lllDi)LEBUm POST. -J fa - ' girl's life is reached when 1 !3iV uncertain steps across ?L irWcli divide girlhood from viod. Ignorance and neglect at fJ2period are largely responsible the ,,, - ., Not Ved help bent of . i - - hut F3 I .thenine C to over- LiheUngur! Ujco ra it expe'1.- ;ea Pierce's ere- establishes regularity. It is a Xning tonic soothing the nerves, inging the appetite and inducing d ieep. I contains no alcohol ijj opium, cotiu uu I tl voa the beae&t we hare Ctam using your remedies" write Mr. ElfyBwiEi Green , Ob. ' Wis. .Two P"-. daunhter's health begaa to fail. t?,, that could be thought of to done I !?r "it it wa of no use. When site otompli she was quite stout ; weie nea fazL f rood health, until about the riZrtrta then in six months she was so r . am thmlctiifr th(rv M4 tin air UHia."1 " - - i jv doctor, that only for your 'favorite TiVnH'ni daughter would have bu in inlay. When she had taken one '..i.uu n.itnr.il in net ion was established cbmieh' another one. Hinting only two in all. all4 "" ...wnii.. tm she is as well as tan be." Kerce's Common Sense Medical fif, W ppc iovl-is, is .ui m uu 4 of 21 ctie-ceiu stamps to pay of mailing oiuy. Auuress ur. Pierce, buffalo, N. Y. Tm is C0OXIHG STOCK FOOD. :,LV;" I f.WLl DlvihiilU. ii.t.'W-i May 25, 1902. ' tlk I .-TATICISJ. I KASTV , AM Satibiiry HIM' 1j Hv!ln-i;rovo Junction , 9 -.liii-ci'ove j 9 01 i ."ii-.vliiiir M ; Knaiiicr I K 19 l Mn.it i Sllj , '1 iMIilinrij I"! ivi.tir i :lti uvi'rttiwn 8 vaver sin m;rs : s yi' .ml. .Mills i 6 14 ji.i luro ! t err ; V nu-i-r 7 W I Miiudle 7M :j I'liint-Tville 7 4 ; .Uutland 7 t I,iwistnwn 7 8 V i;w.tavn(Maiii Street. IX. lj licwistnwa Junction. 7 30 i;, 1 M 4 :u 4 41) 4W 4'J7 4 V:t A :o 4 M 4 irj a ai 3 II 8 3 21 :i l.i sort B'B .tuTi-s s.-tiV.:ir.y "0 p m, ur t" ut Sfhusjrrove 5 45 p ut S,-linRi;riivc (:0d p. tu., arrivt fi S'liilHiry fi:l5 p ui. iiavt.' Lewihtown Jimctiou : Ulli ra, 1 10 1 m.li'n m 4 3Ti m, T (H P V in, 12 :10 a it lor Alioona, fittnliuru; and i:lnun am wnshlnifton 805 am 9 30, (3) II 10 p m Forl'hllndPlphln and Niw .., ! 02 l(f3 4 OH and 1US p ruit..btw i 10 p m felelfi'ia At Fne R R Division . mitiiN ::n riiAi. kailway WKnl'.VAKl). WW lh n'rovu Junction fltlly ror aM Wrsl. :, K58 p in, 4 52 p in. Sunday 0 as a m, wSiinluifj iliiUy exctf t Piimliiy: r rBuiulo,! ui u m tor h'rie and Cm- :i.rH'llt!oMtn Kilo and ('nnauilniuut f Luc llavcu, 1 vrune ttl ii tilt) Wi'' . ki tor HulTulo, l la n m fir Hulloionto runu snn t anin.iliiluuu 'TiifDoviiatul Klmiru nrWIlllaiuipuit IliJi a Mi fur liurrulo via En nnrhnn T K'li.', 5 :u a iu fur Erie and Cati in- S Ki i. in fi. . lUtltxtk HiiTeu and 9 Ml a 01 2 ll itn.1 lnm In. urin..d Id Harelton in 10 a in, t m i w, 5 85 p in lor Shamo LMonnl l!nriiinl tUamtur Wllkenharre I EASTWARD. plii! i, nvs Sellnscrora Junction nmvinir at ruinideipblii New . irk S.Vt 11 in H.llli.,..u 1 1 .. ... f r .......utu W ,A w u. t'n 4 Ir MU i.laily .. i ivina; at Philadelphia IUU 10 54 p III. f- a any arriving at I'liilailolphlii ri 4 1 a ir. .ra'ns ,tio leave Sunhnry : ilallyarrlvlius at IMillailoldhla 9 62 n m I'll n m Wwl,l. ........ u-,,. k... u m , T,'il ooo dill now I , , iu . ui ouilflliyi, pi la, y iirnvlnif at Philadelphia 72V Ir. . iwouimiiyii uiuih f i.m: "isliliiKion s:m a ru. BiUllinure ' .K'MI I I-l l 111. w v Is a.rrivln Philadelphia tWi i, u'"tuuo P ft Vv arrlv,ni' at Philadelphia rtoi r I. , , " " m- "","" o uu p in R'W'IW nt PhllartPlpbU T Hi p m K n m P m' Balt"urs 7 80 p in, WaV alwIfl.lVM MllnK. . a .M .... tm : - . ' "l ou m ana zu . lor HarrwImrK, Phlladnlphla and l1I1nIi;. W"". Oen'l Pass Agent RESTORES VtTftLtHI i mm i ' Kill" ir r at Madoa Well Man awlnL" iviionauoiiiersuil inom fiVianood.andoia k ItmiiMTi' V"1'"" 'eor by uslof Vital, .t J, JDUreiy restores rurroua. t,f2i ;;1 ncy. Nightly Emissions, o vraiaintr Diseases, and h0Bo' or excetaand indlscreUoa nhV . " " r.o'wmesa or marriage. It fcer... ""theseatof dlseese.but K ' blood bonder, bring, f til Rl' Po diet-as and r kagtim , Jt Wlrd o Insanlti KLi?1-' ,,on bSTln RETlVO,n SK-1 vot pocket. By mall. IteT:. ' l0 "M-OO, with a post pLEUliQH DRLG CO. Tlr Are Tot Slalcas to This Qacwtlaa, Bat Bilaaet e( Efldeaee la la Faror af It. Every farmer that wishes to care (or hia animals in the best way should have utensils for the heating of water and cooking feed for stock. hy this we do not mean to say that ft will pay to cook all kinds of feed or any one kind for all purposes, but there are many times and conditions when such apparatus can be used. We cook food for human beings for several reasons. One of these objects is to kill disease germs in the food. Cooking food for animals has a ten dency in the same direction. It costs something for fuel, but this cost is very laregly offset by the benefits derived from conveying heat to the animal bodies and thus saving the ex pense of carbonaceous materials. It is cheaper to provide heat out of coal or wood than make it out of the tis sues of the animal body. The com fort of the animals in the coldest days of winter is greatly increased by the warming of the drinking wa ter and the cooking of part of the feed. The comfort of our farm ani mals has a commercial value to us. It has something to do with thriftt noss in the stock, and this inoretiso the possibilities of liriilitablc feetl it';;. One of tbe -reat advantages in the eooUii'g of feed for stock is bo ir.jj able to use lor feed some elnsses of farm prixttiets that eould not oth erwise be ko used. Some farmers ttml it r.flvisnhle to eook their pota toes for Ktoil;, mixing tiie.ni with meal and ground oats. Tluboiliiu1 of Migar beets for dairy er.ws pre eiiiitatis the hilter principle thai sometimes u fleets the milk. Too of ten the argument for and against the e,m;ii:g of food for stock ban been based on the increased or de-rcn.-ieil digestibility of the feed, anil it lias been asserted that t lie in creased digestibility does no; pay the cost of cooking. To some extent that is trtii, especially with certain classes of feed, but there are other advantages to be gained that certain ly do make i: inl.isable to cook some of the feed dnrir.g a considerable part of the year. Farmers' Kcview. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist 4Tl;.r;--;pJat,i,-tu--,' lj g I , The Discoverer of Swamp-Soot at Work in Bis Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing In thi country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to id vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood the albumen leaks out and the -sufferer has Bright's DiSfiflSr thA umrct fnrm nt IMn.u .A..UI. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sires. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp Root and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Einghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. nisi Oa Weakaraa. "I see, by the WeeMy riaindealer," said old Uncle Timrod, a trifle acid ly, "thr-t the absconding cashier of the Al.-SaiMh benk had always been model f propriety and rectitude. He didn't drink, tmoke or gamble; never used profanity, or wore a shirt wuist, or played golf, or ad mired gras-vidtlers. or was the least bit fri.-ky in any way. And Waal, in fact, he don't seem to have but one fault, and that was that he would steal." Puck. A Teat bjr the Wayalrfv. Don't r.etd- no wlr.us ti-r lly 1U w'en iey callin' er you higher Nn rallrn.iHi nn ... r,.,.u.. nn.?: .... u ...... j iuuui vii I uilKHi I Don t want tcr go ter glory r. a vherryoot . j I l 111 s. K&ze you sho tr hit 2e fire soon enough. Auaiita ur.suiuuon. aicnnturo 1 1 on every box of the genuine native brojno-Quaine Taweta remedy iiree n eJil In on rtaT Standard America Ansaai SIMPLE KICKING CURE. A rinn That llai Hern Telnl lu Ger iii ii n y mill l'eoveil r.rfeclive In MiiiiihI Kvery (ae. irrrwr j a m: . r- -f , ',"3 Many horses have nn ugly hni.it kicking when in their stalls, and n; purently no method has yet been found by -which they can be effect ually cured of this habit. Here, how ever, is u plan which was recently tested in (iermany, and which is said to have proven effective in every cim. All that is necessary is to hung a La.; of sand or gravel from the ceiling of A Statnt-:?.l "vr:..;::: rj Fads end Flints 0:i3::ivs Ocr CUIIJ3 FOK KICK1XO 1IOKSKS. the stable in such it immner that the bag will be a little distance behind where the refractory horse is stand ing. Whenever he kicks he will strike the bag, and in return will receive a smart blow from it, which he will re member. It may take a few days to impress upon his mind that he will ahvays be rewarded for his unman nerly conduct in this manner, but un less he is exceedingly stupid he will quickly learn the lesson, and then the bag may be removed. It is asserted that a horse once cured in this manner will never ngain think of kicking, but whether this is true or not time alone can tell. Detroit Free l'ress. A Mmiey-Mnkinjc .llaelilne. F. D. Coburn, secretary of the Kan sas board of agriculture, says: "Corn thrown into a well-bred pig is cash. The hog is a patented ma chine, fully capable of taking care ot all the raw material set before it. It is self-regulating and self-oiling, nev er gives out and is perfectly reliuble. The machine can take ten bushels of corn and put them into the room that one bushel will require. Take a good hog and fill him with corn and fatten him. Seven pounds of cqrn will make one pound of fat, and that pound worth many times seven pounds of corn. The hog is a condenser of freight rates. Ship him to Kngland and the freight on him would be much less than on the corn it tooK to fatten him, and he will bring sev eral times the amount of money." After the Horse In Dead, The whale can be put to a great num ber of uses when dead, us can also the horse, the various parts of which are utilized as follows: Hair of mane and tail for haircloth, ttuding mattresses and mnking bugs for crushing seed in oil mills, etc.; hide and sklu tanned for leather for covering tables, etc.; ten dons used for glue and gelatine; flesh for food for dogs, poultry and man; fat used for lamps, etc.; intestines used for covering sausages, making gut strings, etc.; heart and tongue for food; hoofs for gelatin, prussiate, fancy snuff boxes, etc.; bones for knife handles, phosphorous, superphosphate of lime and manure; blood for manure and shoes for reuse or for old iron. Spare Moments. , The smaller and more crowded the poultry quarters, the cleaner they must be kept, 11-TT Plaitornia 01 I i litl al .j P " ! - a a, . '. r. . .. . . .. v . . ... ' . i , .iiv i ri :.v.i in fc.v.v.'