The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 13, 1902, Image 7

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t do not look as
ntrh I ever was
- I. ati falla off
K This i particularly the case
. .r.,. La diseases rjeculiar
tr sex. Not only U her strength
fernunea. but J""
characteristic of the cure
r j: .m affected bv the um
rSIie'i FTorite Pretcription, that
. I InVt
LoHtT Pretcription" establishes
fk M Dunk you for the good your tnB-
l?5l. C: Him. I w .troubled with
ETMkncM and doctored wtta atverai ou
fcfcrtori. They did not teem to help me;
IVfSVorse ill the time. X had ulcera-
fcfJEES Tea. tell. I Mkmb
Ua oaiu " thought my oacs wouia
T fitao had a wry bad drain, but alter
kite bottle of Fawrite Prescription
Ant of -Golden Medical Discovery,1! am
1. owell as 11 bcn lmot two
I .d I hi had no return of the trouble,
finds tell me I don't look at though I ever
fpierce'i Common Sense Medical
I r onvrra. ia aent fret on
L 'oTai one-cent . .tamp; .to pay
hue ot mailing vntj. auu
f, pierce, BuUaio, . x.
Lewistown Division.
In effect May 25, 1902. ,
111 M P
moo1 Bunbury 20 4 JO
IOIOi Sellnserove Junction 9 09 4 40
OIJi Swlliisgrove 904 4-35
Otti Pawling 8 53 1 27
07. K reamer 8 49 4 28
on: Meiser 8 4T 4 20
OS Mildleburg- 8 40 4 19
042 snfer 4i ,4 07
OJi J tlown , 8'AV 8 7
OKI ei i -illngs ' 8BJ
1W ft fib ills 813 8 44
10 WeCl 8 87; 8 38
lir1 ' Wmrti T87 8 28
lfl i Shinale 784 814
I Mi Palntervllla T49 120
112 JUaitland . 7 43 8 18
1 40! Lewtrtown Y 15 80s
l42Lewltown(Maln MrMt. T88 0
119, Lewiatown Junction. 130 8 Op
leaves Sunbury 5 80 p m, ar-
ives at Sehnsgrove 5 45pm
IsSeliosgrovefcOOp. m., arrives
sunbury o:T5 p. m.
(leave LewUtown Junction :
10 14 a m, 1 10 p m,130p m 4 STp m, T 07p
b m, 12 36 a m lor Altoona, ruisourg anu
alilmore and Washington 805 am 9 90,
L 483. 8 10 p m For Philadelphia and Mew
iiirrliourK 1 10 p m
ladelphia & Erie R n Division.
leavn Seiiaisrove Junction dally for
1 ana Wet,
m, 12 !8 p m, 4 52 p m.-sunday 9 28 a m,
leave Sunbury daily except 8anday:
fitorBuHalo.lW a m tor Erie and Can-
lor Bellefonte Erie and t'anandalirua
(or Lock Haven. Tyrone and the West.
m lor Buffalo, 1 13 p m (or Hullolonto
'yrone and CanaDdaixua
lor aennvo ana biinira
lor WUllauuiport
1227 a m for Buffalo via En.porlum,
(or Erie, 5 10 a in for Erie and Oanan
8 64 p m for Wti.
for Lock Haven and
dHatelton '
, lu 10 a in, 2 05 p m, 5 85 p tn tor Shamo-
Mniml !inl
b9Umtor wtlkflnbarre
'r&ini lnv Vail i...tu.
m, dally arrlvlnir at PUIladelphU
New York 5 53 pm Baltimore 11 p m
ton 4 H p m
n dally arrtvlna at Philadelphia
New York Mam, Baltimore 9 45pm
ton 10 56 pm. '
n. oally arrlvlnir at Philadelphia
New York 713 a m, Baltimore 2 30 a m
on 4 Hfo a rc
Trains aluo leave Sunbury :
i dally arriving at Phlladeldhla 62 a m
20 a m Washington 8M am New
l a m Weekdayt, 10 i8 a m Sundays,
?v'lymvln ' Polladelphla 7S2
?ki?.,B.a m' 10 38 Sundays Baltl
o m. VVashingion 880 a m. Baltimore
WasulDgionlUp m.
12? v?8 arriving at Philadelphia
fflTsVm Ba,Umore p
t week dayi arriving at Philadelphia
tot TWprj mVm' Ba.umore0opm
SfiSftK'ff'R'ft S P P
(5 f i in """"""" invpiu, vvasa-
Fn? ''.8'i!.h?r' 9 M a m and 20
. lor Harriaburg, Philadelphia and
VciimLi- WoU. 0nl Pasa Agent
rcUINSON Uen'l Manaaer.
Da M
Made a
MWXL, 1 Well Man
I iid mT? re"aIt ln-30 days, itacti
liLSn tair loot manhood, and old
VltaiitT T ' "unT reatons Nerron
trafiini t?t)otDCT. KUhtly Emlatlona,
Wa.!001017, w",ln laeaeea. and
ob, " w inoucreuon,
itody.buajneeaorinarriaf.. It
rrV t"" ? "at ot dlataee. but
tonlo and blood bnUder, bring.
i Bra T J P" chMa and r
ISTob t, "ardi o Inaanlti
jj carrlfwi in - ...a .
.lit for SAaOOt with ft poa
Lfiflirina f aoa a
van irr nrnvarlata ni
Tn ateak
Mr. Cornrow looks tickled this
morning, remarked the grocery
clerk as he brushed the fliea off the
"Hafs fatter a right to," said Uncle
Jim from the cracker barrel. "He
poured a lot of oil in his well to
kill the moKquitnea. anil a week Inter
that city feller what sold him a
grid brick last winter cunie to board
with him."
"Well?" said the clerk.
"Well, Cornrow's sold his farm to
him for three times what he paid.
He's pom to bore for oil!" Cincin
nati Commercial.
tome Timely Illata Absat the lea a4
Handairm After tb llarae Has
Done Hard Mark.
Varatloa Echo.
Hark, hark! the dogs do bark
The folks come back to town;
Borne In rags, and some with jags,
And sunburnt good and brown.
Philadelphia Record.
Lady Visitor (at Working Girl.s club,
giving some advice on manners)
And, you know, Indies never Hpenk
to gentlemen without an introduo
'Lia We knows yer don't, miss,
an we offen pities yer! Punch.
Mineral Depoalta.
His are full of carbon.
Hut he holds It from the murt.
His clothes are full of money.
And he has a marble heart.
Washington Slur.
He Showed Ilia Conceit.
Phyllis Harry is the most conceit
ed man I ever met.
Aland What makes you think so?
Phyllis Why, he first asserts that
I am the most adorable woman in the
world, the most beautiful, intellec
tual, and in every respect a paragon.
and then he wants me to marry him!
Washington Times.
Hint for P. O. Department.
. Scribbler I don't miud paying letter
postage on the articles that I send to
the magazines, but I think when the
manuscripts are returned to me they
ought to come cheaper.
1'riend Certainly. The editors
should be allowed to label them sec
ond-class matter. X. Y. Weekly.
A Man of the Present.
' "I suppose you would like to send
your name down to posterity as one
of the leaders of your time."
"Xo,' answered Senator Sorghum,
"I'm not worrying over what poster
ity thinks of me. Posterity hasn't
any vote in my district." Washing
ton Star.
Spontaneous Love.
Lover (mournfully) Have
learned to love another?
Flirt (who had just broken his en
gagemeut with her) Oh, no, George;
didn t have to learn. The mun is
very, ?ery wealthy, and the love came
spontaneously. Tit-l!its.
Juat the Heverae.
"He looks as prosperous as a trust
promoter. Is that his line?"
"Oh, no; quite the contrary.
"What do you mean by that?"
"He doesn't promote trust; he limits
it. He's the credit man of a big whole
sale house. Brooklyn Eagle.
One Great Difference,
'What's the principal difference be
tween the wise man and the fool?
There's no one so wise that he isn't a
fool sometime, is there?"
"Xo; but the wise man knows when
he makes a fool of himself, and the fool
doesn't." Chicago Post.
Doing No Harm.
One day Willie, aged five, was crying,
and his mamma said:
"Willie, you are getting your face
all dirty. from crying," and Willie re
"Well, it wasn't clean when I start
ed." Philadelphia Record.
Well Ip In 8llla--Crn.
Harold Jerrold has bought a sail
boat. Alice But does he know anything
about a sailing boat?
Harold Oh, yes, he has got his life
insured and joined the church. J udge.
It Was a Match.
He was practical, and had been
making love on that basis. Slip was
a little that way herself.
"Can you cook?" he inquired.
"Can you supply everything to be
cooked?" she replied. Tit-Bits.
A Desperate Vndcrtnklnu.
The Black Cat We're organizing a
glee club for serenading purposes.
Tfon't you join us?
The Maltese Cut On your way,
Mister Donthink! Xo suicide clubs
for me! Brooklyn Life.
Ilefore and After.
"You don't mind my talking so much,
do you?" she asked.
"No, indeed; but," he said, facetious
ly, "I may mind after we are married."
"But I shan't mind then if you do,"
she answered, Tit-Bits.
Enuaiceineot Off.
"So the eugngement's off?"
"Yes; she advised him to practice
economy, and he started in by getting
her an imitation diamond." Detroit
Free Press. .
llnndLge applied looel,v iner m
layer of cotton l-utti- - fi.r one hour
after severe x.u.i. n. ,rt the unnll
blood vei'i end tilxirhents in and
inderm-: it te l.ii: uui. u trut till
ing unii MitVnos. the Hnrte
P.rtetltr. If nllowed to remain on
b-nger they hue the opposite effect
from what" is t;eiired. After the
bandage have been on for one hour,
they ho ii Id be removed and each leg
britkly hand-rubbed for Ave minute.
This will do more good, by exciting
the absorbents to act, than four hours'
pressure on bandages, which will do
more harm than good. Bundagingthe
legs would not prevent lamlnitis.
That is the result of a predUposition
to rheumatism and also from not prop
erly cooling the horse out. It is not
necessary to walk a horfe out. after
being jogged, only after a work-out.
After a hor.e has been given a fast
work-out or fast heat in a race and he
is very warm and perspiring freely
you must cool his hend off at once by
sponge and cold water. o tin toohj'.nge
the current of hn pp from tiie
brain, otherwise lie might liHve a
hemorrhage from a rupture of the
small blood vessels in the head. If,
after the finish of a heat, the horse
does not perspire freely, he must be
sponged all over with hot water, cot
ered with blankets, and be walked
until he sweats very freely, and great
enre must be exercised In cooling him
out. The surface of the body must
always be kept very warm and dried
very slowly. He may have plenty of
cold water, but very little at a time,
and while being cooled out a little hay
also. He mm,t not be fed grain until
Le is perfectly cool.
Indiaprnanble on Farma Where Much
liny or Urera Fodder Una
to He Handled.
In handling grain, hay or green
corn fodder, a low rack, similar to the
one portrayed, is a great saver of time
and labor. One man standing on the
ground and simply drawing the corn
toward himself, can lay it upon the
table of the cutting machine without
stooping, or raising it up simply to lay
it down again. The top of the rack
is 7x14 feet with 6-foot standards
The stringers are 4xG inches and 19
to 20 feet long. They are hung from
the front axle by means of a length
ened king bolt provided with a nu
and washer. From the hind axle they
are suspended by 4-inch rods with
nuts and washers below and hooks
above to go over the axle! The string'
ers should be 20 inches apart in front
and 32 inches behind. A short wrench
keeps the hound from tipping up. I
find this rack very convenient. As
short a turn can be made with this
as with a 10-fnnt rack. K. J. Fear, in
X. E. Homestead.
There Ia o Other Siiecemful Way of
HfllloYlnu Troulileaome Peats
from Sheep.
Parasites of all kinds arc not only
injurious to the wool of sheep, but to
the health of the animals as well, and
dipping to destroy them should be re
sorted to wherever and whenever they
are present at shearing time. There
is no other way to remove the trou
blesomc pests except by repeating dip
ping, and sometimes it requires a good
many to accomplish the desired end.
Ticks will worry the thin, weak sheep
more than the strong ones, and they
seem to congregate on them in such
numbers as to cause their death,
Sometimes the ticks appear on the
sheep shortly after dipping, and the
impression is made that the dipping
did not free them from the parasites;
but this is a mistake. The trouble was
thot the ticks were in the sheds or
stables where the sheep were kept,
and by putting the animals back in
their infested quarters the ticks booh
covered them uguin. The living quar
ters of the sheep must also be treated
with the solution by spraying and
washing and in this way we protect
the animals from a future invasion.
A second dipping should follow the
first about ten days later, and the liv
ing quarters should also receive a sec
ond spraying. Sometimes where the
parasites are very numerous a third
dipping and spraying may pay. Bos
ton Budget.
Tubercoloaln Among Swine.
A little observation as to the ages
and kinds of swine in which this dis
ease is found most frequently shows
the greutest number in sows which
have farrowed one or more litters of
pigs. It seems that when young pigs
are infected the disease runs a rather
rapid course, more so than in the aged
animals, and wheu so infected they
do not grow as do the uninfected
swine, and they do not put on fat;
they are thin und lanky. The owner
discovering that they are not thriv
ing as they should, concludes that it
does not pay to continue feeding them,
markets them at once, and they are
to be found in slaughterhouses, some
times 30, 40 or more in one bunch or
lot. Dr. Stewtfrt, in Farmers' Beview.
A pan of skim milk occasionally
will do much to make the hens
An A anltad P rare a.
"He laugba best who laughs last,
qnoted the man who ia addicted to
"Yes," assented the matter-of-fact
person. "I presume nn KnsrlUhman
does get a lot of fun out of a joke when
he has once pot it through his kiill.
Brook! vn Life.
The- Americana.
First American Which do von pre
fer, M::rius, to be very rich "or erv
Second American If I had tnv
choice. Aurelius, I kIiouUI be neither.
I should have about five millions
The r Era.
Here's to the modtrn furmtr gay
Whns life v smooth and bright.
H work and sells his crops by duy
Ar.d counts his cash by r.Ight.
Washington Star.
Mamma Emerson, I told you you
couldn't go in swimming and I ob
serve thut you have.
Emerson My deur mother, you
used the wrong verb. You should
have told me thnt I 'must' not go in,
not that I 'could' not. Chicago Daily
A Temperance Ode,
The glasler may not cure for drink.
Yet he's compelled, alas!
Before he starts upon hl work
To always have Ills glass.
Ally Sloptr.
baally SatUfled.
Miss Yotiugtin What kind of a man
would you like for a husband?
Mise Oldun Oh, either a bachelor or
a widower. I'm not particular which.
Chicago Daily Xews.
I the Only Medicine that
will Positively Cure
George L. Smith, foreman of the Hoi
ley Manufacturing Company's Works,
Lockport, N. Y., nays: "I have usee
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
with good results. I was troubled with
gravel and kidney complaint quite
severely, which bothered me a great
deal, and have found great relief from
jtsuse. and can cheerfully recommend
I', you suffer from kidney, liver or
bladder trouble in any form, diabetes.
.unguts dis
ease, i rheu.
mutism, dys
pepsia, ecze
ma or any
form of blood
disease), or, if
a woman,
from the
peculiar to
your sex, and
are not ul.
ready con-
Kennedy s travonte Remedy in the medi
cine yon need, yon may have a trial
bottle, absolutely free, with a valuable
medical pamphlet, by s tiding your
name, with post office nu lnss to the
Dr. David Kennedy Corp-'ration. Run-
uuui, i., mentioning t paper
I " Dr. David Kennedy's F;.vorite Hem
edy ia sold by all druggi-:s at $1 i") a
Kittle or bottles for $G.ia) less tuwi
one cent a dose.
Dr. David Radt'a(ioripn Dr..n Instant r. :..f,
, Neuralgia, Khemtliui, Bruises, Haras, ajo, c.
Cut Huh out and take it to Mi 1.1.. -burg
diun More and get a i o
sample) of CbnmborlainV KtlHi it -!l
I and Lwr Tablets, the best il.. .
I They cleanse and i ivit'Oiaie i
: fctonincl), improve the appetite I
; regulate the bowels. Jtoulnr si,
zoo. per box.
It naturally makes a man sor- m
be thrown down.
IXiytiu need any furniture?
1 If hi, ilon't fail to oitne to our
f More uuti nt our priivs.
We can suit you In
style nnd prices,
from the cheap
est to the better
I .
