nrno tut tct will STBIift JL JUL JLJLJJJJ BE JT JLj JIJJJU' SOMETIME A. rid We Will Celebrate by Having AN IMMENSE SPECIAL SALE OF SUITS, OMERGOTS AND FURNISHINGS. NO HUMBUG, but an actual offering of the choicest Wearing Ap parel produced anywhere, and at prices far below what others do, and vare obliged to chaage Because 41 WE" are the only store in Sunbury doing a strictly cash business. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY and when we do that ft is to your interest (as well as our's) to get our prices before you buy. We can tell you of just a few of the Rare Bargains. I SUITS Men, Boys and Children. The immense assortment of Suits and Overcoats wkich we liavc made the SPECIAL price.- on, are positively worth from $2.00 to $5.00 more than we have priced them ; $3.50 to $15.00 ami the prices run. From $4.98 to $7.50 WILL BUY A ITV D ONE. to Boys nits $1.50 :;51 OVERCOATS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR Men Youths & Children. The Men's we have at prices ranging from $3.08 to $25.00. Just imagine the as sortment. Hoys' sizes starts at $1.98. up to $7.00 for the extra long lull box coats. . The Children's Overcoats we buy from a manufacturer who makes nothing but Child ren's Goods. You can rest assured "We" have the RIGHT STYLES and at PRICES ' we know will please you. $1.50 to $5.00. . Ve are better prepared to wait on our trade We have a larger stock, lower prices more elmi in the selection of goods than ever before. New Pall Dress Bands in black and Colors. New Silks and Velvets. LADIES TAYLOR MADE SUITS, COATS AND CAPES. We have a most desirable collection of these and cau suit evert person. New Fall liery. We can not describe all tho beaut; iui tilings uu uiiuu uttu no asK yiij to come and we will show them and ...... i : i JUU KiXU ICillll IUU .pilUCH WHICH aft within the reach of all. 'to CliiM. M0S10US BROTHERS. Letter G. E. Hassinger. MiwjuihB'., l'enn'a. Dear Sir: You know and see and talk with in ami alxiut your town ; we want you to know Devoe lead and zinc, that Iats twice as long as the old-fa.-li-ion j mi liter's paint (lead and oil), and o.-ts no more. W hat would you expect f'f a I'jint 'ld under Uih guarantee? i 'It y-ii have any fault to find v.i'li ti.i- jioiut, either now in the ni:itin or afterwards in the wear, tell your dtrak-r alout it. 'We authorize him to do what is right at our expense." If we could make vou a let ter p:ii:t v- should like to do it there'- nothing 'Z'tA lor a ost-i.a-ttr. We can't; it's the best yel known. And we've had 145 y-ar-' apprenticeship. Yours trulv, S-.t F. W. Dkve A: Co. If ,n 1 Mens' TJoys and Children's suits and overcoat; There is a desirable collection and affords atnpli x :x r j... i cnuiuu iu Bint every one. voiuo ut wee us aim to will conviuce yeu that it always pays to buy of n 3VC. 3VCill:ne:r?, KANTZ Suits and Overcoats. WEST BEAVER. T. Y. SwineforJ, of McVeytown va.s a visitor here one day lat.week. i'r:Ai Ir-e and wife, of Mt. "a'jn --u uivhy with relatives &t MOure. l.'l'w-s II. JJtrUtr( and family, vwo mi- here from II fj'tarpshtirjr, ' ion ul a few days with I lis lu'Aiji. r at Iwell. John H. Herbter, f itmriv fcyriuj- wis a rfnyder county visitor i r 'i.e p;-t few days. '"!'rl Hhower. is home from 15' sir 'nii'tXy in sjomd a few days vith I jsrwjt. Wi.'j. Bbrtnol'tuvw, of Sunbury, ; d.avs here hist week Mi- Siiikti rt3)', hiid W. Y. hit ihn-iWu, jA-nt a few day in MiJitj vmjuiy hurt vi wk vin'ting fiiin. lit nlwj Vjk la the fair. In. Vl'iXthuA, n M'.lur, U kmu t wr tstms l3Jy attending Vi iht W JLtjl 'A iJb V :k. SUITS. We have an excellent line of fall and w inter suits which we oiler at the follow ing low prices: Meu's all wool suits $0.50 to $12.00 Youths' suits, age 12 to 20 years, for S2.75 to $7.50. Boys' two-pieoe suits, all new and the latest style?, strictly all wool, $2.50 to $5 A lot of suits in odd sizes and slightly f-helf worn will sell at a sacrifice. OYE)RGOATS. Our line of overcoats is more complete . aud up-to-date tliau is generally found iu small towns. Mens' all wool, latest styles, medium length overcoats at $G.50 to $12.00. Youth's overcoats, ngc 12 to 19 years, good qualify ull new stock aud prices that are right. Boy's overcoats, all grades $2 to 35. Hunting coats from ?1 to We have received a lot of WOOL HATS for fall and winter, all the latest blocks. Now is the time to buy your LINOLEUM we have the latest patterns and a good quality. Also a good variety of Floor and Table Oilcloth. GS-TJIsrS. GKETZDsTS- JS. NXCT3 SBLHIOTION. The latest improved Chattuck at $5. 25. A good Single Barrel at $4.75. The Amer ican Single Barrel at $7.50. Double Barrel Belgum, laminated steel, $12. Don't forget the place- Opposite the I'irst National Bank. GELNETT BROS., MIDDLEBURG, PA. MIWNERY OPENING, October 22 to 25. Let us supply you for the fall and -winter. Let your-order be the next, we are never busy that we cannot accept one more order. v e cannot only supply you in MIWNERY, but other goods as well. W e kno-v how to make HATS that sell and give salisfactw and we know how to select other goods thai give satisfaction. TRIMMED HATS READY Tl WEM in the coal regions. KREAMER. The convention held in this place wax a sue ; it was well attended and tfreat interest was taken by all. Hecry JkiUsh, A. D. k reamer, James Mit.hell and a jrfirty from Huf j bury each uA a wil 1 turky but wek, and a good many squir rel were fcliot. N. C. Guteliuu aiid father went U) Miftlinburg Isut Motvhiy. MI Maurer, of Northumberland sjK;nt a few days with' Miss Ivottie Maurer. Thompson Hilbish and family were seen in town on Sunday. Frank L. Magce and wife of Mazeppa sjcnt Sunday with J. E. Magw. Anion (Jcarharl, of West Milton, is critically ill with tyjihoid fever. 5 )all tm Haraoir, Mra. A. My huHliund 1m poBltlvely lnipotit'lc; lie know nothing. Mr. See Mine in ulniply unlienr able; he know everything. Chicago Journal. Th V'rrr Thlnr. fihe So you are writing me a poem? The I'oet Yes: but I can't flnl any. thing to rhyme with "Cupid" that will adequately exprena my tate of mind. She Why not "ntupld?" Judge. A l'ropr labjcat, Minn de Miilr He nayi Mm aalnry U not ofllelt'iit to get married on. , Mother Ah I Kuch a eonlble young Ill WI Untriinmed Hats, Mourning Hats, Frames and Sntnln Birds and Wings, Flowers and Foilage, Featlnrs m l'l umes, Novelties and Ornaments, llibbons, Silks, Velvet Veilings, Laces, Applique Trimmings in Black and w Embraidcrics, Allover Iaces, A full line of Buttons, Flosses, Linens, Lace Collars, Linen Collars, Silk Scarfs, Four-in-hand Xeck Ties, Lace Turn over Collars, Lawn Turn-over Collars and Cuffs to match. Ladies and Gents Fancy Hose - - - - Golf Gloves in Biack, Gray, Muooo Kid Gloves, Silk lH Children's Hose. Ladies' CaM and Cotton Hose, .'J White v Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Iadiea' Woolen Petticoats, Also Sateen Petticoats. Beautiful pat terns of Silks for Waists, Handsome Haudkcrvheifs, Linen Handker chiefs for Gents, Fancy Pillow Tops. Write us and we will gladly give yon details. Try us this season and we will endeavor to please you. , Very Uesiiectfully, L. DUNKELBER0ER man that ought to get married.-- ...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers