The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 18, 1902, Image 2

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Ialtlala mm
The matter of feed is of
Efnrnrloum forr (or I'lnnl Illritr
l: j( in Kaiiuii I'nrnnltc Una
uv Itrcn l)ineo ereil.
The agricultural department has
lieen studying certain diseases which
attack plants ami. for some of tl'eiu
nt least, has found a cure. The Sat
urday Evening Post assures farmers
who raise peaches, ca island cotton
r cowpcas, that they neeil m long
er fear "peach leaf curl," "villous,"
little peaeli disease," "cotton wilt,"
ur pea sicKness. i
All these diseases lire due to fun-
pus parasites, which, year after year,
aiiabeth Cady Stanton malei ob
jection to the American custom of
using initials lor
names, and it of
the opinion that
A. B and C do very well for kegs of i
fish, barrels of flour and spools of,
thread, but not for immortal men and trcmcndous importance tO the
womeu. Mrs. Stanton mentions an. i
acquaintance with an insignificant f 1vT1-,(-.r Wronrr fccdinrr i
name whose (riven name was Wendell;
l'hillips. He always signed himself qz?,, Rlht ICCClinCT 13 prOI.'
Y. P. , und thus consigned himself i
to darkest obscurity, whereas if he! i hC Up-tO-datC t.imiCr KP.C."
would lav hold on the Wendell Phillips . , , . .
part of his name with pen and ink the VY..r. Irt 1CCU MS COttb U !
whole might have been dignified into a ,. .
title of some importance. Hut if he,--'- '"J 1
'the most pcv.ic, li is hcivv
were a person of no importance 'W en
dell Phillins' couldn't save liim. On
the other hand, as the St. Louis (ilobe-i(r;jj CC-i. SciCVO..'
Democrat has remarked, the query
i .. i i t ii i.:u. ..
rises, hevw many deserving, even mi- jjlu HOW UUUUl lilt: l-llliui v... .
perior, persons may have been clogged
from rising by humble names? Jlight Arc tilCJ' led according U
have been slowly but surely spread- not Jaggs become a man of weight in , . . (nnA If
ing through the country. P.esides the community if he were named tior- S-'CIKC, a OOWL IOOQ UUU..
don, or intbrop, or, or f , nndcvcloncd. Z-
St. Clair? This is a deep question and 1
one that much may depend on. 1 h e flcsK and J11USC1C food U they
two greatest presidents of the I'nited,
States were Washington and Lincoln, are thin and Veak and a blOCU
names of distinguished flavor, had; t
their owners never been patriots or food if there is anemia r
presidents. It is significant, too, that . . . ,
they might have been (i. II. Washing- a x-minoiun u.
ton and A. P.. Lincoln, but. on the cuu- . , . , T . ;.
IUUU , lllJ VUU JlVt-l VXli ll w
I I i I i i i i m i i
Do vou uecil any furniture?
If so, don't fail to ime to our
store nml pit our priex'6.
Wc can suit you in
s.tjlc and prices,
from the cheap
est to the better
the external symptoms, they man
ifest themselves by causing knots to
form on the roots, whereupon nil the
small fibers become distorted, swol
len, and incapable f fulfilling their
proper functions, and ibis Iciufe, of
rourse, to the death of the plant.
Kvcry attempt to kill the fungus by
the ordinary wnvs of treating the
soil, and tlie plants with fungicides
failed entirely, nml growers were in
despair when the department hit upon
the cure.
When it was found it w as so astound-
ingly simple that the only wonder was
that no one bad thought of it before..
It serins that in many cotton fields, nnd
in many peach orchards, in many pea
patches, there wi le often observed to
he one or more plants that refused to
3ie with tlie rest and which survived
to come to bearing. When the feeds
or cuttings of these were sown in
the same soil, it w as found that a large
proportion of the resultant plants
possessed the resistant power of the
parent. Krpcating this processor ar
tificial selection again and again,
looner or later there developed a strain
that was wholly resistant to the at
tacks of the fungus. When this was.
done the problem was solved.
