' MIDDLEBUKG POST. 1 1 Eminent Kidney - 4 Bladder Specialist Lrs.tr ft Svw.j-Riot at YTork In I, i, a diseois prevailing In thW 'inY SUuueu u"' n.- y i diss-- pneumonia, heart failure . 2y are oiicu mo .. . "wt ; If kidney troubls Is allowed to id he kidney-poisoned blood will attack the kidneys themselves J ... ...... o.ll k x.ll . i tkis hlnnrl .trlA alhumsn h pcnncaa v. iiiw 5 out and the sufferer has Bright's the worst form of kidney trouble. KilmersSwamp-Root the new dis- nary troubles. It has cured thousands . t 1... mm r-m a ft At all AlkV k'cntiy nopcioa tw. v...t-. L', - A eA-nnl Knttlft Knt frrA .IT " - "J"" . KAnV ! liner about Swamtv I ll)U wvn r tnd its wonderful cures. Address icx k Co.. Bingharaton, N. Y. and uus pw Cauri Prncianjatlani WUERKAS th Hon. Harold M. MeOlart Pres UentJ.iir ot th Judicial Diotriet, eomuvl of (ha en.nties ol Snyder, ami ka si.d l"eter V. Rieicl and Z. T. Gem berllotr, Assists Ja-Ue In end for Sny der ouumy, limaiuiil their rcit. bearing data iLv 61 li dv 01 Oct. A. H- WOi. tu m dITMtcil i'w 'ur hulillDK 01 an OTiihaas' Court, court 01 Ci.imm.u Picas, court ol Oyer and Tor ininrr anti ittiteral Court ol Quarter Sessions ol Ihel'eace, ai Mlildlebunth, lor the county ol Snyder, on the i!u I Moujnr, (tMlng tbs 8th day ol Dec and. to continue on week. iSolireia tlierrlvre herely (riven to III Con n er, Juf(ifl ol tne I'ence and Constables In and lortlie ouuuit ni Sntder, to siipear In their mper aersuii u u tlie'ir rolli, reoonts. Inquisi tions, exau.ii.a'ioiu and other reiuembran'ea todothiiaethlnu which ol their olUoa and In their behall artatn to be done and witnesses and eroos j.ruist'utliiK In boball of the Com uionweilth against nn acnvmir poron are re quired to le (lieu and there attending and de purlin without leave at their nerll. Justices are requested to be punctual In their attendance at the appointed time airrebly to notice. liven unn-r inr hn.l t. gpalat tlie SherllTi OfTi r In Mld'Heburgli, the Mil day ol Nov. . J)., -ue Ui .Mtud nine hundnvl two. U. W. ROW.Sharlfl. Divorce Notice. 1 lrawer, late of SteoltoO, Dnuptiln IT. I """ , . , a! VirKe A. Strawfcr, your wife, ban ,Ml In the tour! of Common Plt rw of t i..i..luif 'lurm. llMnl. Nn. II. ouuiy.ui rv". ' . . .... t., at unti. Nnw. vnll urn Mlillcd and n-qiiired to appear In auni or wiorc .' '.-. -.- - r. 1B ik-.m ......... ..... (d Viriilc A Slruwnor, and in ilctuult ot ...., .. v,ni n i l he liable to lutvo a ,rah,.i;..o.rab,,,uT H,TwM. ' S-ucrllT ot Snyder Co. Orphtins' Omit f Wnyiler' ('., lylVitlllil. j 11 inu fniaie in .111 .onli'V. Into f Went. 1 leaver luhip, in wii'l county, deceitsed. Inquest in Partition. UWnpr. Attv. Ill Fuet for Mary Ann fir. bva l.epley, Mra Lyilin Wcodcr ilmm 1). Wcailcr, Mr. Mury Ann 811110k 11 Mi.nnk. Mrs. Anmiida lioyer and 5m- luyer, Mra, Simih .lane Marklo unci U Markle, nun nnniii i.epiey, an or miniv. I'a. : Mm. Hosier Siutiimell and nil smiiwll of UnwerlUUI, Micliimu : ly Ann Kaunt and tieorjfe Fniiat, ot int. .vicnijinn : imiac noiniK, ni now . .MichiKiin; .Mrs. Aiiialiiiua Kline, ol . Mii'tiiizitu: Abraham H0111I1;, of Mntn Mielik-iui: Mr. Klit ibeth llce'.or mid Inter, ot Fulton, Mlohiunn: Mrs Ilim- ttand Kohert iieintiK or .iimtiawiika, Minion I iirkcr. of Throe Hiver. iMich iniii-l K. I'nrker, of Urnnd Kapiila, 1; lnaao K l urkcr, 01 npnlilini;, Jilcn rs. Lillie Smith and Chauiiccy N. Vn. Ella Smith and Samuel E. Smith, unl it y, .MiclilKan; I rioa K. Kuleii A.ltiden. Mm. Ida M. Coniptotr nnd mipton, all of Macomb. Illinois; How