The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 13, 1902, Image 4

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continued from pace 1.
audience that h3s ever assembled here at an entertainment of the lecture
ccurse. Everycne was pleased with the entertainment furnished.
Maveaqua Call-Mail Ritchie's feats of ledgerdemain are marvelous,
and he wins the gocd will of the audience from the start with his pleasan1
humcr and gentlemanly demeanor.
The Brockaxay Jubilee Singers. -The Greatest Company of Colered
Artist.; that has ever appeared here." has been the universal verdict of press
ar.d public wherever this supurb attraction has'appeared throughout America.
The old Washington Hall was filled to its-utmost capacity last night to
welcome the Jubilee Singers. The singing was excellent in every particu
ar. Each number was followed by hearty applause and in some instances
the encores were so numerous and persistent that it seemed as if the audi
ence were loath to let the singers go. Daily Standard, Watertown, N. Y.
Eli Perkins (Melville D. Landon). Subject Philosophy of Wit and
Humor, and Stories Around the Stove.
We append the following press notices : Ha packed the Opera House
and delighted his audience. Louisville1. Courier-Journal. ; ' ;.:
Ely Perkins' humor before our Y. M. C. A. was quaint,. Instructive and I
Irreslstable. St. Joseph (Mo.) Qaztne,
The most amusing. laugh-provoking and instructive lecture ever listened'
- i di .t4 Dl crtnn t WW Pfintmrrnnh 1 - . ' '
IU ill OlUUlllllUJlUJI. ""i .
General t Information. .
Teacher's Enrollment Fee, Including Season Ticket, Order and Music
Book, $1.00. , i , '. '
General admission for Monday evening, 20c. Reserved seat, 25c:.. ,
Tuesday evening, Reserved seat, 35c, Ceneral admission, 25c. . . ' '
Wednesday evening, Reserved seat. 40c, General admission, 30c ,
Thursday evening, Reserved seat, 35c, General admission, 25c. j "
Season Ticket, 1.00. , s
All tickets will be sold by J. N Brbsious, Commissioners' Clerk.
I wish to say to the people of Snyder County, that I have put forth
special efforts to select a strong course, both for the day Instruction and for
and for the evening attractions. I most cordially Invite your presence at all
the sessions of the Institute, believing that both the Instructors and enter
tainers will meet with your approval and reach your highest expectations.
Faithfully yours,
Geo. W. Walborn. Co. Supt.' '
spent jstveral " days with John C.
Iuiiikt. i
luite a number ot our young
A rUah Qaettlaa.
Dora Oh, I'm in such distrrs of
mind and I wont your advice. I am
loved by three men, and I don't know
which to accept.
Clara Which one lins the most
buys attended protracted meeting i "'jf j
at Tine church near Iliehfield Sun- e' j.j W(1S
cay evening.
knew that, do you sup
pose 1 u waste preeioiiH time rifnutng
around for advice?" X, Y. Weekly.
Next Sunday aftenuiou Kev. C
C. Miller, the Lutheran Minister
will preach in the St
Verr. Very Dlffrrrnt.
She Hut how do I know you love
j He Why, I can't sleep nights, tliink-
inir of vou.
Kev. 1). C Shatller and W. A. She Tlint proves nothing, i'u can't
Harding made a trij) to Sunburv Ie?l niffhts thinkinjr of you, but I
.....! ..v..nin.r. " hardly think it i love.-Judge.
Mr. Page and family of near
Philadelphia are visiting Mrs.
Page's parents, James Mitchell and
Iiewis Magee and wife of Lewis
hurg spent Sunday with J. E. Ma
gee. Mr. and Mrs. (Jrooverof Lewis
burg visited relatives in town Sun
Dora Diemer daughter of John
S. Diemer was buried at Zeiber's
church Thursday.
Mrs. $amucl IJullinger of this
place is visituiglier daughter, Mrs.
John MitclA'll at "
Lizzie and liennie Kowp, who
have been spending the summer at
l'axinos, have returned homo, nc
companed by Mr-. .T. Miller and
J no. l'i'kli;iit ami wile vUited his
brother at lied I'.ank Sunday.
The Editor nf the I' r and fUni
ilv called mi .T. '.. M:i''i' and wife
Win. Ii fi Ion ;iiid wife attended
a tutu nil ;it Kratzerville recently.
There was a vtvv sail aeeidetil
K.n:re.l here la-l Sunday niorniiig.
One ot' tiie '.rain's crew age 'Jl',
while :is-ir.g from a car to another
fell and wa. e:i'iiily injiued. One
fiot was tnashed ami the leg broken
:iUve the ankle. I Ie was taken to
the Sunbiiry Hospital. His home is
at Lewi-town where he has a wife
and two children.
Mr. S. T. Hilbi-h visited Mrs.
(tonloii Monday.
A. D. Ki' amei- came' home with
a siM tin k'-v on hi- back Thursday
Sunday evening.
D. C. 1 Ioover of Schnee and the
young ladies of Fremont took a
pleasant drive Sunday.
Two young gentlemen of Frec-
A Victim of Wealth.
Totience I told you her money
would coiue pretty elm to turning
her head.
Patrice Welt, has it?
i l i li "sae-usea 10 oe a orunene; now
burg made a pleasant ca l at the a aeed blonde -y0Bk.
Mt. Pleasaut Mills Hotel Sunday statesman."
evening. , ; -Misses
Est el la and Mallie Hoov
er vf ere visiting at Kantx Sunday
" I had a terrible cold and could
hardly breathe. 1 then tried Ayer's
Cherry Pectorsl and It gave mv im
mediate rencr.
V. C. LayWn, SUIe'.l, I!!.
House PainL
Zin I IvhiI if ...11
- !! nf,
wilier Ixiita lui,n u..
O- ........ o )ln
alone. Many jwiiiterx
Devoe lead and zinc.
C.rd of Taanl.
. a in-. , j irn'te fniiK
Talklaar It Orer Oat. Id.
"She always aaid ahe preferred to
be the wife of one of the plain peo-
If; J. Keretetter and bod fnade a . ried la heIr to a fortune."
fljlng trip to McKeeS SaturdlJ. , j "Still ahe'a got her wish all right.
; F. C. Landis visited at;;Meiser-l 'ver aM?f" cap ti." le
o . i - ia In my life." Chicago Kecord-Her-
yule Saturday evening. , ; ' .jj,
,W A. and Hiram Schnee were ' a hut wuh.
to the County Seat Monday. ( ne now charmingly you aing.
Join Steffen of Suubury visited ' Sh-I S rea"y think bo?
relatives and f riends io,ouj vicinity ; KhSVoui:! S
my folk a in Colorado could bear you.
Chicago American.
John Libby and son, Keed, spent
Sunday at Weikert.
Francis Stroup of Freeburg did
business in town Saturday.
Mrs. John Yerger of West Milt
ton is spending sometime with her
daughter, Mrs. Amos Bowersox.
Presiding Elder Gable of Leb
anon dined at the home of Johu
Wm. Hackenbtirg is down with
Scarlet fever.
Jonathan Bingaman and son drove
to Kissimmee Sunday.
Thursday evening the calathum
pians serenaded Johu Arnold and
Dame Kumor has it that there
be a wedding ere long.
Calvin Stroup and lady fiietid
spent Sunday ia C'eiitreville.
("has. Verger and Harry Waltei
too!; a tour to the Snnnv Smith !'r
their health.
Mis-es Annie Sweagle and Klda
( Iravbill of I'uxtoiivillc spent Sat
urday in town with Mr. James
lii ti ii h.
Lincoln Swanger transacted
uess in town Moiidav.
Miss Sallie Mover spent
out of town.
M in Ilcielii.'iibach drove to Se-lin-'iove
Teacher's Institute met in the
Franklin school house Friday even
ing. Debate: ''Resolved that the
Strikers were justified in striking".
Judges decided in favor of the
Mr. John ncr of Miller.-burg
ihpi. wee. . .
George Fry ia moving bis shingle
mill from W. H. Wendt'a tract to
John Schnee's tract. - - V
Jumbo Kerstetter of Moveca
was seen on our streets one day lust
week. , ,
The turnip party at John Land
is' s was well attended Friday even
ing.. . ......
Benj. Steffen and family of;Pax
tonville were visiting his brother,
Isaac Saturday and Sunday.
Dennis Ileiser made a business
trip to Richfield Monday evening.
Howard iu excitement shot a
fence post for a chicken thief.'
J. A. Kreighbumn contemplates
going to Lewhilown in the near
Harvey A. Snook returned home
Friday after an absence of five or
six years. '
Peter Bailey of Hummel's Wharf
visited J. A. Bowersox Friday.
&il lie Stahl was home over Sun
day aecompained bv Carrie Sauip
sel. '
Allen Heinibach and family of
near Paxtonville passed through
t!iis placi' Saturday enroute for
Tnion county.
Ualph Showers was home from
SusUe!ianna I'niversity over Sun
day. J. A Bowersox and wife vi.-ited
I'ctcr Wmegardncr's Sunday.
Havid lteichley was to Middle
burg one day last week.
Ada Bolig is on the sick list.
Taken by Storm.
He stole a kin! So quick 'twai demt
She did not know what he wai at,
Ht nevtr rtole another one
She gave them to him after that.
Philadelphia Prei.
Jr r "11IYVJ I.
, . ... . 1 1 the leaders of the 1V.T '
VS h hrr-iation.,tbe Wal
be tonight? vorsc.proo
ably, hor it's first a cold,
then a cough, then bron
chitis or pneumonia, and
at last consumption'.
Coughs always tend
downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. .
Three Ami Me- eaeeali for u erdturjr
cold; tec., Juat riant for arooehltle. bouse
hh, hard eoldt, ete. tl, bhmI eoaoODjosi
lav enroue easee ma n oee o nana
J. & AT SB CO.
The Curate Well, ntu! what did jou
think (if my t.ermen?
The Form Hird Cnpitnl. The very
thinjr I wanted. I luidn't slept n wink
for a week. Moonshine.
Ia KeeplB.
"I really believe be married her only
because he wanted a good house
keeper." "
."And now I auppoia he wishes h
could give her a month's warning."
Brooklyn Life.
Pre( PoiIIIt.
Green How do you know that Scrib
bles and wife are such a loving couple?-
Brown Because she reads every
thing be writes, and he eata everything
kbe cooks. Chicago Daily News.
Kow What Did She Mea?
lie Nice dog! Have you taught him
any tricks since I waa hera last?
"Oh, yes; he will fetch your hat if
you whistle," aaid she, sweetly. Tlt-Bita.
" tit
neighbors, friend and f,.
!... ...!.. .
am vt-r.v l linn koi l mr t), n ,
again reposed in me, and trust tL'
ininiin ai Jiuiiir.uui lltlv j
their approval.
Sineerety j. uns
Mr. Editor : I wIhIi to sav t
f.leuds who bave elect (H n
Treasurer, lhat I alncerely thank 5
" ouiii"!', nuu wm perform
duUea of the offlee to the best i
Mllty. Youta respectful!.
Mrs. N.'I, Bingamaii, of jrJ
eauihter of lira. Samuel Lucr
of typhoid feytr at Milton, Sstirj
and was brought to Sc'inogrot,
train Monday morning. lutenaeu
O iieui.
. Mij. Lewi. Lelbiel, of Monroe J
ship,' daughter of Kev. BtsmW
died Hundav in Monroe tnnn.i,;. j
v .iuivui
-i . n 1 A
auuub oa jreria.
Mid. Samuel Yearick, daujhJ
v. TT . r
D. r. neruiju, ui monroe Iowm
died Haturdav of TvnlinM
, - . .
About ?S yenrp. Three children,i.
band and many others mourc h3
u in lit v
Does your head ache ? Pain
back i of ( your eyes? Bad
taste 'in your mouth? It's
your liver 1 Ayer's Pills arc
liver pills. They cure consti
pation, headache, dyspepsia.
23c. All druggist.
Want rnur mnmtitrhi. or bmrd s beautiful
brown or rich Mark? Thtn ne
Hr'I.II', P. Mi l A Co. . ." H m
Aeplilriit Will IIhImii.
I.nndliuly Ves.!r; two chickens
went into that soup.
Boarder Xever mind, nin'nm,
never mind. No lisuiii dune; no one
would ever sennet it. I ussure yon.
Brooklyn Life. ru I uu.
Kind l.ady ( lmn ifieii j - My child. L
hope vmi don't swear!
iiiiill Hoy Naw. net much; but I'm
Icunim. ay. vinise otter hear my
paw! Ohio State Journal.
