The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 27, 1902, Image 1

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Envelopes $
vTa job lot of not
Unhand. They must go
C Th price will do it
We bought a large con
signment of envelopes
Having bought so many
we secured a rock bottom
figure. Send fpr samples
and prices.
Us and prices for the ask-
e furnisn mem imm
js$ than you can buy them
Lt printing. .
CTagtnller, fdltof and PreprleUr.
1 Family Joornal, Derated ta Kewa, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Raiei: One Dollar Per Annum, la Adranct
pSuw in four week from
H. Jlusser or weaver wiw n
"beF. K Specht property in
hwu at ShelM '8 saw oaiuruay
Home & Foreign Mls-
L....Lif In- d Uleir minimi
living nieetiiiK 1" lh- Lutheran
Suwwy eveuiug.
VviiiisvlvtiLia Kailroad Con
r . . . . ....
Lpourt to shandou tne iresuing
tag Station auu W,1J "",D
irther South, cut down the hill
tie the road from Clifford to
land erect a large stone muuut,
wputttul t-iruciure 01
The entire cost is estimiited
. . i . n
Inrri nnil will require an
L complete It
lrl R. Hicks 1903 Almanc.
that tliis splendid work of
uulart is liner and belter innn
itatliiK it mildly. Thedemaud
M beyond all previous years.
that suck result, reacniug
'thirty yea its, are not based
ud sense and usefulness. Is HQ
the intelligence of the millions.
ks, through this great Alma-
his famous family and eclen-
Irtml, Woiti and Works, is
Work for O'.e whole people not
led by any other man or pub-
A fair test will prove this to
bnable person. Added to tne
hinous course in astronomy for
Vast of storms and weather
(i, as never before, tor every
eyear, all charmingly lllus-
ith nearly two hundred en-
The price of single Alma-
Ming postage and mailing, is
cests. Word and Works
Almanac is $1.00 a year.
EM1 Locust Street, St. Louis,
prove to yourself their great
ly-Condiictcd Tours via Penn
sylvania Railroad.
EASox of 1902-M03.
uiisylvania Railroad Com-
kiunces the following Person-
ucted Tours for the season of
kia. Two tours : No. 1 will
York, Philadelphia, Hurris-
J'ittsburg January 29 ; No. 2
February in, and will include
Oris at New Orleans.
-Three tours to Jacksonville
v'"W York and Philadelphia
u'kI IT, and March .1. The
f 1' '.'.'si admit of .1 sojourn of
x in the -'l'lowery Stale,"
r the third tour will bo good
py regular trains until Mny
r the abovo tours will be
principal points on the
'its Railroad. For detailed
giving rates mid full in
adilres Thos. E.' Watt,
Agent Western District,
K. Yungmnn, Passenger
timore District, Raltimore;
l-nwcuer ' Agent Fouth
riet, Washington : or Geo.
Assistant General Passenger
fcjrf tus fcs 1
v -1
.v. .
:C .. v-;'
WeiinciJny Nljot at Institute
Forty-Fifth Annual Session
Teachers' Institute Here
' This Week.
Monday of thi vrk the teachers of
Snyder County gathered at the scat of
Justice and converted It into a seat of
learning, Over 100 teachers registered
Monday, and nearly all the others
later. There are io teachers in all.
The Institute was called to order at
11a.m., and after the enrollment of
the teachers the following organ .alioii
was effected.
Nature. L:r. IL y-r ei tertni'ied und
Instructed his audience Very phvtsantly
for iiion. th'iti tin hour.
The Mhidleliiirg ()ic!ielr;i furnislind for the vi-iiiug cnterlHiimieuts.
llcvol ii 11 1:1 1 exercises by IteV. Joshun
A ('oiiiii'ittei' on Ijiical Institutes
Win i.i;inintcd n full ivvs :
Adams, U. A. Auiniid
lleuver, Iru J. Ki Her
1 It nver W.. J. F. noo',v
(Vntre, A. H. Sheury
l'Yiiikliu, Wm. Ziuiiiiei'uiaii
Independent, II. S. Iforuherger
Jackson, Ciertrude tlimd
Mbldletiurg, K. l.ulu Smith
Middlecieek, F. II. Penman
Monroe, Mable Slelier
IVmi, W. I . Jurn tt
Perry, T. F. Arltogast
Perry West, llenjumin (Iraybill
Si'liusgmve, FditH Pottel '
Sring, Ira Kline
Ui.ion, K. ;-.
J. F. Eiseiihuuer
Dr. II.
W. Ga-K,
Iiice Land for Sale. - ' ,-'
wt' of land ' adlomlnir
I Iwrougli Is offered at vrl
I'pi. ....
ue iani is nch, level and
Just the thlnar for trriek-
lUlglots. ' ' --ii "
Selhisgrove, .Pa.
r & H"h In hla nw Buavi
ff cutting parlor for your
r wnn ar3fre,h ln uham.
f "Ide of Market square op-
i uoiei. BatlsrHctlon guar
f'M busheUof walnuts are
WgheaUpricea wUl be
PresidenU Supt. Geo. W. W
ex-ollleio Vice Pivr.ideiit: EU-iu
Charles; of Mi idlc'mi' ; Seerelary. J.
F. Keller lleuver Sjiriiif" ; Asst. Soi-,
C. A. B Glass, Fieeh irir; Tivasiuer, I,.
C. Bachni'iii. ot Fr-n'vlin towii'liiii :
Musiehil Director, Prof. Paul Uil1-
hardt, Middlebur.?, Pu.
! .
'1. ii.
;tt '.;(;.' . . ;,,
hmk "S IN
Ji Perkins
At TtwlHTJt lnstitnt(.'
'riiuivdav I'vniiii;.
a.. 1
1 it... i',u"mDeriain
t "Ter tableti at Hid-
I Th effect
l.ther ue .U Pot
".riiot,VA..n. nuTT,
( . .; . Milton, I'll.
1 , ..j Monday Afj kk.soon. ,
Supt. Walboru mn, interesting
opening, address, after which lie v.
Chan. C. Boycr, Ph. I)., Vice Prlelpal
of the Keystone State .Norma School,
was introduced mid spuke.on "JWiys
and OirlH You Like." - ''
Wniiiura Jtomlg, teacher of filft's
ScIkkiI, in Franklin township, gave an
addretH ou VSohool Discipline.":
4 ir 1 1 W Oass, of Snnbury, spoke
on the subject. "Health an Element of
Success."' '' ' ' "1 '
Prof. A. I!. Kutt, City Supt. of Mll
Uin. Pa., .was Introduced mid spoke on
"Madison and Hamilton as Citizens of
the United States, . .,--! , .
Rev.Chaa. C. Boyer. Ph. D.,1 Kufz-
town. Pa.;' delivered. fifr Tecture
"Vulcan and Venus.'! .'"This is au .
terestlng prodootlon of the union of
the useful and beautiful Jn Art and
l.oiiiniiitee on Kenning riivle : T,
A. Slelier, R. F. Smith, E. E. Wetzel.
Lyilin M. Fisher, Estellc Itomig, J I. 15
tlladfclreraiiil A. U. Gilbert.
Prof 0..-O. P. P.ible, I'rii.cipalof Fast
rStroiidsliiirg Xormal School, spoke on
"Klcliients of Vocal Expression."
Supt. llutt occupied the next eriod
ou "Anieiiea of To-Morrow." ,
Dr. Iloyer: " lhelioman Child and
. Aljouniineiit.
T I" KS 1 1 A Y A FT K R X OO X .
"l)'r. 0:iss: "Fotl, Drink iiud Dige
lion." 'Hie seaker is 1111 eminent
physieiitn nt Sunbury andalils talks
Were v.'ell ret'eived.
Prof. Gih. P. 'Bible, "Articulation
and Pronunciation." .
Dr. C. C. Jloyer, "Momentum if
Aiijoiirninent. . . ,
r, Tl F..s).VY EVKXIXil.
c3Utcliie's Lnbue ,Eiite;taiiieH had
the stage, and although the weather
was undesirable, the court house was
tUIed. The entertainment was delight
ful and Prof. Itltchie's Legedeamln
Kaflled the audience. , . s , .
Wednicsday Mouni X(l. r '
flleiKirf of the Institute 'Committee
was presented and accepted. ;
f Prof. O. I. Boyerof Freeburg,,read a
iJkper on "The Preparation of the
Teacher." . " r , V,
i jtev. Dr. Boyer apoke on the "Law
Attitude of Children." " ;
Prof. Geo. P. Bible : "Dlfferen.t Meth-
od's of Teaclimg- Reading."-
vory eloquent addrrts on -,Llteiri-
tare (a the Publio Schools'!, by (Jea V..
panpleburger.' "t"f.
Adjournment , ' ; '.'i'. ji
j3 Wednesday Afterkoox
JProf. Bible lUlnjtarid,i:ocutlon
pr, BoyerY 1 'Spericer's Natural "Co b
equences." . v
. (') A U '. t . . tllf-a,,.! ,
Supt. Ira N. McCIoskey Lik-J.
Haven, Pa., Supt. of Clinton county
made an.excellent address.
(ToiieCoxtixcei) )
Pennsvlvnni.l Piut. mm- nill
!.... i-i:.... n.j.. (uHirge A. Kline, of
v,l""u ",,uas ,,,r Mwiit Mondav I.. ..,.
piiS., !UNt0,n' .1 .'". Hitter, was at the
"1 . ir?""?? " C"u,lty Monday.
I). K. Haas of Sliaiiiokm
lue clericul orders for the year 1!H)3 to
ordained clergymen . having ' regular
charge of churches located on or near
its lines. Clergymen desiring such or.
ders should make individual applica
tion for same on blanks furnished by
the Company through its Agents.
Applications should reach the General
Olllce of the Com-miiy by Decenib?r 21,
so that orders may be mulled December
Cl to all clergymen entitled to receive
1 hem.
Every reader should rend the fearful
low prices The Economical MaiHpioles
Italph Ibiiish is visiting his grand
parents in Freeburg, ami George lloush
of Freebnrg, is spending the week in
Wednesday 12 M.
Thursday 12 M.
The uumber of men who fall"
on account of lack of courage
is ccoi-uioua. The number who
woui.l refuse to let go of a dol
lar i. they kuew positively that
it v uld bring buck two la as-toni:-.ilng.
Such nieu merely ex
ist. They don't live. They never
really n mount to anything.
Tho men who win are the men
who think out tho right courso
to pursue and then back np their
convictions with their last penny
and their last ounce of energy.
The first Roods John Wantw'
maker ever aold brought him '
135. Ji delivered hla good
In a wheelbarrow. He col
lected the 136 and went dl- "
; rectly to a newspaper office ' '
. and planked lt down for ad- .
verttalOK apace. ...
Some men would have spent
$1.60 for some cheep dodgers and
"BnYcd' the rest They would "
have been wheelbarrow .her
chants today. Shoo and Leather'
,,iacu. .,lf. ,.-fji)tiviJ , v. , ,
i II.VsaaiMkaf war lolac ''. '
,v kaalaaaa ; a woal'4 a4
' vertlM la tats
was at
Middieburg Friday.
John Mensch of Milllinburg is visit
ing O. Alfred Schoeh and wife.
Miss Anna Uipka of Sunbury is at
home convalescing from a sick spell.
Geo. F. Brosius, of Mt. Pleasant
Mills, spent last Thursday tit Sunbury.
Frank 1) Uiegel of Winlleld spent
Sunday with his sick father in this
'Scpiire Y. H. Wagner of
vllle was at the County Sent Friday on
Dr A. U. l'otkiger, of Selhisgrove,
spent several hours in town lust Friday
tin business.
.Mrs. t iiarics P.ullini'.tun and cliil-
tren, of l.ew itovn, spent several days
In this place.
Jeiiu 1.. 1'iwil, of l reeburg, was at
the County sent last Wednesday am
paid his suliscription.
. Poller I h,injisnn, of Mexico,
spent Sunday in town with his son
Jas. G. Thompson.
Lester Derr's store at Paxtonville
was entirely consumed w ith lire Wed
nesday morning at one o'clock.
John H. Miller, of Strode Mills, and
V ilson Herrohl, of Chapman, si-nt in
money to pay their subscription.
Attorney Jacob Gilbert ami Commis
sioners Clerk John N. Brosius spent
last Ihursday at the Mate Capital.
Mrs. Dr. A. M. Smith and Mrs.' K,
C. Walter, of Beaver Springs, spent
last thursday with Mrs. M. 1. Potter,
Attorney Chas. P. Ulrich visited the
Crsty seat last Thursday aud dropped
into this olllce to transact Homo -busi
Mrs. Alex. T. Puxson and daughh r
Mary, of Parkesburg, is paying a visit
to ner lormer school-mate, Mrs. Geo
W. Wageiifceller.
Mrs. F. S. Kiegel. Mrs. J. W. Kunkle,
.Miss J.aura Kunkle and Mrs. Anna
lloth ostein spent Saturday with Mrs
K. C. Waller at lleuver Springs.
P. Ii. Haines, John IC. Hughes, At
torney Geo. A. Botdorfof Freeburg and
Captain Jacob Duck of Freeburg were
Couniy Scat visitors last Thursday.
David Sholly of Selhisgrove, and
John S. Snyder, of Liverpool, ucconi.
pameil.Mrs. M. O. Snyder, of Selhis
grove to Hie I oillity Sent lat Wedlies-
'peil at
Gen. A. !l-.:ines ami wife of Selhis
grove, i lay nit mover, Samuel
Fought, wile and sou oll'ine Siiiiuiiil.
1., ilineil at the Wiishingtoii I louse
Dr. Herman's hor.,e ran away Man
lay afleriioon and collided with
'Imrles Metisch, who was driying tit-
ward home. 'Hi:- li.iiriie.s were luidlv
irokcn and .Mr. Mensch made 11 narrow
Gillwrt (f. Kulp of Shamokln was 11
Middieburg visitor Wednesday of last
week. He I.' a son-in-law of Andrew
ilhnyer, recently elected Congress
man. Gilbert lias the distinction of
having a brother and his father-in-law
In Congress.
Among (he County Scat visitors Sat
urday we noticed L. E. Speclit, Em
porium; W. M. Spec ht, Alfred Smith,
J. A. Huine, Beavertowu; A. A. I'lsh,
Middlecreek; Wm. 11. 'Dreese, J. M.
Baker, Beaver Springs; and J. H.
Dreese. McCIure.
Dr. J. F. Kanawell, of Ponn's Creek,
Geo..F. Lelller, of Shamokln Dam,
Jacob P. Buck, of Seiinsgrove, I'rof.
P. C. Bowersox, John II. Willis, Car
bon Seebold and the Editor of the Post
represented Snyder t county " uf the
meeting of thirty-second degree
Masous at Bloonisburg last week;
Com i in; K vents.
Thursday Nov. 17. TheanmialThanks
giving Day. The banks will be,
Shtutday Nov. in Middlebuw. K.
C. Walter will sell his house and lot
on West Market St n et.
r .
.uoimny , 1 ,.,.. s, Gom t will
Thursday, Dec. IS, Amelia E. Snvder
will sell -P) acres of huid in Union
Thursday, Dec. is, David K. Snvder.
administrator, will sell household
goods in Cnion township.
Thursday, Doeeniber 1T, Christmas
Thursday, Jaunury l,VMi, New Year's
Day a legal holiday.
t .
On Nov. Kith, at Middieburg. by
Hev. J. Shanibiich, Mr. James C. Stef
feii, of Paxtonville, ami Miss Yeruico
B. Ocker, of near Middieburg.
u Nov. -1th, ,,t New Berlin, by Uev.
