MLDDLEBURG POST. If 11 ail !?' SUITS ll OVERCOATS . A.T 3PXTI OTTSS THAT O-LlVISrOT 3313 MATCHED. Another Special Sale at BROSIOUS BROTHERS, SUNBURY. High - Grads Extra-Qnality ) It's a rare occasion, indeed when such suits and overcoats are offered at this price. There is nor, one but what could be sold lor from 6. to 7. But here they are, all ready to put on. 5oy s suits ana overcoats at the same price. 4.98. sMsBaakv Firs IT 1 01 i nail .of "Uddleburg, Pa. Bank Capital, Surplus, 50,000. 30,000. G. Ai.n:t:r Srimcu, Pres. V. ., Vice Pres. Jah. G. To'mi-sox, Carrier. G. Alfred Sclu . c. Pomcroy, W. W. Witteiimyer, A. Krirgir, J. N. Thompson, M. Miilm r. Jas. G. Thompson. Call on a. E. Boltn In his ne w mihv inaml hair cutting parlor for your heail cleaned with a refreshing sham poo ami a clean towel to each juktron on the north Hide of Market square op-pa-ito Cent nil Hotel. Satisfaction gunr unteed. tf. The ."lost Frightful Cough. It's tin-. .up. Isn,t that so? You hear il jr.-. aUmt midnight, when everythli. i so Mill that dry, bark ing, choUin ' cough. You never can forget tli- " t timn you heard it. 'vdu't I r trila, Ither Cherry 1 eo.oial quickly cures the ciiiip. - ,f EAVERTOWN. t, A number of peraous from t iIk place went to Bannervillt! Sand i to fee the crippled rohber. - Mrs. John 8. Smith has been sick for (he hint week. . .1. F. Dale f Northumberland visited his son, W. F., Monday. Mrs. W. F. Feese and son, Earl Fteijt lust week with her parents in Middlehurg. Mrs. Geo. M. Thomas of Lewis t wu is with her sick mother, Mrs. I J. S. Smith. The series of meeting in the ! Lutheran church are being well at tended considering the inclement weather we have had a number of evenings. Sliaefler Speuht of Jolmsburg U sending sometime in town among his young friends. A young Mis arrived at the home of Henry Peter Clinton Strieker and wi e one day last week. .,' The K. R. Company are having a well drilled and made other need ed improvements atwut the depot. Some body on mischief beu4 in terfered with J. P. Shirk's St. lamp one night last week at one o'clock. The lamp was dropped on the pave ment with a crash. No serious damage was done to the lamp, but tire cause of tire interference is ' a! mystery. BANK STATEMENT, Ki'port i tho conditio ot the First National lliuikor Mlitdlflmixli.ikl MUMIuburgh. In tu Stulf of I'piiii.Hylvanlft, at the close of buslnnw Nov. 25 I'm KESOLTtCES. f.oniiH anddlKCountM.... t?CMWt Ovcrilnilf. wi'iirt'd ami miHwnred.... 1'. s. Hon. Is to secure ciraiiliitton 33,00 1'. S. llimtH to whmii-h V- . Depnslia...'. I'. H. Homls on linml...- i I'ri'inlunm on U. S. HoikI.h County Hunrts . . ' Stocks, Heciii-inett, etc. .. isn.n. 11:iiiI.Iii(.'-Iiooh; furniture, iind rtxtures 15,$ra otlii'r ril mlatiiilinonfW owuwl Hue from Niitlonitl Hunks (not Reserve Aci'iitJrt One mm State ll'inks and tuiiiknrn .... 2,ISV1 Due mm ii p orcreed nwn iigw ta, . . . . 2,Mesi Internal-Ituvcmie Mamint Checks imcl other ensli it..... 190-IS Nott'H of other National ISthlis 4,1)1". Fractional paper ciirrencjr,jilcklcs,aDl eenlM - SltMtt Lawki'i. .Monr Hkskkvb m B! viz: Specie M0.75 Uwil-tcmler Holes Z.H0MX) 18.0W.7& Kedeinptlon mud wlui IT. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of clrcuWIou) ,a.l Accounts of Individuals, Firnib and Crpor:itions Solicited. SODLEBURG!) MARKET. V.iif -cr '22 Wheat 72 Egg 2i live 56 Onions CO Corn f6 Liu l 12 Oata 32 Tallo.v 3J Potass 45 Cliickens.... 