- MIDJELEBUE3 POST. SECRET OF SUCCESS. P!trr llaalaeaa Xo Suitable for Those Orvaple-d with m Varletr of Other Things. Enci-ess with poultry is only obtained hy the utmost rare ami wnU'hf uhu'ss. A crop of wheat af'.er the seeii is sown requires no s. 1 1 1-n ! i ti until harvest. Corn (It'KKiinis con.-.iilerub!e vultitu lion, but tlii'tv enmna time when that, too, can be by. I'.tit the cows uml the poultry must be cared for every day, from the bcfrinninir of t lie year un til its cm!. And of the two I think poultry requires the more unremitting care. How foolish, then, for the man who has had little success in general farm ing to rush into poultry raising on a large scale because lie reads in the poultry books or papers that there is ' money in it. Perhaps, too, his wife, by giving a simill Hock lite care it requires has done well w ith a few hens. Hut let no man think he is going to get easy money out of hens. If given proper nt tention they will pay a profit, and so will most other farm animals and crops. t)f course, there is not so much hard l:ilnr required as in some other branches of f;irni work, but il is work, nevertheless. A fanner who lias a liking for poultry will be more likely to give a flock the food and care they "need than another, ami such a man dur ing the winter months, when he has little else to do, might be able to make ;i good profit on his fowls. Hut it must be remembered that they will also - 1 1 1 i attention in the spring nnil summer when olher work presses, Sprinir, ton. is the time when most of the hatching is done. To have good winter lnvi rs one must have early lint eh I'd c!:!cl. ; t o have 1 hese one must in inc-t ra-cs rai-e them himself. A farmer who is busy on the land is not likely to .m ml h i noons and e eninys lookintr for !, r:il l;ee or in 1 a kiln: pre cautions ; i v : i i 1 1 -1 rats and other chick- n et'.e'iiie-. Yet llii must all b.' ilir.i or lti'ipv of tin- chicks w ill never reach inniuri. v. 1! a f. rmer has a family of dauirh " ler, or a son whose time is n"t fully OCCtipied. ''mi. who will Lrive t!l- I'olll '1ry cine attention, it will be rM v'r ' ' to increase tlie si.e of the ': tI. A larg,- tr:i jorily of men will not give poultry tin- e" tv they should have. Most women would do so. and the at tention in small details, the "fussing" . 'licit make- the difference between Miccess and fail u re !: ; '-nil l ry raising, i far tio i ,- ij'nrac'ersiic of the nvetvie woiilfn tlan ihe m:' M. A ' "!';! i i i ! watch the little chicks m -e closelv than wi;'i the im .t her hen ; s he willr.p ply grease to their heads or change ihe feed at the first siffn of drooping. If the fr.wl- show symptoms of scaly leg, she will l ave them dipped in kero temvat the fir.-t appearance of the dis- case but the scaly lit: is a filthy dis ease i-.t i'V I to appear in a woman'. flock.nnless Kroiight there by l it chased fowls from sol'nr "mere man." If a fowl becomes eropbotind ehe will JiuT; .ic v t.'p t.ponnd, so-vm up urii':!. mil tlie fowl will be well before IN ordinary man would know t'rtv v .nrytliing the matter. So turn ti e flock over to tl-t en folks, if they have not already . .1 the work tliey should do. .et them have, .of course, the trcs receipts from the poultry, 'ind t'lcy w:!l soon be buying inciibnt. r- and -th -date t- plianei a ml tin ' ' ru: ). nil v luisiness may lucre. -aland protita'd.- ti'.aninr. X. V. Tribune Varmer. ,f oo SENT FREE. The Wvll-Krown specialist, FRANK. MIXES. At. 1). LL B., will send $4 .00 W rrth of His Complete Treatment Free To Outs Readers. Tlif Tf never nn a better pi" iniiity for person Hulf-iinir trom tiisiMscMof iLh Lrl. ii.res Hvht, stoomcli (it itrop-y to tent, fiev. w ell-tiiu'i and v ompleto Irpatuionl f ir these tiisoier.4. Dr. Miles is kiiiM u to lie lehding Hprciulist m these ilmeatseH, H".d Lis liberal eflVr is certuinly worthy of serious com s deration by every afflicted reader. IIU system of Treatment is thoroughly scientific' and immense ly superior to the ordinary method. It inclii-.'.m ueveritl retaediox careful ly hflecieii to Kiiti each individual cimo and is the l'miil result of twenty five years of very estenmve research and eXoeriecce in 'reating this class of diseases. Each tfetineiit con sistn of a curthVA elixir, tonio tablets, laxative pills xtid usuhlly a plaster. Extensive statiHtics clearly deii'.onstrae that Dr. Miles' ''reat tijcut is at least three ti.resnu suc ccssfnl a the usual treatment. Thousands of rmnai liable testi moniitls from promiuetit people will he moM lri e. These show Dr. Miles to be one of the world' j most suo cesstul pliysicians. Col. K.ll. Sii,initn. of tlie Htlv fnlteil Stiiti-n ltri;iiliir-i. Im'iitt'il at S.m lii'Ki. t'al ,sicyn. lr. Miles' SpreiHl rrealtnent hn worKtMl wonder iti my san's ease when all cum tnileit. I tin1! rmployeil the Im'hI meilh-al talent and haiHMiil ft.',!'"! in no (IoIiik. I lielieve he in u woiuh-rful spi-eiiiiint. I consider it my duty roreisimmeinl htm." "Korcari I hail acvere trouhle with xtofiinch, head, miiratKia, Niiikinic tiiielln nnd tlrMsy. Your treattneiit entirely eureil me" writes Mou. V. A. Warren. of .liimestowii. N . r .lulim Keister, of M't V1iehii;ii Avenue, ''hieauo, tentillen that Dr. Miles cured hlln nfter t.'ii atle liyiciaiiN iiii'l failed. Vir. K Tiim mer. of liieen Spring. I'a w etireil nfter ui'iny p ivHti'iaus liad iirotionm.ei licr eikHe "holieh-si.'' A- all aMItrted reader may have 5l.no worth of treatment eHNeially adapted to their t'iie, free, we wotl-l iuh-iw, them to scne for it h once. AiiilretH, lli. KltANKI.IS .Mh.KS, siiate St , ChieaKO. Win n writing mention tlie MiJ lleliuri; I'o-r THE SUKKAY SCHOOt.' Iron la the ratkrvaaiJoaal 9vfara far Drrraibrr XI. ISMM-ataaaaa Ihe Xa r . , Had Turned Blur Limbs Bloated. Lay in a Stupor From Heart Disease. Cured Me. Useful Christmas Gifts C'arjit'l Sweeper ('iirvii1 Knives mill Folks Tea ami Talile Spoons ' 'lollies VV'.,s,,.rs -md Wringers A lull line ..f AicKK-l'latcil arc. AlsttCJr.i'iilc and '!),. wares. Geo. W. Hackett, 325 Market St., Sun bury, IJa. cleroal i 111 Til I 1 W II s ill 1 I t.O' elastic Jl springs nii.tii lir.'ast. mti ill ikes a monkey of iiMi'll tn'ls! work Itoth I j iv, WARM POULTRY HOUSE. Where Tint Itoeka Are found In Mitinilanee line I Ike It fan lie II ii i 1 1 t limply. Tliis eros'.-sect'i-ti view shows how to const Hurt a cheap poultry house that In- warm. It is built on level ground, l-ay up a 'ill of (bit rocks on the i:'rth s'n'.e. ami apainst this heap birit'ii tn'isl work both .inaiMi fUKEKAU WW VJfW k i TVb W-VII THE LESiC'.X TSXT. (1 Sam..;-:S.) Ard '.t Chine ,o . h:i th tt' bborte m K'.rjathjtar.n-, ihiilhi tlmt m los; fur It wan twtn.v.. jat: ar.c'ai' huune of Israel luni.nieih aiur the Laii.- 3. Aod &itnuel cpake unu the bouf of Israel aayirg. It you jia return unto n.- lMTd with all your heart., ttit put v the ttrai:ge goCs ar.ti AnUuroih trui.i j amor.g yuu, ard prepare yur kearta uru'.i JJ the lrii. ariu serve ilini on.y; att'lle w.l. ' Vf llos' Henpt Ctirtf d. liver vuu out of the haml ot it. I'hlii.-fl Ur MlleS nCan lUr lines. 4. Then the children cf- W-et die' put away Llaaiim unci Ashtaroih, aud strvti! J.e Lord ui.iy. 5. Ar.,i SjihhI said, Gath.r all 1-rao! to M.z)eli, uuu I pray lor j,au ut'.o the Lord. tt Ard' tty gvuhere-i tosethf t i M sixth, ami i,rew w.i'. r, and poured It cut th iore the l.urd, iinl fuated on that duy, ucii'ia.d Dure, We have sinned against the Lord. And Samuel Judged the chl.dia of Uraul In IJizpeh. 7. Ai.d'when the I'hllistlnehrathat the chlien of Israel were Hathered lugettur to M.ii'fh, the iorut of the I'hilislinea went up aKiili.st Israel. And when the chlltiv-n ct Israel heard it, they were afraid of the ri.UlhUr.es. 5. And the chlldrtnof Israel suld to Sam uel, Ce.ise r.t)t to cry unlf the bold ourUod fur uk,. that he will save us oui of the hacd of the PhiiiiilUtea, 9. And Samuel took a ucklr.ir iamb, and offered1 It for a burnt cffiriiiK wholly ur.to the Lord; and Samuel cried unto the Lord for Israel; utdi the Lord htard him. 10. Am! as Samuel was offtrinic up the burnt uJTerli.g. the Philistines- drew near to battle, utraintt Israel; but the Lord thun dered with a Krv.it thunder on. that day upon the rhllistiui.il, und dlscomflled them, ui.d they were kmitten before IsnieL 11. Aril the. men of Israel Wvr.tolU ot Mlz peh. und pursued the l'hillstlr.ea, and smote Until, until they i-amu ur.dcr Hut tee. r. 1". 'n.ei: Samuel took u stone, and tet it Irtwitn Mlzpeh and Sher., and called" the name of It Kin r.tzer, aayh.K, lllthurto talh the Lord hi . . C. Hi. 11. So the riilllitlmg wcto lubducd, arr? they i. ime m mure Into the cuast .of Lratl; nt:d the hay.il of li e 1 .nni was fiKaitst the 1'liiHstit;" all the nays of Samuel. l.Ol.KKN I K i . 1'reinire yoar lienrtft unto the- Lord, nnil Rene llliu only. 1 Snni. ?::t. i 'LTbiNil 111-' Si'UII'Trr.K SUCTION. The ntk captured 1 Sam. 4. Tl.o i.iptorij iitllii tn.' 1 Sam. 5. The aik neiivi n d 1 Sam. t. The l'liili.-tlLni cefialed 1 bam. J. Ti.Mi-:--i. '. ui ut.d l'b.M K i".l i zer, Aslnl.nii, GalU. Ekror, llilk-slicnn sh ui.il Mizpih. KdTMS A.U J.MMMNT.S. la tueir lir.it vncuunter with the I'iiilbtincs, the Israelites took the ark of bed into battle, thinking thereuy to make victory hi re. In lining this they showed that they lielie.vHil in the) ark more than in th? Lord. Hy thir liefcat t he.v learned that a f also fait h is no protect ion. When they ttyain faced their foe, the Urat'lites besought, Samuel to pray for them. What boil can do for Uis people in emergencies is. shown bv Hi.v mower to fa'autiul's Goods at Schnee I have ui retnrneJ from the Eastern Cities with a ninJ tUttl t MerchanlLe tit Ixtruin prices t every iH.'rmiik, Call anj my rWtrk before purchasing elsewhere. The nails turBing blue is ai(n ot defective circulation tu is the bloating ot the arms and) lltgs. Other common symptoms ol heart dis ease are shortness of breath, trom shunt ext ortion, pain in'-ur nenr henrt, snMthennj.". spells, palpitatina or tiattenng. weak, tired' aad htm try spelb, dreamine and nightmare,, sadden starting la sleep. In severe cases the 1 tain, stomach, lum's, etc, may become so -diaordeird as to tsuJead the ptlvsiciaoi as to tit natare of the case. If you sutler from -any or ail of these riuptor.ia youx heart is diseased and tre tcmeiit slmuld not be post pi cJ a single day. Dr. Miiaa' Heart Cure is guaranteed to help you as. it has helped I thousands of othecs, "T owe mv life t Dr. Mile' TTeaot Cure. After lor doctors niet in consoltatioa on my cae, tiienr verdict was that t had suffered from heait disease so Ion; that they could do niciuic; tar me and I would sturdy dir. My brcdirr said, "vV'aie thete i.i life there is hoi.,e will try lis- Miles' New II cart Cure.' When 1 began tak-ac. ii my nnils had turned blueiand my arms and les wtu bleated to twice their natural iwe, anil I lay. in a stupor morof the time. After the liwt few doses the dizziness went away and after three bot tles t was able t ) around thn hnnse and do my work. Kotli my family inl mf nuise think I woild have been in niyrave had it not been for Dr. vil' llrart Lure." Mrs. Ko:kr Mokkis, Eckels Harbor, N.Y. AU'drr.isits sell ood ruarantnc first Ixittle Dr. Miles' Kemeilies. Sen I far f:c IsMik on Nervou; and Heart Disease. Address J Dr. 2Uc Medical 'Jo., Elkha..lad. rt ATTtniTl.T AT hfV. iinOTie"E''r'''. D' -Mf bnsiu.i' -rtrratte t to hi ' aril: ecnivs 'irri.tt.-if ;ittantion. SHOES REDUCED 25 M M Jl All ladies and rniWs shoes liavc been ritlii.iil L.n'a U'l l?,.Ll b. I... .u . r , Co., reduced te $2.50. Iadies first quality rublrs 40o. LADIES FUR SCARFS Worth S4.00 reduced to S3.00. A full line f Dros Goods at Rot torn Prices. HENRY HARDING r SCHNEE, Pa. aver. Ti.cre was constant vvar between ft. i Pottieew. SSLINSJROVt. PA. V proresHliiinil ti r-lnessentrtiHtod te my e w'll ree Li rompr ! earetul uliecKwi. ADjUsaabLe top. Is 14.18 int lies ; large untl strong t iic.u,r, i. your DtcrioxAHY, Diiikctokv, I)i:n, IIii.vif.Tn RlitLK, ATi.as, or any heavy vol litre, .at any (t nngl-. It can lie rerolrrtt and culjuxtal when n so as to always throw the xlroiigcxt light on tliq You can thus avoid the drain on jnur ii,w inn when holding a Imok in your hand or on a level t it is init'le ol ( )nk, and has on one edge a ;, keep I looks from sliding oft. REVOLVING CASE. Tlii Cask is 1 ox 1 fix 12 indies. The shelve Oak or Ash. finished on both sides and on all and have 9 inches of book s:ici on four sides, or ? feet in room wioiigh f':r rcicr."iie InMiks of dailv use. Many books mar pliiccii on tlie npiicr shelf. In nit twenty to thirty vol can lie tint in it. in1 1Z( I nines, I.VV.H'TTOK'" Ntni'K. SMce I lien ty. ' twii Unit letters Icn'aiiKiitiirT iiimn tiin p-tr.tw of Soiiliin K r.vlc lute ot lleflrTr to'n. ship, Snyiler t imitty, I n., dttirtd, liaw lieeiriiMlwl in ilno trsnn of lnw to the uiel.-r-piK.ieil, to wliom nil tnlelitl to mill fcle slioiilil inakn iinmvilinUt istyiiiear ami tlMe luivinir elninn ncint it should ii:t; t kotti iluiy anihentienteil for nt'ttlcinent. AI.KRK0 SI'KCIIT. K-eutor. v ,5Wt t-fX ..tree OD - treated . rekjUar. , 1 lil. It r- tisll the damp. keep! the leatli. er tolt ntl pil I. If. Stitclirs . do not Mean, y No roach ur- ' face to chafe andcot. Ihe 1 harness not onlT keer j new, but wears twice at lencliy ihe I use ol Kurrka llarnejt OiL A , Sold everywhere in cans all sieft. Wade by Standard Oil Company VINDSORHOUSE H. II. HI TI.KK. lr.irlelo 18 Market Si. Harrisburg; Pa.. (Oiiosite r, H. It. lvpot Kntrnnee), . Hlleil lor All l rKtn, Rooms, 25 und 50c. Oood Aleols, 25 Oooil aceommodation!. I rUuSS SECTION VIEW. np a pooi! lunik f earth. Lay a sill in ccimim.: on t'. eiop cf tlie wall and set the rafters on this. Make the t'.oor of cement ati'l curry tliis tip on to the rear wall n little way. 'here Hat rock" are almiiilant meli ns house can be built very cheaply. Farm Jonruul. rCULTRY PARAGRAPHS. make a poor poul- ui . A lazy ma: 1 ry ii..". ti. Tw . Miiail poultry runs arc better than ' ::e Urge one. Kit-i i.ii ;i v of 'Tit where the fowls - tan l.:.t e aeee-.i to it. 'IK i." t w :iy t o cure sickness a in on jj the l.i :- i t i prtveut it. Uttur it' t keep the male birds with . the fi males Jurinj; the moulting tea- toD. Ar.v fr.wi- that are not to ac car ried t'uruu-h the t.iLtvr should Lenuld BOS. The ttr-alier and more crowded the poultry quarters, the cleaner they . in nit be kept. liu not fall into the com in on error of thinkics the poultry business can "be mastered in a duy. The Ontario station has demonstrat- ed that wheat and bran make a whiter . flesh and corn a yellow one. There is mighty little sicknes . mori fowls which are properly boused and given the right kind of feed a rd attention. Commercial Poultry. CAUSEySr7 wear clothes made to your exact meas ure by STKAUSSBR0S Good Ta.l!ora for 23 yeara. CHICAGO You feel ust right in them. Near ly 800 po.t terrta to ae lct from Satisfaction taaraateed. See the com plete line rxt the store of Gelnett For tliat Millionaire Feeling ft EFFECT Bros., riiddlebur, Pa. the I'l'iiistines am! lFrael, ojid tlie lMiill.-tincK sc tu to have been the in nve powerl'ii'i. or it least the better ortranized. Israel's attempt to devel op a strons;. indeperden; national 1 1 f i without a kin7 was n failure. The takintr of the r.ik to the bnt.tle" Ifeld snows that it had como-tobe re rarded Mierstiiiotlsly hy the people. They thoupht the nrk would in fonu niajric vvtty injure viciory. J mn pes end itharm.s of all sort have often been earried into luiMlc in this way. Peo ple who depend on "pood-luck" charms, or anytl'inr besides theirovvtii best elTorts anil the blessing of God, t've (' .mined to failure r.s surely 'ns were the Hebrews. Kli's tragic end: show ms that tt.-oral wt'.tk.nes is a terrible in its. cnnte(iiences' as mori willful and acpressive vii.kednef s. Kli u eriminallv enk. The I'hili-tinp. too. regarded the '.v'th a suspicious drend. Rtrnn-frt rnr-'rs haieiitii wnen tney put it in ire of their shrines with Datjon, nnd a terrible disenne broke out in thecfty. What could explain it hut the enmity fif the (iod it the ark? N'o one went ed it, nnd sn they sent it from ine place, t 1 another. Disease semd to follow it everywhere. In the house of Aniinndab, who wns probably a Levite, the nrk waa rev erently kept for 20 yeirs. There were no sacrifice or other religious servieeti. si far as w e know. The sanc tuary at Shiloh had lot prertipe with the removal of the ark and the death of the pries-t. nnd it never refrained it. What Samuel ws doing during these years we do not know. In verrse3, , we find him lending a movement for reform. The Philistines reemed to have feared trouble from the gather ing of It rael nt Mizpeh, and went tip to disperse them; but through ?nmnel Israel calVed upon Jehovah, and Ho sent a terrific thunderstorm upon the enemy, wnicn so demoralized tnem that Israel won nn easy victory. Verse i:i must be taken in connection with 0:15, 10; 13:3, in. which modify the in terpretation of it. There were three I'h.ilist ine invasion of the land after this time, and nil during the Life of Pamtiel. l'RACTIfAI. SUGGESTIONS. "The Kupp'iie-at'.i'in of a righteous man nvaileth much in its working." Jas-. .1:16. "More things are wrought hy prayer than this world dreams of." Tenny son. "Pravrr moves the Hand that moves the world." .lohn Aikman Wallace. "Little faith will get very great mercies, but great faith still greater." Rev. Charles Ppurgeon. In a N ntiliell. Love it. tho evidence of God'a life .u us. God'a work must be done in God's way. The poor in goods are often rich m grace. The moet glorious task is made up of insignificant trifles. f Keligion is to the moral what jrraT itation is to the natural. Our losses and our gains furnish the true estimate of life. man may go through life with Ihe multitude, but he must go through death alone. Eam'a Born. ! Wistij A TiHtwielliy leiitHmin.il or l"ily it, i eh conn! v toraiu'iiic' tNwim- for m uld en .Wlilird Iioiiii ot miliil liiiiitKiiul ntmirtili A ntnuvlit. Imnii twin wii k '-.wiliwy ol fl" jkihI ly olieek ieli W eitnc.ii.iy with ll ex..ni'. ili. -vet from hendtvUii-rteri. Vniier itlvttneit fir exeni'f-. Mitiijr, ,'ilil 'ukUm. I-U4J4, L'Iuwiko p- int. IT PAVR tu 11 i1vtrti.se in a tEve mill tu-5 tO (Illtl IH'WsjjajiMT. lir rOHlltrt ' 'r The POST. f top-iine ii a likAHiive Hriinio-uiiiiiirt 'I noKiu ist a ojltl iu wway. Xiwim, m y. cV & centn. Wastbi -A Truslwurlhy (Iciitli n-ioi o I aily III tueli eo'.nity to MlMiUKe IiiihIiii'bh (or.iin nlil rtlilishil linimii el' Miliil linanrml Wnniliiiit. A KtraiKliJ, lioiia lkl weekly mhiry ol 1S pnnl hy cheek racli Wf dumlay with all espermes ihreet fr Mil liouliiiiitter. Money advanced (or exueii-H . "Mimi(nr. Btu Caxtun Ultlu, vhieuio. ( -ASTIN'tlS iiuiiHrtin tli toj a nl Cask are finislitvl in I -lack t c ami of HilTicii'iit. strt'iijtli ti ht-t a lift;-time. Pipe, Post and Legs. Tlie Tlt'i-N fire iitt;i(?li(d lv roiiinl-liciuleil .stii'ews to the tuni'd. ; Into tliis post is fiivoil aii'iiiMi pip', winch runs up throii"li the C ami to wliicli tint c;istii)-;.s at tlte top :mv att.icli'-J. Arniil tiii; tlif Cvsk revolves., , As a IIomk, Oi'kick or Lntit vitv article we elaini' its ci-uil ilne exist. Tim tuntur icry of tliis sttein -iit cm Iw confiniuil In uiijiI' lelter.s of tin;- Iiirli(st tiiniitt!i!latioii from thotisiniis of Mini-tor. lorneys, PhysitnatH, G ivermii Mit, State anil County O.luials, BjeJ :inl Jisiiiess .Men. Over oO.D'lO have hivn sold in the l. nihil ami txtleri itiw c.;iik; for ri lots from E ijrlaihl' ami other (A (tiiiiiti 'n s. HOW FIXH1IKD: It is liantlsoiuely finislwd' in Antique (X and att oriiatneiit to any linc, JjiW'ary or 1 arlor; AS A (JIFT. Xotliiii!' made s more suitable to present toaw or au a wldinlj- or liirtlumy (site than this bland'. HOW SMILTEDl This Stand' is sent knocked down, wrap-el heavy pitjxM, ni tkin a v:Kkay;'! iA 'JO lbs. Hy l' reij:ht it g-s second-i'lass, and nt about half what it won hi cost il sent nt I'lain diiinions fov put ting together aeooinpanj each Stand. Whib the regular pritv of this Stand is S7.U0, for a short tim. a iv allotted to seli them st the wholesale rate ot Three Dollar F Chicago. Or we will send the IA)st tine year prepaid anil hate Stand shipped b .. It Chicago, for :.50. The POST. -t i 'a La Middleburg, r Success Calenders. THK pnbhshtrs of SuctlJ-s have issued an exquisitely en graved twelve-leal Calender. This Calender is one of the finest ex amples of the famous Colortype Process, which excels lithography in its beiutiful soft tones ami color ings. The twelve designs are ori ginal painting made for Si'tt'Kss by America s leading artists, and rep resent subjects of general and ins pirational interest. The original of the one for Decemlier, for instance, is a most -exquisite painting by the famous artist, J. C. Jjeyendecker, representing "The Three Wise Men of the East." 4t The ?rcrni t'nlcndcr will lie nenl . entirely KKKK of clinrire mid post jlpaiJ to any addrctts on request. THE FUCCESS COMPANY, Dcpt.N. l iiliemlty nnlMliiic, 1 itKliiruleii Mciimrr, '. Y, ummini 0 Ladies vVanted $5.50 Sample Outfit FREE lr. Heil S.liH'trlc t'orneli. tmiKlit front, Nitture'sown remedy (or lincknelie, Nervniisueai, Indi Kontion, llesdaehe, Liver and Kid ney Trouble; price II to H. Ur. N4HtlM Hair HraaliM, (or Fallinic Hair; price. 11 'lollet artielen. Write (or Liberal Term. Q. A. Scott, 870 B'way N. Y. PEHMAXKST NITCATIOX. OMh paid weekly (or serylces either on salary and expenses paid, or commiMion, to take or ders tor oar Uarden t-'eeca; also KruiU and Flowers. We carry a (all line (or Ihe Farm and Market Gardeners, so that a IWe man cannot belp but succeed, as he baa the Incllltle to compete (or all kinds ol trade and with differ ent Classes ot customers. Write at once tor terms to Herriek Seed Company, ' 11-4-ISt. Rochester, N. T. Hero is an excellent TUFTED COUCH, best durable valour covering, excellent quality springs, just tlie taing for ;uiy easy re.st, only $7.5. CvioncSnn T-nfilnc beautiful & f 5.C0; 8 ft. $6.00; 10 ft $7.00. Beautiful Writing Desk Top 26x48, liigbly polished fo:ir drawers, 17x11 and a cuDboard with two denartm its. Tw persons can use it at the same time. 1 1 is 1m ished on all sides so that it can be pb'ml in tlie middle of the room, it is a bargain i.c $m or ceiitrt 1 ttibleJfl i .hi , squuTe, extra 8UC,U below, only 93c. lietw grades and iuoTO expensive finish, 1.85 l $2.50. Larqe A good easy chair, a special bargain at Other rockers, $1.60, $2-00, "$4.00 an I $4.50. PICTURES, fruit and scenery, sbn 2.wJ oak, oxydized and gilt frames, i.isel, vroit $1.50, selling now for $1.00. Chairs. Str0ng Oak Stand, Arm Rocker, Kitchen and dining roin cMW and $5.50 per half doz. . I I have also a nice assortment of beds, B)l''j tresses and springs. Come early. I J. E. MAGEE, Kreamer, , ) dczzd: