The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 06, 1902, Image 3

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Umir mt tha Saajvrt Pntn Tkat All
Fertlliaatloa Skaalat BeThroaah
the Sarfaee Soil.
It i by looking closely, and to reach
ing all th facte In Khikft iT.Hinl
' ... l i 1 . , ? . " - - 6 "
M:!OTEr clean t.'le kBowledgrrth.t w. make
r, nou. trnrmrities which are .' P"" srKuuure a. -U
tit ! ; beeil, in almost everythiujr relatuii,' to
th firat warning of
C Tuck of rheumatism. It feels as if
in the bones or muscles.
f cause of rheumatism is
tax .
Had tt Befora
Sera Real Craaa.
rherce's Gol.len Medical Discovery i "wture. On the subject t.f the root of
V been very successful in the cure of J rorn & writer in I'p-to-Dute t-Miiees
" rheumatism, be- such a careful examination at we have
cause it entirely
cleanses the blood
from the poison
ous substances
which are the
cause of the dis
ease. It not only
purifies the blood'
but by increasing
the activity of the
glands, it increases
the supply oi pure,
rich blood which
adds to the vigor
of every physical
Mr. R. A. McKnight,
of Cadea, William.
burn Co., S. C, wriln
I had been troubled
with rheuraatiani for
twelve Tears, ao bad
j,. I could tint leave my bed. I waa badly
.il Tried many doctor ana two oi tnem
L.J me in to die. None of them did tne much
r . -ru. In tnv back.
ru. in tnv dock, mw na icps
t time in my hdS would nearly kill
M ' ' If Aim 1 tArtV hrftM
F10. ,ii f.,firal I1.uywi- ' and four
E.:, of ' ivllcu, and today my health ) good
iff imflVruij; twelve yeat wua rncumausra,
r ....
The sole motive for substitution is to
Lntii Hie dealer to maac uic iime
L, mont tiaid bv the sale of less
LritnnoUS medicines. He gains ; you
Tlierelore accept no suusuiuw jur
k'-nMen Medical Discovery
i Pierce s l'leasani reneis cleanse
le bowels and stimulate the sluggish
Lowistown Division.
In effect May 25, 19U2.
All :
, hhm Hiinbury 20 (W
ini.i Kellnsrrove.lunctloa a 09; 4 40
jn S svlitmifrove D(4l 1M
10 2.1 Pawliwr 8 5.1, 4 27
I 10-.7 Krcntuer 8 49: 4 US
I in mi Mt-isvr 8 471 4 20
10. H li lilldmrg 4i 4 18
; io4. -JiifiT 84 4 (7
I 10 51 ttown H'AV
, 111 til . ! -lillK 8ii 8 5i
II OH K i ! 8 IS 8 44
II ihi Ji. i'i ifl K 8 im
11 IT Waitr-r 7 57 8 '.'8
11 Jl Slimdle ?M 8 2
11 tn raintcrville 7 4 B'.'n
11. ij Alnitlnnd 7 4.1 8 13
I in Iewintown T SSI 8O3
1! 4i LfwtiHown (Main Rtrect. 7 38 8 "3
H 4S Uwwtown Junction. TM 8Uq
. ...
k;n loaves fjuriDury o rfu p m, ar
rives nt .Sehnsgrove 5 45 p m
tevesSelitiBKrovefi:00p. m., arrives
8tbuubury:l5 p. in.
Vius leuve Lewitttown Junction
m.10 14 a m, 1 10 p m,130n m 4 .171) m. T X0
nam, 12 Ho a iu for Alloona, ritunnrK and
ft Bl'.lmnrn and Waftilnnton 809 am 90,
in 433 a ion m rorPhlladcliilila and Nea
ktk.Ji. !)" m. 1 Oil 1 S3 4 and 1119 n
in numuurv v iu p in
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division
rain leave" S' litiigrove Junction dtlly for
nm, i; p in, 4 52 p m. sundny 9 23 a tn,
n ui.
s Iiivi' viinliii'y dully eteopt Kcindny:
4 i.i i.r ilu,; 71 u la lor Ki le and Can-
h ill Mr I'. .'liclnr.te Kris and ('anandulL'iia
In ru t-r Haven, Tyroneandllit We.
r m I. .r ll'iiljln, 1 l:t p in lor Hellelimu
' Tyr.tiH' and ranandaitruu
m i.t fciTi 'Vuanil l.huiru
. tL li.r V '.)laiiisoit
ivh'.'T .i in lor bulTulo via Gn.porlum,
ui r L ie, 5 10 a ui lor Krle nml Canuu-
11 ' 8Uun lor Wii
m fo:I,..ok Haven and
m, V, a m 2 00 and 5 25 pm lor Wllkes
and Haxelton
III. 1" IU H Ml. 2 (15 11 tB. SHI I. m l,,r Khnmn-
fc:.. Mount fnrinvl
Id.U) isiin )r Wllko-harre
Train- leave Sellnfgrove Janctlon
m, d a 1 1 y Hrnvlnit at Hiliadelphla
in New l urk S sm n m Hniiiiiw.r. n .. .
(iinrt.n 4 pi pin
(i in .i.iuy arriving at Hhlladelplili
' U NW Y.irk It .Ml a m Ufl ...
l.'nft'.l! hi o in.
Ii in, Lilly nrrtvlnir nt Phlladnlnhla
ai, New rk 713 am, Jla!tinior 1 8U a in
liiiiKlm. 1 1.5 a iu
. r.i'ns also leave Sunhurr :
urn iliiily arrlvlnir at l'hilailalilhla r.1 . m
2'ai'm'u; 'l 1w,,""nKt 30 am New
U a m Weekdiys, 10 :ji a m Sundays,
III Iv lirnvintp at ui.iini..i. .i
rW lolk0$i a in. ID AH Unrwtuva Unltl.
I Hi a i tn WaHiunKtoD 8u a m. Bultluiore
D, UilUiiKtOn i U p m,
ft Week rtavs rHvirt af ittiiiAAninhi..
Baltimore l,iop
PU. wci'k dAVI arrlvlnir at Phllo.1.11,1.
MBpin' BBU"
NH liu leave Slinhnn. .1 o
uort Hrrllmr(f, Philadelphia and
9 45p m
iniiieated. lie directs attention to the
fine thread-like roots near the surfaoe,
as near as they can dud both heat and
a muUt soil. These roots, he says,
tpread out horizontally and are almost
certain to be destroyed or pruned by
the cultivator shovels. As the plant
develops and has more need for food
a second set of horb.ontul roots are
formed, larger than the others. These
are the main feed roots of the plant,
nd in loose soil they prow Ave to seven
feet lonp. If the condition of roil will
permit, these roots will develop at.
such a depth below the surface as to
lie safe from the cultivator shovels,
but ns they brunch out into numerous
fine fibrous roots they actually till the
fine, cultivated soil to draw food from
every particle, and only shallow culti
vation will prevent injury to them.
lVsides the two sets of horizontal
roots as described, there are usually
two or more sets, befrinnin;' at or near
the base of the stalk us bruce roots
and r.1 straight down Into the sub
soil. They huve been traced ns deep as
four feet. Theve vertical roots have
few fibrous roots attached, but serve
an important end in beinf able to
briiif moisture from the deep soil, lute
in the season, when droughts are likely
to prevail.
As will be seen the roots of the corn
plant develop us the top prows; also
an understanding of the root develop
ment suggests the method of fertiliza
tion which should be through all the
surface soil, and not in the hill nor in
the row only. The cultivation should
be done so as not to interfere with the
roots that want to occupy the ground
prepared for them, yet at the same
time prevent evaporation of the mois
ture by maintaining a surface mulch
jf fine earth, by frequent shallow cul- j
The ignorance of some of the
alum-dwellers of great crowded cit
ies like: New York
is startling in the
A 1
I extreme, ami no
less pathetic when we think of all
that Is shut out of their lives by
, their artificial environment. It is re
i lateil ia the east that two little
rirls were sent by some philanthro
pe institution to get their first
; glimpse of country life. They ar
! rived late at night. The next morn
j ing they came out on tho piuzza for
a view, of the vicinity. Great waa
I their hostess surprise when she saw
that the two children looked upon
the landscape and all its constituent
parts willi manifest disapproval.
Determined to find out what was the
matter, to fathom tho workings of
these 'juvenile minds, she sat down
with them on the grass and .drew
them into a long, confidential talk.
"What's the mutter, children," she
sked; "why are you disappointed
with the count sy?"
no grass here," said
blade and biting the end
woman could oaly gas;i.
your idea of gr-i
last. Little by In tie she
to bring it out. Crass was
"Why, there's
one, pulling a
it. The
asked at
iboiit the
height of n man, to begin with. "If
this were larger, would it be like
grass?" was the next question, and
prompt "Oh, no!" showed that there
was si ill more to be explained. "How
is it different?" "Why, it's black."
said one- "lilack and white," said
the other. Suddenly, the explana
tion flushed upon the "frcsh-nir
lady's" mind. The little girls hud
obtained their idea of vegetation
solely from pictures they had seen
in school-books or papers, ordinary
black mid white prints. The idea
that color of any sort existed in the
country had never entered their lit
tle cast side heads.
Sent, I.ovr In Coal, Very Durable, anil
Does Not llnrlinr Iiueeta anil
Pole trellises, of second-hand pipe
arid boiler tubing have given satis
faction here, being easily set up, neat,
low cost and apparently very dur
able. The pipe was bought of a
house wrecking company at three to
six cents per foot, sizes one to two-
inches across. They come in various
lengths, but nro used ns nearly as
possible In five to six-foot pieces, be-
in? driven two feet into tho earth,
which brings the top three or four
Deep and profound ignorance is
found not infrequently in the very
Tk shallow of u seat
of learning. .n
exchange tells
the janitor of a city school who
threw up his job one day, ;ind when
asked by a friend what the trouble
was, said: "Well, it's this; I'm hon
est, and I wm't stand being slurred
If I ever found a pencil or anything
else in the school when I was sweep-
in our, 1 uiways gave it to tlic prin
cipal, but, just the same, the teach
ers, or someone that s too mean to
face me, gives me the slur." "Jn
what way?" asked the friend. "Well,
just this: A little while ago I saw
written on the hoard: 'Find the com
mon multiple.' Well, I didn't say a
word, but I searched from garret to
cellar and I couldn't find the darn
thing. Well, again last night, in big
writin on the .same board, it said:
'Kind the common divisor.' 'Well,' '1
says to myself, savs I. 'both them
darn IlihiL's be Inst now. ."Nil I'll gi
blamed for sivi cpin' cm,
quit.' "
" 1 '
Made a
Well Man
vof Me.
T-T "
I - -a. a i-iTajnrl-y
TOTI Mill . " I. ucu (111 IHUCIB LIU.
Va hZ ir ?'Mul vigor br using
X Viiu, J ' 40,1 Burcl'r ""tores Nervous-
l",poU3acT- Bluntly EmuHlon
U , ' ?? Memory. WokUm DUeanci, and
PnflU m iZ: ana Indiscretion
pcuroni.i . J"y-DIlnfiffiorniarriai!. It
P the i p'nki tooo builder, bring-
"mantn ,uh' u 'rd" oB 'nuaoiti
" tw U c.rrti.'f .n hiTln KEVI
kr. cnuL? . rnr or refund
...i. '
feet above the surface. The unn is
of wood two by tight inches bv four
feet. It is fastened to the pole bv
n six-inch piece of pipe passing tight
ly through a hole in the middle of the
arm and fitting into the top of the
large pipe. The vines are cut back
to two main branches each winter.
The shoots which bear tho fruit
start each spring and arc allowed to
swing free, according to tho principle
of the Kiiill'm system, ns in the illus
tration. Tho vines are cut back to
the two arms each winter, new
growth being substituted for the old
arms nt the same time. Vines so
treated give n good crop, easily gath
ered and of very tine quality and ap
pearance, and the training is less
work than by almost any other meth
od. Another advantage is that the
vines may ho cultivated in both di
rections with no wires to interfere.
