The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 13, 1902, Image 6

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Rrhatlaa; ta Partlaaa ArtWHr
ml OMr HalaVra.
The rn'Hil order f Assistant Post
master Oixral Wviine. tlelinitig' the
lengths tu which po'-tmuster may
go in thfir loire to rentier Kervioe
to the political party of tlieir choice,
i based uiMin a letter written by
President Koosevelt, ami therefore
. correctly interprets the iews of the
administration on this important
question. I'mler Home of the pres
ident. Mist innsters as well as other
federal office holler, have practic
ally been deprived of many of their
inherent rights us citizens and re
quired to nvuintain a pone of abso
lute neutralitv aud non-combative-
Si 5
akes short roads.
JL Wnd light loads.
Jood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sol) Erywhr.
r stamdaud oil oo.
Mrstrrlaaa Mtmtar.
Ob day a gentleman entered a re
tanrant and ordered a plat of aoup.
When the waiter brought it the gen
tleman doubt ingly looked at the
aoup for a moment, and then asked
the waiter what it wan.
"It's bean aoup, sir," replied the
Ml know it has been roup, said the
gentleman, "but what i it now?"
Tit-Bit a.
What the Capper ald.
A young man by the nsme of St. John
Cried aloud when hit corn were stepped
And the prospects were bright
Far a terrible fight
Tin a copper came up and said: "G'an."
Buffalo Express.
(First Assistant Postmaster General.)
ness in each succeeding political cam
According to President Koosevelt'a
way of thinking, however, the federal
office holder has rights as u citizen
and will be permitted, within certain
broad lines, to exercise them. For
instance, it will now be permissible
for postmasters and this ruling will
apply to nil federal employes to
join political clubs, attend political
conventions ns delegates, and, should
they desire to do so. to contribute
to campaign funds. They ought not,
however, in the president's judg
ment, to become unduly active in
campaign work. In other words, he
would not have them acting as the
chairman of political conventions, or
of campaign committee, or in any
other way setting the pace within
their parties ns leaders. But as fol
lowers high privates In the rear
ranks of partisanship they will have
full rights and be protected in their
This new ruling is much more lib
eral than any that has been made on
this question for many years, and it
will be: welcomed by thousands of
postmasters, big and flttle, in all
parts of the country.
Position of Paaseaa-er T raffle
ier Created for Hiss by tke
Northwestern Systeca.
' It was announced recently from
the Chicago & Northwestern rail
way headquarters thiit W. B. Kuis
kern had been protvi; el to the po
aition of passenger traffic manager
of the system, an office created foi
Mr. Kniskern's long service in Chi
cago with the Northwestern and his
connection with other railroad com
panies nf the country have given him
if-r T.-iP: M t as r M.irato &
A stitch iu time may save man;
cuss words.
Its apparent that a man can't be
t- I..:
upngnv wuea ue is ijuitr,
Tm the Peihlle.
Allow to say a few words in praise
of Chamberlain' Cough Itemed.
I had a very severe cough and cold
and feared I would get pneumonia,
but after taking the second dose of
this medicine I felt belter, three
bottles of it cured mr cold and the
pains in tny chest disappeared en
tirely. I am most respectfully yours
for health. Ralph S. Mitbs, 64
Thirty-seventh St., Wheeling. W.
Va. For sale by Mtddleburg Drug
St. re.
The honey merchant tnui
takes things as they comb.
- . . . . "
A HtartltHt Harprlae.
Verv few could believe in looking
at A T. Hadler, a healthy, robust
'lncksuiith of Tildeu, Ind that for
ten years he such torture from
Rheumatism as few could endure
aud live. But a wonderful change
followed bis taking Electric Bitters,
"Two bottles wholly cured nie," he
writes, "and I hare not felt a
twiuge for over a vear." They regu
late tlie Kidney, purify the blood
ami cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Nervousness, improve digestion and
give prftct health. Try tbem.
Only oOcts. at Middlehurg Drug
Store. O -ay bill, 0rman & Co., Dr.
J. V. Sampeli, Penns Creek.
Tue moth may not be a society
favorite, but he often appears in a
dress suit.
Drlvlaa- Oat the Enemy.
These are the days of colds, sharp
and sud'len, attacking throat and
lungs, an 1 1 ading to consequences
one does t like to think about.
Avoid fur -r exposure and tight
the ftietx.v of health and comfort
with Perrv Davis' Painkiller be
family n - n I by for sixty years. It
conquei- h -old in a day, .See that
vou get ti right article. Tber is
but one J amkiller. Perry Da 'is'.
A resiurant trust is coutemplaW d
i Onion . III.
