MIDDLEBURG POST. SELINSGROVE, .i..-r Smith aud family ofSun- I rV ere here on a visit last week. Harry S-hari, sou l Joseph V liarf i vl!i,tl"e menus n town. .,ir K"l'lw-k and wrte took a .' ' imMstiTjYork ami (Jettys- V iifW iaii(i lias orgaaizcu ill Mr. illuwnson us anu '11 uuilil f.ft I .41 ..lit tl lia w- Ii.uk thev will hamr to- ilicr M,ir ,'m" tnc ot',er b"11 s, l. iiiv-.r resigned as Prin V. i ft,.- Public Schools and Mr. l illadfelu-r of Philadelphia P' ' ... i .. fill inicvniret! term. r Gladlelter appears io ue me i . ,.n for the Dlace. We hope will progwaa finely, jhe Election passed' off Very utely here, but we are sorry to ...t the Muewumpa or those (L .ere anxious to hurt some oue thorn they nau a epm gv-i. mm ,,k in and 88 a couJequeuc au .' mn suffered and they. did hurt the Fnrt7 they intended C hurt to be for. Xhe lollowing were home td vote: irrv Weis, Will Schnure, I). M. "V .. ' ti rrl a igen!ll;r, narry xnuuipoi,u nu jha seuocii. Mrs. Clms. Fisher and daughter Lewistown are vwitlug lriends b-e. i'in,or Snvder left Wednesday L for his home in Cleveland. The Bridge Co. sent men who mow at work putting , up the idee proper it will be of iron, we pe there will oe nine uemy a? been m the past. Kirs. Barb and daughter of ighesville are being entertained Mrs. Schnure.' f i J. C. Beck ot New York pent reek very pleasantly among o'A luaintances. " Mrs. Cora Shultz and children Johnstown returned-home-bet Vk. W'infield Mattis anJ wife spent ralduys very pleasantly with former's sister. , Mrs. Geo. lmes. ' ' ' : K. A. Wulgemuth of Fairview lit Satnrduy with his parents. Hun. G. A. Scboch spent Sun- with his sister, Mrs. Jj. E. lliles Snyder died Saturday and biiriml :it Liverpool luestlay lii.s week. . E. Forrester is entertaining k Md'riile and Mrs. Jaeoby of wick. ilrs. Kate Wagenseller is on a t to lu r daughters at Carlisle. lari'v Alleuian spent Sunday lii.s parents. !iniiit Jlolig, who is operator at nlKim, spent cumlay with his nts. THE OLD RELIABLE GLOBE MILLS. alvin Kidlcy of Lcwisburg and . S'lmalil'Mif Salem dined witli Uow Sunday. Jr.. Amos (jeiuherling of Salem fen on our streets Sunday. Miss Anna Krdley attended the ation at Kratzervillc. Lazel and William Stetler and k Stroup of Middleburg spent lay with crna stuck. Villiam Hummel and wife of einier sjx'iit Sunday with Anion irger and wife. arry lioyer of Selinsgrove made kaant t-a'l at this place Mon- rs. V. Ij. Schrover snent Sun- with her win, Alvin, at Sun- lllvill Hummel nf Rnnliirv It Sunday w ith his family. Imon Yearger and wife pcnt iay wun Daniel l carger aud DUNDORE. F. Blessimr sold 400 Ima .f toes direct to the consumers of isgrove. t hogs are in demand in (,ob Kerstt'ttr v'n "Klore's plantation 2,358 bus. nye, uats, Uorn, Jiuek t and Potatoes, besides 45 tons ) A. Wentzpl flirocliivl 19 M clover seed. ! Staufer has some fat hogs V-B.F. Moore' and wife of spent a few liours with wchant'a familv. , r la collector is tho ' IhIwabV " the township and is de-" , : on me mxea in . ue- w i ear. .... . . . . Absolutely Pure THERE SKO SUBSTITUTE ;.Th obsequies of. Aaron H. Sechriht was lar jely attended last Sunday and his remains were laid to rest at the Winner's grave yard. - The Republican are pleased with their late victory and the Demo crats smile. The Susquehanna Coal Breaker has reduced the price of coal and the wages of their employees and yet there is no strike contemplated. The Hoovers shipped 100 barrels of apples from the Island. Our school teachers have the sat isfaction to know that their labors are appreciated by the rents. A turnip of oj lb. is on exhibi tion at our town Grocery. The man that shoots the harm less quail needs watching or he will take your chickeus along. . The hens of the country are on a strike and it affects the people as much as the coal strike did, and eggs brim; from 20 to 50 cents as to size and place. II. B. Reicheubach whistled home sweet home and marched to Tochill where he will rusticate all winter. The Improvements made in The Post a fortnight ago are very p'ens ing to its many readers, as one can now see nt a glance that he is read ing The Post. P. II. Sechrist of Allentown call ed on his friends in town one day last week. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of BEAVERTOWN. Too Into lr lust .) A. W. Kngle lost a 4o !!,. pork er by death. A number of our citizen attend ed the funeral of Mrs. L. J!. Haines in Beaver Spiiugs last Friday. J. A. ll:iiic worked in the Lily ville foundry during the la.-t two weeks, returning homo Saturday. A. S. Sliainbaeh and wife of Frankiin township were recent vis itors at the John Het rich's mansion. Dr. and Mrs. Strohechtr enter tained the Dr's. mother, Mrs. Et tinger of Mifllinburg, and his sister aud her little daughter, Mrs. Ilub ler of Williamsport. L. K. Wetzel and family of Swincford visited several days with the formers parents, Jacob Wetzel and wife. John Bickel, Warren Spaid and James Camp have gone to Berwick where they have secured employ ment. Mrs. George Miller, and Mrs. Charles A. Miller of New Berlin visited friends iu town Saturday and Sunday. The Musical Concert Saturday eveniiicr was a success, and was en joyed by a good sized audience. llev. Wm. A. Bilhcimcr, pastor of Forks Parish, Leechburg, West morland County; was the guest, of Rev. Kaufman last week. E. K. Fryman and wife of the County Seat tarried in town on Sabbath. II. A. Swartz and wife and C,P. Fiss and wife, of Troxelville, en joyed the hospitality of Dr. and Mrs. Miller on baobatn. Wm. Drcese, the operator, moved into the house recently purchased from Wm. M. Specht. Mr. 8. and family have taken up quarters with Mr. Specht's father, A. B. Specht. Our people have experienced a slight sense of relief since the ar rival and distribution of several car loads of coal. S haw vo'ed I i j;t - eiitcrt.iiii- i li ii-t tu tiic K. I'f i.-.t, n .-r..r, l i;.r.V K i. i!i"lli il!c Ira IveFer and wife vim:! Mrs Keller's parent at Hi i .. rvi!I. "at urday and Sunday.- The Liitl.i'nni 4, ill fivnr f ;i Cliri incut. It nit. I.- . t (Vi ( :j ( ) lul'lllo. ii K I i . . lil.it lie iv-i ;:u-1 t elniyc, and has accepted a call to pieacli iii W.iiu. ImI .if, Berks Co, t.) which p.ace they in ived on the first uist. V ui. II. Hartman and wife of Ptuiiscreei: KK'nt several days at the Evangelical imrsonaw. the guests of Rev. nud Mrs. Gram ley. Ueorge Jsingauian of Jjewistown and Ost-ar Freed of Philadelphia visited in tovn on Sunday. Allen Budd will engage in haul ing aud shipping props as soon as he can tnann the job. The Auditors of the Beavertown Fire Insurance -Company met in the home office Monday. Mrs. Fisher of Kratzervillc was the guest of A. H. Bowersox and wife Monday. WEST BEAVER. The following is a partial list of hunters who spent a few days here last week : T. JF.Swineford and son, Percival Gilbert and James Gross, McVeytown; W. A. McGlaughliu, Burnham; W. Bartholamew, Suu bury; and G. Laughenhaupt, coal regions. Howard Peter claims it was Pattisou's defeat that caused him to miss the rabbit sitting in its nest. Viola Steely has takeu up her abode in Lewistown. Landlord Roush and Wm. Hoff man of MuClure visited Lowell Sunday. Levi IS. Treaster was in Mifflin county last week in search of a domestic. - James Peter of Lowell is mak ing preparations to locate at Beaver Springs where he has a job in the ore mines. It hi'S been reported here that Ulysses Herbster hurt himself with a saw since his return to work in Blair county. George Spccre was here last week in search of hands to work on a s.t ive mill in Huntingdon county. Jockey George and Paniel Howard took a trip to Milllin Co., last week trailing, buying and sell ing horses. S ISTERS OF CHARITY KELY OX PK-llU-XA TO FIGHT CATARRH WHEREVER LOCATED IN THE SYSTEM. HISS BE1TBIX CALLAM. ''..,,,.,,,,.,,,... Interesting Letters from Catholic Institutions. la every country of the civUUed world the Blwton of Charity ere known. Not only do Uiey THE QISTERS GOOD WORK. mlnliter to the ptrttuel end Intel lectual needs of the charges com muted to their ears, bat they alio mlnUter to their bodily needii. With ao many children to take care of and to protect from