Per. wIiohc addrcfls in unknown ; John y.otSeitrlervllle, Alillltn t'o. Pa-; Kliz-fi-iner. whose whereabouts is unknown: liiel KetnberlinKand John KemberliiiK, krt Indiana : .Mibs Lucy Ann Ultz and Mra. Snrnh Triiliy. Mr. Kernice I. und .ionn Kieinielt, Mrs. Annie Lep-k-pley-'r,uard:'.ui ol llrt Ipley ami B.eplcy, Wirt Wanner, Wirt Warner, 01 Lottie vt aguer auu Mattel v aKiier, line Dunn, A. Sinclair, guardian of (ileyand Kred l epley, all of Colon, ,iiii Mm. Abide Siuborn nnd Pruiik "f Ilurr Oak, .Mii'hiijaii, heirs of the ib Iplcy, ded ased, und parties in otlre. tlmt tlio Ornhans' Court nf tile uty of Snyder, I,eniiA.,4ia awarded an nuke piiitition and valuation nf ccr ataienf the NiiO Jacob i ciilev. de- iiHiitinirotn uiessii'iKe and triiet of are 111 n i't iiraver 1 owiislnn, Sn viler a., hounded by lands of Levi Smith, aiiiKor anil ollnrs. eontainiiiK M "3 IKTi lil'". nnd that nniil inmii-iit will 11 said 1 riMinie. 011 Saturday, Novum- :.m 1 oiiiiek. p. in., at which tunc youme recited to attend it you per. 0. W. Row, Maori (T "Olllco, Middlelmrtf, Pa., Oi tobur II i-ATrii'twurtliy tlentleinaii or l.adv unty to miiiiiiiti! I)iilnin for nn ulil I li"iie ef aolii linnnt'iiil stiiiidint;. .bona llil weekly Hilary ot M paid : Wtdneidiiy with nil exiienses n ' iil.piurlerH, Money advanced for limner, .iiucaxton lllilff, t:iiieao. 11 '!! tilO llilin who ROll- I)uii.1,hi who is always luuiln!. AmiiUl t'lunies. ;;iiu' in. 0 n i,lnziui l.t.me, '"'""ii l:i'e!y (IriiL'sreJ (lie ,Mt!iii:it(;H from death, Fun "'lly, iV.id d.i'h lif iir. Tl'u ay uln-11 j on negloft ,-i.iisjr. I M. Doil't llll it-. Dr.' Kin.'a piMcovtry for Consumption rf' ct protection asruiiist, nil I, Chest and Lung Troubles. f iiO.tr, ami nvoi.1 suffering and tloctor"n liills,- A tea Ml htops a lute couih persist t the iiumi. uliil.lmei. Tf.....- l nice tHKtina: it's RURrntc'od 'J-, aiiddlebuig Storf, Gray fman & Co.. Dr. J. W. Saili ng (.rook. IVico 1.00. Trial poker .l who (rets cards Inn Of thfl dorlr 1,1. la l,n piil 011 Ten I'enny Kail. 'uio amiguter of Mr. J. N Jumped oa an inverted rake ten ponny nailH, and thrust 1 entivnlv 4i..n..u 1 t.. miuuKu ucr tool condone half way throucb. ! j uui uim was 'J applied an I five minutos Pain had dinaiipeared. In 7 "t--niiu wasweanneher I llwiiml I ny. i 1 . r 1I(i WUQ aDsolutely no port. Mr. Pnwi.ii ia o ,di Ime-chant of Forkland. Va. tinri;: , n. o an.u e.ftW hn. iL- "i"Vu"' naiuraon FiJw . r?luienii- or sale leburg Drug Store. l - m . vuii uiucu ice f meets a frost. A I lk.. .1 . 1 .,m uuer. ii.Ki b,etB ,t0 anT on want Hf W disorders fomach, billfousnessor con bne ,Banew remedy and .jIiddlbubq DauaStOBB. '. UE'.JISTKICS NOTICES. Notice Is hereby glv 11 Unit the following named nerns hrivu D i d 'heir Ailiniulslnilois', tiiirndlnn. and K- eciltors' aeciiinm 111 fhe K'Ulei'vUfltin'Ol Say. aer enmity, ninl tile same will dp presented tor sontlrination and allow inea at the Ciurt Uouse n Mid llebuifh. .Muiiduy, Oct. 6U1, M. I. Vir.t nnd (I mil account of Charle H.Pilinr. ai'ininititraior of the etate of AsapU Kinlicr.lato ol Monroe township, ueeeaseu. .'. Firs and filial account of John UlcVhart' a lininUtrntor of the estate otJonathan Hick hart, late of Vt A.ibiiiirton towtifthip, decea.ied. 'J rirst and lliuil uccouet of MTbe Suubiirv Trust nnd Safe lHist Co " KUardhin ol the es fcito ot Cora May limr, a minor child ot Mary M. Row, lato o! Snyder county. Pa. deceased. 4. Klrit and ft mil aecountof Nathan Hneken hurir. a.tiiiitiiHirator C. T. A. of John iM. Hack- enbiirK. lato of Adams towimblp, deceased. ft. first and final account of M. K. ilassiiiuer and O, .M Shindel, executors of the lail will and testament of Absalom Snyder, late ot Mid dlcburKh, duciascd G. V. SIIISDEU Middlcburg. Pa,N3v 8, lmri Clerk. Jury Lilst. List of Orand Jurors drawn for the Court 01 Oyer and Terminer und (ienernl Jill delivery and Court ot quarter N'loiisof the Peace ni Hinder county held at Dec. Terin,eoiiunpiii:ii.g Monday, Dec. H, 12. tiltANIUl'ltOKI. Nuliif ikviipallor. R.-sldence. Ileum r, Clo.vd I laborer l'crry West HiiiKaiuaii. A. A. teacher Monroe Coiiper, .li'lin KCiitlemau ScliiiHrovc p miii, Calvin S. I iborer Perry West K11K 1, Alliert liimlicrman (leaver Kelker, Reuben N. merchant Heaver W. Fisher, Aininou laborer S liu-i-riivu Fwlior. tieo. I'. firmer hetiniurovc Forry. Siniiiii laborer Washington Krytuire, William lahorer Mouroo Orluitu, W. II botller Unshini;lcn llni-iinaii. W. II bhickHinitli Ceutro llelfrieh. Charles bartender Sprinir lleimbach, Albert farmer Franklin lleiiitleinan David farmer Middlcereek lleriold, lieoriru ircntiemiin Monroo llerrold,Savorra M gentleman I'uion llerrold, T. l. teacher I'liion iiilhirih, Thus. nierehaiit Selinsmye ituiiiinel. Daniel laborer Cbaiimai. Lepley, Henry C. farmer Sprimr Smith, Allen it carpenter Penu Walter. Kd. furniture dealer Miilllchiir Wiwnicr, slichael ireiitlemuii Perry PKTIT JURORS I.lnt of Petit .luiniH drawn tor ! Cmi-'t ol CDinliion l'ieu, court 01 t;ii irter SessljiiH ..1 'he Peace. O'liii l. or o.'er and I'eruilner aii.l 11 r' .lull Delivery of S ivder ('.unity, Pj ue. 1 i- Dec. Term, ooiiluiein liii; Dec. ii, 19i 2 Name.. O.'Miiin. Resldenii. Blckcl, Jneknon lanorcr ( hapniun Howeicox, i. Allen farmer Centre llulick. Samuel farmer Monroe Coon, Vt illiani S Acnt Monroe I aiiliennan, Milton t'cut. Middlcereek Dieese, i rank f irmer Splint- ICIi'iKlit, John farmer Perry Ktdley, Jacob farmer IV m relkcr, J11I111 Keiitleman lienvur X. (iarinnn, Foster S. fiirmer Ileal er (iroyliill, II. V fiirmer Perrv Wnt lreenlioe, C O g-iitleiiinn Siirinir llardiiii;, Henry nierehaiit l'crry llaziett, .1; sue farmer Jackson Herman, li. K. farmer Monroe. Horubergi r, H. II- fiiriie r Pcrrv lluniinel, Paul farmer Middlcereek Jarrott, Newton form r I'enn lvint.er, Jo'ics laborer Penu Kr.unci. Jacob farmer Krnnkllu Kreba (Jco. A, fanner Adams l.eilzcl, U. A. laborer Teny West Mclser, Jacob h. J, P. Perry iidillcswartli..l. II. luinbermaii Ilenvcr Mlddlu.iwiirth, Ner it. farmer Adams Moyer, J. It. laborer Chapman Miissvr.Wni.H. farmer - Kriinklin Musser, Sain'l laborer Pcnn AliiHser, A lain 1. fiirmer Waihingioii Ncrhoiid, (ieo. laborer Centre Hi ielieii I ai-ii, Iteiibcn H. inaaon Perry Snyder, J. (i. gentleman Heaver Snyder, Miles coal dealer bclln-grovo Sliambaeh, W. K' blncksiuith V 1 Shirk, 111. farmer Cuiitro Sholly, Win. firmer Jackson Sebnee, Philip A. farmer Peny Stii'iiiTer, 0. S larmer Selinsixrove stuck, llnrrison farnter Siring Stnbl, Henry farmer entro slraiir), Heiilon men hunt Wiishinuton Sp.iei-lc.C s. farmer Perry West Walter, I". F. liveinniin Miildlelurg Wellcr, .lohn f irmer n-bliigtoii W1I1I, .1. A. fanner Va-liint.m Yoiiiik, laac N. 1 iliori r Monroe Zeibcr. John farmer Iieaver t enl .erbe, UeorKC laliorer WasidiiKtou THE NEWER IRRIGATION. Experience In California l.'ai Led to the Introduction of lleltrr Methods of WaterliiK. It appears that reeently the small turrow 1110 tin nl of irrij;atinif is umler toiiiff cirtain iiiodifleations. The oe rnsiun for the ehan-je is that in cer Inin of the heavier soils partienlarly the use of water in many shnlluw furrows followed by cultivation re Suits ia the format ion of u eonipiK'b layer nnd this prevents the percola tion of water iuto tlie subsoil. This discovery led many southern Califor nia fruit growers to resort to fewer stul deeper furrows and to new do rices to enable the tree to get the benefit of tlie water. There has been a wide use of the subsoil plow, with iv wedge-shnpi'd foot attached to a slim standard ris ing 10 the ordinary beam. The standard opposes its thin edge to the soil so us to cleave it with tlie least 1 Sheriff Sab of r.;al Estata. lly virtue of a cerlaln writ of aliai l'i. I 'a.ixnie.l out of the court of Common Pleas nf Snv.lcr cimi ty, Pa., ami t me dircctul, I will sell nl Pitolic Sale m the Court Homo in Middleburg, ON HMDAi', HKCKMIIF.lt 5, 1I1U'.'. At 12.50 o'clock p.m., the tiilloivinu real es tate to wit : All tint certain lot or piece nf Unci ml .itil'.te in tile Isle of l)ue in the linr ouli of Selin-roio Snyder coiinly. boulilcil ni.d ili'-jeritie I. n- Inllolis: A'ljniniiiK Wnlniil stre.-l 011 tile nortii, 011 the cast hy Amos iicin belling, on t ie sout'l by an alley, and on the west iiy lot ol John l.trlwiir, i-otitaiiiimr :in feet liv I '.n feet, where in are erected a I Wo. ST'iRV FRIK llil KI.I.INIi llnl sK and other outbuildings. Also a lot of fruit such as apples, pc:irs and grapes, on thu aiiuvc stale I lot. Seized taken into cx"cutitui amltnlie sold rs the proper; y of l.:dia J. Covert. Sheriffs OliiC ', (I. V. ROW, Miil.llebuig. Nov. 11, l'.U'i. Sher If, NEWER FfKHOW 1RRK5AT1UN. iilliculty, nnd the font passing through or beneath the liardpan lifts iiul breaks it. The result of the sub-' soiling is to open a way for the wa ter to sink and spread below the. liardpan. t is usual to run the plow nice through the center of the inter space between the rows of trees, ionieti'iies at right angles to the ir rigation furrows. When this Is done, the waler is admitted to the furrows as usual but instead of flowing alont,' smoothly it drops into tlie track of the Bii'osoiler and runs there a lung Mine before rising again to eoiitinuo i.s course down the furrow. It is tlie, experience nf some growers that the water has taken five or six days to reach the lower end of the furrows, 1 distance which would have been covered in 21 hours if the subsoiler has not intervened.. This has been "diown to result in much -water for the subsoil and 11 notable irrigation af treeR which had been famishing, although shullow furrow irrigation had proceeded regularly. The usual practise is now to have (Hx deep fur rows in 20-foot spaces. The number varies according to the character of I he soil, but is, in any case, less than In the small, shallow furrow system which formerly prevailed. The recourse to deeper furrows nnd to the subsoil plowing has been made in several citrus fruit districts in southern California. Its success de pends upon conditions. There are rases in which too deep use of the Subsoiler lias admitted the water at a point too low for the best results to the tree, which grows on a , b-aehy kulisoil, and tile culling of roots by Ihe titlbsi itler has in soi'c ca-es :''( WIDOWS' API'RAISKMKN Is.-Nnilce Is here ' by if I vea Hint the followltnf Widows' Ap prulscliie ills under f in f:lm law, have Iks n II, oil Willi the Clerk 01 the orp iiuw'cnurl of Sujiler Ciimlv foreonflnnntloi! Dec. H, Appraisement of Mary .1. I.'eiehlev. widow of V in. J. Keiehley, lots of Monroe township. Sneder county, Pa , deceased, elected to be Inken under the f IUU exemption law. li M. Slll.NUK!., Clerk (). (,'. Nov 5. 1WI2. Audtiors' Notica- The undersigned, who was appointed auditor by thu Orphans' Court of Xiyder county, at October term, lust, to make distribution of the balance appearing upon the first nnd tln-d ac count of John K. Hughes, Kxcciitor of the last will und testament of .Margaret Duck, lute of Washington township, Snyder county, l a , de ceased, to and among liaise legally entitled thereto, trill meet all parties in interest for that purpose, at the utllee of Charles P. t'lrich, Ksq., In the borough ol Selinsgrovo. said county, on Tuesday, November lHth, A. !.. Mitt, at 111 o'clock a. m of said day, when and whero all parties shall attend and present their claims or he forever debarred from receiving any portion of said luiids. Jamks 0. Croi'se, Auditor. Ii'XKCUTOn'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby J given that letters testamentary upon the estate of Sophia Kluck late of Beaver town ship, Snyder County, Pa., deceased, have been Issued in due form of law to the under signed, to whom all indebted to said tata should maka Immediate payment and those having- claims against it should present; them duly authenticated for settlement.! aa ALFRED SPKCHT, Executor. Waktkd A Trustworthy Gentleman or Iidy In each county to manage business for an old established house of solid financial standing. A straight, bona fide weekly salary of fir) paid by eheck each Wednesday with all expense direct from headquarters. Honey advanced for xpenses. Manager, 8IOCaxton Bldf, Chicago. 16i . . V I."'---' " ' It la being urged that the municipal tnuncil of St. Louis, or even the lejr- islaturo of Mis souri, take up and Hiiuiiiuwiimmmi A Qneatloa That Skosald Be Settled. pass finally upon the projier pronunciation of the nnme nf St. Louis before the opening tit the Louisiajia Purchase fair in that city. It is pointed out that an immemorial dispute over the proper pronunciation of Arkansas was set tled by tlie legislature of that state in 1SS1, when it was enacted that the proiiiiuciat icii should be "Arkansaw," 1 ml the state lived happily ever after. The uame St. Louis was bestowed by the French when the place was set tled; nml the French pronunciation Is Loo-ee, to rhyme with the name of Admiral Dewey. The l'nglish pro nunciation is "Lew-iss," practically rhyming with the word Jewess. The suggestion, once made, does not. of course halt lamely at St. Louis. When the dispute is settled there, it is pro posed to ask Kentucky to declare whether the name of that common wealth's chief city shall be Loo-ey-ville or I.ew-is-ville. And Illinois might settle the point whether the name f the thriving city of Juliet fchiill be pronounced as the French explorer after whom it was named did Zholc-ya or whether it Khali lie called Jolly-yet. All this is exceedingly stimulating to the iiiiud which keeps reaching out for wider fields, like the mind of a man nlllict ed with the habit of indiscriminate punning. The New York Tost, points out that there are plenty of other towns which need attention. The name 1 1 the city nf ltcnufort, in France, i.s pronounced llow-for. A town in North Carolina, named after it, isl.nowa as How-fort, while one In South Carolina is called Hu-furl. A noted French seaport, Calais, is pronounced Kal-lay, while its name Hake up in Maine is called Kal-lis. While Chicago has boasted of being the most American ot American cit- ., . , , ies, the title lits 1 lie I plenl .St. Louis far more AmerlennClly. ,.,.,, v. At least nn h is the opinion expressed by Earl W. Mayo, in Ainslee's Maga zine. There are plenty of reasons why this should be the case, he con tinues, why St. Louis should repre sent a fair mean between the gay hospitality nf New Orleans and the cold re: i rve of Host on, why it should offer in effective comliii.atioii the sta bility ol New York 11 ml the pushful enterprise distinctive of the west. Many causes have combined to make the city which is the most nearly of till the great cities of. the union in the geographical center of the coun try alto the most representative of the various characteristics which go to make up the modern twentieth century, energetic, successful Amer ican. No other city can so logically lay claim to the title. Chicago is nondescript; New Ymk, semi-Kuro-pcau: I'liilailclpliia, ilisl incl ly ini vincial; San Frauciscn, lirccily west ern; New Orleans, decidedly (iallic, ami iiostoii . I'.ut who shall char acterize! J'oston? Si. Louis repre sent. K composite average of them all. My the natural logic of the count rv's development, St. Louis has lnaii.ed the meeting and enuiuiiiigliiig of ii'i 'th nnd south, cast, and v. i-M, as h:n nn other Arnerienii ci;v. 'IT.- Iioiiiiliilii that, the ' Insidious pi nin'' has made a lauding on Jl.nvaiiau sin, re-.. The v.- CGNTINUOCS CEMKXT FLU MB. lir uigiit shallow rooting trees into temporary distress. Tlie general conclusion, however, ia that dot pr introduction of water favors deeper rooting, und is very economical of water by preventing the loss by evaporation from the sur face, which, theoretically, is dry, but which, actually, with shallow furrows over an irrigation liardpan, becomes too often saturated over nearly the whole hpnee between the trees. Tho use of cement in the construc tion of flumes has largely increased in tho prnctiee of fruit growers in the older irrigated regions of tho Pa cific const, beeause by means of local ly devised machinery the cement flume lias been cheapened fo that its first cost is less than that of tho lumber flume when suitably durable timber is high. Similar machinery is used for the construction ot continuous cement pipe, which Is replacing open laterals in carrying water from main ditches to the land ot individual irrigators. Not only is such flume sometimes cheaper than board flumes, but the annoyance of leakage and the cost of extensive repairs are done away with. ' E. J. Wickson, in Cincinnati Com mercial Tribune. More pen.. 1UI HI' re;:i ciivn i have i:o. ,iost olliee ii.le for the s a re issue 1 e ,' order ilepa rt ni rv division, and ii'oili ot 1 ni'V. ii nn.inly c i ecu la ! i. 111. 1 chi-ily ly III, or 1 iy after a il. lie the the hilt. ; wii bo.il. slian: nl Hi now 1 come back again to the si n tup w. The Star says that pockii which a vear ::gn were never d by carrying any meaner luct iii gold or silver often contain 1 1 1 o copper cent of cnmtiieroc. i "lit ih- known and less valued this 1 Fide of 'the Itockies, but dear to the! 'heart (f every New F.nirhind house wife." Already, it is sad to relate, Tienni 'S uru put in the collect inn boxes, and are "only shamed by an : ! open plate." 1 The insuring of one's life is one of' those t . ngs which (.ne is most apt to put oil. There ere few, however, who postpone what ought to be the inev itable until so late a period in life as did the tough old smack owner of Grimsby. When ho presented himself ot the insurance oflice he was nat urally asked his nge. His reply was: Ninety-f our." "Why, my good man, w e cannot insure you," snid the company. "Why not?" he demanded. "Why, you are ninety-four years of age." "What of that?" the old man cried. "Look at tatistlcs, and they will, tell you that fewer men die at 94 than at any other ge." D r r r rk irv r l f II If CVJ-i rT A h fcr Infants and Children. Cast or ia is a harmless Mihstitute) lor factor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It coiittutis neither Opium, iMnrphiiin nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys Worms and allays I Verisluie.s. It cures Diarrlio ii and AVind C'olie. It" relieves Teeth ing" Troubles and eures Constipation. It regulates tho Stomach and 1 vowels, giving healthy and natural bleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Priend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. aTHE DUMDORE "STOBlt I invite nil to my store ami call your attention to my lire of, Dry Gcods, Groceries. Hardware, Gtueensware. Notions, Drugs, Tinware, Glassware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. A mw pihBliiiiT Values. The Oriole, tlie famous K-tlav, -l-J-Iumr .-trilie, Oak cluck. (;,,,nl value 2..r.O. My jiriee 1.7'2. Fancy dark oiiliiitrs, onil values til Sc. Mv ,i in. Men's, Wtiini'ii's and (.'liildren's lin-'ury. mmI value 'Jt)c. M v price ldc. White llei-ced lieil Mnukcts, Jvoland, ethers :tr U ?'J.(K). Mvprice I IeriiiitaiM seamless grain a; extra valius 'J."c tadi.' Mv price lOI'orJl.SO. Watch My Markets Inr r.utler ami Kers. 1 always p:iy nmiv than my cninji.-titni N. T. Dundore. DUNUOIU3, PEINNA. Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payme REtVJElVJBER H. HRRUEY SCHOCH, GENERAL iNStANCE AGENCV Only tho Oldest, Sfronosl Ctish Coiiii;wiics, Tire, Life, Accident :iml Triiadti. No Astessmsiiis No Premium Notes. TlioAdna Fouiufutl A. .D.,1S1!) Akk-Is 11,0 ,13.88 " Homo 11 ' " 1S5;J " J),S:? ,(i:!S.4 " Aiiieiican ' 1S10 " L10,SU The Slai;daM Accident Iiisnrnnte Co Tlie Nen- York Life Insurance C The fiiiclitii Mutual Life Aociallon Ycur Palror.ai?e is solicited. '- MOT WEATHER -U5i" BLUE FLAME COOK STOVES. lew RoeiiBSlor" AVhen at full speed and at a distance of from a quarter to a half mile ships it war can discharge torpedoes which "hit the mark" three times out of four, naval warfare does Be em rather complicated. The California boomer never over looks any opportunities. He adver tises that the recent earthquakes were due to the accumulation of oil pres sure which finally became irresistible. 'VICKLRS5 SAMP LP:, 5AIE pOOKIN'J under those ciretitiistuncos is a plcjisure. 'j'l.e Itoclirstcr Lump Co. stako their reputation on tho stove, in i;ucstion. Tho host evidonco of tho satisfaction enjoyed is t est inn iiials g iluio aud du plicate orders from all pints of tho world. i r literature, both for the "New Rochester" Cook Stove and tho "New Rochester" Lamp. You will never regret having introduced thoho geeds into your houae hold The Rocheser Lamp Co., Park Palace and 33 Barclay St., New York. If You are Have a Farmer One Cent Buy a postal care and send to the New York Tribune Farmer, New-York City, for a free epeciman copy. The Tribune Farmer ia a National Illus trated Agricultural Weekly for Fanners and their families, and stands at tho bead of the agricultural press. The price is $1.00 per year, but if you like it you can secure it with your own favorite local newspaper. The Post, Mlddleburg, at a bargain. Both papers one year only $1.50. Bend your order and money to, Tost, Mldeleburg, Pa.