i i : J , i ' i I ITS i ins & Pnirrifi THAT CANNOT Another Special Sale at BiMJBOTHEHSi SUNBURY. It II J ! Jin 1 5 Overcoats 1 4aOOfl It s a rare occasion, indeed when such suits and overcoats arc offered at this price. There r is not ono but what could be I sold for from 556. to 7. But y here they are, all ready to put on. Boy s suits and overcoats at the same price. $4.98. Lti 1 T - tCHNEE. IVnni C Heiser aud ' Hiram Sell ix were on the sick list a few days last week,. Elmer Troup uud family visited meiius near CMroupiowu ouuouy. Merchant Henry Harding ' who was ii AlU iittiwn fvt airway, to vixit I is rieuds, returned home Monday. W. II. W'endl aud F. J. Ker- ttuter were to llichfield, Muuday, 0 transact some business. Edna Troup wjut to Richfield last Monday to spend tlie Institule week with friends. Next Sunday forenoon llev. Mil fir will preach in the St. J oh n't church. Nora Goodliug of Meiwrville, who had beeu working at the Mt. Pleasant Mills Hotel, relumed honje Saturday. Some of our sports attended the Bhooting match at J hoinas Landis Saturday. , J. A. Kreighbumn, who has etn- ployment in a store at LewfotowtH left Monday. First National Bant it cf Aiddleburg, Pa. Capital, plus, $:0,(;00, $30,000. ( Ai fkkd Srjioi n, Pres. W. W . Wittexmykr, Vice Pres. J as. U. Thomio.v, Cashier. DlUrXTOKS (i. Allied Sehoch, AV. C. Pomroy, W. ' Wiftenmyer, A. Kmer. J. N. Thompson, M. M Winer Jas. (i. Thompson. Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations Solicited. MI3DLE3URGH MARKET. Butler L2 Wheat 70 Egu- -'i live Oni hi.- ' C irn c,(i Iirl 12 ,(p.t.5 30 Ta!!.. o I'otatoes -10 CLicke::?.... H ( Bran per UK . 1.20 Side ' ' .Mid,lligs" 1 20 SV.iM-r J2 C!,,;,. II---' 1" Kioiirp.Tii!)l !.( i Usef n Christmas Gifts Carjiet Sweepers Carving Knives and Folks Tea and Table Spoons Clothes Washers and Wringers A full line of Nickle-l'Iated Ware. AlsoGranite and "Delft" wares. Quo. W. Hackett, 325 Market St., Sunbury, Pa. witmku's uniD(;i:. Miss Grace Wise has returned from Milton. T. W. roiig:icre had public .ca!e at Independence Hotel Saturday. Fritz A ticker spent Sunday in our town. Tlieti.i ers of Union township '"lil tin i. n resting meeting at the it mer's f' liiK)l house Friday evening. . Ilarrv Uitmerleft for Pauling $1.49 - for Felts and Overs h 7 hol 11.15 for Rubber,, alone .-.v- vouiuitiii-eu prawicing ior a ("hristnias entertainment. I. G. Sieler, candy agent of Se passed Felts i& Sirs - x trastacM firm waica ku eontpicooui Uiroag-h gambling la corn WU.X....D. d port the receipt will I.tIm offso from a Mi Kouri woman who begged them co to Jnrest it to produce -0i. That the folly which prompted this appeal ii common the tuccei of catch-penny frauds like the Franklin Syndicate in New York abundantly proves. In this case the woman lust nothing' the brokers returned the money. No one knows better than they that an in vestment that will yield 900 per cent, profit with safety is ' impossible. Neither Morgan nor Rockefeller nor Lord Kothschild could fulfill such a request. Twenty dollars may in some cakes be turned into '$-00 by bucket shop gambling on stocks, but for every such "success" more than SO muct lot their money. The brokers with their commissions for buying and pelliug are the only sure winners. Such use of money is no more like "inrehttm-nt" than is gambling on the races. The $20 sent by the Missouri woman hod been placed by her hiifbnnd in the family Ilible for depot-it Inter in the savings bank. His idea, as the New York World remarks, was not original or brilliant, but it was excellently safe. Fortunately it can still be ear rieH on- One Attraction ;ilnr. "Say," snid tbe young writer who bad been en-igfd by the circus man to write up prospectus of the show, I ve about exhausted my vocabulary on this" thing. Have you a thesaurus?" No, by thunder!" Raid the circus man. "We've only got a rhinoceros; but I'll cable over and buy one." N. Y. Times. Lf MIMi'S SUB IE it . ? .. . vt.v . , ... 