cllntato and dlsenne, theno wlso and pru dent glutora have found Porana a never falling nafeguard. A letter recently received by Pr. ITart man from Sister UfRtrix 11. Callaui, 410 W. Thirtieth atreet, Sew York, reads a follow: I cannot tay too much in praise of Pcrttna. bight bottles of it cured me ot catarrh of the lungs of four years' standing, mod I would not !?ive ! been without It for anything. It hefr d several Sisters ot coughs nd cu'-- and I have yet to find one case of tarrh that it does not cun."L.,c Beatrix. From m Catholic Institution In "--trat Ohio comes the following rri.i mend from the Sister Superior. " Some years ago a friend of our 1:M1 tutlon recom mended to us Dr. II art i . . i n's Perunaanan excellent remedy foi' the lnflnenia of which we then had several caaea which treatoned to be of a sorious character. " We began to use It and experienced such wonderful results that since then l'ornna has become our favorite medi cine for Influenza, catarrh, cold, cough and bronchltifl." Another recommend from a Catholic Institution ot one of the Central States written by the Sister Superior reads as follows: "A nuinlier of yeur ncoour attention was culled toOr.Hartniau's l'eruna,an(l ninre tlnn we have Un-cl it witli wn-ili-rful rr-nlts f'TKrip.roiiL-li-vMliU anil ea:arr!i!.l dim-aM-s if liie !, Hil nnd KtolllU) ll. "'T;rip and winti r i-nts-r:-. .-pui-. lull ' it has Iwn i f v rout x r .ii tl. iinnat. s of this iusiituii..i. SISTERS OF CHARITY All Over the United States Us Pe-ru-na for Catarrh. lr. Hartman receives many l (U-ra frm Catholic (sluterx all over the I'lntel States. A recommend rocently re ceived from a Catholic Institution in tha Southwest reads as follows t A 1'romlDfnt Mother Superior Sny, " IcanU-stlfyfromexperiinco to the efficiency of reruns as one of the very best medicines, and it gives mo pleasure to odd my praise to that of thousands who have used it. For years I hii trend With catarrh of the stomach, all reme dies proving valueleKS for relief. T.m spring I went to Colorado, hoping to be benefited by a chaise of ollmnte and while there a friend advised mo to try Peruna. After unlng two bottles I found myself very much improved. Tho re mains of my old dldeaso boini; now ao slight, I consider myself cured, j ot for a while I intend to continue tho use of Peruna. I am now treating another patient with your tnedicino. fcho has been sick with malurla and trouMol with leucorrhwa. I hi ve not a doub that a euro will be speeiMy effectod." These are samples of Utters recelr4 by Dr. Hartman from Hie various orders of Catholic Sisters throughout the United States. Tho names and addresses Ut these leW tors have been withhold fiu:n respect to the Sisters but will be furni.ilu'il upom roquest. One-half of the diseases which nlUk mankind are duo to some eatun !,. I de rangement of the mucous iiieml rnne lining some organ or paxsage o: th body. A remedy that would act immediately upon tho congeMed mucius niemlirnne restoring It to li.-t normal vtute, would C()iiHequently c.ro all these diseases, Catarrh is catr.rrh wherever located, whether it bo in the hood, throat, lungi, stomach, kidne i, or jwlvin organs. A remedy that will euro it in one lucaiJua will euro it in all locations. If you do not receive prompt ni;.l Fiili factory results from tlio use of reruns write atonee tolr. Ilurtman, givinj; a full statement of your ciiMiynncl lio'v V. lie pleased to give you hi valuable nj vlce gratis. . Address Dr. Hartman, Pn-Mili nt of The IUrtinun Sanitarium, Columbia Ohio. rfwl A K IT. m ULLL & Y f5I . VDWJJl 07 DVCILTOlsT, Penna. New Winter Coats. I f you luiy it lierc you l;nov its ri'lit. strictly inuii tailored garment, i'lie care we gave to the selection of them is a siillicient guarantee of their excel leueL'. Weileinanil from the maker the hest lie 'an produce. We want our money's worth, want you to have the same ami here it is: .:;.!" Black Kersey Tout, tight lilting, doulile lueasteil, hell sleeves, really worth .'S'i.ik). S-i.OO (irey Oxford Douhle Breasted Coats 27 inch, velvet collar, turn hack cutis trimmed with velvet, lined throughout, regular value fS.oo. $7.00 for $10.00 eouts, 27 Inch castor hlue nud luwvn Milton Cloth, douhle breasted, strapped scams in front, tlu islml with siilclieii velvet, three rows tailor stitching around coat aud nils, .satin lined. $S.()0, 21 inch light castor Kerseys, strapped seams, panne velvet collar and culls, lined with satin, a $10.00 value. $10.00 Black Kersey Coat, yoke hack and front, and fancy tucked both front, hack and sleeves. $10.00 to f l"i.00 Norfolk coats in cas tor, blue and brown, some luive velvet collars, the cream of stylos. $10.00 for a Black Montonag, 27 inch douhle breasted coat, velvet eollar with culls and full satin lined. Other qual ities Jllack Moiiteuac $12,00, fl.VOO ""d flH.00. Best fimlity Beaver Cloth Coats $1.".00anil$is!oo. Monte Carlo Coats, the style much approved of in a loo-e lilting garment, rich choosing In castor, tan, brown, blue and black, $12.00, $1").00 up to $25.00 and $3.)0. For Your Winter Furs. Do not buy until you inspect our stock of ruin, styles in Cluster fearfs, Vietourien, Boas and Kolls, prices ami qualities to suit your poeketbuok.Deftly worded assertions by othew may mis letid you, but let us assure you our large variety at attractive prices, hack of which is our guarantee for satisfac tion with every piece. Our assortment lajustnsgoort as others show and we know we can save you money if you come here. Sweaters for Boys and Men. The most convenient garment, can be pulled over everything, assuring ex tra warmth. Good sorU are here, knit from the finest wool yarn, sizes for boys and men, plain colors iu black, white and red or in red and white, red and blue, navy and red, blue aud white and crimson and white. Price range from 59e, 7fc and $1.00 to $1.25, $t.50 and up to $3.00. For Economical Buyers. Our Dig Store 1 lie popular resort I'm- all w ho feel s-imi-oiny in buyiiii-to he an imporlaiit issue of life. X. ' ,ui article, lut is Mtutliy laiv, though the juices in n; t::y instances are as low as inferior Kinds are sold for. V.Y buy cheaper, so sell cheaper. ;i-i yi.u l.'T lii.- u i ejiil 1 ' Hi-, i ; ! ii- -. . ic!. Ii lie" The Huncy Blanket. The past experience of almost a scon ot" years teaches us that people who waul line lilauUets are lavorahlc to the Muncy .Blanket. This shows there mu-t he merit in them. Their superior excellence is acknowledged every where. Were a warded ( lold Medals nt World's l'air, Chicago, and Highest Medal award at Kxport Imposition, Philadelphia. Kvery pair sold under a positive guarantee; made of 1XI percent wool and properly shrunken and will with proper washing retain the origi nal soilness, beauty and full size. 10-1 size, $5.00 per pair; 11-4 size, $tl.0 per pair, both are while, with fancy strips, pink and blue borders. Scarlet at same price. Muncy Omega, absolutely the finest aud softest all-wool blanket made. You can't Hud a'hetttr blanket any wlicic. The choicefl of California white wool ii-inl iu its manufacture. Pink and yel low, red ami blue comlih.atious, stripe bor lcrs 11-4 size, $10.00 per pair, 12-1 size extra large size, $12.00 per pair. Just bear in mind too that we sell n good weight Wool Blanket with color ed border iu grey, 10-1 size at $2.2'i pair ami a heavy weight at ?3.00 pair. Linen Sets Table Cloth I and Napkins. ! I. ivers of line linen, here is an array of the most sumptuous linens ever brought to Milton. Kml Irish Dam asks, the perfection ot llucncss, llrm ncss and llnish. Their snowy, satiny surfaces show the following designs in strong relief rose's, chrysanthemums, lletir de lis, lillles, clover, thistle, lilly-of-thu-valley pausics, daisies, ferns aud polka dot. Table cloths are full two yards wide and two and three yards long, beauti fully bordered on each side. Price $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $:t.00 and $1.00. Napkins 5-8 and 3-4 yard sizes, to match each pattern at $2.00 to $4.00 dozen. This makes the sets run from $100 upward. Just In time to make a handsome ap pearance on the Thauksgiving Day dinner. t At the Jewelry Counter. Tilings f.ir personal adnriimcu', the latest novelties of the season. .Newest showing ill French grey ami Oxidized, the color most in vo'ltiio this Kail, others in silver .