The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 18, 1902, Image 8

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fSl end iff
Another Special Sale at
ft lUrrim HiinlUrr II I
B Overcoats II
w nnt"5t)n v
833 C
High - Grade
It's a rare occasion, indeed
i i- : t
rrv; )Ar a.t this nrif. Lherfi r
1 . l . U 1 I
liiUiie uub wiicto uuum ue e
;: from 6. to ?7. But
r hoy are. all ready to put
Bov's suits and overcoats
at the same price. 84.98.
Frlala t
"When I bear a man spoken of M
hivinp $40,000,000 or foO.OOO.OOOia 'colJ
cash,' " remarked Uncle Allen Spark i,
"I always wonder 11 he didn't pet it hf
freezing out his competitor." Chi
cago Tribune. j
Aa K.tlraate at Art.
"Have you ever written anything
that you were ashamed of?" inquired
the fevere relatbe.
"Xo," answered the author. "Put I
hope to some day. I need the money."
Washington Star.
Oh, Mammal
"What, more money! See here,
young mnn. What has become of that
last five hundred I pave you? Horses,
vine, clothes, what'.'"
"No, father, no. I've been playing
bridge with mother." Life.
AlireHKt of the Tlmm.
Winks Why do you keep setting
your wutch all the time?
I'.links I'm trying to make it agree
with the street clocks we see.- X. V.
KvrrrthlnK In Ha Own Mace.
Ethel (coyly) What a pretty
mouth you have. It ought to be on a
girl's face.
Jnck 1 seldom miss an opportuni
ty. Princeton Tiger.
A Cinch.
Wnniro 1 don't understand how
Tirown manages to look so prosper
ous! Oowan That'J easy his family are
vegetarians! llrooklyn Life.
g is ,1
More Arllntlc Than ralatable. I
"J hies your wife fix up any fancy
dishes?" ,
"Lota of 'em. Hut, hang it all, you
can't tit painted violets anil thing's,"
i i iinaueipiua xuneuu i
irst Nat
Bank, Fa.
Ai.fp.kd Sciuh ii, l'res.
W. . Y ittkn t ykk, Vice Pres.
Ja. ('. Tin M I'm in, t'a-hicr.
Altred gk-hnrh, W. C. Ptoneroy,
.'. vSlittnriiVer, A.; ivievHi-r,
N Thompson," M.Miiimir.
Jn. d. Thompson.
Such lMuulnit Is llnrrnwlnit.
Tf- lor. who r.iii'.Ke our rlb.s iarefecd!
II. '. r.othlns but a rg
YVh think to cultivate ii frlt r.i
I'.v KivinK him a din.
I I .
1 0s1
1 Mn
Mill Ai
Vr Kistcr had a bmbr tooth which
oeeded pulling, and brother Charlie,
aged five, said he would puU it for
her. which he did. Several daya aft
erward the new tooth, which Lad just
pushed through the gum and could
be plainly seen, was discovered by
Charlie and he said:
"Why, that mean thing. I thought
I pulled it clear out, and here it is
sprouting up again." Cincinnati in
quirer. itrMraal Xorte.
"Mater!" cried little Emerson Bos
ting, "may I not auiute myself with
the vlditeiuus?"
"Yes. You may permit him to do e o,
... ...... ,o
"Hut, wnat 1 11 re wain, uin
inquired the new nurse.
"The saw-horse, 1 uppone you would
call it." said Mrs. liosting. admirably
concealing her impatience at tuch- ig
norance. Philadelphia Press.
The Modrra Marhla velll.
"What is your opinion of oratory
in modern polities?"
"It may lie made very useful.", an
swered Senator Sorghum. "Very fie
qnently, for instance, n good strong
speech against monopolies i' P'"'
erwl may divert suspicion from you
and enable you to do a good turn for
a corporation without risk or em
barrassment." Washington Star.
Political Economy.
Tramping Tom There goes one of
the fellers that's responsible for half
our troubles.
Wayfaring William Wot's he done?
d'rnmninir Tom He works every day
in th' year, 'cept Sundays, an' earns
people s money away rrom inem. 11
it wasn't for such fellers as him, folks
" have more money ter give us."
N. Y. Weekly.
. Dayw f CalreOry G,
Wife (drearily) Ah, me! TUi
Parts It Oart. I
irM Vaniilinra Will Tnl rcilieiB-
mn (uiwujj 1
mcr w ti J ""- or cntvsjry are pasu
morrow morning before you go to Husband What's tha nutt-. I
"Sir Walter Raleigh laid h
ob the ground for Queen ElujG
to walk over, but too sret m.j 1
because poor, dear mother gat 7j
on your hat." X. T. Weeklr
Vk Habbr Hat a Cl,,
"About the only timeionx
ever give their husbands a chnet
ay anything," remarked th ()(,
of Eveats and Things," "ibrtJ
are in ironi ox a soua wiier f(iuutl
Then she is willing to let him
WiMililn't tninl rue tt.
"You want a di oree? Xm on wha:S
"The charge is desertion. That mani
of mine he w t(i ilcsert three time
a dav " I'i
l. IMM). KSS.
fV.-. f-
A. (.tA.rrsi is ?r
Acoiints of I.i.livi.lnuls, Finns and
'J-J Wheat..
Jf. llv
HO Corn...
. 72
... o
I'ou.tiic 4.)
is I'.nii. iierlt" . 1.20
Inl l'J ,(at
Suit- 1" Mi'MHnp.-,,l"JO
ftl !.l,r VI Choi l.-o
Ham 1" Flutirp'rt.l.UAHl
Little (iiil Never mind, little calf,
lend you this so you cau bellow
r li iii as your ntotner. Cincinnati
Cuinniereiiil Tribune.
A llnllurlnatlon.
"So viiu think you need a w ife?"
"Well, nothinir hut marriaue will
diinl that illusion!" l'tick.
1 have now on haiul stock of 200 ovcr
roats. The best assortment that ever cuuo to
Alidajebun; at these cold weather barjjun prices.
S4. $5. S.").r.0, Sfi.00, 58.00, 810.00.
PuraUe quality, all sizes, $3.00-1.50 3. 5 5) 0. 7.
ami 10 tloliars. These prices are xt guaranteeil to Ixst
longer than Jan. 1st.
Men's and Ladies' Shoes $1.00 1.25 1.50 2. 2.25 2.50
and 3.00 dollars. Also Children's Shoes. These shoes art
all if gi.Kxl rtrong leather, nicely made and first elass goMls.
1 have the nicest line of Calicoes and dry goods of all
kinds at greatly reduced prices.
Ailmckles Co flee 10c. Soda 3e
Cramilated Sugar 5Jc. Flour of Sulphur 3c.
Soft A. Sugar 5c.
J. W, Runkle,
Middleburg, Penna,
Mr. Kamshorn A good scolding?
What for? What has she done now?
Mrs. Kamshorn Oh, nothing, lint
I am going to have the drawing-room
carp up, and she will have to heat
It, anJ she hits ever so much harder
when t-be's out of temper. Ally
She Got the Poaltloa.
"You see, if 1 engage you you will
have to tell people sometimes that I
am out when I am at home, do you
understand?" eaid the lady about to
engage a new maid.
"Perfectly," said the. applicant;
I'm not opposed to lying occasion
"What references have you?
"I have a brother in the weather
bureao, nia'ani." Yonkers States
He I.Mtle Joke,
He had sprung so mnny gags nt
her expense that she thought it timor
to get ven
"Henry," she exclaimed, as he came
home to- dinner, "1 heard something
this morning that opened my eyes."
"What was it?" he demanebid, ex
citedly, "Why, the nlnrm clock, gtmse."
Chicago Daily Sews.
IMly the Poor KelKhbnr.
Mrs. Dootau Only think, Mrs. Gro-
gan, that great Via na pounder ha
practised ao har-rd at the pin-nny tor
the lasht six monihs that he has par
alysed two fingers.
Mrs. (Irogan Begorrah, thats noth
ing. Mrs. Doolan. Me daughter, Mary
Ann. hns practiced so hard for the
lasht nix months that she's pnralovtcd
two piunies. lit-isits.
Dolnar M I'mper."
The reporter wns interviewing 1be
west era millionaire.
"Is it true that von are going to
endow a chair in that university'.'"
Kndow a chair!" he thunuered;
"why, b'gosh, I can give a whole set
o' furniture, an' I'll 1o it. too. Say
that in yer paper. There ain't not h
iu cheap about me." Baltimore Her
Mere Matter of Cnrlonlty.
"I dropped asleep in the hammock,
and he came up and kissed iiie."
"Did he wake yon up'.'"
"Of course; but 1 didn't let him know
"Why not?"
"Oh, n mere matter of curiosity. I
wanted to see if he'd huve nerve enough
to do It again." Chicago Post.
The I.nnKuaa-e of .Hmrr,
Yeast if uiouey did actually talk,
what do you suppose it would say ?''
Crimsonbeak Goodbyt Y'on
kers Statesman.
His Mean Fllntc.
"IIes such a young man' to have
gray hair," she commented.
"Yes," he answered, "and he isn't
married, either." Brooklyn Eagle.
Too Late.
"I'll tench you to make love to my
daughter! ! ! !"
"What's the use? She has already
taught iue. Laie .
Tile Rallast Pan!..
Docior The patient is in a h
of recovery now, and she W0T jj
"u lid
anvthing she likes
Husband What would
Patient A looking-gla;, pitJw
Ally Sloperv
Hefare and After.
"I'll regulate e trusts," t.,. ta-j
Kre he bad won aKTare;
When he was In he phook hi? hn
And with a solemn face
Siilil: "We must move with enre,
'Tls wrong; to get up spcla( lawi,"
And then Me droped (he cast.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Convic t What are yon
Clergyman I'm tnkiiur nutes.
Convict Vmi'h! 'limit's
brought me here. I'liiliuM-
Beware of Ointments for Catirt
that Contains MJrcury,
n innriMirc w 11 snvelv ilcstiOT
sei.HH of sai"ll ami coiiiiilc'tlyjl
range in wiioih sysretu wijt'iienw
ing it. throngh th mucous siirW
Sivcli nrt.ieloH t-lionlil never h dJ
except ou prescriptions fioiu repa
ftbln phV8iciiins. Rs te iimuHge if
will do is ten folJ to the kooi)
pan pnsmbly derive from tb
Hall's Catarrh Cure, mimufactw
by F. J, Cheney & Co , Toledo, fl
contains no mercury, an J is w
internally, acting direct !y upon q
blood and mucous sut races it ii
In huvine H a!i " Cstsnf
Cure be sure that you g. t the m
ioe. ltistaken mtPiuniiyDuniH
inToldo.O., by P. J. Chenejr 0
Testuiomals free, hoia uy ra
ists, pricn 75c per bottle,
! Hall's Family Pills arc tie btf
Suits and
I1 11 "J LIB u rtFtivfy . f "c "
3 Gi Oil ii Bisks,
liavf an excellent line of fall and
winter -nit which we otlcr tit the follow-
In".- tir'wo:
M.-ii's all v.x.l -hit- S''i.5( to $12,110
Youlh.-" -uit-. i:ge lii to -Ji u-ar-, for
i.. S7.5.
IJov-' two-j-i'-'T suit-, all new and the
l:it-ttv! s str'utly all wool, 62.5 J to .$")
, i'-nit- 1:1 "!1 size- tttid slightly
-lu ll" w, .in will -ell at a Mcriiicc.
illLT 1'
Our line of overcoats is more complete
and up-to-date than is generally found in
siniill towns.
Mens' all wool, latci-t styles, medium
length overeoats at SG.uO to 12.U0.
Youth's overcoats, age 12 to 19 years,
Hood ijtiality all new stin k and prices that
are rijiht.
1W overcoats, all prades S2 to ?5.
Hnntinj; coats from SI to $2.
... , ! ... i .. i . . ..i-u-nnr. if T ll.r full ami winter, all the latest blocks.
S-,w ;-tl., tii.ietohuy y(,lirLlNUM:UM-we have the latest jiatterns and a good
italitv. Also a Kr variety of Floor ami Table Oilcloth.
,e iv, -i mti.rov.-.l U.uttueW at ?o. 2o. A Kood Single l at -l.,u. I lie Amer-
ica:: ?ui"iv IJarrel at ?.oU. Jouoie jarrei jjeigum, iaunuaic -f)nij
t forjret the j.lace Ojijiosite the Fir.-t National 15ank.
In Darkest Ireland.
The North American la publishing a
series of letters by Hugh Sutherland
ou conditions social, industrial and po
litical as they are in Ireland. The lust
article was printed December 8, and
was followed by others which, for
urauhic description and masterly pre.
-i a - - i
! sen tat ion of facta, have no parallel in
recent newspaper writing. They will
continue until the subject is fully ex-
! ploited. Mr. Routhcrland is familiar
1 to newspaper readers. As Commis
sioner for the North American to the
, Hoer Republic in the concluding days
of Kruger's Presidency, as a staff cor
resiiotideiit for the same paper in the
milling districts of Pennsylvania, his
, work attracted widest popular Interest
as well as the closest consideration of
tliestutlentsof economics, political and
..i .em u. Mutiicriunu is con
servative and of the widest intelli
irenee. His articles are of unique, in
terest, as dicy ore characterized by
We are offering our entire stock of good
cost, namely, men's, boys' anil children's
Ladies, Misses' and Children's Coats and CaH
Heady made suits, all of them up to ilatc.
kinds of Dress Goods, Yelvels and Silks, bed want
et?, Horse blankets and Plush Robes.
Freed Bros. BEST MADE S
Corvina the Turkey.
It is a real pleasure to follow the
skillful carving of a fine, well-cooked
turkey. Here is a Hint from a chef as I
tojunt how It should be done. The j
carver should place the fork firmly in j
the breast, the neck end being; to the
ur . ilicn iuimrntitlin twothllfll iollltg
from the timiy, remove me wiii i
the shoulder joint, ana slice me ureasi
down 16 the long weuge-snaiii piace
in the "eniiiorer's muscle." ext re
move the back, divide the legs ami
thighs and serve. Ilemove the filling
with a Bpoou.
ltibbons in all colors of the rain
bow, for old as well as young, for
maids, matrons and children, are
een in as bewildering quantity as
in bewildering loveliness.
Fine Shoes, llubber Boots, Felt Hoots, dumber
men's Stockings. Overshoes of all description.
Carpets, Linoleums;
Oilcloth, Carpet Chain, window shades, lace
tains, muslins, shirtings, linings, underwear
Hosiery, no ilannels, outing cloth,
Jewelry, Watches
rini. Knaii i fnl cfflf-lr of
ITrvlwl-iv rrrrolsi triinin fid and untrinimed wiWi
laces, ribbons, ilowers, birds, feathers, pluuiey
Come and secure bargains. Propuce U ken as