The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 27, 1902, Image 5
MllpU!BTJBG OST. WORTH A KING'S RANSOM. hrPeruna AX-7 (ffM, PRBpAR8 g XPRKS3LY FOR TUB OSTASy ITS CORPS QP COR RS3 PON DENTS' DUNDORE, ,nulke the Suiuolmuna River. THE OLD RELIABLE f I-. in i jvn-mumiK.Tiaun 10 ... ; he protect ot, uie Harris Hoard- of Trail? a i.d It is t. in- :lt tll'V Will D ! SlIWWKl.ll ilie Siwiiieli'iina Valley I . .... ir .(...l-Tien to lie. k.iiKiii ; Rev. Nearly ami Mary ohai- r i,rt Trevcrtoii and Mrs. Kev. f !!iHMiK-wurg caueu on Dnii' lore la.-t week. , lr ftrmt-rs suld lasD ween more thuiwtml bushels ot potatoes 1)arty from Harrisburg, . . i . . i 4in,r corn is no: 'ver yet uui are pushing it 10 completion i i '....i, .!,. silil m linrsf n nil a mi""- v to buy another, Rimer has fat cattle ami lat inf to sell. ,nk'ivin turkeys are not this vear, so only a few will the luxury, but many will I iful fur the supply of Potatoes lit cellars. Lebc LaClarc of Aluney called r former school mate, Maria bundore. ir Snnervisor is improving the Irton Hendrix and Ed. Witmer lie butchers lor the community. Lria W. Dundore and Mrs. r i .... i ii. ... kniaue many iniorinai v's ;.. Trevorton last Friday. ob B. llamer of Eclipse left t'in town till lie got'back a trip torfclinsgrove with IV i.t : , Ir teachers meetings ' are well iiized by our young people and nencial to young and old. IgeRiegel was seen on our L. Wise has returned home rill atteuj school this winter repare himself for a Ufa of L ness. igie Kerstetter visited her sis- Georgetown joaSunday and very pleasant time.' Inie Shafer butchered a fat Id has two more on hand. Ir tax collector is doing his ut- p collect his duplicates before peer. Id Susquehanna Coal Breaker lushing coal at reduced price. lacco, Beer and dons are the bat lead to proverty. Jiing Tobacco to boys under w is uangerous. SWINEFORD. Jan. Deitrich spent a few pt Beaver Springs last week. )b. J. A. Smith and Mrs. Chas. of Meiser spent Thursday 1. F. Shqnnon. ie of our heavy-weight pork ill soon be reported, b. Wm. Moyer and daughter, spending , several week at i's Mills have returned, home. iU. Custer transacted business pmpsontown Friday and Sat- it a number of our people at I the horse sale at IWhurcr fay. pinna Ulsh of Millersburg lending sometime with her parents. B. Kenninger has T left for obore where be has secured ment on the,P, ItR. Yw ' - . ueraan of Centarville turday in town. .: W. 8 warta : ah! nrvA onon Pples this fall. t'' - pert and Bea Troupe of j ville did business. in town! opaid and Simon SoechL vertown were in Beavertown Bfr ' ' ,H. Custer shinned 1 .fiOO f of apples; 2,000 lbs of jppies; juo lbs of walnuts, fl lbs of Unions this fall: f wwhipg to have pretty I mouths should repeat th'is sit ft intervals: Peter Prantrle. pranely, Dear nicker. three necks peara, from the prick I v. lr. trees on ,tha pleasant Jarrett and wife, of Hum- Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE flly innar We visiting ;tFoster 6ELINSGR0VE. The bridge across the creek at Pine street is nenring completion ; it will be ready for travel and truf fle in about a week. Mr. llentz, of Virginia, is spend ing a week or ten days in our wtdst He will then return with ins wite (who. has been visiting triende) to their home. Mr. Ilev Gensler returned home Thursday of last week. Piof. Aoctling took his crand- children to their home at Beaver Valley, Friday. John Potter is on the sick litt congestion of the liver is the cause Merchant Arbogast made a busi ness trip to Shaniokin last week. Albert Stetler, of Allentown, was the guest ol bis lather last week. Work on the pump house ol the water works is bcine pushed with all possible speed. lhe Western Union Company have established an oflice in town since the Postal Company has taken' charge of the II. R. businses. F. E. Schambach, an Alumuns of S. U., spent several days here. lie notes the psospenty of his Alma Mater with pleasure. Dr. II. M. Nipple made "a pur chase of an automobile for his use. This we beUeve is the first one owned in the county. J. C. Boyer of Frecmont had the first. Editor.! Our public school teachers are doing the Institute this week. Immense lots of apples and po tatoes have been shipped from here this fall. Some fine flag stone are being unloaded here for the purpose of lay ing pavements. Mrs. Gheen (nee Miller) of Jer sey Shore, is visiting her mother. Harry Conrad, who has been em- ()loycd as one of the nurses at the lospital at Danville, returned home last week having resigned his posi tion. Mrs. Fannie (Sigfreid) Cretf , 6f Reading, is the guest of her brothel1 and wife, Hiram Sigfreid. , F. J. Schoch and wife are on a vi& it to Huntingdon. Marriage License. (Allen O. Walter, Klsslrnmee (Lizzie M. Hackenborg, Hitter Samuel A. Wagner, Nanticoke CoraE.Page, . Nanticoke Murray K. Dreeae, . Beavertown Bessie M. Thomas, Beavertown Qougk " My wife bad adeep-seited cough for three years. I purchased two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, and it cured her com pletely." . v J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. Probably you know of cough medicines that re lieve little coughs, all coughs, except deep ones! The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Thn (I'M! M.,ioii(k forn ordinary eoldi Wo., )iut rtvbt Ur bronohltu, dnm BaM. brd cokU, M.I ft, most coBomlwt far enramia smimu m ouu. i. C AY KB CO, LowU, BEAVERTOWN. Our teachers, s well as a niiiii lT ot otlieiN. are thin week ntteiid ing TeiebeiV lusiilnte in Middle- I.efer K. Sjw. lit ami f.imily, of lviiMiiuiii, hv the i;uets of bis parents, A. I?. Sye- ht and wife. A fieri.- (if Miectiits is now in progress in the Lntl.enui ehurch. Jnhn lletrick an 1 A. W. Eng!e are putting down (Cleveland) stone walks. Kev. M. I tea rich, of West Milton, vUited lii- pmehls, Samiel Rearirh and wife, several days last week. i John l Wetzel U buildinir a new stable on bis lot at the east end of 11. It. htifct, and Win. Snyder, erected a stable mi the lot be now occupies. C. E. Suiupsel, wife uiid son, Quay, of IVnn's Click, visitetl Mrs. Samitst 1'h father and family. Joseph Middloswarth. The Sheriff returned home on SabUth. Mrs. will spend the week with friends in this vicinity. Wm. .1. F 'reed and Misn Mabel Wike, of Heading, ure visiting rel atives and friends in town. At the Sheriff's sale of the F. E. Specht's real estate, Aaron Musser bought the home fur $1085, find W. ft. Howell bought the jieach orchard for 310 Tuesday. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Rev. I. l Zimniei iii in mid eon gregutiou will h..ld Thanksgiving M-rviws in tl,e Lut'urnii elmreh next SaliUitli in rntnjr. Misses Fioivnee F. Ai.'ler. Kaiie L. 1-aver, Lililil. F. liin-Minun unl hlla Walk -r, ei j.ivisl p!,.;is. unt drive to Reaver' Springs, iNj!, baih "f'ui iniKiii. The ineniliers of the Union S. S , are rehearsing a X inns entertainment. Lives Bears the Signature Statk or Ohio, City ok IWn , IiDCAS Cunsrv. Frank J. 1'hknkv nukes on, he is Senior partner of tho firm of K. J CHksky & Co.. ,inK biihinesw in the aty of Toledo, County and State atoresHul, an tlmt H,i trw will pav thn sum of ONK IIUND KfiD DOLL A Its for each and every chnP of CatakhII llmt eaiin, t be en red by tbe ue of Hall's Catakrh tllKK. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to tMtore m and Hubserib ed in inv pfeHHiioi-, this fifth day of Decent tier, A. 1). lHSii. 4 A. W. OLKASCJN, JbialJ Notary Puto. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the bio id and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for tesiinioniiil-i, free. F. J. C HEN EY & CO,. Toledo, O. .H'ld by all DriiKints, ?u. Hall's Family IV are the hint . Old and Xew. Painters know that zinc makes lead w .ar longer. Some use it and some do not ; for lead is old and zinois new; and houseowners know i more about lead than zinc. Dcvoe lead and sdno is the ' iut. Mixed and Ground. Painters had tatter use Dcvoe lead and zinc, because it is properly mixed and ground by machinery thoroughly mixed. KCatarfh MRS. COL. E. J.ORESIIAM, V- -nror Danghtera of the Couf aJiv and ProBtdonlHerndon Villngo Imp -Biont Society, writes the following . . .'.-r from licrndon, Fairfax county, Vt: . Ilorndon, V The Poruna Modlolno Co., Columbuu. ). : Gentloinon "I cannot epeak too hi; )i ly of th valuo of reruna. I believe that I owe my ltfo to lta wonderful morlU. . I auiTored with catarrh of tlte bead and lungj iu ltd worst form, until tho doctors fairly gavo :no up, and I do npulrcd of over Rettina v 11 aj-aln. " I Uotioi'd your advert ment and Oit pplondld testimonials pivi u by peopl who lmd been cured by 1 r mid do-U-rmlniKl to try a bottle. 1 l.tit litU better, but used a second !.: I a third bottle and kept on lmprovin,: : -iwly. " It took six bottles to euro -no, bin they were worth a king's KW.u:m l oie. I talk Pcruna to all my .ricruli and am a true believer In Its worth." Mrs. Col. E. J. Oresham. Thousands of women owo their ' ivi to Tfruna. Tens of thousands owo their health to Peru!!.;. Hundreds of tlioiK Hands aro prnlslr. ; Pcruna In every stul in tho Union, n.'o mvo on tlte. apron multitndo of k. ernf with written per mission for noc ;i public print, whit can never bo UHi for want of spuco. Address Tho A-rana Jlediclno Co, Columbus, O., f r a book written espe cially for women, instructively llliwtr tod, entitled "Ik..lth and Beauty." Per free to women. old wave tion J to 3Lof3r w intor is Surprialnsly Xoar. Xaaclios xxo Tou Proparrcl It. Attrnotion s now on our Second Floor. COATS, TAILORED SUITS. FURSj Skirts, Misses and Chiidrens Outfits Yery Tasty Qualities Aa xxssrjsz .v: r: v:-vi'viv I and plaids are In ALi, Priors. The very beHt we could procure. We guarantee Batittfaetion with every garment. Sieclal i)riee9 on NEW COATS. New and Stylish Garments these low prices are the attractions wc offer you they are under price we defy competition at these prices-the goods defy cold weather. Ho Old Styles. No Itargaiu Lot, or Odd, but a Full Hun of Sizes. Gar ments that we stand back of for quality llought them for less than the usual price is the story. Black Mercerized Petticoats 10 inch ruffle 50c, worth 80c. ' $5.00 Coats $3.07 Ladies 27 inch black Kersey Coats, tight fitting. double breasted, bell sleeves, good weight and a perfect fitting garment too. $7.00 CoaU $5.00, Gray Oxford ' Coats, 27 inches long, double breast ed, velvet collar and cuffs, well lined throughout $10.00 COATS $7.00. v Melton Cloth CoaU in castor, blue and brown, 27 ' inch, satin lined, strapped seams, front finished with V1 Vt?t. $10.00 Coats (8.00, Monte Carlo style, black Kersey velvet collar, turn:baek cutis trimmed with velvet good mercerized lining, six large buttons. Decorated LAMPS I Its a question of light these long evenings, and a good light too to sew or read by our lamps are guar antied satisfactory, the stock is at Its beat now. Every lamp complete with chimney. Shapes are varied no one style rules, although the ten dency is away from the low squat shape, there are tsll, short, vase like large full bodies, loDg thin ones, the trimmings brighten the effect of each one, furnished in gilt, brass, Japanese bronze, Roman Gold, old brass, 11.89, $2.25 up to $8.00 Center Draft Burners, lifting oil pots. De corntlotis in carnation, geranium, Kppy, rose, lily, clematis, gilt, Ro man gold, old brass trimmed, 0, 10 and 11 inch round globes all colors and tints. $11.49 Dragon designs, in green and ruby, old brass and Jap anese bronze mounted, round bur ner, lifting oil pots. NIGHT LAMPS. Decorated 15c, 38c, 40c, 10 Inch, separate globe decorated 85c 25c. and 30c Glass Hand Lamps. hand size or without stand. Nickle Lamp - Round burner with shade $1.39 worth $2.00. 