-hi. I gold plate. Belt nid Sash Pius, hie, I V, 20c. 2"ic, .'10(! and 5i ic. Belt Buckles, i'.e, iSc, 20c, 2"c, :!0c, Mid :15c. Brooches ami Tie Pius, 5c, 10c, tip to 75c. Hat Pius, loe ami 15c. Lockets witli chain, line gold chain, locket opens for picture inside anil has stone settings, 25c and :i5c. Solid (lold Shell Kings for ladies and children. Settings of Buliy, Kmcrald, Turipioise, oiials, imitation diamonds, pearls, amethyst. Kvcry one sold un der a guarantee. Silk Watch (luards, sterling or gold plate slide nud hook, 25c. Kye (ilass (luards, lincst silk cord, plated slides and books, 12c. Something New for Children. Children's Night Drew, ready made of line bit-ached muslin at a less price inau you can nuv the goods and make them. Sixes to fit children from 1 to ii years, full length, high neck ami wido irenoroiis irarmcuts, well made, 2Hc, :i'.c, 50.', 55c, (We. 20c. ones are plain with rullle around neck nud si. -eves. Better ones all have tucked yoke and hemstitched rulllu around neck ami sleeves. New line Ladies and Misses Corset Covers have arrived at prices from 10c, 15c, 25e upward. We pay especial attention to fitting out children in all kinds of garments, a full line of everything for the Utile ones. drearest Blanket Bargain in Milton. Buying a pair of our 50c. cotton blankets now Is to save 25c, because we bought them early in the summer; to buy liils same blanket now we woUd have to charge 75c. Our foresight is a saving to you. j Annth. r ivan i ; tllf Si.C ..S l. ; this e;,: ; l,e si. ,.. . I 2'. lbs. chows ; ' hi j things ti'i-yon ii" 'A- ;!ian .-. year mi'" . In be cil villi I he.-c 5,i.- I !:i n !;;- ale jl :i ln'avv :is tile T"r i in-.- w.-p- het , 'I lii'.v i-iinie in j.re and irni, Ikm;ii j I'.liri's and fancy s;ri;n-d hordi'is. I''iiv, , 'illalily goods, im in:;,i-rl'.-i-t I 't hers in hea i' r -,-. ilit- '"V -!.'i''' ( rl.L i and t l..',n, in gr-y ami wbi;.-. Carriage Kithe l ining. I lave you a lur rul e that needs a new lining V I li re i- a black l'lilsli ttia: adapts ii... If to use very tiilvail- nueoii-Iy, 51 iiieli. s wide, very h. n and warm, well llei ceil, $1.25 li al'i. I' ersihlc Tape.sliie Just what the na i.e implies, u'il; hot h sides, can be Used on eitle . n.iiking them very desirable I'm- ' erics ami hangings. Pretty i.n cuv cring over couches ami fui-nitiiii', and for pillows. They come in Per sian and Konian Stripes, red and giccii red and yellow, blue, red anil oiaiiirc. IS im lies wide , 45c, 5ue, 55c and lillf per yai'il, each pattern worth 75c Thanksgiving Linens. Look through your stock of linen before Tuaiiksiving, it may n. d re plenishing. ( lur store has ah ay- hivi. i hi' iii-.i lipiarters lor lab e line. is bet ter ct.hics f or no hii'her price thai oiler houses sell. 25c, '' and 5S incii i ..Iton Damask, bleached and unbleached, exact imiu tion of red linen, pi-i'tty ih-igitH ,-:nii liordi'i - iu dots and llgiirc, arc extra values for 25c a yard. .'It)'-, tin inch unbli-aclied leaf dcsigu or sniali dots nicely lior.h-red. 40c, tin inch unhicached, iart linen, pretty pattern in morning glories or small dots, wide borders, regular 5u.: value. 50c, 02 inch, all linen Damask, a bi iiul M' d design in l!our-de- lis pattern, IJnhlea -hod at same price; all have wide holders, this quality usually sell fortltlc. t.e. (ill inch unbleached, nil linen, follilLrc (iesiirn. rciMilar 75e ,iii..l!ii, a 7oe a id ft'ic, 2 yds. wide, unbleached pure linen in large or small designs, henntilully Isirdered, usually the dollar (jualities. 8.5c, 2 yd. wide, Satin Dmok, pure linen, llowersandaspiayof lolhige or rows of blocks with borders, usually worth $1.00. $1.00, $1.2.5, $1.50 and $2.00 yard, full 2 yds. wide, Bleached Satin Damask, finest of linen, showy figures and ex tractive borders with various sized napkins to match for $1.00 and up ward. . )l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers