The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 18, 1902, Image 5

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O A ScJ'e' atteiult il i
V tii Itiltirtl llf S. IT. Mllll
ilir mi ". - ;
Ckin I'lwl4,ry exercises.
IVv ' x,' 1 -'t-.' jsi e'riuci'
Li y fa-tor, litre siicm several
j.fK Vl'fV pitrwiiiiir, niui jwo.
IV Nipple iiUi'iuKil the Clinic
ItJ. ti'-''' M'i1' College presiil-
AiiK-i'tl we I'oticcd present
I I lilt' lHiUi.Ulll s-oicii .'m.iioi
, Hull ami laving of the Cr-
Lr,illf "I t1" U VIHlm.HMIIII Wl'lf ils
'l(ltt: O. I'IHUTM OI lOlK,
Leu ft' II i;Tstuvii, IU-v. .I.ilui s.
I.lley I't I'tltsburj,', A.
y'iiiiilHii' l'uirvif w, uu.l G. A.
Inter, Ks., of Sunbury.
Mrs. VMi!ruft and (latijihtfis
wat a il iv very pleasantly in Suu-
1 i . i-
Mrs. J. i. Miller ami uaiigliter
Lturtif . 1 'loin their Western trij
r'ulav lar-t, jlad ti yet hack home
Mi-s K'litli dlover spent a week
:wint!y among; friends.
arrv Hummel spent several
'. " i.: i :..
sin town nun ma iiiuiiiui - in
, Mrs. i:iy.
Mrs. Ir. X. II. Nipple of Akron,
in, is visitinj; Iter parents, I hus.
Urick itii'l wile.
T. II. Kisenliutli made :i busi-
trip to Philadelphia last
DanksSliively and Miss Annie
i i i
tone arc ununified umoiiir me
ii' i i r ? .
lev. Hmans oi JiCWisiown
cached in tl e Reformed ehureli
liUitli even i nir.
Mrs. Lewis Manbcek of McCInre
; the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
law Howell over Sunday.
K. L. Ulrieli of Selinsgrove was
town one day lust week, and
iiitojjnphcil sonic furniture for
Win. M. Keller sold nt public
e F. M. Kline's house mi l lot at
west end of town Saturday,
larlts IJinj'aman became the. pur-
wat 51 'JO.
II lev. K. (.'rumbling of Lewis-
K, Presiding Elder of Center
J-trict U. E. church preached an
restive sermon in the Lvanirel-
1 elmreh Sabbath evening. The
!y t'uiniminioii was also eelebrat-
rharles Airier and Miss Clare
Miyer were united iu the holy
Is of wedlock Sun lay tnorn-
I'ni.' I'niiiti and the Lutheran
f'lay Schools are rehearsing for
itinas entertainments.
'leighiiij; is splendid.
W,,.. 1 ( l..l 1 II "V
ui'M) in nisi weeit vims. kj.
iig ami Keiiner Aumiller shot
'en ral)!)its and Wpdnesdnv A
piith and Clias. (.). Leonig' shot
laiihiis, eight quad and a pheas-
kednesdav nirrht a s1cirl liner
y of belinsgrovc young folks
m th rough here on their way to
lleuurg for a turkey supper.
cn. Hoke, who is employed by
v. Oeeliold at bunburv. was
h' over Sunday with his family.
p irvey .M oyer the music dealer
iveriviol lias an Anirelus on ex-
fiim at Win. Gordons.
C. Smith and wife strarfed
hiblenliia and Washin'ton
'ay of this week.
A. Halon of Mifllinburg was
liere Wednesday.
'"Ciitelius of Kittanning, who
aliul licre bv the death of his
r f.Kiit Sunday with his broth-
p (nilelius, a lift long resi-
"i Mitlliniiiirg and father of
works, ulso the first Mu
the town i1oiy.i..u1 ii',., v.c.
h) Hee. !Hh. at the n-sidene..
m,X. V. Uutelius, was bur-
"'.'lanuiy pi0t t MiHHn
"gwl 7fJ years. 8 months, and
Is. ' '
miaats and Chiidrin.
infYou Hava Always Bought
; x ; oundOre. I
. Goorgr Hoover on the Island ha-.