Lack la Thlrteea.
By sending 13 miles Wm. Soirev.
Walton Furnace, Vt., got a box of
Uucklen s Arnica naive, that wholly
cured a horrible Fever Sore on bis
lea. Nothing else could- Positivelv
cures Bruises, Felons. Ulcers, Erup.
tions, Boils, Hums, (jorns and files
Only 25c. Guaranteed by Middle
bure Drug Store. Oravbill. Uarman
& 1 o., Dr. J. W.Samael. Penns Creek.
TKa Hantiot. tfiAt tmrfa tViA mnaff
doesn't always charge the lbast.
State or Ohio, City or Toledo, '
Frank J. (.'husky makes oaththat
he is seuior partner of the tirm of
F. J. C'exky A: Co.. doing business
in the city of loledo, County and
Sta e aforesaid, asd that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE 1IUND-
KfiD DOLLARS for each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be
cuied by the Use of Hall's Catakrh
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed in my presence, this fifth day of
December, A. D. 18.
r seal S Notary Pu l;c.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
uallv and acts directly on tba blood
and mucous surfaces of the syntem.
Send for tesiimonials, frea,
F. J. C HEN EY & CO,. Toledo, o.
Sold by all Dru gists, 75o.
Hall's Family Pills are the bsst.
a will- .'i-j'; tint.v. . !.n
in the railro.vl ivn l I ): i - iecn nl" tli
i ( i - regular prom itioii- frmu the
srnnl! Iiejinning as office bov to the
h-'id -if tlie ifi-.'Tig"r ileprirtrnent
ri th'- fiiapnny ifh which he is now
ronn.'cferl i -i ;in .ili-nce nf the abil
i'y an-l bii-ine-s rj i.iHfiinf ions which v.f,n hirn his reputation.
.fr. Kniskern has devoted his en
tire business life ti railway urlrk.
He wr fir)t with the Illinois ( en-tr-,1
railroad, by which he was em
ployerl m office boy in 1 -ft. His flrnt
connection with the Chicago A
Northwestern railway w.n from liT
to I ".T'. during which periiKl he filled
various clerical positions with the
general paener and general tick
et department s of that company.
From ls.7 to Se-it -ruber 1. lsiS, he
ti i e-n;.l'vefl li- tlie fymisvilte 4
N'ahtiile i.'aiirofirl cornpnriy at. Lotils
tille. Ky.. nnd Nw Orle.-ms. He re
en'er'l the ertice of the ,N"ort.h
-fern on f-'entemr I, 1S1.. com-
i. i to fhicayo ,i asistanf. general
pasen?-r ag-n. ffe was appointed
assistant. genrI p;i 'ner and tick-
rnt .Tannary 1, liV, and general
rienge-r and ticket agent Jannary
i ! He n hel l the In H mmed
ii. -sif.ion up to the pre-nt.
i J U
Advertiser From your references
I see you've had four places in the
last month.
Applicant Ves'm; that showa how
much in demand I am. Chicago Daily
What strange contradictions
In life you will Hnd .
I.Ike a 112 hat i
Over a two-dbllar mind. u
Wsshlr.gton Star. t
H's Have All Ba There.
Miss Fairfax Good mawnlng,
Aunt Caroline. Why ain't you wash
in' nowadays?
Aunt Caroline (remoTing her pipe
from ner mouth) Well, you see,
Mist Clara, I'a bin out o' wuhk so
long dt now, when 1 could wuhk. I
finds l'a done los' ah taste fo' it.
As Starter.
Ferdy Have you won her love yet?
Clarence No; but I've made a be
ginning. I've got ell her relative
down on e! Puck.
Conscience is a still, small yoice
tLat is altogether too still.
Write It i:own.
in the bock of memory; there is no
thing like a harmless cougb, Every
cougb is a warning of a confidence
that goes from bad to worae unless
it is re., edied rigtt away. Opium
laden medicine h a delusion. Allen's
Lung Balsam cures the worst of
colds. It clears the bronchial nas
ssges, so that the lungs get plenty
of air. Why Lot get a bottle to-day!
Geaalae Philosopher.
"Craps all burnt to flinders?"
"Xo rain in sifrht?" i
"Not a d rap." '
"Totally mint, ain't you?"
"Well, what air yon a-smilin' over?"
Tm smllin' at the prospect of the
sheriff comln to levy on nothln'!"
Atlanta CV.njtlf ution.
Clarence How did Charley come to
ay he loved you7
Bessie 'Father asked him if he did.
Chlcaro American.
After the riaasje.
"Were you a bull of a bear?" asked
the inauisitive friend.