RVItli Hie Alii ot the Device Here l)c-
tcrllifil I he llcnvlriit I roll 1
lluuillcd Ilenillly.
trary, were christened with no super
fluity of identifying cognomens; sun- ma.cs fl yood and muscle,
ply tieorge and Abraham. 1 lie imlo-,
pemlence of mind which is in this day 1 Jie Limcaild Soda make bone
overcoming accidents of birth nndi
what one might call the absurdities and braill. It IS the Standard
and excesses of christening now per- ... , - ,
mils the bearer of a name that does , SL1C1U111C IOOQ IOr ueilt-ait;
not suit him to change it. Persons . .. .
branded with the inevitable two ini- Clll.ClrC'n.
tials dro;i the first name if they to
M-IHD iitS
Haiti wovtl, g JcUu oak finish ;
Only $12.50 ;
Mattresses - $1.90
Bedsprings- $1.25
f Good "Wit
w i t la JS r ! i 13 n s
S3. OO
v-, 1 liir, Foekerf. Coin he, Siite
$ board a, rainy fintl cltrnp Kx
ii trntion 'jtitOtH, 1 aby I ui 1 inge
?and Co-tuitH.
milllinl nrir, I'a.
Thy problt m p'ay i rh Lioud as it
in long.
If you are in need of Furniture, CarjK'U,
Mattings, Ktigs, Oilcloth, Linoleum, Iaci;
Curtain?, Viml(w Sliatlcf, rii'turcc, ami
Vict tire Franas, give us a call. AVe van
suit you id
Style and in
Our stock is new and up-to-date. It is
no trouble to show goods and quote prices.
KEl'AIUING neatly aud promptly done.
Lewistown Furniture Go.,
No. 12-14 Valley St. Felix Block
Last season quite a number of corn
Vmdcrs were liuiebascd und used m
this country- 'i'ln-' acreage of the indi
vidual farmer is so small that it does
not oav one man to buy a machine, but
in inauv instances three or four have
combined and beeni well Fatislied.
They .worked perfectly in standing
corn-iind picked up the stalks that
were doyv'n very readily, making fair
bundles. Of course, if the stulk is ly-
the-row the way tV.c innclnMc
is running it cannot be picked up, but
if it lies crossways, or, in. fact in any
other position, the corn binders will
as n rule pick it up nicely. V.'liercthe
corn ia badlv dow n and quite ripe quite
a number of cars arc knocked oil", but
these can be picked up when shockin
und 110 frcat loss vt : result. J'cui:
desire nml spell the second one in full
One does not have to wear a name ns
Eciiic people do a wen or a wart, as
if it w ere sacred nnd could not be re
moved. A man living in a communi
ty where there were "0 others of the
same name continually getting his
mail, cashing his money orders, con
fusing his identity with theirs in po
lice court, perhaps, would be justified
in appealing to the law und becoming
an Ardleigh, n Featlierstonebnugli, a
l'lantagnet, or anything euphonious
that might strike his fancy. Pate
should not he permitted to suppress
him with such a feeble instrument as
a name that mingles liim with a thou
sand others from w horn he has no way
of being singled out. This is au age
of freedom.
Send for free
I'e 4ire that litis picture In
the t. .rut ot a labtl u on the
vrapper of every bolile of
l-.mut.iuu you buy..
409 Pearl St.. N. Y.
50c and $l'i H druSJIiU.
Those who have not had personal
experience with tlie Jaws vexatious
delays will not ap
preciate the fol
lowing story us
much as will those unfortunates who
have nt any time in their lives had
one of those slow, dragging lawsuits
on their hands. The story is told by
Inekeil a Leant
Ilrlcht llrolns nnd Fair Lady,
Mrs. Hansom I understand, sir, that
you have secretly been mnking love to
my daughter, and J must forbid an ac
quaintance begun in that way. You
should have seen me first.
Shrewd Suitor Madame, had I seen
you first, 1 should have' forgotten your
daughter and fallen in love with you.
'.Mrs. llansoin U111 the informality
ot the proceeding was all I objected to.
Come w ith me and 1 will introduce you.
X. V. Weekly.
IOII.N A llr.llll.V ATTAC K
"My wife whs fo ill that pood rl v
riicianu wf-re unuVle to lulu Ler,1'
wiitefi M. M. Auhtiii. of WiucbcRter
Ind.. "but WB8 con p!et l v cured bv
Dr. King's New Life Vills." They
work wonders in etomnch and liver
troubles. Cuie eciiKtipation, sick
headache. 2"c at Aliddlebur-n Drug
Store, ti vbill.tnrtiiBn it Co. Uich-
field, an Dr. J. T. Snopsel, Penna
The blind b(ggr ni iv ftill have
an objtct in view.
Mi'.lif UB f re daily fmdii g a world
of comfoit in Uucklen's Arnica Snlve
It kills pain from Burns, Scalds,
(Juts, BiuiKes i Conquers Ulcers
and Fever Soich ; rures Eruptions,
Salt PheuiL', lloils and Felons, re
moves Corns and Warls, Best Pile
cure on earth. Onlv 'Sc. st Middlo
b irp; Drug Store, (Iraybill, Gorman
& Co., Kicbliehl, Dr. J. W. Hampsel,
Pt'iius Cieek.
Special Goat Sal
They Know Illm Not.1-
The ancleiit cat sits on the fence
I And slnss ot other days;
: His thousontl children roam the earth
And wend their devious ways.
1 His throat Is fore, his voice is- cracked,
And sad Is his "meow;"
I Kot one of all his iirosp'rous Eor.s
Will rn'imt ixi' him l.uw.
t!ie Tip of the Tongue man in the ruck.
corn can be nicked up much bitter
than by hand.
The grain ordinarily is cut runt.'
preen. Shocks contain "n to ;;n l.u
tiles. Xo trouble has been experience
in corn molding. Seven acres is a good
ilav's work fur a corn binder. Tun
men can keep up shocking. I'orshocK
ing, a horse like that shown in the lie
companving illust rat ion is very satis
factory. When the shock is weil start
ed the crosFpiccc is pulled out and the
horse removed. This horse enables
the shockers to make a shock that wi
withstand w ind much better than if it
is not used. Anv farmer can make this
in a short time. The very heaviest corn
is thus handled readily by the binder.
Orange Jndd Farmer.
New York l'ress as follows; "Not
liiivr ago a bright young lawyer, whose
progress was due to the celerity w 11 li
which he disposed of eases placed in
his hands, approached one of the fa
mous leaders of the bar with a prop
osition to be admitted into purtncr-
shin. 'Oh, Acs, 1 have heard of vou.'
said the great legal liyht. 'Vou won
that suit of against heavy odds,
and from retainer to final fee were
occupied less than five weeks. Such
expedition is most reprehensible.
AVliy, young man, that ease would have
occupied any experienced lawyer at
least two years. 1 am not prepared to
admit into partnership one who does
not understand the most important
word in the legal vocabulary 'De
lay.' "
mi kii:-s FoHKMcirr.
V 11 nun n Soil Henoviilom.
Kai'thworins are not soil fanners, for
they are seldom met with in soils that
are destitute i f organic matter, i hey
ore tininlv renovators. J-.very time a
worm is driven by dry weather or any
other cause, to descend deep it brings
to the surface, w lieu it empt it s t he con
1ents of its body . 'a few particles of
fresh earth. At tlie same time it fer
tilizes tlie subsoil by 1 peiiing up pas
sages wl.'.'h 1111 niirape the roots if
plants to penetrate d eper. thc.-e pas
tages being lined with excreted mat
ter, which provides a store of nour
ishment for the roots. On meadow
land Darwin found these worm casts
amount annually to 1 tons an aire,
nnd on (rood arable land to about ten
tons. American I'erl ilier.
The Fool nml Ills Monry.
An amateur was induced t. place a
ten-dollar bet with a bookmaker, and
This pleased him so much
The Missouri mule is destined to
make his way in the world. Five hun
dred Missouri mules will leave their
happy homes and take passage for
Bombay, British India. This voyage,
unlike that to South Africa, is one of j
peace, and hereby the mule becomes
a member of the class of the world's
inhabitants known as the "nomadic."
He has adopted the Boer habit of
"trekking." This is the first time in ,
the history of New Orleans that n !
;argo of this kind will be taken toj
Bombay. J he voy age , i!l consume I
No. Maud dear, in-door games are
not played out.
Could hardly express the thanks
of doiner Hall, 'ot "West Point, In..
'l-yinten wby : A severe co,d hnd eel-
tled on his lungs, lausinfir a most
otiBtinate cough. Several physicians'
aid he had eonsunirtioii, but ceiilil!
not help him. Whtu nil thought ho!
was doomed ho lu sun to uso Dr. 8
King's New Discovery fei'Cunsuiiip-
tion mid writes Jt Ims completely
cured me tun! mivhI iuv h;c. 1 now
wei"h l!-7 ll'H." It s positively Guar
anteed for CoiH'lis, Coins und J.ung
troubles, l'nce im1 1,H). Trial
bottles free nt iWiil.llehiin; Dill"
Store, Citilibili, ( iiirm ni & Co. fiich- au: Dr..). W . n uupn'l, leuus
Cre. k.
We have decided to make 1
diK'tion on all Ladies Coats k
the holidays, so as to i;ive evJ
body a chance to buy a brand
coit before Christmas at a red'
price. This sale will go into j
to-day. Wc will surprise our rj
customers when they learn
Remember, every coat is U
new and the styles are beautify
Special bargains in IVd Illm!
Comfortables, Underwear, audDrJ
Goods. Come 111 ami sw,
trouble to show goods.
A specially grand lot of stod
make selections from.
44G MARKET ST. . .. . . . . . SUm
Three doors east of the Market House.
Mamma Dickie, why do you pass
the candy last to your little idster?
Dickie Mamma, if I passed it to her
first, they wouldn't be 'nough to go
round. Detroit Free Press.
Census returns give ,'i.;;;4 children
under J ti years of age. who are em
ployed in making shirts for men, in
the I'nited States. More than 3.0(10 of
these employ oil iu factories.
There are employed in making
women's skirts and similar garments.
Nearly s.000 arc in tlie stocking fac
tories, and over H.OOO in the miscel
laneous employments connected with
the production of ready-made attire.
A. C.ooil-ntoreil l'lillonopber.
My fellow men deceive me oft, '
I'm sometimes Klad they do:
This work! would be a fearful place
If nil they falrt were true.
Washington Star.
(ilven I'nln.
"Doesn't Miss Discoid take great
pains with her piano lessons?" re
marked Mrs. Potts, listening to the
sounds coming up from t'.'.e room be
low. "Gives:" tlioiightfully answered
Potts; "gives is the word I should use."
Putnam livedo.
Tlie clock ntveretrikfchfor shorter
Till: SM'ltET OF I.O XU 1.1 I E
Consists in lecpint' H the main
organs of the l ody in heuiti y, reu
lor action, aud 111 quick1 v destroying
deadly disease tjenns. Elect lie Bit
ters regulate Stomach. Liver and
Kidneys, punfv the blood, aud give
a 'peuilid appetite. They work
wonders in curing Kiduey Troubles,
Female Cemiiihunts, Dyspepsia, and
Nervous Discus, s.C'oustipatiou and
Miliaria Vigorous health and
strenL'th alwaos follow their use.
Only fiOc, guiirauteed byMiddlebtiig
Drill More. (jrnpi)tU, oorman it Co
Uichtield- Dr. J. W. tJaiupitl, Tenns
XV tern of Ailmlnlstrntlon In tlie entitle of
Polly Noll, lt of Terry tnvvimhip, Snyder
Comity, I'a., dereitxod, liavinif been Kranted
to the iinili'miitncil, nil pt-reuim knowing them
HelveR indebted to nnid estate are rtquexteil to
milk immediate payment, while thou liarinR
eliiiins nKiiinut the wiiil entute will pn-HCtit llieiu
Uulv aiitlientientecl to the underpinned.
J. KVT. llUKMUOlKiKlt, AdminUtratnra
Dec. b, Ki 2. M . I'leanuiit Milln.
Tell me your ambition and advise me as to your :iliilitv, fl
may be the brainiest man in the world, but unless you have tlicotp
tunity to prove it your brains arc valuless. I aid you to secure V
opportunity. The Keystone Law and I'atent Co.. of which lamps
dent, will secure you a valid patent at the lowest possible costanda
the broadest claims, and thereafter assist you in securing a uiarkell
purchase for your invention, by placing it before the public 111 a tlioita
systematic and business like manner, and without cost to you until
patent lias been sold. Thus for the one object for which all invaa
should aim namely, the conversion of their ideas into cash I si
possible without expense to you.
Success in life depends upon doing everything- well.
Success has come to us from careful attention to our client;
terests. Our success lias drawn to us thousands who are cxactinj
their requirements and to these satisfied clients we refer yon.
This is the strongest possible endorsument that can beasW
Write to me personally.
S. S. WILLIAMSON, President,
Keystone Law and Patent Co., 2012-2024 Betz Building,
My liidy may still have her sealskin
tout, for the supply of seala is not
tjuitc exhausted. Although the Pri
hilof herds nre growing smaller,
Lieut. JUTtholf, of the navy, has dis-
lovcrcd two hitherto unknown rook-
Tlie Simplicity of Virtue.
"It is better," declared the smooth
shaven man whose collar buttoned, he
hind, "to he right than to be presi
dent." "And." continued the short-necked
man with the heavy watch chain, "it
doesn't require such nn expensive and
complicated machine." Puck. '
Too II111I, Too Bad.
She sighed dolorously. i
"What is it, sweetheart?" he asked,
"Only think, dearest," she answered,
a sob in her voice, "this is the last even-
on Karya island, in the Shuma-! in? c '-an be together until to-mor
Hint he placed the $'5 with the book
maker on the next heat, lie won again.
The third heat he played all his roll,
amounting to $011 er $70, and lost,
whereupon he fell over in a dead faint.
His brother, who chanced to be pres
ent, ran for a doctor nnd nsked him
to make haste, as he imagined his
brother was dying. "I am a veterinary
surgeon," the doctor said. "Vou aro
. . . . T , 1 . t ,
1UBI Vile man 1 nm lOORUijf or, mo ninnninh Ihonirh Ir enma not Ji """" 1 5 ..V .
Ln replied, excitedly, "a. my brotLer! IVlLtuSZ. "B.d 'U .tV.PM.etrii X".n
is a iackass." Kural World. . . " " ociock ai nignt: i-uck,
jiu group, south of the Alaskan pen
insula, nnd 700 miles nway from the
aid sealing grounds.
When a doctor sues a dentist tbe
long-suffering public, thinks the Pitts-
row." Town Topics.
Podunk Tostmnster We orter key
another clerk here
Inspector More than she can do, eh?
Podunk Postmaster Lord, yesl
Why, sometimes she don't get through
Ooiit YVnninl.
Wifey (who is doing her own cook
ing now) I can't seem to u:nke little
enough of anything. 1 wish poire poor
hungry creature had what we have left
every day.
Hubby (who hasn't much appetite
Intely) Yes, w e ought to keep a goat.
They say a gont can eat anything.
Philadelphia liulli'tin.
All diseases of Kidneys,
Biaaaer, urinary urgans.
AU. DhiimnHam Dastlr
r 1st ivuuuuiuvioiu, unv.m
ache, HeartDlsease. Gravel,
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
Don't become discouraged. Ther Is a
cure for you. If neeesnry write Dr. Kenner.
lie lias Hpunt a life time curing Just such
cases as yours. All cousultatloui Free.
"Eight months In bed, heavy backache,
pain and soreness across kidneys, also rheu
matism Other remedies fulled. Dr. Feri
ncr'a Kidney and linrkarho Cure cured me
completely. 11. WATEKS, natulet, Y."
DrnirirlKts. BOc., It. Ask forCook Book Free.
CT VITIK'riAUPC Pure Cure. Circular. Ir
Ol-VIIUO UANUbFenner. Vredonla,M.Y
Christmas Presents;
Silverware, lAJatches, JeweK
I pride myself in selling only re
liable goods. I do not promise any
thing that I do notfull.
I po not agree to furnish the best
article for the least money.
The best article costs for expert
labor ; the cheap article docs not,
but I will charge you less profit than
any other dealer and , I guarantee
every article as represented.
Repairing of all kinds Skillfully Done
19 North 4th Street