Imouht up more turkeys in this
community than ull the other deal
ers combined and aid a Hutisfuctory
'vNiuire ivchrist's poulirv vard is
a p lying enterprise, and had calls
from ti!ti State, and bis superior
stock is attracting treneral nttMi
tit n.
Dr. Krebs lias eapfurtnl all the
lubbitts that one is allowed to take
in ore season, but laws are not
strictly enforced, and who could see
a rabbit run and let it alone.
Jhitehering among our people has
not ahati-d, and fresh sausages and
buckwheats are relished by most
Sinnni J. Snyder is looking around
to rent a farm for next year and is
ollered six from which to select.
Henry Hoot is building a new
ice house and expects a heavy ice
crop shortly.
James II. Ram bo has a colony
of 15ees that are entitled to a dip
loma for industry and their product
lias been shipped to Ilobisonia, I'a.
Jacob Kerstetter had a success
ful butchering but his head butcher
got a top load to carry home.
Christmas is close on hand and
it will bring cheer to our Sunday
M aria W Dundorc called on
her sister Minnie K. Kyer of Selins
grove. (Jeorge A. Wcntzel furnished a
fat hog for the township poorhoiisc
Our town enjoyed the luxury of
a Telephone for the last two years,
and now the Western Union Tele
graph has its wires through town
ami it is hoped will have an otlicc
not far oil.
The coining Christinas dinner
will not be complete without a
turkey stuffed with oysters and
served with Cranberry sauce.
On Christmas eve the Witnior
U. K. Sunday School will have
their entertainment.
Xotc. Through some gross care
lessness some where the pack of
papers for Dundorc last week were
sunt to Shrcinen We hope it mav
not occur again. Kditnr l'osr.
JJorn to Howard Tivaster and
wife, A son.
Sylvester Peter and Charlss
Showers are home from Mifflin
county to spend the balance of the
year in this vicinitv.
Hurley Wagner had a sled lmd
of visitors from Stone Valley to
spend at McClure.
Dr. Mitchell and family of Mc
Clure passed through our town
Sunday visiting some of his pa
tients.. West Heaver has the champion
hard cider drinker in the county.
He drank almost a barrel of 48
gals, in 20 days.
Perry llassinger and daughter
were visitors at L. A. Jenkins Sun
day. Hurley Fisher of Granville,
Miflhn county was here a few days
last week visiting his mother, Mrs.
Henry Hniimgardiior.
John P. Fisher spent a fetv days
last week at Sunbury and vicinity
assisting Bill Bartholomew in get
ting some small game before the
season closed.
Levi 1. Treaster tool; a trip last
week to Spring Township to pay
his son-in-law, Samuel Baumcard-
ner a visit. He is now not able to !
return home on account of sickness.
It would show Snyder County's
loyalty to Uncle Sam by making
him a present of the Bannerville
bunrlar as a relic and also the sav
ing of six or eight hundred dollais
tor the county which would be an
item for other purposes.
The itivut sii.ivv fall ufl.irds plins
ii'o fir nlil mid mioir.
C. N . Knight was n busint.
caller at Sunbury Mond.iv.
Hoys keep ymir eve on the tele
phone men or vo't will soon he
minus a few if the f.,ir pcjc.
Mrs. KUen Kelly and daughter,
Kifio have taken up quarters in
Sunbury fbr the winter.
Ceo. Strawser an! wift of Sr!'::
ffrove made a call at H. F. Charles'
Kd win Arnold, Mi-ses alli.. Ar
nold, 'Verna Krdinan and .fennip
Charles if Shaniokin spent Sondav
in our midst.
N. T. Dundorc mi I w:fc of Dun
dorc were noticed on nur street.-
Mm. Mary Am iM and daughter
returned home l ist wi-ck nfter hav-
inir snent several veek4 vuru i.l...iu.
ant lv with the . former's d niirhter,
Mrs. W. S. Lenb irt mm I fi nilv at
the State Capital.
