The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 04, 1902, Image 1
" . " . . ' . f ' ' " .'-. 7 t , ? . ' V I r A Family Jonraal, Dcvottd to Ntwt, Science. Art, PollUcai Bctnomy and Cnrrent Llttrature Ratea: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance L xxxix MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUNTY" PENUA. DECEMBER 4 1902 t Vagtawncr, MItar and Praprietar. TnToCAL LACONICS ED. A fat hog can be sold pee. juU Cornet Band purchased a trombone last week, nd we tho bovs intend adding a lotion to their band they are Dgrw-sive musicians and we success. list for December term of uliort one and speaks well for iding citizens. It Is as fol- M. Keesler vs. township of na?ob Epstine vs. J. a, luxr V Krepp vs. Jane and James Ly the remains of Mrs. John interred in St. John's Ceme- liioiit. She was formerly a that place, but has resided daughter at Seven Stars, tv. for some years. Itev. hducted the funeral exercises. ltd wusageu a yearn. Ricgle. tlie Middleburg organ dealer, sold Levi 8. olastweik. Our friend has ie number of instruments id he is a dealer upou whom ud for upright treatment. im when you want some- line, lie is always ready Lr wants. Announcement. c Department of Susque- versity announces au ex- knislcal treat for Saturday December Oth, In Seibert Igrove, Pa., In the shape of Lul by Miss HUdegard Hotf- no. and Mrs. Anna Otten lukto, two of .the leading W York city, who appear jus soloists with the great If tin country. pi at the age of 8 years, was a prodigy in Switzerland, Berlin under Joachin, in td as solo viollniste at the btival in Bohemia, and has the principal cities of the lea with Nordica. Lehman, pan and others. She has led the high distinction of pent as soloist with the a Orchestra, and it is a rare pod fortune for Snyder have this opportunity, his rare privilege. 50 cents. Seats can be aVageiiheller's Drug Store. Special The following parties of this town, H. Beaver, Curtin Bower. weraox, A. J. Crossgrove, ling Co., E. K. Freyman. Vh, Gelnett Bros.. G. W. b. A. Kern, J. V. Orwlg, m, Rennlnger & Musser, Ink!.;, Carbon Seebold, & ii, juarun a. Bteinineer, iros., Aaron Stetler. Est.. Irayblll, J. R. VanHorn. Hnseller, H. E. Walter, Mter, W. B, Wlney will next few days a com which we promise will than nrrilnnrv lnlaia Hyask in advance their kleration. It Yours A, J. S. Combs, Mgr. or Male, m which the Central Holel Jddleburg, stands is offend fl'ly at the Middleburg r. Eyer Walter, Selita- 12-4-2t Manta Whm pd bushels of walnuts are f nigueut prices will be Charles Boyer, PaxtouvlUe, Pa. V"r Whuk-r. Vde from pure water, r-"i qualities man any f umiea Btates, $1.25 J0" ! 65 cents to $ 1.60 a J. L. MARK8, Middleburg, Pa. 1 tor Salt. ; : Of land '' adlntnlnir Mights oflfonwl .f Undlirich, level and Utthethlnif ftt Iota. , ) CA WAOKN8SLXKB.'' Beltoagrova, Pai The Snyilc Family, As our County bears the name of an Ex-Governor, who served this Com monwealth three full terms and the soil contains his sacred remains, we will give a little attention to the Sny der family. Simon Snyder was born at Lancaster Nov. 5, 1750, and died Nov. 0, 1819. He was the sou of Anthony Snyder, a native of Germany, who emigrated to Pennsylvania about 1740 and died at Lancaster in 1774. Governor Simon Snyder was mar ried three times : First to Elizabeth Michael, of Lan caster, with whom he had two chil dren: 1. Amelia, born June 21, 1791, mar ried March 2S, 1820, to Dr. Phineas Jenks, a member of the House from Bucks county. Their only daughter was married to Itev. J. I. Elsegood, of East New York. 2. Hon. John Snyder, married Mary Louisa Kittera, daughter of Hon. John Kittera. His chlldred by this mar riage are Miss Maiy K. Snyder who died a little more than a year ago at Selini grove ami Mr.-. James C. Van Dyke. By subsequent marriages Jhe had other children. Hon. John Sny der died at Selinsgrove, Aug. 15, 18.-,o- Gov. Snyder's second marringo was to Catharine Antes, June 12, 1790. Children were : 3. Henry W born July 1797, a pay master in the Civil war. Died at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. 