The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 25, 1902, Image 5

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fir Chrisimas; dinner this ;
liUlV. . . . . . ....
Lfc is a luxury to ne enjoyeu uy
r .1 f.....nwl fuw lid tnrUevs
Lj nM high i price this
I . iit manv win Buunuuiie
,te!l alii-l an'i be the happier
. I ... U I I.. I ..
fc!..iim rviwnm inn ituicu a new
Letyt.f chickens to his already
Wive stock.
it ia nnfl of the unexplainable in
sert why the "Dundore 'Port"
often get9 to Dnreiner, dui it is
..n secret that Shreiner is a
(arable sliriue for even die Post,
most popular paper oi wie
WJ' ... . .
Jacob Kerstetter delivered a lew
)Pj of wood to Kev. Focht of Se-
N- .
Lime hauling is pushed lively,
bile sleighing lasts, by, our farm-
IVSusouehanna was high last
Uk and the ice left for a milder
Uate and our ice houses are einp-
p.,titn shinners are offerine fifty
1 I , , ,
b and the demand is increasing.
Jnhn Foltz has rented the Backus
rm now occupied by Reuben
Simon J. Snyder wi'l move by
iring on Sheriff Wolf's farm. '
Heiirv Arnold of Middlehurg
Med Ins father-in-law, Fred Ker-
winr and htiii: in need of more
irnitiire lie secured some at a great
Win from his brotlier-iu-law.
Adam Neitz. who was ofl work-
V iu (lie woods, has a natural in-
limatiou for Toehul.
Charlie Zerhy, the great-grand-
i of Fred Kerstetter, has return -to
bis parents at Georgetown.
Mary Sliafer of Port Trnverton
Vlled on Maria W. Dundore.
Emanuel Ramho lias forwarded
Wmid donation for his pastor,
f- ti! rr t 1- !...
IT. Ity 1. oesiril Wl' ctu ui-
fur others to follow! - . - --.
Jliry Campbell bought a pair of
... .
Jriftv shouts irom U. Uitner at a
ppular price.
H. F. Witmer's shoemaker's
lop is a model of convenience.
On Sunday afternoon the St.
Iin's Union Sunday School elect-
the following officers for the en-
ling term, from Jan. 1st 1903 to
la. 1st 1904. Sunt., O. N. Kal-
kr; Asst. Snpt., C. N. Iiresius;
welary, Maggie Shadel; Asst.
J. I. Yerger; Treasurer, Jos
Ji Lcnig; Libarian, J. T. Shadel;
H. Lib'r., W. Arthur Schnee;
kruetist, II. C. Haas; Organist,
l. achuee: Asst. Orgauist, Miss
Iaggic ttothrock.
Next Sunday forenoon Kev. C.
Miller will preach in the St.
Win's church.
John Goss of Trevorton was a
Her in town Thursday.
John Kreighbaiino, who is em-
ked in a store in Lewistown,
w at home visiting his parents
csuayand Wednesday.
Ira Arlmgast of McAlisterville
fa pending several davs in this
G. S. Kerstetter, wife and son,
alter, were visiting his brother,
ley Kerstetter. a few da vs last
Howard Hoover made a business
Pto MeKees Saturday.
. F. Kepler bought a horse of
Nias A rbogast Saturday.
mi -
Alie Muldleburg Post h one of
. I. . ! . .
luuuig Uiuntv Darters and bo.
.fish each nnd evprtr one whn
p it a merry Christmas and a
PITT -ew 1 ear, as it always tells
fnews in each locality in our
i snyder County.
Friday evening Dec. 19th a
"J sleighing party from Frec
rg came here and stopped with
Mailt Henry Harding. The
pg was pleasantly speut with
Jor Infanti and Children..
1 KM You Hats Always Bought
games, music aud a delightful trea. by
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harding. The party
consisted of the following of Free
burg: Messrs. John Moyer, Frank
Weaver, Fred Moyer, Frank. Gla&s,
Harry Moyer, Victor Erlenniyer,
Edwin Moyer and Forest Pontius,
and Misses Kathryu Goy, Carrie
Huffman, Blanche Moyer, Kathryu
Liotdnrf, Carrie Mover, Fraine
Uauth. Fruiuev WVts and lk'Mie
Nei'z. Thst of town were ihe
following: Mr. W. Arthur Schnee
aud Mhs. Stella Hoover.
Amos Bowersox, wife and Flor
ence lianier drove to Kramer Thurs
day. John Libbv, wife and children
spent a few days at Berwick with
Henry Beaver.
Miss Edith Harner of Pux'nn
ville is the guest of her cousin, Mrs.
James Deitrich.
John Schambach transacted busi
ness at Beavertowu Thursday.
Ada Gelnct of Meiserville spent a
few days with her uncle, h. S.
Essie Erhart of Milrov is enter
tained at the home of 15. II. Custer.
W. JJ. Winey and wife spent
Wednesday at llichficld with the
latter's parcuts.
Wednesday night while Earl
Winey wa9 on his way home from a
sleighing party he had the misfor
tune of being thrown out of the
sleigh and breaking his arm.
Ellen Euterline recently spent a
few days at Riverside with her par
G. W. Deihl killed a turkey that
dressed 32 lbs.
James Bowersox and wife of
Centerville spent Sunday in town.
Keuben Fensterbush holds the
banner for killing rabbits. He kill
ed 6(3 rabbits this fall.
G. W. Walter of Milton Bpeut
Christmas at home.
Last Thursday our young folks
went to a sleighiug party back of
Salem at B. Gilbert's.
Lewis Magee and wife of Lewis
burg spent Sunday with bis son,
James Magee.
Keimer Aumiller, Charles Ponti
us and Henry Meiser went to Lew
town as brakesmen on the S. & L.
S. Thompson Hilbish and wife
were seen in town last Thursday.
Ralph Mitchell, who had been
away working for a few years, is
home visiting his parents.
Quite a number of our men and
boys are working at the viaduct at
Pawling which will take till about
tke middle of April.
Our public school has sixty-two
scholars enrolled and a few more
will start by New Year. They are
all taught by one teacher but ex
pect a new room next summer.
Charles A. Kantz after spending
a few months in Iowa came home
to stay.
John Scholl of Riverside spent a
few days of last week with his par
ents, here.
" I have kept Ayer't Cherry Pec
toral in my bouse for a great many
years 11 la uic ucoi nicuibiue ri
J. C. VTjHiams, Atlica, N
All serious lunf!l
troubles begin witn
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
In a single night with
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also for bronchitis,
consumption, hard colds,
and for coughs of all kinds.
TtirM tlw! SSi-.. noutth for in orllnry
cold: Wo.,luat rlKht (or broiichltlt, litmria
nu. hard colds, etc.; (I. moat economical
fur chronic ca mid to keen on hand.
J, C. AYKK CO., Lowell, Man.
James G. Brown of Pittsburg is
at present visiting among friends
W. H. Ileigle who was omploved
at Williamspoit, came home to
spend the winter.
John W. Stohl and his sister, I
.uneiia are at present visumg iiuir
frii'iids in Lmuiisifa iHiinily.
Dr. W. W. I ongacre nnd Sniiire
Shadel of Mt. Pleasant Mills, were
here on tiuiiiess lust Friday.
Mis Nettie C. Heindilgota new
organ last week.
Our schixd teachers are wdl organ
ized and have iiittre.-iiiii meetings
every two weeks.
Last Thursday night was the
first term of our moek court for this
winter. Court adjourned with a
uumber of cases remaining on the
trial lh-t.
We liorrow the following from a
neighbor who gave his son good ad
vice for fighting some time ago. I
think it worth committing to mem
ory. "Love thy neighbor as thy
self, but mind your own business
A merry Christmas and a happy
New Year to all.
Daniel Howard of Crossgrove
entertained a big delegation from
McClure and vinicily Sunday.
Did you forget your mite to the
poor Children of your town on
Christmas Day.
We have had rain more or less
daily for the past week.
John Hughes of McClure, Fore
man on the S. & L, R R. has liccn
suffering with neuralgia for the past
few weeks.
John H. Herbster and Brother
Ulysses, expects to put a stave mill
on the Fultz aud Dupert tract after
New Year with Hniry Herbster as
ICo re -.el hua been Celt at thla
end for the dead burglar.
John H. Roniig had the mi fir
tar.e of having one of his horses
kiekitl lat week, lie had to send
for Veterinary Ulsii of Lewistown
to cine to dress the w:v.nd.
IVrco Gillnn-t ad J.unes lb rbs
ter of MoVev town nri i't r(' t'i en
joy Xinas. amongst fiend. The
former will spend a f-w d;ts wi'h
his mother iu Franklin township
l'eier lloinig, son of Xoali Uoiuig
of Miiroy, l'a., is visiting relatives
Frank Baker and Brother were
guests of J. H. Romig Sunday, at
Private Sale of Desirable
Real Estate
The unilerolirneil, wlllnrll at prlvnli. mlp. Ilia
iiiniKe niia lii, (iinnip) aiiunlu In tlie KoroiiKh
of Miililleliuris Snyder Couiilv. I'm. llouiKli-d
on tlir Soiitii hy arkel St., hnt bv a lot ot A.