"Neither," replied the speculator. "I
was a donkey, pure and simple. Chi.
cago Daily News. '
A Caraer ta Eggs.
"That old hen just seems to be burst
ing with pride," remarked the farmer's
"Pride? Nothing of the sort. It'a
eggs," replied the Leghorn rooster.
"She thinks she's a financier, and she's
trying to stop laying until there's a
rise in price." Philadelphia Press.
Franklin Miles. M. D., LL. H.. the
Celebrated Chicago, Specialist,
Wll Send $4.00 Worth of
His New Special Treat
ment Free to Each of
Our Readers.
When an experienced physicia of
fers to give away $40,000 worth ol
New Treatment foa diseases of tht
heart, nerves, stomach or dropsy, it
is conclusived evidence that be has
great faith in it. And wi en bun
dreds of prominent people freely
testify to his umiftal fkill and tin
superiority of his Nev Special Treat
ment, his liberality is certainlj
wot thy of serious consideration.
That Dr. Miles is one of the worldV
most successful physician is proven
by hundreds of testinoninU from
wtll known peoole. One pntient
cured after fnilure of eleven Gtand
Rapids physicians, two after beine
given up by six and seven Chicago
pyhsitians, another after nine lead
ing doctors in New lork City, Phil
adelpbia and Chicago failed. 1000
testimonials sent upon resquest.
The eminent Rer. W. Hell. D D.. of Ditytnn.
O., Oen. Wcc'y of Foreign Mimlons. writes ed
itnrlaily In The State bunilay hilionl Union:
r W deal re to utale that t'oro (icrsonal acquaint
snce we know Dr. Miles to le a mot skillful
ipeciliiit man who hat a wired neither lalor
nor money to keep hiinnelf ahreaiit of the great
advoneement in merlicul fcience '
Col. Tucker, late (lensral Manager N. Y I. R.
W. H. B. sayii: "Or. Miler'sun-ersana phynic
ian ha been phenomlnnl " "My llearC write
1). M. Davin of Warren. Ha , "win no bad I wax
fearful of aoinr to li-ep lot it would be my lat
Dr. Miles mtved my life. I wot completely cur
ed In nis wetki." Mra. Abigail Chamber, ot
ChamhervhUrK. Pa , states: "My trouble was
In the brain and uplnal cord. When I com
menced Dr. MIlcV treatment t could hardly
walk aero the room ; now I sin able to do all
my on work." Mr. W. A. Warren, of James.
N. Y., report: "For year 1 hod serers trouble
with my stomach, neuralira. inking sjiells, and
drnpy. Dr. Miiles cured me.
This new system of Special treat
ment is thoroughly scientific and
immenslv superior to the ordinary
As all afflicted readers may have
14.0(1 worth of treatment I'll EE, we
would advise them to send for it at
once. Aderess, Dr. Franklin Miles.
2i to 211 r'tate Street, Chicago, Ills.
When writing mention the Mlddleburg I'o-T
rai-tn.lMla Jary Paeblaai.
Counselor Law I see you got a fit
agreetneTit of the jury?
Counselor Case Oh, yes; it was
"How did ymt manage It?"
"Why, I got two fellows n the Jury,
one own an automobile, and the other
ow ns a hore. I k new thote two would
aefrr atrree." Yonkers fitatenmen.
to advertise in a live and up-to-date
newspaper. For results
Heart From Attach,
of LaGrippe.
Palpitation, Smother
ings Short Breath.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Cured Me.
The terrible after effects of LaGrippe are
most dsngerous when they attack the heart,
the engine of life. Wc sk hesrts are s com
mon as weak stomachs and when an attack is
made upon the wesk heart, that organ soon
becomes a diseased hsart snd the patient will
unlets promptly treated, suffer lone and
eventually die of heart disease, the dread of
millions. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure strengthens
and regulates the heart's action, enriches the
blood and improves the circulation.
"Some years ago I had an attack of the
grip, and it left me with a very wesk hesrt.
Palpitation, shortnets of breath and smother
ing spells that made me sit up in bed to
breathe, robbing me of sleep, made me most
miserable. I would become fatigued and
exhausted from the least exertion and was
in such a critical condition that I could not
attend to my business. My physician seemed
unable to control my case, and instead of
getnng better I was gradually growing
weaker every day. Then 1 began taking Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure and after 1 had used two
bottles I was greatly improved. I continued
with the remedy until 1 had taken in all six
bottles, when I was able to attend to busi
ness without inconvenience. 1 was com
pletely and permanently cured of heart
trouble by Dr. Miles' Hesrt Cure and cheer
fully recommend it to all sufferers from that
temble affliction." H. H. Ehle, Glovers
vUle,N.Y. All druggists sell snd guarantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
oa Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd.
HatV. Alvav rellnble. ldullt-a, aak Prnorlit lb
I'H It'll Mrr.H'S BM4IL.INU in Red and
iial4 metallic boxen, sealed with blue ribbon.
Take atker. Refuse danserou. .ub.ll' laallallaa. Uuvof your i)rugKt-.i,
or ue ml 4. in namps for Particular. Tears
taaalals and " Relief for La4lea," in Uilrr,
br rvtara Mall. I, Tastunonlal. bole
all Drussltta.
10 Ufaslxn saaan, rHIIVA TA.
lull,! thl sasan
All buaiUaiH entrosteJ to hi ear
w"! reoelve orouiot attention.
PROTKcr Your Ideas
Consultaticn free.
Fee dependent on SucceB". Esgt 1864
Mllo B. Stevens k Co.,
19-I4tb St., WaabuitftOD.
3-27-61 eo w
VeteiNarY sUrceoN.
All professional business entrusted to my care
U1 receive prompt snd careful attention.
Wastbd A Trustworth jr OentUmait or fsidy
Hi each eoonr.Jf to manage nn.inesa for an om
eatabllahad hniiaa ot solid Ananelal standing.
A stral(ht, bona Ada weekly mlarr of Sin piid
be cheek eaeh Wednesday with all sspenwt
uir-etfrom headriuartera. Money adraneaii for
eip-ne.. Manager, StoCaiton 111 Jf, CIiIcbko.
-t Int.
ajourual for advertisers
published weekly ut five
dollars a year. It teaches
the science and practice of
Advertising, and is highly
esteemed by the most suc
cessful advertisers in this
country and Great lintain.
Liljeral commission allow
ed. Address PRINTERS'
INK, 10 Snruce St., New
York. 4-24- 30t.
W. H. BI'TI.KR, Proprietor
418 Market Si., Harrisburg Pa.',
(Opposite P. R. R. Depot Entrance)
.'alled for All Trains.
Rooms, 23 and SOc. Good Meal, 25c
Good aeeommodatlons, If
la tffnstur Is on every box ot the genuine
.axative Bromo-Quinine Tabieu
tmaady tbs rarea a cold Iss om star
Agents Wanted
l.irroFT. DEWITT TI.M4JF, hyhl.
aMHicinte ail I tort of t'kriiitlan Herald. Only
book endorsed by Talmaga family. Knormnu.
profit tor aire lit. who art quickly. Outlll ten
cent.. Write immediately 4 lark f.n
M 4 Hi Nt., ftilla., fa. Mention tlie Fo.t.
. tre.
Hew Goods at Schnee
I have just returned from the Eastern Cities with tt .
stock of Merchandire at bargain prices to', every person. Call ioJ J
my stock before j.utchasing elsewhere.
SHOES REDUCED 25 per cent.
All ladies and misses shoes have been reduced 9", ....
" I'
, Men's Wool lined Rubber loota, made by the IndeperjjJ
Co., reduced to $2.50.
Ladies first quality rubbers 40c.
. Every article in the store mus;
go at rock bottom prices.
Dashing, Pure Newspaper
Wifcl) Bofcl) Local arjd General Nev?
arjd Attractive Hon)e Fature is
Covers the Local News
of Snyder County, including the latest from the
Court House, Selinsgrove, Beaver Springs, Beav
town, Dundore, Washington Twp., Globe Mills,
Humtnel's Wharf, Kreamer, West Beaver Twp.,
McCIure; Middlecreek, Mt. Pleasant Mills, Wal
lace, 1'axtonville, Penn's Creek, Port Treverton,
Salem, St'Iinee, Shreiner, Shade!, Shamokin Dam,
Swineford, Troxelville, Verdilla, Kantz and
other villages. All the people living near these
places should
In its general features it gives the National and
State news, the markets, editorial paragraphs,
short stories, fashion ideas, household recipes,
educational matters, Sunday School lesson. It is
l?qpei foi le Teople,,
Fill III
I have added a line of serviceable
Furniture to my stock of goods
eil4'ooin Suits
Nicely finished suits as low as $17.50. Better
Suits for $22 and $29.
Theso Suits are highly polished, made of the best
oak and are well constructed.
We carry a full line of the latest in
Chairs, Rockers,
Springs, Mattresses,
Tables and Sidebo i ds.
Since our expense in adding this liin- of good
is practically nothing, we enn sell them lower tl's0
any one else.
rs-aa-A sua m-im- n-ill