S. Sidney Holder, Mr. F.dward Wilon,
and Miss Cora Predlx, both of New
"u .nov. 1 mi, i,y .1V, s. Sidney
Kohler, at the home of the bride, m-ar
Dreislmeh church, I'niou county, Pa.,
Mr. Gwtrge C. Kern, of Lewisl.urg,
und Miss Esielhi K. Dut.kel, Vicks
lutrg. On Nov. 20, by I!eV. ('. C. Miller
Samuel A. Wagner mid Coin Ellen
Page, both of .Nantieoke.
At the I'nited Evangelical Par-'otu'ge
in Cetiterville, Mr. All. 11 O. Waller
and Miss Lizzie Hackcnberg were unit
ed in holy wedlock by liev. N. J.
Dubs, Nov. "nth. The happy couple
have the liest wishes of their many
friends for a happy, prosperous voyage
through life.
Let the People be on their fcnard. "
Sunday night burglars madeau effort -to
gain admission 4 JtLs. llaiy V.'ut.
ter's house uear the Jail. A window
was pried open, but entrance was not
gained. '
Tuesday morning about 5:30 a burglar
entered the residence of Charles Itoush
after he and Mrs. had left the hoiee,
but lie was disturbed before hn could
make a careful search. Te overlooked
some f 10 in a drawer he ransacked.
The papers of the Inst few days are
tilled with accounts of robberies, at
Harrishurg and Lancaster burglars op
erated and obtained considerable booty.
In our ( ountv for the hist two weeks
robin-tics havt curled in Middieburg,
Centerville, Troxelville, Kichtield and
t such a time as this lb - Pi -1 fi els
reader- ol the
pic sil!.;; c! limit.
jJ---o!d t'. 1 in ds
:' : i ic-
.-il; : -id if
r- -! I " :h"ir
of flesh and strength, little barking, oh
stinate cough and a little pain, in the
cheat may not mean galloping con
sumption, bnt they lire signs that pru
dence will not neglect A few doses of
Allen's Lung Balaam cause a free dis
charge of mucus and so loosens the
cough., , It heals the Inflamed air pas
sages and all its beneficent work is ac
complished without a grain- of opium.
it 11 dill v to admonish ii
lungers to which pen
sel ves bv auhei mil' 1 -
l sccivi nig I :i irjiffiM.
nil ofa ilcrffV. of h;od
the le.M-l sffsplejo!! i-;:ilo
careful and ceiiiii'iniJ..! tnaniie!
lug, Ihey arjfTrtrtept' mMy
mi peoptr-arc .- i i;:i yi !, ;,,ot cy
from the icvi il r.'.lors jr !i :n i , as
they eivliile forsrv Iie f iln.-e
tbey aldTuiil Urfh.
The penojcan nol be too cu :'i ; !, but
if I hey nifheri' to the belh r :!:.! lliey
cm protect their money and -i- 'iriiic
from the plunders w ho a;c nmv "oing
through the Couniy at pr - id fnv
are sadly mistaken.
A well regulated Nali. i.a! U;.i k with
its burglar proof vault and its time
lock will furnish full and adeijuato pro
tection for the savings of our people
while a Certificate of deposit or credit
In a bank book furnished free of charge
will always inform the depositor of the
exact amount the bank holds in trust
for him. The day of the "old stocking',
the "crook" and tho "hole in thochlm,
ney" has passed away and tho sooner
our teople who havesavings to protect
realize this, the better for them and
the community In general.
In ' ol Arrldput.
Accidents will happen. Mother
strains her back lifting a sofa. Father
Is hurt in the shop. Children are for
ever fulling and - bruising themselves.
There is no proven thig these , things,
bat their worst consequences are avert
ed with Perry Davis Painkiller. No
other remeny approaches it for the re
lief of sore strained musales. . There Is
but one Painkiller,' Perry Davb. - ;
j Mr. Gayton, the Railway Mail Clerk
ou the Lewistown Division, was taken
suddenly 111 last Friday morning and
Editor A. M. Aurand was called in to
attend to the work en route to Sunbury