4. George A., married Marcii 22, 1822, to Ann Ellen, daughter of St. phen Duncan. He died at Williums port July 0, 1805. His children wei : Mrs. Matthias App, of Mich., Mrs. Crane, Henry and George S., Mrs. Riley, Antes and Jesse D. Gov. Snyder's third marriage oc curred Oct. 10, 1814, to Mary Slonirh Bcott, a wlddow, of Harrisbnrg. Sii survived tho Governor and died Oct. 23, 1823. . Gov. Simon Snyder possessed con siuei able land. We fcive below a lint aa taken from the assessment records, T 1. . .... rcaie nui sure mai an the items re fer to the name man, but we are led to oejieve that most of them do. 1772, Lancaster, 1 horse, 1 cow. 1773, (Cooper), Lancaster, 1 cow. 1776, Penn twp., Northumberland Co I7(i, sub-lieutenant, under Emauel Carpenter, 7th capUiln, tenth Bat- talllon of Militia of Lancaster Co., December 6. 1779, Wiconlsco, Lanc'r Co., 200 acres. I' J " " 3U0 acres. 17778-80, Augusta twp., North'd Co., valuatlou, 299.3.0. 1778-80, Penn twp., North'd Co., vala atlon, 348.7.0. 1781, Penn township, 175 acres. 1782, 1785, 1785, 1785, 1786, (2) Penn " 5 horses. 1780, Penn twp., 1786, Buffalo twp., resident.) 1787, Penn twp., 1788, Buffalo twp., tlvated land. Note (1). This land was In partner ship with Geo. Groff and (2) in part nerehlp with Mr. Selln. In 1783 a Snyder in York is assessed with one servant Surveys were made in Simon Sny der's name as follows : Acres. ijj NEVER CATCH CP jj 5 The business men who fall to O 8 appreciate advertising are likely X X to find themselves so far behind 8 V the times that they .vrlll never O Q cutcn up. iii iiftaii' iniii in WMI , w ' , I It In nlnnjn lirttcr to nilvrr. tine a llttl ton much than not quite enouifh. It Is better to use a llttlo more time tint ii Is necessary In the consideration of advertising and tho preparation of advertise ments than It Is to bo ever so llttlo cnreli'ss about It. Saginaw (Mich.) Evening News. VTc advocate enrrful propa ration of Miiy nml frt-quent changes, tho oftcner tho butter. oooooo II II II I. II II II II 200 200 150 800 50 150 150 380 300 ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii Scows, (non uncul- ii ti ii it 200 N'th'd Co., 300 100 ' 100(a) " 100 " ii ii ii ii a 1C0 11 140 08 150 60(b)" 250 (c) " 250 " 400 " 400 " 400 " 150 Date June 24, 1773 Mar. 22, 1785 Oct 4, 1785 June 20, 1780 June 20, 1780 Nov. 6, 1780 April 2, 1787 Mar. 5, 1788 Feb. 23, 1701 May 9,1792 June 28, 1792 June 28, 1792 June 28, 1792 July 21, 1792 July 21, 1792 July 30, 1702 Oct 2, 1792 400 Huntingdon Co., May 31, 1793 400 N'th'd Co., July 16, 1793 400 " 100 " 400(d) " . 4 - " 108.35 it i ii .'ii .i Aug. 10, 1793 Feb, 4. i794 Feb. 20. 1800 June 25, 1803 June 14,' 1810 Note (a)- This land was In partner ship with Anthony Selln, (b) with Jno. Swlneford, (o) with H. Glunore and (d) with Jacob Hefilck. v q CONTINUED NEXT WKEK.J J I' KG LA R SHOT AT BANNERVILLE. J. H. Shellcnlicrcrwon the Plaudits of the Entire Community by Capturing the Desperado. Sunday morning shortly after two o'clock, J. B. ShcllenbeTger," of Ban uerville, was awakened from his slum bers by his burglar alarm at the store He hastened out of the house and summoned his neighbors and approach Ing the stoie, they saw a man inside carrying a light. Mr. Shellenberger saw a shadow on the blind and fired at the shadow from a distance of !10 feet. It was evident that the shot took effect as the noixe that followed indicated that the burglar fell. The posse on guard watched for few minutes to sen whether there were any others, who would probably try to escape. It seems there was only the one intruder. Upon investigation It was toundthat the baU entered the man's kidney. Dr. hlvewas summoned to give the in jured robber medical mid surgical at tention. All day Sunday his life seemed hanging on a thread, but Mon day, the indications were more favor able. He seemed to gn4u strength. The robber at first refused to reveal his identity, but eventually said his name was. George Snyder, a