89c 99c $1.49o Parlor Lamps, raised figure and flower decorations on bowls and globes, jtouna a men globe or open shade, large flat wick burners, 00c $1.25, $1.38, $1.49, $1.80 $1.08 metal. 1 are in popular form agaiu Cadet brown and grey color ings, 40 inch, were (10c, now Ltlc. Another lot of Camel's Hair Fluids all wool, pretty Hhadings, 51 and 5(1 inches wide $1.25 qualities now 7!c, $1.50 qualities now 08c. TinnED Brass or Roman Gold foot, rose or chrysanthemum decorations, dark and light shadings 8 and 0 inch, round f lobes- op large open-shades, 45c, 00c, 85c, $1.00 $1.S25 separate globes. -" 8, 9 and 10 Inch, Bhaded and flower decorated or plain colore. Dress Goods Bargains Prices that are a Sensation. The Lots won't Last Long at These Prices. ---4fr--Hfr---- i Oranite Suitings. i 1 For Jackets and Children's Dresses. Castor. Rose, Green and blue shadings, 40 inch, regular price 60c now 49c. -4 Camel's Hair Plaids Make nice warm school dresses for the girls, Black Canvas Cloth In basket ware, makes an admired tfown for dress occasions, mid a lack that is guaranteed to stay black, 60 inches wide, regularly i. now OOc. HLACK GHANITE. 4S incite black that will never fude, regularly H.iofor 70fl. Lot Dress Goods Itemuants, Half Price, Taffeta Silks Many under the usual price. A better selection and lower price than ever found in Aiutou nerore. 10 inch Tall'eta In cream, navy, red and black, a special kind for lining with, 50c at most stores, but '45e at ours : 19 inch ulack Tatleta regu larly worth 69c, now 50c. 24 and 27 iuch JilackTafTcttasTr.c, 24 and 27 inch Itlack Taffetas that are guaranteed $1.10. 30 inch lilack la tt etas, guaranteed to give six months satisfactory ser vice perspiration excepted $1.15 and $1.85. . 27 Inch Black Swiss Talfeta, that is also guaranteed perspiration proof unusually good at ft. 3o. . zJ Inch Imported TaUetas, especi ally fine, not only perspiration proof, but positively will not crease nor cut $1.60. . Bee the new effects in Plaids. Checks and Changeable Taffetas. 30 x (10 inch Smyrna Hugs, shades in reds, blues, greens, red need from $2. tol.(i!l. Moqiicttc Hugs, dark borders, light centers, ley fit) inches, usual price is 2 2j now $1 75. Oil Cloth. Little Prices. itcmiiunts, Potter's best grade Table Oil cloth, 11-1 yds wide for Saturday. Nov. 20. 12'.c. Our regu lar price is Hie yard. Heavy Floor Oil cloth at 25e yard any time. sq. S-4t$4' Fine Rugs. Big Values. ' 12 by 15 feet Smyrna Umr. best grade, choice Oriental shades of rtd regularly $60 00 now $45. ) Underwear Bargains.' 25e Undervesls 10c. Ladies here's an opportunity, good weight rit.hcd vests, high neck, long sleeves, fleec ed Tnion suits tor Children 25c, Hoys 50c, Ladies 5() to $J 50. Itemson Shoes. v The licst $2.00 Ladles' Shoe is "Try Me." Ladies'-fine shoes on Ilargaln Tabic $1 00. , Misses Kid ami lioCalf school shoes, low heel, double sole, every iair irunruntccd. $1 IK) and $1 25. tor Ladies' Fine Shos small sizes 50c pair. Men's House Slippers for 50c. Ladles', Misses' and Children's Lamb Wool Soles 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c. A Warm Question. Do you have comfortables enough to keep away the pangs of winter ? Large size Comfort, Sateen covered, quilted, cotton filled, pure cottoti too, nany worm ft), uuto iul price is $1 10. . . . ,t . X X X X X X X M 0 X X I i I our spec- For conveuleuce of those who can not come during the day our store will be open every evening from Dec. 6, until Christmas. dkrey Fror)h Streeb. er. eon & Co., Ulia. Eln) Street. i i