.fyaw! run l: to:. !;irt rtLW-l Pi.rt ei nt 11)1 llCrS Of 1.1! !.. I tOllinil.r..'.; i 'Mali- u. ;.i i.a' .., l.ili'.u:; (?-..r I.-...H jf Fc14s!t.-- h .11 l' - . "'VI Cf.I'.al Ij tv; ivH liov. .' ' j en;i;.;iiit i. ;.ur i.ii . I . I pins; '::., ca i j . ' " "li or v tiling -..I ,..i ' ;;. .tt) ' c r. : t. n . lc 1 ..,,'.' Ma; i.c. . ru: r v . I -S-1 !".! .u, v u -l . r .. .. l.: "I'll Si.cv : '.. i tlVi en K ; C"tni. rie ; ricUr.il ic Ai'i.cvp .... . i..iy nra rirx mm lay- 7hu.r ke.ii r i .ui , .,v- V'l-'Z t) ernn.en.i;; finer .-:-Ikt'i'V-; plora;:c-.j; Vev'ew ei I ,' '1 .'-' Srlwr-. 1 1 1 l.'-.-:.. Condensed lnformatVn for the Office, the Store Homci - i Price (j Postpaid to my aiMrfss. 35; o?ISyi THE V0P1D, Newngtan.i, ru,,tzcr nuiidln", New Yorlt "Silver Plate that Wears." The trade mark 18411 ogers Bros." ou Spoons, Porks, etc., is a guar antee of quality the world over. The prefix 1847 insures the genuine Rogers quality. For Nile by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue No. 191 1 to International Silver Co. Mer'den, Ccnn. 13S32BX3 CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS V Sa I Psnfr. Alirnvn reliable. LMlva. ' It'll S'.ort'.K'N BNUlilMtg in Ri and UoM nieutllle boxes, sealed with blue ribbon. Tavhsi other. Krewe alsisiarcranM Mbatl imloaiHl laallBlioas. lluy of your DniKKlnt, nr send 4. In suuups for Partlrsilsira, Tcall tuoniala and " Kellrf for LmIim," in letter, by rvtnrsi MauUL at,0 XssUiiwulaia, HoW v ail Urugglsta. OBIOBB8TBR OBIMIOAL OO. 100 JiaMlLaM M -, rHIU PA. Meartea Ibli gagaa Frank Aainrr, "What ore you doing here?" de manded the irate farmer of the hoy he had surprised in his chestnut grove. ".Nutting, fir." replied the frank little chap as ho strove to hide the uut hag behind his back. .Judge. ot a Kleker. "What did you do when the horrid man called you a donkey?" "Nothing." "Well, if it had been me I would have kicked him with both feet." "Just so! Any donkey would have kicked." Chicago American. Inquest in Partition. In the Orphans' Court of Silytler Co., Pennsylvania. In the estate of Ja cob i.-plty, late of West Heaver Township, lu sal, I County, deceased. Now, lVc K l .', tue lion t K'ni.ted n ru'o up, ui the nt In nml ntlu r putiei inli ri'i oil m tue pnrtitinu ut tlio rent cil.iu nf wu.l ,. eeili nt. lu uppi'iir in en'ii t iiurt mi Mummy. t..e ..UI :lny if li-iiiiiury, A. It , I in 1, ut ' oelueU p. in., ami a';i in rrlue the real e lute ut tin.. vnl i- ntion Haul l,v return t iiuiiie I .liii l. uriu.iUe I lints oil tite iimiie, ur atiuw cuiiiu v liv the Mime should Iml bu mil, I I I i.i' A .Nfyeaa m m mi ar. tSg Horse I f Vi 'm Sense I R A'! fcil eaches that glue and 1 lf lWAo-d'KKSfusedtoplaie B J Jrr'A V! some coffers with) are I " Jfi"f. z nt fit to drink. H is never clazed it's 1 pure, undoctored coffee. H ak The sealed packsire keep U ar fflf- " 'rsl and pure. P ar r EXJOYCD IT AWFILLT. "?" i ar ML l& 4lL m I 3 Are your Kidneys Healthy? Itenu iiihi r-the Kidneys are the most wonderfiil organs. Your very life de pends upon them. Kino tenths of nil sickness is caused by diseased and ne glected kidneys. If healthy they filter ell the impurities out of the blood Hheunia tism,dysiepsi;i, const i pa Hem, li ver disease, bladder troubles, biliousness. Iieadache, blood disease nnd fenmlo weiikne-i nr. all tlio result cf diciibod kidneys. o you know Dr. Kennedy's Favcrite Remedy .rsi- r;;i-rr ;r vmti or miy fV n nf kidney routilu I Ii has in en i,..o,l tor i.,',rlv I) years with unlailimr sueeesa by thysieians in Iuipilnl4 nml ;,;. ir.u,,19. Ifyo,. will m. ml y.,,lrmi. to Dr. D.ivi I kmitieily t , - n, Hiindiiiit, N. v.. thry will i. -nbs:.hiltlii f,;tn trial ,? s.'' u w 'art-'o to-iiav ii-. i . ... found nt UUy jj,, eti em. led rfu.tcs. 8 U'.bottU otths forts. H5 1 1 i3 -rs ka k JO ill pili.-il mee uf lu nliova ori'er, notice U heieu.. kiiii ii, y.ut, T. A. iiKiier, .itty in rmt fur il .,v Ann liet.. Sir.. Ilvu i.i ,le , Mi, l.yilia l e.luer unii Abinliaiu H. viieu-r,. in Mu'rv Ann suunk and hloti siiuok' .Mif. Auiaiiilii Imii er ami u .liuru linyer, .Mrs. arali .lane '.Man le anil hriiiiklin II Mnrkle.Hi.il s.u:ili l epley, till ur hnyihir I uiinly, lu.; ili-i. Iie-ier Siuipnell nml lusepli S.unpu II, nf ! mull liel.l, ilieliiituu : !Vir. Polly Ann l'aust and l.eurne l uut, uf Moure Park, -li lullIK in : l-.i.ie Idiluli;, .if linn. nrilMvillu, .MieliiKan : Mv. Anialimla Kline, uf I. eenblirf; Mielnaii ; Alnalialll liolliiK, nl Sutti Station, .MiclilK.ni ; .Mis I .ll.iln til lieeter Mild lunilil lieeter, ot l ull. in, Miehimtli ; Mm. li.iuliall litliiin; ami llulieit Huloni.-, el Mi-lm will' a, lli.leinu: Miiiuii I'ai kcr, uf l lllee l.lvi'M, Mielilunn . Samuel h. i'aiki-r, ul (nan. I liaimln, Mieliiitaii ; Uaae I;, I'.u ker, ul spuiilihj;, .Mi. lilKnn: Mis l.il.ie Snillli nml ( liauiin y .. Sr.utli, linn. . Iliisiuitli uuil Hamul i I) iuilli, u( lluwnul lily, .llielintnii ; Trias K. Iililen, t luirlra A. lliilen. .Mrs. Ida M. i i in i , iti i and Henry t'iniiitiiti, all uf Mueuiiili. Iiliums , lluiv aul ,S. Fil ler, n Imse address is uiikiiiiwn ; .lulill II. I.e!le, nf .s.iKlrrville. .Mllllni I n , I 'it ; hli. alivth Itr. iiiur, wlm.c wheri'iitiuniH is iinkn 'ivu ; Alri Itneliel Kemlierlinjrmiil.luliii Keinlierlin:. u( Klktin I, Iliilinnn: Miss I. in v Ann t it, ami Jerry I'll. Mrn Nirah t'niliy, A rs. Ileriiiei-Kleiiiti-lt and John Muiufelt Mrs Annie l.ep ley, Aniini Lepley, Kiuiriiimi nf II. it l.eeli y and ln-ulali 1 1 pley, Wrt Waijnur, v lit Wanner, Kuurdinu ul Lottie V'ilu;iie anil .Mirnd N..i;iier. .His. Ma. i;io lliuiti, A. Miielnir, i;uartli:in uf I .lenn l.i pley anil Kn il l.ti;.ey, all ut i Ion, Mieliian. nnd iVlra. Abliie Saiiiiuru and i auk Niiiln.rii.nl Hurrlhik, Micliixuu, lieim ( the aniil .lacoU Ipley, iioeeaeii, mid pm Huh In m itreat tsi uniwitr In tlio Ornliam' Court uf ?ai l ililifyvoii .'imoY.y; iiir nay of reurii.tri, Iwua. at i u'cluek i ni.tin aei'iiniauee with i.iinl order. li, ,M Siiimii t.. I Senl of the Orpliam'l I'lerkU. C -l four! of Snyder O. W. Uu, ( la,, I'eiinu I r-Heri IT. "Did you have lots- of nice things to eat at the party?" "Hather! Why, I bad to take four kinds of medicine after it." Ally Sloper. laiiKiinm'. Tile aetor erhs: "l am unliM i !" "lie Is i!m:e llpl" my ., 1 1 . . , l- iyp. It's iniKl'.ty hard to keep the run ' ( !' i.lllKU.Igc 111 tl.e-e I i.'.iys. Illiee. A Hf.l.iO lull IS C(tliil lull il' i XI'li ss li e tlmllks of limiK r Hall, 'oi Wist l'oinl. l.i. Listen why: A scu-tc ei Id liml m". t It'll I'll Ins lin gs, tinning u most tibst iiialc eiMigli. Sevt inl i liysieians sniil lie liml ('(.iisiiiuptidii, but I'oiplit in i lit'lji hint. Win u ail llidiiulit In. wits dm tm il lui lii san to use lip. King's Ni w JiiseoM'r.v IVrOoiisiimp t urn mill writes "Jf has complete! v i'uimI iiic inn', savtil mv life. I imw weigh :!27ik." Jt s positively giiitr unit 'il lor Couslis, Colils ami l,ung troubluH. J'iico Mi, mill Sl.iMl. Tiial liutlles fin nt IMiilillcbuig Dtiig Store, (iialiliili, iiiiiii tn (i. Kicli liolil. an I lr. .I. W. S.unpsi'l, I'eiuis Creik. Tim ell-en ntver sti iken lor slii'i li r lll.'lll s. m;w i rMi iiv t'tiijioitr. Iri'lins are daily tiiiiling a wnihl i f ccinfo) t in Jliiekli n's Ai nica Sulvt It kills paill lli'lii lUnns, Senilis, L'lltH. Jtlllisi'H J JdlltjUt is I'lciTs uuil 1'i'ver Soles ; emes V.i uplioiis, Suit J'bruti!, Jloils Htnl l'i Inns, re moves Coins iiud WuriH. Best Tile t ure on em tli. Onlr -'ie it Multlm l n g Drug Store, Oravlull, (ioi uuiii . Co., liichlicld, lr. j. W. Sampstl, I'cuiiH Ci cek. Thy problem p!ay is its broad nH it ' 'o o. lOII.S lllAltl.V AllAtK. 'Al wife Wt'S so ill tLlit j. (k il pl.y nil . wi re niial lc to hi Ip Lit,' iies M. M. Ausl n, of Wincliesler il., "but Wns ton plttilv tllro'1 bv Kit g's New J.it,, l')Hs.'' They il w,i,i'(.is in stoiniich niul liver i I ill s. Cnii' consl ii'nt ion sick ' i. hit he v.V t.i Mi, bib liiirn' Drug ion , ; .vli'.;:,;..iiiii iti tV Co. Itieh l'l. i. nl).- . ,i. W. Sii'ipsel, I'eiuis ttk. '1 hi' 1 li.-.! I i r may sdll have i ' 1'ji el ', li ii w . iii;:si.;i;i i uk i.uMi i.it'K CilMsl ,l in i,,.. ii t j,,, lmju "lg. lis i i ;. 1 n.ly M.alt. y, le.'U--!ur Hello!!. :u,,l ui i'iu k v ib stinving ilea. lly nisi Hm. 'ei.is. I'.l t l i- ljit ti t s I i"Ml il i. Si i ii.i.i. b I i, I . . - r. I illlll l-iili-eys. purifv iheblooil, ami givo ii M'i'iiiiiii n I'tliic lih-v work v-oi ih i s in cttfiiig Kiiliiey 'J'loiihli s, !'( liuile Ci n: laints. Dyspepsia, aiut Ni'iMiiif. Ins :i.-lsii i iistii'iilimi nml Mal.iiitt Vigcnis heiilth nml sliei'i-th nle.aos fi.lli w their use. Only .'Hi-, gu.uai t. il b.vMiilillehilig Ih ii. S! r... ( int'd'ill, (tm in;. ti ,v Co l!itli!i' l,l-Di. J. W. Saiii. il, lVi.ns Cittl;. No, M mil ilear, in-il t.i r gan.cH bio not playe-.! i ul. DMIMSTIIATOKS' MiS'ICK. bet. tt rs uf Ailllliliistratinn In tin esl.iln nl I'ully .Null, late uf I'erry luwyisliip, .Snyder I'ouiity, In., iltiivase.l, liitvinit been irrniitrd to the iiiidemiiriml, nil persons knowliiK thvui- .r.1.1. I ,,K LI..' , r..l,l ratt nr.. Mn,.r..l make ininiedia, .,,'w..ui. ti,u.v. .....11.4 elaiius iii:iilriit the .1 entate will prrnent tlleiu dulv niltliellti.lt.il tu tile tllliler-lKlietl. lit ASK lil It'lll Mt. II, .1. i.W 'l . 1 H 'KN 1:1:111 , l-.i:, Ailininlntraturn liei. s, vji l M . Pleasant .Milln. A T CiiFe a CoM in no Dey ! T;&s Laxative Br omo Qdnme Tablets. $ pp A Saven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. Th3 SijiatUrC, SvY? Cures Crfp in Two Dayi. G! every -rtWTLa btx. 25c. nr My skin was sallow, I bad a bad taste in my mouth in the morning and my breath was offensive at times and occasionally I had a bad headache. By the use of Ripans Tabules I am now in a conditions to attend to my daily duties, my appetite is excellent and my diges tion much improved. The f lvecent packet is enough for an ordin ary becasion. The family bottle, Sixty cents, contains a supply for a year.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers