The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 25, 1902, Image 4

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    Published Erery Thartday Mralng
l.O per jrsr ' pld In xlrsne. 9I.S per yw It not paid
In arnc. 8tnK copies, Fiv CenU.
A jiUiM RbIm. Ffnli ner Una. nonpareil nMMiira-
mp lor Brut Iniwrtlor. and 20 centa per line lor each ubae
onrl Insertion. ir-oFFICB. Nearlne County Court Houses
between tbe Ktr National Bank and the Onunty Jail.
Vol. xxxix. Pkckmiikr 25, 1902. Number 61
Republican Standing Committee.
Adam C. P. Fine. J. T. Sliawver.
Bravcr-Chae. K. Dn-e. II. H. Kius.
Heaver Went J . W. Maker, David Kennlnger.
Onlre W. A. Napp. U C. Bintfaman
Chapman Joseph Long. T. K. I-sitht.
Franklin i. C. Hackenburs:, O. K. Metier.
Jackson J. b. Yearick, Viva. Martin.
.Mldilleliurs Plank Hprcht, Banks W. Toder.
Miildlecrr.'k M K. Krtlley, J. M. Mnurer.
Monroe II. O. Ilendrirks. U. K.Kilier.
Venn Joseph K. Hendricks. I. N. Jarrett.
Perry-A. W. Valentine, K. E. Boyer.
Perry Went J. 8. Wlney. J- Z. Sirawser.
Helliiimsove J. frank Keller, J, A. Ludwig.
HpriiiK C. K. KIom, 1). 1'arr'son Snook,
lnion J.O, Klahl.
Vhlns;on W. F. Brown, Myron 4. Moyer .
Modern journalism has broadened and news
papers of this daj end generation can and should
permit a correspondent to express opinions . af
fecting the public weal, if properly authenticat
ed. '
. The Court was criticised on account of the
expense incurred while theie was no business
for the Court It certainly was not the fault of
the Court that the expense was incurred, as there
were several cases on the civil list and two
commonwealth .cases, both of which had to ' be
provided for in case they would need to be tried.
While we disagree with our correspondent in
censuring the Court for something they could
not avoid, yet in this age of enlightenment and
civilization a newspaper can publish opinions
of correspondents even though they difler from
those held by the Editor. "
"While we are at all times willing to permit
the expression of opinions, when put in courte
ous language, and signed by the author, but we
are not responsible for such opinions unless en
dorsed by editorial opinion.
by this man in his dying hours is more than any
one who has riot experienced it can - imagine.
He buried down dw?a his heart the secret - of
his own indentity and nUo , that of his fr lewis
and relatives. When In knew he must die and
with the pangs of pain gnawing at his viUls
while lying in his lonely cell with no one to !
sympathize with him, what a temptation it must !
have been to unload iii over burdened . heart?
With all this, he maintained a stolid silence and
an apparent in difference concerning the dispo
sition of his body. No one but himself knows
what parsed through his mind. He may have
beeUjWell connected with a respectable family
and preferred to die incognito than to bring dis
grace upon those he was taught to love.
Monday the body was sent to the State Ana
tomical board in Philadelphia.
''I 1TS
All the powers are willing to arbitrate the
Venezuelan, troubles. Now let them arbitrate.
A Correspondent's Opinion.
The Post permitted a criticism of the Court
to enter its columns last week over the signa
ture of Jas. G. Crouse. It seems that the
Pokt was the only paper that did not cut it out.
Tim Phut 5c llw t.iiklw- mirviint nml ia lit nil
.... ' .1iv c iv mil. He began to sink Monday night and from !
The Burglar Dead.
Last Friday evening after aliout 20 days of
intense suffering, the burglar shot at Banner vi lie
Sunday morning, .Nov. 30, died in his cell at the
Another man in Philadelphia who was jealous
,of a woman has shot her. This fellow, however,
is likely to pay the penalty at the end of a
fjustions and the criticism of public officials as
long as it is carried on in a decent and becoming
that time it was apparent that life could not
last more than a few days.
The remarkable tenacity and nerve exhibited
Harrisburg will now quickly lift itself out of
the mud Councils having decided to permit com
petition in paving.
"Peace on earth, good will toward men"
sounds strangely out ot place in Venezuela, but
peace is hovering over the situation.
