The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 25, 1902, Image 2

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A Whole Dinner
Mashed Potatoes
CTTaUK holiday rush kept u late, an J
ultiiouijii thoroughly tired m nnr.a
li and body 1 ft It no relief upon be
ing free to leuve tl.e crowded ntore
rr.d Teturn to my clien; boarding house.
Slowly 1 made my way among chattering
clerk,' comfortable matrons and faliion
ble young women to the rear exit. I was
horribly toncious of my frayed jacket,
and the lean leather chatelaine at my side.
Christmas!" 1 smiled bitterly.
. "Serves you right for not staying mar
ried," 1 could hear the last harsh word
of my maiden aunt ns 1 left the sleepy
village to cck independence and self-respect.
"Other women?" rang the voice, "well,
men will be men; he make a good living
for vou, don't he?"
I heard the key turn in the great store
tioor, but Hill 1 remained on the step,
staring out at the lights tearfully tellect-
54.00 SENT FREE. , I
The Well-Krown Specialist, FRANK-
$4.00 Wrrth of His Complete
Treatment Free To Our
There never was a bptier oppor
tunity for pewit) 8 sufl'uiiug from
tlineiutes of the hetut. nerves liver,
btoinach or dropsy to test, free, a
well-tried and Complete Treatment
for these disorder. Dr. Miles is
known to he n leading specialist in
iIiksi) tiiHonui-H. h"i1 Ihm libflral efftT
is certainly worthy of serious eon
s d'eration by every alllieted reader.
lus system ot .treatment is
thoroughly scientific and immense
I., t i I iw. nrilinarir mot linila
... i i r..l
it s several remeaies careiui
ly6oleCted to suit each individual
ease and is the final result of twenty
five years of very extensive research
. .. L : . I ..
anil exoerience in i.renunK ims ciuos
of diseases. Each treatment con-
hists of a curative elixir, tonic
tablets, laxative pills and usuhlly a
plaster. Extensive statistics clearly
demonstrate that Dr. Miles' Treat
ment is at least three hires as suc
cessful as the usual treatmeot.
mouials from prominent people will
be sent frte. These show Dr. Miles
to be one or the worm s most buo
Cessna physicians.
. ... . nil. 1-. Qt.t.
nil, r..o. pspiit-man. m iiieirm i imvn '"'"'"
Iti-uuliiM. loeated itt Sun DieKa. CaL.Mtyii. "Dr.
Mile' Special rreittment ha worked wonder
in mv miii'd cam; when all elm failed, 1 hal
rmnlnvill tile hi'st liiedieAl tnlentand Inul xpriit
i'J,wi in so doiiiK- 1 believe lie U a wonderful
spi'cmlist. 1 eoimliier n my amy 10 recornmenu
him." "ror yearn 1 nan severe irounio wim
ntnmacli, head, neurnlKia, ulnWinir apella nd
' . l.n,.l,,,nnl j.,,tiri.lw JUIPImI till''
wrilen ilnn. W, A. Warren. of JnmrRtowii.X. .
riiieaRo. temilitu that Dr. Miles cured htm after
ten utile physicians hurt railed. Mrs. it. nun
mer. of (ireen lprine, l'a.. was cured after
many physicians had pronounced her ease
As all ultltcted readers may have 81.00 worth
of treatment eircially ailipted to their ease,
free, wo wotlil advise tliein to sene for It at
once. Address, On. Iiiasklin, Slate
St , Chicago.
When writing nicntionltl'elMlddlcbnrKlI oT
ThU ! What t Dmigner Call the
Little Structure Here Deacrlbed
by Himself.
A pround nlnn of my hoi? house, built
in 1H94, in shown in the cut. It is an
idenl one. The chimney is directly
behind the ventilator. It is half way
down the roof. I prefer my hogs all
in one house. Here I can feed 50 to CO
of nil ages in 15 or 20 minutes. Their
fi.p.l isi nut in drv. one bntr to a barrel;
then th.. Imrrel is filled with boiling
water from a faucet in the cooker.
Water is heated in the afternoon,
inrnerl ill th hnrrel with feed after
chores are done, inul left over night
with cover on. The next day it Is stir
red thoroughly before feeding, and
dipped out with a ten-quart tin pail.
Small pens here and there are good
piioiiu-h for summer or if one has only
nn now thnt farrows late in the sea
son. If those pens were all small, I
Headaches and
Dizzy Spells,
Weak, Nervous,
Vrciched, Tired,
Until Dr. Miles Nervine
.Cured Me.
Are you in a "pocr conditionr Are you
almost ready to pive up from exhaustion,
.H'ew: Soods atlciiiiee
I have just returned from tlie-listero Cities with a r,;
rttiek of Merchandise at bargain prices to every pei-sini.
my htuck before purchasing elsewhere.
Please, Mum, Glmmc a Nickel?"
d in the wet pavement, when there came,
from somewhere below my wuist line, a
Ismail whine. ?
"IMcai-e, mum, gimme a niclicl?
I looked down and beheld the smallest,
Jirtiest, most forsaken little woman 1 had
tver teen. Mie could have been no more
than seven, but there was endless weath
er tales in the hollow of her checks, and
the over-bright black eyea btapoke knowl
edge of lilth and ktarvatiou and wretch--edness.
"Kr a penny," she whined.
I a half intert'i.ed. A thought be
yond .myself and hinj was welcome.
"I'leaae, mum" he began again.
- ,Wfr" fcust r; cevt nv. pocket.
!' t had depoaitea my last dollar witu
the boarding-housckceer in case the
Jaundryman should call in my absence.
Xotwithstanding the chrld's hardened
little face there was on expression about
her wide mouth that attracted me. It
was almost motherly in its maturity.
Laying the nickel and the penny hide by
tide in my hand, 1 Kiid:
"It it ail 1 have. Ji you take t!o nickel
1 s'...i;l nave to walk home, but it it is tho
penny vott c'uootc 1 niy ride, and 1 am
v. , v llrr ,! "
sj'.ie aiiol an impudent, ir.iuisit;vo glance
at ,
"Where d'ymi-e live': s:;e asked.
J'u liiiinically i repi.ited my ttitet num
ber. "Ten blocks'." the sc irnfu'.ly replied.
"Dat's iasy!" ami f.viitly p'abbiug the
nickel siie darted nroiind the coiner.
The next day was Christmas, and I did
not down to breakfast, but lunched oil'
tcda crackers and tome stale candy; in my
Christmas! Christina-!"' I repented
the words to haunting memories, and 1
um afraid I cried n little.
Seine one tupped at my door.
"Come in," 1 called in quite a matter
r,t f:iet. tone. The door opened timidly,
end t.icre on t'le threshold ttood no other
than toy little beggar oi the nin'.il be
fore. Stlie wa much embarrassed, but before I
could wcju'une her one dirty paw shot out
suddenly like her quick glances, and iu the
begrimed little palm lay my nickel.
"1 bringed it back," tne stammered,
" 'cause 'cause"
"lli-cause?" I suggested, smiling.
"Jest 'cause 11 piped youse off as
kind o' on you-e uppers you.-e own self,
jtEd I ain't teemed t' tleep sound"
She got no further this dirty, sinful,
little waif, f"r 1 had gathered .her up in
my arms and was holding her very tight,
some one cared! On that desolate Christ
mas some one actually eared!
"Little woman," 1 said presently, laps
ing into the language of him who was
constantly in my thoughts, "there is one
dollar coming to me, all on account of a
deithct laundryman. What would you
rat .er have than anything else that a dol
Jar can buy':"'
"Mas voute got de dough, sure 'nough?"
I lidded.
' lii-'ant'.y t'.io nn-wend me: "Say, what
Jud a whole dinner co-t, wid mashed po
lat' - fi r bot'n of ti-cn-V"
must have made a comical picture,
my 'i.e. v friend and 1, as we entered the
quie', doHn'jwn restaurant. There was
jus; o"c ot! er person seated there on this
Christmas day a man over in the thadow
of tl.e comer.
T..c child had seratnb'.ed into a chair
ind.cated l y the head waiter, and I was
shout to take my plac.- ooposite. when
the man in the corner suddenly arose.
I cannot, even now. remember how it
nil happened. Confusedly 1 saw the young
ster's eyes grow round with wonder, and
the head waiter stilled an exclamatory
oath, for I, tliere in tne ptihiic restaurant,
I was in that stranger's arms. And this
I remember distinctly the man's most
manly words:
"Forgive me, little woman, for not find
ing you sooner. I have bren tcouring trie
land for you. Not a word, not a word of
it all was truth, and if 1 had that cack
ling old maid aunt"
A oiee interrupted him. It was the
"Say, mi, dat guy ia on de square
honett I kin tell."
And bless ber little heart, she did tell
the truth.
Useful Christmas Gifts
Carjiet Sweepers
Carving Knives and Folks
Tea ami Table Spoons
ClutliesjWnsliers ami Wringers
A full line of Niekle-Platetl
AlsoGrnnite anil "Delft" wares.
Geo. W. Hackett,
325 Market St.,
Sunbury, Pa.
Hope tnusl be elastic. It springs
elernaiin tne uuniau uream,
Wbpn a man makes a monkey of
binipelf, e.olution must work botu
akes short roads.
e Xnd light loads.
m hi
tirrvnnsness. headaches, backaches, and
tliziy sfells ? No need to mention the de
tails ot a run down cr "poor condition" to
those who are suffering, llctter U tell you
of Nervine, the remedy sold on a puarantee
to help you. and restore your poor weakened
nerves to life, strength and health.
"Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine has done
a Rreat deal for me. In the fall of 1897 in
health was in a very poor condition. .
trtme nervousness, dizzy spells and sick
headaches made me most miserable. I. had
been under the care of our local physician
for some time, but ct no better. 1 was on
the verge of nervous prostration. Had no
appetite, and could not sleep. 1 crew wore
ns the dizzv spells continued and lost flesh
and strength. Oh! those awful days. A
lady friend who had taken Restorative Ner-
..: n. -.. It 1 r..,,,',f a lull ill.
VI1IC UWCU II1C ll ll; ... ' " K "w
at the local drug store and when it was one
ha f cone I noticed that the medicine was
helnine me. I continued taking it according
to directions until I had used three bottles
when I felt so much better I stopped taking
it. I feel that my present rreatlv improved
health is all due to Dr. Mi es Restorative
1 nm .fnl f.,r tH twiif-lil 1 re.
4.Cl.lll. Bill ' - -
Ceived and recommend the Nervine wholly
on its merits ns a nerve tonic and restora
tive." Mrs.. 1'. M. Hooouoom, Dalton,
All drurjists sell and c'larantee first bottle
ri- Mil...' Ln,M.1lc SImiiiI ler frei. hoolc
en Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Meuical Co., Klkliart, inu.
SHOES REDUCED 25 per cent.
All ladies and misses shuts have been redived 2")
'Meii's Wool lined Kublc r boot?, innde by die .MV
'.'o., redueed to 2.50. .
Indies first quality rubWrs 40c.
Worth $1.00 reduced to $3.00.
A full line of Dress Goods at Bottom l'riees.
TA.. 'z. CROUPE,
4 U t.iiHhiss entniste.1 tohi'ier-
arl" reclva nrotst attention.
ood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Cold Everywhere.
k Mad hf STANDARD Oil CO.
W. II. r.l'Tl.llIt, rroprlrlor
418 Aaiket Si., Harrisburff Pa.,
(Opposite 1. H. H. llejiot Entrance)
-c. rnllcil lor All TraliiM-.
Rooms, 25 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c
Gooil aeeotnmoilntlonK. tf
For that
wear clothes
made to your
exact meas
ure by
Good Tailors fcr
23 years,
Vou, feel
ust right in
them. Near
ly 500 pat
terns to o
lect from
See the com
plete line A.t
the store of
Gelnett Bros.,
Hiddleburg, Pa.
would have to work Wo hour or more
to feed them ail. earrylnjr feed to each
pen and rotuoTinp snowdrifts or ice
from the troughs before feeilinp. The
stable is clenned twiee or three times
nt, when fecdini? corn
heavily, when it is clenned every day
on account of the corncobs. , llie nogs
in w inter are always In the house, po-
iiifr linek to their urn when let out.