'nsgrove, passed tlironsrh town Monday morning. A party of Gypsies passed through town enroute for Liverpool. The coal business is getting ligbt. In Taints. I irst-rate is Devon lead and zinc; and actually, there is no other first rate. It la-t twice as long as lend c-lone. $2.89 for Lycoming and all Best Grade of meu'a Rubber Boots $1.69 for Socks and Overs t'loc for Socks alone 2oc Ladies' Rubbers Econical Graf unbury, Pa. Big Cash business is Why we cm ;.ilurd to sell at such low prices. vJ. G. Clesrqtt King of Small Profits. Cut this ad. out, you may not sec it again. i v ApprtlslnK. MiKsionnry I have come to eave you. Cannibal thief I ou're iut in time. I am almost Hturved to death. N. Y. Journal. Appropriate. "I notice that Homebody says that the pigrkin bus taken the place of the sheepskin for college diplomas." "That ought to suit the rooters." Cleveland l'laiu Dealer. Skeptical. "They were married in haste, you say?" "Yes; each was afraid the other would buck out." JC. Y. Times. cause7Z?t7 For that jMillionasrel Feeling 1 . i Overcoats SUITS. '.. I::tet.. an cx't llcnt line of fall and ir.TT j I r- which we oiler at the follow- !'. 7 prices: , M :,'- all wool -nits ?r',.o0 to $12.K") Yon'lif,' suit-, agy 12 to 20 year-, ior 2 75 to ?7.."0. OYEJRGOATa Our line of oven-oats is more complete and up-to-date than is generally found in final 1 towns. " Mens' all wool, late.-t styles, inedium , length overeat at ?G.50 to $ 1 2.00. (illtli's iv.mi;itu firm 19 In 10 ..a 1-y, fo-ier su.Ls, ail MW and the ' good quality all new stock and prices that ..-t -tvl., -frittly all wool, S2.o0to$5 ) are right. IA of M.i m odd hizw ami slightly JJoy's overctmts, all grade 32 to $5. worn wil, rl I at a &.crifie. Hunting coats from "$1 to $2. We have reived a lot of WOOL' HATS for fall and winter, all ti-A lnLt l.ln,.U i tne time to buy your LINOLEUM we lve the jaUt patUjus.aud a good jauty. AI-v, a gl variety of Floor and Table Oilcloth. ' S'. cnrrs. . Gr-TJ--T5TS. XL NIC1D SBIiEOTION. latt ifoprovt-l Clattuck at $. 25. A 'gol Single Barrel at $4.75. The Amer ican Single Carrel at $7.50. Double Uarrel JIgum, larninatet BUtl, $12. I Wt forget the j.la.-e Opposite the Firrt National Hank. GELNETT BROS., U , :'; MDILEBURO,.PA. - t.f wear clothes made to your exact meas ure by STRAUSS BROS Good TeJIora for 25 years. CHICAGO You foel Just rljht In them. Near ly 500 pat terns to se lect from Satisfaction guaranteed. See the com plete line at the atore cf EFFECT Gelnett Bros., riiddleburg, Pa. l I: I s V'.' J ! i tii LiiltM ........ . I -a. r 1 . " j.titci picpAiu.i - to wait ou our t W etavoa larger tick, lower prices '."ijiore ij' in the he.iet tioii of gtmds tlian yer Wfore. New Fall DrEBs GnarJ iu black and Colors, New Silks and Velvets. LADIES TAYLOR MADE SUl COATS APdD CAPES. w. i.o.,.. ,i...;rni,u ....'i.....: ... ,i .i i " i'a.- u in'iri uu-iiu'in- wiic uun ui mere and can suit J -CIS HI. " Hew Fall Mm ,e can not describe all the U f..i ji . . . . iui iu. nps on eacu nat. We ask to como and wo will sbow tliem you t an learn the prices which within the reachfjof all. ?W$ f 3 Cllllll. Men lioj-s and Children's suits'and overt! There is a desirable collection and affords ai choice to Miit every one. Come to nee us and will conviuce yeu thai it always pays to buy oi KAN fe4 I Tli it Next wk I will be able to supply you with euc.1i us many of you have been asking for. For Middle-ages. 'Ladies' price from $5.50 toll! GOOD MATERIALS. Ladies' Goals in assorted colors at different Ladies' Ready made Jacket Misses Coats for 0 to 1G years off Coats for little "Tots" 2 to 5 yeai $3 xi Jr. Minimal, -Navy, iirown, uieen, tream Uonlnroy. L-rttim , ... 51 Hut (Wtl. I'lack and Navv velveteen. - lace triiuiueil. fa . Materials and Colors $2.00 to 5.50. i -. Handsome Goods. JvJ Ladies. E f war t mii Success Calenders. rriHE publishers of Si'CCKSS ,JL have issued an exquisitely en (fraved twelve-leaf Calender. This Calender is one of the finest ex amples of- the' famous Coloitypc Process,' which excels lithography in jts beautiful soft tones aud color ings. The vvelve designs are ori ginal jointing made for 8t'CCK88 by A menca's leading artists,' and rep resent subjects of general ,and ins pirational interest. . The original of the one for December, for instance, ii( most exquisite painting by the famous artist, J. C. Leyendecker. representing "The Three Wise Men of the Past." 4t Tb Stroma r'iD(ar will b ant ntlraly VKKR ol alutrge nd put - psIdtoftnxxIdraMonraqUMt. IIcikIv mr.de shirt waists for IViccs 1.00 to 3.75. MATERIALS . I -: , ' I 11 Taneta bu ;:s. , batros and rei Flannel. f Outing hFlafi Night,Dresses and'Jnany goods Uome and-Bee; - If you are interest-: iedj come, : as: Ir.willl 4or in only hay e ;thq gobablf ' aBhorttime-;:?t;; L. 0UNKELBER0EF - V "..V.:;'MI'' - " THE SUCCESS COMPANY, WMklilra Nmm, V. T. ':' f u: ' ,11 f ' ''