resident of one of the suburbs of Shamokln He Is about 35 years of age, weight about 170 pounds, has auburn hair, full Bandy beard and wore blue over alls and plow shoes. He Bays he has a family. . As yet his identity in Shamo kln has not been discovered and it is probable he has not given his coreect name. A warrant was sworn out and he was placed under arrest. The over seers are temporarily looking after the wants of the man, but the County eventually must pay the bill. BROUGHT TO JAIL. The injured robber was brought to Jail by train, Tuesday evening. A large crowd of people turned out to see him. A reporter of the Post called at the Jail and the prisoner made this state ment. My name is George Markert, aged 60 years, residence, 244 St Anne Street, Baltimore, worked for a man named Carr, catching and shelling oys ters, born in Baltimore, weigh 175 lbs, and 5 ft 8 Inches high, have no wife or children, parents are dead. No one was with me. I was full of whiskey, but I had no business in there anyway. I came on this trip from Corry and was never in Middleburg before. Many of these statements are proba bly false as he is certainly more than 5 ft 8 inches talL The prisoner stood the trio well : the wound did not even bleed. It Is thought he will recover. The editorial in QiU issue was put In type before -any en couraging news came of nls condition. 'Constable Emanuel Peters, two depu ties and Dr. C G. Smith brought fh culprit to town.- ... All honor to John B. Shellenberger who used his trusty rifl and captured the ylllian in the very act C. 6. Gteene of Lewlstown, sold his tannery for f.55,000. . J. E. Raldemauiattended a party at Sellnsgrovelast week. Miss Car rle Otto of Northumberland, !s visiting Jacob Gilbert's. Miss Edna Arl.ogat, of Mimintown, Is Visiting Miss Eva Ktelninger. Miss Bailie Rotinh, of Froeburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. 8. Itlegel. Loyd Bowersox returned from Pitts burg, to spend a few weeks at home. James E. Magee and wife spent Thanksgiving Day with Dr. Orwlg and wife. Ex-Sheriff Ner H. Mi.hlleswarth. of McCiuro, spent Monday at the County seat . .' . -Mrs. A; E. Cooper mid children, of Maple Hill, are visiting A. II. U!sh and wife, t Mn. I. E. Ulsh, daughters nnd nurse of MihVrsburg, are visiting relatives in Franklin. . Mra Catharine Shrawder, of Frank lin township, was a caller at this olllee Monday. Harvey. Long, of Tfoutz's Valley, Perry county, was at Middleburg last Thursday. Born to Willian It. Bowersox and wife, a spn, the first fruits of them that slept. Geo. V Hoke, the sewing machine agent of A reamer, was at tho County seat Saturday. A. If, Troiitninii, one of Port Trev- orton's merchants, was at the County seat Saturday. Miss Irnia Magee, of Krtamer, spent last wfc with her uncle, Dr. J. W. Orwli ti4 wMaov a- :-. , ; . 'Jno. F. Wagensell), of Selinserove spent Thursday of last week with the Editor of the Post. Howard Marks, of Jluruham, six-nt several nays with his uncle, Joseph1 L, M.rks aud family. John L. Btahlnecker, of Lock Haven spent his Thanksgiving vacation with his parents in this place. M. Millner, of Kantz, is in the city this week buying up Holiday and win ter goods. Look for bargains. Miss Bertha Seebold, of Bucknell Institute, spent ber Thanksgiving va cation at the Washington House. The Western Union Telegraph bus! news has been cut out of the depot at this place. The Postal has been sub stituted. E. 11. Schrader, of Troxelvllle, one of the school directors of Adams town ship, dropped In to see us last Friday morning. H. H. Harter, proprietor of the Key stone Cash Grocery of Sunbury, and family, spent a portion of last week at the County seat Charles W. Smith, of BeaverSprings one of Spring township's teachers, dropped in to see us last Thursday and paid for the Post. Prof. E. E. WeUel, of Beavertown, one of Beaver township's most success ful teachers, dropped in to see us last Thursday while attending Institute. A Western Union Telegraph ofllee has been opened in Grant E. Bolig's building, Sellnsgrove. The