In my hojr house I have lost uui two
pips by thumps since 1897. The tank
on cocVkcr can be removed and made
o reiriilnr Ktove. and. when it is cold.
a pood hot fire is made from chunks
nf knoltv wood, which cannot be
worked up for the kitchen stove. If
the little doors are made six by eight
ilm lit tin nir8 will come out and
run back and forth iu the alleys, as in
iiniiner. In the cuokinir rtin 1 have
a shallow trough two inches deep, ten
inches wide, four to six feet long. In
tliiu in nut, Home cooked whole wlient
and cracked corn made up for the pips.
In one end is a cross cleat about 12
inches from the end of the trough. In
H, is end sonic dry earth is put for tin
pips to dip and exercise in; earth
the full lilowinp of sod is best.
This will have to be put in more than
,.,.,. ns tliev will have it dug out sev-
.-r..,l times a day. After llu-ir excr-
,.!;. mIw. ii it. bo-riiis to pet cool, they
will fr:il under the cooker and lie
around the side of it sound asleep.
I have my pips farrowed in winter,
about February; January is too early,
as the pips are too larpc and want
more room. 1 plan to have ns many
farrow nt one time as possible; then
there is less trouble in dividing tlicm
for feeding in pens, nnd an early pig
can be shipped for breeding much
earlier than a late one. I use a feed
cooker; capacity, 50 gallons, which is
small enough.
Mv lioir house is 40 feet in diameter.
sides ten feet long and six feet six
Wlie liirrh to ceiling. Iho ratters
from each corner run to the center.
nnd those between are spiked on to the
lain rafter. There is a ventilator i
iin.lios Kniiare in center, slatted on
four sides to keep rain nnd snow out
and to let out steam, etc., which may
nii.i.r A hirire tramloor is direct i
m, ,1ip eooker. It is opened when
water is taken from tho tank nnd nil
Bteam goes out direct. After the
water handling is done tne irapnoor
is closed up nnd all heat is Kept in.
This door is three by six feet. I would
not build or feed any other way if for
business. A. X. Tortiiiaa, in Kural
Kcw Yorker.
Condiment, in SlneU llnlloii.
Condiments in the fecdjng of bul
locks have been found by actual tets
made in Kurope to be of but liltle
value. Molates pave the best res-ults
of tiny, but was apt to bring on a
loosenes-s which could be checked only
by reducing the quantity given. A
quarter of a poUnd a day was ioum.
In n II a bullock could take.' It k:i not
lieen nroved that the condiment en
ables the bullock to consume more
lmlkv food, like straw nnd hay cliall
T'.nll.ieks fed with molasses were ad
judged ready for the market sooner
than the others, nut ineir carcasses
yielded the least meat and brought the
least returns.
llueterla llnve Lung I.Ives.
Prof. John L. Sheldon says: "Like
some w eeds, bacteria may remain dor
mant for long periods. When the con
ditions necessary for their growth re
turn they immediately become active.
Seeds of the cockle burr, ragweed and
sunflower mav lie in the ground for a
vesir or more withoutgerminating, but
... . 141
when tne SOU IS surreu up uuu mcj
feel the influence of the sun-
chinn nnd air. the seedlings burst
from their teed coats and push their
WIT UD throueb. the soil, apparently
all the more vigorous on account of
their long rest.
'A. 1 Pottage,
Veterinary surgeon.
All nrv.ffaalnnul tillRlneftR entril-'Clt tO Ttli' Cllfe
ll receive prompt snrt careful m'entlon.
ipXHCTTOK'S NOTICE Notice la nerrny
given tluit letter, tentnincnmry upon tlie
c.lnlo of Hopliin hliiclt Into of Heaver town-
hiii p. Miyoer ninny, in-, ,ie ......
been i.siieil in clue form of Inw to the umler
.iRiieil, to whom nil lmtelitcil to mitt i .tnte
.lioiilit mnke ininieiimie iinymeiiu ou
hitviii),'clniiii. BKnintt it nlionlil prencr.t tliem
duly Butlientientcil for net! lenient.
Al.KIII.U 81'EC'llT, nxccuior. k Tm.tivf.rtliv (lelltlemnn orlldv
l. tl. t .. ,nnnira I, Mai ll... fll. An fllfl
III I Hell nniii'j -
en'nlili.lieil Iioii. of nolul linnnclnl .lunillnir.
A tmlirlit, Donn nie wwn) .rj i".i
hy cheek each Wednesday with nil expciiiw
direct from hrailciunrlern. Money nilvnneed for
expcilFC.. wuilHKer, OiuvM.-v.ui, ..iuH, .....p.-.
-t Kit.
to atlviTtiso in a live and ui-tt-ilalu
ncw.paU'r. For lfsiilts
lir)iv Iiifi t nat V4i.i nn lt Ik ul'l
LiiXiitivo r!r.ui- .''.iiiiIih laDlets ! I
m ol l in uUy. ? cure, no pay. I'i";
!( Ills.
Wavtkii-A Tru-t'eoitliy (ieiitleiimn or I inly
1 ,..i. ,., iiu.iifi.'i. iiiiiiit'Mn mi mi iiiii
I'strihlislieil holle vt .olid lllllllleilil Pllllldillir.
strail-lil, lionn ll'le weekly Mimry oi m ikiih
nyelieek einh VVnloemlny with nil exicnjeii
illreet from neailiiuiirierii. . . . i. i.e. ....
cxpeiiw. MiMiUKer. rwinnmi iiub, nniii;u
ft-1 mi.
W(IT Radius Staud tnjd
ADJUSnot-c up. -
Is 14xlS int'liesi ; lar(je :ml strong fiii.iijjli t.
I'mt.K,, ir any heavy vniiuii, at stnv j
i i . i i i i i . . .i i i '
ant;ir-. ii can ue rerotccn nnu tmjtwtu wiienrti
ho as to always throw tho strongest light on tliep
Von can thus avoid the xlrnln on iinnr nc. !nn-;
t f .i.u,,
w Inu holding n Uiok in your hand or on a level l
t . 1 it x . 11 i
It in nindu ot kjak, aim mis on ono tHige a ft,
keep liooks from sliding oil.
reVoLViNg cse.
This i 15x15x12 inches. Tin; shchp
Oak or Ash. finished on both sides and on nil ,
and linvt! 1) inelieH of hook space on four side, or 3 feet in all,
room vnouirli for refiruice hooks of daily list;. Many bmiks mar
he iilaeed on'the n)ier shelf. In' all twenty to thirty voliiino.
sio, can ho put in it.
CASTINGS connecting the top and Case are finished in hbek?,
and of stitiioiciit strength to last a life-time.
Pipe, Post and Legs.
Tlw P. Inns nri. -ltt'iclioil v ronnil-lwMidod SITHIVS to tlli tnrnel
Into this post is forced an iron pipe, which runs up through tne C
1. 11 .1 ,! -iiL-. .- .. ii 1 1 1.1'-
iimi to which tne castings ac tne top are uiluuuco. -nimui'i uu?
t ln (1ah revolves.
As a Home, Office or Liisrauy article we claim its cipuldoei
exist. Tlx? acaiiracy of this statemant cm ha confirmed by tin
letters of the highest commendation lrom thousands ot .Ministers,
toenovu Pliv.Hii'niiw. fiivprnniont. Stutn and Colintv Olliuiills. Bit
. v .... j - j , -- j J .
and Business Men. Over 50,000 have been sold in the United &
iiad orders now come for large lots from England and. other fit
i HOW FINISHED. It is handsomely finished in Antique 0
. ... a . T !l T).. I
iinii tin ileum iii- ir iiun vhivv j joihi - nvn
AS A (JIFY. Nothing made is more suitable to prtsont to a t
or ns a Wedding or Hirthday Gilt than this Stand.
HOW SIULTEI). This Stand is sent knocked down, wrapp.
heavy paper, linking a piokage of 20 Hn. ly Freight it pe
second-class, and sttalhiut half wlnt it would cost ii ant:
I'l.iin illeiiciliiw fl.e ii'itiinn' fivrf'tlicr Mcraimnnnv each SlMIlll.
1 ..., ..,.....wi,.i .. 0 1. V
, , .1 ... , .1 ..X I L l'
iiii. f i.i nr tiiMi-ii it ih rM .1 in i is ..tiu. tor s inn us
lire nllou'cd to sell them nt the wholesale rate of Three 1 illiirs F.
1J., Chicago. Or we will send the Post one year prepaid :rl h?
Stand shipped J'. O. I. Chicago, lor 5o.oU.
J gs: 3
Success Calenders.
nnllK publishers of Success
JL have issued an exquisitely en-
gravctl twelve-leat Calender, inis
(Calender is one of the finest ex
amples of the famous Colortype
Process, which excels lithography
in its beautiful soft tones and color-
ni.r Tho twelve designs are ori
ginal painting made for Success by
America's leading artists, and rep
resent suhiects til cencral ami ins-
pi rational interest. The original of
the one for. December, lor instance,
is a most exouisite painting by tin
famous artist, J. C. licyendecker,
representing "The Three Wise Men
of the East." 4t
The :t('Ci fnlender will lie ent
entirely KHKK of churiro nnd POKt
pftiJ to uny uddreaa on requent.
I it.N. I'ntvrrKlty HlllldllllC.
W noliinsftMi hcinnre, X. Y.
Ladies vVanted
$5.50 Sample Outfit FREE
r. Meoirx K.lwtrlc 'onMti.
.tmlirlit trout, iitiire'own remedy
fur Haekiu-ho. Ncrvoane., Indl
KOKtlnn, Heinlaehc, Liver nnd Kid
ney Trouble; priee $1 to W.
Or. Hvwtfn llnlr lli-nnti,
for FnlliiiR llnlr; price. l "loilct
article.. Write fur Liberal Term.
U. A.Scott,870B'way N.Y.
and expense poid. or comnilMion, to take or
der lor our vii.rui.-ii ' "v "' :
Flowers. We carry iuii line lor me nra n"
- . . . . . . I. . I i ..a man n.nn.1
lielpbut uececKl. M be baa the faellitie to
compete for all klnda of trad and with differ-
. . . ...... a.- Vrft &t AnM for
eilt liunnt;s w, vidwm, ,...-
termi to Uerrlck Company,
tS-4-lSt. Bocheater, N. T.
tt ia nn fiYCftllent TUFTED COUCR
J -
best durable valour covering, excellent qtwH?
springs, just tlie taing for any easy rest, onlj
Extension Tables,
$5.00; 8 ft. $6.00; 10 ft. $7.00.
Beautiful Writing Desk
Ton 26x48, highly polished four drawers, I'm
and a cupboard witu two uepartmeius. y
parsons can use it at the same time, It ifif
ished on all sides so that it can bo placed intJ
middle of the room. It is a bargain at $S.w
QfiMinr flair Manrr S
gqnaro, extra .fsLelt below, only 93e. "Be
grades and more expensive finish, 1-Sj n
Larqe Arm Rocken
V . . . , . nl su
n A nnml nnarr 'limr n. BnfCl!ll HUTtTaill " t
V il iot . , ..- O . . rft
A . nn. srv nn dn I .1 w 1 fill.
Uther rockers, JJfi.ou, ftz uv, .vv anu v"-,,
PICTURES, fruit and scenery, size 2w
oak, oxydized and gilt irames. casei, -j
$1.50, selling now for 1.00. J
r U 1 3 i-c Kitchen and dining rooni
wnair. anico assortmeDt,
and ?5.C0 per half doz. J
I have also a nice assortment of beds, ,
tresses and springs. Oomo early.
( J. E. OTAGEE, Kreamef,',