Hero is an excellent TUFTED COUCH,
best durable valour covering, excellent quality
springs, just the thing for any qasy rest, only
Extension Tables, 0;
$5.C0; 8 ft. $ COO; 10 ft $7.00,
Beautiful Y'iV.nS Dcsk
Top 2Gx4S, highly P'- 17x11
and a cupboard witfi two .departments." Two
persons can use it-attbe sime time, It is fin
ished on all sides so that it can bo placed in the
middle of the room, it is
a bargain at a.ou.
IliKuiiiu for II.
"Wlier a man vnrKii:i; haul, why
dii thry Miy lie i-. 1 5 ij-ir i u" nii)'.'''
"lioralise. mv Imy. lie i a tier IliP
root id fill i!. si in I how pIm' ean he
reach it ' Iiieafu I'ust.
SaltInK and Saltlna;.
"Well, '.-altin' n mine may lit a
good way to sell it to folUs what
want to liny anything. Ion it dnn't
work with other things," i-nna rked
.lohnny I ptlieereek to hi friend, Wil
lie llayriek.
"Ileeii tryin' if.'" asked Willie.
"No; hut a feller I xolil a strinif
of fish to Ihe other ilny eniiie l)ne"k
inside (in hour nnd said he would
lick me if 1 didn't ffive him his
money baek. lie was real mad jest
because I'd sold him some salt mac k
erel, out'n the grocery store." Cin
cinnati Commercial Tribune.
Strong Oak Stand, zgs.
square, extra shelf below, only 93(; Hotter
jjrades and more exjionsive tinisli, Jl.S.") and
$2 0.
Large Arm Rocker,
A j;ood easy chair, a special bargain at :Vll
Other rockers, ftl.liO, 2-00, $1.00 and $-1.50.
PICTURES, fruit and scenery, size 27x31 in
oak, oxydied and pit frames, easel, worth
$1.50, selling now for S1.00.
C li o S t'G. Kitchen and dining room chairs,
Wliail. anice assortmect, ?3.25. S-1.50
and 85 o0 per half doz.
I have also a nice assortment of hctls mat
tresses and springs. Conic early.
J. E. MAGEE, Kreamer, Pa
6 11 .vsrtr.rrt 4 rXi
and Childrens' Suits and Overcoats
for this season, eclipse all our previous display. ' lso have enlarged (air store bv taking in two more
rooms and, reserving the second floor for the handsomest line of LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S
iMeii'.-j .SuiU in all
I Wool licviot.H and
i.'a.iimen, made witlt Ireneli faeuijr.
Worth ?8.."0 jK r tuif, 'jui ial price
ft T
i.Meii fine (iret-i
-nits in Mack clay
wor-itI, lancy Cashinieres i;t.
Ha-i the lht of tailoring and trimm
ings, grranteed $10 value, Hpeeial
price Z7AH.
Men's inijiorted clay
worsted and fancy
hcoteli hints, eipial to merchants
tailoring in workmaiHliip, also has
our oiie year guarentee for durabili
ty. 0cr twenty five (styles to se
lect from, and are ollered elsewhere
at $15 to 818, niccial price $9.93.
CHI LDUK.V8 SUITS mes 4 to
15 at $1.98 per unit, all of them
are the $2.5(J to $3 quality.
MEN'S JKE&? SHI UTS over 1 0
dozen to Select from.
FUKS in all the r.ew f-hapes ut
Garner's Jnt $1.23, $1.75, 1.00, 7.o0 and
jKTeale, made with or with out ex-. 9.50.
tra collars. Worth 75c epw'ud'LADIE'S dress and walking hkirts
price loci ntc. at 81.15. 82.4S. 83.75. 8-1.50 and
- f
liOY'S OVEKCOAT.S, all Bizes
and lengths. We have them from
$1.17 up to $5.
black imported Kersey and oxford
grey in all (lie different lengths.
We guarantee a saving cl $2 to $4
on each coat, ppecial prices from
$4.98 to $20;
RICE'S-3rd Market St., Sunbiiry, Pa.
cheviots and vanietia cloth, made
with the new blouse jacket. Skirts
cut with the newest . llare and slot
seams. Worth $18 our special
price $12.
LADIES' MISSES' and Cllll-i.euU,
DItEN'S COATS an entire newSSTSSi0
line to select Irom. Prices rangeq-wj
m -
from $3.75 up.