8 BrauperlOO.1.20 Side 10 Middlings" 1 20 Shoulder 12 Chop 1.25 Ham 15 FlourperbbH.OO A raJpable Overnlscht. "The world owes me n living," prumhled the young man. "Yes," assented the .elder one, "but you madt the mistake of not demanding collateral security for the debt." ltrooklyn Life. TOTAl f3M,8W.W LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In fM.MM.ilO Surplus Fund 4u.uii.u I'mllvUled prtillta, l(s expenses ami tnx.'MluiWI 13,9k National Hank notes oiitntaudlnk -' Due tootlierNttUoual bunks..... . HtMl AW Due to suiia-Uunks and Bunkers , ivcr'a Dividends imnnld to cheek. ; lla.tW.O01 Demand cerUlloates of d- V 23iMai poHir... ivtoju; Notes and BUIs redlsoouatnd ...... . Well Acquainted with Him. Teacher Suppose your little brother had two pennies and you gnve him three more, what would he have then? Xisby Murphy A vaniller Ice cream soderl Puck. Honr It Looked. "Do you think Clarence is really en irneed to that Gotrox girl?" "Well, 1 see ins lunur uttn iruiicu him for another uit of clothes." Judge. tcjtaIj tswiacsn STA I K OF rBSJl I.1AIA.I HNYDLU BOUNTY, sh: f I, J AS. . THOMPScXi. Casbler ot tr above named bank, do solemnly swear that tb hJkm statement Is true to Uiu bust ot my kuiwkdtp and ix-'Uev JA THOMPSON. Caahlfr Stihscrllwd and 9 warn to before ma this Mb day of N liwi. J.6. WKlSKlt, Notary PttHU:. C0HKic-A4test ! & iFRED SCUOOfc. r W.W. WlTTENMYJta. ' A.UIKBQKR, Dlnaten, AsItf. Twat rAe of torn t tfvat m c" 8h spoke lo accents toft aa4 tow. I answered then: 'Twaa rude, althourll How much 'tni rued, I aaly know." Brooklyn Katie. HEJL FIRST EIPCttlEXCK. Mrs. Toung Wife (on her first roar keting tour) I want two pound of beefsteak, and have- it rare, pleae St. Lsuis SIobe-Dem.jcrat. Tare Collese Gntdoate. He tMnka that he oan ran the world And more,. Indeed, thcplty. For w hen h comes to hunt a Job " He'll have to walk the city. Brooklyn Mfe, lailoot to Try It. 'Matrimony," lnusetl the elderly woman, "spoils many romance." 'In that ease, replied the younger woman, promptly, "I would like to have a romance spoiled." Chicago Post. EMck on Himself. She (af tes the spat) What are vow thinking of V He Oh, a goose I know. "Can't you forget yourself for a min- nteV" Y tinkers Statesman. 1 1MS SHE nf A llmonrcrf al Tonfh. "Iet's make up." lie suggested. "But we haven't qua rroted," she pro tested. "Never mind. lt's make up any way. Chicago ros.t. In the Rear Kirfnre. 'I hear yonr sister is a blond; Is: that right t" 'No, but she Is dyeing to be." X. y. Journal. TO HE SEES AFAR OFF. n Gignwtic Lady (nirrvous and tiuiid) Policeman, can yu see me nitrons the roe-d?" P. C 1902 See yirr across the: road, inarm? Why bless yer, I b'lfrve I could see yer 'urf a mile off! The- Tatler. i 'J; BOX 59- HARRISBURGJPA. Cures all Doinh no Don AooicTionaJ KJFwt .OMKHfO NtW rl AW AGE We NT ll4hi Salted. "(Srymes and his wife qunrcied for tlx months over naming the baby." "How did thajr settle it?" EasilT. It was twins." Brooklyn Life. Ilartl Tsvlnar to Uok Yeast Do you kuow aiY diftlcult tricks with snatches? Crimsonbewk Ves; I've often tried to light a t gar with mj last one. Yonkers Statesman. Suits and Overcoats. SUITS. We liave an excellent line of fall and winter suits which we ofler at the follow ing low prices: Men's all wool suits $G.50 to $12.00 Youths' suite, age 12 to 20 years, for 2.75 to $7.50. iioys' two-piece suits, all new and the latest styles, strictly all wool, $2.50 to $5 A lot of suits in odd sizes and slightly slu lf worn will sell at a sacrifice. OVERCOATS. Our line of overcoats is more complete and up-to-date thau is generally found in small towns. Mens' all wool, latest styles, medium length overcoats at $6.50 to $12.00. Youth's overcoats, age 12 to 19 years, good quality ull new stock and prices that are right. ' i Boy's overcoats, all grades $2 to $5. Hunting coats from $1 to $2. We have received a lot of WOOL HATS for fall and winter, all the latest blocks. "Now is the time to buy your LINOLEUM we have the latest patterns and a good quality. Also a good variety of Floor and Table Oilcloth. GKcnsrs. Gr-Tjisrs. The latest improved Chattuck at $5. 25. A good Single Barrel at $4.75. The Amer ican Single Barrel at $7.50. Double Barrel Ik'lgum, laminated Bteel, $12.. Don't forget the place Opposite the First National Bank. GELNETT BROS., MIDDLEBURG, PA. ( V e ar Iwtter prepared "to wait on our trad Miiivea larger stock, lower prices more cloje. in the selection of goods than ever before. New Pall Dress Bonds 4 in hlarU iukI C'oUi8i Xevr Silks uiul Velvets, LADIES TAYLOR HADE SUITS; COATS AND CAPES. We have a most durable collection of thtse aud cau suit everj H.TKIII. New m mm We can not describe all the beauti. ful things on each hat. We ask yon to ttome and we will show them and .. .. in.n 4i. i Jin mil ivuiit uiu ivci wincu are within the reachjjof all. I H Clll. Glen's l?(ys and Children's snits'and overcoatj There is a desirable collection and aflfords ampk choieo to suit everv one. Como t see ns and i( wjll conviuce yen thai it always pays to buy of J DVC. Millzn-eiL?, KANTI salUiL.. Caatlooa. Do JQ carry your new revolver when yeas are out lat at night?" "Certainly not. It cost $12, and tome robbers might take it away from me." N. Y. Times. Not Faculty. Bbe Have you noticed that I have faculty for falling in love? He Faculty? 1S6, ficklety." Yal Xlecord. FfoEE Success Calenders. r I iHE publishers of Success 1 have issued an exquisitely en graved twelve-leaf Calender. Thie Calender is one of the finest ex amples of the famous Colortype Process, which excels lithography in its beautiful soft tones and color ings. The twelve designs are orl gimtl painting made for Success by America's leading artists, and rep resent subjects ot general and ins piratloDnl interest. The original of the one for December, for instance, is a most exquisite painting by the famous artist, J. C. Leyendecker, representing "The Three Wise Men of the East" . 4t The Srccnts Calender will be sent : ' entirely FKKK of charge and poet . paid to any addreai on requert. THE SUCCESS COMPANY, Seatt.. UlTealy BbIWIbib;, Next wwk I will be able to supply you with tucli goo a many of you. have been asking for. . Black Clotk C?bbs. " For Middle-ages. Ladies' price from $5.50 to GOOD MATERIALS. Ladies' Goats in assorted colors at different prica Ladies' Ready made Jacket Suit. Miss8 Coats for 6 to 16 years of Bp Coats for little "Tots" 2 to 5 years ok , Materials and Colors. Cardinal, Navy, Brown, Green, Cream Corduroy, Cream I ford Cord, Black and Navy Velveteen, lace trimmed, prk $2.00 to $5.50. Handsome Goods. ""Ready made shirt-waists for Ladies. Prices $1.00 to $3.75. mm ?3 Taffeta Si ks,AK batros ahd Frenct Flannel. Outing Flanne, Night Dresses and manyotbe.. goods. Gome and see. If you are interest- ted, come, as I will; only have the goodsi; a short time. r " V-L- DUNKELBERQER ; I HVMhtaRtaa Baiare, .T. . I i' 1