Bfil-r Siiils i
1 Innl w-ikmI, golden oak linisli
Only Si 2.50
Mattresses Si. 90
Uedsprings - 1.25
Cood Wliito
iLi.nmcl Xlocljy
$ Willi Srx-ii:.R-
i so. 00
t ' liairn, Koi ki rt, "hi. Ih m, side
j. Iaril, rm-y nixl cluiip l.x
5v tcumoii Tulili-a, iinliy I'urrluuea
and (lo-varlt..
? ffllllliilHiric, I'm.
In each pound package of
!on Coffee
fiom now until Christmas will
be found a free game, amusing
and instructive 50 different
Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game
at Your Grocers.
Geo. V. li?jckett,
Phone 1012,
Sunbury, . Pa.
Hardware, (ila.s, I Mints
llnil.linir Material,
I'Ynce Wire, Farmers Tool.-',
(Inns ami Ammunition.
im met ouai nl nsismiaikel ll
Laxative Jfrom. -. limine 'tablets cur
a cold in day. Xo cure, no pay. Prioa
cents. t
"Last winter an infant cbil.l .f
mine hud croup in a violent foil..."
says Elder John W. Itotrern. ,i
Christian Evangelist, of Filler, Mo.
"I cavo her a few doses of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and In a
short time all danger was passed
And the child recovered." This rein,
edy not only cureH croup, but when
given as soon as the first symptoms
appear, will prevent tho uttack. It
contains no opium or other hnrmful
substance and be given as confident
ly to a baby as to an adult. For sale
by Middleburg Drug Store.
Faroe is merely an entree; fortune
is a feast.
Take Laxative inimo-Quiiiino Tablets
All druggists rcind the money if it
ails to cure, lv V. drove's signature
011 each box. "J ic
NlnrtlliiK, Um Trne.
"If everv one knew what, a grand
medicine Dr. King's New Life ills
is," writes D. H. Turner, Detnpsey
town, Pa., "you'd si-11 all you have
iu a day. Two weeks' use hn made
a new man of me, Infallible? for
COnRt.inntton urnnm.!. ntt.l lien..
troubles. 2"c, at Middleburg Drug,
Store, Gray bill, (laimnn AcCo, Dr, 1,1
W. Sanipse), l'unuB Creek.
Andti:rs' Notice
The iinilerii;ni'l, who was iipunlnt.'il aud:t.r
by tin' Orphan' t'oiirt of iiiivdur countv. ai
Octolicr term, liixt, to miiku disli iliution of tliu
liulnncc iippciirlnir upon tlio llrnt and lln il mv
eoiint of John K. IIukIk-h, Kxvi'iilor of llin last
will and tcHtainout of MarKitret Duck, lato of
Washington towioiliip, Snyder county, l'a , do
ceam'd, to and ihiioiik tliow Iritnllv riititle.1
tlii.reto, will meet all piirtien in intunmt for that
nurpone, at tin- olllce of t'liarlua I'. I'lricli. Knq.,
in the horoiiKh "f Scliiiatrrove. said county, on
Tuesday, Novi-ml r Isth, A. I)., IW1, at 10
o'clock a. in., of xnld day, when and whero all
parties shall attend and pre!it tlu-ir ulniuiH or
lie forever dfliarrcl from rccelviiiK any purtiuu
uf said lun. In.
.Iami 0. Cum sK, Auditor.
JXKl'tTOIt'S XKTIt'K. Notlro is her.-Lv
i Ki veil that li'to i ti stnuicntury upon tho
i'Htalo of Snphiii Murk luti of l.cavtir town.
nliip, Nnytlrr t oiinty, I'n., dorcaH.d, havi
liet'ii iu.'il in due form of law to ilu. under
Hijrncd, to wlmiii all i n.U-l .t-.i to Miid fntata
nljoiild inako iiiiiiii'iliati. paymriit. ami th.mi.
having claims itKain-t it Nlioiiid prcM' tiieui
duly autli.'iitical.'il for xctt lenient.
AI.KKKM SI'Kt'HT. Ki.-culor.
I doctored for a year and a half
for what the doctor told me was
gall stones. I had read so much
about the relief Ripans Tabules
gave other people I thought 1
would get some. I have used eight
of the 5-cent boxes and have not
had a spell since.
The flvecent packet is enough for an ordin
ary occasion. The family bottle, Sixty cents,
contains a supply for a year.
- -i.J-,-,.i-.a. iii ..aa.a-..a. sraan.