A Very Busy Place
To Our Cat Tlutvirrmnnf W nr o-ottinrr Ittluior vdv .1...
w..vj...v " ' & - o J Coqji
nr and fiiHi the reason for it, it is tacked on every coat, aoj
reads, new styles, good qualities and right prices. Come to
us for your new coat, we have lots of uicenew strips to
select . from. Racks full of them, just what you are lookim.
for. Monte Carlos, Half Tight Fitting liacks, 22 IUcJl
Jackets' and the long Ulsters. We start them at $2.50
Some are $4.00, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 up to $20.00.
best colors are castor, tan, black, cardinal and Oxford.
Fine Furs
- as started in earnest at this Store.
When You do Shopping or are Visiting
in this Gity, make this Store Your Store.
You are always welcome.
We make a specialty ot dinnonds, do our own diamond mount
ing. You get a written guarantee with every diamond sold.
We claim to be headquarters for American made watches. La.
dies,' and Gentlemen's watches, 20 years guarantee atS10.00. 25
yeaV at -$14.00 solid- 14k. gold at $20.00.
Our Snqan Prices Aade our Prices'.
We warjt VoUr Bqsiqess.
bury, P
I Sup
THE Leading jevVeLer.
Graduate Optician.
mi. Tri.i t f-i - m- i -ii i?i i fe
j.uo xiisiury uy juiss xua uu. larueu wnicu uegan in tj
Great story of
Standard Oil.
"Miss Tarbcll's work Isof uneiiiallcd Importance as a 'document' of the day. Her 'A
storjr basllve men In it ; they suFir and work and win and lose their battles with the y
verisimilitude that removes the ta from the dry statement and clothes It with the
color of human interest and the vivid rainbow garment of human synpathy. The
results of her work are likely to be far-reaching ; she is writing unfinished history." '
"Honton Globe." ' p
"An absorbing and illuminating cotitilbutlon to the trust question.,' "Chicago K
Intcr-Ocenn." i
"Tbe most Important announcement made by any mngailno ". "X. Y. Journal."
For OtherUmt . Matures of 1903
SendJor Oar Prospectus
10 cents a copy, $1.00 a year. Send us the dollar, at 1 East 2Mh Street, New York,
or subscribe through your dealer. '
We sell only the right sort of furs. We will make the furl
from now on. Good quality nd right prices make them rr,,, qJ
mink scarf $2.50. still better mint at $4.oU. llandmiebrorf
or black marteu l)oa, six tails, in two grades at $5.00 aud $(; J
A wonder in value; Isabella I ox for 58.00. Others at $10$
12.00 up to $20.00.
Children's Coats
we arc advising you rigni wnen we ten you io come tomji
your childreu'a coats. Bring the children and try them on. K
are showing a'grand line. All lengths are stylish, in hlne, qJ
nal, castor, brown and tan. The prices run like this : $2.M
$2.50, $4.00, $5.00 up to $12.00.
Ladies' Coat Suits.
$10.00 suit of blitck broad
cloth, well tailored, full flare
bkirt, stylish short jacket.
flO.OC extra heavy pebble
cheviot walking suit In blue.
Kkirt flares, is trimmed with
slitchiiiK aud strap trimming.
Norfolk jacket handsomely
tailored. This suit also conies
in Oxford homespun.
Other handsome suits at
$8 00, $10.00, $12.75, $U.0O up
to $18.00.
Better hurry up if you need
a suit. FirHt comers get best
Need a New
' Walking Skirt?
Good skirt of grey cluth.full
flare flounce, corded, for ?1.50.
Others at f 2.50, $.150, N.30,
up to (6.00.
These are miieh better
cloths, and are nmde ia niaiij
new styles,
We are showing n line lint
of new dress skirts, iieweflWu
In trimmiug, from f2.50upto
YOU have; had a good year, and
Now is the best time to purchase that
j The Feminine Dilemma.
Cordelia It worries me to buy
Cornelia Why?
Cordelia Oh, I can't decide wheth
ier to look 6tylish and be uncomfort
able, or to be comfortable and look
Idowdy. Detroit Free l'res.
i Had Done Ills Heat.
: "What do you think ought to be dona
With the trusts?"
"I don't know," answered Senatoi
Sorghum.' "Heaven knows, I've done
ray best to make 'era give up some of
their money." Washington Star.
Main ThJn.
"I need only one thing now to make
my flying machine complete!" ex
claimed the haggard inventor.
"What is that?" nfcked the other
"Money," hoarsely replied the in
ventor. Chicago Tribune.
I Softening the- Grief.
Wilson I lost that fine Bilk um
brella that I carried in town to
day. Mrs. Wilson Oh, what a pity!
Wilson 'Still, there is one consola
tion. It wasn't mine. Somerville
You have wanted for so long a time. We have a large assortment of both
DIAMONDS and WATCHES, and our prices are the lowest.
The great number we have already sold is sufficient proof, that they are all
we claim them to be. '
Frank Gaskins,
Up-to-date Jeweler and Optician. 249 Market Square, Bunbury, Pa.
. Sunbury, Pa.
A llarnnln at f H.7W.
"When it cornea to singing," ex
claimed the nightingale, sneeringly,
you re of no use. 1 ou couiun i
touch a high note in your life."
"In my life? No," replied the bird
of paradise, "but I'll be embalmed
upon a bonnet some days, and then
I'll make a $50 note look like 30
cents." Philadelphia Tress.
Why It W nm All HUM.
"You needn't be at all afraid to speak
to papa, George. I am sure it will be
all right."
"What makes you think so?"
"He asked me last night what your
business is, and when I said you were
a retired coal dealer he smiled and
snid he guessed that settled it."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A Steady Income.
Snlarr or commission paid weekly. Our 1200
ere nursery requires local and traveling; agents
everywhere to dispose of its products. Also
seed line. Will arrange for whole or part time.
Outnt free. We guarantee profitable and pleas
ant employment the year 'round. Write to day
for special terms.
Hrown Urns. Com f '. Ih lusts r, Ji.
Get Your Palis Early.
Those contemplating having J
personal property the coming
will do well to select their ilsji
and have announcement!! nude J
columns of the Tost. Wlienbilj
printed at this office no charge n
made for the notice, otherwise
will be 50 cents. The Posnif
wide circulation will he of grtf
fit to those havitiir sale ly htria
date printed each week until Ik
of sale.
Does your head ache? fj
bacKlof your eyes r
taste tin vour mouth?
your liver! Aycr'sPik
liver oi s. They cure c;
'nation, headache, d'si
All druzsm
Want your moustache ur Uni I
. - - .i.k t.tnnir9 Tli.n USfl
ss ct. or BnmTi, o" "" , i"i n"
B kutotnrr imer t Co
AtrvnraA Lcsdma
domes Makers
and Childrens' Suits and Overcoats
for tliis seison, eclipse all our previous display. lso hare enlarged our store by taking in two more
rooms and, reserving the second iloor for the handsomest lino of LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S
ri or. I
JJa il
.Suits in all
ciicviots and
S4.98 Wool
Cassimeres, nnule with lreneh facing.
Worth $8.50 per suit, special f price
flJrT QMeu's Fine dress
slQsiiiU in black clay
worsted,- lancy Ca.sinieres etc.
Has the best of tailoring and trimm
ings, gi'ranteed 10 value, Fpecial
price $7.48.
(Men's imported clay
worsted and fancy
scotch suits, equal to merchants
tailoring in workmanship, also lias
our one year guarentee for durabili
ty. Over twenty five styles to se
lect from, and are oflcred' elsewhere
at $15 to $18, special price $9.98.
15 at $1.98 cr suit, all of them
are the $2.50 to $3 quality.
MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS over 10 ,FURS in all the new sha-s at
do., to select from. Garner's best $1.23, $1.75, $4.50, $7.50 and
crcale, made with or with out ex-$9.50.
tra collars. Worth 75c eneciallT .ib:.. cL5a
at $145, $2.48, $3.75, $4.50 and
price 45 cents.
BOY'S OVERCOATS, all sizes
and lengths. We have them from
$1.47 up to $5.
cheviots and vanietia cloth, made
with the new blouse jacket. Skirts
black imported Kersey and oxtord cut with the newefit flare anj slot
grey in all the different lcngths.L;am8. ' Worth $18 our special
We guarantee a saving ot $2to $4! nP;P io
$4.98 to $20.
RICE S-3rd Market St., Sunbury, Pa
MISSES' aud CHIL-iiCwertj
COATS an entire
line to select from. ' Prices
from $3.75 up.
range CS
mm m
OsrV. I.1. tmaraWBTt K