Prof. A. W. Ancker. uho is now
the leading clerk in Hice's clothing
store, Sunbury spent Sundiy with
his family.
Howard Sholl and Miss Cora
Slroub nf Diindore passed throiudi
our burg Sunday with sleigh bells
merrily jingling.
Norman Fisher and daughters of
the Isle of One visited C. 1). F.oirar
and wife Sunday.
Geo. I. Flanders and wile called
on his brother, Svl vest or and wife.
at Chapman Sunday afternoon.
Farl and Harrison Winey drove
to Selinsgrove Thursday.
llattic Miller, who had been
working for Ed. Bower at Kcnova,
returned home.
Miss Maine Vetter of MclCees
spent a day in town last week.
David Haines moved in the house
vacated by Henry A. Ranch and
Mi-rRancli moved into the house va
cated by Win. H. Smith and Win.
Smith moved to Middleburyh.
Mary Reiehcid.nch, who had been
working in Union Co., has returned
home 'o stav.
The Local Institute was ngnin
postponed till 1W. l'Jth. v. .
John Deimer of Kramer dined at
the home of his son, Jas. Dcinier.
Catarrhal Diseases are Most
Prevalent in Winter.
Pc-ru-na Never Fails to Cure
Catarrh Wherever
There nro tomo thinn which nro ks
tiro H8 fute, unit can Ih rolied nn tom-our
to at least one-half of th human family
unless iieatia avo tiikea to prevent.
yirct, Uio eliuiato of wimer ia uro to
brtn colds.
Bucond, colds rot promj.'r cured are
sure to cause catarrii.
Third, catarrh improperly treated is
turo to Miako luo iliort and nilseral le.
Catarrh ppare no organ ot fuiietuxi of
io txHly. It ia capable of dotttroying
Igh kudo, Bincll, hearing, (U;-eHtion,
eerotlon, assimilation and excretion.
It parvadoa erery yrt of tin human
body, head, throat, stomach, IhwcIu,
bronchial tuben, luniis, liver, kldneyti,
bmddor und other pelvic organs,
That IVruna cun catarrh wherever
located U aMeated hy tho following tl-
tlmonials sent entirely uiiBollcitcd t
Dr. llnrtman by prnteful men and wis
Bion who have leeti cured ly Toruaa:
6ynti'inlo Cntarrli.
Mrs. M. K. llousch, Richmond, Va.,
vritesi: "I hnd catarrh all tlinuii;li my
system for tiro year and could pet no
Tuli f. 1 was advuad to try IVruna and
I have taken five bottlcn of it nnd ain
well und bctU'r now thaa I have been
for yeara. I can advUo nny one who
baaatarrh of any part of tho txdy to
tata IVruna. My little (:lrl who is
eleven years old had catarrh, lut was
aured by IVruna. llefore I bi'an to
take IVruna I wan sick all tho time, but
now I im entirely cured, and all praise
1 duo l'emna." Urn. M. K. liousch.
Catarrh of Ui Xmo.
Mr. Herman Khlk,.'i Orchard street,
Milwaukee, Win., writes:
' I am entirely cured of my catarrh of
the none by your IVruna. My caao was
m suvuru ono." Herman Khlke.
Catarrh nf the Throat.
B. II. Runyan, balesville, O., writes :
"I suffered with catarrh of tho throat
for five years. I wns induced to try
Peruna, I havo lined Ave bottli-n and am
perfectly well." 11. II. Uunyan.
Catarrh of Thn Fur.
Mr. Archie Oodin, lss licuch street,
lltchbarg, Mass WTitest
- A1 rerivua haa cured n-.o of catarrh of
the widdleear. I feel lietti-r than I hftTe
for several years." Archie Oodin.
Cntarrli of Tin- f.iiiii;.
Mrs. Kiullio lvirekh :f, Ada, "inn.,
"Through n violent cold c -d
last winter, I Inm-uiiih nlllicted w , .. a
tarrh of the nose, which In a t;;ue
atT.'cted my lungs. I took IVrun.. . lii.'li
cured inn thoroughly. 1 now fi . -i.-r
than I have for forty year. . - i-s.
Kmllle KirckhofT.
CnUirrh of thn IllniMer.
Mr. John Smith, ..ll S. Thlrt; et.
Atchison, lCun., writes:
"I was trouhled with catarrl Oie
urethra and bladder for two yi At
tho time I wrote to you I was ui the
care of my homo doctor, and L. Ixm
for four months.
" I followed your directions hi two
months, and can Hay IVruna cur,... wo
of that trouble." John .SuilUu
Catarrh of The II. ail.
Mr. D. il. Uamsey wrius ia a recent
letter from I'iue lilufT, Ark the fol
lowing :
" ily son, Leon Ramsey, fmr years of
ape, suffered with catarrh of the head
for df;liti,i a oj tiTwaS7 mocthr. . IIcUl.
one bottle or your IVruna and could
Lear as yoxi as ever." 1. 11. UjUid'jy.
.id one of
. ..' I:, ;!i h j, .''
in til" :,h-
Culjirrli f Tin, l;iiliif.
Peter .1. 1'n-rer.liawley. Pa., writes j
''I think ttiat I am pi rf'-ctly eur.-d d
catarrh nf t:,.. kidneys by IVruna. .is
1 have no tioiihlo of any Ichid."
V.i. L'nu. r.
Cnlnrrli i.r The Stitimirh.
A. AV. tiravi-. of Hammond, In;!.,
writing to br. li nmaii, say.-:
"I am well of ra- ,-rh of th'e stomaidi
after snfr.-riiig two y. irs I have taken
five lMittles of rerun
I f II I 1 f.-el KI.e
A. W, Gravi s.
IVlvIe t ain,
Mi-M Ka'.ie Iitsdimau, i. ;i'
" I hal pelvic catarrh, -.'
dorntn, ljack, had stomach t, .u'.ieand
hi;adache eau -d by ratarrli. 1 . : ,v -d
your direetioiin: tHik I'-ti na . ; : M.,.,:l.
lin according to directions, . i,,,-.,-happy
I feel tf:at I am r-li .-.1 .,f
such adistrei-.- 'riL: ailment." Mi.-.. Ktio
t'dtnr'-li i.r The Houp1,
Mr. Henry 1 ;iti ,ii, South ii-nd,Ir. !,
wrifs :
"Th doctor -aid I had catarrh of tho
bowels and i t-.k his ni.-diejn.., !,'it
with no relit.. I was getting wor-o ail
the time.
" lief , re I ;. 1 taken a half !-,ttlo .,f
Peninal felt .:kta new man." Henry
If you do n.t t i-eir"" jroinf.t n 1 a
is factory renuilo from the of IVruna,
write at once to I r. Hartman, siv-.r.' a
full statement of your caso and he will
be pleased to give you hi valuable au-
Addr.s Ir. Hartman, President rf
Tie II .r::ian iria.iriu.-n. C. u::iLu.s. j.
JKTF!3ff o '"M:sxn FTTtrrzn rJ
Hints For Gift Givers
The IVij; ,St:re is now a 1 Iittre Holiday I! izaar and 5-n i 'linttn-t rirniv.-.l. I'.: rv 1 1 j ii!e tell -t t i i . wi- h tve t i j.r it..--and
most coiiii!ete line ot'sue.-tive arti"! . i'r . ; . f ,u- ever i ' . iiclit l- Milt I w--'v :;ev. : m i ! -h , jc -j.a
tit mis heliire to please you with so many ti-. I'.:' lli'ii, a - ;.!.,. n.t'.e I v :.ri-t t in -. kin 1- t!ia" v, ii I.i.'.hn the uts oi' t .i- o! 1 .:
the young. The toy store on the third Hhm- is the radii of th.j'.isunU ot children, .'anta '.'liu rect-ivi-s tie- link' tot- hi-1 le r
day and evening children give your letters to Santa lu ll ciitcrlaiuino; mu.-ic thru-.
I'riees were never as low as this year, extensive i 1 1 -i 1 1 is the reason. A--01 tnieiits he ino-t s i ti.-liietory to the eirlv hnvi r.
The Big Stare lAishEB Yau a lYIerry Chrisfmas.
I Coughed
"I had a most stubborn cough S
for many years. It deprived me sj
of sleep and I grew very thin. I M
then tried Ayer's Cherry .Pectoral, fi
and was quickly cured.
R. N.Mann, r.-.U.'ic.Tc- .
iiry, okjar 7r - - J . .
Sixty ycarc cf cure:,
and such testimony as the
above have taught us what
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
will do.
We Know it's the great
est cough remedy ever
made. And you will say
so,, too, after you try it.
There's cure in every drop.
Thrm llet: v.,enouxh tor an ordinary
oold: WOnjiut right tar bronchltu, hnane
nwa! hard coldi, ct. l. molt economical
for euroule cam and to k p on hand.
J. v. AVER COM Lowell, Mo
Doll fcillOW
Very interesting these days. 150
dolls und no two alike with the ex
ception of ii few of the small ones.
Itressed liolls, wax liinires, ioint-
ed .V, 15, 111, 'Si, 50, M), US to 5.75.
Jointed kid body dolls, undressed,
wax face ami hands, lurgo 50u, 75e,
lISc, $1 50, $1 75.
.SIuIUmI dolls dressed 31o, 4!o.
All the better dolls close their eyes
when laid down nnd open them
when raised up.
(iamu Hoards dozens of dillcrent
kinds to arouse the children, kinds
for grown people im well. Table ten
nis, parlor crochet, ptircliesi, check
ers, ten pins mid ninny new ones, 5c
lnc, l!e, H5e up to 75e und
Ucws from Toy
' Dopnrtmont.
I lorses, saddled nnd bridled, also
mounted on wheels, ll)e, o!)c, 50e,
1 , - -S 75. -
Horses on wheels, hitched to carts
wimons, dinys, 1.H, 1 50, 1 1)8, 'S
$;t us.
Iron horses hitched to tire engines
ladder trucks, i;.lroland Iccwultoiis
nnil carriiures 511c, lisc, $1.10. i
Iron trains, engine, tender and II
conches 10c, to j 'Si.
t louts, sheep, cows nnd elephants
thitt make it life like noise when:
... , I Fll i.l, ....
Ilieir neittis uie nil lieu, ouc, in, i .11'
l Ml, '2 US.
Till horses, lnre size 10c, H"e.
Drums :10c. 50c, i)H. Mouth organs
oe, 10, Si, 50c. Toy pianos steel plate
1(1 to 'SJ. keys, 25c, 30, 75, 80e, $1 HO,
1 US, 1 'let ore und A 11 U blocks in
nesls 10c to 40c a set.
Doll furniture in great variety.
White enameled arm und 'high
Umbrellas For Presents.
A practical and desirable n'lft for nnyoiie. Have just received cur sec
ond Holiday invoice, direct from factory. No jobbers proiiis to pay here.
OOIltS 11.1 J'O Sills, umbrellas, :." inch natural wood
IhiihIIi.s. silver trimmed lor .'! (Kl. .'! 511. I OO. 51111.
(iloria ilk will not lade, plnin, natural wood handles, tipped or pretty
horn luuidles, 1 HO. 1 50. l'IMI, 2 50.
Indies' 20 inch line silk, with artistic beauty iu the handles, l.incy
curved natural wood, gun metal, ivory, nieklc, gold, il ou to 5 imi.
Special 5 IK) values for 4 00 in colored silk, nine green and garnet with
selvage edges.
(iloria Silk, all kinds of fancy handles, 50e, 7.ic, 1 on, to Lo0.
Misses 21 inch, 50,. to 1 2-5.
Lit tie tients, just like man's umbrella, only in 21 Inch, Toe, 1 no, 1 2o.
Pretty Things for Presents.
I'seful nnd ornamental, ex pensive and inexpensive, hundreds of articles,
I'hoto Alliums, patent clasp. 50c, 75c. I'hoto Racks, sue.
Jnpiinessedoimsor Dinner Hells, :i round gongs, dill, -rent si.i s, 1 n
1 50, 1 00, 2 00 to 7 no per set.
Toilet Sets with ." bi tislies, comb, mirror, leather ease, 15), 2 IK), :,,.,
'"wri'ling Sets, fancy gilt fa.nie stands, single or double ink wells 75c;
with pen Hay 1 25.
(ilass ink well, gill top, !" c.
Kniiev elocks. '. eilt liLMin s, tin to I 00.
Leather scrap baskets, embossed decorations, 2 25. ii 75.
Hin nt wood uovi Hies, nil hand mad -, very rich, eurd eases,
nholii lninies. staino boxes, wriling sets, brushes, 25c no lo 2:n
(ileal ii-soilineiil in Stilling Silver novelties, fancy hoxe
minors, then neters, pictiiresol ull Kinds.
oi'!et lull
chairs and n ckei s ilded Hie, lleds
10c, 1H, 25e, I'.rass tniumed 5Hc,
Doll and go-eiuts 50, OSc,
llovs express wiiuous, strong dur
able, oak wheels I 50, 1 75, 3 00 some
have seats,
In oak furniture, '-hairs 25c, jOc.
"Dress -is 1, 5 and n drawers with
and without gl-i-s inc. 2-", ;!, os.
, Side board use, I'.cils wiili and
Without spiiiiL's 10c, 25, to 75c,
ICuameied iiiiiiituie in while and
blue, Dresser-, tilting mirrors, gilt
triuiiued .'i and 1 iliae.ei.s 1 -', 175,
1 7S, il 75,
Iron beds, springs, matin s-, pillow
and spread, 50c, 75, !ise, ('hi'.ds
rockers full sie wood and reed ;;ic,
Xi, 40, 14!i, $2 IMI,
ZV-Titornrvtic Toys
Moving trains, aiito-iuobiles, ferrls i'
wheels, merry -go-foiliids, im boats
loeoinotives, soiner.-aiills, speaking
dons, 2-"c. ."It, (i'l, OS to 2 011,
Steam engines, complete, lamps to
make sle.'ini l III, I 50, 1 s;i
liell earl-and liopln-s. He, ."'I, 7n,
v-v Top-a.! -ii s, pi,-, lo,. jind .::ie.
Manic itiiileriis, moving pictures.
coinplcle 2 - I 5ll and r7 75,
( 'InMi. iis i.l'iv lio.: !. .......t ...I
'-il i Nil iea ami uuini-r seis ioc, ...ic,
5iic, Till, I irani'e and pew ter sel-,
iile, In, mi, sii, lis, - ;;n, I 'is,
I loll lions! s, slaliles, kitchens gro
eer.V stores, old e.-islli-s 75c, s:ic, lis,-,
$1 io, I 50 up to 2 In and 2 75.
Cliiidreiis sipiare and round tables
drop leaf, folding legs, oak, 5oc, s'.'c,
'Mr, 1 25,
ixxitis Candy
We sell pure, fre-h candy only.
I'.uyil hereundits fresh at'pie
Hand maiie, clear toys, eo (..inii;
bun b ins, clioi-iilite drops ''reaio
lilbcils, cream minis, gum drop-,
I'li-ncli erealiis, eieani tally, peanut
beans, the usual 20c kinds,"
21 kinds at 20c lb, chocolates all
llavois, walnut and peanut hash.
Candy Jinxes, .'ill shapes.
3Ci.ia.ras Carcla and
calendars l.illiog.apli'-il in pietlv
hues and ce!or-i. AiHhor L'ene. io-
spiring thoughts, with n,oniin I -lic-itli
bni nets of Dowers, 5c, Inc.
1 I''--. 2" '. -.-.! I '
WOW 31111. "WCt
palterns. Advance showij.g . :
corded Japancss Wash Silks for
Spring wear, just arrived in t-m
for fliristinas gifts. New shad, s
and coloiini's. They ale 50c tliis
tinieiiisieail of filic.
Cla-vlt2aanj3 3Din-
ni r. Try our special brand Homo
Made Mince Meat, guaranteed at
12 cents :t pound.
8clireyer, Son
0 Fropt Street JVLI , Jl'eillia.
Eln; Street..
223 S9