L' Ml. la L- 1.' . .... t . . a .. ...
. r.m., ivrn. H it.i til It. t . tVI)pll
arllrr. l:i , and North by I.oiik AMvt coiibklu
1K S "( an lu re, more or It-m, with ilia apnur
lei.aiia. Where on U erortcd it luric two
tory brick home, two ntory Inw olllce attavhotl
i6l , a Kiilltilile bUKlnem atniKl. a-t il ia In the
heart of the town ami only a I doors went
ol the Court Huuw. ljirK" atulile Krnnery,
uoru crib, amoke huone, chkkfn hoiw and
neccaaary out buil llntra, all in fnir cttn(i:ioii.
Aluo hla farm altuatu in Franklin Towtmhtp
Ponntv and atate nforexaiil, bmindfil bv litniU
of Mlltn Kramer, Janus Dot ker, S. K. llueki-ii-ber,
lion, tl. A. SVhorh. Dr. .1 . W. Orwm nnd
1 iiarea ShaiiibaclcoiilniniiiKonf liunnml niut
aerenty-rlve aorea more or Icaa; with Ihe appnr
tenance. Where on la ertx-t.-d a Inrx" biknk
bam, piir pen. amoke houm-, and corn crib .
Thla farm la In a hixh a'nto of cultivation, ia
eanccially adapted for fruit rultivution mid ii
now vrnwimr uivin It a line younir iipplt; or
chard of about IUU trtti'a. a ixnih orcharil ol
'about l$iO treen, atrawberry nnd mniibcrry
pitches In a thrivliiK conditimi and of the
clioiceat fruita It la located nlioiit one hull
mile North of Mlddlehurir and therefore iaclne
to acliool, i.liurch, imirketa, mill and It. It.
lto prompt aa we Itend to aell nnd will ilu so
at tbe drat opportunity.
Terms will be tnmle known on application.
Jamks (1 Criii aK,
MiddleliiirK, l'a.
' ! IasBortaal.
Laura Auntie, should I be JuttW
tied in writlntr to a rounir man whn
had new written to me? ' . ;
Auntie Only on rerjr important
business, my dear.
Laura Well, this li important busl
fiesu. I want to marry him. Tit-nit.
As to His Veracity.
"You think him an untruthful man?"
"My uVar sir, he lie like a tailor."
"Like a tailor?"
"Yes; like a tailor who telli you po
itively that he'll have that suit of
yours done the day after to-morrow."
Chicujfu Post.
ills Weak Point.
Xaggby I wonder if Slobaleigu
renlies how many ktmls of a fool he
Wngirsby I'm afraid not. I used to
go to school with him, ami he wns ter
ribly poor in numbers. Los Angeles
Letters From Two Prominent Men.3
Quite Another Question.
"Don't strive for richer, my son.
Wealth does-n't bring happiness."
"Certainly not."
"Well, 1 haven't heard that poverty
does either, have you?" Chicago
Ills Ce Defined.
"Pa, what's n man of the hour?"
"(jcnerully some chap who is being
condemned by one-half of the popula
tion for ut doing something that he
knows tlio other half will condemn
him for if he docs it." Chicago Kec
He Is a modern Cr. "lis;
Cost never tlaun tils foul;
Ills nn Is burnlnK money.
Alii his cook Is In:, ullig co;;l.
Wachlniston Star.
Oat of Order.
"William," she whispered, shaking
him vigorously, "get up. There's h
burglar down stairs."
"That's new business and not in or
der now," replied the eminent parlia
mentarian, sleepily, "while there's un
finished business before the house.
I've got to dispose of this nap of mine
first." Philadelphia PresB.
Cholly Why, Mabel, 1 haven't seen
yuu in an age.
Mabel You horrid thing! Ilowdare
you talk of age to me? Chicago
Congressman Irvine Pungnn of Jack
son,' o., elected to tho I'lfty-socond c'on-
greiiii an a Democrat, In a recent Icttor
from Washington, D. C, eayi t
" desire to loin with my motif
trhnda In recommending your Inval
uable remedy, I'eruna. to anyone la
peed ot an Invigorating tunic, and
whole system Is run down hy catarrhal
troubles. I'eruna Is a permanent and
effective cure ior catarrh and I would
advise all who are afflicted with thla
disease to try thla remarkable rem'
edy." Irvine Dungan.
Kverybody Is subject to catarrh. Po
ruua cures catarrh, acuto or clirouic,
wherever located.
Hon. Thomas (iahnn of I'hlcuo, mem
ber of tlio ' :ii:iitlc.i of Uio
Democratic party, wri: j as follows:
" I was afllictcd witln .tarrli f,.r jour
toen years and though ! tried many
rciiKKline and applied to svral doctors
I was lint a bio to II ml a re. I liKik
Poruna for twenty-two wi :; p.nd am
now entirely cured." Thorns; (Julian.
If you do not dcrivo promt Hutls
factory results from tho usr of permit,
write at onco to lr. Ilartimin, (.''vuig a
full statement of your casu and iao will
be glad to glvo you his valuablo advice
Address Dr. ITartman, TreHtdent of
Tho llartmau ! .lultarium, ColumLiua.O.
"She told me what she thought of
me, right to my face."
"And you took it in good part?"
"Oh, yes; I'm used to it. She's my
wife." X. Y. Time.
Mrs. Winks When is Miss llardcash
to marry the count?
Mrs. liinks On Monday.
Mia. Wli.k., - li, oi i.. ... i-.:t,M
have known. Monday Is bargain dav.
Clreiima nrn Alter Cnaea.
The l'.oson. Kriend Hut la.-t jeitr
you were in I.. vor of electing senator
by the direct vole of the people.
The Senator (confidingly) Yes, but
at that time I had no idea of ever run
ning again. Brooklyn Life.
Time In Mint I'p.
Wife Oh, John, thp baby's got a
Husband Well, I tbope he'll be
, I II ... 1 nnur 1 1 ' a Kj.n Inn. . .
;t, i "onsrh. V. Y. TTerilrl. 1
r-ea. sfll
The wish the Big Store desires to extend to the jnl!io of this town and vicinity, as a grateful acknowledgement of iis li!icr;i'
patronage during the past year and hopes to merit a eoiitinminee of past favora hy every ellin t to supply hetter gooils for the same ino-icy
than else-where.
The After Christmas, is a clearance cf all
Holiday Goods some nt half, some at a third, and s me at a fourth. The ttore will be full of interesting liargains for all.
Grocory 3DciDt.
Do you want to ei:onoinie in buy
ing groceries, then our grocery is
the place Tor buying your supplies,
we guarantee the purity of all we
Fine granulated sugar 5 els. a lb.
Flour, any brand $1,00 for SO lbs.
$:U5 a bbl.
Canned Tomatoes, corn and peas
10 eta. a can. Koyal canned corn
ami peas as fine as any that la pack
ed 2 lor 23 eta.
Dried apricots, eaehes, apples
and raisins 18 e. a pound,
Shredded Wheat Jliseuit 8 pack
ages for 25 cts.
Force 2 packs for 25 cts.
Lion and Arbuckles cod'eo lOo a
Pure Home Made Mince-Meal,
guarranteed 12 cts. a pound.
TpQOt W oar
fox- SJV lntor
At prices a little less than at other
styles and brands are among the
best mailt'.
Men's Find Quality Rubber Hoots
sizes 0 to 1 1 $ 2.50.
Men's bung proof (ium boots
bent mule ft to 11 $:100.
Men's Hip Boots, rubber all slzi-s
Youths Heavy um Roots, dull
finish sizes 11 tol.'! .'.$1.50.
Ladies' rubber Roots 2 A to 0$ 1.75.
Children's Rubber Hoots sizes 0 to
10 J jl.oo.
Men's Felt Roots with high over
shoes $2.01). With Hung proof overs
it pays to buy these $2.50 all
sizes 0 to 11.
llovs' and Youth's Felt Roots
sizes 11 to 5, with the best quality
overs $1.25 to $1.75.
Men's IiUnibernians Stockings
75 cts. and $1.00. Hnag proof show
to lit all sizes 6 to 11 $1.25, $1,50.
Men's Heavy and light weight
Arctics buckle $1.00 ,$1 2-5, $1.50,
Ladies' and Children's Rubbeis
mostly small sizes 2-5 cts. a pair.
Baques, perhaps a warm house
saqueis among your needs. Kider
down sac'ipies are just as warm as
they look, prettier ones you nave
never seen ami the price is very
moderate. Plain or ripple eider
down in one color or pretty strioes,
wide collars trimmed with stitched
satin, crocheted edges down front
and around sleeves, better ones have
silk ribbon and silksrogs, $.00, 1.50,
2.00, 2.50.
OvLtingr Flnnnol
Blwirt Kliirlj A xiiociiil hiirvnln
In ready-to-wear short skirts at IH)
cents and :iit cts. Stripes in all colors
good weight, wnnii and comfortable
and easy to wash. Hottoin has wide
heinnied rullle or just a wide hem.
Muslin band at the top. In the re-
nriilnr u-nv nt, ."ille. value but this lot
gis-s at ilO cts and H'.ie each.
' Rargains A nice white eounter-
tinnn Is lllwilVH of food value In the
'house and now when this price is
nil' it is of stl 1 more value to you.
We bought them under price, not
soiled or damaged. Kegu'ar $1.00
value for "5 cN, full bed-size, pure
while Marseilles pattern, pretty
llcral t'enterand attractive Isirder,
good weight we liave never sold
as giK)d a one for less than 1.00 be
fore, but these are 75c.
Cushions and l'illows Pure fea
tlwmu itnt mi lii lu.nvv fentber nrnof
....... ..... .,
sen ped ticKing guaranieisi an pure
feathers, sizes for cushions and pil
lows, 18x2'!; 10x25; 20x2S contain 2
lbs. to rt Hi leathers 50c, $1.IK), 150
each. Odorless Ocese feathers of
flnast quality, steam dressed by the
pound or in any weight for pillows
or bolsters 75c, a lb.
sT 1 n --.-
. . - . .
Some Reduced Carpets. Several
jiatierns mat nave just enoiigii in
them for a fair si.ed i'iniiii. Carpet
manufiuaurers have all advaueeil
prices for Spring. Hetter look at
these if you need a carpet. 1 pattern
in Moiiuctte, green hack-ground,
liifllt set llL'iiro rcL'iilarlv .SI. (Ill re
duced to 75 cts a yard.
1 pattern velvet terra-cottn shad
ing figured was $ now reduced
to hoe a yard.
1 liilllern lunltr liriiututlu liirlit
ground, oak leaf figure, the regular
Itrice $1.00 nrice now 75 eenls tier
.Nlgrlat JSlaix'ts
Men's kinds for comfort during
January, February and March,
mane ol hetter malt rial and in bel
ter way 1 1 in u any we have ever had
before. Flannelette good and long
III lireilV Kirines. i lie. mnl; unu'ii 1
with and without t'olltiroOe and 75c.
Jluslin nice tine bleached muslin,
wiih niuk and blue t'v no
collars and down front 50c.
1 leaw twiileil muslin, bleiu.beil
pleated front, 75c. for the usual $
Hincllosi CofltS,
Monte Carlo Style Do iiol know
ol any one style lliat has sprung in
to such popular favor so qiiicklv as
the Monte Carlo coals and it promi
ses to stay g I u long while loo.
Wo have sold so many of them that
we had to get another large invoice
that lets just come iu. '
Coloring in Hlack aud llrown, up-to-date
iu every respect, $s.00, $10.00
and $12.00 I
Riaek Moulding Coats, the warm
est,gariueut made out-side of it fur;
wrap lengths to suit $10.00, $12.00 j
And of course we have lots of
coats iu this winters styles, milch
cheaper $:i.!i7. $5.00, 7.00.
Flannelette Night Uohes, llic$l.(IO
qualities at li!ic.
$1.2-5 qualities at'.'lic.
Not that they are not worth the
regular price lull the medium priced
ones are sold out so we reduce the
better ones to a low price iu order Id
keep out stock balanced.
tiooil heavy weights, well fleeced,
nothing so warm, soft and comfort
able fur cold Winter nights. Stripes
in Mile, l il uk and irreeu or ulaiii
white, yoke trout and back, collar,
yoke unit sleeves trimmed w itli
A $1.50 mirror for J1..15.
Winter Glovcn
Hoys' ami Men's (iloves, ymt
want gloves that give the wear tluil
you have a right to expect then let
us supply you. The assortment ton
is satisfactory. Knit wool gloves much worn now. Plain knit
grey wool yarn usually 50 els. nt ::."i
cts. Fancy knit, tine yarn, black
50 cts. Hed nnd grey 75 els.
Hoys' Oil Tan (Jlo'ves, knit wrist,
lined 25 cts. Hoys' dress gloves in
kid. lined, patent elaspoOcts.
Men's tlil Tan Working (loves
unlined '") cts. Lined gloves in
Tanned and Huckskin at 50 els.
are unusual values.
A nice dress glove for men at 50e
Hoys' leather mittens U5 cK
Men's mittens, leather hand, wool
back, 25 cts., usual kind lis
Men's knit mittens 25 cts., ,'10 cts.
and 50 cts.
Heavy Driving glovesan d milieus
fur and fur lined.
Dress (iloves in Mis'ha aud
on & Co.
Q Fror)b'Streeb. -
Eln; Street. Q
I -
i h