Iron posts, too, do not harbor in
sects and fungus growth. (Iran;
Judd Farmer.
Newark, X. J., has juM paid f(,r
three months' n rvice of the driver of
engine Xo. !1 ho; e carriage years
ago. The driver, Isaac ,1. lingers, was
appointed driver June 1, 170, at a
salary of $i'i.1 a month. .After he had
served three months the political
complexion of the council changed,
and he lost his place. To make mat
ters worse, there was a deadlock in
the council, and Mr. lingers was un
able to get payment for the three
months during which he had worked. I
lie would- have asked for the numev
before, but he did not need it tint
now. The records were looked up, and
on learning that the circumstances
were ns related, the claim was ordered
Get It 11 of I lie Male.
From the last of July to the mid
dle of January a flock of hens d
much better without males among
them, and will continue to lay. They
ore generally quieter, and rumble
over the fields less, while they also
have more room and are better con
tented. Some people make a prac
tice of saving nil the eggs laid dur
ing September and October to put
down in brine or some other preserv
ative to keep for use when the snow
flics. If they are carefully handled,
stood on the small end. and kept in
a cool place, they will keep several
weeks without nny pickle or pre
serving. Farm nud Fireside.
Marriages must be rare events in
Sturgeon, Mo., if one may judge from
the eloquence with which a recent one
inspired a local acrihe. "The wed-
.1! 1, .1. ,
mug, says me vuiage paper, "as
though a, thuiidcrbolt had descended
from a cloudless sky, was a great sur
prise to our people, and set the town
to echoing and re-echoing the glad
tidings." The court.-hip, too, was
none i f your modern commonplace
wooings. Xote: "Little Cupid, with a
burnished arrow, at once commenced
hia matrimonial maneuvers. Homer,
young, strong and ambitious, made a
noble confession .f love to the rosy-
cheeked maiden of his choice and was
Add real
VOUuh at.. '"- 1 ILK rM LB.
Corrvcl I. Ulnar 1 nil Art.
There is art in cwry thing even ir
living on the farm according to a
well-known speaker at a recent, meet
ing of a Michigan farmers' club. The
farmer needs to study well the art
of living.forof all men heissosituated
as to best take advantngc of nature's
aid in this direction. The fpeaker
urged every farmer In the country to
join a club, in which he could assist
in promoting the social relations of
..his fellows ond more thoroughly en
joy the relaxation and recreation to
which lie is entitled. This is a part of
the Vart ' livJn8"" on lBe farm. Chi
cago Dally Sun.
Xo one would have supposed that
Corned beef hush had magnetic at
tractions, but this hitherto unheard
of quality is possessed by the hash
which Senator llauna's cook made in
Washington during the lust few
weeks of the session of congress.
That hash drew I'resident lloosevelt,
members of his cabinet and the lend
ers in the house and senate to Mr.
Hannu's house for breakfast on the
morning when the cook made it. In
asmuch as linsh well made is n dish
fit for a king, it is good enoughli for
the public ollicinls of a democracy.
Baltimore is the lafest hiding place
of a "genuine Rubens." They are fully
as numerous ag the last of the herons
of Balaklava of the immortal COO, of
whom there hove been gome 1,500 or
more survivors.
Saharhan Waca.
The Blrl aald "No" to all hit pleadings.
And every Joy his heart forsook.
For that morn his wife had told him
To huatle out ar hire a cojk.
Chicago Daily Ntaa.
The Ubalarle.
George I proposed to that garland
would have married her if it hadn't
been for something she said.
Fred What did she say'.'
George Xo. Brooklyn Life.
r ax n
Just a man ar.d Jut .-. r:..V.,
Just a hammock In t hi -h.,'?,
Jist n pair of laiis!.!!.- .. like ih,- s umm. r ki .,
Just a little arpuiTifiir
F ivorlr.R of Fer.Mmt r.t.
Jun the thinu of love lit pun.
Ar.d Jut thl the rtuiidn. a won!
Leslie' Weekly. ,
KllY r.lU l lllI,U
Caller Is Mrs. Maltrooney in?
Bridget She is that, nor."
Caller Is she engaged?
Bridget Kngnged, indeed she's
married, sor. Ally Sloper.
Tlii- pen I. mlshtler ihnn the f word,
Hut in the law n(T.i!rs (if men
This fact we may likewise rt-curd:
The dollar's niluhiier than the pin.
C'lilcHiio Uecoril-lli raid.
Far In the I'll In re.
Why don't you work?" demanded
the severe, lady.
"Because, nu"am," replied Weary
Wattles, "my job isn't ready yet."
"Your job," she sneered.
"Yes, ma'am," he answered. "I've
the promise of a job on the Isthmian
canal." Brooklyn Life.
Arc You Siclt?
Do you Buffer from Kidney, liver.
Bladder or Blood Disease or any uiin
ry trouble. Dyspepsia, Eheumatism.
Constipation, or if a woman any of
the sicknesses peculiar to your sex? If
"o, send your address- to Dr. David
Kennedy Corporation, ltondout, N.Y
and they will send vou absolutelv frea
a trial bottle of I
the irroateat srwiflc known to imvlieal oelenee . ,
for the euro of then diatwwa or anv uric m id
trotinlo. It has been used by phy-iciai s ir .
hospitals and srtnitiiriiiinn for iicurlv tliirfi
years wun untuning success, li
J)o Vi-n i i i .! ..:
Il'x. ' i.'i I'.i! i.
st' 're .-: il i 1 1 f
lot i.iturcT
li - lo oi.r
Vc can :.nlt rmt in
go to-day it can bo found nt any (in.i,- store '
Ci.OOmBottl of 6fvt.C7. i
stvlr am!
ifv.m til e
4V.t to (!ic
unces. Z
I? .-Iter
at. .. f. ,
19 . ' I I J I
I t '!, tiilrl hi
i the damp. W w s.
not break. V J
Rain anH sweat
have no etiect on
harness treated
with Eureka Har
ness Oil. It re-
keeps the 1
er soft and
do not
No rough sur- Jf f x
face to chafe
and cut. The
harness not
only keeps
looking like
new, but
wears twice
as lonifhy the
ue of Kurr ka
Harncis Oil.
' 1 L
.! ii.
in tan-
11 ftirrt.
Mide l y
Standard Oil
iy--u '
mm i -
1-0 . - -
Only $12.50
Mattresses - Si.QO
Hedsprinjjs - 8 1.25
rood W ii ito
S3. OO
' lutir. l.'m l.i r.
Im kii il-, I lilt,
ti'llMllll 'llltili-H
anil 1.0-' :ti !s.
I lllll lit-. Sllf-
inl i-hi-nn I .
I "aliy l an .ti-s
Millllnl.iirL. I'n.
Geo. V. Hackctt,
I'hone 1012,
mm 1 hi: tini.i) in m: im
TnUe I.MMitivi' Iti'otiin-(initijne'l ;
All ilriiiruixU refund tin- iimii- v
ails Li en re. K. V. tipive's si.;
on eaeli box. '(!
Sun bur 3',
Avdticrs' ITctisa
I I:u-(! ware, (
riiiililin Matt 1 1
I'cnec Win. Km-.
I'. lints
Seennil Ttiuuulila Arc lleat.
"Dear .Mr. llieks," she wrote, "Inm
very sorry that what yon ai-k leammt
ffraut. 1 eaniidt become jonr wife.
Yours sincerely, Ethel Harrows." Then
she mlded: "l". S.-On second thought,
dear Georpe, I think I will marry you.
Do come tip to-nipht ami see your a
true Elhel."-Tit-I!its.
' X
Ati one 1.
Lion Goffee
has better strength and
flavor than many so-call-.
ed "fancy" brands.
15ulk coffee at the same
1 price is not to be com
pared with Lion in quality.
In 1 lb. nlr tight,
scaled packages.
Tin- timlt-rhiiriit-il, who was iiiimnt.ii
by tin- 1 irpliitiiH' I'miri of :-i ytlrr -,
Oi-'itlif-r ti-rin. last, to iiiiikt- iti-ti ihiihiii
lmlant-e aiu-iw inn iipnii Hit- llrsi nml
ruiliit of Jiitin K. Iltilii's, :xi-i-..ii.r
will 11111I li slii nt of Miiruaril Inn I
Wtsllitli;t,iil low nsliip, Snytlcr -nlll.t, '
re:isi-il, to ami luimnir t'M,.,. rlr;tU
tln-ri'lo, -i 1 1 iin-rl all ii,irtirs in itiicn'
iurinni- at tin-oll'ire of 1 liarles I'. I In
111 tin- ImmiiKli ol Si-lin-ji ,i 4- snl.l co'
'rniMiliiy, Niivi-mlirr IMh, A. Ii.. P..
o'l-loi-k a- In., of saiil day. w In-n ami v
partfi-s hIiiiII iiltcnil unit pr--i-M tln-ir -In-
fon-vi-r ilrliarii-il fi om rert-i vihk .1 n v 1
ef nhl (iiiiiIh.
J 1K- i. l'lio-.:, Au.iii.
VXKITTOICS NOTICK - Noti.-- is Im. l.y
11 Kivvn Unit Ii'IIith li sii.iiu iiiaiy upon ili'o
estate of Soihiilliu-k Into of lli-nvt-r toun
hip, Snyiirr Coiiiilv, la, ilritasid, liavo
liri-ii issui'il in ilnc form of law to lln- 1111.I1 r
siKin il, to n-liom nil .l to raiil 1 -tuti-Blioiilil
iniiko piivini-nl mill thus.'
Iinvlnk elulnm niininst it slioiilil present II11111
tl lily authrlitieati-il lorsi-tlli'ineiit.
AI.KllKDSI'l.l IIT. Kxeintor.
( iiiii- :m. Annum, iii. hi.
1 ai-
"Health Is tliu llrst of all lll.,.ri Ins. nud liniminess Bives ih the eiieriry ttl.Ieli Is
l!i ImslMiif health." Ami, I.
The Br. Mumaw Medical Association,
In. 1.
1 .--i-iiil for a rupv V
Infill inai Ion I'nii. "i nliii: I
triileil. I'lhv. i, 1,.
'lV I'll .' Tl:li.)
ICt.Kii.vit t. i:i.Ki:Airr cn
Cor.snttnlliin nnj Trent m.nt nt 'iflce 1 r hv Vt.iil i,v
') iU-iiMlii!.
nriill .l.',lk-til. I It . lr,.o.,toi.- IL..i....l- ft-.! :.: . t... .!
i.t.spnui nu(iiiiiii,os. !;.,, icstnl inr (ilassis I li e of Ch.iri
C nsn:
ii:;t'- t. All si:Iioii..
i-atllit , linil .-si;csl i 1-.
.Isii Mnnnfiitturcrs of nn.! Duih-rs In Ml-iIkiiI, Orllinni-tllc, llv-it
r.i-lic iin.l I'hvstol l'i.l- SphiUh-s. i:,-r tliiiu; i,ir :!n Suk Cnn-1 Itatlnn I r.-
Addreis t'le Setret.-.iy, 409 So. Main St.,
iir-ISiiiik for I'JO.t. i-oin.-iliiliu;
. aim, ll.m,. . aii'l Kiis.ui
imiinil i.f 11-1f.1l
1 r i.;n:i-s. J lins-
"7R H TW) A FsicS
I doctored for a year and a half
for what the doctor told me was
gall stones. I had read so much
about the relief Hipans Tabules
gave other people I thought 1
would get some. I have used eight
of the 5-cent boxes and have dot
had a spell since.
The flvecent packet is enough for an ordin
ary occasion. The family bottle, Sixtyjj centsf
contains a supply for a year.
r- 4