The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 06, 1902, Image 2

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la the Inlrraatloaal Srrle
for Siiirnbrr II, 1!MU-Jiihga'i
IVrtlns Adtlrr.
(Joshua :X:'i-.o
14. Now thrfiur Uvir :he Lunl. iir.i fr
Him In Hir.o my ai.ii in trutt. . u;
away nods ar.ich j.-ur Utter rv. J
fi- other Mile ot the r. j ai.C is t pi:
'ar.d orve ye the I-ord.
IB. Ar.d if It M'vm evil you to srv
the Lore. rh.i.,,i. .u tr.: : .y wi ..m will
aerve; the . wf..cti ourl.f
tbtr el. li t other u.c
r.t the II .I.,;. ,r the kwU.- i.. tl.t- Ami.ntcs,
b; whote u ye lut us f.jr rr.e ar.d
s.y boUM. .K s,rvt the I.urC
16. Ar.d the pt-eple ai.ttcrtti ui tl s.i;d.
Cod fiilii,. that we j-houli: turs-ai.e tli
Lord, in .r- other tis ;
17. For tl.e tord our (Im!, Hc it i? thut
rougl.t u i.p ami our f.i'.I.ers out uf the
lir.d ot Kiijj.i. Ir.'iu tl.c hi.UM-o( Lot i.iKc. which i::d tho.-,. itreut s1$r.s ii. out
fight. :ti.". .!c-, rv.d u It. all Il.tway w In Te
rn w . i.t. ai.d anmcg all the teuj.U
:trout,l. wi. .tn we I'.i.-m d :
15. A:..; tl:v l.i.iii Lrc- uut from lt-fort'
all the pie. ini; the AmoritrM w hull
welt in th- tlurctore will we uhc
Jvrvi I.ti.; lor lie ; uur'ii.i:.
13. Atd J mii unto the j enple. Y
eai.r.or nrve the Iord: tor He Is at: holy
titio; He 1 a Jealous Cue; He will nut
lurnive .. oi.r u-ai-r. s.n. i.or your lr.
i. 11 v. !..r.ike th. i.un!. ;:i d mtvc
j'.rai.;,. k il. t ii lie '..!.! tun. ni c i.o
Jou hurt, ai d cte-unic you, uller that Ho
Aatb doi.e you Kood.
111. Ai d ti.. people said unto Joi-hua,
?.'ay; li .t .. wi!: serve the I..t '.
Ai.d J -l.ui tali! nr. to the ei p. Yt
r witr.i aK iii.t . that e
Save l Ii-.-.-:. , II ;! e I., Mi, t rve II. 1. 1.
Ar.ii they !, Wi n re tt It hes'-os.
'JJ. N"W therefore put away, said he, the . ... whi.-h are you, ar.d
Ir.clii ecr hi rt the Lord llou of.
21. Ar.d the pi iip:o said Jchtiii, The
tori our :mi! will weervc, ai.d His voice
Til'.Vwe rhey.
So Jn.-hii.i made a covenant with th
ptuplo th it day. an: m t tlti lit u t tatute ar.d
ttn if. Shfchem. l l:T. huo.e you thin tiny
Trhoni r y ill er e. .Iimli. a I
orTi.ixi: si'iirrTL'itAL skction
The l-itie: ,.f -he I.,.,-!:,. J,,vh. XXl
Tiu. mi a i pr. h. i.i..n Jot-h. xx.i.
J i-liu i' . !. . m to th. i :. r loh. xxi :!.
Jo-h'M'- .. to ti e ' ple...lo!-h. 24:1-2-Joshua
i.eath Josh.
TI.Mi: -l: Mil and. HIT.
n.AiT.. - Sl.i: Ii, Timr.atlwrah, ar.d
Ehtt hem.
TIii- ( itics of tin; I e it i-. Willi
to-(l;iv's li'ssnn wo mc tin1 ci'::':i!'.'
tion nf tin- ilivisimi of llic lan l
3iiiiiii',' tin- trilies. Onlv tin- I.fviti's.
vlio eie set a part to tlx' Liml. re
jnnincil. .luslniii now Ini'ttlod them in
cities line :nnl tlii'tv thrniioliniii tl:
ootmtrv. l'rohalily llio linli tity
in Ciieli ctisc v.tis not l .tiicil over to
them, i m t only such part as was
netvlivl. v.ith the priviicfr,. nf j.astur
ing entile in the ".suburbs," as the
trip nf pn.-tnrc laml just outside
the city wall was called. Thus Heb
ron i.-i saiil to have bpn piven to
fnk-li (11:1) and also to the Levites
The Misunderstanding. The in
iipnution of the people over the tie
tion of the Two and a half depart
ing, tribes, in building the altar by
the Jordan was natural. They
feemed to liove. forsaken Jehovah,
which would hare amounted to n de
claration of war, and it was fpared
that, because they were Hebrews,
the whole nation would be pnnN''e .
Kote the desire of the ten trilies t.
settle the matter peaceably if pos
sible, and that untold suffering was
averted by patience in dealing with n
suspicion that was afterwards found
to be groundless.
The ( 'ha rue 1o the Kl.!evs. In
chapter xxiii we have the first of
Joshua's two farewell addre-ses. In
it he uti.'i's them 1o be faithful to
the law, and to avoid all intercourse
ivith the ("anaanitcs.
l b" I liarjfe to the 1'eople. Tlie
eroiu! of the addresses was to those
of the people who were trathered at
-he sanet'ciry at S'lechein. Joshua
reviews ihc iroodnes of I 'oil from
f t he pi't r'.'irclis on, an 1
that a reason why the people
abainlon the aneestral idols
if-hippe I more or less
tioin,--and follow Jehovah
the i!
sfli-ml ':
.Tin ia.
'(' o .
xe n :"
(!nd ;
.- i e
-i fore: :. u-e or
mi! i e-"Ilcyond the river:"
I (;! 1'llphrate-, in fesopot
wione Abraham had come.
i.. i 'his d:iy w,V.oni ye will
'!' :-fi of ri'dediea I ion t o
re I" . ary. .1 .shua p"t the
or Jehoiah jut as stroiitrly as
c v 1 . v. and thea left the de
cision with t''e peoph', ''Ye cannot
We .le'io -,h : " .loshua seemed to
Cut i bis cut ami Ins it tit Midd!-
lUiy ill llE i-l.TH criil Kit I fit-'
HKmpV t Clmiiil'flliiiii, Stuu.Hnii
Unit I.irt r iMl'lelrt. tilA llct .!l-C.
I he rlemiH iiikI t VivOimI tli
la Tta-al Plar.
"Th," lie raii, regrtl fully, "I erm
to be up against it good and plenty.
My fiancee it wild ou the subject of
rerraa and microbes, and the insittf
I'm due to lose one or
-lomn't , 'iuivr.- tn Mpp..ti.e n nt teat I must choose between her and
rt-vtiiuif tli li-jttt s Ivi.ulhr '
2 V. per U x. j
It u .turaUy oihki s a man tore to i
be t brown down.
Fame is nitrely an fiitree; foitune
nay, "1;
..erWn:: .
and cv'i
r-i it,
n i f
nail it
h. for
he is
; hi--you
t lo
;i re
iplo to live holy
you are e:iial
t ;! ,'mImi
1 e
id' of
a -t n
,'nl. Thi
i;:i pres- i
nt will
! lor ,!eh
ml olilim
.lehovali iiui
w :i s pr.
al a'l.
i the.
1 he
;',1 !y
nie -,
"L'-t winter m. ipfaiit child of
mine bn l i ionp in a violent foim,"
sys Kdir J.ibn , ll iters, n
Cliiislian Evauu'elist. of Fillev, Mo.
"I RVi lir h few tloaes of Cham
lin Iain's C',:irli U-niedy and Itt a
short time all ilai ir whs pisail
ntid tbecbild rceovi-red." I'lnsreni
edy not only cur. R croup, but when
uiveii as soon t.s tho fiist xymp'oms
appeitr, will prevent the attnek. It
ciiiitHins nit opium r tli-r lisrinful
subsTauc'e Hud bniveu m-conti-lent-Iv
to h Iml y us tn an nduit. For sle
iy Mniillebtii"; D.iw Store.
A s'.itch in time
cuss words.
may sive a' any
Nlartlliia. Kill True.
'If every o i" knw vvliat a pr'nnl
:n (Heine lr. Knitf's Xew Life IMU
is," writes I), ll. 'I'lllllfr, UeUipsey
town, Pa., "you'd sell all you have
in n liny. Two weeks' ii-e ba" made
a new uiiin of me, Infallible fcr
constipitioti, titomach and llvt-r
troubles. 2"c., at burtr l)tiu
Store, Gray bill, Uai uian cc Ct, Dr. I,
W. SiiinpHel, I'viiuh Creek.
Its npp.irent tint a man can't be
upright when he is lyiner, '
i the uhllc.
Allow to say a few words in piai'e
of Cliaiuborliiin'n Cough Iteuied.
I had a very severe couali and cold
and fmieJ I would gnl pneumonia.
Init after takinp thf i-econd dose of
this medicine I felt belter, three
bottle!" of it cured mv cold and the
pains in my ( host disappeared en
tirely. I am moct respectfully yours
for health, Kalimi S Meykks. t4
Thirty-seventh cSr. , Wheeling. V.
Vn. For iale bv i!Jdlebur li ug
Hope SprlnK Kternal.
Landlord In one word, when arc
yon going to pay your arrears?
Hard-Up Author I w ill satisfy your
I demands as soon as I receive the money
which the publisher will pay me if he
nccepts the novel I am going to send
him as soon as the work is finished
which I am about to commence when 1
have found a suitable subject and the
necessary inspiration. Tit -Hits.
A Warped Connrlence.
"Do you think that any salary a man
can get iu political life is worth
"Certainly," answered Senator Sor
liuiii. "I'nless a mun is content to
be a pensioner on the government in
stead of hustling in the interests of
borne libcrul corporation, he can lay
by quite a little money." Washing
ton Star.
The honey merchant t
takes I Mings as they comb.
A SliirllliiK Miirprse,
Verv few could believe in looking
tit A T. II. tiillev, a healthy, robust
blacksmith of Tilden, Ind that for
ten years ho such torture from
Ilheuruatistn as few could endure
and live. But a wonderful change
followed his taking Llectric Bitters.
"Two bottles wholly cured nie," be
writes, "hih! I have not felt a
twiuge f-r over a year." They regu
late the K vs, purify the blood
and cure i eumaiiMu, Neuralgia,
Nerxoiisne , itnp ovediseHtion aud
give "if it health. Try them.
Only iiOcts ' Middleburg Drug
Store. (- ! I , (im inuii & Co., Dr.
J. V. Sui lViiiu Creek. motii ni8y not be a socic'y
trv lite, but he often appears iq a
dead suit.
OrlvliiK Out Hie Kncinjr,
These are the days of colds, sharp
and sudden, attacking throat and
lungs, and leading to consequences
one does not like to tu.nk about.
Avoid further exposure and light
the enemy of health and comfoal
with l'erry Ihivis' Painkiller the
family stand-by for sixty years. It
conquers a cold in a day. .S'ee that
rou get the right article. Ther is
but one l'aiukiller. Perry Davis'.
A rcsHiiiitit trust is coutcmpluted
Chi! i,' i. I I.
Lurk In Thirteen.
By hei ding i:J nii'e Win. Spirey.
Walton Furnace, Vi.. got a box of
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, that wholly
cured a horrible i't ver Sore on bis
leg. Nothing elue could- Positively
cures Diuises, Felons. Ulcers', Krlip.
tions, Boils. Bums, Corns and Piles
Only S"ic. (bniraiiteed by Middle
burg Drue Store, (Iraybill, J irman
'o., Iv. .J. W'.S unsel, l' Creek.
The dentist that hurts the most
doesn't always charge the least.
my mustache.
the other."
"Lost the mustache, my boy."
"That's just the trouble. Ifyouever
saw me without it you'd have my
haunting fear that, when it's gone, I'll
lose the girl, too." Brooklyn Posk
Coold lie of Aaalataace.
Jim Say, Fred, old boy, 1'ra look
ing for some friend who will loan me
ten dollars. Come, now can't jou
te of assistance?
Fred Certainly.
"Thank you ever so much."
"Yes, it's going to rain, and ityot!i
step over to my office I'll lend you
one of your umbrellas so you won't
pet wet while you're looking. Y.
Ilia C'orloiltr Aronard,
"Mr. Higgles," said the boy with big
rutlles on his shoulders, "I wish ytiu
would let me come and see where you
live; I want to look at your room."
"Why. certainly. Hut w hat made you
think of that?'"
"My sister said it was better thon
your company, so I thought it must
be something tine." Tit-Hits.
FooIInIi Man,
Portal Clerk You'll have to put an
other stamp on that letter!
Miss Pert Why?
Postal Clerk because it's over
weight. Miss Pert lint, gracious! Another
stamp would make it still heavier.
Philadelphia Press.
Whr He Listened.
She Do you know thut lady in the
fur corner?
He In a way; I have listening ac
quaintance with her.
"I don't believe I understand you,
"She is my w-ife." mort Set.
no cnanee lor Mlm.
She Do you believe marriage Is a
He es; and what is more; I'm not
taking any chances. Yonkers States
man. Ilia Own Cola.
Ice Man How much for this ham?
Shrewd Groceryraan Don't know ex
actly. Just bring in your ice scaleacd
we'll weigh it. X. Y. Weekly.
l D-Ut.
ri. o f
n tin. t
. inj
:.t!l. .Ml.
.lllll't, t
he r.o.M
T : i ni "";' ;
r the reti"
i : -t 111 i'y s
die i'l pea
ill ll.l'lll's t
i were e
State or Ohio, City ok Tui.Er)0
Luc AS Col'NTY, s ss
Flank J. Chknky npikes oath that
lie is senior partner of the linn of
F. J. C'i'knKy A: Co., doing business
m the City of Toledo. County and
State aforesaid, aud that, said firm
will pnv the sum of ONF. 1IUND
I!I DOLL AUS for each and every
case of Catahkii that cannot be
euied by the Use of 11 All's Catakkh
Sworn to before mo uud subscrib
ed iu ii i v presence, this fifth, day of
December, A. D. IssiJ.
I seals' Notary Pu l'c.
lltill's C.daiili Cure is taken iater
nally and acts directly on th. blood
and iiiiicous siitf.iees of the system.
Send for tesiinmniHD, fref.
F. J . C :I EN F Y it CO, . Toledo, 0.
S ld bv all Dnisists. i:o. '
llih's Family Pills aretha bjst.
In n I mill littfT.
Ship; 1 ::" -'"ii ' l.e -i:':.
Hod lift- i:; the lie. i -'o ::'.". ly
c " r - i f hue .in lia "i' - .
The treat' .-t trut!'- a re powerless
:: linitt t he !i ing te.iel.i r.
heart vv i t li ?n to re-i.-t e I! is bet
.' : t 'ia n a f-f-e itlioul.
Active pp ;n' 'av- a rr.r.ji fi.iiii fuol
i. i. fears a::.! spice' 'inn-.
It ii not ( ur f-itiit '.' tetrp'ations
V.; on :; but it ic if ie irocrtain
The nrr:;i:rT.','unrt o' i).p i;;blc i.-: e-rn-of
our live?. ett!n:inaiinj in a
nei'clation. Ham's Horn.
Conscience is a stili, small
Hint is altogether too still.
Vi rile II lliiwii.
in the book of memory; there is i.o
thing like a harmless cough, Kvery
cr ugh is a warning of a confidence
that goes from bud towore unles-i
it is remedied light away. Opium
buleti medicine ii a delusion. Allen's
Lung Balsam cures the worst of
edds. It clears the bronchial pas
stiges, so thtt tho luncs get plenty
of air. Why Lot get a bottle to-duj?
Heart From Attack
of LaGrippe.
Palpitation, Smother
ing, Short Breath.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Cured Me.
The terrible after effects of LaGrippe are
most dangerous when they attack the heart,
the engine of life. Weak hearts are as com
mon a weak stomachs anil when an attack is
made upon the weak heart, that organ soon
becomes a diseased heart and the patient will
unless promptly treated, suffer long and
eventually die t heart disease, the dread of
millions. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure strengthens
and regulates the heart's actinn, enriches the
blooJ and improves the circulation.
"Some years ago I had an attack of the
grip, and it left me with a very weak heart.
Palpitation, shortness of breath and smother
ing spells that made me sit up in bed to
breathe, robbing me of sleep, made me most
miserable. I wuuld becurne fatigued and
exhausted from the least exertion and was
in sucli a critical condition that I could not
attend to my business. My physician seemed
unabL' to control my case, and instead oi
getting better I was gradually growing
weakt r every day. Then 1 begin taking Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure and aherlhnd used two
bottles 1 was greatly improved. I continued
with the remedy until I had taken in all six
bottles, when I was able to attend to busi
ness without inconvenience- 1 was com
pletely and permanently cured of heart
trouble by Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and cheer
fully recommend it to all sufferers from that
terrible affliction." II. II. Ehle, Glovers
ville, N. Y.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Rnfi. tvv rvllitlili. Lnrilfn. tk Pnisvlst fbf
A HM J.v'. HI W r.N4.MMM In Ked and
(oltf itH-uUit tnix, wilcl with blue ribbon.
Take mi f(JnT. IWru dntiirrroun ubtl
lulioiiMHUtJ liuilulionw. Ituvuf ytMirDniKKiHi,
or mihI -l. in HtaiikUH lor lrtlular, 1CI
luonialM unit "Kvltrf for l.atllr. in Uttrr
by rturn .Hail. 10,000 ieaUuionialK boW v
ail UruKtrHts.
100 9lailHK Niun.r, PIIILA PA.
McDUua taU ppr
MrrrililfBneu. pi
All Lnsiu.'s cntrtiHteJ to hN er.
will it-oeiv i roiuot attention
1'KOTKtT YofltlltKAB
fonsullarirn free.
Fee dependent on Success. Etgt 1864
MUo B. Stevens & Co..
19-14th St., Washington.
3-27-6to w
ft. fT. Potticgef,
Veterinary sUrceoN.
All profwwlniml busluehsetitrusted to mj cure
'll ni ire prompt and carelul attention.
Franklin Miles. M. I)., LL. 1!.. the
Celebrated Chicago, 5pecialist,
Wil Send $4.00 Worth of
His New Special Treat
ment Free to Each of
Our Readers.
When an experienced physicia of
fers to give away $10,000 worth ot
New Treatment foa diseases of the
heiut, nerves, stomach or dropsy, it
is cjiiclusived evidence that ho has
great faith in it. And wren hun
dreds of prominent people freely
testify to Ins ninisal skill and the
superiority of his New Special Treat
ment, his liberality is certainly
wnttbv of serious consideration.
That Dr. Miles is owe of the world's
most success in! physician is provtu
by hundreds of testinoiiials from
Will known peoole. One pntient,
cured after failure of eleven (iiand
Rapids physicians, two after being
given up bv six and seven Chicago
pyhsicians, another after nine lead
ing doctors in New York City, Phil
adelphift and Chicago failed. lOOii
testimonials sent upon resqiiest.
The eminent Ifec. VV. Hell. I) p., uf llnyton,
O , (leu-Sec'y of Knr'liin .Misinns. wrili" eJ
il.irlnily In The State Siimlny Schoul 1'nioii:
"We ili'niro tontule Hint Poin iiermiiml ncqiuiint
mice we know llr. Miles tn lie a mini skillful
spcciliit n 111:01 who liist Hpiireil neither lalxir
nor money to keep hinc'elf nbreast uf the irreut
ndvoneement in nietlicil sionee
Col. Tin ker, late (ienernl VliinRer N. Y' F. K.
fc VV. W. K. miy: "Dr. Miler' niieees n a
lun Ihc Ih-cii plienoiiilmil " "My lienrt." write.
I. M. Piivis of Wnrrcn, I'n , " so liml I win
feiirfiil of KuinK t sI'H-p lest it would be my lnt
Pr. .Viilew snveil my lie'. I wu. oonipletely cur
e I in six wrecks." ' Mm. Aliiirnil Cliainlier., of
t'liiiinlier.liiiri;. i'a , stntcHi "My troulile was
in tlielirniii nml spinal cord When I cotr.
memeil Pr. MileV Irentnient I could hnrdly
walk across the room ; no-.v I am nlile to ln nil
nty on work."' Mrs. W. A. Wnrrcn, of .Innirs.
N." Y., reports: "For years 1 had severe trouble
with my stomacli. ncuralii, sinkiiig spells, mid
dropsy. Dr. Miiles cured nie.
This now system of Special Treat
ment. is thoroughly scientific and
iiuincnslv superior to the ordinary
met ho s.
As ad nfllieteil rra lers mny have
!?l.00 worth of treattueut FK15K, we
would advise them to send for it at
once. Aderess, Dr. Franklin Miles.
' :i to 211 State Street, Chicsgc, Ills,
WIumi writin( mention the Ml'ldlabiirir 1'osT.
a ...BY USING...
Consumption, Coughs and Colds
Than By All Other Throat And
Lung Bemediea Combined.
This wonderful medicine positively
cures Consumption, Cough:, Colds,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay
Fever, Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping
Price 50c. & ll. Trial Eottlo Free.
aySir''TrtrrHr I r.:vigrryf',l'SMil
An (.Miniate.
Mr. (lordni't She certainly has tha
gift of m i g. (!on't you think?
Miss Spiet I hope so. I'd hate to
think rbe was flim-flammed into pay'
to advertise in a live and up
I to date newspaper. For results
a journal for advertisers
published weekly at five
dollars a year. It tenclits
the science and practice of
AdvertLsinr, and is highly
esteemed by the most suc
cessful advertisers in this
country and Great Jlritain.
Liberal commission allow
ed. Address PKIXTEKS'
IXK, 10 Spruce St., Xevv
York. 4-24-G0t.
Hew foods at Schnee.
' J luixc jind u-'.uii ed from the Eastern Cities with a nice cl
t-tock of Mtrchaiidi.-e ut I ntain prices to every person. Call aa,i
my stock leiore puichasjng ilscwhere.
All ladies and misses shoes Lave heen rrdn.vd 9". ... .
Men's Vt'ool liued Rubber l oots, made bv the Tn.l.. 1
Co., reduced to $2.50.
Ladies first civality rultlers 40e.
Every article in the store mus;
go at rock bottom prices.
Wantkd A Trustworthy (lelitlemnn orLirly
In raeb eoiinty to iniinnire business for An old
established house of solid llnnncial standing.
A ntrniizbt. bona lido weekly salary of tlx paid
by check caeli Wvdiicsiluy with all expense.
ing nnvti
i... t. . if in, ;i,,.ii,,i,t (lirect from lieiidiiiarters. Money nilvnnced for
ll. g for it. 1 llllailcllillia elpol, lin(iKer,8IU.'oxtonUldg,(.hlero.
t 11-1 16t.
is Signature is nn every box of tho gcnulna
.axative BroinO'Quinine Tablets
i remedy (lea1 ''urea a cold lu one day
Dashing. Pure Newspaper
Witt) Botl) Local a 13d Gcrjoral N(;v;
ard Atbracliv Home Features is
Covers the Local News
of Snyder Couuty, including the latest from the
Court House, Selinsgrove, Ik'aver Springs, Beav
tovvn, Diindore, Washington Twp., Glolie Mills,
Hummers Wharf, Krcainer, West Beaver Twp.,
McClure, Middleoreek, Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pal
lace, Paxtonville, Penu's Creek, Port Treverton,
Salem, Sell nee, Shreiner, Shade!, Sliamokin Dam,
Swincford, Troselville, Verdilla, Kantz and
other villages. All the icoule living near these
places should
...l9qttfOflize T1g Post...
In its general featuresJt gives the National and
State news, the markets, editorial paragraphs,
short stories, fashion ideas, household recijies,
educational matters, Suntlay School lesson. It is
Pqpei foif le People,,
W. II. llt'TI.KIt. I'rojirlelor
418 Market Si., Harrisburg Pa.,
(Opposite P. It. R. Depot Kutrmice)
".Cnllcil lor All Triilnie.
Rooms, 25 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c
Good acpommoiliitluns. tf
I have added a line of serviceable
Furniture to my stock of goods
Aveiits Wanted
Nicely finished suits as low" ns 17.50. Better
Suits for 22 and 20.
Tiles;- Suits are highly polished, made of the best
oak and are well constructed.
We carry a full line of the latest in
Chairs, Rockers,
Springs, Mattresses,
Tables and Sidebo r !s.
Since our expense' in adding this line f goods
is practically nothing, we can sell them loner than
any one else.
MFKOfT. IEWJTT TlintfiE, by his
ns",ciate ftilitors nf ChriHtl'in Ilernld. Only
book endorsed by Tnlninice- family. Knortnous
pnillt for aifenls who act -illicitly. Outllt ten
cents. Write Immediately t'lurk .V '.. Still
N llll St., I'lilln., I.k. .Mention tho l'o-T.
K REAMER. Penna.