Postal Telegrsnh Company has its office at the roll nad station. Allen M. Sechrist, of Dundore, and Amnion S. Sechrist, of Verdilla, two of Uniou township's reliable citizens, spent Thursday In town and dropped in to see the Post man. E. 8. Mittcrllng, of Strouptown, and his partner in the Shingle Mill busi ness, Jacob James, of Liverpool, were at the County seat last Friday. The former ordered a lot of envelopes and packet heads. Rev. N. A. Klracofe, of Catawissa, has taken charge of the Middleburg circuit of the U. B. Church. He will conduct services at New Berlin at 10 a. m. next Sunday, Hummel' sat 2 p. mM and Middleburg at 7. p. m. Prof. T. B. Birch, teacher of Latin, Susquehanna University, Scllnsgrove, and two ftona spent last Wednesday in town. "They were on their way to lUffllnbmig to l spend Thanksgiving with Grandpa Geo. W. Hlmmelreich and family ; Prof. Birch, .was a class mate of tha Editor of the Pom at Mis sionary Institute, 1886-9. . Editor Lumbrrd and wife, of sTTTnT- grove, fqmnt Thanksgiving Day in town with M. I. Potter and wife. Merrll Lauver, of Norristown, an employee of the Stato Lunatic Hos pital, Mrs. Dr. Deckard, of Richfield. Thomas. G. Arbogast, of Mt Pleasant Mills, and Lizzie Ripka, of Sunbury, were visiting W. A. Ripka and wife. Miss Anna Ripka, who had been re cuperating with her parents in the trench Hats, left for Sunbury again this week. She is employed at Pho tographer Luce's and Is taking stenog- rapny ana type-writing at Kitckner's school. of lllMll and COURT HOl'SE CHIPS. Dtcda Entered for Record. Wm. L. Hottenstein and wife to Cyrus I). Hottenstein, ltd of ground in .Monroe twp., $700. Lydia Fisher to Isora Fisher 2 acres in Union twp., f,. Sylvester Flanders anil wife to Will. W. Fisher, l!M aens in Union twp., J. 11. Kline ami wife to John W. Weiand, 37 acres, KM) perches in West Heaver twp., $liMN). l):itucl Kuhns and wife to Delia Kulius, It acres, 10 perches, in Centre twp., $:iro. Henry A. Ranch nnd wife to George H. Smith, 59 acres and 1 00 perches in Franklin township. $Uls.2.". Wm. Hunt and wife to Daniel Hunt a lot of ground in Ceutreville for$!. John A. Moyer and wife to Joseph Dcppen, 31 acres in Chapman town ship, $t.U. J. M. Sliuiiinn and wife to J. 15. Her man, 13 acres, !K) perches, in Franklin twp., $200. II. H. Ruining to C. P. Ulrich, cem etery lot In Belinsgrove, $s. G. W. Reichenbach aud wife to Mrs. (Ellen SpotU, 43 acres in Perry town ship, $40. Dan'l (). Long and wife to E.Maurcr, lot of ground in Selinsgrovo, $!K)2. Henry Aucker and wife to Adam Regar, Sr., 10 acres and 1 perch I Reaver twp., $385. Thomas Voungman, et nl., to Jacol Dreese, 10 acres, 1 jicrcli, in Reaver twp., $833. John 8. lline and wile to Win. B, Rine, 1 acre in Chapman twp., $1200, Thos. Paige, Fred. Leach and Chas, E. Boh nor, ex'rs or tho last will of Catharine Bohner, to W. B. Rine, 12 acres, $1700. . Hetty Maurer to I. A. Moyer, 3 ncres 27 perches, in Jackson twp., $275. Geo. L. Coryell to Klsworth Aurand, lot of ground in Monroe twp., $500. Lettera Granted. In estate of Catharine Wagner, late of Beaver twp., to Isaac Wagner. In estate of Ellen A. Gilbert, late of Adams twp., to Jacob Giltrt In estate of Susan Snyder, late of Union twp., to David H. Snyder. In estate of M. O. Snyder, late of Scllnsgrove, to Annie It. Snyder. Willi Probated. The last will and testament of John Kahley, late of W. Beaver twp., dee'd, was probated and letters testamentary granted to Isaac Dreese who is named In the will as executor, the widow and children are the heirs. "Dignity of the Olllee Director" Dr. Rover. Piano Duct-Prof. Miss Lillian Stettler. "How to Make No. 1 in the Practice of Teaching" .las. M. Coughlin. Address, to School Directors-Prof. Bible. A few remarks by the speaker of the evening, "Eli Perkins." Adjournment. Thursday evening entertainment, Lecture "I'hilosoppy f Wit and Humor and Stories Around the Stove" Eli Perkins, (Melville I). Laiulon.) Friday MmtxiMi, Devotional Exercises Rev. Schaef fer. "Memory ami lis Cultivation" prof. Bible. A vote was taken us to whether the Institute should lie held at Selinsgrove or Miildlebuig. Result: Middleburg (Ml votes, Selinsgrove 10 votes. "llieMinlyof Biography in its lation to Character Building" Jii t.ougiiiin. Report of Committee on Resolutions was submitted and adopted. P. (!. Shelley one of Snyder Coun ty's old School teachers who does not intend to teach any more gave a few riii imK i ci ii. 1 1 us tit i ins time. Short address by I'n.l'. J. 1. W 1- rutl", Dean of Susquehanna University. Short address by Supt. Geo. W. aldron. Closed by singing Iioxology,. ami ISelletllelmn pronounced bv Rev. Mo Ph. 1)., Keystone, Pa. Re- M. oyer will open at Amelia I'., of land in Snyder Union Teachers' Institute. (Continued from last week.) Wednesday Afternoon. Address by J. M. Coughlin, City Supt, Wilkesbarre, Pa. His theme was ; "Getting Pupils to Think." Adjournment. Wednesday evening entertainment, The fSrockway Jubilee Singers. Thukhoay MonxiNci. Devotional exercises Rev. W. K. Diehl. Report of Committee on Teaahert,' Reading Course given and adopted. Appointment of Committee on Pro gram for Local Institutes. Report of Joint Committee on Local Institute. Talks on Arithmetic' Jas. M. Coughlin.' 'Individuality," Rev. Boyer, Ph. D. Prof. Bible answered a few ques tions. Adjournment Thursday Afternoon. Director's Day. "The Advisability of a Graded Course of Study for Our County." Prot Noet- ling, Belinsgrove. Recitation Anna Potteiger, Belins grove. Coining Hvcnts. Monday , Dee. S, Couit Middlcbuig. Thursday, Dec. is, will sell In acres township. Thursday, Dee. Is, David' K. Snyder, administrator, will bell household goods in Union township. Thursday, D..inbti1 5, Jlninuns Day. Thursday, Jaunury 1, l'.K)3, New Year's Day a legal holiday. Tiisiisday, Die. 21, at 7 p. in., the Rctormcd Sunday School of Middle burg will render an interesting Christmas service. Rev. Kohler will be present. Illniikfl ItiiliM-fl. The following is our secret of success. More Goods for same money Same goods for less money. We give only a few as samples : Baking Soda, regular, lie, our price 3c per lb. Best Cough Syrup, 25c, our price 10c a bottle. Ladies fancy knit skirts 50c, our price 3!)c each Ten bed blankets, heavy fleeced, white or grey, lX)c, our price Ofc. A. H. Sechrist, 2t Verdilla, Pa. Of Interest to Pcnna. Stockmen. The annual meeting of the Pennsyl vania Live Stock Breeders' Association will be held at Harrisburg, In the Board of Trade Building, Wednesday and Thursday, December 10 and 11, 1902. Every Breeder In the State should bo present to hear the good things prepared for them by eminent breeders and scientists aud to take part n tho discussions. Among the sub- ects to to ba discussed are "Ideals in Horse Breeding" and "Practical Treat ment of Sheep Diseases" by Dr. C. D. Smead of New York, ono of tho best known veterinary authorities In America, aud a practical breeder as well. Prof. C. 8. Plumb, late of In diana Experiment Station and now of the Ohio State University, will discuss The American Pig and His Improve. ment" aud "Breeding Farm Animals". Prof. Plumb is recognized as authority on these topics, l'rof. Geo. C. Watson of the Pennsylvania Experiment Sta tion and now of the Ohio State-Univer- Ity, will discuss ''Tho American Pig and His Improvement" and "Rrecd- ng Farm Animals." Prof. Plumb is recognized as authority on these topics. Prof. Geo. C. Watson of the 'ennsyivania Experiment Station will talk about Poultry Breeding. Prof. II. Armsby, whose years of investiga tion and recent feeding experiments with the only apparatus in America especially qualify him to discuss the science of feeding, will talk on some phase of that question. Special rail road rates may be obtained on applica tion to W. F. McSparran, Furnlss, Pa., President of the Pennsylvania Dairy Union, which meets at the same time and place. Special hotel rates have also been secured. For programs and ' particulars apply to E. 8. Bayard. Beo'y, Box 66, E. E., Pittsburg, Pa. i i X ' 1.1 I: v ' . f