for me to clean
up and the furnace heated the whole
place anyhow, lie said his mother Used
to have a nice fire in the stove when they
came in evenings. Of course, she did: his
mother never saw a furnace in her life,
and wouldn't have known it from a tele
phone if she had." She paused, with
her hands on her hips, to admire the re
sult of her labors. "Yes, 1 guess 1 will
lig'.it a lire in that stove, anyhow, it will
serve us a text for more remarks about the
cold and a few more hints as to how 1
do need a new set of furs this Christmas.
Josinii is a good niun, but he is as close
when it comes to a question of money as
a potato is to its skin."
She was bustling about as she talked,
making her preparations to light a lire in
the biilliantly polished stove. "There, I
declare," she cried, as she opened the
door, "if Josiah hasn't got this stove nil
filled up with papers and trash, after all
my talking; it does seem as if you can't
teach a man to be careful about a house
any more than yon can teach a hen to
play checkers! Never mind, I'll just lay
my kindlings on top of the trash and not
scold Christmas is not the time for scold
ing, anyhow though when you've got to
live with a man it's best to take every;
opportunity to teach him what's right."
As the fire began to crackle cheerfully,
she left it and went over to, the old-fashioned
cupboard in the corner, reached
carefully to the top shelf and took down
bundle. .
"IU just take a last peep at Josiah'a
present," she said. "I tell you, thpre was
lot of work in ,the knitting of that'af
(ban, and if he doesn't give me those furs
hell feel a good deal ashamed every time
as l!
1 t:.e
, .1 OM
' hllC
ten minutes later, as she
of tlie kitting room npen.
here ai d hu what he doe
ho must 1 pleased witli
ond lh" lire in the s!mc.
ho was doiim a jig nil nrv ti:e im
him a professing Christian, loo!"
Five n'ii.n'.es later kit. she out
fitting room door mid stood tiac
tho tmesiioiil. "Uny, dosiaii S
what on earth is the matter
shrieked. "You are as black as a sweep
and your beard is all sirgrd, and what is
that awful emcll in here, and w what, is you have in your hand?"
"it's your new w t of furs, that's what
it is," retorted dosieh, grimly, "a good set
of furs that cost a lot of money, tisj, and
looking like a cat that had been titling on
a can of tireernckers when they went off!"
"tut how on earth could "
"I had hid 'cm in the stove, that's how!
you eaid you'd never make another lire in
il now we've got a furnace, and 1 hid 'em
in it, so's I could surpriM.- you for Christ
mas!" "Well, goodness knows, you have sur
prised me!"
'"Yes, and when I enmc into this room it
was all full of smoke, and flames were
bursting out of tho stove door, it was to
full, and if I hadn't kept my presence of
mind and hunted out that old thing to
smother the flames with, the whole place
might have been burned!" And lie held
up the nfghan, which was scarcely in bet
ter condition than tho furs!
for Er.fants r.nd Children.
Tito Kind You llavo Always lloii-ht litis !orii tlio signa
ture of Clint. II. riott lu-r, a:il lias hoen made uikKt lilt
personal Mi,i-r isi.iu lor over :i years. Allow no one
to deeeiro jou ia thK Counterfeits, Imitations and
".Tust-as-jrood" nre but KxperMiients, and endanger tho
health of Children Kxperieiico iigaitift llxpeiiment.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
icars llic Signature ct
In Use For 'Over 30 Years.
1 invite :il! to my st .iv and c.ll yntir a'.t-'ii.i.o. !.. my lii e of,
Dry Gcocis, Notions,
Groceries, Drugs.
Hardwa: Tin w are,
Queensv. arc . Glassware,
liatc .nd Caps.
Bcott . ..: d Shoes.
l.nTTT I nrnirt!' it rnnti
H I Ml-. 'A .- V I I'M . t I'll I II 'J
.UH LUlUUll. .75111 UlUlu
- l-ir .-tl ikr, ( ):ih elueh. ;.)!
The Oriole, the l'litu us S-.'
value S-'.r.O. My priee .1.7.
Fitney d;u! oiitinjrs, "tind - til Se. Mv prier 1 ,;
iMeii 'j t omen s aii'l t lull :
White flcieetl bed lilatikets
1 lennitai'e seamless j;i:iiii I..
Id for SI.. SO.
o-it I'V, triiod Villi. e 'Jilc. Myi.i ii i id,
mil, others to k !?'. oil. Mv piiie IL'.')
tiii valius ''.'. each. Mv pi'.'v.
Watch ! ly liarots
lor Mutter ami Kg. : .in-.ays pay more .iian my eomprtilot
I. Dundore
Prompt Pavnu-
Libernl Adjustments.
t.-:;l) Hit; ;!o. - Sivt'i.;;iM C Cs:tii..".i:ifs,
J'Mre, .itt, Aci ii.dit :uii Torjiniln.
No istiessinents
Ho Premium Notes.
sjsmn A. -maj
Tho Aetna Foumu d A . J?., 1S10 Assets 11,0 ,1:5.88
" Homo ISr.i " J),.S3,U28.4
" American iSlO " 2,K),Sl.:i
Tho Standard Accident Insurhnce Co
The Ken- York Life Insurance Co.
The fidelity Mutual Life Association
Your Patronace is solicited.
durinq HOT WE A T1IER
"New Rochester"
fOOKI O under these eirciimntanrts is u ph-itsuro. The ItocheHter
Lamp Co. stake their reputation on tie stove ia j 1 1 t tion. The
bnst evidence of the pntisfnetion t njoyed is teBliint nials rhIoio uud du
plieate orders from ail parts of the world.
r literature, both for the "New Rochester" Ccok Stove and
the "New Rochester" Lamp.
You will never regret having introduced these gcods into your houno
Thc Rcclicscr Lamp Co.,
Park Palace and 33 Barclay St., New York.
Cupt. Slakelove But surely you don't
nhject to go under tho mistletoe, Miss
Miss Goit Oh, yes, I do. Why bother
about the mistletoe?
The HelKbit of Delicacy.
Clara Mabel is so thoughtful about ber
Christmas presents.
Belle In what way, dear!
Clara-s Always leaves the price tag on so
as to save me a tnp down town to find
out. Brooklyn Life. . -
I fTt
l.tiy a postul enrejaiulj send to the New
York Tribune Fanner, New-York City,
for a free speeiman copy.
Tlie Tribune Farmer is a National Illus
trated Agricultural Weekly for Fanners
and their families, anil stainl at the head
of the agricultural press. , Tho price Is
f 1.00 per year, but If you. like it you can
secure it with your own favorite local
newspaper, The Vokt, Middleburg. at a
barguin. Both papers one year only fl.60.
Send your order and money to, Post, ,
Mideleburg, Pa.
t .